WILL trad touity in hooti )ofpict(up DO voy have a u,ooo tnt ua Would yoo llkt to trad tor cither art M.000 homt or 3 rente: uniti? write I om a "TRADER" ARE YOU? wny mi whtn you can tradt. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOP Wembr International Tradan Club deemed . ore. Cal. Ida. wh. stn sr. t it iii?; RIAL ESTATf FOR SALI .30 4. 13 ACRES, ttii bedroom brlctt house! bulll in kitchen, targi rooms all carpet ed, flreplact, TV room. Outbuildrnai Fenced. 16,000. TU J-H57. FOR SALE or rent, small one bedroom bom, cheap. 412 McLean. Write Cham Bowen, P.O. Box M, Cobura, Ore, nh. Dl 3-8914. LARGE one bedroom noun on Green, sorings Dr., turniihed, lots ol huillms. Low down Daymen), owner will carry REDUCED, quick sale. 3 bedrooms, fai ily room, 2 lirtplac.es, l't balm, dini room, attached garage, fenced yard, 2412 LDenein, i u i-uti. SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom7Larof living room, fireplace, dining room. Ne birch kitchen and utility. Newly pointed inside and out. S9.950. TU 4-8796. TWO bedroom house for sale or rent with outbuilding, fenced yard, TU 4-3949. in quire 1719 Laurel. TWO bedroom house, fireplace. 5 acrii Henley School District, TU 4-7180. MOVING. Three bedrooms, 1 ii " hath", buKtin kitchen, brick fireplace, will to wall carpeting, storm windows, Henley cuinci, i u 4-3om aner t p.m. R E SI DENT1AL build frig lotsTbne, liTfV x 302 ft.; six, tiied 96. ft. x 302 ft. Par.1 itaiiy rtevempod suburban area. Local pnpne i u v-ioi. VIEW of Klamath Lake from this at tractive 3 bedroom home New carpet, sliding glass doors onlo covered da No, built-in kitchen appliances, fireplace. fenced yard, playroom-garage. Many rtner icaiuroi. ia,iuu. ny Kino ot fi nancing. Shown by appointment' only. NORTHSIDE Owners will carry contracts This one bedroom ground level nnurt menl will help you pay for the nice 3 bedroom home. Fireplace and hardwood floors in large living room overlooking mi cty. nose in. notn tor only $8,000. Also solid 3 bedroom home with large living room, dlnlnq room, and den. Two car garage. Landscaped fenced yard wnn pano. j,wu. W alio have good rentals. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-011 Suburban Beauty Three bedrooms, large living room with circulating fireplace. Two full baths. Car pits throughout. Gas perimeter heat, sol id aider wood cabinets, built In appli ances galore! Attached garage. Total price 115,275 with $525 down plus closing. McATEE REALTORS 330 E Main Svelyn McAfee Eleanor Mahen Arl Moorman TU 2-46J6 TU 3-5935 TU 2-5355 TU 2-1338 "BUENA VISTA" Attractive and well constructed 3 bed room ranch style home, fireplace, built In kitchen, separate utility, hardwood floors, lovely landscaped fenced yard, garden soot and berry patch. Only $ts, 900. Terms. LEONARD REALTY t?) Me-n TU 4-7521 or TU 4715 Joe Leonard TU 2-77 Joo Perry TU 4-5332 Audrey Keerms TU 4-4285 MLS Multiple Listing Service LAKE FRONTAGE Lerqe t bedroom home on over l ace of ground. Over 2.000 sq. ft. of floor sol EvceHent spot for boat business. See It now. Immediate possession. SHASTA WAY Three bedroom plus apartment Well huilt ranch style, dean and neat. Don't miss this one. Immediate possession, YALTA GARDENS Two hed'oom home on targe Int. Sep arate dming room. Harcwoo-t doors ShOp building and fruit frees. $14,500, terms SOUTH SUBURBAN Laroe living room with very attractive comer fireplace with heat-o-'ater Dinmq room, two bedrooms wi!h third bedroom off qarage. Large two car garaae nd hrp Full orice $15,000. Loan now on properly can be assumed. CLINTON STREET Two bedroom home Clean a"d ret Dm-1 ing room, tool shed, doq kennel, truit j ''erv storm windows. A real buy at 811.750. Terms. "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTORS S 6"i TU 4-S15I Anytim, P.IOV Pfb'tr HI J Ken Allison TU iiit MLS Multiple Listing Service MEDFORD Soadmn 3 bedroom suburban