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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1963)
PAGE-1I HERALD AND ' Wi fk mi y A fr udwk. , ifr . ... . 1 1 1 i in iWmmm i TO LEAD HORNETS Henley's Kenf Gooding is shown here in action last Friday night in Ashland against Douglas. He led the Hornets info the state tournament which begins next Monday in Coos Bay. The Hornets will take on the winner of tonight's game between second ranked Pleasant Hill and third place Elmira in the first round of the state tournament Monday night at 8:45 in the Marshfield Gym. The Hornets finished the year as the top Class A-2 team in the state. Maury Wills Doesn't Feel He Must Prove VERO BEACH, Flo. (UPI) -Maury Wills says ho could break his own all-time record of 104 stol en bases but he won't "press" to do it. "I don't feel I have to prove to anyone that I can steal 104 bases apain," said the Dodger shortstop, whoso electrifying speed on the base-paths helps him win the Na tional League's Most Valuable Player award last year. "I know I could break my own record if II wanted to but I think Seattle's Guye Fielder Tops VVHL's Scoring Race By United Press International A seven point scoring burst has moved Seattle's Guyle Fielder to Shooters Qualify For Meet The Klamath Gun Club held its weekly shoot at tho Wocus Flats Rango Sunday with the high top 25 scorers being entered in the Oregon Journal Telegraphic Trap shoot. Dr. John Merryman led tlie shooters with 25, Jim Wissenback had 24, Del Green 24 and Paul Mathews 23, Earl Kent won the 16-yard event handicap shoot. Tlie winning leg on tlie E. II. Balsiger Memorial Trophy was won bv Kent with a score of 92. Tlie score also gave lum the last leg on tlie C. H Moore Trophy. The scores were: 16-Yard Handicap Total E Kent 23 1447 72-73 45 B DeviS 23)447 71-3343 90 P. Mathews 73-7345 73-2143 U P. Miller 73 7447 23 It 41 Be N. Reed 23 7745 17 1547 17 D. Green 74-7347 lt-70 34 15 P. Bellm Sr. 71 19 40 71-1343 13 J. Wirth 2119 40 13-19-11 71 J. Wissenback 74-2549 49 J. Merryman 75-774 7 4 7 H. Kerr 17-7739 39 L Yoder 1171-39 39 R. Kerr 16 17 31 3J D. Pllelfer It it Prep Coach To Miss Tourney MILVVAUKIE, Ore. tUPD -George Crandall, head basketball coach at Milwaukio High School, was to be released from tlie hos pital today alter being confined with hepatitis. However, he Is scheduled to re main at home for rust and is not expected to bo able to direct his team in next week's stato tourna ment In Eugene. MOVER DEFENDS TITLE OAKLAND. Calif. UPI) - The National Boxing Club of Oakland reported Friday that Junior mid dleweight champion Denny Moyer of Portland, Ore., has signed to defend his title against Ralph Du pas of New Orleans in the Oak land Auditorium on April 15, NEWS, Klamath Falli, Or. it's kind of selfish UV set goals I liko that," said Wills, walking ward Dodger Stadium here with a bat over his shoulder and a glovo at the end of his bat the way kids stroll to a sandlot game. 1M of Factors "When you got right down to it," Wills said, in that soft, easy way of his, "a lot of factors can influence how many bases I'll steal this year. Who knows if I'm going to get 208 hits again like I did Inst year? Who knows if the top of the Western Hockey League scoring race. Latest figures show Fielder with 15 goals and a league-loading 67 assists for 82 points and a close edgo over two guys who have been around about as long as the great Seattle veteran. Phil Moloney of Vancouver led Ihe league during tho early part of the year, but was sidelined two weeks with Injuries. Nick Miclos- ki of the Seals then took over un til this week. Mitkoski is now second with 80 points and uMuloncy third with 7. Leading goal scorers include Seattle's Bob Barlow and Vancou ver's Buddy Boono, both with 39. Portland's Don Head is way out in front of the rest of the league's goalies with a 2.60 average. Head only surrendered a pair of goals last week as Portland regained the Southern Division lead by a point over San Francisco. Frank Arnctt of the lxis An geles Blades is well out in front in timo spent in tho penalty box. Fielder's flashy performance last week heled Seattle climb into a tie with Vancouver in the tight Northern Division race. There were no games Monday night, but Edmonton is at Van couver tonight. Meanwhile, league president Al Leader commented in San Diego that the city could obtain a Will. franchise if an arena suitable for hockey games were built. Dr. Albert L. Anderson, of the Chamber of Commerce Sports Committee, said he would confer with tlie city council and the board of supervisors about the possibility of building the arena. Will. SUntllng Southern Division W I, T I'ts (IK Portland San Fran. Los Angeles 36 2(1 6 78 2.1!) 16 .18 22 31 26 27 30 77 24!) !! 65 204 Ml 56 187 196 Spokane Northern IllvMntl W 1. Tl'tuCFtiA 311 2!l 1 62 2iiU 211 Seattle Vancouver 29 27 21 39 20 39 63 207 195 44 209 2411 42 187 277 Calgary Edmonton Monday't Hinulla No Games Scheduled Turaday'i Schedule Edmonton at Vancouver. Tuesday, March 12, 1963 Himself the games will be as dose? And to-'who knows how much power the club will show? Maybe it won't bo necessary for me to steal many bases at all. I don't steal just for the sake of stealing As wus the case last year, Wills will be given the ciccn light on the bases again by Manager Walt Alston, who knows Maury doesn't abuse tho privilege. Any time Wills talks about his stolen base record, and he rarely talks about it unless someone else broaches the subject first, he goes out of his way to praise teammate Jim Gilliam for the part he played. Wills always led off in the batting order and Gilliam general ly batted second. He deserves a lot of credit for what I did," said the Dodger shortstop. "I had a talk w ith him and told him not to sacrifice his hitting for my base stealing rec ord but he always told mo not to worry about it." Wills, only four pounds over the 162 ho weighed al the conclusion of last season, likes to dwell much moro on the Dodgers' chances this year than his own. Predicts Terrific Club "I think the club will be terrific this year," he said, earnestly