Vf FBNCIS PARK. 2 bedrooms, htr : BY ownaTT: beoTwrn ranch Ilvla hom. .ta iwi, t.resiaca. or.p,,. f.ntN.p., ao.u,l, oiiim m b' vara, "'CUV lanascar-M. Ouv auit. tract IU 3-3MJ t car loan. TU 3-C3J7. I- LL . Z . T.-S-l 7l 2'": rt-vitvv . . . from inu atiractiva 5 - arj high on norlhiidt location. Carpeted lii ig room, cheery tireDlace. deluxe Ml t-ln oven and range. Covered patio off ar-iniig . Pncci ms rnvj- M- at piey erea. Yera tt-cti. Easily rB-ced. MOO don, FHA . . , nothing i CI. i Call TU 2-4M1 or evenings TU 314) I Orviiie Reichenberg, Realtor 203 Wain, Willard Hoiel 013 homes can be purchased wim any tn tinancing.al price to suit vour in Cftr-i. Ask us about no mortfy down li ti cing. Beautiful homes at low cost per fee' construction. Check with us. Thrifty lb Iders. Estate Drive south end of jytf anon, TU 3-0436, TU 4-5244. iJvELY new 3 bedroom homes. Large ec rooms end close's. Beautiful kitchens. Ifcjlatecf all around. Best workmanihij), . line lots on paved street. 19900. Estate grufe sou in eno or waoison. TU 2-536, TD 4-534. 3 BY OWNER a Btr large 2 bedroom, fireplace, harrt- vnod throughout, birch cabinets, built in wen ana ranqe. aeoarate dining room Oil hear piped fo all rooms. Large cor ner lot. $15,500. Any type loan. f J 3411 MADISON HENLEY Have 2 acre tracts in the Heart of Hen ley community. Good well water, soil and dfainage. Close to school, church ana tore. Available tor custom built homes T 4 Lee McBride Builder 0 "Fine Construction" Phone TU 4-450? t CABINETS HOMES COMMERCIAL MLS Multiple Listing Service MILLS ADDITION BUYS & Too notch condition throughout. New roofing and siding. Completely repaint d 2 bedroom. Terrific value and a must tee for $12,500. Easily financed! Five year old 2 bedroom. Huge utility room could be used as a 3rd bedroom. IV: baths, birch cabinets, carpeted. ll, 0. Handyman's Special! t??9 Sergent. Two bedroom. Concrete foundation. Owner will earrv contract Take camper, smalt trailer as down pay nient. Pull price S2.000. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4-312? TU 4-9267 Ray Worden Lucille Anderson TU 2-0518 , CHECK THESE .V BUYS iV Charm 8. Comfort Personified In this Beautiful Moyina Heights Home 3 Bed rooms. Large Family Room With sliding Glass doors to Patio Economical OH Heat . 2 Baths Own Well Brick Fire place Built-in Oven 8. Range Doub'e Garage with lots of built-ins. Gorgeous View Only S22,900 May Assume Loan. Newly redecorated 1 8. Possible 2 Bedroom, Home close to Mills School t4,500 and owner will carry contract. . 3 Bedroom Home for Rent S50 Per , Month ; Schroeder Realty Co. : REALTORS 434 MAIN 'TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0148 PAINT FOR YOUR t ': DOWN PAYMENT ' fteauliful home In south suburbs with : 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, wall to wall car- ' pets in all bedrooms and living room. Built In dishwasher, garbage disposal, oven and range. Forced air gas heat, lovely circulating fireplace with healola tor, attached garage, extra large lot. faint for down payment. For further in formation contact McATEE ' . REALTORS ? E. Main TU 24444 Evelyn McAte TU 2-5935 MLS Multiple Listing Service LONG LOT M.6 x 2S4.7. Room for another home or a trailer house. There is a 2 bedroom home eireedy on the lot. Nnat as a pin, freshly painted, ptus carpeted front room. Shrub hery, trees and concrete patio with bar. ecue for your outdoor enloyment. 45750. A real buy thai must be seen to be ap preciated. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 135 Market TU 4-SU9 Evenings Harold M. Ruh TU 2-4173 Mrs. Dan Nichols TU 4.8851 "Pat" Falone TU 2-0836 STROUT REALTY 5429 So. 6th For excellent opportunities in HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESSES CATTLE RANCHES Phone or See Bob ond Stella Dehlinger, Rep. TU 4-5281; Eves. TU 2-5601 Honk Holmon, Slsmn. TU 2-5048 Why Wait Till Summer?' COVE SlItfVFB. vmill hjvi tn njwiAII irrinatrd TOS acres In arati and al- A'ORE for this yeer-oid 3 bedroom home In rVnvina. View windows look out on Shasta, attractive circulating fire- Rlace. Large slidmq gleis ooors to trie riio And a most attractive kitchen, with an the built-in appliances. 