In The Legislature By GEORGE C. FLITCRAFT 'Tax proposals continue to be studied in the House Taxation Committee. One of the latest is H.B. 1332, introduced by Kepre sentative Joe Rogers of Polk County. . it his plan is adopted by the legislature and approved by the governor, a special election will be called to submit the measure to the voters. It will consist of two distinct portions: 1. Tne voter will first have the opportunity to decide whether or not he wishes to change the pres ent tax structure. ' 2. Regardless of how he votes on the first part, he will have a second choice of deciding on which of two new tax measures he would prefer if his taxes are to be raised! Assuming the voters decide to change our existing tax struc turo this change udder the Rog crs proposal would take one of two routes: 1. The first will be Rogers' sales tax plan which calls for a general sales tax of three per cent on all sales of tangible prop erty and chajges for transient lodging, with exemptions to in-; dude seed, feed, insecticides, fer tilizer and drugs; reduction of personal income uix raies una in crease in amount of personal ex emptions: and distribution of sales tax proceeds in a manner designed to provide property tax relief. i. The otlicr alternative would be the adoption of the governor's soicellcd "net receipts" income tax plan. . The final details of Rogers' sales tax proposal remain to be worked out in the taxation com mittee. According to Rogers, he chose not to spell out the com plete details of his plan until Family Night Events Noted "The Unbearables," a Gra-Y Club of older grade school boys will do tumbling feats as a special feature of the YMCA Family Night from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, March 1. The performers will include Ty ler Bricker, Bruce Orter, Tom Carter, Bobby Charles, Charles Crapo, Ron Crawford, Glenn Gun ther, Tim Hanson, Roy Hard. John Stride, and Andy Vierrca Jay Dye, KUHS fresliman. and .Sieve Gordon, KUHS sophomore. both Junior Leaders at the Y have been coaching the boys. Families of all YMCA members, are invited to attend the pot luck 6ti)or, entertainment, and. an evening of activities using (he gym and game room facilities Each family is asked to bring a hot dish and salad or dessert For further information call the YMCA. BASIN BONANZA BONANZA PARENTS AND PA TRONS CLUB will meet at the ele mentary gym, 8 p.m., Wednes day. Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Olson ill Klamath Falls will show pic tures of their lour of Europe last year. Final plans will be made (or the annual "Sweethearts" dance to be given by the club on March 16. MU. AND MRS. RONNIE l.EE and Leonard I .re of Klamath Falls, and Bud Lee of Ingell Valley sient A few days at Ta coma buying chinchillas to raise. Glll.l) OF ST. RARNAB.iS EPISCOPAL ( Ml H( ll. Lancell Valley, will meet .Thursday, Feb 2n. at the home of Mrs. Cecil Haley at 2 pm. Members and friends arc invited. MFHRII.L MR. AND MIIS.DK1.MKK RAS KINS are the parents of their ltit child, a boy Nun Feb. 19 He has been named Scott Matthew and is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Veltnn Haskins. LISA NICHOLSON. 1-year-old daughter of .Mr ami Mrs. Bill Nicholson, was in Hillside Hospital three davs last week with the virus flu. MRS. MARGARET MOOKK has received word that her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Loht, arc the parents of their second child, a boy Imm Feb. 16 in Corvallis. He joins a 4-year-old sister, Christi. Mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelrik. , MR. AND MRS. Li t KY FELT. Donna, and a friend from Madras visited relatives and friends in Merrill last weekend. While here the Felts stayed with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Velton lias kins, and Donna and her fri.'nd stayed with the Dale Moore's. MAI. IN MR. AND MRS. JOE IIAI.OU. SEK, and their mother, Mrs. Ella llalousek, spent last weekend In Salem visiting (heir sister and HERALD AND such time as the taxation commit' tee expresses a desire to use his method. There is considerable evidence on hand at this time which indicates that the taxation committee is more inclined to wards the income tax revision route, so it would appear that the Rogers proposal is destined to remain dormant unless the voters throughout the state de cide to put on an intensive mail campaign in favor of a sales tax. Visitors to the capitol this week were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fred- ricks. Tax Feeling Told House SALEM (UP1) - The people would be more likely to support tax increases if they were paral leled by substantial increases in state school support, the House Education Committee was told Monday. A stream