Jacoby On Bridge NORTH tl A J 10 VAKQJ4 632 85 WEST EAST AK2 A98785 109 87 8 V5 J108 K9 BV4 10832 SOUTH (D) A A Q V 32 4 AQ784 AK.QJ North and South vulnerable South Wat North But 14 Pasa IV Pan 3 Pass 3V Pass 3N.T. Pass 4N.T. Pass S 4 Pass 5 N.T. Pass 7N.T. Pass Pass Pass Openinng lead V 10 Vienna Coup Explained By OSWALD JACOBY Written (or Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Around 1860 an English writer proposed a whist problem with the story that Uie greatest play er in Vienna had looked at the cards and remarked: "Why, ot course. South makes all the tricks." None of the whist players of the day could see how the grand slam could be made and the hand has given us the name of the Vienna Coup for all similar plays. It is a classic among bridge players. In whist clubs were trump and South would lead. In contract 1 have made South declarer at no trump and, while it docs net mat ter what card West opens, I have assumed a heart lead. South wins in dummy and runs off four clubs. West connot afford to throw a diamond or a spade on the last club so must unguard the hearts as the least of all evils. Then South makes the Vienna Coup play. He plays his ace of spades and establishes West's king as the top spade. Incidental ly, dummy will have dropped a diamond on the third club and either a diamond or spade on the fourth one. Now South runs off dummy's last four hearts and discards the monds from his hand. West has to hang on to the king of spades because of dummy's jack and must discard one of his three dia monds whereupon South finesses tho daimond and makes three' diamond tricks. Q The bidding has been: West North East Sooth 1 A Double Pass 3 3 Pass Pass ? You, South, hold: 8 5 VKQ8C4 4KJ3 49 6 4 What do you do? A Bid four hearts. Pass Is a close second choice, bat the bid should be preferred, TODAY'S QUESTION You bid four hearts. West nd North pass and East bids four spades. What do you do cow? Answer Tomorrow PAGE 14 HLRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Wednesday, February 27, 1963 On The Record KLAMATH FALLS BIRTHS aon MITCHELL Born la Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Mitchell In Klamath V.lletf Hot. P'lal Feb. 21 boy weighing lot., 14V tus. OURAN Born to Mr. and Mri. Toby Duron Jr. in Klamath Valley Hospital reo. 2 a boy weighing 7 lbs., on HUDSON Born 10 Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander w. Hudson In Klamath Vallty nosmrei r-to. u a boy weighing 7 lbs. Vi oz. GIRLS SANCHEZ Born 10 Mr. and Mrs. Grog. ory R. Sancnoi In Klamath Vallay Hosol- tai Feb. 22 a olrl weigh na a bs.. Vs oz. PICKLE Born 10 Mr. and Mrs. Rob art J. Pickle In Klamath Valley Hospital Feb. 73 twin girls weighing 6 lbs., 7'a ozs. and 0 lbs., I oz. YOUNG Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Young in Klamath valley Hospital Feb. 23 a girl weighing a lbs. GAGE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arden Gage in Klamath Valley Hospital Feb. 22 girl weighing 7 lbs., 14 ozs. FURREY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mar. tin W. Furrey In Klamath Valley Hospl. tal Feb. 24 a girl weighing 7 lbs.. 10W ozs. COL BURN Born to T.Sot. and Mrs. Phillip Colburn in Klamath Valley Hospi tal Feb. 24 a girl weighing 6 lbs., I oz. PEDERSEN Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ml. chael G. Pedersen In Klamath Valley Hospital Feb. 23 a girl weighing 7 lbs. t ozs. 1HI SUMMARY Boys: 17 Girls: 71 MKii.A mkkts i i;i.si:s NKW YORK i:i'li Finland's 1'entli Nikula. who recently vault ed Hi-fi's, will' compete aRainsl John I'clscs. recently recovered Jinin an ankle injury, in Friday niplit's K of C track meet at Madison Square Garden. OFFERS RAINIER CASINO LONDON (UP!) Creek ship ping magnate Aristotle Onassis has offered his controlling inter est in the gambling casino at Monte Carlo to Prince Rainier of Monaco, the Daily Express said today. The newspaper said Onassis of fered Rainier his 540,01)0 shares of Casino stock for $25 each, a total of $13.5 million. There was no official confirmation. tl ' ; ) . 