HOUSES FOR R2NT 2 NICELY furnish J" bedroom utitt cloM In, norm not, Tu 4'n. RENT, lc or tratJbSS""ii"l full basement, oarage, y.(lty ftoijlt m back yard, TU 4-tiu. TAO bedroom hoys, range (urniihtd close In, inquire 43a Wairtingion. UNHURNtSHEO to trtroonThoi" J010 Bwrdman, TU 2-090. U N FU R Nt SHE 0 clean threTbed7o home, automatic heat. crociing. nev Fairvlew and Academy Krwoi, Til wi Whitney. 175 a mo. TU 2-4(75. TWO bedroom urifurn,shedhome. Large living and dining roomt, tencer back yard. Storagt and utility rooms. Wonder ful ntighbori. Close to school and loo ping ctnter. TU 2S$St. TU 4-6704 TWO bedrooms, walVin closets, hardwood floors, near town, 309 N. loth. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house, 551( Delaware. TU 4-S466. TWO bedroom furnished house. Garbage water paid. TU 4-3243. LARGE 1 bedroom partly furnished " ' twaemen1' BTw. TU 2-0535. REMODELED J bedroo.n duplex. fur nished, US. Inquire III Pine. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom furnished, $S0. TU 4 6261. TWO bedroom duplex, completely fur nished, fenced yard, 567 50. TU 4-7551 MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 RENT or lease 112 acres near Tulelake, TU 4-4990 alter 3 p.m. OFFICE space or store rental avail able across from Courthouse, TU ?-6500. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WANTED 30 or 40 acres marginal land for homesite. 5 to 0 miles from Klamath hairs, iu days, tu 4-6741 eves RAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 21 TRADE equity in modern 3 bedroom home for mobile home In very good ''TRADE" and SAVE TAXES For information on fox FREE Trades, coll DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore., Cat., Ida., Wash. fc oiati fOR SALE ,.3t h ee bedroom, in . . DARLING 2 'jeoroom house. tonwtfly edjrard. Reasonable price. Tu BY owner, j bedroom ranctTstvUhI Pay equity of 110 and esiume con- TWO bedroom house, fireplace, 5 acres, ''"rjvwi UilTriCT, I U 4-79U. OR sale or rent 4 beOroem unfurnishM home, pn. TU 4-i-a. MLS MLS! Multiple Listing ervics DO YOU FEEL LIKE PUSHING OUT THE WALIS This is your opportunity to fraoe In vour smaller horn lor this spacious tour bed room home with all the extras expected in a newer home. Two baths, two fire places, built-in bar In tamity room, storm windows and doors, covered deck, pano- ini view m Ma ma in Basin. Check with us on an outright purchase ur iraaet price SJJ.OOO. BRUCE OWENS Realtor IJ4 No 7th TU 4-31?9 Ray Worden TU 4-926; Lucille Anderson TU 2-0511 Multiple Listing Service Hi EE BEDROOM suourben home with it-tn range arwj oven, wall to wan pelino. Owner kavina lawn. Says SELL lor only 19.500. SPACIOUS well arranged three bedroom suburban home. wo baths, oil neat, g age. nice to. Assume 51 1 per cent Gi ru.u price n,vw. HOME AND BUSINESS location on South Smth. local I bedroom home plot Office and waiting room with separate entrance. arge shop buildtng. Only $15,000. DURANT REALTOR 2050 So. th TU 4 913? or TU 2-357 Next to Holiday Bowl Sales Staff -nit Graves TU M36 na Reeder TU a.7342 Butt Jones TU 4-9&6J yde Williams Tu v MLS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3i SUBURBAN home. Approximately 2 acres fenced. Two bedrooms, unfinished house for guest sleeping accommodation. Ga rage, barn with stables plus other out buildings, fruit trees, ale, 11 5,000. TU 2-4909, TU 2-2934. METOLIUS RIVER year round vacation home. Deschutes National Forest. Sacrl tlce $14,000. Box 973, Brookings, Ore. FOR sale or lease south suburban 2 bedroom, attached garage, fenced yard. Carpeted throughout, Ferguson and Hen ley District. Small equity and assume loan. Call TU 2-5092. TWO bedroom furnished house. $5500 cash! TU 2-0355. THREE bedroom home. Large lot. Sell or trade equity tor small place. 5460 inoepenoence, tU4-jvsi. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, built-in oven and range, fireplace, utility room, cov ered patio, fenced back yard, garage, $16,700, 180 Dahlia, TU 2-5488. AGENCY LAKE 350 ft. lake and highway frontage with sandy beach. Total price $7,- 500. Phone TU 2-1683 offer 5 p.m. and weekends Multiple Listing Service iVMOYINA HEIGHTS SUPER VALUE! Superbly designed virtually new larger 3 bedroom modernis tic home. Features large family room wtih circulating fireplace, 2 ceramic til baths, built-in oven and range, large breakfast bar, attached double garage. BEAUTIFUL VIEW SITE IN RESTRICT ED NEW HOME AREA. You can't go .wu; usi 10 per ceni oown. ELDORADO AVE. SPFCIAL 3 BEDROOM HOME VALUE, attractively priced at lust $12,750. Full masonry basement, large tully-lenced rear varo, LOW COST NATURAL GAS HEAT. Not a bio home, but Ideal one-floor living for the mediumslie family. $400 DOWN rHA & NO DOWN Gl; nominal losing. iV5 APARTMENTS PLUS YOUR OWN HOME, lust 3 level blocks from Main 21. Neat and well maintained. These are lower cost rentals WITH MINIMUM VACANCY. Total in come $191 monthly. A TERRIFIC Bin AT $13,000; convenient terms. QUICK ACTION ft UN LISTINGS! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SFE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO II N. 9th St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: . Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 2-682 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3211 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker 4.13 ACRES, three bedroom brick houe. built In kitchen, large rooms all carpel- o, Tirepiace, iv room. Outbuildings. Fenced. $16,000. TU 4 8357. REDUCED, quick sale, 3 bedrooms, fam ily room, 2 fireplaces. l'i baths, dining room, attached garage, fenced yard, 2412 eoeriein. iu 2-3122. SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom. Large living room, fireplace, dining room. New birch kitchen and utility, Newly painted tnsiatj ana out. sv.ymj. iu 4-886. TWO bedroom house for sale or rent with outbuilding, fenced yard. TU 4-3969. In quire 1719 Laurel. MOVING. Three bedrooms, 1V. bath, H builtln kitchen, brick fireplace, wall to j wall carpeting, storm windows. Henley m district, tu 4-5B66 after 6 p.m. VIEW of Klamath Lake from this at tractive 3 bedroom home New carpet. sliding glass doors onto covered patio. built-in kitchen appliances, fireplace, fenced yard, playroom-oarage. Many other features. $15,200. Any kind of fi nanclng. Shown by appointment only, rnone i u 4-vjwi. STILWELL & CO. Presents COMPLETELY REDECORATED 1200 sq. ft. of living area. 3 BEDROOMS, living room with fireplace, dining, kitchen with dinette, utility and bath. Excellent construction with Thermo- pane windows where needed, copper lube plumbing. Fenced back yard, landscaped. Peterson School district $16,950. BEDROOMS Modern home on Vi acre of ground In good suburban district Fireplace, natural wood kitchen with built-in equipment. 2 baths, attached garage. Price $11,500. OWNER ILL CANNOT OPERAT Rentals in Feirhaven. 1 bedroom house and 4 one bedroom rentals. couple could live In house and let rentals pay for place. Owner will carry papers wilt take modest home in trade. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-313a After 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 2-3692 Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 In no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, Close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. PACIFIC TERRACE LARGE 3 Bedroom home (the third bed room Is big enough to have a ball! 2i baths. Fireplace. Big family rumpus room. Pun basement. Double garage Beautiful yard fully landscaped, w 1 1 complete sprinkler system. Hot well Home completely retlnlshed from lop bottom, Including all new wall-to-wal carpeting, Asking $25,500. Terms of ai kind. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 $. 7th St. TU 4-565I Anytin MLS Multiple Listing Service CORNER LOT 44 tl. x 217 It. Shasta Wy Ogden Call US for more Information. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB AMPLE PARKING SPACE Van)Van5ickle TU 2-6123 Mldrd Hall TU 4-8576 EXTRA GOOD BUYS and OWNERS WILL CARRY CONTRACTS S3. 500 One Bedroom Pint Street 15.500 Two Bedrooms Wantland Avenue $7 500 Three Bedrooms Lyiton Street M 000 Four Bedrooms Grant Street $12,500 Four Bedrooms Jefferson Street $15,500 Brick Three Bedroom Bristol Avenue Schroeder Realty Co REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-354 Anytime TU7-016 STROUT Realty Ever Bob 1 Stella Deh linger Hank Holman CUSTOM BUILT RANCH STYLE EAUTIFUL 3 bedroom suburban home, th excellent view, Living room eplace, dining room, a truly "dream lichen" with built-in appliances, family room with glass sliding doors opening on to covered patio. 