HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, February 27, 1963 PAGE-J Why Don't They' Asked On Variety Of Subjects By GAY PAULEY UPI Women's Editor NEW YORK (UPD-The man in such drastic action. "I have never yet owned a shirt that (had) the buttonholes the proper sire." wrote Bogart. "Always too large . . . always coming unbuttoned." And what about flashlights, he continues. "Did you ever have a flashlight that the batteries did not shake and float around?", he complains. Mrs. G.H. Tangcman of Omaha, group of women who want front and jackets as they do men's and or side openings on garments, hoys', for easier hanging. From Mrs. Maurice King of Make the liner for the shower curtain a protective six inches Pittsburgh gets irate on the mat ter of poorly-made buttonholes on shirts. Honolulu comes word that one manufacturer is packing evapo rated milk in containers with a raised edge so that an ordinary can opener will work on them. The suggestions from the users longer than the curtain itse,f, and weight the hem of it as they do draperies? I'm tired of the updraft in the shower wrapping net vinyl around my soapy sides. Make all white touches (col By Helen Bechcn The woman in Omaha complains that back-rippered dresses have to go. A reader in Honolulu advises on how manufacturers migut im on all exposed floor surfaces. Switzerland was the first coun that one manufacturer already has followed one of the "why don't they?" suggestions this column oc casionally compiles and has put a prove their products go on and lars and cuffs) on dresses of the button-in, button-out variety for Put a rest room in super try to mint a coin of pure nick el, doing so in 1881. -: complains about backzippercd dresses. "I live alone and so do many others," she wrote, "And we find it impossible to trust get on and today we've a new list compiled from our own observa tions from readers, and from the 85,000 women who serve as part time consultants for National Fam market for tots and emergencies. -Put waxed, or otherwise wat easier removal and re-attachment MoreComfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here ts pleasant way to overcome loose plate discomfort. FASTKETH, an Improved powder, spririklcd on upper and lower plates holds them firmer so thai they feel more com fortable. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's ulkitllne i non acid). Dora not sour. Checks "plate odor breath". Get PASTEETH today at dru counters everywhere. erproofed, paper under cuts of raised, easier-to-open edge on evaporated milk cans. after laundry. meat which are packaged in card board containers. -. 't 4 rt Make longer stems on the Frank L. Bogart of Pittsburgh. Pa., wrote that he once overheard ting into and out of them. . .this ily Opinion, Inc., a consumer re search firm. Some Suggestions Why don't they? sprayers in spray bottles. There's always some of the contents left -Pack dog food in smaller cans means I've cut my dress-buying for the owners of toy-breed dogs. a man say, It I ever become a dictator, the first order would be to shoot all buttonhole makers." in two. Missing a Bet j Manufacturers, maybe you're the container that the stem Make children s slacks and doesn't reach. shorts with double-patch seats; These are the sections