PAGE 4-0 HFJtULO AND SEWS, r'anulk !!, Ore. Jwa4av. Marr 1. 1K1 mmw Jl.MPER GARDEN' CLIB The res jW meeting of the Ju green. Mt. LaVi. Greertprui and Jjniper clubs decided eaca dub would be responsible for the planting and landscaping of or. tourlh of tite trail, only natne ma terial is to be used. Next meeting will be Mardi 25. Members are felted to meet at Moore Park at II am. with a sack lunch. Alter inspection of the trail members will go to the home of Opal Ferguson where coffee will be served and the meeting will be held. niper Garden Club wai held al the home of Mrs. 0. B. Thumun Feb. IS mth Mrs. Jerry Wagner. preadent. presiding Eleven member were present. Mrs. Scott McKendree sa a report on the meeting held Jan. 25 at the county library with rep resentatives from the four clubs participating in the nature trail project at Moore Parte, tver- niaeiMwamirj7a mi iii 'i- v r-zJ ' -i .' H. f4 " IrTvi Si u ' H j :'1 se .. .... U ; ' - . ; l hiCftiJMl I t ' 4,, Ell Radkay, left, wei named at Quota Club "Woman HONORED BY QUOTA CLUB of Achievement" at th annuel banquet Tueiday evening, March 5, in the Pelican Party Room. The preientation wat made by Ninon Nybacb, right, bhown with them it Shirley Soren, center, Quota Club pretirienf. Photo by Kettler the mwlinu without aroininj; her kUhpiciun. Featured ;x";ikor waa Mm "Ima Woman" Uoyre Rikeri whoM! topic m A Heal Lively Art lakrn from FV llrarkcn'ii latent Iniok, "I llalp 'I'o lloiiM'kr-fp." Mm, lliknr wan rlrcno(i lor hfr role ait prolimonal unman speak it in all-black, lairr pr-url chok or, clothe hat and rimmed glaaa- Ella Redkey Named Woman Of Achievement Quota Mub of Klamatii County honored Klla Hndkey an Woman of A( hievr-ment for1 1111 at IU an niml dinner meeting Tunulny March I) in tin I'clican J'iirty KiKirn, l)roralioim for the banquet ucre International with dolln of M'K-ial countrica and umall llaK at Individual ilaces. Flower were pink carnation and red tulip! uilli the arrniiKcmenl at Hie head lalile flanked hy tall iillver con dclalir holding pink liiK-r. Hie nieelliiK, altcmled by repre ciiliitive nf women' group and (Vuola friendn, oxnl with the In voratlnn by I-orcim (iuyor, fol lowed by the welcome hy Shirley Moi'an, Quota C.'luh pienldcnl, A K.ilnle In Quoin wan given hy Kva l)ickon. i PrcuMitalion of Kiln lli-dkry an thin year' honored woman, wan made hy Ninon Nyhack, who told of Klla'n many accompli hment throtiRh the yearn, which included volunteer ncrviceii to church w.hool, Clrl Seoul and fled C'ron. She wa prewnled a white orchid comnijn and certificate of her hon or which entitle her to join other Women of Achievement, aeveral of whom were present, fliirnn Stone, fjicilln Went, Ilulli King, Addio Walker, Kllen Claik, Allcci Villi and Mary Maxwell. These women were al given orchid corxage. In keeping with the theme of the evening, Sandra Vnighl nang I Knlnv Iteing a (ilrl" accom panied hy Ninon Nyhack. Iliimorou moment wn the ar rival of "Sir Hilary" 'known lo mont a Stan Sorani who prciicnt ed a clever drawing of kcvernl women "mountain climbing" in the ellort In gel Kiln Hedkey lo alfl The meeting concluded with a bon voyage gift and best wishes to Helen (iocckner, who left Wed nesday morning with her mother. Ml. Man Anderson for a trip to the Hawaiian Island. Tile mreting concluded with the Quota Collect. No need lo handle the handles of spring purse with too much care, They're rugged, made nl wood, shell, hamhoo,. and mnlal. For more swing and alnil, some purse have handle made of small segments nf these malerials joined by chain links. for Girls and Boys smartly spring minded LITTLE GIRL COATS Lovly nylon fltact poi Itlt 5.98 LITTLI BOYS and Cap 1 -xWi -VI s For imart youngitori who love to dreit up in the spring . , , onrj for amort Momt who demand quolity and value ... we tuggoir a visit lo the Bon now to loe our exciting young clothes. Coat and Bonnst Sits Wmhebla drip dry, in tulotad for astro warmth, appliquo trim, poorl buttoni. II montht to lis tO, from S.9S f Buy On Revolving Charge or Lay-Away Easter Dresses Frills and trills In orgon diti, cottoni and nvloni, Loca trimt, ambroidttv and lick. reck. All ntw tprinq colort. Silel 2 to 14. From . 2 8 EASTIR BONNETS Lact trimmed white oilorl and pop) tlowor trlmmod itrawi . . 