home Lo- catM 1 miles norfh of Wed'ord on 2 , acr estate with lne old 0 trees for; shaae. on a knon ihat over.iem tr. 1 beaut'ul Rogue River Vauy. This home r view in aH niect.pi's and ti de-J n OPT; i;o DC.VN r M A l-gned for tra'lic f'Ow from thu kitchen 1 DOWN Gl. nominal e'Osm' to an parts ol 'he home Total hea'ei jceot tradr-m 0' 2 bed'or.' rea 2.M so . Two (.replaces, 2 2J dose-in rone, up to ifl.000. baths, un rfm. shade porch, lots of , ?4W. Will consider trade Klamath t-aiil property. PEYTON Veber lnternation Tr-)fs Clut 133 Merfcft TU 4-J1JI E vem Vr Dan rchrjts Harotd M R-Jsh "Pat ' Paiflne TU TU 2 ' tu ;-( Multiple Listing Service MLS QUALITY rcep''9"y W!l hirtt J bd fm home Wtth tan-nly fCC;tv f'-enece. Summers Lae. Ov' l 00 sg tt t livng a' Ove' .;el dwbie detected ga'aoe H wrrfsKoc L-5e lot P"Ct er wilt nfider trade foe muit'C!l U"il dwe.i.ofl. VRIGHT REAL ESTATE MfT VftrP NT f RNAT ICNAi. TRADER CLUR X4 1 " TU l-J7?i VLf PARKING SPACE IV Va-Sck! TU 3-4' REAL ESTATt fOU SALI tmL ,tt,ul,y in 9 2 btd'ocn home THREE bedroom, built in ovmn jinri ranoe oarage, flrpiace. Owner transferred, 43iv DARLING 2 bedroom houie completely tencedyardrasonable price. TU 4-996. NEWLY remodeled one 'bedroom, birch cabinets, QOit in. Garage, ru 2-0845. MUST SELL. Take oyer" oavments. 1 bed.ooms. fireplace, .j acre. TU 2-3891 cOUR apartmen's, eceilni JriweitminV. close in, TU 2-2531. TU 4-666. BY owner, 2 bedroom ranch style home. Pay equity of 11500 and ntum con. tract. TU 2-3952. FURNISHED dean home. Laroe TlaM rooms. Paved street, garage. Near down turn. nj ouistoe entrance upstairs fur mi hed rental. This home suitable lor ccupie. As income property, both unili can De used as rentals. sj,f0, terms to UM. TU 4-UJV. MOVING? We will "TRADE" you' property any wiicib wen 01 ma xoCKirri ci DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International frarlers Club Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida Wash ST I L WELL & CO. Presents: COMPLETELY REDECORATED 1200 set ti. ot living area. 3 BEDROOMS, living room with fireolace. dinino kit hen with dinette, utility end bath Excellent construction with Thermo pile winnows where neeted. cooper tune plumbing. Fenced bck yard, landscaped. Peterson School district $16,950. 4 BEDROOMS Modern home on 'l acre 01 ground in good suburban district. Fireplace, natural wood kitchen wilf built-in equipment. 2 baths, attached garage. Price $18,500. OWNER ILL CANNOT OPERATE Rentals in Fairhaven. 1 bedroom house and 4 one bedroom rentals couple could live In house and let rentals pay for prace. Owner carry papers will lake modest home in trade. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO.' 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3136 After 5:00 call J Ron Van Orman TU 2-3692 Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 In no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 4!2 ACRES ' Plus good 2 bedroom modern home. Sub stantial out build mas. Close In location. Will trade for Redding, Calif., properly. Price $15,000. Terms. FOR A Good starter home or rental Investment call now to see this furnished 1 bedroom modern home in Mills Addition. Total price only $3,500. Easy terms. STILES REALTY . MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 SO. th Phone TU 7 4740 Ralph Vaden Lorella 762-4I6J Fred Tucker TU 4-974? Lois Macy TU 2-56A7 iris Madole TU 4-5695 ONLY $600 DOWN On thij larqe, new 3 bedroom home. In neat, clean new suburban neighbor' hood. Wall-to-wail carpeting and excel lent hardwood floors. Circulal.ng tire- place. Oil lurnace beat piped to ill ooms. Natural finish kitchen with all 'he appliances built-in. Excellent floor plan. Biq lot completely landscaped. FHA. ap praised at $15,600. Long term loan. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 So. 7th 51. TU 4-5651 Anytime TWO be oom home on Front $t. In Pe" can City Addition. Large lot. This 1$ a sacrifice at $3,000. 