of witnesses urged in creases above the $130 per census! child recommended by the cover nor. The current sum contributed by the state is based on an ap propriation of $120 per census child. The present state contribution now amounts to about 34 per cent of school costs. The rest is paid by property taxpayers. Lou Norris of the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation said he would like to see the amount raised to 70 per cent. Ho said farmers would support new taxes to sup port such an increase, if a cor responding limit was put on property taxes. Frank Bash of the Medford school board said the state should work toward a goal of paying 50 per cent. Bash, president of the Oregon School Board Association, said the organization would support tax legislation to broaden the tax base. At another hearing, the Stale Department of Education began defending its budget and com munity college program before a Ways and Means subcommittee. Francis Smith, member of the Slate Board of Education for 12 years, said Oregon's present vo cational-technical training pro- grams are inadequate. He said they could be expanded in existing community colleges. SAYS COWS PRACTICAL RICHMOND, Va. (IJPD-Peacc Corps Director Sargent Slirivcr said Wednesday night his organ! ration is practical as well as patriotic. 'It's about the least expensive May of assisting foreign countries we have in government today, he told a Junior Chamber of: Commerce dinner. BRIEFS daughter, Mrs. J. Laird. They also visited the llalousek's son. Neal, at Pacific University: For est Grove. MR. AND MILS. JOE MK'KA had as guests, his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kuehlne, of Spokane, Wash. MR. ANJ) MRS. C II A It I. E S SI'OLKK, daughters. Candy and Cindy, and Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins of Pasco. Wash., were weekend guests of the Ray Van Meters ami John Van Meters. MRS. CAROLINE KltlTKA has returned alter sending sev eral months in Brookings with ..... 11........M n,.,.l.... ....j lamuy. MR. AND MRS. I. O I! I S KA UNA were in Portland last week to attend the Coast to Coast con vention. CATHY KKNYON was in Cor vallis last week to visit her is Iit, Marcia, at Oregon Stale I'ni- sity. KIRK was the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Kon Uivcncss for Iheir son. bom Kelt. 5. The live l ncsses have two other miis, Kev in. 4. and Kyle, 2. MAI.I.N IIOMK KXTKVSION' I'MT u.l! meet Tuexlny. March, 5, 7:45 i m, al llw Malm Com munity Hall. 1.CSMH1 will he "Facing t Ik Middle Years." UK. AM) MUS. MIKK O II.MtA, Shannon, and .Miami of Phoenix, Ari.. recently visited Mrs. O Hara s parents, the 1-nyal Locncsc5. Shannon and Sliatni remained with their grandparents while Iheir parents attended a medical convention in Portland. Mil. AM) MIIS. r II A It 1. K S KKNYON of Klamath Kails visit ed relatives in the Malin area one day last week. THK MAUN MAHINKItS en tertained Ihe Merrill Mariners Wednesday evening, Krb. 3D, with a Hawaiian dinner in (he church social room. I NEWS, Klamath Fall, Ore. mi s, nu. Im. t u. 1 u s. f on.. "The boss finally noticed me! Ha said, 'Cad, what a hairdo!' " JAMES E. POOLE Service News Airman Basic James E. Poole. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Poole of 58M Delaware Avenue. Klamath Falls, has been selected to attend the United States Air Force, technical training course for air policemen at Lackland AFB, Tex. Airman Poole, who completed the first phase of his military1 training here, was chosen for the specialized course on the basis! of his interests and aptitudes. Tltc airman, a WOO graduate of Henley High School, attended Ore gon Technical Institute. Larry N. Robin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Flobin, Bly, recently was assigned to the Sixth U.S. Army Signal Missile Mas ter Support Detachment at Fort Lawtnn. Robin entered the Army in Jan uary, r.K2, and received basic training at Fort Ord. The 24 - year old soldier was graduated from Bly High School in I!i57 and received his bachelor of chemistry degree from Southern Oregon College in 1961. Army Pvt. John W. Shoemak er, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker, who live in Gil christ, recently completed with honors wix wrrfis of training as transportation movement spe cialist at The Transportation School, Fort r.ustis, Va Shoemaker was instructed in troops and supplies. The 20 - year old soldier en tered the Army in July. 19K2, iind compbted basic training at Fort Ord. He is n 1961 graduate of Bend High School. Annexation Need Listed SAUOM U:'I - Mayor Tom Garrison told a house committee today Hosohurg "poignantly" il lustrates the need for better an nexation laws to facilitate metro politan