1 ABUTMENTS MH tMT34 NICELY furnished thrtt room tat. Cow in. nonary laciuiwi, taunt only, no mh KJ Lincoln. CLASSY. downtown, lr hcit, furniihca, aulti, 159. SO- Aloha Apu , TU 4-4S21 CLEAN fyrnlshod S'udo Apt.7 Mnon Apt. innex., 223 N. fttn. 2 BEDROOM & 3 bedrwm crtmen, un'urnlinM. lw 1 bedroom houit, TU 456. THREE room furnished, ctm and quit), 132.50, TU 4-4640 or TU S&64 LARGE 3 room furnishea apartmentT iJ7 iO nd WO, TU 4-36'a FURNISHED on room tpartmant, U0. utilities paid, 4)9 Norm torn. ONE room aoariments, furnished, "utilt tlts txcept lights, $37. yi tntj uii. Rik Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. NICE clean furnished apartment,-close In, TU 2-2S31, TU 4-4964. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. AUDLEY APARTMENTS Nicely furnished 1 bedroom and studios. 303 S. Sin near Post Office. ROOSEVELT APTS 2034 LeRoy Ph. TU 3-1749 Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom. Garage. Hot water he-it. Hot Spring; area. Adults. FURNISHED 3 room ' bachelor" apts., clean, modern. $32.50, lights, wjier paid. TU J-4547. TU 4-8261. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Wov One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 COMPORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST, 1-5-3 bfroom apti., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included Monday through -Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1M WASHBURN WAY TU 4-IJ71 Otflct hours I a.m. to 9 p m. kLAMATHFALLSFlNEST 3S44 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 1 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all service eeeot telephone and electricity Bofothwa Nelan T(i j-vtu HOUSES FOR RENT 26 SMALL furnished 3 room house, 1 or 2, $55. All electric. Washerdryer Included. Close to town. TU 4-8521. MODERN, unfurnished 4 bedroom, fire place. Utility room, electric kitchen and heat.South suburban, TU 2-5985. j 1 BEDROOM furnished, duplex, $55. 6100 So. 6th. , TWO bedroom house, close In, $35, sea Mr. Ramp at Joe Fishers, 677 South 6th. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, fenced yard, children, pets OK, 2 mi. north of lowrt, $65, TU 2-6590. FOR rent, lease or lease option 3 bed room house, Roseway Dr. TU 2-1593. two bedroom furnished home, close In, TU 4-9254. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, fenced yard. 2130 Vine, TU 4-6632. TWO bedroom home, fenced yard, ga 'rage. $65, 2164 Gary, TU 4-6020. CLOSE In 3 bedroom partly furnished house across street from Klamath Medical Clinic, 1905 Main. REALLY nice Mills duplex, two bed rooms, excellent features, 1311 Division, unfurnished, $65, TU 4-9633, TU 4-8S12. TWO bedroom furnished house, $65, South Suburban area, TU 2-3471. ONE bedroom furnished house, garage, fenced yard, $45, 204 Eldorado, ph. TU 4-608?. LARGE 2' j bedroom furnished. North side, TU 4-4268 after 4:30 p.m. WANT CHEAP LIVING? C'ean 2 bedroom furnished, north side. TU 4-4268 after 4:30 p.m. TWO bedroom unfurnished. $80, 604 North 9th. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house with basement, $50, 301 No. 3rd, Inquire 111 Pine, ph. TU 4-5885. TWO bedroom house close to school and new shopping center, cheap beat, $77.50. TU 2-4298. ONE bedroom unfurnished apt., $40, two bedroom unfurnished, $40, TU 2-3471 ONE bedroom furnished, $60; unfurnished, $57.50; 535 Martin, includes water, gar bage, TU 4-9005, after 4 p.m., TU 2-2970. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplexes. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $70 each. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before S p.m., TU 4-8267 after 5. LARGE 3 bedroom duplex, stove, refrig. carport, after 5, TU 4-4246. MILLS ADDITION, clean I bedroom cab in, $J5, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex near Conger School, $85, TU 4-7584. TWO bedroom house, oartly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45. U2-6135. SMALL 3 bedroom partly furnished, close In, $55, TU 2-464, TU 2-535. TWO room furnished. Close In. TU 3-1470 ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Available Feb. 20, $94. 3435 Summers Lane. TU 4-9573. IMMACULATE, newly decorated, unfur nished two bedroom. Inquire 2232 Union. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 2-3702. CLEAN 1 bedroom furnished. No dogs pleasel TU 4-3717. NEAR Air' Base. Furnished l bedroom. $30, TU 4-4915. UNFURNISHED, close In, water, gar Dage, wasning facilities paid, iu i-woi. ALL furnished new two bedroom home, 2820 Madison, TU 2-3280. NICELY furnished 7 bedroom duplex, close in, north side, TU 4-4756. UNFURnTsmED two bedroom house, 3010 Board man, TU 2-0990. TWO bedroom furnished house. Garbage, water paid. TU 4-3243. REMODELED 2 bedroom duole'x. fur nished, $65. Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom furnished $50, TU 4-8261. C'tEAN 2 bedroom duplex. Garbage and Wfl'er paid SI5 TU 4-(W MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 OFF ICE space or store rental avail able across from Courthouse. TU 2-4500. OFFICE or business space lor lease In new building to be erected at 7th K Walnut across from Post Office. Prime location with pacing, TU 4 "31 REAL ESTATI WANTED 28 WANTED 30 or 40 acres marginal land for homesttf. 5 to I miles from Klamath Fal' T U 4-?5 days. TU 4-6241 evU. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 21 TRADE good home In Suburban area ai serf payment on farm or ranch, balance cash. TU 2-4805 evenings. THREE bedroom homa. Large lot. Sell ar trade equity for small place. 5440 independence, tu i-j'h. I am o "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sill when you ceo trade. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member international UadtM dub Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash. EAL$TATIr0 SALE 3 THREE bedroom. buMt in oven and range.' oarage, fireplace. Owner transferred, 4jii Fargo. TU 2-5:71. I 5 6 ED ROOMS, 2 bithi. bui"-in Oven ad range, fireplace, utility room, cov-1 -ed patio, fenced back va'd. garaje. j $IS.7C0. 110 Den. TU 2-5411 I ri3-ACRVi"three bedroom brick houe.i fcu.lt in kitchen, large rooms a'l carpet ed. fireplace. TV rewi Outbuitdmgi. Fe-xea. $16 000 TU 4-1357. SHASTVoiftricTTood J beflrw. La'oe 'vng room, fireplace, din" room New t"'Ch ktchn t-v ut.lit Niy pe-nted tm oe and Out. SMSO. TU -!' RIAL ISTATI Wt 1ALI H SAVE VOursel IV 000. 0ner selling 2 beoroom home litt Darro Large fenced lot. ttOOO Good tor retired cow pie, witt rent. TU J-41JJ '20 ACRES of farm land from ontt M'ry. Free water, Sprigu River through oropeMy. Price SiyoOO Asking 11,000 down. TU 2-1935, TU 2-90QS eves. SUBURBAN home. Aoproximately X acres fenced. Two bedrooms, unfinished house lor guest sleeoing accommodation. Ga rage, barn witn stables plus other out buildings, truit trees, etc., $15,000. TU 2-4909. TU 2-2934. MOVING Three bedrooms, t' bath, builtin kitchen, brick fireplace, wall lo wall carpeting, storm windows. Henley district, ru 4-5(64 after a p.m. VIEW of Klamath Lake from this at tractive, 3 bedroom home New carpet, sliding glass doors onto covered patio, built-in kitchen applierr is, fireplace, fenced yard, playroom-garage. Many other features. $15,200. rty kind ot fi nancing. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU 4-9306. pOUR apartments, excoifn. investment, close in, TU 2-7531, TU 4-4944. EXTRA nke 2 bedroom home. Orchard Manor. All improvements including oe f io. Redwood fence, trees and shrubs. Take car or trailer as part equity. TU 2-1720. DARLING 2 bedroom house, completely fenced yard. Reasonable price. TU 4-V946 TWO bedroom house, fireplace. 5 acres, Henley School District, Tu 4 7980. STROUT REALTY 5479 S. tlh Eves. Rob 8 Stella Dehlingcr Hank Hoiman Ph. TU 4-5281 TU 2-5601 TU 2-5048 2 bedroom, fireplace. Mills Add'n $i. 3 bedroom, fireplace, south suburban ..... $13,900 3 bedroom, large lot, Keno $6,000 3 bedroom, basement, ChHoquin ...$7,500 4 bedroom, flreolace. south suburban imw i acre, 2 bedroom, south suburban $7,000 70 acres. Irrigated, good soil $17,500 COMFORTABLE HOME ON 1 ACRE Easy to convert this very livable Stucco home Into 3 bdrooms. Wall to wall car pets, lovely fireplace and lots of living1 $11,950 BUY EQUITY, ASSUME FHA LOAN' McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Main TU ?-44ft Art Moorman TU 2-123 Evelyn McAfee TU 2-5935 Eleanor Mahan TU 2-5255 Multiple Listing Service MLS DO YOU FEEL LIKE PUSHING OUT THE WALl 5 and long for' ust a little elbow ROOM ?????? This 1$ your opportunity to trade In your smaller home for this spacious four bed room home with all the extras expected in a newer home. Two baths, two fire places, built-in bar In family room, storm windows and doors, covered deck, pano ramic view of Klamath Basin. Check with us on an outright purchase or tradel Price $33,000. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 114 Kin 71 h TIP 4.1179 Ray Worden Lucille Anderson TU 4-9767 TU 2-0511 Multiple Listing Service MLS SKYLINE VIEW AREA, AND IN HENLEY SCHOOL DIS TRICT. Maonlflcent view site of over 1 acre, with Inviting newer 3 bedroom home overlooking tha valley. Includes family room, fireplace, V baths. GOING SOON AT JUST $18,900. Maximum FHA, Gl. or conventional financing. V WEST PARK NEAR CONGER SCHOOL, and ust min utes to downtown. Beautiful custom-buit 3 bedroom home In sparkling "like new" condition, and surrounded by 100 per cent all newer homes In this choice area. Just $1B,250; easy FHA or Gl terms; WILL TRADE DOWN FOR WELL-BUILT 1 or 2 BEDROOM HOME. GOOD AREA. SHASTA WAY HERE'S l't ACRES, with well-built I bedroom home. Private well tor Irriga tion. Has 14 x 18 ft. partial concrete basement, storaae building. Asking $9,500, WITH REASONABLE CONTRACT TERMS. DRIVE BY 5523 SHASTA WAY; then give us a call. ft QUICK ACTION ft ON LISTINGS! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE. TOO 111 N. Mr. St. Prion! TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Bill Chlkole Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves Tom Rebuilt Ph. TU J-64IJ Eves. Ed Chilcote. Associate Broker Bob Chilcote. Broker WINEMA GARDENS New. 3 bedroom. t'i baths, built-in kitch. en, hardwood floors, full wall romen brick fireplace. A 1 restricted location. Price re duced to $16,000. SUBURBAN Modern 2 bedroom home, '? acre Irrigat ed Excellent condition Inside and out. Detached garage. Priced to sail at $6950. Low down payment. NEWLY Built I bedroom home plus family room. location. Price $9,500. Owner will consider Terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNAT IONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Phone TU 2-4740 Lois Macy iris Madoie RalDh Vaden Fred Tucker TU 2-567 TU 4.5495 Loretla 767-4163 TU 4-9742 MLS Multiple Listing Service NEARLY NEW fw bedroom Suburban jhome on paved siren. Gravel bu'll-uD roof, fireplace, large attached garage ad e carport. Excellent terms. $13,750 (NEAR KUHS Three bedroom home with i fireplace, and munc room or den. Good condition. Only $11,500. I HOT SPRINGS Solid two bedroom home m eicenent condition, Wall to wall car- Ipelmg In living room, dinino room and hail. Partial basement. $i3.too. '' RENTALS Two furnished homes In poou- 1 lar Mills Addition. Reduced for a gu'C I tae. Full price $4,500. DURANT ELTO jo so o i tu inn v tu vxi Mil Honda ton lain Half Clyde Williams TU 4-ITJ4 Erne Graves Tu 1-1 Ml T.na P?),' TU 4 734J Vr. Butt Jenei TU 4-4e RIAL KTATf WI SALI ... ,.3 BY owner. 2 bedroom ranch style home. Pay equity of $1500 and assume con- rati. I U 2-J52. Two bedroom heme. Hardwood floors, tireciace. garage, fenced yard, spr inkier system. Pay equity and assume Gl con tract of S7 a month. 1804 Riverside Drive. TU 4-4011. FOR sa'e or rent 4 bedroom unfurnished home, ph. TU 4-5447. SELL acuity in good 2 bedroom home. TU 2-3318. MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property any where west of the Rockies! Celt DEANE SACHER Realtor Member international Traders Club Licensed - Ore. Cal Ida Wah. SACRIFICE HOME SALE t Fine three bedroom homes. A 1 location May lease with option if you act quickly See . . . GOMER JONES, REALTOR US No. 7th TU 4-3108 and TU 4 7597 Jack Gardner TU 2-1074 ST. FRANCIS PARK Comfortable and well constructed 3 brd room home in excellent neighborhood Fireplace, wall to wail carpeting, furnace heat piped to ail rooms, insulated. Ail spacious rooms with separate dining area. Garage. $13,500. Terms. (FHA appraisal.) LEONARD REALTY TU t lil or TU I -W5 Audrey Kefrins Jot Leonard Jot Perry TU 4-42BS TU I-0SJ J I TU 4 5332 STILWELL & CO. Presents: CONGER SCHOOL Is only 2 blocks from this comfortable, older 3 bedroom home. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, shoo & storage, double lot provides splendid play area Price $10,000. Wt can help you with the financing. $500 DOWN, $50 PER. MO. Solid, clean 1 bedroom with basement. Good district. Full price $4,300. NEAR WEYERHAEUSER sound 2 bed room on cement foundation. Full Price $6,500. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3136 Atter 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 2-.TA9? Bruce B ink ley TU 4-378 it no answer can tu wot6 or iu 2-0444 Multiple Listing Service MLS HILLSIDE ST. Small two bedroom home. Located lust high enough up the hilt to get a view. Suitable for couple or small family. II has fireplace, separate dining room, full basement, electric heal, lawn & shrubs. Just move in and start living! If you have $1,000, owner will carry contract for the balance. Eligible for FHA or Gl financing. PEYTON Member International Traders Club Harold M. Rush Mrs, Dan Nichols "Pat" Palone TU 2-4173 TU 4-R651 TU 2-0S36 HOMES WITH INCOME CLOSE IN NORTH SIDE 3 Apts - Returning $115 Monthly - May Assume Loan Payable $50 Per Month -Only $9,750. 2 Apts Returning $130 Monthly - May Assume Loan Payable $H5 per Month. 2 Apts - Returning $130 Monthly - With lovely Owner's Apt - extra lot - Pay ments only $80. Per Month - Priced $14,000. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 ALANDALE. Two bedrooms, living room 12' i x 25 ft., dining room 12' i x t n. Garage. Shop. Lawn and shrubbery. A neat clean home priced at $9,000. FINE home, beautiful view. Brick con struction. 1.696 sg. ft. ot living space Large well appointed living room with fireplace. Three bedrooms, wall lo wall carpet in living room. 2 bedrooms and hall. Attached garage with carport. In sulated fruit room. Baseboard dicsel oil forced air heat. Early American light fix tures. All this on large 160x165 ft. lot with southerly view, r-uny lanascaoea with underground sprinkler system. Bum m 1961. Priced at cost. $25,000. Shown b appointment only. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-34T1 Eves. TU 4-9693 O' Donahue NEW THREE bedroom home, lust fin Ished. Fireplace. Exceptionally fine cabinet work, storage. Only $13,500 Easily financed. NORTH SIDE, four blocks from Main St. Extra laroe 3 bedroom home Owner will carry contract at $8,500. Name your own terms. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 S Th St TU 4 'A, Anytir BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 FOR sale small neighborhood cale, good location. T u 2-513 before p m. or iu 2-5876 after 7 p.m. NOTICE TO PUBLIC F-lease investigate thoroughly any Invest. menl of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities fare Investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to refect alt fraudulent or misleading advertising. however, we are not responsible for the nteontv of the firms or individuals plare advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunity ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Liassmea a- ver'islng Department of tha Her eld and FINANCIAL LOANS 34 Do It NOW With A LOAN! Buy thot nw cor Plan o real vocation Sktpper your own boot Move into o mohil home Take off in o trovrl trailer FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cci Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Locoimn Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sole financed locally Owned for 33 Yeors Motor Investment Co 513 So. 6th TU 4-783 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . S3 FOR sa'e by owner well slocked sfora and tavern oi 3 acres, 3 bedroom apt. at tached ideal tor family, lit, want to sli- TU 4-9609 CLEAR income property, $210 per month, SH 00 fit er traae, TU 4-97S4 flUIL D ING - RI MOP E LING 3e) RE MODEL I NG Stdmg and Foundations No money Jci. Up to 5 years lo pay! 5 re cr-f i-'e-est tu 4-4'0. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR sale O Keeffe & ""Mjtrr TU 2-4985. WALNUT dming set. excellent condi- , Micahte kitchen table, TU 4-9375. "GUARANTEFD USFD RANGES REFRIGERATOR5 - WASHERS DRYERS WA fE HE Al feRS Cascade Home Furn. SFK THF MERCHANDISE MART FOR BED SPRINGS & MATTRESSES ALL SIZES 2964 So. nth TU 4-6660 antiques . . . Drop In and see our new depart ment, antique glass, china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE 3899 S. Sith WESTINGHOUSE Double - Oven $ 7 RANGE ' Excellent condition, guaranteed. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 SINGER CLEARANCE'!! FLOOR MODELS & DEMONSTRATORS A BIG BIG REDUCTIONS I & 2 OF A KIND SAVE UP TO $70. SINGER SEWING CENTER Al MAIN TU 2-2513 FUEL HEATING 38 RED fir, pine, dry, clean, $16 cord deliv ered. Ph. TU 4-9538. r.DPFM nnnlir uinnri M ffirii LI. Haul! TU 2-0034. DRY pine blocks. You haul, 14 per cord. Metier Brothers, 3121 Crosby, TU 4-5164. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Loqs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S Bp H" Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9260 tTMEfcTBUY STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS' Frankford Fuel Co. Jn 8, 'hn St. TU 2-4444 Wh" ClVr GOLD POND STAMPS GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch ering, cutting, curinq, Shamrock Meats. 