WOW! COIMWORD HITS LOW PRICES AND S&H GREEN STAMPS Does day-to-day meal skimping leave you VITAMIN HUNGRY? Special BY MODART STYLE HAIR SPRAY COLGATE FLORIENT AIR FRESHNER Mint, Spice, Floral or Unscented. New Decorator Package 1 59 Thateupof coflee won't provide essential vitamins! A -NOON 19 Reg. $1.19 AAC 14-ox. Original or Hard to Hold. Reg. $1.95 NOW ONLY .... plus tax 10-oz. Reg. SI. 49 $ NOW ONLY plus tax 98 NOW ONLY Everyone Can Play 19 IV H A BjF,$K,..E2gL .' Try Your Skill Right Mow! PRIZE GOES OP $25. WEEKLY Your Chance To TO $50" BONUS Check The Ads At Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! W "ZS? PRIZE '2150 00 'B fefAlL I I E I'D Ri M oFTIF s. ; .p TUt pTeI IkI !e :. ZZZ fs l "p oe IT .. H TP fc T Ej j ilPl S T U R j 5ii.X II -L & 'S 1 A IkTe I S 1 ! I I I I NAME - : ADDRESS CITY - STATE ( ) Stort tho Horold It Nowi Imm.diotoly! Complete puiile, deposit in box at SUBURBAN DRUG OR WAGGONER DRUG CO. . . . or pasta on a 4c post cord ond moil to Herold ond News, P.O. Box 941. CLUES ACROSS by a 2. A disturbed hospital nurse might be light. (Celled, coimeai 5. In o hor, o patron may argue about the in his gloss. (Rim, Rum) . 7. The ancient Greeks counted on their (or inspiration. (Lore, Lyre) 8 An armv ski patrol might take a before ad vancing. (Peak, Peek) 9 An intelligent instructor would try to help O pupil who storted to 'Slop, Slip) seldom sees important pub- 1 1. The omoteurish lication. (Poem, Poet) 14. A former might find physical exertion esseniiol to a good . (Pasture, Posture) 15. A child could regret finding o out of reocn. (Nest, Newt) 16 The danoer in new should soon be obvious. ' (Wolls, Wells) 17. There is great danger when an otrplono through peaks. (Shokes, Snakes) COiHWORD CONTEST RULES 1. Solve COINWORD at you would any other cross word puzzle. 2. Anyone is eligible to enter the contest except em ployes of the Herald ond News ond their families, and em ployes of Suburban Drug and Woggoner Drug Co., and their families, 3. A contestant may submit as many entries as he wishes, using the entry blank printed in this paper, or exact sized, hand-drawn facsimiles of the puzzle made without use of carbon paper or other duplicating means. 4. To submit an entry a contestant may deposit his completed puzzlie along with his name and address in the COINWORD contest box at Woggoner Drug Co., 839 Main St., or Suburban Drug Co., 3950 So, 6th, or attach the com pleted puzzle along with his risme and address or a 4c post cord and mail it to the COINWORD Editor, Herald ond News, P.O. Box 941. Mail entries must be postmarked not later than 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, ond entries must be deposited in the COINWORD contest boxes by 12:00 noon Wednesday. 5. The Herald and News will award a prize of $100.00 to the winner of each week's COINWORD contest. If more thon one winning answer is received, the prize will be di vided equally among the winners. If no correct solution is received, the omount of the weekly prize will be increased $25.00 each week the puzzle is not solved. 6. There is only one correct solution to each COIN WORD puzzle and only that correct answer can win. Deci sion of the judges is final and all contestants agree to abide by the official answer supplied by the COINWORD editor. All entries become the property of the paper. Only one prize will be awarded to a family unit. 7. Entries must be moiled or delivered by hand before closing deodlines. No entries can be returned. The answer will be published in the Herald and News. CLUES DOWN 1. A messy might hurt the value of a paint ing. (Blob, Blot) 2 acceptably, counterfeit bills moy fool tb public. (Creased, Created) 3. Designation for Aviation Electrician's Mate. 4. An early might couse movers to proceed with caution. (Desk, Dusk) 5. Forced social octivity causes mony people to (Rebel, Revel) 6. The lines of a ore ant to be misleading. (Map, Mop) 10. Dogs can become difficult when they are too often. (Pelted, Petted) 11. Successful could be a great help to an in ventor. (Parents, Patents) 12. Doctors make Irss when patients ore (Fot, Pit) 13. A man's love enobles him to understand a woman's (Guile, Guilt) Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Suburban Drug Co --or--Waggoner Drug Co. 3950 So. 6th 839 Mailt Si. Or Mail to: Coinword Editor P.O. lex 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug, Suburban Drug and The Herald nd News v r-....