HERALD AND .NEWS, Klanu.h Fall,. Or. Wednesday, March 13. 1M PAGE IB Gooding Heads Rogue league All-Stars k. f 4 , ' r I i 1 I . iv 1 )'. Jfiti V Mill aniiiiinaiiiiiiiit flu sm v ft? ; JL i W X ft T tr PRIZES DISPLAYED Ron Hitchcock, president of the K Club, points toward the display of prizes which are only a portion of the gifts to be given at the annual K Club Carnival Friday night at Pelican Court. There will be a variety of games at the carnival. Skill awards' in clude a stereo set, a set of golf woods, given by Coast to Coast; a fry pan by Home Appliance; a gift certifi aJi rl T I JOLLY JINX LEAGUE W Tack Room Klamath Brick & Tile Les Hoback House of Shoe Klamath Lumber & Box Freemans Saddlery Winemfl Hotel Bobs Flying A Picktts Dairy lydes Market Big Y Market Skyline Diesel 65 35 58 42 56'1 43.1 52 4B 50' a 49"i 50 5D 46 54 21 Results: Kl. Brick & Tilt 3, Skyline I; House o( Shoes 3, Picketts 1; Freemans , 3, Bobs 1; Big Y 3. Tack Room 1; Les Hoback 2, Kl. Lbr. 8 Box 2; Wmema 2, ' Clydes 2. High team game, Freemans Saddlery 50; hiqh team series. Freemans Saddlery 2696; high ind. game, Katie Eck 201; high Ind. series, Katie Eck 509, MOOSE PA'S LEAGUE W L Musorove Plumbing 56' i 391 j Lucky Lanes 55Vi 401 i Allamont Grocery 51 45 CP. & W.W. Ward 49' 46' i O'Hairj Memorial Chapel 48' i V.i Pastegns Market 46 50 "40" Club Sl',i Harry Lanphear Insurance 44 5! Bings Satellite Room 43' i 52i Merrill Moose l 55 , March 11 results: Pastegas Market 3, Altamont Grocery 1 ; Lucky Lanes 3 Bings Satellite Room 1; Merrill Moose 3, CP. a. W.W. Ward 1 ; Musgrove Plumbing 4, O'Helrs Memorial Chapel 0; ,."40" Club 3, Harry Lanphear Ins. 1. High team game, Pastegas Market 883; high team series, Musgrove Plumbing 2433; high Ind. game, Bob Tesch 247; high ind. series, Mel Douglas 639. ALLEY KATZ LEAGUE W Great Northern Railway . Automatic Transmission Svc. Franklin Lite Insurance . Amidons Business Machines . Duffs Heating Service , Blue Ox Cafe . Swan Lake Moulding ; Little Sweden Crater Lake Meals J Fort Klamath Hotel Tavern ', Sewing Machine Center 59 37 51' I 44' i 51' l ' i 50 47 61 RoliiIK! Sewino Machine Center 3, Lit "'tie Sweden 1; Amidons Business Machines d. Fnrt Klamath Hotel Tavern o; traiei r Lake Meats 3, Blue Ok Cafe 1; Automatic Transmission Service 4, Great Northern pAiiwAtf 0: Duffs Heat na service J. Wrights Real Estate 1; Franklin Life - Ins. 4, Swan Lake Moulding 0. " Hioh team game, Amidons Business Machines 920; high team series. Ami dons Business Machines 2676; high ind .game- Gloria CantweH 193; high ind. se-i-nes, Gloria Cantweil-Betty Cool (tit) 507. JUNIOR GIRLS LEAGUE W The Limber-ups 77 :Pin Poooers Lucky Strikes 3 ; Rolling Pmj 27 i Bowlers Four 3? 4 Fouler 35 . Pelicans 5 Gutter Busters 24 Rmjiti: 4 Fouler 3. Pelicans I 33 Pin it Poppers 1, Lucky Strikes 2; Gutter Bust .;. ers 3, The Lm&er-ups t; Bowters Four ".3, Rolling Pins 1. - High team gamt. Gutter Busters 6?; . high team series. Gutter Busters 2009; high Ind. game. Barbara Schweigert 1S9; . high Ind. series, Barbara Schweigert 7. WOMEN'S CLASSIC LEAGUE ' Suburban Finance Beachs Jewelers Crater Lake Creamery ' Hatters Furniture Trophy House ' Holiday Bowl One Hour Vartinizing : Browns Plumbing Results: Suburban Finance 32 SVa 40' j 47' j 41' I Crater Lake Creamery 0; Beachs Jewelers 4, Hatters Furniture 0; TroDhy House 2. Holiday Bowl 2; One Hour rVartmning - A, Browns Plumbing 0 High team game. Holiday Bowl 7H; . high team series. Suburban Finance 2026; tiigh ind. game. E'dma Greenwood 21S; .