government. Garrison said fear of annexation and higher taxes recently motivat ed North ftosehurg. outside t h e city of Hoseburg. to approve a. bond issue for sewage treatment plant cxpanion Ironically, he said. North le- Imrg voted n costlier program than the alternative intertie to the sewage plant of tlie city of Rose- hurg. heenusc of fear tlic intertie micht lead to annexation. He testified In-fore the House ('ommittccn Local Ciovernment on a bill lo make it easier for cities to annex adjacent areas. Harrison said simpler annexa- lion laws are nccdod because citizens of numerous overlapping suburban districts are "thorough ly confused." He said the Itosehorg area elec tion demonstrates the "wasted duplication" that exists in frag mented government Marion 1. Hiltibrand of the North Clackamas ("h&mher of Commerce disagreed. lie said new annexation pro posals were motivated primarily bv Portland, which has been un- able lo gel tlw consent ol suh- urban residents lo annex tome areas it wants. Wednesday, February 27, 1963 2-27 Red .Cross Declines Fund Drive Ther will be no Red Cross! camp gn for funds in March of 1963 within Klamath County, ac cording to Dr. George R. Nichol son, chairman ot the local chap ter. 'Our chapter raises its funds jointly with the United Fund cam paign each fall," Dr. Nicholson said. "The entire Klamath Coun ty budget for the Red Cross is included in the United Fund goal. and we believe that the goal of one-campaign for major health and welfare agencies represents the wish of this community. We are encouraged by the increase in the amount obtained this year over the past two years and feel that the efforts of fund drive workers would be impeded in fu ture campaigns if the Red Cross conducted a March campaign this year at a time wlien community effort is centered on otlicr fund raising projects. It will be neces sary to make budget adjustments for us to operate within the 93 ier cent of goal attained, as our original budget represented our basic needs; however we have1 faith in the future of the one campaign effort in Klamath County and wish to lend it our support.".. "The Tulclake Branch of this chapter is conducting a cam paign to raise $1,863, represent ing cost of its local operations! and its share of the National Red Cross program cost. This cam paign is headed by Tulclake resi dents Ed Lance, Lewis Blake and Mrs. Irene Moore, and is being branch chairman. All Tulclake Red Cross workers serve as volun teers and it is our hope that the residents of the area served by the branch will supxrt this cam paign and bring it to a specdv and successful conclusion." Author Weds Ex-Assistant SAN FRANCISCO tUPD Edu cator Mortimer J. Adlcr and his former editorial assistant were honeymooning today "somowliere in the Southwest." Adler, 60. and his bride. 2fi. were wed in the St. Mary of the Virgin Episcopal Church Friday as 30 persons watched. The bride is the former Caroline S. Print: of Fayette vi He. N.Y. Essayist Clifton Fadiman was best man and Mrs. Tliomas Pevau of San Francisco tlte matron of honor. It was the second marriage for .Viler. The bride, a graduate of Middlelmry College, has been edi- lUl Mil (IMIAltllli ill .'UK'I 9 II1MI tutc of Philosophical Research for the past two years. Anti-Obscenity Bill Drafted SA1J-:M l'Pl The senate voted unanimously tod;iy for an anti-obscenity bill which includes motion pictures. The bill SB 2M. was drat fed iiy the .Senate Judiciary Commit tee. Sen. Anthony Yturri. R-Ontano. told setutors "this Rives Oregon a very workable obM-enity law. It is the bet we could possihlv do." The ll lei.slaturc passed an obscenity law which was thought to inclmk' motion ptctures. But an Oregon Supreme Court ruling in voking "The Lovers' revealed the ;tw did not include mov ies. Since that time there has been a clamor for an obcenity law that would include motion pictures. i Tlte Kodiak bear Is said to be the largest meat-eatinc animal in Uw world. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant lo section 5 ol the ACt Ol July 23. IMS (if Stat. 34'). To whomever It may concern: PRO CEEDING NO. FS 42-70 (Oregon 017331). Notice la hereby given In pursuance of a proper request for publication here tofore filed In accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23- 15 5tat, 347), and the regulations thereunder (43 CFR 185.123-185. 