4327 Shnsta Way. TU 2-42)6, TU 2-0678. WlSCONSINrJatural CheeeMairpd"dl rect. WTile: Swiss Family, Brodhaad, Wisconsin. Boafi - Peri - SporH - Hobbwt 40 14 FOOT Plywood runabout, fibrenlas bof. torn, 25 ti p. Evinrude, accessories, $650, TU 2-4336. FOR sale two bear bows, 40 lb. Alaskan and 50 lb. Kodiak Special, with nuiver, arrows, etc. S55 complete, TU 4-3988. 17 FT. glass Skaqit convertible, complel top. 40 horse electric Johnson. Tcenee trailer. Sacrifice $1,500. Coast-to-Coast Store, Chiloquin. JUDO Instruction at the auditorium Tues iay nights, 7:30. $2 per lesson. TU 1-6033. , FT. Folboat for sale. 2333 Whlls, TU 2-5603. FOR SALE Pekingucse puppies. Phone TU 2-0529. 21 FT. EXPRESS Cruiser and boat- house. Galley, head. TU 4-J302. PUPPIES wholesale. Win. Schnauzers, poodles, chihuahuas. Gold Star Kennels. 5358 S. Pacific Hwy. Medlord or 3455 Jacksonville Highway. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom. nq, bathing. Dogs and puppies lor sale. SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Mer- rill-Lakeview Junction olt Merrill High way on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Box 504E TU 4-5078. FOR sale Dachshund pups, seven weeks phone TU 2-4275. BLACK miniature poodle puppies, 0 weeks, excellent blood lines. TU 2-4052. BRIJA(I KENNELS At stud champion ed let black, brown, and si'ver poo dles, white ft, colored peklnqese, oranqe Pomeranians. Professional poodle clip Ping. Ptjpp'M So. Fnn TU 4-7S75 RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 USED amplifier and guitar unit. 515 E. Wain, TU 4-3360. TV service calls, D.J. TV Repair. TU 2-6409 before 8 p.m. CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 RENT a new Baldwin piano, 110 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co., 830 Main, TU 2-4W3. EXPERIENCED piano teacher, near Madison St. Blanche Manes, TU 4-306. USED PIANO SALE'! BALDWIN WURLI17ER H. F. MILLEP KIMBALL SAVE UP TO $350. BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Moin TU 2-4883 ft MUSIC -,Ar Lessons & Sales Guild A Eolphwi Guitar. Snnol. Ac enrrtinns and Lowray OrQani. "Rant Ap plies tp Purchaie." Klamath Music Center 515 E. Mom TU 4-330 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK i. POULTRY 4 rnR mi Iao taddla hortei. lalaphona KLAMATH . STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midlond Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST r,t SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS MaVo Your Plant Now to C'jnMgn to thfl Sfoclrrcn's Market. Tuesday is sole day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Oftic 4-966 Htyn 4-9434 LIVWTOCK & POULTRY .42 SEVERAL one, two and fnrea- year -old horses for sale, 3209 Crest. FOR sale Yearling Hereford Bull from Production tested herd, hoiitday Ranch. TU 4-9034. 3 YR. old filly, gentle; 6 vr. old gelding, good cow horse; mare to foal In May; Palomino gelding, gentle, TU 2-12H. AT stud Reg. Araban ibn Hemide, gray, Holliday ReKh. TU 4-9034. FOR sale or trade lor cattle '51 Ford 2 ton truck, '53 Dodge station wagon, thoroughbred raca horse. 10-yr. old geld ing. TU 2-926. A new load every Tuesday. BABY calves for sale, 1845 Gary, phone TU 2-5889.1 K L A M ATM pITov E DS' Vf S E R V I C E ! TU 4-4400, TU M1I5, TU 4 455. TU 2-6107: KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY of I p.m. sharp Rte. 3. Box 44 MACHINERY 44 1955 FORD fork lift. 4.000 lb. capacity, S875. Ses Lumber Sales, 7035 So. tm, TU 4-4723. FARMALL Model M tractor, phone TU 4-5949 or TU 2-2440. JOHN DEERE Model A tractor In good condition. Hat wide front end. cab, pow er tool bar and live aux., hvdreullc pump, S7S0. Phona Tu 4-3911, Bleckmen Ranch, Rle. 2. Box 690. TRACTOR MACHINERY BARGAINS! O. C. Case Tractor $ 550 Massey Harris 44 Tractor $ 675 TD9 Crowler Troctor with Straight Dozer $3500 Formall M narrow front .. S 900 Edward 2 bottom, 2 way hang on Plow $ 350 No. 39 IH Plow on steel wheels $ 175 IH 5Vi' offset Disk $ 150 ,Mellen Wheel type offset disk 6'2' $ 195 Oliver 12' Tandem Disk .. $ 175 lOliver fV Offset Disk $ 195 Kilifer Hydraulic Chisel .... $ 175 Morrill Wheel Rake $ 350 Iron Aoe high speed Pota to Planter $ 350 Model B 20 x 7 IH press drill with grass seeder .. $ tSOO Mossey Harris 12' wheel drill $ 250 Johnson hoy loader $ 350 16 Mayrath hay elevator $ 65 Byberg feed mixer and grinder (less motor) .. . . $ 