-high ind. series- Eidma Greenwood Sl l" HOLIDAY MASTERS LEAGUE Peterson tt Points 1' Hawteys Plastering Service 4G 9? "'Crater Enterprises f S3 'The Troorty House C4 5 " Lewis Chevron CJ 3' ' Squirt S ' Bennington Steel Rings Sll 17 Results: Bennington S'eet 3. Squirt 0; The Troohy House 2. Hawievs Plastering 1; Cater Enterprises 2. Lewis Cnevron 1. ; High team game. Lewis Chevron 157; high team series, Bennington Steel Biflgs. 1341: high Ind game. Ai Hakenwerth 244; h.gh KEffSFAPcRS Sf 11 THE MOST! ifTfniiii 1 kWi V. 3 Jjeralfc an&$eto " - '1 - ft I II .1 5i BOOSTER LEAGUE W Duffs Heating a Heaton Steel 63 Dorris Lumber 61 Pelican Mobil 52 Kimball Glass 49 Swift & Co. 47' j 52' i Kiamaih J.C 47 53 Jacks Color Chip 44 56 Unique Market 44 56 Amidons 43 57 Metier Brothers 42'i 57'.i Nelson TV 39 61 Results: Metier Bros. 3, Jacks Color Chip 1; Heaton Steel 3, Unique Market 1; Dorris Lumber 3, Pelican Mobil 1; Klamath JC 3, Swift & Co. l; Duffs Heat ing 4, Nelson TV 0, Kimball Glass 3, Amidons 1. High team game, Duffs Heating 1045; high team series, Duffs Heating 3053; high ind. game, Earl Hitchcock 236; high ind. series, Earl Hitchcock 639. NITE OWL LEAGUE W Panhandlers Sweepers Muslengs A&Ds Hi-Zums Colton Pickers Blind Four 4-Damatlcs 54 37 54 52' i 39 ' j SO'i 411-j 47' a 44 1 j 40 36' i 51 Vj 33 59 Blind Four 0; Pan Results: A&Ds handlers 4, 4-Damatics 0; Sweepers Hl-Zums 1; Mustangs 3, Cotton Pickers High learn game, A&Ds 874; hiqh team series, A&Ds 2537; high ind. game (men). Merle Woodley 248; high ind. series (men), Bert Dixon 600; high Ind. game (women), Ellen Doty 192; high Ind. se ries (women), Beulah Albers 517. COFFEE CUP LEAGUE W Overhead Door Company Putnams Logging Bings Satellite Tower Furniture Metier Brothers Klamath Auto Wreckers Big V Market Clydes Towing Fashion Cleane'S Jones OH Ice Southern Oregon Aviation Bowden Music Dnscoil & Padgett Johnnys Flying "A" 43 36' i 60 40 56' i 43') 52' 3 47' 48 52 43' 1 56' i 42' i 57' i 41'.j 58'i 41 59 Liens Store 3? 61 Suburban Finance 33 67 March 12 results: Metier Bros. 4. Bow den Music 0; Klamath Auto Wreckers 4, Suburban Finance 0; Putnams Logging 4, Big Y Market 0; Bings Satellite 3. Clyde Towing I; Driscoll & Padgett 3. Tower Furniture 1; Overhead Door Co. 3, Jones Othce 10 Fashion Cleaners 3. So. Ore. Aviation 1; Liens Store 3, John nys Flying "A"' 1. High team game. Driscoll & Padgett 747; high team series. Overhead Door Co. I 2049; high ind. game. Jean Coddington 214; high ind. series. Bert Warner 540. LEFTOVERS LEAGUE Twin Girls Grocery Unique Market Cinderella Studios WedoBet Chilcote & Smith Tu'elake Variety Echo Homes Little Market Hannevs Service fM.. Ul Rlivlr 56' ) 39' i 52' 43' j 47' I 4B'j 35 61 33' I 3'i Results: Cinderella studio 4, biassi Mt. Block 0; Chilcote V Smith 4, Han-! H,fln ,eam 5arn- Mill Kights 471; nevs Service 0; Unique Market 3. Tule-iV'" ,Mm ris- Top Kats 2429; high lake Variety I; Echo Homes 3. Meoo- ,rtd 9me' D'ck L'"s,t h,9n '" Bel 1; Twin Girls Groce. 2, Liltle Mar- ier,s' D' Leifeste 747. ket 2 High team game. Cinderella Studios 737; high team sere. Cinderella Studios 20; high Ind. game. Pauline Should is 179; hign ind. series, Anna Dumont NEW BACKFIEI.D COACH CAMBRIDGE. Mass. iL'PI' The Harvard football team has added Peter G. Pat I Siark as a defensive backfield coach to re place Roper Robinson. JEEP OWNERS! W ntw your hdquflrttri ftf oil your Authoriitd Partt, SALES and SERVICE WILLYS "Jeep" Vehicles Joe Fisher 477 U. 7ft. (Mi. 4-11(4 , j - . - v j ? . ' -t '' V i 'fe: AjCs? cate for groceries at Market Basket and Oregon Food and others donated by Hal's Sport Shop, Klamath Falls Creamery, etc. There are stuffed animals and such. Pro ceeds from