2 baths, carpeting, air conditioning, furnace with heat to all rooms. Separate utility and large double garage. AH landscaped. Only $23,oco. LEONARD REALTY 13 Main TU 4-7521 Or TU 4-9005 Audrey Keerlns TU 4-4285 Joe Leonard TU 2-0527 oe Perry TU 4-5332 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 CLEAR Income property, $210 per month, 1,500, sell or trade, TU 4-9754. FOR sale by owner well stocked store and tavern on 3 acres, 3 bedroom apt. at tached. Ideal lor family. Ill, want to sell. U 4-96P9. NOTICE TO PUBLIC lease Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore Investing your capital. The Herald nd News makes every effort to releci II fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible lor the1 integrity of the firms or individuals who 'are advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald and News. Business and equipment, $14,000, ,Jj down, write p.u. box 6, (.uiver, ore. 412 ACRES Plus good 2 bedroom modern home. Sub stantial outbuildings. Close in location. win trade tor Redding, cant., property. Price $15,000. Terms. FOR A Good starter home or rental investment call now to see this furnished I bedroom modern home in Mills .Addition. Total price only $3,500. Easy terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. Wh Priona TU 1-4740 Ralph Vaden Lortlla 742-41 prod Tucker TU 4-9742 Lois Macv TU J-M47 Irll MaDole TU 4-5655 STILWELL & CO. Presents NORTHSIDE good older home, nice area, large lot, lull basement. 3 bed- room, low taxes, low price $10,500.00. TRADE equity In good, urge NORTH SIDE $9,950 2 bedroom hjme for $7. 000 value 2 or 3 bedroom Stewart Lenox home. BEDROOM HOME NEARLY ACRE goed location on Shasta way. rt bains, goon 011 furnace, garage and shop. Nicely developed yard witn smau oarn a corral 101 a pony, A good family home tor $1 750. Country building sites view location 2' 10 10 acres Also city lots. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-31 After 5:00 call Bruce Binkley TU 4-3J7( Ron Van Crman TU 2-392 if no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 OLDER HOME SOUTH SUBURBS ON 1 ACRE Three large bedrooms, Vi baths, cai port. Nice yard, i.juo sq. n. living area TOTAL PRICE $11,500 McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Ma'n Eleanor Marian Art Moorman Evelyn McAtee EAL ESTATE FO &ALI HOUSEHOLD GOODS LL equity in good 1 bedroom home. .. J7ILIVESTOCK t POULTRY 42 maple Mdi'iu. crwst el ara.,11. TU SAODLE imkui. !T2a Kia. TU M0f7 J-00&5 morntngt or atttr 5. POR Mlt tyid. dv,fio. cruir. Hi. TU -0421 MISC. FOR SALE SI HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Or. A n toad avarv Tucidav. 8ABY cauas Ur Mta. Ii4i Gary, pnona TU WE QUIT Complete Close-Out of ALL FURNITURE SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Town & Country Furniture OPEN 9 TO 9 DAILY . 36 U1V fiw alvif raox mvuii 4YI - . ton seed t" '"d alfe ta, all w per. j USED CARS AND TRUCKS Nu Lane Kencn. iu LAYING n lor sale. pnon TU TOP SOIL concrete aggregate driveway meteeiel dram rock. J. M. Barnes, TU 4-7if. KLAMATH PROVED S'RF SERVICE TU 4-4400. TU Mil. TU USi- TU 1-elO) KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll 'Woody" Gueck, Ownr-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. sharp Rte. 3. Box 44 GREEN poplar wood. Haul! TU 2-0034. LODGEPOLE pint and red Mr heatar wood, TU2-3705. LAND O' LAKES For Calvts & Lambs Tl Nation'! No. Calf Milk Raplacar . . . ALL MILK PRODUCT SAVES MONEY RAISES BETTER CALVES! PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDtN STORE 4631 So ftth-TU 2-55 DRY pine blocks. You haul, U oer cord Met let" Brothers, 3121 Crosby, TU 4-5114 MACHINERY CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Prooane Sates S & H Green Stamps Open ?4 hours 1560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 3-92M FOR sale Minneapolis Mollne double disc ess wheel drill with grass seeder, TU 4760. WANTED John Deere 730 tractor, write Box 460C. Herald & News. TIME TO BUY . STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest OH & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Fronkford Fuel Co. No. Biehn St. TU 7-4444 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS JOHN DEERE Model A tractor In good condition. Has wide front end. cab, pow- tool bar and live au.. hydraulic pump, $750. Phono TU 4-5'VU, Blackmen nch, Rte. 7. Box 690. GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 21 FT. EXPRESS Cruiser and boat. house. Galley, head. TU 4-3302. PUPPIES wholesale. Min. Schnauiers, 'Doodles, chihuahuas. Gold Star Kennels 5358 S. Pacific Hwy. Medtord or 3455 Jacksonville Highway. TAVERN We're looking for someone in this com munity who want;, to own their OWN COIN-OPERATED WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat (R) equipped Laundry and Drycleaning Store We help finance. Call or write. AtD, Inc. - Lon Kelly P.O. Bos 5077 Eugene, Oregon Dl 3-2523 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch- ng, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meats. 