Thun., March 7, 1963 Page 6A ,BrM & Ne Klamath Fall judge Ups High Cost 6TAMPf m lOREEN IftTAMPS Of Cab Ride A four-mile ride in a taxi cab lias cost Alvin Jackson, 24, a total of $100, it developed in Klamath County Circuit Court Wednesday rnorning. The amount was in the form of a fine imposed upon Jackson by Judge David R. Vandenberg in court Wednesday after the for mer had entered a plea of guilty earlier this week to taking and without the consent of the owners. In another court matter, Judge Vandenberg also extended the probation of Linda J. David, 22 lor a period of three years, upon 'tho recommendation of the de fendant's attorney. The district attorney's office did riot oppose the extension of pro bation. Miss David had been placed on three years' probation Jan. fi. jrxil after slie entered a pica of guilty to complicity in the theft of $J!0 from a Mamath rails man. That probation was revoked by Judge Vandenberg last Friday af ter it became established that Miss David had been arrested for disorderly conduct last Jan. 23. ,' In the case against Jackson, : Judge Vandenberg pronounced the minimum fine and no jail sen tence upon the defendant on the recommendation of the defense at torney and deputy district attor ney Bob Thomas. file defense attorney told the judge that Jackson stepped inloi the back seat of the taxi last Dec 10 and waited for the cab driver lo return. Several moments later when the driver failed to appear, Jackson moved up to the front seat and, on an impulse, drove . off in the cab and parked it in ; front of his mother's home at 1700 Carlson Drive. Jackson related the story to his mother, who ordered him to re turn the taxi to the cab stand. The defendant was apprehended by stale police while en route lo Sev enth and Main Street and lodged in the city jail, the attorney re lated. ' - The defense attorney stated that Jackson had been drinking in frequently during the evening pri or to the car borrowing incident Bill Aims At Scandal SALEM (UPD-A bill aimed at preventing further military scan ' rials such as that at Camp Withy- combe was introduced In the house today by the Committee on Military Affairs. It would provide for anpoint mcnt by the governor of an in spector general from the Army National Guard and one from the - Air Force National Guard. - The Inspectors general would be available to handle signs or com plaints of improper conduct or Irregularities. They would liave lo bo at least lieutenant colonels with six years service In the Oregon National Guard or reserve. The governor could appoint additional Inspectors general if necessary. The state's liability is estimated at some $40,000 in the wake of a scandal that was discovered last year under the administration of the late Adjutant General Alfred l. lfintz. The House today passed a budg et for the State Marine Board. A bill to require new cars to be equipped with scat belts was ap iopirinI proved for passage by the House Slate and Federal Affairs Com mittee and sent lo the floor. " By unanimous vote, the commit tee killed bill that would have banned speakers such as Commu 'nist Gus Hall from appearing on .state college campuses or in pub .lie buildings. ! The committee approved bills prohibiting racial discrimination .in apprenticeship, and allowing public employes leaves of absence In serve in the Peace Corps. Two bills by Sen. Vcrn Cook, D-Grcsham, would permit voter registrars to conduct door to door . canvasses to secure reiiMrations -and would reraire open meetings " tor all public agencies. ; A bill by Sen. Andrew Nalerlin, , D-Newport, would prohibit long i line gear for taking salmon in J ocean areas where nets now arc '. forbidden. Art Displayed At Restaurant SALEM UPI-PainUngs hv a Bend youUi are being displayed here in an unusual one-man show in the Capitol coffee shop. The artist is Charles O'Brien Donley, 19, who paints from a '. wheel chair. '. Donley was stricken with mus cular dystrophy in grade school. . He completed a high school edu cation, started building model sir ; planes, and then began painting ; Bep. Kessler Cannon, n-Bend. Mid Donley's paintings have drawn wide attention. They range from landscapes lo action scenes .and porlralla. Prices .' rlRF.CN I : STAMPS 3s5f m .''InrAMPfiT: f' lanesTNit;: fvlllTAMPM'' m ORIF.N m .'ilnTAMPBl. OR HEN K t 1 NIAMPH m (ifAMf. free Easter Outfits! Six Easter Outfits will be given absolutely Free,f in appreciation of your wonderful response to .our new stores. From Bon Bazaar and iiomjL "Fashion Villa each . , . Easter Outfits for GIRLS BOYS LADIES Register for FREE Drawing or w Any of the Oregon Food Stores 7Thtre if no obligation. You do not hovo to bo oroicnt to win. Register today. MIX 'EM OR'MATCK 'EM! Apricots rS Wh0,e 411.00 Applesauce NorS 711.00 Applesauce V0W. 4?1.00 Fruit Cocktail Del Monte 5:1.00 No. 303 Jr Fruit Cocktail TUP.. 611.00 Peaches Peaches Peaches Modoc Freestone '1 Aft No. 2Vi 'tSI.UU Del Monte 1 Aft No. 303 5?1.UU Sierra Mission F" QQ No. 2Vi 3? .07 Pears Pears Del Monte 411.00 No. 303 1r 511.00 Pineapple Juice n,e 4?1.00 Pine.Grpfrt. Drinks. 451.00 Apple Juice Speos 3.1.00 46-Oi J? Cherries FNao:R3opr. 511.00 Pineapple SS Crushed or Tidbits ',,.5:1.00 Monte No Asparagus DNoD30P0 411.00 Spinach Spinach Spinach C;M- Argo Del Monte 711.00 No. 303 Ir ""A 811.00 Blue Sky No. 2Vi 5:1.00 Lit nn No. 303 GXI.UU Green Beans 811.00 Cottage Q' No. 303 Or Green Limas Xrsla 611.00 Beets Nr5o3Dl"d 811.00 Cottage Cream Style or Qf 1 Aft tOm Whole Kernel. No. 303 0 I .UU Hominy n0 .9?1.00 Blackeye Peas Sr 811.00 Kidney Beans STaoo 811.00 Pork & Beans nTV, 511.00 Q... Cottage Tender Garden Oil Art reas n0. 303 osi.uu Greens ,3s,ord..or:":"ip.8?1.00 Kidney Beans D3V... 7.1.00 Tomatoes 51.00 Stewed Tomatoes 551.00 Tomatoes M 7.1.00 Tomatoes M 551.00 Stewed Tomatoes Jr. 751.00 Tomato Sauce Tomato Sauce Del Monte 7:1.00 No. 300 Del Monro 8-O1 11:1.00 Catsup Catsup Del Monte 4:1.00 20-Oi t V Del Monte I 1 AA 14-Os OSl.UU Tuna Bonito Type Flakes !i Site i Market 6:1.00 Effcctivt Through Sunday Night While Quantities Lost ii yw&m Come join t he fun peanut You'll find bags of peanuts around all three stores. Grab a handful! Eat all you want! Throw the shells on the floor! It's more fun than a Circus ... or the first spring ball game f , j3d it's on us. Haveusf - have.a pea'nut bust! Free Cotton Candy for Kiddies at No. 2 Fri. and Sat. TOOO00 5 T"' . J"!.'