leaning on his bat. "A fellow like Frank Howard can hit (he ball a mile and is still Improving , , . Bill Skowron at first base is going to give us even more power And with Tommy Davis at third and Hon Fairly in the outfield we'll have another big bat in the lineup. It was time for Wills to move out on the field and get in sonic pre-game practice licks. He walked nimbly toward the dugout carefully placed his bat in the rack and begun warming up with inficldcr Don Zinuner "All those bruises from last season are gone," he said, tossing the ball easily to Zimmer. "1 think 1 could have just as good a year this time or maybe even better College Scores Ily I'nlted Vvvsn International NCAA Mujor CollrRc Tournament Knxtern II en ton a Is At rhilndclphia (First Hound) New York U. itt Pittsburgh 83 Wot Virginia 77 Omneeticut 71 St. Jos. ili. 82 Princeton 81 tot Mideast Krionats At Kvansla-in, III. (First Hound Rowling lireen 77 Notre Dame 72 Lovola 111. 111 Tennessee Tech 4J NAIA Tournament At KansuA Citv. Mo. (Hrt Round) No. Mk'h. 72 Calif. Western 52 Athens (Ala.) 72 Central Conn. 71 Pan American M Peru St. 48 Alliance 7S Yankton H8 Stetson 68 Howard Pavne V Ft. Hnys St. 95 Kast. N.Mcx. W Grumbling 76 Arkansas Tech. 5!t Cent. Ohio St. 71 Okla. Baptist LEGAL NOTICE No. 2-21 POBTE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTV In the Matter of the Estate of MAU RICE O'KEEFFE, Deceased. Nonet it hereby given that we have Died our final account o tnt admin li gation of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has appointed March 27, )93. at 10 a.m. at the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Kathleen O'Keette and Con Lynch, Executors Ganong 4, U.'fs'g AtlO'neys tor Lecgton 954, Feb. 26, March 5. 17. If. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ORS J 77. EMS, notice It here by given that a public hearing will be held at Gilchrist, Oregon, on Thursday, March 21, 193, at 10 00 A.M., lor the purpose of providing all owners of lands an opportunity to be heard on matters pertaining to the budgeting of moneys required to defray the cost of fire pro tection and suppression wunin The boun daries of the Walker Range Patrol Asso ciation. A copy of Ihe tentative budget tor the fire district may be Inspected at the Walker Range Patrol Association office, Gilchrist, Oregon. OREGON STATE DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY D L. PHIPPS. STATE FOREST. ER NO. 94, March 5, 12, 1963. Equity No. 63-a SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH WALTER ZIMMERMAN and ETHEL ZIMMERMAN, till wile, Plalntllll, vs. A. J. HANNON and JANE OOE HAN- NON, If he be married, and ell parlies claiming by, through or under them, or either of them. Defendants. TO: A. J. HANNON and JANE DOE HANNON, If he be married, and all parties claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four (4) weeks Irom fhe date ol first publication of this Summons, said date being the Sth day of March, 1963, end then and there set forth the nature of your interest, end the Interest of each ' of you. In and to that certain real property situated In Klemeth County, Oregon, and described as: Lots 7. I and . Block 4, WEST CHILO- QUIN, a platted portion of Chlloquln, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof; or In delault thereof the Plain tilts will apply to the Court for a decree decreeing the Plalntllls to be owners in lee simple of said real property tree and clenr ol any claim or right title or In terest of the dofendanls or either of them. This Summons is served upon you pur suant to an Order of the above entitled Court dated the 26th day of February, ivej, directing the same be published once a week tor lour (4) successive weeks In Ihe Herald end News, a daily newspaper printed and published In Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, and requiring you, and each ol you to appear on or before four 4) weeks from the dale of first publication. L. ortn Slsemore Attorney lor Plaintiff 731 Main Street Klamalh Falls, Oregon NO. 962, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 24, 1963. RESOLUTION NO. 1719 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TO PAVE AND IM PROVE, LARK STREET FROM THE CENTER-LINE OF SHASTA WAY TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CURB LINF OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET, ALL IN SAID CITY; SAID PROJECT TO BE IM PROVEMENT UNIT NO. 156; AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS BE TAK- fcN IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; FINDING PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR SAID PROJECT 5A i I5r ACTOR Y; CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THAT NO TICE THEREOF BE GIVEN. WHEREAS, the City Engineer, of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, pursuant to a resolution oi int common council of said City, heretofore adopted, having mra pians, specifications ana estimates for the cost of Improving and paving. Lar street from the center-line ol Shas ta way to the Northeasterly curb line of South Sixth Street, all In said City; an.l tha Common Council of said City, llndlng the said plans, specifications and esti mates satisfactory for said pro leer, be ing improvement unit no. 156; Known as LarK street protect: IMtKfcl-OHt) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE SATELLITE LEAGUE ?geOBES W L 61 35 59' 36W 56' j 39V j 54 42 53 43 5? 44 50 46 47 49 44 57 41', i A4'i 31 65 30"i 65' i Jayhawlc oils Clean Linen & Supply Haleys Herelords Lucca Cafe U.S. National Bank ol Klamath Falls 5k a lei and Wheels Drews Manslore Ore. Insurance Mannles Drive-In Crater Lake Machinery I 'n' Dale Motors Results: Mannles Drive-In A, Skateland Wheels 0; So. Ore. Ins, 3. U.S. National 1; Lucca Cafe 4. Drews Manstore 0; Clean Linen & Supply 3, Jayhawk Oils If Bank ot Klamath halls 2, crater Lake Machin ery 3; Haleys Herefords 3, Al 'n' Dale woiors i. High team game, Haleys Herefords 951; high team series, Mannles Drive-In 364 high Ind. game, Frank Tomic 236; high mu. series, joe aenars ti. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE W Dutfs Equaliiers 65 M8.R Market S8 Oregon Food 49 Klamalh Brick & Tltt 46 Market Basket it, Coait to Coast Store 46 Pacilic Motor Trucking 44' i Consolidated Freight 29 i 3B SO 51' j Results: M&R Market 4, Klamath Brick ft. Tile 0; Coast to Coast Stores 3, Pac, Motor Trucking I; Consolidated Freight 4, Oregon Food Stores 0; Dulls tquailiers 3, Market Baket 1 High team name. Pacific Motor Truck ing I036i high team series, MAR Market lifll high ind. game. Bob Walton 326; high Ind. scries, Blaine Brattain 614. HOLIDAY LEAGUE W Klamalh Hardwood A Peace Ambulance KC Thomas Lumber Co. Snack Coffee Shop Davis Flying A Kiamath Falls Creamery Klamalh Hardwood B Aralum Window Canvas Cushion Shoo KiainMh Falls Fast Freight KC Floor Covering Ai 35 Sr'i JB'-t 55' i 40'. i V i 46' i 3S'i 60' i 26 70 March 11 results Peace Am. Kl. Hardwood B 4 o Fast Fr.-Aralum Window 0 4 KC Floor Cov.-KI. Hardwood AO 4 Davis Hying A-Canvas Cushion 3 I kl-kf Creamery 1 3 i nomas Lbr. Co.-Snack Coffee 1 3 team game, Aralum Window & Door 100; high team series. Aralum Win dow ft Door 29: high Ind. game. Mick- py nufier mgn ino. series. Mickey Sutler frJi. M005K MAS LBAOUE W Rimtll Glass Sparkle Car Wash K. Amusement So. Ore. Music WOTM Lauras Beauty Fair non RaiAur Medo-Land Partv. Cabinet Nvbaiki Flower Fair 54 Pings Cle Jl tl March II results' Runell Glas 4. Ami dons 0; Parks Cabinet X So. O't. Music 1; WOTM X K. Amusement 1; Laura Beauiv falr ), B"gi Ca'e 1j StwMe Cat Wath 3. Bon Barter 1; Ntbecks Flower Fair X MedoLarxj 1, tam game, Rusiell Class Mo team senet. Ruuell Giait ITC high Irsl. game. Marilyn kempt high iiia. senei. tmni picurm m DETROIT ilTIi - The Detroit Lions announced Friday tliey will play a National Kootball League exhibition panic wilh the Cleve land Drowns here Saturday. Aii 10, for the Detroit Free Pre Kresh Air Fund. LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, DULY ASSE VBLEO IN REGULAR SES SION AS FOLLOWS: Section-1- That said plans, specifications end es timates lor the inprovement of said por tion of Lark Street, heretofore tiled by the City Engineer, be and Ihe same are hereby approved. That the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereby declares Its intention to improve said portion of Lark Street (n accordance tn the plans specifications end estimates as follows: This protect shall consist of placing 675 lineal teel of WK'-' nd iu- ter psir-j to a width of ao teet witn eitnsr 6 inches of Portland Cement con crete or 6 inches of crushed rock bate and 3 Inches ot Type B Asphaltic con crete. The protect shall require the place ment of 144 lineal feet ol t Inch concrete storm sewer pipe and 3 catchbasins as well as grading and shaping the area from back of curb to the property lines. No new sidewalks are included In the protect. The estimated cost of all classes ot Improvement embracing all work and materials for the complete Improvement of said prolect for such type of pave ment being: 3 Inch Asphaltlc Concrete ..1 9,040 00 6 inch Portland Cement $14,140.49 Section-3- That the property lying within fhe boundaries hereinafter described be end the same Is hereby declared to be bene fited by the said Improvement, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest property corner of Lot T5, Block 803 Enterprise Tracts; thence Easterly along the South erly right of way boundary of Shasta Way a distance ot 336 feet, more or less, to the Northeast property corner of Lot 5, Block 1, of the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; Ihence Southerly a distance of 179.9 fee, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3, of the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence Southerly to the Northeast corner ot Lot 5, Block 4, ot the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Falls, Ore gon; thence Southwesterly 110.0 feet, more or less, on the Southeasterly line of Lot Block 4, of the South Sixth street Addi tion to Klamalh Falls, Oregon, to the center-line of the alley within Block 4, ol the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Fails, Oreaon; thence South easterly along the center-line of said al ley a distance ol 90.0 feet, more or less; thence Southwesterly along the South easterly line ot Lot 46, Block 4, ol the South Sixth Street Addition to Kiamain Falls, Oregon, a distance of 110.0 feet, more or less, to the most Southerly cor ner ol Lot 46, Block 4, ol the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamalh Falls. Oregon; thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly right of way boundary line ot South Sixth Street a distance of 370.0 feet, more or less, to the Southwest cor ner of Lot 9, Block 30S, Enterprise Tracts; thence along the Northwesterly property line of said Lot a distance of 110.0 feet, more or less, to the center-line of the alley; thence Northwesterly along said center-line ol alley to the center-line Intersection of the East-West alley In said Block; thence Easterly along said center-line of said alley to the intersec tion of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 15, Block 803, Enterprise Tracts; thence Northerly along the West erly line of Lot 15, Block 803, Enter prise Tracts to fhe point of beginning That all the property Included in the aloresald boundaries above described will be benefited by said Improvement and shall be assessed tor the expense inere- ol. Sectlon-3 That Monday Ihe 1st. day of April, 1963, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. In the Council Room of the Citv Hall In Klamath Falls, Oregon, ae ana ir is hereby fixed as the time and place tor hearina obfeclions and remonstrances against said proposed improvement. section The Recorder of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, be and she Is hereby authorized and directed to cause a no tice ot said hearing to be published as provided by the City Charter and con forming thereto she shall cause this res olution to be published In the City offi cial newsDaoer. once each day for ten consecutive publications, ana ine my Enalneer, be end he is nereoy aireciea to post, within five days alter the first I publication of this