1271. I. That on Februarv U. 19, the Chief. Forest Service, Department of Agricul ture, whose address is Washington 25, D. C, filed In the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Depart- menl of the Interior, at 710 N. E. Holla- day, Portland 12, Oregon, a request for puojicanon of notice to all mineral loca tors or any person claiming under themi Involving a mining claim or claims lo-! (.aim on lanos owned dv ine uniiea States and under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service In the County of Klamath, Stale ol Oregon, described as iollows, to1 wn: Oregon 012331 (FS 43-70), f Sugar Pine Area, A-SR-70-1. Winema and Fre mont National Forests, Klamath County, Oregon. Willamette Meridian, Oregon T. 24 S R. 1) E: Sec. 31; SE' Sec. 33; SW4 Sec. 34; SE'.i Sec. 35; 5c. 3. 25 S., R. E: Sees. 24 to 27 Incl.; 5ec. 33 to 3e Incl, T. 25 S R. 10 E: Sees. 13 to 36 Incl. T. 25 S., R. II E: Sees. 1, 2; WVj, SEtt Sec. 3; Sees. 4 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 18 to 35 Incl. T. 26 S., R. E: Sees. 1 to 5 Incl.; Sees. 7 to 36 Incl. T. 36 S., R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 incl. T. 26 S-, R. 11 E: Sees. 1 ta IS Incl.: Se 17 to inci.j 5ecs. 35, 36. T. 27 5.. R. V E: Sees. I to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. 27 5.. R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 36 Incl. 27 S., R. 11 E: S 1: mc. j to 14 inci.; sees. 17 to 22 Incl.; Sees. 24 to 35 Incl. T. 28 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 36 Incl. T. 28 S., R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 36 Incl. T. 28 S., R. 11 E: Sees. 3 to 6 inci.j Sees. 8, 9, 10, 14, 15. 17. 18: Sees. 30 to 31 Incl.; Sees. 34, 35. T. 29 S., R. 9 E: cs. i to 6 incl. T, 29 $-, R. 10 E: Sees. i to inc . T, 29 S.. k. 11 E: Sees. 2 to 5 incl. 2. That if any person clalmlrm or as serting under, or by virtue ot any un patented mining claim located prior to juiy a, ivm, any right, tine, or inter est In the vegetative surface resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary lo or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions speci fied in section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part there of, shall fail to fila In the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management at nu n. t. rioiiaaay, Portland 17. Oregon, and within 150 davs from the below- Stated date ol first publication of this Nonce, a verified statement which shall set forth as to such mining claims: tu me oate or location; Court Records KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Feb. 25 William Lewis Bailey, Improper left ;rn, $10 forfeit. Wilbur John Banla. VBR 45 In 35. llf) tor ten. Frank Russell Charles, ran stoo ilon. iiu TorieiT. Larry Gene Davis, dlsobeved traffic sin. nal, S10 forfeit. Oavld Let Oewev, VBR 30 In 20. 110 loneii. Lloyd Norman Dve. disobeved flash Ina red light, $10 forfeit. James Monroe Ellis, failure to yield iryrn 01 way 10 vemcie, SIU TOrreil. Raymond Monroe Faithful, drunk driv ing, $300; ran red tloht, $10 forfeit! operator's license, $10 forfeit. Alma Funke Hall. Improper oasslna. Ronald Lee Haudenshlld. disobeved traf. in signal, dismissed. Charlie Hemmlngwav, allowlno unli censed person to operate motor vehicle, Byron Gary Hess, disobeved traffic tin. nal, $10 forfeit. Theodore Arthur Johnson, VBR 30 In 20, $10 forfeit. w. s. Jones, VBR 33 In 25, $10 forfeit. John William Kasslno. followino too Ruth Llnvllle, disobeved traffic ilanat $10 forfeit; driving wrong way on one way si reei, sr.Ju forfeit. Louise Burke, no operator's license, s.w Tone,!. Johnnie Mayfield, VBR 30 In 20. $10. Willie Ed Moddn. imornner loft turn. $7 50 forfeit. Robert Dean Newoort. VBR 40 in TO. i lorien. Edna Richardson, no ooerator't Ikeme. .au ronen. Lec Ellis Robbersfad. VBR M in 10 forfelf. Donna Lee Rubens, following too close ly. tlO forfeit. William Oomenlc Scalpel II, disobeyed iramc signal, no torfpit. John Raymond Schullie, VBR 34 In 25, jib torrei!. Pete Shaddock, ran stop sign, JIO for felt. Philip John Stadich, VBR 34 In 25, JIO forfeit. Don William Story, VBR 33 In 25, 110 forfeit. Raymond Townsend, drunk, $25 or live or iu aavs. Paul Joseph 2upshan, drunk, JJ for feit. Michael Joseph Murphy, drunk, SIS tor felt. Jerry Robert Lumpkin, disorderly con duct, ISO or 10 or 20 days. Gary Lee Mingo, drunk, 125 or five or iu aavs. Manuel J. Golns, drunk. MS torlelt Georg Weiley Sanders, drunk, 125 tor. reir. Wilbur Harrington, drunk. 125 or fiwe or id davs. Edwin Wallace Lawyer, drunk, J25 for feit. Eddie Hunter, disorderly conduct, S25 lorren. Roland Rav McOanlel. drunk. JI Inr. fet. Norman Howard Haas, drunk, 125 for- It. James Ctine Hill, drunk. SJi nr flu or 10 aays. Frieda Harlem Arns, disorderly con duel. 125 forfeit. James Peter John, drunk, S2I or five or 10 davs. Buddy Wetah, drunk, jj or five or 10 Charles Hood Jr., drunk, suspended. Marion NeKon, drunk. 