HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Talli, Ore. Friday, March 1. lsW PAGE t-A Cc dale ommuniit enaar MERRY MIXERS, a v.fa., meet ing night, Square Dance, Merry Mixer Haii. Bring refreshments. DAV AUXILIARY. 8 p.m.. meeting, American Legion Hall. SATURDAY WOTM AND LOOM, 7 p.m. family potluck, Moose Home. Ex ecutive meeting to follow, Y-NE-.MA TWIRLERS, 8 p.m., potluck supper, party night, St. Paul's Education BIdg. , DishDrying Claimed Just Work For Girls It " 1 RUMMAGE SALE. Toastmistress, 8 am. Clyde's Towing. E w a u n a to 4 p.m., DORRIS GRANGE, 8 p.m., card party, pinochle and whist, DorrLs City Hall. Prizes and refreshments. NAACP, 7 p.m., ty Library. meeting, Coun- HENLEY COMMUNITY CLUB, 8 p.m.. meeting, Henley Farm Bu reau Hall. SHASTA VIEW COMMUNITY BLDG. ASSOC., 8 p.m., card par ty, Community Hall, Shasta Way and Madison. ' MONDAY JOB'S DAUGHTERS, Bethel No. 61, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Scot tish Rite Temple. KLAMATH FALLS GARDEN CLUB, 2 p.m., meeting, City Li brary auditorium. By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: As one of the first editors in America to print your column ! havr more than casual in terest in it. As a parent I have cheered when I felt your coun sel was good. today I thought u r counsel as not good. I refer to your approving of boys helping Mom in the kitchen. As 1 see it the central issue is should a boy do male work- carrying out the trash, mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow, and so on? Or should he do lemale work, such as drying the dish- Togetherness has been carried to extremes and with disastrous results. Years ago the situation was equally bad with the all powerful male and the meek fe male. But the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite di rection. If you start boys out in the kitchen they will forever be mama's bovs and yes-men to women. You may think I'm nuts but I wouldn't dream of letting our Johnny help with the dishes, ex cept in an emergency. C.W. Lava Beds Road Said Improved TULELAKE Irvin Kerr, super inlcndent of the Lava Beds Na tional Monument, south of Tule- lake, reported that continuous! grading of the National Mon ument's Northeast Entrance Road past Captain Jack's Stronghold has provided an improved en trance route for visitors from Klamath Falls, Dorris, Tulelake and other communities to the north. Kerr pointed out that since the road has been improved, an in creasing number of visitors are finding that the best all-year route to the National Monument, from the north, is along State Highway 139 to the paved Modoc County road four miles south of Tule lake, Calif. From this junction the route parallels the Creat Northern Railroad tracks south ward for six miles to the turnoff to the Petroglyph Section of the monument where a profusion of pre-historic Indian carvings are preserved. A short distance south of the petroglyph junction is the tur ofl to the National Monument proper. Here, the route is west ward across the south dike of the Tulelake Sump where ever changing scenes of migratory wa terfowl on the Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge are viewed the year around. Kerr mentioned tliatl large numbers of the brilliantly while Whistling Swans and flocks of nesting Canada Geese, or Honkers, are to be seen at the present time. Alter crossing the south dike, road signs guide the visitor across the 10 miles of the Na tional Monument's improved and graded Northeast Entrance Road past Captain Jack's Stronghold the site of intense U.S. Army assaults against the Modoc In dians in their natural fortress in 1R73. The Northeast Entrance Road continues beyond Captain Jack's Stronghold to the junction with the paved monument road at the Northwest Entrance. ! After reaching the monument's paved road, visitors turn south and travel nine miles through an area nf recent lava flows and other spectacular "volcanic fea tures before reaching Monument Headquarters at Indian Well, where picnic and camping facili ties are located, and where visits to the lava caves and the museum offer interesting and en joyable activities. Information may be obtained at the Ranger Station at Monu ment Headquarters to assist visi tors in planning their activities. Kerr mentioned that during the winter monlhs the museum and ranger station are open from 8 a.m. to S p.m. daily. Kerr advises that visitors at tempting to drive to the National Monument via the unmaintained Hill Road will encounter very rough road conditions south of the Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, and he points out that visitors will find better route to the monument via State Highw iy 139, across the south dike of the Tulelake Sump and along the monument's North east Entrance Road pat Captain Jack's Stronghold. Dear Editor: Today work knows no gender. During World War II when America was en gaged in a production race for survival, women proved that when there is a job to be done it doesn't make any difference who does it. A boy in the kitchen needn't be a yes man or a mama's boy. He can be a useful member of the family whose willing hands are making lighter work for his mother. Your statement that you wouldn't dream of letting your Johnny help with the dishes "ex cept in an emergency helps to make my point. If Johnny is kept out of the kitchen to protect his maleness, he'd be useless in an emergency. One minister said, "It is a good and natural thing for young peo ple to bring their friendships into God's presence." What do you have to say now, Ann Lande'rs?-DE.N1S Dear Dennis: I say you're a pretty sharp cookie. Rut I also read the article in my newspaper and this is what the pthrr clergy man had to say; "I do not approve of too much familiarity among teenager In church. The way some of them hold hands and flirt back and forth I should not be surprised one day to see them necking tn the back pew.' Thank you for writing, Dennis. I hope yyni will remember why you are in church. And If you keep your Bible-holdin' hands to yourself, Bub, it will be a lot easier. Dear Ann Landers: That col lege fellow who is in a state of depression because he doesn't have a beard, ought to get down on his knees and thank the Lord for his soft, beardless face. After the first couple of years of marriage my face began to break out in a rash. I tried stay ing away from certain foods, I changed from a down pillow to a foam rubber pillow. I bought skin lotions and creams. Noth ing seemed to help. Finally, I went to a skin spec ialist. He malter-of-factly said, "This looks like an irritated con dition caused by a man's beard." Well, he was right. My hus band's beard has gotten tougher with the passing of time and he was scratching me to pieces. There s no cure for it. The only alternative is to keep away from him and I don't want to do that. MRS, SCAR-FACE Dear Mrs.: Thanks for your sVry. I hope It will make baby face feel better. WITHYCOMBE INSPECTION Rep. Winton Hunt, chairman of Oregon House Mi litary Affairs Committee (beck to camera), confers with State Assistant General George Donald Anderson as committee inspects guest house at Camp Withycombe Tuesday. State auditors claim house was remodeled with misappropriated funds. UPI Telephoto House Okays Free Textbooks SALEM (UPD-Aib II to allow high schools to provide free text books won House approval today after a parliamentary battle that raged for almost an hour. The bill would allow public high schools oi provide books to stu dents. Public schools through the 8th crarf? now provide such free texis, but high school students must pay for their own. Does almost everyone have a good time but you? If so, send for Ann Landers' booklet, "How To Be Well-Liked," enclosing with your request 20 cents in coin and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope. Dear Ann Landers: I am a boy 16. I see by your column that you are not in lavor ot teen agers holding hands in church. 1 happen to think holding hands in church is a very good idea, so long as you don't forget why you are in church. Today I read an article in our newspaper which proves tnat a certain minister in England is on my side. Apparently a couple of clergymen in London are having hassle about this subject. Halloween is the evening of All Saints Day. N. J. Rosenbaum INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Commerce BIdg. 1111 Walnut Ave. Ph. TU 4-5903 or TU 4-5863 It was tlie sharpest fight over rules so far this session and did not involve the intent of the bill being considered. The fight erupted over a change in the text of the bill made by the engrossing staff to correct an error in grammer. Many House members felt the technical staff had no legal right to make such a change, arguing that they were in fact amending a bill after it had cleared committee. It was argued a dangerous precedent had been set. Rep. Victor Atiyeh, R-Portland, questioned the legality of such a change. Speaker pro torn William Holm strom. D-Gearhait, ruled t h e change was legal. Radiation Gag Quiets Satellite NEW YORK (L'PD-Tclstar hai turned silent again, apparently succumbing to a radiation sick ness that afflicts it every three months. Bell Telephone Labora tories reported today. Engineers had restored the com munications satellite to working order Jan. 3 after a 40-day si lence. Last Thursday it apparent ly misinterpreted a ground com mand, disconnected its storage batteries and quit working. Bell l-)bs said. Both failures occurred as Tel star's changing orbit edged into strong sections of the Van Allen radiation belt. This pattern makes Bell engineers "suspect that the continued inhibiting effects of ra diation on transistors" is to blame, Bell Spokesman Bruce Strasser said. "If radiation is the cause it is possible that Telstar will recover again during the (radiation) down trend which it is now entering, he said. Every three months Telstar completes one cycle of strong-to-weak radiation battering. Its sec ond failure occurred within two days of three months after the first failure. h i- 7-24-31 lf9-25-23-id jf 1AMUS APR. 21 I MAY l V66-76-80-83 MAY 21 JUNE 22 A '58-61-74 CANCII JUNE 23, lO",!4-17-2l-35 1455-75 uo ffi JULY 24 S . Alld 23 1-18-28-38 VM1-I8-2 3'68 7;-t -Br CLAY B. POLLAN- M Your Oaifjf Adtvrty Gukh r - Accordina to lha Stan. To develoo messndi fr ntirrinu read words corresponding to numbers vi yujr ookjc Dirm sign. 1 You 31 Buying 2 Gjod 32 Con 3 Dress 33 Sei ling 4 iomemtng 3t L,v 33 In SEPT. 23 ocr. a VHtGO AU& 24 SOT. r Oi 4- 6-16-24 -41-77-71 6 U.ie.tptvted 8 Sjn. 9 Timely 10 The 11 Don't 12 Up 13 Post 14 Romonnc I b Need 16 Indicated !7Thr,ll 15 Trust lSek 20 ilea 21 Is 22 Additional 23 Recreation 24 Prepor. 25 N 26 Surround! 27Mn ?S Anvonn 29 Out 30 Mom Goo. ( 38 W,rh ' 39CattnjJty 40 To 41 For 42 Bring 43 What 44 And 45 Stont 46 Th. ; 47 A f 48 And 49 W.rh MAnd bl let S2Ch4orful S3 Your S4Nica S3 Sec rot S6 Prtvocy 57Prosnt f-8 0uiltr 59 Chomvng 60 Ported Advene I 61 For 62 And 63Goim 64 Attitude 65 For 6 Other. 68 Your 69Undor 70 Time 72 Poetesstor fc4-7)-7y.90& scowo OCT. 24 NOV. 22 1-1 5-30-56 Cl k2-7&83864J Mt.J! nov. a 0C 22 bl-53-5v-6CvOi 74 Energy 75Yoo 76 How 77 Wonderful 78SurprSM 79 Your 80 To 81 Or 82Amiobl 83 To 84Yout 85 Hot 86 Think 87 Fhendi 8 .'Aonev 89 Suggest 90Gu.oe fNcutral CAHKORN OEC 21 JAM 8-10.1334 ifl (37-16-57 V3 I 4t AOUAUUS JAN. 21 FEB.' I 9-27.3?. 1X63-73 fttCK WAR 21 t. fiTi H9 52-82-S7VS: OPEN TILL 10:00 P.M. 7 Doyi a Week J. W. KKKN'S Norga Laundry $t Cleaners 734 So nth TU 4-110? TOMORROW! The Odessa Coffee Shop After a terrific Spring tTullnsJ Clean Up Campaign i& Bt a lamb and comt on our. It'i o wonderful spring drive, and you'll rind our food delicious. Fried chicken, sizsling steaks, home made pies that melt in your mouth. We ain't lion, either. ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Road Closed Mondays Ph. EL 6-2250 Rocky Point Open 6 to 9 P.M. For Reservations "Want to save a week's pay . . .$100-$200 . . . when you finance your next car?" .IS -1, VT v-il.4rX&-rtJetstAi., ..WAMstJtW.to-W '.,iiMf t,. gag? Daw wiSm 111. i warn hw-r.rrnsn r S ems. mm F. It ' 1,iASV', f . - v' It t" i If t IwSWI it vt J -ptt trw'M a a x - 2- -aft' Ll" " ; -a. Lji J I I J h . St OP. 4 ft f I 1 ',i.--' h' r- hi t.tlM In IT', A r a T .a' -.tv- . - . -s i ' -1 1 t ( r r , - . , .a -i.tr a rv -r If- aeadtteWmis.-W New car or used, get your auto loan from Allstate... at rock-bottom rates! Any time you buy a car, new or used, you stand to save a bundle by getting your auto loan from Allstate Econo-Rate Finance. You may save $100 or even $200 . . . like picking up an extra paycheck! If you set up your credit with Allstate now, the loan can be put through in min utes, whenever you're ready for it. Charge a car with this "Allstate Preferred" membership card: This card shows that your credit has been established as A-l. Any time within 6 1 ts:S:.r 1 p?"0: Wf2 months of the date of issue, this card can get you an Allstate auto loan in minutes without further credit reference. Get money-saving interest rates You don't have to finance through the dealer. You do have the right to save money. Allstate rates are much lower than most auto finance plans. So see or phone your Allstate Enterprises representative. He's located in the Allstate booth at Sears or at the Allstate office near you. Or just phone and he'll gladly come to your home. SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. BLDG. 133 So. 8th Street PHONES: (Store) TU 2-4481 (Booth) TU 2-1171 ALLSTATE ECONO-RATE FINANCE OUNOCD ft ilAt etvwoN or asTn iNHitMtiau, me i-sssn