2.911 Flowtr clips 1.00 Fnlty bonnttt for wire ontl 1,69 fOR IITTIE BOYS Caps and hats In o vnr lly of ilyl.i, tram 1.1S The finest Fashions PLUS Green Stamps ., "Th Pick of the Smartest Fashions for Home, Campus or Career" 4480 South 6th Nt t0 0re9on Food HONORED WOMEN Each year since 1949, Quota Club of Klamath County hat choten some outstanding woman at "Woman o f Achievement" who continue to be honored at each annual banquet. Ella Redkey, seated second from right, was so honored this year and it shown with several past choices who attended the Tuesday banquet. Seated, left to right, are Lucille West, Ruth King, Ella Redkey and Mary Maxwell. Standing, same order, Buena Stone, Addie Walker, Ellen Clark and Alice Vitus. Photo by Kettler. ifllMlli - Chemult Votes On 'Hall. Site CHEMULT-The Chemult Com munity Club and the Volunteer Fire Department met jointly lo consider a plan and vote on a site for construction of a commu nity hall. The vote was 27-1 in favor of a location on the north side of town near the new Wincma Forest Guard Station. Some funds are already avail able. Douglas Shaw, ranger, gave a talk on forest lease land. ICOA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SALEM, OREGON OFFERS FOR SALE 900,000 SHARES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE OF COMMON STOCK AT S2.75 PER SHARE Orison residents may tend fer a prospectus which con tains full information concerning this stock offering, by filling out and sending the coupon below . . . OREGON UNDERWRITERS INC. 143 S. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, ORE. PLEASE SEND ME A COPY OF THE ICOA LIFE INSURANCE CO. PROSPECTUS. I UN DERSTAND THERE IS NO OBLIGATION. NAME ADDRESS - CITY State This announcement is not on offer to sell or o solicita tion of on offer to buy any of these securities. The offering is mode only by the "Prospectus," to resi dents of Oregon only. ENGAGED COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sturgeon announce the engagement of their daughter, Botty Jane, to Jess F. Oster, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Oster, Mt. Vernon, Ore. The weddinq will take place July 5 in the First Christian Church. The fu ture bride is a qraduate of Henley High School and is presently employed in the of fice of a local physician. Her fiance is a graduate of Oayville High School and Ore qon Technical Institute. He is employed by Laurence Radiation Laboratory, Universi ty of California at Mercury, Nev. AAUW To Host Junior Girls The question "why fjo In ro. Iorc?" will Iw a topic for dis cussion at a series of "firesides" lor junior girls in hih schools of Klnmath County. The Klamath Fulls branch of the American As sociation of University Women is sHnsorinK Hie Rjillininns in an ellorl In acquaint the girls with the advantages of a college edu cation. College giris wiil he present to tell of their experiences, and n possible means of helping to fi nance Iheir higher education. Junior girls have been invited to attend one nf the firesides. In he held March 1.1. H. 18, and Ifl at the homes of AAUW members. Tulips for two lips for spring? Sure. Make your lips blossom forth in tulip shades of lipstick The lulip colors include tulip pink and tulip ieach. So right for spring... CORTINA The crisp lock ol summering Mripcs . . . this two-piece Cortina suit ot finest wool worsted knit. Short-sleeved lackel ii belted low and softly with white tie-leather . . . the slender skirt is fully lined with m Ik. In cool Cortina colors striped with white. Siiei 8-16 A Small Deposit Holdi in Lay Away r. S2S Main ,1 v T- 59" m mm Extra Special Purchase Dinette Chairs Sturdy, rugged with podded bock and icah Plastic glider feet, easy to clean plastic. No sharp edges or corners. Comes in four styles , . . white sparkle with bronxa tone fin ish metal, turquoise sporkle. beige with gold fern, or brown with gold overlay. $E99 Each 4 rar22'8 BAMBOO RAKES Imported M 0 . heavy dutv B MB Ml 4-1 year old MW top hamhoo. 3-wire tie on tines. Cover 19' awath. fOf ..en HIAJ . . LATEX mil i nAiiviT 11 Easy to Apply with Brush or Roller Drift In 1 Hour No "Painty" Odor Easy Clean-up with Soap and Woler After Painting NEW MODERN COLORS .ITBrfBB'rTTri. WmH V.' I If k. latex.,- $977 CM gallon Paint How and SAVE SPORTSWEAR FABRICS Sailcloth, poplin, pettipoint, homespun ond others. Prints and solids. Fine quality . . . yards and yards to choose from. Lars ot goy colorful de signs, dots, tioraii, geometries, etc. 36 to 44" widths fAC lengths to 10 yards. 98c VALUE. . . yard FIESTA 63 PRINTS 100 cottons, on bolts. As sorted print designs factory close-out patterns. Reg. JVc yard SUEDE FLANNEL 2 to 10 yard lengths, school and work shirts, etc. Yard ni, racrory 28 Ideal for IV SiBl YOU SAVE UP TO at. V SLIGHT StCONDS- FROM FAMOUS MAKES 1 HUGl JtliaiOM OF PATTtRNJ Everlon Panels Firir qualitr. Littlt ar na Iron, in. No ilarchinj. Ne itrerch. in(. 60" x SI" Isna. Rt. 1.49. c 99 'If s Easy to Charge It At Newberry's" 825 Main