115.750 and terms that will please you. DON SLOAN Real Estate VI So. 7th St TU 4 5651 Anyf-me Multiple Listing Service MLS RENT LEASE BUY OR TRADE bedrpfm Sfarfpr heme, P'tly fy- ed Sftu'h Suburban aea- Can us fo Itvice and terms on th.il WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MFVBFff tlTtON ATIONAL TRADERS CLUt S I TU 1-37781 AVPt PARK I hi iPr( 1 A'1rM Mall TU 4-M'ftl Wa Ma'thews Tu 3-J77 ioei rem month. II J. 000, I i 00n, TU 2-9133. ,VIEW nl Rjn near c amaietirt.-i Thru mwm. i i pa'ns. narcwood floors, tire place, builtin kitchen. TU 2-017. HOT Springs smaller 2 beOroorrv u"' hoi-te trailer as part (. tMOC 2031 ACREAGE with four bearoom house, l' UK jo ft. living room. Henley w-xriLi, kh. i, box J, vernll Hifln way. 160 ACRE RANCH 5 miles from Spraoue River on pved .uoo. v ecres cultivated an fencsd Hcautitui building site. Good well, small house, electricitv. pricf in win r.nnn TERMSI Will fake home in Klamath Fails or seasoned paper in trade. WE have several other farms and ranch es. Some dose in from 41 aces 00. Some win consioer trade cttie ranches from ilv ro is.ocu need. Contact us for turthc information. VERNON DURANT Realtor JESSE Z. SMITH Reallor 2050 So. 6th TU 4-832 - TU 7-5505 Next to Holiday Bol - Salesman -Evenings Ernest Graves - TU I-U?4 STILWELL & CO. Presents: EASY WALKING DISTANCE DOWN TOWN - Comfortable 2 bedroom home. Fireplace. Modernized kitchen, base ment, new furnace, view location. Price $9,500. NEAR PETERSON SCHOOL - 3 bedroom home. Sunken living room with nejv fireplace, dining room & dinette, con venient kitchen, good utility area, at. tached garage. Large lot fenced and landscaped. This is a quality home in excellent condition. Price 16.950 Any iype financing. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3104 Alter 5:00 call on Vftn 0r Bruce Bmklc Ron Van Ormen TU 2-3497 ley TU 4-3478 If no answer call TU 4-7004 or TU 2-0444 ft DUPLEX ft Exceptional buy In one bedroom duplex. All nicely furnished. Has double garage, nice yard, walkinq distance to town. Priced at Si 0,750 with reasonable down payment. LEONARD REALTY TU 4-7SJ1 or TU i-KOi TU 2-0527 TU -5Jli Joe Leonard Joe Perry Audrey Keerlrts TU t mi MLS Multiple Listing Service ('CLINTON AVE. AND NEAR PETERSON SCHOOL. JUST H00 DOWN FHA & NO DOWN Gl (plus nominal closing) lor this beautiful 2 bed room home, realistically priced at only $12,750. Carpeted living and dining rooms. fireplace. Inviting kitchen, large separate utility. Desirable B0 x 185 ft. lot. with irrigating system. ACT SOON HERE!! HOT SPRINGS HERE'S SOLID BRICK CONSTRUCTION WITH 5 BEDROOMS. 3 large bedrooms on main floor and the full basement In corporates 2 more bedrooms, 2nd bath, 1 x 30 ft. party room, etc. Going tor t? 1.500 with top loan; WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER HOME, GOOD LOCA TION. ANY REASONABLE OOWN PAYMENT WILL MOVE YOU IN IMMEDIATELY! ! Neat Mills Addition 2 bedroom home, with 1000 sq. ft. of comfortable living area, attached garage, fenced yard. Only 87,750. DRIVE BY 2235 WHITE AVE QUICK ACTION ft ON LISTINGS! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO Ml N. eth St. Phone TU 4-771 Sales Perionnel: Bill Chilcote Ph. TU , 37.1 Eves Tom RAbbitt Ph. TU 2-6482 6ves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote. Broker MLS Multiple Listing Service NEARLY NEW Three bedroom home In restricted area. Circulating tlreolace, large bathroom with ceramic tilt, at tached garage, large lot. Only 113,250. NORTHSIDE on California Ave, Neat two bedroom home wilh economical oil hea. fenced yard, garage and shop. Only S7.B50- WILLS ADDITION. Modest one bedroom home on 50 ft. lot. Owner leaving town. Pull price only 14.300. DURANT REALTOR 2050 So. 4lh TU 4-9832 Or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Boy I Sales Staff Tina Reedcr TU 4-73 Mrs. Bull Jones TU 4-174 Clyde Williams TU 4-8'J4 Graves TU J-1396 129 ACRES I'aifa, balance cultivated. Volern J room i 5 H"-''S. nicely turniiMfl, home, larne barn and machine sled. lO.ianrAlt'CiCT CCTC mi Int Irrim fit, r miliar Trial nnri tAft HV Easy term:,, will consider trade lor come property. 