220 ACRES, Irrigation water right for 179 acres. Diversified alfalfa, grain and pas- lure, Very neat roomy five room house and outbuildings. Priced at $47,500. Midland Empire RFAl TY CLEM LESUEUR. Broker ion. Vin Jim O' Donahue TU 2-3471 Eves. TU 4-9693 STROUT REALTY 5429 So. 6th For excellent opportunities in HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESSES CATTLE RANCHES Phone or See Bnb ond Stella Dehlinger, Rep. TU 4-5281; Eves. TU 2-5601 Honk Holmon, Slsmn. TU 2-5048 MLS Multiple Listing Service .'. LIVE MODERN'! LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD? Thii e-M'Cinfl sou! sun jrhan JhHrrurn home HftS ALMOST EVCRY MODERN convenience. Featu-ed ere: dishwash er, disposal, bui't-m oven and ranoe, val rifce lighting, stereo wirerl Ihrouqhout 1 and 'j batiH, 7 circulating fireplaces, huilt In vcui,'m cleaner. Attecrtd oouMe oar act vulh frtrtioron (rolled door. Just iJt.SW; maximum loan. 1' 1 Deluxe Farmette APPROXIVATECY 7 ACRE i WITH 'HIS RECENTLY BUILT 3-BEDROOV BRICK RAVRLER Mai immense 15 3? tt llvlnq room. 1 baths, 'iifo'ace. tutly insu'ated wHs and ceMtng SEPARATE S-CAR BRICK OARAGE1 A tremendous Ith atno'ute privacy, and lust IS minutes trom downrown tin .rjno, witn top loan ovuiiiiciii nil now ior acinm. ' i'Near Downtown SOt.tO. OLDER 2 STORY BEDROOM MOVE. Ius 2 level biotts to Warn St. ju c'ose '0 At-idcmy ad HUMS, Hat 2 baths, J car ca'aie. Go.ng lr- "V I MA AND NO WiU ac- NorfhSiJe K. - V UU L ALIIUN Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO in n m si V ,-.s P'rnet: B'li Cv'co'e Tom Rot)'tt Ffl C'tote. A Phoie TU 4-7771 Ph TU 4-37M Eves Ph Tu 1 WSI Ee inr'ate 6ror U'SINISS OPPORTUNITIES POP ''e fi-r wen strired store 'em on 1 nrrf., a 4iroom aot at-ic-t ideal tor tamiiy. hi, ant to seii TU we notcs ro public Hesse trwes") trterovghiy ny iest e rnvs m mercheofl'se. vr"i f-prises e t)trtini Deportunit'es t f'e mvest'fifl your cao-tai The Me'i'd eno News mM every efH t rciect an rrajdi'm r mmM-ng asvertii xevef, we ft net responsible tor the n'MrtHf 0 f1 flrmi or ind-vdoatj whe c'a-e asern nj in jvr ewhif atiflt. y IKIvt'l t-Q ot pnsnss O0r'tun'tits orQ ie he f'aixViie"' w t jjii ih4ud be twt 9 Ciesstfd o- ver'ninf 0par1meM f the Hr4 30BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .33 FOR Mle restaurant. Lease some eou fo ment and Inventory. Write Herald and News bo 459 c. TAVERN Sujincsj and equipment, $14,000. 1 'f P O. Box 6', Curvfr, Or FINANCIAL - LOANS . 34 WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loan, trailer loan, personal loon . . .we moke loans for any worthwhile purpose. Confidential. service, tool FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Loeolly Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 ONE wood desk and iwivel chair. 2 wood office chairj, 4 iteel folding chairs. I 3d x 72 in, steel cabinet. All for SIM, or will sell pi ten lor belt offer. TU 2-5030 after 6 p.m. 21 IN. coniole remote TV, S415; new bed room set with lamps, $35; automatic washer, 125, plui miscellaneous items,! TU 4 6342. MAHOGANY Duncan Phyfe table, chairs and china cabinet, 190, 275 gallon oil tank, S25, TU 2-3174. MIDI C huliU. fh..l .1 J........ -r.l GE Refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. 1100, GE push uunon aouoie oven range, (125, TU 4-4402, USED Kcnmore washer, dryer and range, WALNUT dining set. excellent condi tion. Micslite kitchen table, TU 4-9375. GE pushbutton double oven stove, exce: em, si so, TU 2-198' eves. BEAUTIFUL luxurious lonqer lasting rugs and carpels tor your home t wonderful savings. TU 4-5656. t GUARANTEED USFD RANGES REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WAT El HEATERS Cascade Home Furn 412 Main TU 4-8365 antiques . . . Drop In end see our new depart, ment, antique glass, china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE S. Sixth GENERAL ELECTRIC Automotic $ $85 Woshcr Guaranteed. Excellent condition, KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 THIS WEEK ONLY! $20. POLISHER ATTACHMENT FREE with purchase ot Fabulous Golden Glide Vacuum. Liberal trades. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Mam TU 2-2513 FURNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAY! AT THE MERCHANDISE MART FUEL . HEATING 38 CALL CLIFF YAOFN For Preilc Logs 4 Hr-.ting Oils Mi!tr.d PrnoAn SAiet S & H Green blamos Open 71 hours 354G Soittn SfKtri TU 4 Mil and ru 2tt0 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL VOUH FUEL NEiDS" Frankford Fuel Co. GOOOTHtNGS JOJAl 31 BEEF, PORK, wholesale cuslnm butch" erlng, , cutting, curing, Shamrock Meats m svu Wflv. tu tu ?-o7b Boats Peri Snorts Hobbies 40 PART Chihuahua and part Fo ter puppies, also to give tp a oood home imij Dhshuid, Shasta Way. TU 3-WCi. 7t FT. Chris-Cra't chm cruder. 115 hp Mercury inbnrd motor, wheel trailer A steal at twsi Terms. The Resale House j(99 S. 6th. It FT. Irhonrd. Chrvslpr Marine Who motor, plywood with dhrenlM covered boat and trailer Trude tor equity larger o' newer tibreglas boat. TU 2-20 or TU 2-614. WALE German shorthair, 1? months Old, f-OX errir puco;e, .'0 each, Rte. Box 293, Ashland Highway. FOR sa'e Dechsht.nd pups, seen weeks o'"- Pnne tu tin BEAGLES. AKC rgistrel pupmes. weeks old, TU 7-0601. AshUnd Highway BLACK miniature POOdle puppies, I weeks, excellent blood itf.es, TU I-40 BRUAC KENNELS At stud champion tired et biark. brown, ad H'ver pnn- p(,mtr,fans PrcteworMi poodle clip ftina Pnnniit i n ,n l-'na Til i.ISJS - DOG and cat Wiardin-j. T'a'n'ng, groom mg, oatmng ijt-s aia '''.osiej 'or ae SHASTA CASCADE KEN' f LS. past Ver nll-Lakevrw Jun'Mn j't Verrlll M.qh w.iy on Booth Road. R e Box SOJfc, OODLES OF TV CAMERAS i: ALL KINDS & SIZES S2. & Up COPER'S EXCHANGE K'lmnth Tit A 710 RAOIOJTV . MUSIC 41 TV iery'e cans. V O J. TV Rtpair, tu t 0 be'ore p rn 5LISGE"LANO t'ap d'urn m,'t. tin. m blue pea-l. tu ;'j7. Tu MH! V; MUSIC-vV Lessons & Sales Gu'ld & CptftMr Oulr . Sonnla e CO'd'OS aid Lowly Orgat'S. "Rent Ap piies to Pwchase " Klamath Music Center M5 E Mo-n TU 4-3360 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yeort on 7th St." 126 No. 7th T'J -3t2 1 41 CASH FOR USED PIAN05 DERY'5 MUSIC, TU 4-J121 RENT a ne Baldwin p.ano. $10 a month No delivery charge. 6owdn Music Co.. f.10 Main, TU 2-48S3. EXPERIENCED piano teacher, near Madison St. Blanche Mare&. 1U 4-309, USED PIANO SALE!! BALDWIN - WURL1TZFR H. F. MILLER - KIMBALL SAVE UP TO $350. BOWDEN MUSIC CO. fl30 Moin TU 2-4fi83 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 FOR tale or trade for cattle '51 Ford in truck, '53 DodQe station waoon, thoroughbred race horse. 10-yr. old geld ing. TU 1-92H. 25 HEREFORD bulls. 1-3 years old. 20 Angus bulls. 1-3 years, woitr Ranch, Chiloquln 713-2453. KLAMATH PROVED S'hE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-HC5, TU 4558. TU 2-6103 STABLE care for saddle horses, feeding. pasture, tack room, lounge, good riding Area. Homedaie Stabiet, iu 4-j&m. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Call "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot I p.m. sharp Rte. 3, Bex 44 KLAMATH STOCKMENTS Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. " The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmen's Morket. Tuesdoy is sale day in the Klomoth Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Horns 4-S436 MACHINERY . 44 ft EQUIPMENT ft For LEASE BV The DAY MONTH YEAR JOHN DEERE 70to Wheel Loeder with or without back' hoe. toio and 4t0 Crawlers with Dozers. 