. . XJ .: , .r . . 'KM Sv -r Mr If ' V 1 BJHHI0 Mlittbr- JK HMMNsJl 120,00 With Profit-Sharing PREMIUM CARDS! Pick Up Your Cards At Any Oregon Food Store. No Purchase Necessary . . . No Obligation! ayDi1SDiIIS FROZEN VEGETABLES Shrimp Surf Maid Broken 4'i Oi Instant Coffee Cheese Spread Tip Top Jumbo lO-Ol. Fishers 2-lb. Loaf Lemonade MCP Froion ,10c 6-0 TO OBSERVE NATIONAL 4 H CLUB WEEK if You're Not Shopping Here, You're Spending Too Much! Wo Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6rh 1315 Oregon Ave. Avolon and Shasta Way Hard Hot Store Hours 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at all the stares -- WINNER!! Mr. & Mrs. George H. Reagan 4408 Arthur Street Shown receiving $1000.00 Check from Harold Scoubes, manager of Oregon Food No. 3 ar 4480 South Sixth St. Be Sure To Get In The 0" Cash Give - Away From Our Own Bakery - "Ours Fresher" 22V2 Oz. Loaf 'Oregon Food" 8-Oz. Cottage Frozen 22 Oz. Orange Drink Orange Juice Pure Sun 6-Oz. . Froxen MCP Froien 6-Oi Shoestring Potatoes Sno Peak Froien 111 Lb 2 9 FROM OUR "IN STORE" BAKERY The Tastiest Bread, Rolls, Cookies, Cokes and Pastry You've Ever Eaten. Try Some Today, It's "Ours Fresher!" Our Own Large 22'2-oz. Loaf Large Angel Food All Varieties Dozen 4 DOZEN 1.00 French Rolls Dozen Cross Buns Dozen Dinah Shore announces: I ."Sjx , mrrxX UBl oiu-iime savings , I rilZmW ' with our low, low prices! Get MAP mm CAKE MIX FREE DEAL Buy 3 pkgs. Betty Crocker Cake Mix - Yellow, White or Devils et Reg. Price and get One Pkg. FREE fltfOFF REGULAR PRICE REGULAR PRICE OXYDOL GIANT, 8c OFF DASH GIANT, 10c OFF SPIC 'N SPAN GIANT, 10c OFF COMET CLEANSER, GIANT, 3e OFF CAMAY BATH SIZE In Apothecary Jr 39 ban APOTHECARY JAR mm T V. mM MM VcLJLz 3 mire gift value with America's SPRECKELS 0-lb. Bag Farm Fresh D0Z. 'Famous Food" or 'Kory" 3 Crater Lake Miss Lou Cove Cut Style 8 0z. Kitchen Charm 60 Count AA' Tomato TUNA White Spray Chunk 12S APPLES Red Delicious from Woih- ington. Large, crisp, erunchy tm IU3i POTATOES FLAV-R-PAC INSTANT Pg. CUKES Garden Fresh, Large Slicer Solod Variety 2 for 19 Most Valuable Stamps! 45c O 0 T 1 00 Vi Gal. Corned Beef Hash Derby IS'a-oz, Delight No. 1 Tins mo R Cello Wrapped Large White Heads EACH ANGES c Sweet, Juicy Mandarins Fresh from Florida 2 lbs. Asparagus Large, Green, Garden Fresh, New Crop. lb. Dry Onions Yellow from Medford 3-lb, Cello Bagi 2 for LOW 9 FRESH GRADE A y''" ," Swift's Royal Reck OC S Z& CUT-UP FRYERS Lb. 33 LEGS TH!I 4 BREASTS - Bone & Sirloin Steak 89 00 2 24" x 3o", Reg. $2.29 Now WOMEN'S SEAMLESS NYLONS Only LADiES PEDAL PUSHERS New Spring Colors Only Ad good onfy ot O.f .5. Price IHccrie Through m rr Tn m rrs T n ii iii i f iiiiiiia sir 1 Ji " L 1 JJ IV" i 2t Swifts Premium WHOLE DRAWN WINGS Backs lec GIBLETS I LIVER wift's Premium Skinles 5 1 -Pound Package VISIT OUR NEWEST ADDITION "Garden and Lawn Supply Dept" at Oregon Food No. 2 Shasta Way at Avaton ROSE Q BUSHES 07C and up VIGORO Covers 5,000 sq, ft, Reg. 4.79 $ n 9$ Now Only 3 New items arriving