resolution, at each end of the contemplated Improvement notices headed; "NOTICE OF STREET WORK", In letters not less than one (1) Inch In length, and said notice Shan contain In legible characters, a copy of this resolution ana me aate ot its passage, and the City Engineer shall file with the Citv Recorder an affidavit of the posting ol such notices, stating the date when posted, the place where posted ana me number ol notices postea. Passed bv the Common council or me City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 4lh. day of March, 1963. Presented to the Mavor and by him approved and signed this Sth day of March, 1963. Robert E. veatcn, iwayor ATTEST: Rosle Keller, Recorder STATE OF OREGON, ' COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS. CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, I, Rosie Keiior, Recorder tor ine ty of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby cer tify that the above and foregoing IS a true coov of a resolution introduced and adopted by the Common Council of the citv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at us regular meeting neio on ine 4in. any of March, 1963, and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. Rosle Keller. Recorder No. 971, March 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 1963. RESOLUTION NO. 131? A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TO LUNSi KU i AND LAY SEWERS TO SERVE THE AREA LYING BASICALLY EAST OF THE CENTER-LINE of WASHBURN WAY, EASTERLY TO THE EAST CITV LIMITS LINE AND FROM THE ORIGt NAL CENTER-LINE OF SHASTA WAY SOUTHERLY TO THE NORTHE A5TE R LY RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET: APPROVING PLANS, br-tt-i FICATIONS AND ESTIMATES THERE FOR FILED BY THE CITY ENGINEER; DFSCR B NG THE BOUNDAN It5 U' THE PROPERTY BENEFITED; AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS TO BE TAKENt SAID PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS. SEWER UNIT No. 37, The City Engineer of Ihe City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, pursuant to a reso lution ot the Common Council heretofore adopted, having tiled plans, specilicallons and estimates tor ihe cost or consirucr Ing and laying a storm sewer to be known as the 32nd. sewer unit ol the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, to serve the area lying rtasicany easi or ine center-line of wasnpurn way. easterly to the east city limits line and from the orloina center-line of Shasta way soum- erlv to the northeasterly right of way line of 5oulh 5"ln sireer; emoracmg in saia unit all the area herein alter pounded and described; and the Common Coun cil having taken said plans, specifica tions and estimates under consideration. now linds thrm satisfactory; THEREFORE) BE IT R E SOLVF.D BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Section-1. That the plans, specifications and esti mates tor the construction and installa tion ot what is to be known as me 3?nd. sewer unit of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, tiled with the City by the City Engineer, shall be, and the lame are heieby approved and adopted. Section 3- That the Common Council of the City ol Klamath Fails, Oregon, hereby de clares its intention to construct ana in stall the 32nd. sewer unit of said City In accordance with said plans, specifica tions, and estimates, to serve the above described area, tne protect consist of ell required excavation, tMcfcMI and place ment of all pipe, and the construction of manholes and catchbasms. and other p purlenAnce tying within Washburn Wav Pershing Way, Avalon Street a .id Austin Streel; all jhown in more detail on Ihe plans, specification (md estimates on file in the Office of tfe Recorder. The etimAted toil of te prolect tw meteri- at. work, ccn strict, on. g shown bv sa'd pianv specifications, and estimates, in ciiKting engineering and contingencies 31.tQt.00. Section-i- Thut the P'ooerty lying within the iMHirxlarles hereinafter described. sall he a'Ht is hereby declared to be bene fited bv tn construction and installation of said sewer system, to-wlt Beginning t a point which h) 20 feet tt and 15. teet Sovm ot le Section Corner common to Sections U and J4. Townip i$ ScH'th Range Eat. Wit- lameite Bam and Meridian and Sections J a"d 4. Township J South, Rflnrje fast, ol fhe Willamette Be and M" nn. Kiamtm Courty, Oregnn.- thence Siterly rtd pareiltl to the tenter-li of Shatf way. a defence of 1iJ V teet, met or )es, to the Easterly C'l l-mits erne: thence Southerly along th tAt'erty cty Limits Lint, a defame ot Uiios eet, mere or less, to the Sowth env Citv iwi's Li"r thence Wefriv long std City Limii Line, a distance ot 0 7 feet, met or its, to the Souih easterly rght of way of Austin Street; LEGAL NOTICE . thence Southwesterly along the South-1 easterly nghf of way boundary 0 Austin less, to the Northeasterly right of way boundary of South Sixth Street; ihence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly right of way boundary of South Sixth Street, e distance of 965 00 feet, more or less, to the center-line of Avalon Street; Ihence in a Northeasterly direction along the center-line of Avalon Street, e dis tance of 410 00 feet, to a point, which is 705.00 feet Northeasterly of the intersec tion of Pershing Way and Avalon Street; thence Northwesterly and parallel to Pershing Way a distance of 658 66 feet, not- or t rffj.'