350 IJ40 Crawler tractor with hydraulic angle dozer .. $4300 J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 MISC. FOR RENT ..45 EARTH BORING machine, 6 Inch to 20 Mtn onmeier, pnone 1 U 43334. FOR RENT, American floor sender and iHBr, swiir una easy to operate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 So. 61h. TU VALLEY RENTAL'S GREAT BIG MESS! If you can't find what vou want tn rem, tculi we n neip you look lor HI 1003 F. Main TU 4-6812 MISC. WANTED 46 wan 1 1 D: booms for weed sprayer, disc nagers io make border checks. TU 2 4760 WANTED antiques, anything old I Call iu i-s4 aays or TU '-S080 eves. MOVING? Don't discard books. toys. etc. TU 2-6214 days, TU 4-9475 eve nings. Will pick up. Dorothea' G'tt snoop a. hook xenanqe. CONSIGN NOW We need small Hems dWies. oofs, bam etc. for our Friday night auction. Free pickup. THE RESALE HOUSE S 6'h TU MISC. FOR SALE 51 35 MM CANON CAMERA, Fl lens, like new, 10, 713 Rosewey Drive alter p.m. ALFALFA hy tor idle, in barn, TU 4-476. DRAIN roc, qrsvel, end roadway m. terial, TU 4 3S6A, GEO. R. STACY CO SO TON wheat and alfalfa hey. Loretla tt7-41TO. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy fill. On- rjeri. pelican sand. TU 4-4387. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS HAY lor jtor.k cowt or nnre about W0 tent good grass And alfa'la, ell or part Nust Lake Ranch, TU 7-1 214 TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes, TU -JtoS. FREE horse manure, TU 4-M7 or 1S47 Bisbee. SO TON OAT hay for sale, 3J7-I744 Malln. OAT hay for sale, 7?-41?0 Lorella. CUTTING TORCHES HOSES & GAUGES UNDER $50 We buy for less, to 5ove you more COFER'S EXCHANGE f 25 Klomnlh TU 4-7160 FOR SALE All imnrrwurmnti 1 (he TutHiVd Grow tr' Trailer Court irwj Tent Oly, InclutJ- 1. RuiMmq W t 150. Cnn tw mivtfl In thre Wtlon,. J, 1.000 QHllon priur tank. 3. 1'i hor Jututtt wter pump. 4. ThrM lnurtrjry lryi . doubl. 5 Ten lvlorles. 6 .ln vth blrn. 7. Gil water Muter, II 500 gallon rferyf hot Wtr tflnlr. t. Sfvfrnl hunrtrJ I! of OlvanlierJ iron pipt ind titling. I fht oorjtlori of tht TralltrCourt and Tirrt city. Smd b'd. will b tccerJ at tha TuiflAke Gruwcrtj Otflct until Friday, Mare Ith Bfl may ba tubmlttad on individual Itemt er on all Improvtmtnltv MrchandiM it tnid at It and io ba movM within fo (jayt ttar tft m An yon inttrMted In loot'tng ovf r tM it lltmi may call at tha Attociation other Phone TuUlala 67-5214 MISC. MR SAII 31 FOR SALE aheep manure, sack or load. ph. TU 4-HM. FERTILIZER, rottad oulverlied theep m.nure. tl per hundred lb. tack, TU 2-CW2. OLD barnyard tertiliier, delivered. TU 2-10X. DRIVEWAY material, crushed rock, dram rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-156. HEPTACHLOR Controls Alfalfa Weevils) Fully Approved Low in Cost Now Is the time tor aopliraltonl SEE US TODAY AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4f?t So Mh TU 2-45 TRAILERS 52 COMPLETE HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Carr, 4423 Winter Ave. TU J-H3. 19TZE nTtH-!- tt.sVlicontalned. Used once, like new, H,m. TU 4-350 after 2:30 p.m. FOR sale or trade equity In 50x10 New Moon trailer, 2425 Summers Lane, No. 17. t1 PARAMOUNT 10x50, I bedroom, trade equity for lorn dure. TU 2-4241. TRAILER house for ren. 140, also trail er space, 120. TUJ-034 FACTORY" Ironed-Coleman & Internet-1 mobile furnace service, parts. TU 4-843 SPECIAL 1963 PONTIAC CHIEF 2-twdroom, iALQC. 10 x 50 .. . "07J POOLE'S MOBILE HOMES, INC. 3125 So 6th TU 2-2801 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS S3 CANOPY for wide bed A ton pickup. TU Mill Cecil Cox Garaqe Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Ud li a Specialty 2851 Altamont Call TU 4-9023 'OVER 30 YP ARS EXPERIENCE NEW CARS I TRUCKS 34 SEE and DRIVE the new INTERNATIONAL before You BUY! JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. Ilth 8. Klamoth TU 2-2581 See The EXCITING Riviera by BUICK TODAY at Wilson WILEY BUICK Co The most brilliant automobile to ODDear in vears. Th new international classic and dis tinctive customized personal type car. YOU CAN BUY THE NEW Riviera RIGHT NOW Delivered in Klamath Falls for as low as $4,697.60 Including every Buick lux ury accessory. WILSON WILEY BUICK Main Garage 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Lot No. 2 429 So 7th TU 4.9203 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 FARMERS: '51 Ford V-8 cuttom flat bad ton truck, dual wheeli, tu -ns FOR aala mi 4-wheel-drfva Willys Jeap, phone TU 24121. JOE FISHER'S 2nd Car SPECIALS No Down Payment (on approved credit) '51 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan '147 Regular $247 .... 