50 ACRES 'us 1 bed'oom modern home and ail mettvnery. K l O. Irrigation. Chece 'oca tton on the Merrill Highway near Men lev Scncot A super value tnat will not oe available long 1-3 down, w-ll consider good home in town in trade. Price 843,500. STILES REALTY Member tnirnationai Tracers Cub 133 Sou'h 9th SI. Phpnf TU 2-4740 i"s Meafe Ra'ph Vaaen Lo.j Vcy TU 4-5695 712-41 TU 2-544' ired Tuce' Hemer S'l'es TU 4-972 TU I-99C4 I HENLEY OlSTRlCT on Werrlll H ghway 3 acres atl in oeiture Three bedroom I hrrve wtth fireplace. OutBuUdmos. 14 miles iror" Klamath Falls Cio.e ie s'ore and chu'Ch ideal tor the person who ie"ts a 'f rad of ifves'ock. KID Irriga tion. P'.ce :o,ooo j LOVELY 3 iwd'oom home, tirepiace U''t ' m rn7 oven. d shar-er, hardwtwy) . Jfiws. co-'b'e garage Eectr!c bebevd I ee' Owner w-n take camp t'aner. pci I vo. bei r jeep on down payment. Price i I 4 IOC Midland Er mpire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, 8'Ct.r Men J.m O Doneu TU 3 347! te TU 4193 Skyline LARGE lot tor sale Wi Fraitey, Tuieieike. Cut. t Wrj C. e 63 ACRES- tv miles from ton. Vidiand Reao, 3 bett'com hou. Old btns, good water, a'tai'a eno pasture, good corrais. wen ftr-cea. Tu I-07e9. ABSENTEE OWNER SAYS "REDUCE PRICE $2,000 . . . . and sell this FOUR BEDROOM house with full easement, fireplace, omiig room and all the many etrs that you find in a lovely home this we " Walk ing distance to downtown, schools, church es. See this tam.iy home today. Price was ii4. soo Reduced to 112:500 D eane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-41 27 LARRY BARABOO TU 4-46U TU 4-5411 .V?-?1 ROLLIN TUTER jpQB PftZtl.'US Collect Br)nr MUST itU b:uritul hem " Dnvt. Ph. TU 2-0oJ7. Good Condition. TU 2-3174. b.olNE5S OPPORTUNITY 3J:NEW-Elnl 5ucermac w, chm,: BUSY drive-In business. Other commit- 350 original price, make reasonable ot mentj force sale. For details TU 4-6517 her. TU 2-4301. Tues. through Sun. after 10 a.m. , SPEED oJiThe7rvrr"MmbV WANTED to buy bookkeeping service, buy outright or Interest, P.O. Box 110. FOR sale small neighborhood cafe, good location, TU 3-513 before 7 p m. or TU 2-5874 alter 7 p.m. CLEAR Income property, 1210 oer month, $11,500, sell or trade, TU 4-9754. NOTICE TO PUBLIC t- lease investigate thoroughly any invest ment ot moneys in merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital The Herald and News makes every effort to retct all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible tor the integrity of the firms or individuals who pla'e advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent pr misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad ver'nlng Department of the Herald and Npws FINANCIAL LOANS 34 Do It NOW With A LOAN! Buy that new cor Plon o real vocotion Skipper your own boat Move into o mobile home Take off in a travel trailer FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Can Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Poy Private Auto Sales Financed Localfy Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS PRICES SLASHED AGAIN! EVERYTHING MUST GO! FINAL WEEK OF OUR QUITTING BUSINESS SALE! Save 60 All Bock Orders Which We Were Unable To Cancel Have Been Received ... No More Mer chandise Will Be Added. Everything We Have Is (Jn Display . . . That's All SAVE Dl NING ROOM SETS LAMPS PICTURES RUGS CRIRV RABY NITURE ROCKERS u-'-v''j' BEDROOM SETS ROCKERS TRASH BURNERS TABLES AND MUCH MORE!! LAST DAY SUNDAY! CLOSING FOREVER! HOURS 9 a.m. to 6 p m. Weekdays 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday Everything Has To Go By Sunday, Mar. 17 DISCOUNT FURNITURE Town & Country Shopping Center 3840 S. 6th 3MUILDINa MMODILINft ... REVOOELINC Siding and Foundation No money down. Up to S veer to pay! HOUSEHOLD GOODS T9l AVANA 13 CJ. ft. upright I cash bids being accepted. See Sou'h tfn, Pacific Finance. ! E'. ECTRiC clo'nes d'ver, I aDly priced, TU 2-4MC, very reason ,35 CU FT CARRIER 'J300, TU 4-571S. up n grit freezer I DUE to death tn family must soil imme aii v to'lnwmo household arftcles- Frig I ioaire, walnut dinette set. ttoor limp, 14 piece bedroom set. new utility table.; c'otris h-noer. bath wales. 