Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 10, 1963, Page 17, Image 17

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    Fundiy, March 10, 13
Television Immortality
Slated For Buddy Ebsen
man on the No. 1 television show
in the country is the most unlike
ly candidate imaginable for video
immortality Buddy Ebsen.
Now top dog of "The Beverly
Hillbillies." Ebsen was clinging by
a thread to a tenuous show busi
ness career until the hayseed
series bailed him out.
Rumor has it he had been ad
vised to take up real estate when
hp was offered the role of seedy
old Jed Clampett.
What kind of man is he. then?
Buddy Ebsen is a church-suing
Presbyterian, a man of infinite
patience and endowed with gen
uine numimy wnicn is rare in
any aclor.
He's not even listed in the Mo
tion Picture Almanac, the show
business who's who, which lists
the pictures, television shows and
other accomplishments of every
perlormer in Hollywood.
Method Actor Complains
The best possible key to his
character comes to mind during
an interview with an egomaniacal
"method actor who was com
plaining about the director of his
picture, the lack of understanding
of the cast and his own motiva
The star went on at length about
how little his true merits were
appreciated. During the long
monologue Ebsen sat under a tree!
listening quietly.
Finally the method actor turned
to Buddy for confirmation of his
attitudes about the rigors of being
an instrument of the muse.
Buddy cocked his head and
said lazily, "Hell, I'm just glad
to bo working. You should be hap-
i py about it, too.
Ebsen's level-headed approach
to acting reflects his early back
ground in his native Belleville
111., which was his home until the
Ebsen family moved to Orlando,
Ela., when Christian Ebsen Jr.
was 10.
Joins Dancing School
Papa Ebsen ran a dancing
school in the Sunshine State and
insisted that his gangly son learn
to hoof. Buddy thought it was
sissy stult. but picked up
enough pointers to' become a fine
; J ? U if.
I JJ I "jw' lll j. N (
FILM FAVORITES Honored as the World Film Favor
ites by the Hollywood Foreqin Press Association, Doris
Day and Rock Hudson pose for photograohers with their
Golden Globes after the presentation UPI Telephoto
Video Success Achieved
By Governor's Victory
young television producers who
s pecialize in comical commercials
switched successfully to a serious
subject last fall and got probably
the highest and most authentic
audience reaction rating in his
tory. Their client was California's
Gov. Edmund G. Pt Brown in
his reelection campaign against
Republican nominee Richard M.
Their bell-ringing rating as the
producers see it was Democrat
III own s victory margin of almost
rix.00 voles over th lormer vice
Producers Boh Klein. 34. and
Alan Barzman. 31. planned and
produced 10 hour and a half "tel
ethons" and 15 "spot" commer
cials with Brown as the star. The
"spots" were a "very ellective
accordmi? to Klein andjfniaxcd.he a; not a TV per
Many of them were run in lh"
afternoon and were aimed al the
housewife, Barzman said in an
I se Animated Spot
"We had a couple of animated
spots with little girls and an ap
pealing little dog." he said. "They
all end up in the polls in the
fadeout keyed to persuade Dem
ocratic women to vote."
Filmed spots of Brown had an
appropriate background The wa
ter development foot showed a
torrent of water rushing over a j reported as their occupation by
dam with Brown )Jig "Call-' 100.525 women in the US
lornia needs water I used all myicenus.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
When he was old enough for
college Buddy studied pre-med at
the University of Florida, but re
verted to dancing and hied oft to;
New ork City to become a soda
jerk in Pennsylvania Station.
His first break came in 1328
in the Ziegfeld Follies. Later he
teamed with hi sister, Vilma, in
night club-vaudeville act and
toured the country. They also ap
peared in Europe, establishing
themsehes solidly as top-flight
In 1936 they appeared as fea
tured dancers in their first mov
ie, "Broadway Melody of 1936"
for MGM. Thereafter Buddy be
came a "single" and co-starred
scores of musical comedies
on the screen.
But when movie musicals ebbed
Ebsen ebbed as well.