1 W I P i ' hi - if JJ - '' ' wl-'1''' READS OWN WORKS Poet Carl Sandburg, read's selections from his latest book of poems, "Honey end Salt," at Shaare Emeith Temple in St, Louis. Sandburg says he is working on an autobiography and has covered the first 30 of his 85 years so far. UP1 Telephoto President Harpoons Own Tax Reform WASHINGTON (UPD Presi dent Kennedy appeared today to have harpooned his own tax re- iorm program. Kennedy surrendered Monday Pinochle Party Raises Funds NEW PINE CREEK A total of $31.45 was raised, at the East side Grange - sponsored pinochle party held Feb. 23, with 12 tables of players participating. The proceeds will be divided equally between the Lake County and Modoc County March of Dimes funds. Mrs. Jessie McLain won high honors for the women and the consolation went to Mrs. Kosanet ta Cloud. Perry Tilson received the men's high and Jerry Panter was awarded the men s low prize, Mrs. Clem Mulkcy retained the traveling prize. Following the play, refresh ments were served by a commit, tee headed by Mrs. Shirlene Law. son. The Missionary Side of George Romney He Acts lo Serve Cod and Society When George W. Romney was elected the first Republican gov ernor of Michigan in 14 years, he promptly shot into promi nence as an exciting figure in .American politics, end as a pos sible contender for the G.O.P. presidential nomination in 19M. ' people art acquainted -iih Air cv'-of-tht-ordinary hack f round, his devotion lo his family, his church and his zealous dedi cation to public service. Learn more about Romner in the MARCH 3RD Usui of JFamily Weekly with your cop of tho SUNDAY i" akl ' 'I ' '' T- -..jr...-.- ; .:.WMJ'Mf No money down on credit at Wards-just say "Charge It!' I whatever leverage he might have had for prodding a reluctant Con gress into enactment ot some revenue-boosting tax reforms. He did so by saying that he was willing to abandon every one of his tax reforms, if necessary, to win enactment this year of a net income tax reduction of $10 billion or more spread over three years. This had been implicit all along. But the fact that the Presi. dent publicly acknowledged it strengthened the position of those battling against the tax-tighten ing reforms. Undermines Cpmmlttee Head Conversely, it undermined the position of Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., of the House Ways Jt Means Committee, who was largely responsible for persuad ing Kennedy to Include "tax re forms" with his tax reduction program. Mills declined comment on Ken nedy's statement. But no one doubted that the veteran lawmak er was unhappy over the Presi dent's latest tax pronouncement. Some lawmakers were puzzled as to why the President was tak ing a line that could not help but hurt his own relations with Mills, who presumably will be called upon to carry the legislative ball for the tax cut. Gravely Concerned One theory was that Kennedy had become gravely concerned over his failure to generate pub lic enthusiasm for tax cuts and felt he should try to whip up sup port by holding out the possibil ity that the reforms distaste ful to groups affected would be jettisoned in the final bill. At any rate, Kennedy at a question-and-answer session be fore a group of bankers asserted that Congress might jettison all of the tax reforms. He said he would certainly support such move if it were necessary to get tax reduction enacted this year. "Nothing should stand" in the way of a tax cut this year, Ken nedy said, "The first priority is a bill." iFIlEE-tlrliriourt j HHAUT limi'ES: Dept. K P.O. Box 2589, Portland 3, Ore. Bobwhite quail are found in small coveys. ocean fresh! for Lenten Menus a frailerload of passenger and truck tires! all factory-fresh, all guaranteed! mi RIVERSIDE AIR CUSHION GUARANTEED FOR 18 MONTHS Lfcw, low price for blowout-resistant Nylon! Tread rubber specially compounded for a smoother, more quiet ride. 7-row-tread spreads the wear, gives better control. Tuba-type Blackwoll 6.70-15 10.88 6.70-13 or 7.50-14 1J.88 7.10-15 13.88 7.10-15 or 8.00-14 15. 