2 vacuums,, etfeenments. treaale sewmt machine.' RCA labie raoie, porta;e air cMfl.i'on er, electric heater, step stool, card ta bie. trunks. Suitcases, roasvr. kettles, baling pans, more. TU 4-90S. see at ?;0 Whita NEW 52 (ja'Toonerai Eiectrtcvter"heat er. MO. phone TU 4-6l. , HOUSEFUL 01 furniture, very reasonable. tv.-yr '"avirn "iee at 41 Je' 1 Harlan Dr P- Ph TU 2-4977. S'60 SEALY downev rest matched box sorinos and mattress, like new, used 10 montrij, J9fl, TU J-i.. WILL sacrifice complete household fur nijhings, Including Wf stinghouie detune range and GE auiomailc washer and dry er. 1122 Lincoln, TU 4-S24fl. FOR sale or trade 196t Kenmort combina tion washer-dryer, excellent condition, also gas range, S35, TU 4-990. I P ' FfTCir rfrinrlnr 10 fu ft . tft ib. frozen food capacity; single bed, box spring j, mattress. TU 2-4925. , DUNCAN- Ph"yfetabieartS "chairs. US. excellent condition, $100, TU 2-5841. GOOD davenport for sale. TU 4-3498. FRIGIDAtRE automatic washer, S40. Double bed and springs, wheel barrow. Coleman oil healer. 2 windows, frames. 20 tt. ol 10 in. stove oipe, chimney ex tension, door. TU 4-822. SACRIFICE household furnishings and miscellaneous. Phone TU 2-3537. WALNUT"dlnlnq sell cxcllnt condi-j tion, Micalite kitchen table. TU 4-9375. WASHERS RENEWED A. GUARANTEED (Prices Include Avg. trade) Whirlpool Automatic (Lata model) Wizard Auto (New mechanism) -Easy Auto (Deluxe - Late) Maytag Wringer (Sharp) Whirlpool AulO (Good) Easy Spindry (Standard Good) Kenmort, Wringer (Good) Uhlig's 1024 Main SI. TU 4-5512 GUARANTFFD USPD RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS - WATE HEA1ERS Cascade Home Furn. 412 Main TU 4-8345 G.E. Automatic Washer SPECIAL $85'?: Guaranteed KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Applionces 32 So. 7lh TU 4-8886 SINGER CLEARANCE!!! FLOOR MODELS & DEMONSTRATORS BIG BIG REDUCTIONS 1 & 2 OF A KIND SAVE UP TO $70. SINGER SEWING CENTER f33 MAIN TU 2-251.1 37 Up To OFF REG. PRICE Th Is!! ere ON: BUNK BEDS MATTRESSES READY TO PAINT FURNITURE FRANKLIN HEATERS TERMS FREE DELIVERY 2 YEARS TO PAY j It COrd. u GREEN poplar wood." ( Haul! TU 1-0034. (DRY pine blocks. You haul. 14 per co-fl 37 Metier Brothers. 3'H Crosby, TU 4 -Jt 14 , DRV todgecole pine. 1 J cord. TU 2-37C5 LeComb e LaComo. RED ir, p ne. dry, c'tan. ered. Ph. TU 4 9531 - IU cora aeliv- CALL CLIFF YAOFN For Presto I ngs & Heng 0s Metered Prooane Sales S & H G'een Stamps Open 24 hours 2S0 South Sutti TU 4-J(t and TU 2-9;tA time"tobuy" STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL I Finest Oil R Wood Stovn "FOB ALL YOUR FUEL NEEOS" Frankford Fuel Co No. Bithn St. TU 7-4J4I WE GtVF. GOin BOND ST4'P5 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 JfFUIL - HEATING l !liu0i,rirt9- cut,,n0 curing. Shamrock Meats Boots Pert ft Hobbies DACHSHUND puo-xes. AKC registered. 135 wtth papers. TU 2-0122. CHAMPION quality sable "coilie"s7AKC reg. Finest children's pels, TU 4-S99V 14 FT. Soort boot, trailer, 35 hp. Evin rude electric. $475, TU 4-894 ader 4 p.m. 121 Mt. Whitney. 17' . FT. Folboat lorsale72333-Whftr TU 2-5403. OUTBOARD fercury motor, 6 hp, gear Shift. TU 4-7533. 25 FT. Owens Sea Sxlff Express In. board, fully equipped. For sale 1 week only, cash, no trades. TU 4-4022 after 4 p.m. 14 FOOT Plywood runabout, fihreqlas bo' tom, 25 ti p. Evlmude, accessories, S450. TU 2-4334 FOR sale two bear bows, 40 Ib Alaskan and SO Ib. Kodiak Special, with Quiver, arrows, etc. S55 complete, TU 4-.19S8. EX-HUNTERS find buyers ast lor guns with Want aos Can Tu 4 8in t0 ,u 17 FT. glass Skagit convertible, complete too, 40 hors electric Johnson, Teenee trailer. Sacrifice $1,500. Coast-lo-Coasi Store, Chiloquin. 21 FT. EXPRESS Cruiser and boat house. Galley, head. TU 4-J302. JUDO instruction al the auditorium Tues day nights, 7:30. $2 per lesson. ' TU $145W33; '45 FOR SALE Pekinguese puppies. Phone 1TU 2-0579. 