125 forfeit Lorraine Jackson, drunk, $JS torleit. Delores Hargcr, drunk, 125 forfeit. Feb. 3 Eugene Van Dwsen, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Themis R. Campbell, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. . Arthur Gilbert Swalm. drunk. S or five or 10 davs. Charles Hood Jr.. drunk. $50 or 20 days.t Girl Leaves PoisOHCd Dote COTT.UIK HILLS. III. UTl -Uremia Tlmmon got out of Iter date's car early Friday and walked home, unaware her com panion had died of carbon monox ide poisoning. Jerry Cox, 16, Brenda's class mate at Bethalto High School, was found dead in the car. parked in an isolated area. Bremla told her mother she tliouiiht he was asleep and decided to walk honc. When t!e girl complained of feel- inC ill KriH.1V, her mother, ree- (Riming signs of carbon monoxide poitonini.. searched for the car and found the youth's body. Police said the car had a defec tive cxhaiiM svtem MATH PtMM.RAM fnder the School Lunch Act ! the federal government contrib-f r Utes cah and foods account III C for about one-fifth of the cost of the lunch program. 1 niidren s,1 meal p.ivme.iis represent some sixlv per cent of the cost, and j ' , -I local and state sources pay the. remaining twenty per cent. The Pvreitees Mountains form a natural hairier between France and Spain, according to the En- iVlopedia Pntannica. LEGAL NOTICE (2) The book and page of recordation of th 'vytim gr crt'hcate of location; (3) The section or sections of the pub lic land surveys which embrace such mining claimi or It such lands are un surveyed either the section or sections which would probably embrace such min ing claim when the public land surveys art extended to such lavds or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United States mineral monument; (4) Whether such claimant is a loca tor or purchaser under such location; and (5) The name and adJress of such claimant and names and addresses so far as known to the claimant of any other person or persons claiming any Interest or Interests in or under such un patented mining claim; such fjllure shall be conclusively deemed (I) to constitute a waiver and relinquishment by such mining claimant of any right, title, or interest under such mining claim con trary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions specified In section A of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), as to unpatented claims located after that date, and (ii) to constitute a consent by such mining claimant that such unpetent ed mining claim shall be subject to said limitations and restrictions, and (iii) to preclude thereafter, prior to is suance of patent, any assertion by such mining claimant ot any right or title to or Interest In or under such mining claim contrary to or In conflict with said limitations or restrictions. Section 4 pro vides, generally, that unpatented mining claims locaieo aner juiy u, iv snau not be used lor purposes other than Drosoectina. mining, or processing operanons. or uses reasonaDiy mciaeni thereto; that such claims will be subject to the riant of the united states to man age and dispose of the vegetative sur face resources thereof and to man age other surface resources thereof; and that, except to the extent required for mining operations and uses reasonably incident tnereio or to proviae clearance for such operations or uses, claimants of such claims shall not use or dispose of vegetative or other surface resources thereof; and that, except for clearance for such purposes, any permitted severance or removal ol timber must be in ac cordance with sound principles ol forest management. Said section 4 elso pro- ides mat any use ot tne surface ot any such mining claim by the United states, its permittees or licensees, snau be such as not to endanger or materially interfere with the prospecting, mining, processing or reasonably Incident uses by the mining claimant. The date ol first publication of this Notice shall be Jan, 9, 1963. Dated: Dec. 5, 1962. D. B. Lelghtner Chief, Minerals Section Bureau ol Land Management Department of Interior Portland, Oregon First publication: January 9, 1963- No 837, Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb. e, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 1963. NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant to section 5 of the Act of July 73, 1955 M Stat. 3471. To whomever it may concern: PROj CEEOING NO. FS 43-8 (Oregon 013083) Notice is hereby given in pursuance of a proper request for publication here tofore filed in accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), and the regulations (hereunder (43 CFR 1M.173-1B5.1Z7). 