the carnival go to the final payment for the new score clock in tho gym. Any other stores wishing to donate prizes may call Jim Johnson ITU 4-75951 and he will gladly pick them up. Other OT8 OFFENSE Oregon Tech 16 S6I-128J 16 494 - 16 440 - Eastern Oregon Oregon College Southern Oregon 16 416 - 16 441-1153 O FG - 16 4J3 - 16 431 - 16 475 - 16 502 - 16 507 - Portland State DEFENSE Portland Stale Southern Oregon Oregon College Oregon Tech Eastern Oregon Field Gol Accuncv Fre Throw Accuracy G FG-FGA Pel. G FT-FTA Campbell. PSC 2 2-2 1.000 Pappin, OCE 10 6-6 Sllnkard. OTI 4 3-4 .750 Riese, PSC 7 55 Marr, OCE 13 49-93 .527 D. Johnson. OTI I 44 Wolf, OCE 12 64-126 .508 Beaziio. SOC 7 3-3 Pappin, OCE 10 10-20 .500 Sherman. PSC 4 3-3 Wilkerson, OTI 12 7-14 .500 E. Johnson, SOC 7 2-2 Char. Hawkins, OTI 4 3-6 .500 Keller, OTI 3 1-1 Anderson, OTI 16 138 238 .487 Linn, PSC 13 17-20 Wolimulh. PSC 16 36-74 .486 Wolf, OCE 12 62-74 Johns, OTI 16 77-159 .484 Zilek, OTI 16 44-53 Smith. EOC 10 15-31 .484 Mvers, EOC 16 64-78 Wachler, EOC 16 B7-170 .482 Bagnatl, EOC 16 17-22 Hughes. SOC 16 120-252 .476 McCleln. EOC 16 28-37 Hanson, OCE 14 7-15 .467 Johns, OTI 16 36-48 Dennis, OTI 10 7-15 .467 Forrest. EOC 16 21-28 Morton, OCE 16 60-131 .453 Campbell, PSC 2 3-4 Brandt, OCE 16 10O-22! .452 Kuykendall, EOC 15 30-41 S. Smith, OTI 16 142-320 .443 Kiser, SOC 16 42-57 Linn, PSC 13 72-164 .439 Schrunk, PSC 16 32-44 Myers, EOC 16 125-289 .432 Cole, OCE 16 29-40 Nash, OTI 16 97-227 .427 Rankin, OCE 16 34-47 Shulls, SOC 15 74-175 .420 Morton, OCE 16 15-21 John Nelson. PSC 16 131-305 .416 Shulfa, SOC 15 47-66 Willems. EOC 13 17-41 .415 Hlnk, SOC 16 16-23 Turley, EOC 16 78-189 .412 Torrls, EOC 14 18-26 Bagnall, EOC 16 36-88 .409 Lewellvn, SOC 14 24-36 Price, OCE 14 10-25 .400 S. Smith, OTI 16 76-116 Torris, EOC '14 10-25 Ww. Anderson, OTI 16 62-95 College Scores College Basketball Results By United Press International NAIA Tournament At Kansas City, Mo. (First Round) Indiana St. 78 Parsons 77 Carson-Newman 83 Rider 37 Rockhurst 83 Pac. Lutheran 77 Miles 84 V. Illinois 81 Augsburg 67 W. Va. St. 57 Lewis & Clark 75 Oshkosh 74 Transvylania 64 Winst-Salem 60 W. Carolina 64 E. Montana 61 Big Six Playoff Game At Santa Monica. Calif. UCLA 51 Stanford 45 WEYERHAEUSER KNIGHTS LEAGUE Night Hawks Wood Choppers Three Blows Betters Mill Kights Hard boarders Top Kats 22 13 20 ' j 14' i 20' 1 14' i 19 16 20 14 Green Horns U 21 Results: Top Kats 5. Wood Choppers 0; Green Horns 3. Three Blows 2; Night Hawks 4. Hardboerders 1; Mill Kighls 3. SPECIAL Get Acquainted OFFER cm wash $1150 u (Offer Good Thru March) RICK-ALLENS 222 Spring Sf. 2-4166 Statistics TEAM STATISTICS C FG-FGA PCI. FT-FTA Pel. PF Rfb.TP O.Avo ,37 260-387 .671 ?36 764 138? 86 3 1216 .406 281-40S .693 318 638 1269 79 3 1020 .431 291.444 .655 293 SIS 1171 73.2 1075 .386 256-355 .664 323 461 1068 66.8 . 381 180-293 . 648 2 72 203 1062 66.3 FGA Pel. FT-FTA Pel. PF Reb. Tp G.Avg 1089 . 399 2 34-360 .650 242 630 1100 68 7 1088 .396 254-389 .651 2B0 606 1116 69.7 1162 .409 236-362 .652 320 626 1186 74.1 1183 .424 211-316 .667 296 462 1215 75.9 1216 .416 284.458 .620 311 605 1298 81.1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .850 .B36 .140 .821 .773 .757 .737 .727 .725 .723 .714 .667 .655 .653 High School Scores Oregon Prep Raskcthall Ity United Press International (District 3-A-l Playoff) Tillamook 54 Oregon City 5: (Double Overtime) (District 2-A-2 Playoff) Yamhill-CarHon 52 Neslucca 49 (District 5-A-2 Playoff) Elmira 55 Pleasant Hill 50 Padres Launch Repeat Drive TAMPA. Fla. UPH-San Diego launched its drive to repeat as 'Pacific Coast