He turned to dramatic roles in
Attack," "Between Heaven and
Hell" and "Breakfast at Tiffa
ny's." Roles became fewer and fur
ther between. He found a brief
reprise playing Fess Parkers side
kick in Walt Disney's television
series, "Davy Crockett."
Thereafter it was a series of.
video guest shots. Many another
actor might have thrown in the
sponge. .Not Ebsen.
Now, at 55. he finds himself
as big a star as television can
boast. But he's still the same old
shoe that he was sitting under a
tree listening to the method ac
tor complain.
He's moved from Beverly Hills!
to Newport Beach with his wife,
Nancy, and their five children,
Susannah, 14; Cathy, 12; Bonnie,
10; Kiersten, 4; and Dusty, 3. He
has two older daughters by a pre
vious marriage, Libby, 25, and At
ix, 18 both of whom are Las
Vegas showgirls.
When things pile up on the easy
going ex-hoofer, he clambers onl
his 36-foot sailboat, the "Tur
quoise," and glides out onto the
blue Pacific to relax.
Cast and crew members stand
in awe of Ebsen. They believe the
strength of character and good
ness that shine through Jed Clam
pett reflects the gentle nature of'
the aclor underneath Buddy Eb
sen. r . i J
political muscle lo put over our
great master plan lor develop
ment of water resources "
"The 'spots' with the governor
brought immediacy to the tele
vision screen." said Barzman.
"We had him right there visually
against a background about which
lie was talking."
We proved that IV spots can
accomplish something that will be
memorable." said Klein "Spots
can sell issues as well as prod
Nominee Rates Consideration
Not only Ihe issues but the can
didate himself must he under-
stood, said Klein.
"Everv candidate can't he an!
Art Linkletter, w alking around
with a mike and ad-libbing." hcimy Dorsey's orchestra, has been
said. "Nixon, in his telethons. involved in legal controversy dur
was vcrv polished but he had ing her years in Hollvwood. She
nothing to sav. Broun was more
sonality. We told him In be him
Mif on his telethons and this was
the firs.t time Pat Broun really
developed a television image. The
man came throuGh!"
As a result of his success,
Brown has been presented with
the Klein-Barzman "Game Client
Award" Riven "posthumorouilylliliation with various husbands
'sic in gracious appreciation and and ex-husbands. Mane has been
ultimate recard for extraordinary
prudence, judement and brava-
do ... "
Farmer or farm manacer wasilhan famous attorney Gar em
BERLIN HONORED Nostalgic memories are brought
back by this group as songwriter Irving Berlin, center,
was honored by the Screen Producers Guild and given
the Milestone Award. Making the presentation was Fred
Astaire, right, whose performances in several of the
famous Irving Berlin musicals along with his dancing
lartner, actress Ginger Rogers, left, did much to popu-
the songs ot the era.
Ex-Gilbert And Sullivan
Star Forms Own Troupe
NEW YORK I UPI i - Martyn
Green, who spent 25 years in the
leading comedy roles of the Gil
bert and Sullivan shows for Lon
don's D'Oyly Carte company, has
established a touring troupe of his
own to present some of the fa
mous musicals.
With his first productions of
"H.M.S. Pinafore" and "The Mi
kado, Green has made some
alterations in traditional presen
"In the case ot 'Pinafore,' "' he
explained, "I have taken the lib
erty of updating it from 1874 to
1913 and, at the same time, have
changed the locale from England
to Boston. This, of course, brings
the situation closer to Americans.
"Naturally, these changes
bring about a series of exterior
modifications. For example, t h e
lofty sailing vessel of the title is
'Body' Vants
To Forget
McDonald would prefer that ev
erybody forget her figure and
think of her as a versatile per
"Wasn't that awful?" she asked
referring to the days when movie
studios turned out thousands of
photographs billing Marie as "The
'When I passed an automobile
repair place called the body shop
it made me cringe," said Marie,
munching on a ham and cheese
sandwich in a dressing room be
tween scenes of her next movie
"Promise Her Anything."
The blonde performer was cast
in tile picture as a replacement
for Mamie Van Doren who quit
in a dispute over salary. It's Ma
rie's first picture in three years
and she's determined not to wear
any eye-appealing bathing suits.