which usually wear out first. Sew small loops of fabrics in -Half-sole shoes with a matcri- Bogart says he can understand missing a sales potential with this the center back of women's coatslal that doesn't leave black marks fA' VrU' .t-w r-H ! VALENTINE COURT Rosanno Lehigh atjd Bur Worrell were chosen queen and king at the Klamath Temple Young Overcomer's annual Sweetheart banquet in the Cedar Room of the Willard Hotel. Fifty guests enjoyed the affair in a setting of Valentine decorations using red and pink streamers on the tables and silver heart and cupids on the walls. The Rev. James Ringseth, pastor of the Chiloquin Open Bible Church, was guest speaker. The court members, shown, left to right, are Janice Turner, Evelyn Staf- . ford, Queen Rosanne, King Burt, Richard Mitts and Jim McDonald. ; Fashions Decree Wide Shoulders, Sleeves By ALINE MOSBY United Press International PARIS (UPD-Paris designers have launched wider, higher shoul ders and sleeves, but today's question is will women wear them? The parade of spring fashions ended Monday with Yves St. Lau rent, 26, the youngest and most off-beat of the designers, and Cristobal Balenciaga, 68, consid ered one of the best, both dis playing a wider shoulder. ! During spring fashion week, thoulders and-or sleeves ranged from the puffed sleeve of Marc SBohan at Christian Dior to the padded shoulder and bell-shaped sleeve of Jacques Heim. Store buyers from various coun tries were reported to have bought1 dresses with the new shoulders. But whether they will be modi fied back home or reproduced as is for department stores could not be determined. Last winter several designers dropped skirt lengths. But wom en apparently still want to show their legs, so skirt hems were raised again this spring. In addition to expanded shoul ders, the other main trend in the spring collections was the suit that did not look like a suit. Ba lenciaga, Pierre -v Balmain and Jacques Griffe made elegant suits as of yore with collars, jackets to the hip and gentle fitting. But St. Laurent, Guy LaRoche and J. F. Carhay at the House of Nina Ricci offered suit jackets as casual as men's shirts and peas ant blouses. Jean Dcsses elimi nated collars and lapels and had suit jackets buttoning onto blous es, with a wide expanse of blouse between tlie buttons. Bohan used "wide open" low-cut suit neck lines that showed a "dicky" or crisp blouse front. It's worth a trip to shop LaPointe's 4 '-7 ASP iff WWW .-'JT h mi . ? ?: 4 V " 7 521 4 m never out of action always in season knitted cotton Only I 5-1 11 RESCR'"PTIQN PR" STORESl I J5 100 (o)c TABS V' GRAIN 1 DISCOUNT ! DRUG PRICES! my OCCASIONALLY OUR VITAMIN MANUFACTURER ALLOWS US TO BUY AT "SPECIAL PRICES" with the thought that we will pass these savings on to you, our customers! WE ARE DOING THIS RIGHT NOW! . . . STOCK UP AT'THESE TERRIFIC LOW PRICES! ; u AGAIN, WE PRESENT Miss Leda Northrup EXPERT VITAMIN CONSULTANT AT YOUR SERVICE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT USAGE, PROPER DOSE, POTENCY, etc. ANOTHER PAY LESS COMMUNITY SERVICE STOP IN . . . THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO BUY! Pioneer Vitamin Sale Dates Feb. 27r28 Mar. 1-2-3r3. r Like ice creain, accord"';, to Vogue, knitted cottons rt ear-'ound delight ' Hire. si"-" cotton kn.t sheath with button front, iewel neck with slot -welt detail and interesting patch pockets. Flattering in gold or mint green PRIVATE PARKING at rear of ifore while shopping laPeinli'l. 1 i I . A I PUBLIC PARKING" in rear of Star Drug. Se for 2 Hours M tNkll rvlt kv tialrr lirict e LirctnK . s 1 1 "" Ml I LAiUf'J WE ARE DOING THIS RIGHT NOW! ... So, H'La EXPERT VITAMIN CONSULTANT 3 J? . A'JS j AT YOUR SERVICE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE II 14 W & ABOUT USAGE. PROPER DOSE. POTENCY, etc. Ifi mirrrmti 36 V-"7 ANHTMPR PAY I FtQ mMMIINITY SERVICE IS m . . Sr ' i Hill Pioneer Vitamin Sale Dates Feb. 27,28 Mar. l-2-3rd. Mb S Ju" II U T5. J 365 TABLETS! v it It Pr -VITAMIN pioneer .T'imrG F s 1 1 DOANS PILLS ; J?a "A" vitamin V vlT.AillN ii H sif: 79c si fS"! 100 TABS SALE! 1 t..rZc., pln St S,Ze " for Treating f M taint 3'l Times ITmMlk if il.JIIlll "A" Deficiency M SAVE PLENTY ON QUALITY I Min. Dailr WMiMii It SJ kJFTnrrll it FTJtP i',?"L'.V'- & CONTROLLED-FULL POTENCY 1L Requirement I, J" I j f: METRECAL HE? ou;;;G hahteed H00 f J Paik 1 39 ' 1 WMM-jl fl OO V TO SATISFY OR U II F35 ? II L"uid 1 ft U 1 I .SAUE! YOUR MONEY Jf U afG li 1 9 1 1 BACK! Jf9 mmmammmmmmmm l ANACIN (I rPOTFNCY 2) .250 Day Supply! j f 1 ii 4fcmr it nl-rVJ ICPIUI LJ LwJ pioneer brand I - Q9 5 v'TAMiN vi-TREATS! ouiy 5 1 EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS f J )"J' MULTI-VITAMINS WITH MINERALS 2 E 3 IIPVAI K SEVEN-B FACTOR I I Tlwx- Nine VlUimlm In I yiLlnVU'liI ONE A DAY SIIPPUKS MOST 3 f 2 HIT AIM Zf VITAMINS KnTlWJ'1 !?? c."E"u..lr !"y .V.' midALmJ oaii.y adult heqi j libilVi. ,T OUR REG. 1.29 IHI Z,7Z rK" Z , SALE! ST , . .i , I Cnildrcn or Adult.!. ' SALE' s ANTISEPTIC jlsALE! mjf 1 0,R.g.JOnL SLE' f5 . PIONEER FORMULA I PIONEER 100 MG "J H " 30C ji B COMPLEX i; "B-l" j?5 E Mincrall E.ch C.p.ul. Contain! Ji 100 TABLETS WTTfTl'l T I Q-TIPS SS;!r'537fl00,r.i 1 mmWm7Tmm 55 PIONEER 25 MCGM f PIONEER 100 TABS PIONEER 100 CapIUlet ( j U TONI I VITAMIN VITAMIN B-12 JS. VITAMIN "E" ! ; permanents B.2 A COMPLEX FEr ' CONCENTRATE f j2us? Si" j 4Q g 100 TABLETS n rcmT, ,0p?R CAPSUL? ' J f JUSt... IT fZ n 0 1 AO B-12, other B Complex I YirWM t PER CAPSULE i t PIUS tOX I Si Our Re9. 1.49 ffflM Factor, Vit.min C .nd ; SSl f . OUR REG. 3.99 it (j,- SALE! lelilfcj l,,ni 0u, " 477 miHT.umnj It JZT Sale! fill r..r. k. m 8 J. SAVE flr"x rA if ulTAI Iv yl sale! vrvr . TUU TcrsOTa now - wan S l! Srffi, 250 CAPSULES! .r. i: II pauimcv ! frfi FLAY0RED rfAy I! SOMINEX liJS. V,TAM,NC iWmh U FOR SAFE SLEEP! S afc. Nl!Tl it 323 170 l SSi 250 f -y- xsWjiM1 NOW! ! 5 250 CAPSULES! . RUBICAPS K 995 MULTI-VITAMIN FORMULA WITH VITAMIN C, IRON t LIPOTROPICS! 15.95 Vol. RUBICAft L It 11; 6oJrr I BIG 60 Ct. PAPER NAPKINS SALE! Now Just ii UiM veM lm j' 5etfrwtrTj DISCOUNT DRUG PRICES! MODESS 48's 1,71 Size 39 MICRIN Oral Antiseptic 1.29 Q0C Size WW Menthofdfum 89c 1C s - 7z AULDROX ANTACID TABLETS 0 TAB LI 99 1.88 fbfk C Size Just 5199 W SUCARYL II " t Liquid Sweetener tf 89c C s 72 DRISTAN Deeongeitant Tabi si6' 137 Just I KONSYL Bulk Laxative oxative 88 2.43 Size Just CONTAC COLD CAPSULES APSULES 237 2.75 Size GILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADES 1.00 SIZE tu n "-"TTM 1 l.Yi -Hf-Vi i .Ml Uf-Vi jf