. i ?W feet Easterly of the center-line of Wash burn Way; th.'nce Northerly and parallel to Washburn Way a distance ol 507 99 feet, more or less to the point of begin ning. Said property above described, shall be and is hereby declared to be benefited and assessed for the expense ol said sew-, er unit. Section -4- That Monday the 1st. day ot Aorll, 1963, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P M. thereof. In the Council Room in the City Hall ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, shall be and Is hereby fixed as the time and place for hearing ob lections and remon strances against Ihe construction and In stallation of said 32nd. sewer unit. The Recorder of the City of Klamatn Falls, Oregon, be end she is hereby au thorized and directed to cause a notice of said hearing to be published as pro vided by the City Charter and conforming thereto she shall cause this resolution to be published in the City official news paper, once each day for ten consecutive days, end the City Engineer, be and he Is hereby directed to post, within five, days after the first publication of this resolution, on the street or streets along the line of the contemplated sewer, at least two notices headed; "NOTICE OF SEWER WORK", in letters of not less than one (1) Inch in length, end said no tices shall contain in legible characters, a copy of the resolution of the Council and the date of Its passage, and the City Engineer shall file with the City Record er and an affidavit of the posting of such notices, stating the date when posted, the place where posted and Ihe number of notices posted. Passed by Ihe Common Council ot the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 4th. day of March, 1963. Presented to the Mayor and by him approved and signed this 5th day ot March, 1963. Robert E. Vealch, Mayor ATTEST: Rosie Keller, Recorder STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS. CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, I, Rosle Keller, Recorder of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby cer tify that the above and foregoing Is a true copy of a resolution introduced and adopted by the Common Council of the Citv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at its regular meeting held on Monday the 4 In. day of March, )963, and inereaner approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the Recorder. Rosie Keller, Recorder. No. 970 March 8. 10, 11, 13, 13. IS, 17, 18, 19, 1963. 14, NO. 61-131 L NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH W. H. MacDONALD, Plaintiff, vs. W. L. BARNES, Defendant. By virtue of an Execution Issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 36 day of February, 1963, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said Court and cause on the 1st day of May, 1962, In favor of W. H. MacDONALD, plaintiff, and against W. L. BARNES, defendant, for the sum of Eight Thousand, Three Hundred, Nlnety-tlve and no-lOOths Dollars IS8.395.00), with interest al the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 37th day of March, 1961, and the further sum of Thirty-nine and 80-100ths Dol lars (S39.60) and the cost of and upon this Writ, I have levied upon the fol lowing real property of said defendant sltutated in the County of Klamath, State ot Oregon, to-wit: swu SE'4 NW' section 34, lownsnip 34 S., Range 7, East of Willamette Meri dian, Oregon, containing 10 acres more or less. This conveyance Is made pursu ant to the provisions ot section sicj, aci of August 13, 1954, (68 Stale 71S, 730). This conveyance is subiect to any exist ing easements for public roads and high ways, for public utilities, ana tor rail roads and pipe lines and for other ease- lenis or riqnts or way or recora. ah oil and gas and mineral rights are here by reserved to the Grantors in irusr. All that portion of Lot 14, sec i ion j, Township 34 S.. Range 7, East of Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon, lying southwest of the parcel conveyed to j. j. bieiger, bv Henrv K. Jackson on June 30, 1923, which conveyance was recorded June 33, 1932. In Volume 57 at page 56S ot ueea Records, Klamath County, Oregon; this being the Identical parcel as that par- eel conveyed to uarence m. esies ana Ollie Estes, husband and wife, by Hen- K. Jackson, said conveyance dated April 5, 1937 and recorded April 5, 17 in Volume 74, page 515, Deed Kecoros, Klamalh County, Oregon. This conveyance is made pursuant to the provisions of the Act ot May 37, 1902 132 State 2451. mis conveyance is subject to any existing easements tor ublic roads, and highways, for public utilities; and for railroads and pipe lines and for anv other easements or riqnis of way of record. All subsurface righls except water are hereby reserved, trust, bv the grantors. A portion of Lot 3. Section 3, Townsnip 35 S., Range 7, East of Willamette Meri dian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North boundary of Lot 3, Section 3. of Ihe above named Township, range and meridian which point is West 2651.17 feet from the Northeast corner ot said Section 3, and West 1331.17 teet from the initial point of the city of Chlloquln, and also being on the westerly side of Ihe Southern Pacific Railroad which curves 3 degrees to the To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under V lines count same t lines. 3 6 10 1 LlnM Tlm.l Times Times W8n1h I. J! 50 14 00 0O M J 3 75 SCO 0 11.50 4 00 , 00 1 00 14.00 t 4J5 7 00 ,50 145, Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, if paid in advance. Above rates are for consecutive inser tions, without change of cooy, tor prt vate Individuals. Advertising must M l tear and understandable to be produc tlv. Ah words must be spened out. Ajfos offered tor sale by private indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publl cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and M -nday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On same schedule, evceot on Monday iese art taken "til a.m. Please read first insertion of vovr S. The Heraid 1 News wilt give one etra run for ryocgrapmcal error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch. US per month with t3 M d'scounl for pavment en or be 'O't the 10th it Inch, tl w'tn tl.SO discount for payment on or before tn tO'h. Based on on copy change per monm. nx SFUVIfF-W cent ear ad RD OF THANKS, and IN ME MORI AM PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES LEGAL NOTICE 5. W. Sett point of beginning tso being ! i the pomi of intersection 0 tne North' the 2 dearees Curve at 95 ft feet from the center 0 1 the main lime, and 30 teet westerly on! the same radius from the Railroad right of way. Thence west 7S6.07 feet along the North1 boundary ol said Lot 3. to a point; thence South 507 67 teet to a point, which Is 20 0 feet Northwesterly from fhe right of way line of the aoove named railroad; thence Northwesterly parallel to and 20 leet from the curved right o way lire of the above named railroad. 