1 hey had it in mind, she said,
"But I think I deserve my serv
ice stripes for that sort of thing
1 earned them for cheesecake and
leg art. Now I deserve to gradu
Typical Filmland Casting
Marie coslars in the picture
with Tommy Noonan. .layne
Mansfield and Mickey Hargilay.
In a typical Hollywood casting
decision, she was paired off with
Hargitay. playing his wife. Mus-
cleman Mickey's real wife. Miss
Mansfield, is Norman's swuse in
the film.
That might nut make sense to
anybody outside of Hollywood but
that's the way things arc done
in filmland.
.Marie saio she nan heen con
fining her professional career to
night clubs in recent years be
cause of unsatisfactory parts of
fered her by film producers
"It depends on the role," she
said. "I've turned down an awful
lot of pails, cheesecake, clothe:
horses and other dull things. This
picture is a comedy awl the girl I
play also sings two songs."
I Involved In Disputes
The blonde Miss McDonald, one
time vocalist w ith the lale Tom
rtrtod she was kidnaped bv
two men in 1M7 and released in
the dfsert more than 100 miles
I mm Hollywood.
Polite, lawyers, the county
prand jury and other civic offi
cial! invWiuated the caj.e but
Marie's alleged kidnapers were
never apprehended.
Slie has also been involved in
married five times
When somclMly suggested to
plane that she might possibly
have spent more time in court!
Dairow, she retorted, "he made!
a lot nwe money in court Uian
UPI Telephoto
now an imposing steamship. And
Sir Joseph Porter has been
changed from an admiral to
cabinet minister.
"The over-all revision to 1913
makes possible more colorful and
extravagant costumes, particular
ly for the women.
All of this has been done, mind
you, without tampering with one
note or syllable of the original
score. My innovations are de
signed to give a greater feeling
of immediacy to the contemporary
As for "The Mikado":
"I have always believed that
The Mikado' is not a Japanese
operetta with British overtones,
but a British operetta through and
through that just happens to be
set in Japan.
"The century is still basically
the 14th, but I work with the hap
piest use of license in regard to
chronology throughout.
'In both operettas I have
cr jaiei a no r "-in iiv ol f,. Dies
through the use of small set piec
is dial can be moved readily. This
provides a more logical and flu
id scenic movement than has ever
been attempted. In 'The Mikado'
particularly, this facility height
ens my intention of creating a
feeling of choreography rather
than direction."
The star, who survived a le;
amputation accident a few years
ago to resume his career, feels
that Gilbert would be making
changes himself were he still
"When Gilbert was first writing.
producing and directing," Green
said, "he was 20 years ahead of
his lime. If it were only for the
way he utilized the chorus on
stage integrating it thoroughly,
not just keeping it a part of the
scenery he must be recognized
as an innovator in the field of
"Were Gilbert alive today, he
would still be 20 years ahead of
his time. I am convinced that
could he or Sullivan see what we
are doing today, both would say,
'My dear Mr. Green, you are
still 20 years behind us."
NEW VOItK (UPI) - Jack Ben
ny's scven ycarold grandson. Mi
chaei Rudolph, made his television
debut March 5 on the syndicated
"Girl Talk" series that has wide
distribution in key cities. His
mother. Joan Benny Rudolph, was
a regular guest on the taped pro
gram, and Michael went along to
the New York studio. At the last
minute it was decided to let the
lad participateincidentally, the
first male lo appear on the show,
Johnny Johnston, one-time sing
ing and movie star who lately has
been seen on television as host
of a bowling program, has en
tered the sales field for Official
Films. His first sale was a half-
hour actuality special. "Marilyn
Monroe." consisting of highlights
in the career of the late star, nar
rated by Mike Wallace. ABC-TV
will air it on March 24 at 9:30
The redoubtable .Sonor Wences,
Spanish ventriloquist who has
been seen hundreds of times on
various video shows for more than
a decade, will be with Danny Kaye
when the comedian presents his
revue fur four and a half weeks
at the Ziegfeld Theater beginning
April 10. Kaye, of course, is busy
lining up things to do for his one
hour weekly CBS variety program
that will be seen at 10 p m Wed
ncsdays beginning next fall
When the Treasurer of
United SUtles turns over
i public funds to his iucceswr,
must write a check in the amount
J j in his custody and this runs into
(many billions o oonars,
LlltlK tntlln4 knflR srt hlUfc4
plc ttrvit fev Hit Hral tmt
Ntws. Tkil ntaiMpar a Rt rM
tikla r trrtrt i tlifiat ar araa'am
aantant at twrnftHaa- ay taa ataman.