League champion as it started spring training Mon day. Seventeen pitchers and catch crs greeted manager Don Heffncr. who took it easy on them for fear of arm injuries. Ileffner disclosed that pitcher Greg Jancich and outfielder Don Dobbok had come to terms. Dick Luebke. touted relief hurl cr who pitched for Rochester, was among those starting work ..... i? uui.t .iiumidy. Henley's rV-8 Kent Gooding, who from Ihe undefeated Henley team led the Hornets to 22 straight to make the first team. Mike Bey wins and the Rogue League title, mer, the high-scoring forward, headed the Rogue League All-Con. made the second team while for fcreiiie team today which wasiward Karl Allbritlon and guard picked last Saturday in Ashland i bv the conference coache: tiooding was the only Hornet Fresno S. Dakota EVANSVILLE. Ind. lUPP - Oslcthorpe of Georgia faced Phil adelphia Textile and Fresno Slate was up against South Dakota State today in the opening of the three- day NCAA college basketball tour ney. Favored Wittenberg, which won Ihe title two years ago, play: Northeastern of Massachusetts in the windup of first-round play to night, and third-ranked Evansville tangles with Southern Illinois Wittenberg boasts a 24-1 record and a top defensive average of 46.5. The college was No. 1 in the final United Press Intcrnation ai small-college ratings Mount St. Marv's of Maryland, i : si . j i- V"" :C -i1 r2 -t- ;; J ilk in rk . KENT GOODING MIKE BEYMER which took the title last year, was.cording t San Diego Manager eliminated in the Eastern region als by Bloomsbui'R, Pa., which was ousted by Philadelphia, the highest-scoring club in the quar terfinals with an 85-points-pcr- gamc average. Evansville defeated Southern II linois during the season, 79-150, but the others did not meet. Eight teams are competing in the tour ney. ' The UPI small college ratings placed Fresno as seventh in the nation. Southern Illinois eighth, and South Dakota Stalo 10th. Wittenberg is champion of the Ohio Athletic Conference. Evans ville won the Indiana Collegiate Conference title. Fresno is champion of the Cal ifornia Collegiate Athletic Assn., and South Dakota is title-holder j in the North Central Conference. Fresno State and Philadelphia (his year reached the quarterfi nals for the first time and Oglc- Ihorpe is in the tourney for the first time. Southern Illinois was third last vear. Mi old Mr. BOSTON Yt INTELLIGENT BUYER'S GUIDE TO FINEST LIQUORS AT FAIREST PRICES NOW, OREGON'S BEST SCOTCH WHISKY VALUE! Thanks to bulk shipping. Old Mr. Boston offers you the best value in Oregon on fine, importer! Scotch Whisky. Unlike most distillers,' Mr. Boston imports its Scotch in aged casks, then bottles it here to cut down shipping, handling costs and taxes. Be cause we pass on these sav ings, you can now enjoy this superb imported Scotch Whisky ... as a great value. OLD Mr. BOSTON IMPORTED I0TCH WHISKY - 86 PftOOf I s ct40 FIFTH -INTELLIOINCE IN THB IN THB ENJOYMENT khkkuxxkkkxkhkkhkkkkkstkkhk.'iiuikkkhmnkwkhhk.shh: ,mr ioston distiller inc.. iosion mass. Levoy Vouiig placed on the honor able mentions. In addition to Gooding, the nth- Federal Oil Beats Priestly SEATTLE ITI- Federal Old Line of Seattle won the right to represent the Pacific Northwest in next week's AAU basketball tour nament in Denver with a 109-90 victory over Priestly Oil of Port land Tuesday night. Bill Hanson with 23 and Dave Mahlman with 21 points led the winners, while Jack Parker hit 22 and Tex Whiteman 20 each for the Portland team. Federal Old Line led 57-39 at the half. Dobbek, Krop Look Recovered TAMPA. Ela. (UPD-Outficldei Dan Dobbek