4339 Shasta Way. TU 7-4716, TU 7-0678. RD7 CAT ngine newly majored. 15 per cent raid. Hysler dozer blade. D6N drum. Canopy mored. bxceneni snape. win sen or trade. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 or TU 4-6080 Boats - Pcti - SparH - Hobbies 40 I. CASE tractor with 435 hours with Ipte-Range, everything on it Including be I du iv. Six loot J. I. Case com Dine, new drapes never peen on. n. Last mower. Case 2-way, 3-botlom disc plow. Ivty C. Clark. Bonanza, Ore. 71 FT. Chris-Craft cabin cruiser, 115 h p. Mercury inboard motor, 4-wheel trailer A steal at SWS. Terms. Trade tor pick- equity In house, etc. The Resale House, 3699 S. 6th. REGISTERED Brittany Spaniel pups. Gel ready for hunting now! (2 left) TU 4-3564 Tues. or Wed. SPRINGER SPANIEL pups, SIS a. S20, no papers, TU 2-5613. NUISANCES for sale! Siamese kittens. TU 4-9034. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom ing, bathing. Dogs and puppies for sale. 5H AST A CASCADE KENNELS, past Mer rill-Lakevlew Junction off Merrill High way on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Box 504 E TU 4-5078. MLS PART Chihuahua and part Pox terrlei puppies, also to give to a good home female Dachshund, 25JZ btiasia way. iu 2-0804. Multiple Listing Service SERVICE STATION WITH Cafe & Living Quarters Excellent opportunity for, man and wife to earn $12,000 per year. This place Is now leased but Is available on short no tice. Will' take some cattle In trade on down payment. Full Price S32.0O0. As sume present mortgage of $19,500 with payment of $100 per month Including in terest, t PEYTON Member International Traders Club 635 Market TU 4-S149 16 FT. Inboard, Chrysler Marine 92 h.P. motor, Dlvwood with tibrealas covered boat and trailer, i raoe tor equity in larger or newer fibreglas boat. TU 2-2076 or I U 2-6156. FOR sale Dachshund pups, seven weeks Old, phone TU 2-4275. it EQUIPMENT For LEASE By The DAY MONTH YEAR JOHN DEERE 2010 Wheel Loader with or without back- hoe. 1010 and 440 Crawlers with Dozers, 1010 Crawler Loader. 435 Diesel with Trencher. Will trench 5 deep and 12 in. wide. Call or See Us At Klamath Falls or Tulelokt Don Potter Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-5571 7376 South Sixth St. Tulelok Ph. 667-5213 BEAGLES, AKC registered DUDDles, weeks old, TU 2-0605. Ashland Highway. BLACK miniature Doodle Dupples, weeks, excellent blood lines, TU 2-4053 Evenings Pat" Palone Harold M. Rush Mrs. Dan- Nichols TU 2-0M TU 2-4173 TU 4-1851 FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF against inflationl Set ahout REAL ES. TATE INVESTMENTS anywhere west ol the Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International traders Club Licensed-Ore.. Cal.. Ida.. Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-412 Do Ir NOW With A LOAN! Buy thot new car Plan o real vocation Skipper your own boat Move into a mobile home Take off in n trovel trailer FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finonce New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 BRUAC KENNELS. At stud champloi sired let black, brown, and silver poo dles, whit fi, colored Pekingese, orange pomer Aniens. Professional poodle cup ping. Puppies. 5033 So. E'na. TU 4-7325. OODLES OF CAMERAS & ALL KINDS & SIZES $2. & Up COFER'S EXCHANGE A?S Klnmnth TU 4-71AO RADIO - TV . MUSIC TV service calls, S2. D.J. TV Repair, TU 2-6409 before 8 p.m. SLINGERLANO trap drum outlit, fin. Ishcd In blue pearl. TU 4-9337, TU 2-1485. CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden music to. 130 Main, TU 3-4R3. EXPERIENCED olano teacher, nea Madison St. Blanche Mapes, TU 4-306?, USED PIANO SALE!! BALDWIN WURLIT2ER H. F. MILLER - KIMBALL SAVE UP TO $350. BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 "BLUE HAWAII" Is Just Arm's Langth Away WITH A LOWREY ORGAN $595 - $3295 "Sea Your Music Man" Klamath Music Center 51! E. Main TU 4-330 RENT A NEW WURLITZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo. (NO DELIVERY CHARGE) DERBY'S MUSIC CO "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-512 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 3 YR. old filly, gentle; 6 vr. old gelding, good cow horse; mare to toai in wav Palomino geiomg, genne, 'U z-ma. AT stud Reg. Arabian Ibn Hamlda, No. ifOi, gray, tu 4-TOJ4. YEARLING Hereford Bull frnm Produc Hon Tested Herd. 4-9034. Holiday Ranch, T CHROME dinette set, good condition, S25, 20 ft. TV antenna, W, TU 4-1964 evenings or weekends. FIVE extra oood Holsteln cows to cal soon. J. Walter Browning, phone 723-2405 Malin. 