101ft Crawler Loader. m Diesel with Trencher. Will trench 5 deep and 12 in. wide. Coll or See Us At Klomoth Foils or Tuleloke Don Potter Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-5571 7376 South Sixth St. Tulfloke Ph 667-5213 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 33 LOOK at these PRICES Cash or Credit NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY 100 Financing , (on approved credit) LOW CASH PRICES (Sure We'll Accept Cosh!) Low Monthly Payments YOU decide The deal must suit YOU! These Cars Have Been Thoroughly Checked and are in good condi tion. Monthly1 Poymnts. '56 Ford 4. Dr. Sedon 6 cylinder, stick. $1-771 Full price J300 1 ' 55 Buick Century Hdtp. Power steering. ) I Q74 Full price J335 I ' '55 Dodge Hdtp. Cpc. V B, stick. J I Q74 Full pnee $335 55 Ford Sin. Wogon Overdrive. OA Full price $450 '55 Ford HdlD. Coe. V 8 $ I 181 Full pnrc $200 1 ' 54 Buick Hdtp. Cpe. $ I I 81 Full price $200 ' 54 Chev. Bel Air Hdtp. Cpe. Full $ Q7 price $165 ' '53 Buick Super 4-Dr. ower steering $ I I 81 Full price $00 ' I 53 Buick Hdtp. Cpe. Extra sharp $ I A 76 Full price. $250 .... 1 ' 53 Cadilloc 4-Dr. Full power. SOO"3 Full price $390 " '53 Pontioc Hdtp Cpe. $ Full price $140 53 Stude Storliie Cpe. 827i V-8, overdrive Full price $240 .. 51 Willys Sm. Wogon . .IT 14 v-8 engine. $ Full price $290 7.2 WILSON WILEY BUICK Main Goroqe 1330 Mom TU 4 3141 Lot No. 2 RADIO - TV . MUSIC . 42 Si. 7th . TU 4 9203 LIVESTOCK I POULTKY r.i J I"-0- BABV .v, ... IV- j, pniHi ii 2-5889. LAND O' LAKES For Calves l Lambs The Nation's No. I Ceif Milk Replacer . . . ALL MtLK PROOUCT SAVES VONtY RAISES BETTER CALVES! PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 41 SO 6th- Tit MACHINERY 441 J. I. CASE Iractor with 435 hours wltf Triple-Range, everything on II Includirt; belt putiey. SIk tool J. 1. Case combine ' drapes never neen on. ; ti, ca;t mower. Case 2-way, 3bottom disc plow. Ivcy C. Clerk, Bonanza, Ore. USED MACHINERY iJr BARGAINS ft Formoll M troctor with vA frr.n( 950 x-ro .. i. . 'Iu i vt v.iu'ci I.US.1U. nun Hydraulic blade jjuuiz John Deer Model A 750 Farmoll Super A with 6' Hiwov mower $ 895 Edwards 2 bottom 2 way I hong on plow $ 350 No. 39 IH 2 bottom 2 way plow $ 175 No. 32 IH 9Va' disk (new) with hydraulic control.. $ 975 Moisev Harris dtbk alow 6-26" disks as .s $ 1 751? Mrn"rB "'"'. a"vered. John ueere hydraulic chtsel 15 IH No. 55 w baler with engine- $1350 iH No. 55 w baler witth hyd. tension control P.T.O $1350 New Holland Flail type chopper-like new $1200 Model B20 x 7 IH press drill $ 600 Massry Harris Wheel drill $ 250 For Renr bv dov. week or month, H T340 tractor with anale dorer. Ney style Morrill Rake $ 350 J. W. Kerns' 734 So, 6th TU 4-4197 MISC. fOR RENT 45 EARTH BORING machine. 6 Inch to3o nch diameter, phone TU 4-3.134. FOR RENT, American floor sender and edger, swift and easy to operate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 So. etn. TU 4-4816. FOR RENT screw lacks and hydraulic! jacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-4116. We Rent- Almost Anything Jocks (to 50 tons) Sheet Rock Jocks Cord Tobies Bedside Tables VALLEY RENTAL IO03 F Main TU 4-6312 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 5 DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash lor cars. TU 4-3S79. ECCLES MOTOR CO. SELECT YOUR NEXT CAR FROM THESE "Select" Used Cars with the G.W. GUARANTEED WARRANTY '62 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX CPE Radio, healc.-, Hydramotic, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats. The l')')Q7 too ot the line 007 '63 MERCURY MONT. HDTP. CPE. Radio, heater, Mercomo- tic, power steering, power brakes, 2,000 octual miles, showroom $ $3397 condition '61 PONTIAC TEMPEST -DR. SDN. Radio, heater, standord transmission, full Morroklde interior, $ i QQ7 I local owner .. .. ' Ot I 41 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DR. SDN. Radio, heater, power steering, overdrive, cconomi col 6 cylinder en- nine. Very sharp .. 1897 60 CHEV. BEL AIR. 2-DR. SDN Radio, heater. Power - Glide Ftrn $ sharp 1597 '60 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, healer, standard trons mision, V-8 $ engine 1397 60 RAMBLER AMERICAN DE LUXE 4-DR. SEDAN. 