Praaram lltllapa kitct ta ahanaa
witfcaal nalitt. Par aaattlaaal lalar
matiaa aall ttia alahaa.
Cnifintl i
Piclftc SUMartf Tlmt
March 1 - March It
t):M Rolltr Darby
13:00 Oaiiartgt Coir
1:00 Around Th Honif
1:15 Social Security
1:30 H'Qritr Education & You
3:00 Oral ftobarts
2:30 Sunday Soorfi Spectacular
4:00 CrtampiomriiD So ting
5 00 Fathf Koowi Pest
S.M GE Collect Bol
4:00 7h Ctntury
: Panword
7:00 Tht Jttiont
7:30 Dennis Tht MenacA
1:00 Ed Sullivan
:M Real McCevt
G.E. True Theater
10:00 Candid C airier a
10:30 What'ft My Line
11:H New i
imsiai' 5: "East Side ot Heaven"
1.00 Captain Kenetroo
:08 Calender
30 I Lave Lucy
II 90 McCoys
10. JO Pete end Gledyi
11:10 Leve 91 Lite
11:14 CBS Newt -11:38
Search tor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
13.10 College of the Air
13:30 Ai the World Turns
1:00 Panword
1 30 House Parly
3:00 To Tell The Truth
7.2S CBS News
3:30 Jane Vvyman
3 00 Secret Slorm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Shew
4:30 Discovery '63
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Aivin
5:30 Kin Tin Tin
00 TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 CBS News
4:30 McHale s Navy
7:00 My Thre Sons
7:30 Dakotas
1:30 Lucille Ball Show
9:00 Danny Thomas
:30 Andy Griffith
10:00 77 Sunset Strip
11:00 ABC News Final
1:00 Caotaln Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 The McCoys
10:30 Pete & Gladys
11:00 Love of Life
11:74 CBS News
11:30 Search For Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Liqhl
12:00 Col lent of the Air .
12:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
2:00 To Tell The Truth
1:25 CBS News
2:30 Jane Wvman
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '63
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Sky King
5:30 Quick Draw McGrew
0:00 Your TV Weatherman
6:05 Channel 5 Renert
6:15 Walter Cronklto Newt
4:30 The Deputy
7:00 Trails West
7:30 Marshal Dillon
0:00 Lfoyd Bridges
0:30 Red Skelton
:30 Jack Benny
10:00 Garry Moore
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Report To The People
1:00 Captain Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
9:30 I Love Lucy
10:C0 McCoys
10:30 Pete and Gladys
11:00 Love of Life
11:34 CBS News
11:30 Search tor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 College of tht Air
12:30 At the World Turns
1:10 Password
1:30 House Party
7:oo to leu the iruin
2:25 CBS News
2:30 Jane Wyman
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edq Of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '3
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Uncle Bill's Adventure Time
5:31 Yogi Sear
6:00 TV Weatherman
6:05 News
4:15 CBS Newt
6:30 Hillbillies
7:00 Onie I Harriet
7:30 War-on Train
1:10 Going My Way
9:30 Dick Van Dykt
10:00 Hollywood, The Great Stars
11:00 ABC News Final
100 Carl a In Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
9:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 paie end oieays
11:00 Love ef Lite
11:24 COS News
11:30 Search tor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 College ef the Air
12:30 As the world Turns
1:00 Password
1:W House Party
2:00 To Tell The Truth
3:25 CBS Newt
2:30 Jene Wvman
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge ef Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '43
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Mighty Mouse
5:30 Rey Rogers
6:00 Vour TV WMtherman
6:05 Channel 5 Report
6:15 Welter Crank He
6:30 Sports Roundup
7:00 Rifleman
7:30 Mr. fcd
1:00 Perry Manon
9:00 Twilight Zone
10:00 Alcoa Premier
11(10 ARC News Final
11:15 Top Star Bowling:
t:00 Captain Kangaroo
9 00 Calendar
9:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pete and Gladys
1:M Love or Lite
1 14 CBS News
0:30 Search for Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
7:"0 Coi.ege ef the An
il: At the World Turn!