9U S3 feet, more or te:s, to a point of beginning, enclos ing an area of 4.91 acres, more or less, and being In the above named Lot 3, Section 3. Township 35 S. Range 7. East of Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon. All that portion of Lots 13 and 14, Sec tion 34, Township 34 S.. Range 7. East Willamette Meridian, described ai fol lows: Beginning at the westerly line of the Southern Pacific Right ot Way, 338.1 feet Southwesterly along the said line of Right of Way from its intersection with the northerly line of Lot 13, above section, township and range; thence Southerly along the said right of way line, to the Southerly line of Section 34; thence West along the section line 549.3 teet to a point bearing West 3133 3 feet from the Southeast corner of Section 34; thence North 107 teet more or less to William son River; Ihence Northeasterly along tne Easterly bank of Williamson River to a point bearing West from the point of beginning; ihence East to the point of beginning. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said Execution and in compliance with the demands of said Writ, I will on the 3 day of April, 1963, at 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the Court House at Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash, all the right. title and interest which the within named defendant has in and to the above de scribed property. DATED this 26 day of February, 1963. First publication date, March 5, 1963, Last publication date, March 26, 1963. J. M. BRITTON, Sheriff of Klamath County. By Ellen Biehn Deputy No. 960, Mar. 5, 13, 19, 26, 1963. CARD OF THANKS A WE wish to express our appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expres sions of sympathy and condolence ex tended by our friends and neighbors dur ing ihe recent bereavement of our be loved son Donald. Frit; & Frances Hahn and Family FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 925 High Street. Phone TU 2-4404. MEETING NOTICES 1 MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 8 p.m. Scottish Rite Temple. All OES members cordially in- vited. Verda Scribner, W.M. William Anderson, W.P. Odd Fellows, KLAMATH LODGE No. 137 regular meeting Tues day evening. 8 p.m. Mar. 12th Odd Fellows Hall, 5th & Main Refreshments. Visiting Odd Fel lows welcome Edgar D. Hoffmon, N.G. Aloha Chapter No. 61. OES, stated meeting, Tuesday, March 12, 8 P.M. Masonic Temple, honoring the Past Matrons and Post Patrons and the 64th anniversary or Aloha! Chapter. Members and visiting members are cordially invited. Leona Selby, W.M Sanford Selby, W.P.I GENERAL NOTICES 4 S50 CASH to churches, schools, clubs, and other oroanizations. uisiriDuie im Domes W ATKINS vanilla. Phone TU 4-7931. PERSONALS KNAPP Shoes lor comfort and quality TU 2-3081. BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help tor families of Alcoholics, TU 4-7129 or TU 2-5740. P.O. Box 1065. F1FI, Mommy called TU 4-4239. Now I'm a PRIM POODLE, signed Hierre. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. FRANCES, formerly of Laura's Beauty Fair, is now associated with BELLE'S RFAUTY SHOP. TU 4-5277, 220 N. 11th, open Mon. through Sat., eves, by appoint ment. ANGLE'S Home for elderly ladies. For appointment. TU 2-376 SERVICES 10 CUSTOM cabinet making of all kinds, reasonably priced, work guaranteed. Also furniture repair. Pickup ana aenver, iu 2-6555; 4646 Denver. CALL BILL FORNEY, TU 4-6467 for excavations, house foundations, sep tic tanks, drain fields, landscaping, roto tllling. 5444 Shasta Way. SAVE 30 per cent on TV, radio repairs. Cash and carry. Bring sets to 1931 Want land, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place, ai sioii, 4-6126. KENMORE, KELVINATOR, WHIRLPOOL Repair & Overhaul Specialist Washer, dryer, range, water heater FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 316 So. 6th TU 2-3185 CABINET maklna our specialty, furni ture relinlshlng, excellent references. TU 4-4079. PAINTING, Interior or exterior, no job too small, tree estimate, TU 3-5740. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring . alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main NURSERY SCHOOL Spring term Starts soon, a tew openings, TU 4-5792. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, reasonable, references. TU 2-5388. Cal lTlm M itchelir T U 4-6405 For Carpentering, Remodeling. Repair, Cabinet Work. Reasonable Rates. Washer Broken Down? Clothes dirty? CALL UHLIG'S! Guaran teed repairs on all makes of Washers 8. Dryers. UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE TU 41-5512 ft CARBIDE ft SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING Bv FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL & FRANKS & TACKLE 8. GRINDING SERVICE 670 E. MAIN TU 2-4788 DENTALPLATES" Repaired while you wait. New Plates Matia From Your O'd PERSONAL DfcNTURE SERVICE '07? V,i " TU l-UU HELP WANTIO. FEMALE Ml JABY sitter. Mtnj Addition, 3 to 6, five davs week, all day school vacation and summer. TU 2-JWl. COMBINATION salad woman, experi enced, steady work. Harold's, 1034 River side Dr. No pnon cans. WANTED: Ranch cook. mut be capab'e of coong for from 1 to 10; only v.nt qualified need aooiy; write Box 47C. Hentd and News giving complete resume ano references. Permanent ob. FRY COCK-wa.tress combination. n.ght ihitt. Apply m person before 1 p m. M h M Cft. Flying A Truck Stop, HELP WANTED. MALE 16 OPENING wtth la rcj comply in local tff'fiv u'vfle ortt uut have car Unlimited OPCCrtyn(tv ter p.gft ttminqi I'M per week Guaranteed at sfa't. per. mnnt connc''On oCOOf-tunity for wivencement. Met-akl and News, ,H!LP WAMTIO. MALE U ru 4-3334. uuAWTpo iournevmen plumber im Off- 1 write license. Year around work inquire at Arrow Plumbing, 126 he.jNCE clean furnished apartment, dose Lakeview, Ore. r .7s s.