13 CU. ft. Admiral refrigerator, phone TU 2 4915. FOR tale or trade for cattle '51 Ford ton truck, '53 Dodge station waqon, thoroughbred race horse, 10-yr. eld geld ing. TU 2-W46. WALNUT dining set, ecellent condi tion. Micalite k.t'htn table, TU 4-9375. TU 3-4444 TU 3-521S TU M23I TU J-593J FOUR 9 x 12 ft. used rugs and ute padi Clean and in excellent condition at 149.95 each. Also we have other uted camel to choose from. LUCAS FURNITURE. 19S E. Main, TU 4-3134. TU 3-5M' TU 2 5C4I TWO bedroom, west suburban, 14.500. THREE bedroom, soutu suburban, fire place, two bath i, 115.750. THBFR bedroom, tuburben, tcre. 1 10. 10?. J ACRES, suburban, laro h-vne- u" biement, two bathe, two fireplaces. W7.500. 40 ACtM. ubKbe,. th-ee bedroom home, good Outbuildings. t?4.000. 4S0 ACRES. 1J0 IrrtoetH, three bedroom home. ood outbuiHJ". mecntnecy hv NORTHSIDE 3 beoronm home with ga rage. Electric heat nd omr basement. Owner transferred. Price 14,000. Approx imately l MX down and take over pay ments. FtNG home, beautiful view. Brick con struction. 1,494 Q. H. of living space Laroe well appointed living room with fireplace. Three bedrooms, well to wall carpet In' living room, 2 bedrooms end hall. Attached garage wm carpon. insu lated fruit room. Bateboard diesei ot forced eir heat. Earl Amertcen light fixtures. All this on large 140x145 ft. let with southerly view. Fully landscaped with underground tprinkler system. Built In 1941. Priced at cost. 131.000. Shown by appointment only. Midland Empire CLEM LESUEUR. Broker REALTORS (W Main TU I-S4T1 J,m O Doriahlrt Cvtt. TU 4-HJ PLAYPEN, walkar. te.t.r -bsea, bas sinet. Eicellant condition, tlO. TU 4-190. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS -DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 411 Main TU 44345 REFRIGERATOR Fomily 111 Silt . .. - GOOD CONDITION KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Applioncts 132 So. 7th TU 4-8884 THIS WEEK ONLY! $20. PflLI&HF R ATTACHMENT FEE with purchase of Fabulous Golden Glide vacuum Libe-al frain. SINGER SEWING CENTER 433 Mom TU 2-2513 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Co., Inc Midland Road SALE 2 P.M., TUESDAY MARCH 5 SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT 70 head of blork row with 40 colvei on around 20 hcod bred Angus heifers 1 5 heod bred whitefoce heifers 4 Arvgui bulls 2 homed Hereford bull 6 polled Hereford bulls Vern Howard, Mgr. Office TU 4 9(67 Homt TU 4-9436 Sunday, Mvcfc 3. 1963 1 AGE 4V-B 55 WANTED 'SI I older cart. Central Auto Salt. TU J-U 30. IU 2-3204. FREE horte manure. TU MH7 or iur Bibe. FOR SALE ltSS Ford $fa. Won, standard iran. wnn overanve. iu TON OAT hay for tele. 337-:TU Malin. t54 FORD Fordor tvedaiu real clean, TU 4-m or 1147 Bibe. OAT hay tor sale, 72-4120 torella. FOR SALE theep manure, tack or load. ph. TU . Its INT'L coeiter loo truck, 220 Cum- iwn engine. 19JI Wnite trailer, S7 000; IV52 gmc log irucK, ifi oeei engine. 1951 Thomas trailer, $4,000. TU 4 MO. FERTILIZER, rotted oulverlied theep manure, st per hundred lb. tack. TU 2-Ott2. CLEAN BRIGHT STRAW TU 4-54 OLD barnyard fertilizer, delivered. TU 2-20). DRIVEWAY material, crushed rock. dram rock. Jot Bart, TU 4-vu. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CI ENES TRAILERS ....33 WILL laka ovtr pavrnanls on 3 bed room Irailar homt. TU4-M20. mi ZENITH IS n. stlt-contalnad. Usad once, ilka nw. si, Hi. TU 4-uol eiier 1:10 p.m. 195 NASHUA DELUXE. 2a'. Make oiler Normen Simpson, m-Uli. MerrJH: FOR sele or Irede equity In S0.10 New Moon trailer. 2425 summers Lane, II. 44 1961 PARAMOUNT 10x50. bedroom. trade equity lor furniture, TU J-424L TRaTlER-house for rent. 40, also trail er space, 20, IU 3-u4 HOUSE TRAIlER REPAIR, Erv Can 4423 winter Ave. TU z-nu CANOPY lor wide bed . ton pickup, TU 21211. FACTORY trained Coleman i Internal mobile furnect service, parts. TU 4-84.16. FOR sale 1954 27 ft. Spartan trailer, tandem vmeels, TU 2-5451. SPECIAL 1963 PONTIAC CHIEF 2 -bedroom, JiQC 10 x 50 no73 POOLE'S MOBILE HOMES, INC. 3125 So 6th TU 2-280) Central Auto Sales 59 Ford 4-Dr. R&H 51 Cnev. Bel Air 4-Dr. ... 