-& Bird-like lunches, may cheat you of precious vitamins! z? Ft i 3pm Snacks are a sad substitute lor vitamin-rich foods! 10pm 0& S5E3TB ' CASCO AtSrSMATiC ELECTRIC HEATING PAD Dinner time, too tired to prepare a. balanced meal! 100o Wet-Proof Push Button Control Pre-Shrunk Cover may be moved tor woshing. GUARANTEED 4 Full Years Reg. $7.95 $ M 95 NOW ONLY Snacking means calories... that's about all! One BEXEL MPorMPM capsule a day SUPPLIES THE VITAMINS YOU MAYBE MISSING! FREE McKESSON 100 Vitamin C 100 Mg. When You Buy BEXEL Maintenance Plus Vitamins and Minerals $ 100 Capsules Only J Bexei I gyp ". 3 49 Harrier Hubbard Ayer French Formula Hand and Body Lotion 12-ox. Reg. $1.50 $ A 00 NOW ONLY plus tax Harriet Hubbard Ayer LUXURIA Cleansing and Beautifying Cream 16-oi. Reg. $4.00 $ 00 NOW ONLY plus tax ma 40c OFF Medicated DERMASSAGE Skin Lotion with FREE Dispenser Pump 16-oz. Reg. $1.79 $ A 39 NOW ONLY $25 COINWORD BONUS if you correctly work the coinword puzzle and have a cash receipt of one dollar or more within 7 days prior to the winning announce ment. Bonus split in case of ties! Green Stamps f- nmn Ap Set i Ihuh fttftcm4 f Ntli utnoN 4103: 'f .... S IIS RAYETTE HAIRSETTINO LOTION GEL FREE! with purchase of jumbo ONE OF A KIND GOLF CLUB BUYS 1 only ... set of four regular 72.00 Spalding Pacesetter WOODS. Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. AO95 Full price only T 1 only set of 3 WILSON WOODS. Num bers 1, 3 and 4. This is a regular 69.95 set. Buy it for $ M Q 95 just t 1 only ., . . 7-piece Spalding Golf Set complete with bag. Contains 1 and 3 woods, 3, 5, 6 and 7 irons $ A ft '5 and putter. Regularly 68.90 T Hurry On These 4 Universal Cordless ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSH Complete with 4 brushes. Rog. 19.95. One full year guarantee. No electric plug-in. No recharging. Exceptionally convenient. Correct up and down brush ing action as recommended by dentists. 1 M 88 HAIR SPRAY World's biggest-selling professional hair spray. AQUA SET preferred by beauti cians because of its instant, easy no-drip application. Firm basis lor lovelier, longer-lasting hairstyles. 33.50 value, only $2.00 pim tax E&W DISHCLOTHS Good Quality 250 Count Embossed PAPER NAPKINS 13xl3Vi Special New Magnetic ASH TRAYS With Shutter and Snuffer, for car, home or office Only 00 Walt Disney Character COLGATE SOAKY BUBBLE BATH 25 bubbly baths that soak kids clean leoves no ring. Use container as toy when empty. Choose from Woody Woodpecker, Bugs Bun ny, Jimminy Cricket, Pinochio or Goofy char acters. 1.25 Value Your Choice p(p)c Jig Saw Puzzles 7C Hours of entertainment for the kids. Ovor 100 interlocking pieces. Model 49 in the following puzzles: U.S. Puzzle, Space Travel, Wells Forgo, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Jet Liner. Pick up several at this low price. Reg. 49c. Prices Effective Through Sunday $25 COINWORD BONUS It you corr.ctlv work fh. coinword punlo ind novo . coth rccotpt of ono dollar or mort within 7 doyt prior to tho winning announcomonr. Bonul split in coio of tios! ODcn 365 davs a vear . . . 366 on leao vears. Open 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Hoiidavs Druogitt On Duty ot All Timtt Current charge customers may charge anything except Camera Dept. Mdse., in the Suburban Drug Bldg. at the prescription counter.