88 7.60-15 15.88 IWhitewolli only $3.00 mora. AII prices plus excise tax and frade-in. I Urn k-B.jggl 1 v I Riverside f0$ 4-SQUARI GUARANTEE K &jtfffiS$jM II. Against rood hoards for Ihe I y Ti'i j ?j sptt.fnd tim.. Adjustments pre- I tl l b v'Vl.W-XW I toted on months mad. "1 : f-i?l I7 V t5S'U Siie 2. Agamt dt facts in moltrio'l, work- 'H'W r) f I manih.p for l.ft of head. Ad- Hii ' (V "f- 'Jyifl pjilments prorated on tieod wear. K'fjJ' ti f ( 'P 1 Ii. Notwn,de lervKt at all broncnei. fb; W' J , C -Jr j.'j1 1 4. Sotitfatl.on guaranteed notion- f?Bililrffr':-'-$:. ii .de. Ad,uilmenls baed on sale I IjW.i' , f?f MOUNTED py ti I FREE DMMMtttlttlteillll SAVE on Malin C&E Market T m mm mm "N-rv Miracle Whip 00 57c ff mt) D 1 A ( Berty Crocker White, M'M W JO tdiie nixes LJv7ood " Rb? Ice Cream Crat"0FSvor, . y g.i. 89c j ! stock up sale! panisn K,ng SiM 47c TftmrfpMc Mixed Nuts Kig Siie 69c j (O) Tomatoes Peas ... . . Pconuts CQ I JiS. arn Rnf Dsarc t VirQIIlia King Size 3C 6.70-15 kSrS, .4. VUI UICCII UUUllj I till J II 11 uSSXu I 1 frpam nr Whnlp Kprnl fnrn If CasheWS King s. 79c J Applesauce Lima Beans f SDrecke j$ MIX OR r-l,..,- 12-oz. MIX or ASr oprecKci MATCH taiSUP bottle MATCH fl 11 AP3 mK j moo M WGJtR ' f grzrrr- Delicious! Money Saving! Oregon Chief 00T) MM SALE : lb. 79c jj Ncbergoll'i Q 1 nil i Pure Pok 0 lbs. I.UU El Tubalast Blockwall 7.60-15 17.88 RIVERSIDE SAFETY NYLON GUARANTEED FOR 21 MONTHS 4-ply Nylon fights blow- l7jOO outs. Deep tread grips udSt11 road, resists skids. kUihwaii 6.70-15, 7.50-14 tubeless black. . 14.88 6.70-15,7.50-14 tubeless white. . 17.88 Alf prim phit txc'f fa ofirf yovr old tirt. RUGGED RIVERSIDE ST-107-GUARANTEED FOR 27 MONTHS 4-ply Nylon! Outper forms new-car tires . . . features wide, 7 deeper tread. 6.70-1 5, 7.50-1 4 tubeless black. . .18.88 6.70-1 5, 7.50-1 4 tubeless white. . .21.88 Plvt xcft fox aflf yovr sWrf tirtj. RIVERSIDE HEAVY-SERVICE NYLON TRUCK TIRES Nylon resists impacts, Kl kOKf .70-15 -fP klkwall USD A "Good" HIND QTRS Cut and C(4e Wrapped 3" lb Boneless Ham Pot Roast Srti. .b. 53c Sausage 09-1 lf ratnif bruises, heat. Full-depth traction tread. 6.50-16, 6-ply rating 17.951" 7.00-15, 6-ply rating 21.95 f tbf e.cie n. N. trmdtj itemed. SAVE ON AUTO PARTS AT WARDS YOU CAN GET ALL THE PARTS YOU NEED FOR YOUR CAR AT WARDS! Words can fill your order whether you drive a 1925 Model "T", a new 1963 car or foreign car! Wards parts are top quality, too . . . equal to or better than original equipment on your car. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you check Wards low prices. And remember, low-cost installation is available. RIVERSIDE RELINED BRAKE SHOES Bonded, tested, ground. Set, exch. 3.99 FULLY RE-BUILT GENERATORS All worn parts replaced. As low as 15.25 RIVERSIDE SHOCK ABSORBERS Equal or exceed original shocks. Low as 3.99 RIVERSIDE FUEL PUMP Replaces single-action pump. Low as 3.29 FULLY RE-BUILT CARBURETOR Vital parts replaced, Exch., low as 6.45 9th & Pine Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Phone TU 4-3188 Fillet of Sole ST .l, 55c Ground Beef f 3 .b.. 1.29 a a i Aor.c '"m m Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 z 49 kkr'" CP IM i to.'' 1 up Lorge Fancy Slicers! TOMATOES Lady Elberta Peaches No. 21 i Tins 79' Cream of the Valley DOZ. 47' King Size Pkg. Cheer lit of Iht Scoion! Asparagus torgt Fro it Fret Fruh $1119 ?0e lb. 98c Avocados Cooking Dates Wl UIIMC3 IV Ibi. Half So 16? 2119c 1 'a lb. bag 49C Salad Treat E Downtown Molin, Oregon Prices Effective Thurs thru Sat. Right Reserved to Limit