substantial or nourishing enough. one teaspoon dry mustard, salt and pepper, dissolved in the vin egar. Boil until it thickens. Mix all but meat and spices. Cook until raisins are tender. Pour in cooked meat cut fine and spices. Add brandy when ing instructions were given. There are dozens of other rec ipes in the old cookbook. . , . Egg Timbales, Mutton on Toast, Blackberry Pudding, Fried Chick Nothing could be more appetiz ing or wholesome than chicken cooked in Hie following manner: clean and cut up a chicken, sea son with salt and pepper and brown in butter. Dredge with flour and sprinkle with minced par sley. MINCE MEAT (All Beef) 3 bowls of meat 5 bow ls of apples 1 bowl of molasses 1 bowl vinegar 1 bowl of suet or butter, suet preferred 2 bowls raisins 5 bowls of sugar 1 bowl cider 1 bottle brandy or if you pre fer leave it out and add cider 2 tablespoons each of cinna mon, nutmeg, salt, black pepper. Cloves and allspice to your taste la bowl of citron 3 lemons, grate the rind and squeeze in the juice cold. Try and get the brandy as It adds a flavor all its own. Have meat well done and chop, do not grind anything or mincemeat will be mushy. If you can't get pure cider get the bottled orange ci der. This will make quite a lot. If you want more double the recipe. Don't leave anything out if you can help it. PORK CAKE 1 pound pork 1 pint molasses 1 teaspoon of soda in molass scs 1 tablespoon water 1 pound currants 1 pound raisins Flour to mix well. No bak en Southern Style, all from other Two daughters of the late B. S. Bait" Grigsby, Klamath Coun Since there was no scrapbook in which to paste recipes gleaned from here and there, the sisters. publications or hand written on lined paper. There are instructions for clean ing zephyr shawls ads extolling ty pioneer, Mrs. Ida Grimes of 1107 Portland Street and Mrs. clipped recipes and pasted them Boil two bunches of asparagus in salted water until tender without breaking. Put a lump of butter and one tablespoon of thick cream in a saucepan and Ada Brown of the Lakevjew High in a handy Watkins Almanac pub lulled in 1U09. Watkins soaps and perfumes, Crabapple Blossom, Carnation Pink and Red Rose . . . how to make furniture polish, sweep car pets and make brooms last. '. way, celebrated Mrs. Grimes 78th birthday anniversary, March It has many interesting bits of information in addition to the ideas for food so we copied a few to pass on to Herald and News As 6. Both recalled the days when coal oil lamps furnished light, water for domestic use was pumped by hand and water was put halt of tlie asparagus in it. Sprinkle with pepper, lay the pieces o( chicken on it, cover Kood Section readers. CHICKEN' Sl'KWKI) WITH ASl'ARAGI S As soon as the hot weather GOURMET COMPOTE Fresh California dates add de lightful flavor to this fruit dessert. with the remainder of the aspar li- ...o heated in a copper wash boiler agus, dot with butter, pour over for the laundrv. Clothing was one cupful of cream, and cook Heat canned apricot and peach halves in their syrup with orange scrubbed on a board and there sets in most people lose their p letite for meat. A tempting sal slowly until done. Serve with were no self-service stores. Housewives made their ow n sal small squares of fried bread or with toast points. SALAD DItKSSING One egg, 'i cup of vinegar. slices, a bit of butter and lemon ad is very often the substitute, juice or fruit liqueur. Halve dates and add. Serve warm garnished with a mint sprig. ad dressings and doted on new but to many of us who are not recipes. vegetarians this would not be Old Cook Book Is Interesting U Jo ISu.:' hW'" . I f ; 7 . 