56 Mercury 4-Dr. Wogon iAQl Regular $697 "7 '55 Mercury 2-Dr. Sedon $OQ7 Regular $497 ' ' '57 Pontioc 4-Dr. A07 Regular $897 ' ' 55 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan iAQl Regular $597 '56 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan $OQ7 Regular $397 ' ' 55 Pockord 2-Dr. Hdtp. inAl Regular $397 '52 Olds 2-Dr. Hdlp. $0Q7 Regular $397 .... ' ' 55 Pontioc 4-Dr. Sedon $"3Q7 Renulor $497 Oil '56 Dodge 4-Dr. Sin. Wa Regular $497 J t f '52 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Regular $297 '56 DcSoto 2-Dr. Hdtp. M97 597 797 Renulor $597 59 Hillmon Min 4-Dr. Regular $797 '56 Willys Jeep Pickup Regular $1097 SALESMEN Dole Sechnst TU 2-5720 Roy Rmehort TU 4-9541 Joe Podgett TU 2 0637 llm Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 I Elnathan Davis' TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7m TU 4-8104 HERALD AND NEWS, KUmaUi USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... 55 H57 CHEVROLET -dr , I7S; ml Chev-' roier pickup, good condition, u5, 3xi nil- taid T U -! WANTED '57 I. older cart, central Auto Sale. TU Ml M. TU 1-3K4. 1954 FORD Fordor sedan, real clean, TU 4-997 or 184 Bisbee. FOR sale or trade 1959 Triumph Station vVaoon, 1400. 195 Ford Station Wagon. S7J0. 1954 Rambler Sedan, 425. 19a Ford Pickup with Jifty Top. 1325. 1950 Chev rolet Sedan, tlSO. I tt. Camper for Pick up, 1300. Sines Lumbar Sales, 7035 So. 6th. TU 4-423. Vi PRICE SALE Now under way at the CHEVY CENTER! , 20 Cars to Choose From HURRY! HURRY! DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6lh to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 DALE'S Prices Are LOW! But if you don't ogree MAKE AN OFFER! 54 Olds 4-Dr. Hdlp $595 55 Ford 2-Dr J395 55 Ford Sin. Wogon $295 54 Mercury 2-Dr $245 54 Buick 2-Dr $195 51 Dodge Pickup $295 50 Chrysler 4-Dr $195 Fine Later Model BARGAINS '62 Chev. II Novo 400 2- Door $ ??' 6 Ford V-8 2-Dr $ ???l 61 Chev. Monzo 4-Dr. .. $ ??? '60 Ford Frlne. 500 4-Dr. $1195 '60 Rombler Amer. 4-Dr. $ 995 '59 Ford V-8 4-Dr. (slick) $ 895 '59 Volkswagen 2-Dr $1195' '59 Studcbakcr 2-Dr $ 795 58 Chevrolet 4-Dr $ 795 Large selection of Cars and Pickups, too! REMEMBER . . . Dale and 'Shine' will trade for almost anything. DALE'S Used Car Lot 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 ECCLES MOTOR CO. IT'S Clean-up TIME ot So. 606 Sixth Stop in today drive a bargain away! 62 Ponlioc Grand Prix CouDe Rodio. healer, power steerina. power brakes, floor shift Hv- dramatic. Black exterior with while Interior. Q7 Bucket seats 001 1 '62 Rambler Custom 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, healer, overdrive. Eco nomical 6 cyl. eng. One local owner. Extremely 99Q7 Inw miUnn --, '61 Pontioc Tempest 4-Dr. Rodio, hooter, floor shift, full Morrokide $ g(J7 61 Rambler Custom 4-Dr. Radio, heater, power steering, 6 cylinder engine, popular black finish. One $ gf7 '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-Dr. Radio, heater, automatic transmission, V-8 $ I CQ7 n F.lrn hnrr I Oil 60 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, standard trans., V-8 engine, $ I "507 r.Mn I J 7 59 Chev. Porkwood 4-Dr. Stn Wagon. Rodio, heater, auto matic tTonsmission, power brakes, one local $ CQ7 owner I 7 j 58 Ford Rnnrh Wnaon Radio, heater. 6 cylinder en-; gme with stondard transmis-1 sion. Plenty of $ QQ7 room and economy 7 7 '58 Volkswagen 2-Dr. 3 to choose from. $ QC7 '58 Volkswogen Karmann Ghia Convertible Coupe. $ 0O7 Shorp I J 7 These Fine OLDER MODEL SPECIALS are all in Good Runninq Condition '56 Ford 2-Dr. Sedon $347 '56 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan $347 Desoto 4-Dr. Sedon $297 54 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedon .. $197 'S4 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedon .... $197 54 Ford 4-Dr. Sedon $247 34 Buick Hardtop Cpe $19; '52 Chev. 2-Dr. Sedan $ 97 '51 Chrysler 4-Dr $ 97, Coll one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! Bill Cunningham TU 4-7177 Dick Floyd TU 2-5859 Bill Hotchkin TU 4-4551 Pete Stride TU 2-0491 Run Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson TU 4-6618 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4.1124 Falls. Or. HVdnrtday, March (, 1963 USED CARS AMD TRUCKS 33 tt37 FORD Coup. Ntw batttry, rtbulll generator, sealed btim lights, smooth V-l motor, oood tlrts. sound body. For sal by original owner, uso. can cm seen at Maury's Foreign Cars, VII 5. 