95 1 DOG and cat boerdtng. Training, groom 85 ing, bathing Dogs and puppies tor sate. 45 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Mer rill-Lakevlew Junction off Merrill High way on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Box 504 r TU 4-5078. BLACK miniature poodle weeks, excellent blood lines, puppies, I TU 2-4052. TOTE-GOTE demo. sale. New warranty Beth i h p, and h o. models. Warren Rock, 830 Klamath Ave., ph. TU 2-5541 days; iu 4-3549 evenings and Sunday, IBREGLAS boat, 40 h.o. Johnson mo. lor, trailer and all ski equipment. 1700 EX 7-4363 Dorrls. 22 FT. Owens cruller with trailer, Rte 2, Box 577, Merrill Highway. FT. fibreglas boat. US, 5305 Harlan Drive. TU 2-M59. 3 CYLINDER, 3 cycle marine Inboard engine with transmission, shaft, proo and 26 tt. galvanized steel lifeboat, 8 beam. S150, TU 4-7209 after 6 p.m. weekends RADIO TV . MUSIC 41 unll, S150' USED amplifier and guitar 515E. Main, TU 4-3360. TV service calls, D.J. TV Repair, TU 7-6409 beiort a p.m. CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, IU 4-5121 RENT 8 new Baldwin piano, SI0 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co., 130 Main, TU 3-48S3. USED. PIANO SALE!! BALDWIN WURLIT2ER H. F. MILLER KIMBALL SAVE UP TO $350. BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 ORGAN BUYERS Prove to yourself that the LOWRY ORGAN II lha most VERSATILE ORGAN Ihe market. $595. & UP. KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER 515 E. Main TU 4.3360 RENT A NEW WURLITZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo, (NO DELIVERY CHARGE 1 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yean on 7th St." 124 No. 7th TU 4-5121 MERCHANDISE MART lor HAMMOND ELECTRIC ORGAN RADIOS TV's "Reasonobly Priced" 7964 So 6th TU 4-6660 .t "ESTOCK & POULTRY SPRING & summer pasture for I1 pairs. Merrill 798-5928. KLAMATH PROVED SIRE SEfRVICE" TU 4-4400, TU 2-H85. TU 4-4558, TU 2-610? STANOINGUlah's Chief rerj. Appaloota brown, while blanket with flecks, son o' famous Montana lira Utah, Pme Grove Road, TU 4-9213. TOP sale fresh milk goats, rabbits, also Shetland ponies, broke gentle, ph. 783-234 SEVERAL one. horses for sale, AT iud R"g. Arabian Ibn Hamida, gray. Hollldey Ranch, 7 U 4-9034. FOR tale or trade tor cattle 'Si Ford in truck, 'S3 Dodge station waonn, thoroughbred race horse. 10-yr. old geld ing. TU 2-9346. lew load every Tuesday. BABY calves tor sale. 1845 Gary, phone TU 1-5869 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST a SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Mcl'e Your Plans Now to 'Consign to the Stockmen's Market, Tuesdoy is sale doy in the Klamath Basin. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! loll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot I p m. ihorp Rte. 3, Box 44 MHmtivr ... ... a 30Ht Dr nvyjut 70 M.,I, al'Q 10 't liatflo, !t'tM,;r ID'tOff, Fran M I ft'ewn. Ria. I, 131 A, Bonania. Ph I US lilt. , MACHINERY .-".rr - 44 - EH'AL AXLE low bed and'l wheel trailer' "T'v v.v-i ?- :9 B"'' r n- MISC. FOR RENT EARTH BORING marhire 'nch to 20 inch diameter, phone TU iiU FOR RENT. Amercan floor sander and eJcer. switf and eisy to oera'e. sand' paner 1 and Bruce tioor finishes. Klamath Valley Lumber Co.. 1940 So. ih. TU 4-411. VALXEYTiENf AL'S : GREAT BIG MESS1 it you cant find what you wait rent. YELLI We ll help you look tor 1003 P Mom TU 4-6812 WSC WANTED 46 Call WANTFD antiques, anything Id! TU 3-4714 days Or TU 4-ICM eves MOVING? Don't discard books, comics, maozmes 40 f' (,c TU 2-4214 dv TU 4-9475 eve ' nui s-lk u uorotnea S bit i-ppe & Rfok Xchanae MISC. FOR SALI 51 McCULLOCH chain saw. direct drive, 30 Inch bar, $75, see at 214 Washington BEAUTIFUL $250 while gold diamond ring set, like new. SIOJ. TU 4-808. ONE Reminqton No. 5 portable typewrit er. fljj E. Mam, TU 2-0906. BOWLING ball. 14 lb. Emerson, b.iq, srtn's S'-'e 10, 30. Scwwfll portable elec trie sewing machine, $20. UIO Main Street. IRON wheels and wagon wheels, Jinnetle Hancn, Merrill. H&RLEY Davidson motorcycle. Model 41. S:?S. TU 4-3751. ALFALFA hay. close In. Also good grassy norse ano stock cow hay. L. t. Furber, filer Island Road, TU 2-J848. DRIVEWAY material, crushrd rock, drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. SYLVANIA tuba tester, type 320, $S0, 1961 Hotpolnt upright freezer. 11 cu. tt., 1125. TU 4-4997. 