6 cyl inder with standard trans- mission. 997 Fienl gas miser 59 PLYMOUTH FURY CONVER TIBLE CPE. Loaded. A real shorp i I OO7 convertible .. .... I ' '59 CHEV. PARKWOOD 4-DOOR STN. WGN. Radio, heat. Power-Glide, power steering . power brakes. Lois i 1597 of room here '57 CHEV. 210 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, hcolcr, Power-Glide Real sharp ) 897 '58 FORD RANCH WAGON Radio, heoter, stondard Irons- mission, 6 QQ7 cylinder engine 7 7 '56 FORD PARKLANE 2 -.DR. RANCH WGN. Rodio, healer, standord transmission with overdrive, hQ7 V-8 engine 07 ' '55 CHEV. '6' 4-DR. STN. WGN. Standord CQ7 (mn'.mi'.vir.rt ... Thebe MUST GO We Need ROOM! '55 Poniiac Starchtef Co- tolino Coupe S397 '56 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan tJ47 '54 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sedan .... S247 54 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedon . S197 54 Buick Hordtop Coupe .. SI97 54 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan J247 '54 Mercury 4-Dr Sedan .. iw 52 Chev. 2 Dr. Sedon .... S 77 Coll one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you d.d! Bill Cunningham TU 4-7177 IJrck Floyd TU 2-5859 Bill Hotchkin TU 4-4551 Pete Stride TU 2-0491 Puss Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson TU 4-6618 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 Sa 6th TU 4-8124 42,M5C. WANTED 46 I A ANTTD used bnckf or cement blocks 4M Aiiamoni ur. 71-;;, -; "riicu antiques, anymng o'OI tai TU 2-474 days or TU -fM0 evts. MOVING? Don-1 discard books, comics, megerlnes tovs, etc. TU 2-62U days. TU 4-9475 eve nings, will pick up Dorothea s G'lt snoppe a. Book Xchange. CONSIGN NOW We need small Hems dishes, pots, pans, etc. lor our Friday night auction. Free Picnup. THE RESALE HOUSE S 6'h TU i MISC. FOR SALE 31 FOR SALE sheep manure, sack or load. nn. I v A-1 a. FERTILIZER, rolled culver lied sheen manure. II per hundred lb. sack. 3-019). 5AVE over S30 on new colored bath tub. TU 2-0845. I EXERCISING bicycle, US; Vibrator ma sag-ig ball, S30; 2-wheel trailer, SIS, TU - !" MOUSE at 1201 Crescent Ave. must be soirj to make room tor parking area. Four rooms with bath includes gas we'tr heal er, heater, range. TU 4.3?)S or TU 2-l0. First reasonable bid accepted. EX-HUNTERS find buyers at tor aunt with Want Adi. Call TU 4-im to tali CLEAN BRIGHT STRAW TU 4-3949 7S TONsTllalle hay, phont-Mrlli 79l S5. DRIVEWAY matarit:. cruif.ed drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-97SS. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS ONE used oil tank, 730 gel.; two used 5'i ft. recessed tubs, one right hand, one left) one toilet; used two In. b'ack pipe, reasonable, makes aood fence posts Friesen-Welman Co., 1715 Main. TU 4-7043. . Furber, Miller lllano MASON sand, fill dirt. srnJy till. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4317. USED TOOLS " Black A Decker Drill " Skil Drill Reversible 'V Milwaukee Drill i" Wards Drill I?" 5kll Saw 6'" Skll Saw Wen Sabre Saw Sterling Orbital Sander Craftsman Belt Sander 3" Skil Belt Sander 4 )" Skil Belt Sander 14" Delta Floor Drill Press 14" Creltsman Bench Drill Press " Bench Lathe A" Dewait Radial Saw 8" Delta TA Saw, complete 10" Delia Unisaw, complete Delta Shaper, complete BELL'S HARDWARE 528 Main USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 New DODGE SALES HAVE BEEN SO GOOD WE MUST HAVE A Clean-Sweep USED-CAR TO MAKE ROOM FOR TRADE-INS! Following Lolv, Low "As-ls" Prices are Good Only Through Feb. 28th. HURRY - HURRY - HURRY! CHEVY DOOR BLOTTERS ' 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Heater, automatic transmission I960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, 348 engine automatic 1959 FIAT 4-DOOR St. DAM Radio, healer, standard transmission ... 