1. That on December It,, 1962, the Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agricul ture, whoso address Is Washington 25. DC, filed In the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Depart ment of the Interior, at 710 N. E. Holla- day, Portland 12, Oregon, a request for publication ot notice to an mineral lo cators or any person claiming under them involving a mining claim or claims cated on lands owned by the United Stales and under the jurisdiction ot tha r-oresT service in me Lounty ot Klam ath, State of Oregon, described as fol lows, to wit: Oregon 0)3083 (FS 63-8), the Klamath Area, 6-5 R -2-4, Fremont National Forest, Klamalh County, Oregon. The unsurveved aecttonj listed are those which would probably embrace the lands when the public land surveys are ex tended to such lands. Willamette Meridian T. 33 S.. R. U E.: Sees. 1 lo ?0 incl.; sees. 22, 23, 24; sees. 26 to 33 incl. T. 33 S , R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, A, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; sees. 13 to 30 Incl.; sees. 34, 35, and 36. T. 34 S . R. 14 E.: Sees. 3 to 10 fncl., sees. 15 to 71 incl., sees 29 and 30. T. 34 $., R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5; sees. 7 to IB incl.; sees. 20 to 2 Incl.; sees. 33, 34, 35, and 36- T. 35 S . R. 14 E.: Sees. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. 10, 15, t6, 17. 19, 20. 21. 22, 73. 25. 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, and 36. T. 35 S., R IS E.: Sees. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 25, 76, 79, 30, 31, 35, and 36. T. 36 S., R. 14 E.: Sees. 1 and 17. T. 36 S., R. 15 E.; Sees. 6, 7, 8. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 70, 22, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36; unsurveved sees. 1, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. T. 37 S. R. 13 E.: Sees. 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36. T. 37 S , R. 14 E.: Sees. 14, 15. 16, 17; sees. 20 to 36. T. 37 S-. R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, 7, 3, 8, 10, 17, 13. la, 18. 20. 77 . 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34. 35. and 36. T. 38 S., R. 11 E.; Sees. 24, 25, and 36. T. 38 S. R. 12 E.: Sec. 1 and sees. B to 36 incl. T. 3d S - R. 13 E.: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; sees. 17 to 74 incl.; sees. 29, 30. 31. and 32. T. 38 S., R. 14 E.: Sees. 1 to 12 Incl.; sees. 16, 17. 18. 19, 70, 21. 26. 27, 78; N't. SE4 sec. 29; NE' sec. 37; sec. 33; pertly unsurveyed sees. 14, 15, 72, and 23. T. 38 S , R. 15 E.: Sees. 1 to 18 incl.; sees. 20 to 77 incl.; sees. 37, 33, 34, and 35. T. 39 $ , R. 11 E : Sec. ). T. 39 S . R. 1J E.: Sees. 1. 2, 5, 6. and 12. T. 39 S., R. 13 E.- Lots 3, A, $'iNW', SW'i sec. 4; sees. 5. 7, I, 17, 20, and 21. T. 3' S . R. 15 E.: Sees. 1 to 22 incl.; sect 24, 26, 77, 78; E'i sec. 29; E'i sec. 32; sees. 33, 34, and 35. T. 40 S., R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, 7, 3, 4; lot 2, SW'.NE1, SE' sec. 5; E' 7 itc sees. to 15 Incl.; sect 72, 23. 24. 25, 26. and 27. T. 41 S-. R. 15 c .; Sees. 1. 10. 17. 13, 14, 15; tots 3, 4, NE' sec. 31; sees. 72. 23. and 24. 2. That if any per;on claiming or as serting under, or bv virtue ot any un patented mining claim located prior tc July 23. l'S5, any right, title, or inter est In the venetatlve surface resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary to or in conflict tin the limitations or restrictions spec tied In section 4 of sai1 act, as to the ibove-descnbed lands or any part there of, shall fall to file In the Land Office o' the Bureau of Land Management al 710 N. E. Holladay, Portland 12. Oreoon and within 150 davs from the fceiow-stated date of first publication of ttii Notice, a verified statement which shall set forth as to such mining claim: (I) The date of location; (?) The hook and rae of recordation ot the notice or certificate of location; (3) The section or sections of the public land surveys which emb'ace such mm- no claim; or If such lands are unur veved either the section or sections which would probably embrace such mining claim when the puMic land survevs are tended to such lands or a te by courses and dsfances to an approved United States rnmerai monument, (4) Whether such claimant ts a loca tor or purchaser under such location; and (51 The name and andres of such claimant and names and addreses so tar as known to the claimant of any i other person or persons ciaimlnq any i interest or Interest In or irndfr such un-1 patented mlnlnq c'aim; such failure hH be conclusively deemed u) to constitute a waiver and relinquishment bv m-h claimant of an right, title, or Interest under such mining claim ern Irary to Or in conflict wttn the limitation or restrictions specified In ectiin 4 o' the Act of July IJ. I55 (69 vat 37). a to unpatented claims located a"er thai date, and (il) to CM'ttfufe a consent bv such minng claimant that such unpatent ed mming claim shall be subiecf to sad limitations and restrictions, and (ml to preclude thereafter, prior to muenee of patent, any esse' Hon by si-ch nvning claimant of any right or M'e to or In terest In or under SvCh mm ng claim contrary to 0 in conflict fh sa d limi tations or restrictions Section 4 provides generally, that unpatented mining claws located after July 71- 1955 shall net be inq, mmmo, or processing operations, or eaonab!v trKiflent thereto ; that such claim will he subieet to the riqht of the Uni,ed S'atfs to n?anqe and ds nnie of the vegetative u''ace reovrce thereof and lo manage other tu'tace re sources thereo'.