10 FfTcarlop boaiTs3s7 bovVii'ln-bike, HO, C. F. Grow, Klamath Troul Hatchery. Klamath Agency. 10 FT." boat, S70,aulomalic" washer7S50. garden tuier, l.'S, 220 gallon oil lank. S10, IU Z-U50. DRAIN rock, gravel, and roadway ma ledal, TU 4 3568, GEO. R. STACY CO. 50 TON wheat and alfalfa hay. Lorella 762-4190. MASON sand, fill i dcrs. Pelican Sand. lirt, sandy fill. TU 4-4387. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS FOR SALE sheep manure, sack or load, ph. TU 4-7J34. FERTILIZER, rotted oulvariied sheep manure. SI per hundred Ib. sack, 2-0892. OLD barnyard fertilizer, delivered. 2-2P30. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway aterial, drain rock. J. M. Barnes. TU 4-7659. CUTTING TORCHES HOSES & GAUGES UNDER $50 We buy for leij, to save you more COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klamath TU 4-7160 LAWN FERTILIZER GOLDEN HARVEST ORTHO & LILLY'S 25 & 50 LB SACKS BUY NOW - SAVE - S $ PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4n?l sn Ath-TU 7-4W TRAILERS 52 35 FT. Spartan, tire damancd, handyman could repair, appliancos good, write or call Eddie Adams. Tulelake 667-5468. SELF-CONTAINED travel trailer, 1959 Flamingo 19 tt. 51500 cash. 4305 Altamonl Drive. TU 4-J930. 161 ZENITH 15 ft., self-contained, used once, like new, $1,715, also 10 tt. camper. S1.250, like new, TU 4-3507 after 2:30 p.m. FOR sale 60 fl. Terry trailer. Real buyl 3347 Homedale, TU 2-2456. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internal' mobile furnace service, parts. TU 4-8436 21 FT. Boles-Aero, all gas equipped, mod' ern, 11,500, TU 2-20J4. COMPLETE HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Carr, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 2-11A3. FOR tale or trade eoultv In 50v10 New Moon trailer. 3425 Summers Lane, SPECIAL 1950 ROLLAWAY 35 Fool, $A4Q 2-bsdroom "7 POOLE'S MOBILE HOMES INC. 3123 So. nth TU 2-2801 SPRING TRAILER SALE at DALE'S! '56 Norseman 840 2-bedroom. Was $2295 .. .. 'IOOC ' I I 1 J 52 Rollohome 35 U. 2-bedroom Was $1795 j2 LoSolle 27 It. I -bedroom Wos $1895 .... 47 Liberty 25 ft. Was $695 1695 70C 7U 595: '49 Seattle '59 Mercui le, 23 It $ 695 y 15 It t 895 58 Truti ' eardrop $ 395 53 Homemode Trailer .. . $ 24; 1963 ALOHAS In Stork Rinht Nnw" -16 ft. -15 ft. -18 ft. (with toilet) Camper $1245 963 PONDEROSA 15 fl Manufactured locally broVes. Reody to travel I QR AND a great big stock of cars ond pickups at real low prices tr,r im-, -. ,i vi u ii i iii( ui y j 1 1( (j DALE'S Used Car Lot 311 Si 6th TU 2.490 AUTO M".C!UNeOUS Cecil Cox Garage ft'n'O' Ovarhaul or Valva Grind Tuna up it a Spatial! 7151 A'lmr,nt fn tj ,9033 "OvfcB 30 VEAPS E XPtRlfcfJCE ' Alignment Special ONLY IS '5 SHOCK ABSORBERS MSI f-ACM . INSTALLED TUNE-UPS ttS PLUS PAHU GOODYEAR STORE !0I S) lllh . TU Afi HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath " ' - IAUTO MISCELLANEOUS I USED and rrewped I IS x 20 and eoo 20 truth es. a no t ft. truck bed. 4J TU 2-4KS evenings Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS 25 Mam Tu 2-J2S8 Eves. TU 4-9871 (Next Door to Baldwin Hotel) COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE k CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 1941 IMPALA 2 door hardtop. V I, Ra- H a a t a r, automatic transmission. 12.200! no equity- TU 2-593. 1954 FORD 2 door station wagon. 6 cv1- inder, standard transmission with over drive. Good condition. JJ00. TU 4-9100. 13a1)i7XaC 4-Door. New brakes, valves ground, 2 new snow tires on e tra wheels. Also 1955 Plymouth Beive dere Station Wagon. Power steering, brakes. V-9. automatic. New tires. TU 2 5859. '60 BONNEVILLE hardtop tike new, new tires. 3209 Crest. 1953 FORO. New paint, motor overhauled, new tires. S300. Tulelake 664 2296. 1951 WILLYS station wagon. 2 whee drive, TU 2-17B1. FOR sale Chew 1 ton truck, 3435 Sum mcrs Lane, Lot 2, TU 2 031 7J WANTED '57 & older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU ?)!, TU Uhi CHEVROLET 2 Dr. Bel Air, Or I960 Morris 1000 pickup. Both In excellent condition. Will sell onel TU 4-5600 ader 1 p.m. or 1522 Martin, Api. i anytime 195 CHEVROLET Bel Air. Automatic transmission, power steering, extras. Clean! TU 2-0319. '55 FORD pickup, new engine, excellenl condition, S575, TUJ-22 after 6 p.m. 1963AUSTIN Hoaly convertible, 4 seater Pimririr o.rv wire wheels. 