-.,, Irriaated diversified farm no livestock. House available- Write , Box 448C, Herald & New 1 EXPERIENCED automotive office man- ager wanted, iee wr. Den State Employment aervn.s. - - - p.m. Monday tnrougn rmmj. BOYS! sc,hgeol EARN Vacation Money by selling Hie He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the obs offered are as stated In the advert slna copy. We are nor re sponsible for the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and re ect all misleading aovtnij. ing. Anyone ans' erlng a help wanted ad and finding ft to be misleading is juketrt in rennrt it to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald ft- New:. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 EXPERIENCED baby sitting, anylime, my home. South suburban. TU 4-4313. JACK & J ILL DAY NURSERY Hour, Day, Week, Mon. through FrI. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Helen Lehman C TU 2-1B44 132B Carlson Dr. HOUSEWORK or practical nursing, ph. TU 4-9391. IRONING, washing, pickup, deliver. Hand crocheted afghans. TU ROOMS FOR RENT ....22 DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished. 317 pine, TU 2-1487. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 from Main, $5 & up. TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. ROOM, BOARD - GENTLEMAN 1607 CRESCENT MEN, housekeeping room. Comfortable, everything furnished. $36 mommy, u No. 3rd, TU 4-6033, TU 4-9287. HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters, 6 only, $65 & $85 monthly. Willard Hotel. TU 4-4161. ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Ernie's Hotel, 631 South Fifth, TU 3-5225. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED 2 bedroom apt. shopping area, $45. TU 4-3269. CLEAN 3 room furnished. Reasonable, close in. Water, garbage, wash room tree! TV cable. TU 4-8386. FURNISHED three room apt., $55. All utilities paid. Shared bath, adults only. 419 North loth. CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom apt. Close to Main. $50, water, garbage paid. Gas neat. 333 so. ntn. BACHELOR apt. Furnished 2 room, close in, $30. TU 4-9961. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, util ities paid, 1411 Main. TWO room furnished apartment, all util ities paid, TU 2-0575, 224 Michigan. SPARKLING, 5th & Pine, 1 bedroom fur nished, adults, $65, TU 4-5010. CLEAN warm furnished apt., bath. Near Court House, 415 WaJnut. NEW duplex apartment, some furnishings, close In, 309 N. 10th. FURNISHED 2 room apt., close in, steam heat, TU 4-5666. LUXURIOUS, larqe bedroom, living room, kitchen, 3 full baths, adults. S65. Alpha AptS., TU 4-4522. Furnished 3 rooms, bath. TU 2-0388. SPACIOUS, downtown, heat free, fur nished, adults, $65, Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. THREE room furnished apartment, all utilities. Adults. $65. 39 Main TU 4-3479. SINGLE apts. Completely furnished, $15 weekly, jonnnys Moiei, zoos uienn. SMALL furnished apartment close Main, wk. or mo., 333 S. llth. MODERN two bedroom furnished apart ments, TU 4-5692. FURNISHED apartments, 142 Riverside, phone TU 2-4736. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment, inquire 2519 Applcgate. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Neai new OTI site, furnished, TV available. weekly rates. Pelican Motel. TU 2-9256. DUPLEX t block off highway, Wever haeuser Junction, all electric. TU 2-3129. COMPLETELY lurnished studio apart ment, all utilities paid, $15, a week or available by the month, washer . dryer. Villa Marquis Apartments, 1330 Oak. TU 4-7828. DUPLEX furnished 1 bedroom, close in, garage, laundry, TU 4-3659. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, 4731 S. 6th. SMALL furnished apartment, close In, utilities paid, $37.50, 433 No. 10th. NATURAL hot water. 2 furnished rooms. '843 Esplanade, TU 4-9754. TU 4-8354. HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnishedT" rage, $75, utilities paid, TU 2-1663. THREE room furnished apartment, $5.5, an utilities paid, vu walnut. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, util ities except electricity, 534 High. FURNISHED, clean, 3 rooms, warm. roomy, rugs, $45, 1624 Division. NICE one bedroom furnished apartment. 6u9 N. Blh, inquire 803 Lincoln. ONE bedroom unfurnished apt., $40, two bedroom unfurnished, $40, TU 2-3471 NICELY furnished three room apt. Close in, laundry facilities, adults only, no pets. tpjt Lincoln. CLEAN furnished Studio Apt., Marion pi. annex., til N. 6th. EXTRA nice clean furnished or unfur nished apt. Water, garbage paid. Ownei 2059 Vine. MODERN nicely furnished three rooms artd bath, wool rugs, silk drapes, auto matic wasner, adults, TU 4-3893. ONE room apartments, furnished, utili ties exceot lights, $37.50 and $40. Rex Arms Apartments. TU 2-9217. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rote TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW m.T 1-7-3 ttvdroom aott., furnished or unfur. minta. permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1417 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-4JJ71 Of'Ke nours I a m. to S p.m. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Unon 1 -floom unfurnlined 3 Bedroom unfurnished SotK'tvs Rooms Tastefully Dtcerttd Wall to Wall Cfottlng $mming Poo Rental includes til services tceot 'itchon and f'tcfrictty Dortthta Ncien TU J-41U APARTMtNTS fOK HtNT U 3 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished aoarf. menl, immediate occupancy, TU 7-6500. -n, TU 3-2531, iu 4-eToo. FWAUNA DOWNTOWN K1amath s most modern, furnished. 211 So. llth. TU 2-1062. AUDLEY APARTMENTS wceiy rurnisnea 1 juj a. un ncai r ROOSEVELT APTS. 3036 LeRoy P"- TU M74f- Furnisnra or uniurniartcu ucurwur. area. Adults. MILLS Add'n. furnished one bedroom, $45, close to market. See al 2354 White. TU 2-4927 after 5 p.m THREE room furnished apartment. ?0it White HOUSES FOR RCN1 24 TWO bedroom furnished house, electric heat, $50. TU 4-9909 Or JU 4-3623. CLEAN one bedroom lurnished including washer, 2239 Biehn, S50. TU 2-1459. RENT or sale, one bedroom house, 1726 Menlo Way, TU 4-9724. TWO bedroom house furnished, S75, un- furnished. S65, 3141 Gary, TU 2-6034. CLEAN 3 bedroom unfurnished house. close in, ISO, 1905 Main. TWO bedroom northside. Range f u r nished. S6S. TU 4-6319. MODERN 3 bedroom unfurnished, Road. $45. TU 4-9646. THREE bedroom furnished. Near Her ald and News. TU 2-4B67 alter 6 p.m. ONE bedroom house, partly furnished, garage, basement, inquire 1502 Califor nia Avenue. TWO bedroom unfurnished. South 6th, close lo stores, schools, oil heat, $50. TU 3-3475 Monday through Saturday, un til 8 p.m. MODERN completely furnished two roim with shower. No drinkers, TU 4-3893. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, also 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom apis., unfurnished, TU 4-5666. MODERN, unfurnished 4 bedroom, fire place. Utility room, electric kitchen and heat. South suburban, TU 2-59B5. $45, SMALL modern house, with trailer space hookup and carport, 3103 Emerald, near Weyerhaeuser, TU 4-8279. ON E bedroom furnished, $45. Large 2 bedroom, $65. Children, pets, o.k. Inquire 4107' i Homedale, TU 4-8910. TWO bedroom house partly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45, TU 2-6)35. SMALL house suitable for retired couple. Reasonable! TU 2-6281 evenings. LARGE, modern house, fireplace, ga rage. 3 bedroom duplex, carport. TU 4-4246 after 5. BEDROOM furnished, duplex, $50. 6100 So. 6th. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, fenced yard, children, pets OK, 2 mi. north of town, $65, TU 2-6590. FOR rent, lease or lease option 3 bed- ' room house, Roseway Dr. TU 2-1593. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, fenced yard. 2130 Vine, TU 4-6832. TWO bedroom home, fenced yard, rage. $65, 2164 Gary, TU 4-6030. LARGE 2Vj bedroom furnished. North- side, TU 4-4268 after 4:30 p.m. WANT CHEAP LIVING? Clean 2 bedroom furnished, north side. TU 4-4268 after 4:30 p.m. TWO bedroom unfurnished, $80, 604 North 9th. TWO bedroom house close to school and new shopping center, cheap neat, S.M. TU 2-4298. MILLS ADDITION, clean 1 bedroom cab in, $35, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, nished, $65, inquire 111 Pine. TWO bedroom unfurnished, newly paint ed, wall to wall carpet, $75, TU 4-6023. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplexes. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $70 each. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m., TU 4-8267 after 5. TWO room furnished. Close In. TU 2-1470 ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 4-4379 or TU 4-3576. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Available Feb. 20, $90. 3425 Summers Lane, TU 4-9573. IMMACULATE, newly decorated, unfur nished two bedroom, inquire 2232 Union. . ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 2-3702. UNFURNISHED, close In, water, gar bage, washing facilities paid, TU 4-9961. ALL furnished new two bedroom home 2620 Madison, TU 2-3280. UNFURNISHED two bedroom 3010 Boardman, TU 2-0990. TWO bedroom furnished house. Garbage, water paid. TU 4-3243. CLEAN 2 bedroom duplex. Garbage and water paid. $45. TU 4-6247. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 OFFICE or business space for lease In new ouiiaing to be erected at 7in a Walnut across from Post Office. Primt location with parking, TU 4-6033. OFFICE or business space for lease in new building to be erected at 7th & Walnut across from post office. Prime location with parking, TU 4-6033. OFFICE space or store rental available across from Courthouse, TU 2-6500. SHARE office with well established fire and auto Insurance agency. Excellent tor life agent, realtor, or accountant. Com pletely furnished. 627 Pine, TU 2-2515.. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 want to buy at least TU 4-5731. 1 acre. Phone REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 2 THREE bedroom home. Large lot. Sell or trade equity for small place. 5460 inoooenrjence, tu 4-3981. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 ACRES of farm land from private party. Free water, Spraque River through property. Price $15,000. A-.kinrj $8,000 down. TU 2-1935, TU 2-0005 ves. MOVING. Three bedrooms, m bath, builtln kitchen, brick fireplace, wall to wall carpetinq, storm windows, Henley district, TU 4-5866 after 6 p.m. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, close in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-o966. DARLING 2 bedroom house, completely fenced yard. Reasonable price. TU 4 9946. THREE bedroom home, family room, din ing room, sun deck. Full basement. At tached garage. Double lot, sprinkling sys tem. For appointment. Call TU 2-5277. THREE bedroom home, double garage, large fenced lot, dishwasher, llretlace. hardwood floors. Quiet, newer district, $16,500. Phone TU 4-8153 before S- TU 4-8257 after 5. KENO highway frontage or will build lo suit. TU 2-0169. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, built-in nven and ranqe, fireolace, utility room, cov ered patio, fenced back yard, garnge $16,700, 180 Dahlia, TU 2-54B8. . S H A ST A District, good 2 bedroom. Largt living room, fireplace, dining room. N birch kitchen and utility. Newly palnttd nsiae and out. $9.V50. TU -. NORTHSIDE, roomy 2 bedroom home. Ctjse in. Price $11,500. Good terms. TU 3-2454 after 6 p.m. THREE bedroom, built In oven and range, garage, fireplace. Owner transferred, 4317 Fargo, TU 2-5271. EQUITY in 2 bedroom furnished home." 634 Cannon Ave. LARGE 2 bedroom. Good view. Hot Springs Addition. By owner, TU 2-4165. SUBURBAN home. Approximately 1 acres fenced. Two bedrooms, unfinished house lor guest sleeping accommodation. Ga rage, barn with stables plus other out buildings, fruit trees, etc., $15,000. TU 2-4W, TU 2-2934. FIVE acre tract. mlies out. Good soil, beautiful view, close to school. In per manent pasture, easy terms. TU 2-1 13 for appointment. SELL or lease south suburban 2 bedroom, attached Qtrtge, fenced yard. Ferguson, Heniey Distnct. Small equity, assume oan. TU 2-502. IN MAUN: Modem 2 bedroom, newly redfrcsrated house with new utility room. On 2'? lots. Phone 723-2203. RIGHT down tewn, desirable corner. Good for business, home or rooming house. 9 rooms, bath and half. Rooms large, cheertui nd in ecefient condition. Ou' S'de needs paint, $11,500 Terms fx smalt hc"t in trade. By owner. 4J9 pint, TU 2-531 TWO bedroom comcettiy rebuff. Ho So'inos. reasonable. Open house Sunday, t4i vanian.ta, Tu 4-4?;;.