daily to moke a complete selection of garden eceet sories and patio equipment. CHILDREN'S TRAINING PANTS Only FAMOUS BRAND CHILDREN'S PULL-OVER SHIRTS AND SHORTS Valued at $1.49 Only REPEAT OF A CUSTOMER BARGAIN Boys Sweatshirts by Healtfvknit Reg. $1.49 Now HOODED SWEATSHIRTS For the Youngsters, Value $4.98 Now CARPET RUNNERS 24" x 72" Foam Rubber Backs, Only RUGS, Completely Washable, 100 Rayon, Foam Back 3' x 5', Reg. $3.49 Now 10c 79c 99c $ 1 49 $1 99 68c $99 Sbotfo Woy & Avalofi, Look for fabulous cuys In tho SoTjoin Soifcofl 5)1 r M You're Not Shopping Here, Jit) -fi Ji You're Spending Too Much! vjf !wyiyiC 4483 ' 5 ere3Sfl As" Sunday Night While Quantities Last Stars Hour Thurs., March 7, 1SSS Tag Hrraid & News Klamath Falls ommuntn daiendt ar THURSDAY PROSPERITY REBEKAH !OGF Hal?. FREMONT JR. fflGH PTA, 7:90 p.m., sdsoe! auditoriara. Pr gram, "Uigh School Counsefisg, ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, 8 p.m.. Meeting, KC Ka!i, Main and 10th. VENTURE CIA'R, 7:30 p.m.. fswetiiig, Winema HsleS. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYS, lacal 7JVJ, 7:30, Bweliflg, County Li brary, Air Force film. BETHEL NO, , Job's Daugh ters, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Masonic Tempie. Y - NE MA TWIRLERS, 7:30 p.m., round oance instruction, s p.m., square dance, YMCA. Bring sandwiches or cookies. VFW AUXSLIARY. S p.m. VFW Kali. iBring CCA tickets. CHILOO.UIN HOME EXT. 25h. 15fb UNIT, 10:30 a.m., Facing the Middle Years, home of Mrs. Le- ana Northrup. Bring sandsdeh, FRiTJAY ALL-DAY COFFEE HOUR, Bo nanza Cale. Proceeds from aH coffee saies to go lo InierEDm- muniiy Hospital fand. 39 EWAUNA LADffiS ENCAMP- MENT AUX. 46, S p.m., meeting, IOOF Halt. EAGLES AUXILIARY, 8 p.m., meeting, cancer fiim, aer FOS c Haii. Ib. SONS OF NORWAY S m, meetiEg, Siasla Grange HaJL BIAN2AJOTA SOCIAL CLUB, S p.m, meetmg, Edith Barieen, 28OT Patterson. EAGLES, 6 to 7:30 p.m., hobo supper, Eagies Kail. SATURDAY OREGON PILOTS ASSOC., Kiamath Falls Chapter, M Timers Night, 7:30 pm, iullel dinner, 6:30 pjrs,, cocktail hour, Reames Country Club. Dancing followers. RUMMAGE ..SALE, ..Alpha Iambda Chapter of Deita Kappa Gamma Society, 8 a.m., Clyde's Towing. MERRY ..MIXERS . .SQUARE DANCE, 8 p.flv, Greenie Dance, Merry Mixer Hall. Bring refresh ments. RUMMAGE SALE, Dale Car negie Ahnrmi and Vfinema Chal lengers, 8:38 a.m., Clyde's Tow ing. NAOMI SHRINE NO. 5, 8 p.m., siectKJB E officers, :38 p.m dinner for sffksrs and raenAers, Masonic Temffe onrLotjutN" do si do, s pja squai-e dance. Bring poflack. KLAMATH CO. HOME EXT. ALUMNI, 12 norm, potiuck, Mrs. H. V. Borton, Chelsea Addition. Spring festival plans. MIDLAND GRANGE, 8 p.m., card party, Grange Kail, SUNDAY MEMORIAL SERVICE, 2 j3.m,. Upper Eagles Hall. For de ceased members of Aerie and Auxiliary last year. Public Invit ed. 9th KMjUJliS A!RL!NL ?iCTUR TUBE SALI On Popular 21" Tubi 35( QQ W Ynr J l I inEtalicd by Factory Trtii Tehi(lei Enjtf thins TV ifrt wills m tvftr eluMlKttti pUtw iA , . . mtit Ht Wr by inHnf twkt .. - fuptp, Qmftti 1at utm yw. COMPARE AIRUNE OUAUTY ANB tOW f RiCfS QH AU OTHER SiZE TUBES 9;0G . 8:50 ?M, V