56 Buick 4-Dr. Hdtp '55 Chev. '6' Wagon, Stick 56 Chev. '6' Wagon, stick .... '55 Olds 14 Sport Cpe .... . I109S . .S 9S . I 69! . 595 . I 495 . S 595 Between So. 6lh & So. 7th on Willow Phone TU 2-1130 1st Choice Used Car BARGAINS USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... SSl.USID CARS AND TRUCKS 51 SS FORD station wagon. V 3 so. ever drive, new tires excellent, S59S, tee at' li u Derby. UJt DYNAMIC 14. E.tret. Take elder car small trailer house. II, J JO. Aloruo Hodgeb Merrill. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cosh Come In Todoy! 7th 4 Plum TU 2-4784 CARS WANTED We need your car ... . cash welt ing! Payments too high? Trade snto cheaper car or sell your equity. SELL YOUR CAR-DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dele or "shine" DALE'S USED CAR LOT 353 SO. 6th St. TU I-49K Top Value :": CHEVY BUY! '61 CHEV. V-8 BEL AIR 4-DOOft SEDAN '", low mileog, blue) - interior, I yQC . whit exterior I ' ' J JIM OLSON . MOTORS Used Car Lot -::. 7th & Comrnerciol TU 2-5644'-; TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS ' '61 Chev. Biscoyne V-8 4. rwr ill OS AI c.j e'i'-nr" .I30A:1953 Buick 4-Dr. Sdn $ 93 '61 Mercury 2-Dr $1998: -nev. an '60 Chev. '6' 4-Dr $1398 "53 Olds. '98' 4-Dr. Sdn. $173 60 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4- tooinoc tiuo toupe ioj n, . $1098 '953 Chev. Club Cpe $193 1950 Buick 4-Dr. Sdn. A jewel! $193 1951 Buick 4-Door Sedon $193 1953 Olds. '98' 4-Dr. Sdn. $273 1954 MERCURY 4-Dr. Sdn. $293 1953 Olds. '98' Hdtp. Far better than average $363 Salesmen Ron Brvon TU 4-5467 Max Schreiber TU 4-5002 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 5 LA SALLE trans.; '37 Ford trans. with Zephyr gears, adapter to Chevy en gine, tly wheel and clutch essembly, ph. Newell 664-2383, Don omatv 1963 MODEL frail Klngtrall bike. Used approximately 30 hours. Two-speed trans mission, double variable clutches, all the power any hunte- or fisherman will need, and speed too. A sios reducnon Irom the original price. Phone TU 3-5069 auer 4 p.m. Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up is a Specialty MSI Altamont Call TU 4-9023 'OVER TO YEARS EXPERIENCE" USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 1953 CHEVROLET 3-Dr. Bel Air. or I960 Morris 1O0O pickup, will sell one, both In very good condition, TU 4-5600 alter l p.m. or 1523 Martin, Apt. I anytime. Dollos Baldwin TU 2-4502' Glenn Cox TU 4-9023 Dick B. Miller Co, FOR tele red 195? Triumph TR-3A with overdrive end black WS7 Chev. Nomad station wegon, TU 41-4751. 1957 JEEP station wagon. 4 wheel drive. 4 new tires. Warn hubs. 34,000 miles.1 S1.245. TU 4-4373 afternoon. '61 FORD Pickup. 'A', LWB, 3 speed, ac tual miles 19.560. one owner. $1,600. 79s 559b or write John Ellis. P.O. Box 420, Merrill, Ore. MISC. FOR RENT 45 ARTH BORING machine. 6 inch 1o 30 inch diameter, phone TU 4-3334. 49 CHEV. custom, excellent condition. '55 Buick engine end transmission, hy draulic clutch, bucket seats with naughe- hvde upholstery, new paint, chrome rims with new tires, lots of extras. Must sen, make offer. TU 4-5695. 1959 RENAULT Dauphlne. sell or trade lor bigger car. Chiloquin 7B3-336S. FOR RENT, American floor sander and eager, swift and easy to 'operate, send' papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klamath Valley Lumber Cj 1940 So. 6th. TU 1-4816. 1959 RENAULT 4-dr. sedan, excellent condition. Original owner, gets 30 miles1 per gallon around town, uooa tires. TU 4-6092. FARMERS: '51 Ford V-l custom flat bed ton truck, dual wheels. TU 4-4845 FOR RENT screw lacks and hydraulic lacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-4816. We Rent Almost Anything Jacks (to 50 tons) Sheet Rock Jacks Card Tables Bedside Tables VALLEY RENTAL 1003 P. Main TU 4-6812 MISC. WANTED 46 WANTED used bricks or cement blocks. 4505 Altamont Dr. WANTED antiques, anything oldl Call tu 2-4784 days or tu vm eves. MOVING? Don't discard books, comics, meg Mines, toys, etc. TU 7-6214 days, TU 4-9475 eve nings. Wilt pick up, Dorothea's Gift Shoppe & Book Xchange MISC. FOR SALE St DRAIN rock, oravel, an.i roadway ma terial, TU 4-3568, GEO. R. STACY CO 50 TON wheal and alfalfa hay. Lorelle 762-4190. ONE wheel trailer 4' 1" X 3' 7", S?S. Oil barrel and stand, 110. 14' boat, 150. Wu Dairy Ranch, Bonanza, Ore. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy till. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. LOOK HERE!!! ELECTRIC CREAM SEPARATER CHURN & MILK STRAINERS AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 7Ht So. 6th TU 4-eM FOR SALE All improvements at the Tuletake G row 's' Trailer Court and Tent City, Includ ing: 1. Metal Building W 120. Can be moved In three sections. 3. 1.000 gallon pressure tank. 3. 1'? horse Jacurii water pump. 4. Three laundry treys double, 5. Ten lavatories. 6 .Ten wah basins. 7. Gas water heeler. B. 500 gallon reserve hot water tank 9. Several hundred fet ol gelvanlied iron pipe ana mungs. and other miscellaneous items used In the operations of the Trailer Court end Tenl City. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Tulelake Growers Office until Friday, March 8th. Bds may be submitted on Individual Items or on ell Improvement! Merchandise Is told as Is and to be moved within 90 deys af'er the sele Anyone interested In looking over the .mi items may celt et the Association office. Phone Tulelnfc 6A7-52I4 7th & Klamath TU 4-4154 4-Wheel Drive SPECIALS '60 Volkjwogen 2-Dr $ 1 398 '59 Chev. '6' Brookwood VVogon $1098 '58 Chev. Delray 4-Dr. .. $1098 '58 Mercury Montclair .... $10981 57 Plymouth V-8 Belv. 4). Door $ 798 57 Buick Century 4-Dr. Hardtop $ 898' '57 Dodae V-8 Coronet 56 Chev. V-8 210 2-Dr. $ 498'Steve Walker TU 4-6702; 56 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4- Door Hardtop $ 798 '56 Chryiler Windsor 4-Dr. $ 698 56 Dodge Royal 4-Door Hardtop $ 198 56 Chrysler 2-Dr. Hdtp. (300B. Full power. Limited production) .. $1598 56 Plymouth V-8 Plaza 4- Door $ 498 '55 Plvmoulh V-8 Savoy 2-Door i l?B' '55 Dodge Royal Sedon .. $ 598 '55 Ford Custom 2-Dr $ 398 '54 Hudson 4-Door $ 60 '54 Ford 4-Door $ 348 '55 Dodae Coronet V-8 2- Door Hardtop i 3?B '54 Ford V-8 4-Door $ 198 '54 Ford Victoria V-8 .... $ 2481 '53 Chev. 4-Door $ 248 '53 Chev. '6' 4-Dr. Wagon $ 248 50 Chev. '6' Sedon $ 50 TRUCKS 56 Willys Jeep $ 698 53 Ford '6' Vi T. Pckp. $ 498 53 Dodge '6' Vi T. Pckp. $ 298 50 GMC Vi Ton Panel .. $ 98 55 International LI 90 0-wheeler 8-10 dump $4998 Thomas DODGE 1295. I395; .'..$795 56 Int'l S120 Pickup 4wheel drive. Long $ wheelbase '56 Int'l Troveloll 9-passenger. $ I 4-wheel drive) '52 Willys CJ3 Jeep 4-wheel drivt, excel lent condition SALESMEN ;. - Bud Fairclo, Molin . 732-235-; Jim Knoles TU 2-3209 ' Bob Tardiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. : k International if Fruehauf Cummins 1 1th-12th en Klomoth TU 2-2581 & BALSIGER MOTOR CO. LION BUYS LAMB PRICES! MORE AND MORE FINE TRADE-INS ARE COMING IN DAILY ON THE '63 FORDS! OUR 2 BIG LOTS ARE LOADED WITH TRE MENDOUS VALUES. SHOP RIGHT NOW AT THESE NEW, LOW, LOW MARCH PRICES! See 'em ot Lot Number Sales & Service USED CAR LOT 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 'A PRICE SALE Now under way ot the i CHEVY CENTER! 20 Cars to Choose From HURRY! HURRY! DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 THE SALE PRICES Are Terrific On WILEY'S WAGONS They've gotta go , So-o-o-o-o The Prices Are LOW!! '61 Buick Special 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn. V-8. Turbine Drive, luggage rack, heater, radio. JOOQC Lik new. cut to .. 4-4-0 '59 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn 3rd ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS at- $1 CQ7 $2097 I497 JOE FISHER'S! SAVE SAVE Anniv. Spec. '62 Willys Jeep Stn. Wagon 4x4, I owner, radio, heater, trailer hitch, Warn hubs, real sharp. 94Q7 Regular $2627 .... 4CT7 60 Willys Jeep Station Wagon 4x4. Regular $1797 '62 Willys CJ5 Jeep Full canvas top Regular $2297 60 Willys CJ5 Jeep 1 owner, full top. Regulor $1697 '61 Willys Jeep Pickup Stock racks, Warn hubs, Borden bumper, winch, one owner. $ I 707 Regular $1997 .... 1 7 '57 Willys Jeep Pickup 4x4, fully equipped, good and sharp. $ I AQ7 Rrnulnr SI 197 .... ' U7 '58 Willys Jeep FCI50 Pickup Cob Forward model $ QQ7 4x4 Rn,ilnr 41097 07 CHEAPIE BARGAINS Anniv. Spec 51 Ford 4-Dr. Sedon $ I AJ D I-. Oil I " V-8, powerglide, heater, tu- ,., , , . VA, ( , f. ii c n .5 Mercury 4-Dr. Wogon tone, whitewolls. Excellent , 47 ... . . rteguiar inr Condition, $ COCkl 9.rir Unn t, down to - . 