- and that, except to te etent requi'ed tsr mtng ocertions nd uses reaPahty lrcdent tare's i (v to provide (irararne tpr si-r orr- I tmns or ues. c'a'mnts of sweh ciaim; thflll not use or dur-ose O veofta'ive c ether surface resource thereof; and that rsceri "fr crAmnte 'Or stun purpose ted ievtrance or removal o' ttmnf must m m accordance w Iprmcp'es 0 to-est management $ad ection 4 av provoe ha use o "ft i"0 e'e'm Pfm I'ee or emeS H fi stH rOT to ndanoer mm.nq rtn -a or reasonably , The da'e ot '"st ft'P'cst-an t" i No : shaii te Feb U 'Hi. Dated Jan 7. m.i M W, Go'etsJ C"'. Mine-ai Sec'-on Hieau ot ind wanAgeneff Doa"ment o Inter Po-,,'i Cegon F"Sf Pjb-ication Feb. l). 1H3 No tnfi f t IJ, u, j? var. . 11 20. )? Aprti 1 1. To Place Your ! WANT AD Phone TU 4-811 I HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE ' PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4-30 p m. weekdays I a.m. lo noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 Unas count same is lines. 3 6 10 1 Times Tlm Times Wonth 82 SO S4 00 15 00 9 00 3 75 5 00 6 50 11.50 4 00-600 800 1400 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Lines Minimum Charge 1.50 . 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid tn ' advance. Above rates are for consecutive inser tiors, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must ba i. tear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. A-itos ottered for sale bv Drlvata indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and M.nday, CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday iese are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first insertion of your ad. The Herald 8. News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, S35 Der month with 19 M1 discount tor payment on or before the mm vj men, i with Jl.50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy cnange per month. BOX service SO cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MtwOK I AM H. JO PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 925 niijn atrecT. t-none I U Z-44C4. MEETING NOTICES 1 MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 8 p.m. Scottish Rite Temple. All OES members cordially in- vited. ' Verda Scribner, W.M William Anderson, W.P. LOST & FOUND LOST: Tailgate for '57 Ford pickup, Ore gon lie. T120 3e7, between Merrill and Klamath Falls, TU 4-5689. LOST: Lady's black billfSld Feb. 72, down town, reward. Bertha Lofgren, 4014 Fnwn, TU --5??9. PERSONALS .6 LADIES: For your "MAGIC" houi with Luiier personeliied cosmetics as de- in March McCaiis, ph. Mar one Ovgard, TU 4-37B8. ANGLE'S Home for elderly ladies, va cancy March 1, appointment, TU 2-3264. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591. TU 4-B704. Friend-y help anytime. REgTnNERS-ALVNONtrTendl7elOfor families of alcoholics, TU 4-7129 or TU J-ST40. P O Ro 1W5 VtKVICES KENMORE, KELVINATOR- WHIRLPOOL Repair & Overhaul Specialist Washer, dryer, ranqe, water heater FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 316 So. 6th TU 2-31B5 CABINET making our specialty, furni ture reflnishing, excellent references, TU 4-4079. SAVE 20 per cenl on TV, radio repairs. h and carry. Bring sets to 1931 Want- land, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. REMODELING and repairs, all Kinds, reasonable, references. TU 2-5388. PAINTING, Interior or exterior, no job too small, free estimate, TU 2-5740. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs. New, used bicycles, parts. T & C Shopping Center, 3726 50. 6lh. TU 4-34. SNOW plowing, tractor equipment. Ph TU 4-6467 anytime. Bill Forney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At ynur place, deliver to processina plant or leave at your place Al Stoll, tu 4-6126. DENTAL PLATES Repaired white you wait. Nw Plates Mde From Your Otd PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Man TU 4 1. '84 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring . alterations for men, women, rhildren. All work guaranteed. Reaswv nble prices. Gene's Mens Wear 517 Main LEGAL NOTICE NOTICF OF PUBLIC HEARING THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED, fna! the Common Council of the Otv of Klamath Falls. Oregon, at its regular meelinq to be held in the City Hall ot said City, at the hour of 7.30 o'clock P M. ol the 4th day of March. 