6.000 miles, tJ.lOO. Perfect) Rlcktalls Apt. 78, TU 2-3706. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 LOOK HERE!!! 63 Ctuvrolet Supr iport hdlp. ,1 Chev. "4" cyl. ttatlon waoon. 4-t.peerl HIM 61 Font, FalrUnt "500" 4 Or. auto. Irn 14S '60 Ford Falcon 3 Dr. Sid '60 Plymouth 4 Dr. R&H, tram. SI0M auto, trans. 11 065 DEAL RITE MOTORS nt7 s. 6th Erv Dowty TU 4-944$ TU 4-97J0 Top Value WAGON Special '59 Pontioc Safari Wagon. V-8, automatic '59 Plymouth 2-Dr. V-8, ovor- drive 4-Dr. Station 1 495 Station Wgn 995 '58 Plymouth 4-Dr. Station Wgn Radio, healer, automatic trans. 695 siotion Won '57 Pontioc 4-Dr. Radio, healer, power steering, power brakes JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7lh & Commeiciol TU 2-5646 I st' Choice Used Car BARGAINS 62 M.G. Midact Convertible. 4-sDeed. rndio, heater, like new $1598 61 Ford Falcon 2-Dr J1093 61 Mercury 2-Dr $2098 '60 Volkswagen 2-Dr $1298 '59 Chev. '6' Brook wood Wogon $1 198 'S9 DeSoto 4-Dr. 9-Pass. Stn. Wagon. Radio, heater. I automotic, power steer ing and brakes, new rubbei $1798 '58 Chev. Dclray 4-Dr. .. $1098 58 Mjrcury Montclair .... $1098 57 Plymouth V-8 Belv Door $ 598 '57 Buick Century 4-Dr. Hardtop $ 798 57 Dodge V-8 Coronet 2-Dr $ 595 56 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4 Door Hdlp. Radio, heot- er, overdrive 798 698 I l';''56 Chrysler W,ndsor4-Dr. 56 Chrysler 2-Pr. Hdtp (300B. Full power. Limited production) .. $ 898 56 Plymouth V-8 Ploa 4. rw,r t no. '55 Dodle RVi Sedon '.. $ 298 i-uiimn jyOi 54 Ford 4-Door $ 348 '55 Dodge Coronet V-8 2- Door Hardtop .. . .... $ 398 '54 Ford V-8 4-Door $ 198 '54 Ford Victorio V-8 $ 248 '53 Chev. 4-Door $ 248 'S3 Chev. '(,' 4-Dr. Woflon $ 248 '50 Chev. '6' Sedan $ 50 TRUCKS '52 Chev. 16 ft. Cottle Rock 4-speed mom, 3-specd auxiliary, 2-speed rear end. Very low mileage $1598 '55 Int'l. KI60 16 It. Cottle Rock. 4-spced ond 2-speed. Uectnc houl $1798 55 International LI 90 10-v.heeler 8-10 flump $4998 Tl i nomas DODGE Sales & Service USED CAR LOT 7th & Commerc,al TU 4-4627 Tuesday, 53 US0CARS AND TRUCKS 5S FARMER;,: '51 Ford V-S custom .1st ,bd ton truck, dual wheels. TU 4-4S45. S3 TON Chevrolet pickup. speed trdnsmisiion, very cieen, TU 2-606Y COMPANY CAR SPECIALS at the Chevy Center! '62 Chev. Impala Spor( Cpe. Power steering, power brokev Sold new for V 2798 $3,701.70. Now '63 Chev. II 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, standard trans mission. New price, $ 2398 $2,637.80. Now .... DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! . '6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 ' See JUCK'S Commercials and 4x4 SPECIALS '59 Qtev. 36 Passenger Bus wilh! vent fans (less seats) '56 Int'l Travelall 9-Possenger, 4x4 '56 Int'l Pickup 4x4, 4-speed. new paint '53 Chev. 2-Ton Cab SI695 . 1 295 $ 1 295 & Chassis. .$ 995 $ 800 4-speed and 2-speed '53 Chev, 2 Ton 4-speed. 12 It. van body '51 Ford 2 Ton with 4- 5 yard dump body '50 G.M.C. 2 Ton 1 4 ft. beer van .... '50 Ford F800 5- speed and 2-spd. 120" CA '49 GMC 1 Ton . - 7 - M - With Flatbed ntbed S rr- ond racks 070 48 Dodge 2 Ton with Brownie and flatbed 48 Chev. Walk-in Von wilh shelves 595 500 SALESMEN 8ud Fairclo, Malln .... 732-2354 Jim Knoles TU 2-3209 Bob Tardiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. International -k Fruehauf "k Cummins I lth-12lh on Klomath TU 2-2581 ft JOE FISHER ft We're Having MERCURY HEAT WAVE! IT h e L-O-N-G Deals we're Falls, Or. automaticgiving on new Mercurys QOC have completely filled ourl 07Q lt-J rnr I ntl See These Fine Safe-Buy USED CARS '62 Mercury S33 Snort Hdlo, Radio, heater, standard trans, , 62 Studeboker 4-Dr. Standard transmission J2397 $I697 '61 Ford Thunderbird Radio, heater, loaded with ex tras, one owner, $9QQ7i real sharp 4C 7 Plymouth Valiant Stn, Won. 61 Rodio, heater, automatic, new motor ,$I397 1 597 60 Ford 2-Dr. Radio, heotcr, Fordomattc '60 Rombler 4-Dr. R i H, itandard $II97 '1097' $ 597 transmission 59 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Excellent '59 