and pitcher Bob Krop appear to have recovered from "'eir W62 health problems, ac- Don Heffner. Dobbek, hampered with a bad back last .season, and Krop, who was idle most of the season with arm trouble, looked in top shape as the Pads continued spring training Tuesday. Heffncr said both were making spirited bids to stick with the squad. TOP PROS COMPETE BLACKPOOL. England (UPD- Sixtcen of Ihe world's top profes sional golfers, including Arnold Palmer, Gary Player and Peter Thomson, have agreed to com pete in a one-day tournament at the North Shore Course on July 5. The winner will receive the Prince Philip Trophy. TRACK OFFICIAL RETIRING ARCADIA, Calif. (UPI) - Fred A. Purncr Sr., who came to Santa Anita 29 years ago, will retire as the race track's director of pub. licily and advertising Sept. 5. cone 359B fife I M KOTCM WHIIUta g .-:--r:.. v. - . y, I K li v, v. PUKCHASB MODERATION er first team choices were Eagle Points' Charles Pomeroy, Lake- view's Dennis Warren. Illinois Val ley's Darryi Ciellert and St. Mary's Jim Calhoun. The second unit included Bey- mer, Lakeview s Larry Samples. Rogue River's Tom Davidson. Kagle Points' Richard Short, and Phoenix's Rich Bolz. The Honorable Mentions were Allbi'itton, Young. Lakeview's Dan Leahy, Rogue River's Jack Sal ter, Eagle Points' Wilbur Boat wright. Illinois Valley's' Charles Verstecg, and St. Mary's Randy Corliss. The teams came from league secretary Ted McKce of Lakeview. This first team, with Gooding lopping the timbers, averages 6-2 f- and shows a great scoring poten tial. Gooding was the leading scor er in the league with 318 points in 13 games for a fine 24.5 aver age. Pomeroy was second with 264 points and an 18 9 average.' War ren was 11th among the top scor ers with 175 points and a 12 5 mean. Gellert was third with 241 points and a 17.1 average and Calhoun was seventh with I'M points and a 13.9 average. That averages out to 17.3 points per man. Gooding will lead Uie Hornets into the state tournament next Monday at Coos Bay where the Hornets are top seeded and were voted the top Class A-2 team in the state this season. They will take on Elmira, the state's third ranked team, in the first round of the tournament Monday night at 8:45. Elmira dropped de fending champion Pleasant Hill Tuesday night in a playoff for the berth, 55-50. ROGl'E LEAGUE ALL-STARS First Tram Charles Pomeroy, senior, for ward, 6'1", Eagle Point. Dennis Warren, junior, forward. G'5", Lakeview. Kent Gooding, senior, center, 6'7", Henley. Darryl Gellrrt, junior, guard, 6', Illinois Valley. Jim Calhoun, senior, guard 3'10", St. Mary's. Second Team Larry Samples, Lakeview. MUe Beymer, Henley. Tom Davidson, Rogue River. Richard Short, Eagle Point, Rich llolz, Phoenix. Honorable Mention Dan Leahy, Lakeview. Earl Alhritton, Henley. LcVoy Young, Henley. Jack Salter, Rogue River. Wilber Boatwright, Eagle Point Charles Vcrstceg, Illinois Valley. Randy Corliss, St. Mary's. SLEEPING BAG We invite you to come in and compare the quality of our sleeping bags. Compare the zip per, the cover, lining and fill . . . then com pare the price. Every bag we toll is good quality. Look at these examples that are on sale: VSSWSSNS4NSSVSVVS armour star Lite I! in DELICIOUS & FOODS Use your credit at the Gun Store. Use a regular 30-day charge account or our revolving charga plan where you can take up to 6 months to pay. Set your own credit limit and monthly payments. Beymer and Samples head the second unit. Beymer was the sixth.points per game and Bolz was 131 li leading scorer in the league with 203 points and a 14.6 average while Samples was the fifth