1 - - i ' ? i i , n . - V ! - N riuntCKS Mrs. Ida tonmes, letr and Mrs. Ada orown, sisters, lived on a ranch on the Lakeview Highway when there was no electricity, no push-button stoves or wash ing machines. Many times they substituted what was on hand tor other appliances. When it came to a cook book, back in 1900, they clipped interesting recipes from newspapers and magazines and pasted them on pages of a Watkins Almanac. The old book with its interesting recipes came to light recently at the home of Mrs. Brown's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Brown, who live on the same ranch. By RUTH KING tjSTji HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Kalis, Ore. Thursday, March 14, 1963 PAGE 1 C FRANKS 'N' CHIPS-CREOLE Potato Chips And Wieners A delightful party dish for all occasions is this delicious Franks-n-Chips Creole. Here is the recipe. 8 large frankfurters (1 Ib.i cut in 'j inch pieces 3 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 large onion, chopped 1 c EASY TOPPING Marbled topping for pumpkin pie is both attractive and flavor ful. Just cover pie with instant ready-whipped cream from an aerosol container, and drizzle mo lasses on top in a thin stream. i c. chopped green peppr 1 can (1 lb. 12 oz.) tomatoes 1 ts. chili powder 1 tsp. salt 2 tsp. sugar Dash of pepper Serve potato chips. Brown frankfurters in fat or oil, remove. Saute onion and green pepper in remaining fat or oil un til tender; add tomatoes, chili powder, salt, sugar, and pepper; Tr). J v Sesame Seeds 7 in Salads cover. Simmer 25 minutes: add frankfurters; simmer 5 minutes longer. Serve hot on potato chips. Makes 6 servings. 1 s lout lhm in the mm and add I tjblfsjwn or to your tj write French dressing. Be sure tier re Crescent imported Irom jj N'Cirigui for perfect quality ind auw-jrante, iresn picieo Tor per 4 feet i'ori and flaor. CRESCENT V . Ssir MmrthmnH lilt Ascolano RIPE OLIVES Ascolano variety olives are fa mous lor their size, tenderness and rich, nut like flavor. They have more olive meat in relation to pit than any other canned ripe olive variety. Remember Oberti It's the BIG olive! Write for Hit colorful, illus trated olive recipe booklet. Prices effective Thursday Through Monday r0syMShop Buy I ow! P$ Pondered or ff ST FRESH KLAMATH RANCH BANQUET 8 Oz. MEAT c'a'ke'Mix aMfr&ggrVg PIES 3:50' ft! if Booth's Breoded rSfr 5 m & T JV I sHS- I Gerber's Strained 4Vi-oz Baby Food jw w ifcw mm itwwuwwuBW low mmii FIMEB FLOUB 10 79' U II U U H UH M twa TUT ar u 1 u w " f : X t.M.J CrnTAn PnnA Snle notlute fin cXla& f Sea Air Sweet g rs ORANGES 4 W Klamath U.S. No. 2 Gem jgm. Potatoes 50 8 Tasty Thin Skinned AVOCADOS Each 10' Medium Yellow Dry ONIONS 3:10' Nestles Chocolate MORSELS 269c r 12-oi. pkgs. Frozen Pride of Oregon 10-oz. STRAWBERRIES or I HOSTESS QUALITY FOODS KtAb -LUKN dKUHULI SPINACH MIXED VEGETABLES 5 10-oz. Packs AAC ss. 89 ,..: ,. ,,,, Garden 12-oz. CATSUP Bottle 10' STANDBY JAM SALE STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY & BLACKBERRY 0) Big 44-or Jars Brookfield l"AC BUTTER 59'" U.S. Good BABY BEEF ROUND STEAK U.S. Good Baby Beef AO C T-BONE STEAKS 98 U.S. Good Baby Beef Jj j? C ROASTS "" c"' b. 45 ROUND BONE ROAST 49c lb. Swift's Premium M C SLICED BACON 49 Del Monte Pure Pork AC SAUSAGE ROUS Z9 USTERIN Large Regular 59c Size Low Calorie Low Fat UCLIWIWU J. Medo Bel - Smooth, Tosty J ft C nOlLTr T i I Hf 47 rliCJ-IU-LUUJ meoo oei jmuuni, iusijt DAIRY DESSERT . Gallon 1i mm Fresh, Local Crater Lake 2-Ten Patreurized Homogenized, Half Gallon Carton MILK ssi00 w n mm at 1 1 Mr I VI Ml m i