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
1.00 To Ten The Truth
2 25 CBS Npw
I 30 Jane Wyman
3 00 Sec-et Slorm
J JO Edge of Night
4:00 Johnny Linn Show
4 30 Ditrovery '41
4 54 American Newtltenl
5 00 Uncle B'H
5 30 MucHeberry Hiunrt
4 M Yeur T7 Weatherman
4 05 Channel 5 Repert
4' 5 Welter Cronklto
6 3ft Story Ot
7 00 Leave It 1e Beaver
7:30 Rawhide
I 10 Route 44
9:30 I'm D'OfM He t Feniler
11 00 Alfred Hilchreck
II 00 ABC NM Final
11:10 l ocal News Final
11.15 SUge 5: "Pittsburgh"
ii oo Too fat
11 U) ny K Cecil
I 00 Bugs Bunny
13.30 Magic Lend
1 00 My Friend FHcve
1 30 Armchair A'J.-enturt
t 45 visit With City Police
J 00 Championship Bridge
2 30 Challenge Golf
J 30 Proieifonel Bowieri Tour
5.00 Matinee; "Mr. Moto 4 Last Warn.
4 M Dan Smoot Report
4 15 Manion Forum
6 flinf.tonr.
7 0O I've Got a Secret
7 jQ Jackie Glt4n
t The D'enr)r
9 JO Have Gun Wilt TrOvH
10 00 Guntmoho
11 00 Newt Final
U 15 Stage 5 "HM't Of Net'en"
13 45 Vgn Of
TV Schedules For
Channel t
Pacific Standard Time
March 10 March 14
11 30 Championship Bridge
12 00 Challenge Golf
1:00 Championship Bowling
2:00 Oral Roberts
2 30 Sunday Sports Spectacular
4 00 Dan Smool Report
4:15 Manion Forum
4:30 Alumni Fun
5 00 Maior Adams Trailmaster,
4:00 301h Century
4:30 Trails West
7 00 Ensign O Toole
7 30 Jetsont
I 00 Sunday Night Movie: "Thunder
10 00 Candid Camera
10-30 Hovard K Smith
11:00 Sunday News Special
10 M Cottage ot tn Air
10 30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours for Seng
12:00 Ernie Ford
13:3. AS the World Turns
1:'.9 Father Knows Best
1:30 House Party
2:00 Day in Court
2 75 Midday Report
3:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge t Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:00 Discovery '6J
4:55 American Newsstand
5:00 Chaplain's Corner
5:05 Town & Country Workshop
5:30 Dennis The Menace
4.00 Your TV Weatherman
4:C5 Farm Market Report
4:10 Slock Market Report
4:15 Ron Cochran with the News
4:30 Local News
4:45 Scolty's Barks 'n' Bites (Sports)
7:00 Mr. Ed
7:30 The Dakota
0:30 R 'tie mar.