top scorer with 234 points and an average of 16.7 per outing. Davidson aver aged 12.4 points as the 12th top EARL ALLBRITTON ii. iiii.iifM.niim iii.iiii.I i Houk Predicts Yankees Will Win FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (UPI) Manager Ralph Houk flatly predicts the New York Yan kees will win the Ameri can League pennant again. If 1 didn't feel that way, T should be fired," lie claims. "1 don't think for a minute that winning is going to be easy, but I don't sec any club capable of beating us out." This is Houk's third year at the helm of the Yankees and his record is perfect two pennants and two World Series triumphs And each spring he has cornel right out and picked his club to win. "1 have more reason to be op timistic this spring than last," he said. "Then we had two lobs on the club open left field and shortstop. Now we have only one job open, first base, and we aro confident we have the player to ill the bill in Joe Fcpitonc We also will have Tony Kubck with us from the start and don't forget we have another starting1 pitcher in Stan Williams. Kubek was in the service for part of last season and rookie Tom Tresh took his job. Then when Kubek got out of service Tresh was shifted to left field where he became a fixture. To get Williams, the Yanks gave up Bill Skowron, their right handed PLAY BALL! All Baseball Equipment AT SALE PRICES LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES: RAWLING'S TRAPEZE MODEL MITTS, Reg. 12.45 1 LOT OF BASEBALL BATS, Values to 4.50 LITTLE LEAGUE SHOES From BABE RUTH LEAGUE SHOES From ifSNNSSSfSif 3-lb. DELUXE DACRON BAG with good quality cover and warm, longwcaring lining. 1Q QP Regularly $26.95 I 7.73 DELUXE 5-lb. DACRON BAG. A regular $49.95 bag that will keep you warm in OK practically any weather 4Q 3 3-lb. WASHABLE SLEEPING BAG with Dacron fill. An excellent bag that you can wash and dry in the automatic washer and dryer. QP Reg. $39.95 OJL,jD 2-lb. DOWN FILLED BAG with nylon lining. Light and warm and easy on the purse for Af QC a down bag. Reg. 59.95 T fO ii in.' '1 OUTDOOR FOODS COMPLETE MEALS . . . even sleaks & chops . . . lightweight, keep without refrigeration 714 scorer. Short had a mean of 13 2 with an average of 11.0. Lakeview's Dan Leahy, who was the fourth leading scorer in the loop, was only honorable mention as was Allbritlon who was ninth among the leading scorers. T 'J LEVOY YOUNG power hitting first baseman. Houk reiterated that the Y'an- kecs would not have parted with Skowron unless they were sure Pepitone could take over at first. "Joe will do a better job in the field and I also think he will do the job at the plate." Houk added. Of course, we will miss Skow ron, but we figured we could give him up to get the starting pitch er we needed." He said lie wasn't expecting any miracles from Williams. "All we are counting on him for is 14 victories, the same num ber he scored with the Dodgers last season. Anything over that would be gravy and, of course, welcome. It would be nice if he could win 20, but we are not ex pecting him to do it." Williams will be a starter along with Whitcy Ford, Ralph Terry and Bill Stafford. To round out the staff Houk has relievers Marshall Bridges, Luis Arroyo, Bill Kunkcl and Ro land Sheldon with Bud Daley and Jim Coalcs his middle inning re lievers and spot starters. There are a half dozen candi dates for the other pitching berths and they are the only positions Ihe Yankees have open. ' Houk refused to pick any one club as the most serious threat to the Yankees. 1 9.95 1.00 3.95 6.45 SALE! INTRODUCTORY OFFER! 20 OFF on all Starlite Foods Main