1957 DODGE 2-DOOrf iiEDAN Radio, heater, oulomahc transmission. Guaranteed Warronty 1956 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, standard transmission 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN . Radio, heater, standord transmission 1951 FORD '2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heoter, standard transmission 1951 HUDSON 2-OOOR HARDTOP Radio, heoter, automatic 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Rc-'O, heoter, stnndard t 1954 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, standard 1954 HUDSON 4-DOOR SfcDAN Rodio, heoler, standard 1956 DODGE LANCER 2-DOOR Radio, healer, cufomolic 1950 GMd PICKUP 4-specd tronsmis-jitjn 1954 FORD VICTORIA Radio, heoter, sicndord 1953 STUDEBAKER COUPE Rad'O, heater, outomatic, backer seat 1950 DOOdl 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater, Fluid-Driv 1953 DODGE PICKUP 4 -speed 1956 MERCURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP Radio, heater, Vercomcfic ... 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, hearer, stendord transmission ... 1954 FORD VICTORIA Radio, heoler, Fordomoiic 1951 MERCURY 4-DOCR SEDAN Radio, heoter, standard SHOP NOW at Thomas DODGE Sales and Service SALESMEN Jerrold Lee TU 2-1283 Used Gar Lot th & UOmmerCtal HERALD AND NTWS, Klamath MISC. FOR SALE 31 DRAIN rock, gravel, anj roadway mi 'trial, TU 4-38, GEO. R. STACY CO HAY for dock cows or horses about 600 tons good grass and alfa'ta, all or pari Nl,s Lake Ranch. TU 1-U2. TOPSOU., concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. j. M. Barnes. TU 4-7659. . HAY for salt TU 4-7I76 GARCIA RODS & MITCHELL REELS 25 to 30b OFF FRANKS .53 FOR sale or trade equity in 5010 New Moon trailer, Summers Lane, No 17. 1961 PARAMOUNT 10x50, 1 bedroom, trade equity tor furniture, TU 2-4241. T GREAT Lakes trailer, t X 45 ft 2 bedroom. Good condition. TU 4-3521. TRAILER house for re-v. t40, alio trail er space, 120, TU 3-60J4 HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Cerr 4423 Winter Avt. TU 3-1163 FACTORY trained Coleman 4 Internal ' mobile furnace service, parts, TU 4-84J5 1963 VAtsI DYKt: 55 ft. 2-bedroom with CKponded A7Q livinn room ' POOLE'S INC. 3125 So. 6ih TU 2-2801 TRAILERS WANTED Up to 35 It. any age or make, elc. CASH walling, trade up or rtownl SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dole or "Shine." DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 AUTO MISCl'tLANEOUS S3 Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS M Main TU 7-27bt Eves TU 4-9171 .(Next Door to Baldwin Hotel) Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or lve Grind Tuna Uo Is a Specialty 3IJ1 Altamont Call TU 4-9023 OVER 30 VEARS EXPERIENCE" USED CARS AND TRUCKS ..53 FARMERS: '51 Ford V-8 custom (let bed Ion truck, dual wheels. TU 4-4043. WANTED '57 l older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU 7-M30. TU 2-3204. 1J CHEVROLET Btl Air 4 Or, Good Condition. TU SALE 4-DR HARDTOP I098 $II40 transmission, 248 548 248 198 110 60 60 148 70 198 110 75 120 278 85 Don Moron TU 2 0604 TU 4-4627 Falli. Ore. Wednesday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... 35 FOR SALE 1955 Ford Sta. Wgn., standard irans. wnn overdrive. SJMl. TU 4-B6ifl. 1956 INT'L coaster log truck, 320 Cum mins engine, mi white trailer, s.ooo, 1952 GMC log truck, 671 flieiel engine, Thomas trailer, U.VOQ. TU 4-9609. 1941 CHEVROLET Woor driven 11,500 actual milts, iJO. 23i Homed le be fore 2 P m. Si CADILLAC sedan, all power, call Dick, TU 4-IM24 days or TU 2-i eves '57 VOLKSWAGEN STATION WAGON $750 4239 Loverne "SCOUT" '63 INTERNATIONAL "SCOUT" PICKUP lue with full length white con odv. Waik-thtough model witn bucket seats. Hooter, defrosters. lircctionol signals, EZ-Load rear bumper, Powr-Lok differential. Only 4,668 miles. 4 $1893. Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamoth TU 2-2581 CHEVY CENTER BARGAINS 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA V-8 SPORTS SEDAN. Radio, heoter, power steering. Like new. Was V3QQ 12798 NOW .... 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 DR. SEDAN, V-8. Radio, heater, powerglide. ' Was $2598, $0 I OQ NOW I TO DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 4-Wheel Drive SPECIALS 56 Int'l SI 20 Pickup 4-whel drive. Long $ I OOtT wheelhase ' 4. O 56 Int'l Trovelall 9-possenger, $ I -QC 4.wheel drive .... I'JJ' 52 Willys CJ3 Jeep 4-wheel drive, excel- "7QC lent condition ' '3 SALESMEN Bud Foirclo, Malin .... 732-2354 Jim Knolcs TU 2-3209 Bob Tardiff TU 4-55981 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. k International Fruehauf k Cummins 11th-12lh on Klamath TU 2-2581 BALSIGER MOTOR CO. GOOD USED Pickups . . . Panels Trucks . ' See Our Big Selection PRICED FROM $195 to $21951 1948 WILLYS PANFL 2-wheel drive 1952 FORD V-8 PANEL One owner 1950 GMC PANEL Long wheelbose. rodio, 4 - 1958 ENGLISH FORD THAMES One owner 1954 INTERNATIONAL HANEL Only 1948 WILLYS JEEP PICKUP 4-whecl drive 1955 FORD V-8 PANEL One owner 1956 FORD V-8 Vt TON PICKUP a naoio, roroomanc OUil955 FORD V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, rodio, vtry sharp, 1957 FORD '6' PICKUP 4-speed, on owner 1957 FORD '6' PICKUP LCv ne wner OUj1957 FORD '6' PICKUP Long wheelbase, ont owner 1959 FORD '6 PICKUP Now just 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP 4-speed, one owner 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP One owner 1960 FORD V-8 PICKUP Hf 4-sped transmission .... U,I960 FORD RANCHERO fsr-l One owner, very shorp 70,1960 FORD V-8 F350 CAB & CHASSIS 132 inch wheelbose. One nwner, shorp 1961 CHEVROLET V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, conopy, nne owner I960 FORD V-8 PICKUP 4-wheel drive, hubs 1962 CHEVROLET '6' PICKUP 4-!.pd, deluxe cob, 12,000 LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES ..TU MM ..TU Hi? . TU l-ttt;! . TU 4-430 PfifM.' C'mffni MKhtv frr .. )tk Mllltr .... Al Altfrfch BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Alwoys the Falrust Deal , Main & Esplanade February 27, 1963 PAGE-IT USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS '5 HEAVY duty i ton Studbaktr pick up rdlo. hler, ovtrdrlvt, tt. bed. Real oood condition, $1,075. TU 4-3334. MuVFrTfi"l?62Bijlck Wildcat, buck" tl teats, loll ol accessories 4,000 mllti, TU 2-0194. TOM TIMMONS ... AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Todoy! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 Top Value SPECIAL! '58 CROWN IMPERIAL . 4-DOOR HARDTOP " Full power equipment. Only 34, 000 miles. Block exterior with red top and genuine red Icother in terior. Now just ... $ 1545 4 JIM OLSON ; . motors' Used Car Lot"; 7lh & Commerciol TU 2-5646 JOE FISHER'S Safe - Buy USED CAR SPECIALS 63 Lincoln Demonstrator Less than 5.000 miles. Sold new for n,v$6:!84...-. $5497 Now onl 62 Siude. 4.Dr. Radio, heater, $ 179?- standard 60 Rambler 4-Dr. Radio, heater, stand., low miles . 1 297 $II97 59 Chev, 2-Door Rodio, heater, standard 61 Plymouth Valiant 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon. Radio, heater, outomatic, new motor. Priced to sell 1 597 SALESMEN - Dole Sechrlst TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehort TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637- Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 ' Mortin Arnold TU 4-57 lh' Elnathan Davis TU 2-3957 , JOE FISHER : 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104' LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP : I95 $I95 295 395 M45 $445 495 $595 695 J745 795. $845 $895 1245 1225 I295;". 1395' speed PANEL canopy , , miles, likt new , '1445 $I795 $2095 $2 1 95 LOT NO. 2 . 2152 SOUTH SIXTH'; TU 4-4354 I; TU TU 4 4 .. ... TU Wtrrlll m-it2 "RWHt" Wtsf .. TU 4-7411 The finest Product ' , TU 4-3121 Tu Nev