6l h SI. '55 FORD station waoon, V-t, 3 sp. over drive, new lirts. excellent, (St), see l 2744 Derby. )Se INT'L coaster tog truck, W0 Cum mins engine, 1951 White trailer, l,w 1953 GMC log truck, 7 d'esal engine. i-Sl Thomas tratier, M.ooo. iu 1st Choice Used Car BARGAINS 61 Ford Falcon 2-Dr $1098 '61 Mercury 2-Dr $1998 '60 Volkswogen 2-Dr $1398; 59 Chev. '6 Brookwood Wogon $ 998 '58 Chev. Delroy 4-Dr. .. $1098 '58 Mercury Montclair .... $1098 '57 Plymouth V-8 Belv. 4- Door $ 798 57 Buick Century 4-Dr. Hordtop $ 898 57 Dodge V-8 Coronet 2-Dr $ 595 56 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4- Door $ 598 '56 Chrysler Windsor 4-Dr. $ 698 '56 Chrysler 2-Dr. Hdtp. (300B. Full power. Limited production) .. $ 898 56 Plymouth V-8 Plain 4- Door $ 298 55 Dodge Royal Sedan .. $ 298 55 Ford Custom 2-Dr $ 398 54 Ford 4-Door $ 348 55 Dodge Coronet V-8 2- Door Hardtop $ 398 54 Ford V-8 4-Door $ 198 54 Ford Victoria V-8 .... $ 248 53 Chev. 4-Door $ 248 53 Chev. '6' 4-Dr. Wogon $ 248 50 Chev. "6' Sedan $ 50 TRUCKS 56 Willys Jeep $ 698 53 Ford '6' Yi T. Pckp. $ 298 53 Dodge '6' T. Pckp. .. $ 198 50 GMC Vi Ton Panel .. $ 98i 55 International LI 90 10-wheeler 8-10 dump $4998 Thomas DODGE Sales & Service USED CAR LOT 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 & BALSIGER LOOK at these BARGAIN BUYS! You'll Find Them at BALSIGER'S 2 BIS CAR LOTS--BUT YOU'D BETTER HURRY! YOUR CHOICE 1953 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, V-8 1953 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, V-8 1952 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1950 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR SEDAN (clean) 1947 WILLYS 2-DR. STATION WAGON (2-wheel dr.) IY4H VYILLYb PANtL 2-wheel drive) YOUR CHOICE 1955 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE, V-8 iy55 PLYMUUIH STATION WAGON YOUR CHOICE 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Radio, heater, Fordomatic. "As-ls". A mechanic's special. 1956 FORD V-8 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic. 1956 FORD FAIRLANE V-8 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomatic. 1956 FORD V-8 2-DOOR RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, Fordomatic 1955 FORD V-8 4-DR. COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic. 1956 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP Rodio, heater, Mercomatic 1958 ENGLISH FORD THAMES VAN 1954 INTERNATIONAL PANEL 1 vr v 1958 FORD V-8 CUSTOM 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomotic 1958 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE 500 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomatic LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES Allan Cfttamf Pnriar Clamant Wlckay Carr tack Millar .... TU MUM TU 4-HOa. TU TU -U01 41 Aktrlch BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Always the Fairest Deal . . . The Finest Product Main & Etolanado PAGE T-B USED CARS AND TRUCKS -' 35 '55 FORD wagon. 4-dr., standard trans, with overdrive, 1350. ALSO military Jo, completely rebut 1 1, with hubs U00. TU 4-S65I. GOOD 151 Volvo J-ipd. Lota of ex. tra. 1475 Cash I TU 4-S3 if eves. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cosh Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1953 Buick 4-Dr. Sdn $ 93 1947 Chev. 4-Dr. Sdn $ 63 1953 Olds. '98' 4-Dr. Sdn. $173 1950 Cadilloc Club Coupe $163 1953 Chev. Club Cpo $193 r950 Buick 4-Dr. Sdn. jewel! $193 1951 Buick 4-Door Sedan $193 1953 Olds. '98' 4-Dr. Sdn. $273 1954 MtRCURY 4-Dr. Sdn. $293 1953 Olds. '98' Hdtp. For better than average $363 Salesmen Ron Bryan TU 4-5467 Max Schreiber TU 4-5002 Steve Walker TU 4-6702 'Glenn Cox TU 4-9023 Dick B. Miller Co 7th & Klamoth TU 4-4154 Attention SPORTSMEN! Here's your dream outfit for hunting and fishing '61 CHEV. Va TON PICKUP 4-Speed, V-8 engine, 6-ply Commercial Tires PLUS '63 CAVEMAN -8 FT. CAMPER Completely Equipped ALL FOR JUST $3,162.50 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th 8, Commercial TU 2-564( MOTOR CO. $133 $ 199 noo 4-DR. SEDAN $666 $777 . LOT NO. 2 -r 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 Si VandanOoal TU 4-W3 Llovd Chlrtaitar TU 4-W1? Hicham Dick TU . Hotlla" Wait Marrlll M-J5II TU 4-7 , TU 4-3121