9:00 Stoney Burke
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 Murphy Martin wtlh the News
10:00 College ot the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvman Presents
11:30 Yours For A Song
12:00 Tennessee Ernie Foid
13:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 House Party
2:00 Day In Court
2:35 Midday Report
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '63
4:55 American Newsstand
5:00 Chaplain's Corner
5:05 Tech Talks
5:30 Quick Draw McGraw
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report
6:15 Ron Cochran with tht Nows
4:30 Local Ntws
4:45 Legislative Report
7:00 David Brlnkley's Journal
7:30 Combat
1:30 Hawaiian Evt
9:30 Untouchable;
10:30 Discovery '43
11:00 Murphy Martin w.th the News
11:15 Gov. Mark Hatlleld
10:00 College ot the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours For m Jong
12:00 Emit Ford
12:30 At The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 House Party
2:00 Day In Cturt
3:30 Seven Keys
2:25 Midday Report
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4:55 American Newsstand
5:00 Chaplain's Comer
5:05 Fund-o-Rama
5:30 Yogi Bear
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 Ron Cochran with tht Newt
4:30 Local News
4:45 Sportsman
7:00 Hazel
7:30 Wagon Train
1:30 Going My Way
9:30 Our Man Hlggms
10:00 Hollvwood The Great Stsrs
11:00 Murphy Martin with Iht News
10:00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Youri tor Song
12:00 Ernie Ford
12:30 As Tht Wtrld Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1.30 Houst Parly
3:00 Day In Court
2:75 Midday Report
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Ease of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4:55 American Newistend
5:00 King Leonardo
5 30 Btillwlnkle
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 Ron Cochran with tht News
4:30 Local Ntwt
6:45 Scolly't Barks 'n' Biles
7:00 Deputy
7:30 Quit and Harriet
0:00 Story Ol
0:30 Leava It To Beavtr
9:00 My Thrai Sons
9:30 McHall't Navy
10:00 Premiere
11:00 Murphy Martin with (he Naws
10 00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wyman Preent
11:30 Yours far a Song
17:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 As Iht World Turns
1:00 Father Knowt Best
1:10 Houst Party
2:00 Day In Court
3 ?5 Midday Report
2:30 Stven Keys
3.00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4 55 American Newsstand
5.00 Ort. Cal. Panorama
5.30 Huckleberry Heund
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
6:10 Sleek Market Report
6:15 Ron Cochran with the Ntwt
4:30 Local News
6:45 Scotty't Barks 'n' Bites
7:00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
7:30 Valiant Years
1:00 Father Knows Best
30 FllnlttOnes
9:00 I'm Dickens-He's Fenslar
9:30 77 Sunsel Strip
10 30 Llflyd Brldqes Show
11:00 Murphy Martin with tha Newt
11:15 Showtime on Two; "Next Tlmt Wt
9 00 Captain Kangaroo
10 M The Alvin Show
10:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse
11:00 Top Cat
It : 30 Beany 1 Cecil
1310 Bugs Bunny
13 W Magic Land of Alakaam
1 00 My Friend Flick
1:30 Sky King
3 00 Davey I Gehath
3 15 Sorial Security
7:30 Challenge Golf
3 J0 PRA Bowling
5 on Wide World of Sports
4' 30 Country Show
7 00 Fight of the Wk
7 50 Maht That Spare
I 00 Gallant Men
1 9 no Lawrence we!k
10 00 Guntmohe
11:15 Showtime On Two: "Httlo, Frisco,
March 10 March t
1100 Faith For Trvty
11:30 Hr Id of Trulti
12 00 Challenge Golf
1.00 The Northerner
1 JO Meet fhe Prolotior
2 00 Directions 4)
3 Valiant Year
3 W Manion Forum
3 Film Fare
3 45 Doctors Forum
4 00 WonderM World & Ga
no Maior Adams Tram V titer
4 00 Mark Rogers' Reports
4 JO Mrr.eever aM lite Colonel
7 00 Ensign O'Toolo
7 30 Dsny'B Wonderful We Id Of Ctltr
I .-0 Car 54 Where Art Ytu
I N Bonanza
to 00 Voice of Firestone,
11:30 Hevaerd K Smith
1I M David Brtnkiey
11:30 This Is the Way, Ralitloui
1Z:M Late Newt
9:30 Educational
): Price is Right