57 Pontioc 4-Dr. Z.07 U7 '61 FORD FAIRLANE 500 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, Cruise-o-matic, equa-lock diflerentiol, radio, tinted glass, $ excellent condition '61 FORD 6-PASSENGER COUNTRY SEDAN Station Wogon. V-8, radio, heater, power steering, $ Cruise-o-matic, one owner '61 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. SEDAN $ V-8, Cruise-o-motlc, radio, heater '60 FORD 9-PASSENGER COUNTRY SEDAN Station Wagon. V-8, rodio, heater, power steering '60 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, radio, heater, fordomatlc, power steering '60 FORD THUNDERBIRD V-8 HARDTOP Completely equipped '59 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, rodio, heater, Fordomatlc '59 FORD FAIRLANE 500 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, radio, heater, Fordomatic '59 FORD CUSTOM 300 4-DR. SEDAN Fordomatic, healer '58 FORD FAIRLANE 500 2-DR. HARDTOP $ QQQ V-8, rodio, heoter, Fordomatlc OOO '57 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DR. SEDAN $ V-8, rodio, heater, Fordomatic Economy Special FALCONS! Lot No. '61 FORD FALCON 4-DR. STN. WAGON 101 h.p. 6 cylinder engine, radio, $j heater, standard transmission ' '61 FORD FALCON 2-DR. STN. WAGON $ 85 h.p. 6 cylinder engine, healer ' '61 FORD FALCON 4-DR. SEDAN Deluxe trim, 101 h.p. 6 cylinder $ engine, radio, heoter, Fordomotfc ' O '61 FORD FALCON 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, 101 h p. 6 cylinder engine, standard transmission '61 FORD FALCON 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, 6 cylinder engine, standard transmission 1666 1888 1555 I444 I333 $2333 $I222 $II77: 777 666 595 545 1395 1345 1345 OTHER FINE BUYS! '59 Mercury 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon. Merc-O-Mahc, power steering, heater, radio, air conditioner. Immaculate, $ I LQC going, for just ' Of -J '57 Buick 4-Door Station Wogon! Turbine Drive, heoter, radio, tutone. Exceptional condition, priced to J OOC '497 CLOSING EVERYTHING GOES!! New items too late to con eel ore orriving daily and selling ot close-out prices HELP YOURSELF TO BARGAINS! Town & Country Furniture OPEN 9 TO 9 DAILY sell quickly .. '56 Chevrolet Nomad Stn. Wgn. v-8, Powerglide, heater, ra dio, tutone. A reol beouty, rum like o dream. $ QQC Your for just 770 '55 Fo'rd 2-Door Station Wogon 6 cylinder, stondord trans., I overdrive, heater, radio, clean Runs like a million, $ hut lt' onlv i70 WILSON WILEY BUICK Moin Garoge 1330 Moin TU 4-3141 Lot No. 2 42? So. 7ih TU 4 9203 '297 Regular $897 .. '55 Che. 4-Dr. Sedan Regulor $597 '56 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan $OQ7 Regular $397 -7 '55 Packard 2-Dr. Hdtp. $947 Rrnulor S397 4-"' !' 52 Olds 2-Dr. Hdtp. Regular $397 .... '55 Ponlioc 4-Dr. Sedon $"3Q7 Regulor $497 J' '56 Dodge 4-Dr. Stn. Wo- Regular $497 07 52 Chevrolet 4-Dr. $ Regulor $297 56 DcSoto 2-Dr. Hdtp. $4Q7 Rcaular $597 '59 Hillman Min 4-Dr. $ Regulor $797 56 Willys Jeep Pickup $707 ill Lot No. 9 '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-H, sir cu. In. engine. Power Glide, radio, heater, power steering, thorp '6 1 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8, rodio, healer, power steering, power seot. A cleon car '61 CHEVROLET CORVAIR MONZA 4-DR. Hooter, standard transmission, low mileoge '61 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 2-DR. SEDAN Heater, standard transmission '59 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DR. SEDAN V-8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, sharp '58 PONTIAC SUPER CHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, radio, heoter, Hydromotlc '61 OLDSMOBILE F-85 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heoter, Hydromotlc '61 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 2-DR. HARDTOP Rodio, heoter, outomatic trans '60 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater 147 s597 LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY X SHOPPING CENTER K TU 2-3866 ,$2495 ,$2095 I745 .'1445 I445 $ 945 $I745 '1345 $I245 2 LOT NO. 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 Regular $1097 SALESMEN bole Sechrist TU 2-5720 jRoy Rinehort TU 4-9541 loe Podgett TU 2-0637i Jtm Ehreth TU 2-0149 Mortm Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnothon Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 77 So. 7th TU 4-8104 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES Alltn Cman4 Port.r Clamant Vlcfcay Ctrr Jack Millar .... TU I-44U tu 4.4oe TU I-0.IS TU 4-1)01 Bob VaiKan4fll Lloyd Cnjettrtr ttlehartf Dick ... "Kolllt" Watt .. TU 4-un TU 4-44JJ TU 4-34W .Mtrrlll m-stn 41 AlOrkh TU 4-7414 BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Always tha FJrest Deal . . . The Finest Product Main & Esplanade TU 4-3121 dvoed, 157, sou. Lai