Hillmon Minx 4-Dr, Radio, healer '58 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Completely reconditioned Top $ shape '57 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Radio, healer, $ Power-Glide 997 797 '56 DeSoto 2-Dr. Hdtp. Radio, healer, power steering. Power $ AQ-7 brakes nil, 4X4 BUYS! '62 Willy Jeep Sin. Wagon One owner, radio, heater, tow bar, t0lt07 Warn hubs 07 '62 Willys J,ep CJ5 Full top, one own- $ J2097 er, A-l shape '60 Willyj Jeep Stn. Wagon 4-wheel- $ drive 1597 '60 Willyj Jp CJ5 $ '1497 Full top PICKUPS 61 Chevrolet Corvoir Pickuo rd' $I597 56 Ford V-8 Pickup $ ro7 4-peed 07 MANY FINE BUYS IN GOOD OLDER MODELS! SALESMEN Dale Sechrut TU 2-5720 RV Rmehari TU 4-954 1 joe Koagett I u -UOJi""1' '-"vj Jim Ehrelh TU 2-0149 Bu Thompson TU 4-6618 Morttn Arnold TU 4-571 1 tlrrilhan Davit TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 PACE-IS USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 COMPLETELY RE $500. TU 4-B65I STOCK Clearance SALE! CHEAPIES 52 Buick 4-Dr $443 53 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $233 53 Chevrolet 2-Door . $143 15 1 Buick 4-Door , $143 'S3 nirkmnhil. 4-Dnor t41 50 Bu,ck 'Door $163 'i; B..;,.!. u-,j. r tlQl '53 Ford 2-Door $143 '53 Oldsmobile '88' 4-Door $173 Salesmen Ron Bryan TU 4-5467 Max Schreiber TU 4-5002 Steve Wolker TU 4-6702 Glenn Cox TU 4-9023 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath TU 4-4154 1957 BUICK 4-DOOR Station Wagon GOING to the HIGHEST BIDDER! Tknt'e ,ikt tUa t-ilnl-iAcf I ' J "M'." Marches, 1963 YD bid ever $693 received on I IOr;'tnis Buick Wagon by I I 70'5 p.m. Thursday, March 14, BUYS THIS CAR! 695 ' runs s00' ,ne tu,one rin- ish is excellent, it has tur bine drive, heater, radio, "" umvc, and good rubber, bo get lyou bid in NOW! Phone or come in to Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Main TU 4-3141 ECCLES MOTOR CO. MAKE YOUR Spring Driving MORE ENJOYABLE! See Our HUGE STOCK OF "Select" '62 Pontioc Grand Prix Coupe Radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, floor shift, Hydramatic. Black exterior with while interior. $"5007 Bucket seats 007 '62 Rambler Cust. 400 4-Dr. Sdn. Radio, henter, overdrive, power stnerina, 6 cylinder engine, bucket seats, full vinyl interior, 8,000 OQl miles IJ7 '62 Rambler Cust. 4-Dr. Sdn. Radio, heater, overdrive, Eco nomical 6 cylinder engine. One local owner. Ex- $0007 tremely low mileage ' ' '61 Pont. Coialina 9-Possenqer Stn. Wgn. Radio, heater, Hydramatic, power steering power brakes, low mileage one local 9AQ7 owner t-Jl I '61 Pontioc Tempest 4-Door Radio, heater, floor shift, full " Morrokide 007 interior ' 07 61 Rambitr Custom 4-Door Radio, healer, power steer. ng, 6 cylinder engine, popular -black finish. One $ 007 local owner 1 Q 7 61 Oldsmobile '88' 4-Door Sedan Rodio, heater, Hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, extra 0007 shaip i.l I '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-Door Radio, heater, automatic transmission, V-8 $ CQ7 engine, Extra sharp 60 Ford 2-Door Sedan Rodio, hooter, standard trans., V-8 engine, $ 0Q"7 excellent ' J '59 Chev. Parkwood 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn. Radio, heater, automatic transmission, power brakes, one local . $ I CQ7 owner J7 f '58 Ford Ranch Wagon Radio, heater. 6 cylinder engine with standard trans mission. Plenty of $ QQ7 room nnd economy 111 '58 Volkswagen 2-Dr. 3 to chooose $ AQ7 from. Eoch IU7 '58 Volkswagen Kormonn Ghia Convertible Coupe. $ I 0O7 Sharp I 07 '55 Buick Century 4-Door Power steerlnq. power brakes. Dynatlow, tires $ 547 like nw OLDER MODEL SPECIALS All In Good Running Condition '56 Ford 2-Dr Sdn $347 '56 Chev. 4-Dr. Sdn $347 '54 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sdn $297 '54 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sdn $197 '54 Merc. 4-Dr. Sdn $197 '54 Ford 4-Dr. Sdn $247 '54 Buick Hdtp. Cpe. $197 '52 Chev. 2-Dr. Sdn $ 97 '51 Chrysler 4-Dr $ 97 Coll on. of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! Bill Cunningham TU 4-7177 Dick Floyd TU 2-5859 iBil Hotchkin TU 4-4551 ; ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. th TU 4-8124