10:3fl Concentration
11:00 Jane Wvman
It: JO Yours For a Song
13 00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
13:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 TBA
1:30 TV Bmge
3:09 Day In Court
3:24 Midday Report
1 30 7 Kevt
3.00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4 00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4 55 Bandstand News
5 00 Brave Stanton
S.t Mickey Mojse Club
6 H Nawtbeai North (tett
4: 15 Huntiey-Brinkiey
4:30 Gallent Mn
7:30 The Dakotas
0 30 Riileman
9 00 Stoney Burke
10:00 Ben Casey
lt:00 Murphv Martin with the News
11:10 Sportscasl
11:15 Tonight
12:25 Late Newt
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price it Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jant Wyman
11:30 Youri For a Song
13:00 Ernie Ford Show
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Lorelta Young
1:30 TV Bingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:34 Midday Report
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Queen tor a Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Cartoon Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:40 Newsbeal Northsfato
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley
6:30 Laramie
7. 30 Combat
0:30 Hawaiian Eva
9:30 Untouchables
10:30 Best of Discovery
11:00 Murphy Merlin with the News
11:10 Soortscast
11:15 Tonight
11:2$ Lite Ntwt
9:30 Educttlonal
10:00 Prlct Is Right
10: JB Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yeurt For A Song
12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:0t Lorelta Young
1:30 TV Bingo
3:40 Day in Court
3:24 Midday Report
3:30 1 Keys
3:00 Queen For A Day
4:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:0 Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand Newt
5:40 Broken Arrow
5:0 Mickey Mouse Club
4.00 Newsbeat Norlhstale
4:15 Huntley-Brlnkley
6:30 Who Goes There?
7:30 Wagon Train
1:30 Going My Way
9:30 Our Man Higgln
10:00 Hollywood The Great Stars
11:00 Murphy Marlin with Iht News
11:10 Sportscatt
11:15 Tonight Show
13:3S Late News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Prlct It Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yourt For a Song
12:00 Ernie Ford Show
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Lorelta Young
1:30 TV Bingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:34 Midday Report
3:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:P0 American Bendstand
4:30 Discovery 63
4:55 Bandstand Newt
5:00 Super Car
5:30 Mickey Mouse Cluh
4:00 Newsbeat Northslatt
4:15 Huntley-Brlnkley
6:30 Father Knows Best
7:00 Guestward Ho
7:30 Adventures of On le and Harriet
1:00 The Donna Reed Show
1:30 Leave II To Beaver
9:00 My Three Sons
9:30 McHllt't Navy
10:00 Alcoa Premier
11:00 Murphy Martin with Iht News
11:10 Sportscatt
11:15 Tenlghl Show
13:35 Lttt Ntws
9-30 educational
10 00 Price It Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman Shew
11:30 Youri For A Song
13:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
17:30 Father Knowt Best
1:00 Lorelta Young
1:30 TV Binge
3:00 Day In Cturt
3:74 Midday Report
3:10 7 Kays
3:60 Queen For A Day
3:10 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:31 Discovery 42
4:.5 Bandstand News
5:00 Jill's Party Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat Norlhstale
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley
6 30 Films ot the Fifties: "Calamity
Jane" Doris Day
1:30 Fllntslones
9:40 Cm Dickent He'l Fenslar
9 30 7 7 Sunset Strip
10:30 Rebel
11:00 Murphy Martin wtlh Ihe News
11:10 Sports Cast
11:15 Tonight Show
13:35 Lalt News
9 00 Sharl Lewis
9:30 King Leonardo
10:00 Fury
10.30 Magic Midway
11:00 Top Cat
11.30 Matties Funnies
17 00 Bugs Bunny
17:30 Alakaram
1:00 My Friend Fllcka
1:30 Tht Northerner
7:00 Manion Forum
2:30 Disc Date
3:30 Professional Bowlert
5:00 Wide World ftf Sptrtl
4 30 Jettons
7.00 Fight of tht Week and Make That
IN Hael
1:30 Jev iishop
90 Li walk
10 00 Mr. Smith Goat to Washington
10.30 Saturday Night Movie: "Thundtr
11.31 Lale Newt
Channel It
Pacific Stance rJ Time
March 10 March U
30 Xion On - Sicred Heart
1 : 45 The Chrljfooriert
13:00 The B'Bie Antweri
l? Sunday Cinema. "The Or-eritayert"
2 00 Wide World of Soorft: New York
Dayione Continental Sporlt Car
3.30 Wild Ktnodom
I M Wonderful World of Golf
5 00 Uodate
S.JO Bullwintrle
00 Meet The Preit
e:30 McKeever and Iht Colonel
7:M Cntgn O'TeOlt
7: J0 DUney World of Celer
30 Car Si. Where Are YeuT
00 Renena
10 no DuPont Show of the Week
1t:M Newt
II OS Smn Off Ooeretlon Abolition
I2.0J Hon Off
I SS Sign On Morning Villi
9 00 Continental Claitroom
,!0 Focal Point
ltvno The Pnce Is (tight
10: St Concentration
11:00 Your First ImoreWen
11 W Truth or Comequencea
II Si NSC Newt
I) 00 Merv Griffin She
irsi NIC Newt
I no Leretta Yeunf
1 J Yeont) Dr. Meier
7 M The Match am
I 2) NBC Newt
I M Mat Room for Del
1 00 Queen tor Day
J JO Channel Ten Ttnalre: "BetMirt"
S.tt tone Ltonaree
The Week
I M Our Gang
5:55 Weather Window
6:00 Newsreel 10
4:10 Sports Highlights
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4 30 Our Man Higgins
7 M Valiant Years
7.30 Monday Night a tht MovftS
"Prince Valiant"
4 30 Art Linkletter Show
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 Newt Ten Night Report
11:15 Tonight Show
l;00 News. Weather. Sign Off
I 55 Sign On - Morning Visit
9 00 Continental Classroom
9 30 Focal Point
10.00 The Price It Right
10; JO Concentration
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
12:C0 Merv Gnfin Show
13:55 NBC Newt
1:M Loretle Young
T-e Match Gam
3 75 NBC Newt
3:30 Make Room For Deday
3.00 Queen tor Day
3. JO Channel Ten Theatre: "Lullaby of
Broadway '
5 00 Magic Ranch
5.30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
4.00 Newsreel Ten
4:10 Sports Highlights
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4:30 Combat
7:30 Laramie
1:30 Empire
9:30 Dick Powell Shew
10:30 Chat Huntley Reporting
11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report
11:15 Tonight Show
1.00 News, Weather, Sign Off
I 55 Sign On - Morning Visit
9 00 Continental Classroom
4:30 Focal Point
10:00 Ihe Price It Right
10:J0 Concentration
11:00 Your Flrtt Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:'j NBC News
12:00 Merv Gritlin Show
13:55 NBC News
1:00 Lorelta Yeung
1:30 Young Dr. Malone
2:00 The Match Game
3:25 NBC Newt
3:30 Make Room For Daddy
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3:00 Queen For Day
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5:00 Ruff and Roddy
5:30 Our Gang
5.55 Tht Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel 10
6:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
6:30 Sam Benedict
7:30 The Virginian
9:00 Bob Hope
10 00 The nth Hour
11:00 Newt Ten Night Report
1 1 : is lonigni anew
l: Ntwt, Weather and Sign Off
55 Sign - Morning Visit
9:00 Continental Classroom
9:30 Focal Point
10:00 The Prlct Is Right
10:1) Concent ration
I1:9 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
13.00 Merv Gnffln Show
12:55 NBC News
1:00 Special For Women
? oo The Matct Game
2:25 NBC Newt
3:30 Mfc Room For Daddy
3 00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Channel Ten Thtatrg: "New
Made at Night"
4:30 Friendship Circle
5:00 Fury
5:30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel Ten
4:10 Sports Highlights
6:15 Huntley Brink ley
4:30 Feature Profile)
4:35 Sports Special
7:00 Spelldown
7:30 Wide Country
1:30 Dr. Kildart
9-30 Haiti
10:00 Andy Williams
11:00 News Ten Night Report
11:15 Tonight Show
1:00 News. Weather, Sign Off
1:55 Sign On Morning Visit
9:00 Continental Classroom
9:30 Focal Point
10:00 The Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
1 11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
n: indl. News
17:00 Merv Griffin Show
12:55 NBC Ntws
1:00 Lorette Young
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