19A3. will hold a public hearing on a prooosal to amend Ordinance No S095; the zoning ordinance ot sa-d City; by permitting Motels, as a conditional use. to be con structed m lones R-5A under said or. nance 5C5 Interested parties and the general pub : are invited to attend said hearing. and 'fey ""H given an opportunity to be heard. The Common Council of said City has, eu'horifeci inn not-ce. j Oone the 1'fh day of February, 1963.1 Rosie Keller Recorder lor City of Fans. Oregon. Klamathi No. 9S3, Feb. 17. Ii, Marcn 1 No. 61-84 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KL A V AT H PROBATE DEPARTMENT n the Matter of the Estate of SYLVIA JANE BOUSMAN, Deceased. The undersigned havirq been aonolnt hv trie ahove entitled Court ot the State o' O'foon tor the County afrwe s'd. Artm ntra'or of the Es'ate of Svl v.i Jaie Bousman, tieteaed, and hav ing auaiif-ed, notice is herebv g-ven to an pe'om having c'aims aaamst sed estate to present them, verified as re quired by law. w 'h prooer voucrers, wfhm s months from me dae of thu notice 'o said Administrator at the o' tics o' Arthur A Bfddoe. Attorney at L.w. 621 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon A'len v Busman Administrator of the E ''aft O' S'via Jan prxisman deceated Pa'e and first outlined February 2f A A fteddoe Attore rr Ai1m.nttr No. 50. Feb 20, 27. Mai 4. 13 no. e noticf: of hearing on final account in the circuit col r t of tme state of or f gon for the county 0 klavatm i t- K'"ff of tK Etta'e e HA99V A OSTR DeteMM Sfci is e'ebv o ven that tfe Ecr o' the ahove ent-id e'e has Med tr -.rtl Acrosinf and RfCOrf Qf f fi- o va-ch. ie3 t i- hef e S tn AM. as t me P" em(j ot or c''cns to ad cni Acccunt in iff. tirnnt tn'fel afl ne-(nfl f0 M m C-'nf Covi't Pera'tnM ''a ? k-a-n-at Cxntv Court House, K'amatn Fa is. O'msoi Oa'ed "t istt. tv ef rrorue',. lfj (' P J f iou AVney for Eeu'r, t9 fta JO. 2T, Var. . 13. 12 NUTRI-BIO vitamins, minerals, protein. Margaret Zleqelmeyer, m HELP WANTED. FEMAU LADIES TRAVEL SEVERAL single young ladies under 26 to travel western states ana newan Transportation paid, expense account, ex cellent earnings and secure future. Appiy Mrs. Bailey, Willard Hotel, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No phone caltsl WOULD you like beautiful clothes and money too? barn them conaucimg ret line Fashion Shows. Transportation neces sary. For appointment and further de tails phone TU 2-502. i WANT ADS are all-purpose nelpersl To buy, sell. swap. rent. hire, call TU Mill. AVON has three territories, available to neat, ambitious mature women who have spare time and an automobile. Earn SI oor hour while earning. For interview, write Immediately to Avon CosmeNcs, Box 1187, Burns, ure HELP WANTED, MALE MONTGOMERY WARDS has opening tor automotive department manager. Salary Dlus commission. Opportunity for vancement. Excellent benefits. Aoply in person or send resume to Kenneth Moore, Montgomery Ward ft Co. Klam ath Falls, Ore. MEN TRAVEL SEVERAL young men under 23 to travel Western states and Hawaii, iransporia tlon paid, expense account, excellent earn Inos and secure future. Apply Mrs. Bail ey, Willard Hotel, 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. No phone calls! EXPERIENCED drattsmsn panted, phone I U 4-JJJ4. TWO MEN WANTED We Will have a Company Personnel Rep resentative (Mr. B. E. Berg) at the Molatore Molel In K. Falls Thursday, Feb. 28th, from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. to Interview men for a position that re quires traveling In the eastern part of the state from Monday to Friday night each week. Weekends and all holidays off We require all applicants to be 21 years of age or over and have a good automo bile. Guaranteed salary (paid weekly) plus a very good weekly bonus. Complete train ing on full pay. BOYS! SCSL EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown , AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted in good fE'trt that the jobs ottered are as stated In the advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is aiKert to reDOri it To the Classified Ad vertising Department ot the Herald NPW! SITUATIONS WANTED 18 BABYSITTING, experienced, references,! siewarr-Lenox, after school or weekends, TU Z-394Z. EXPERIENCED child care, your home or mine. Ironing, housework, TU 4-601 WILL do housework, phone TU 4-9391. JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY Hour, Day, Week, Mnn. throuqh Frl. 8m. to 6 p.m. Helen Lehman TU 2-1844 1328 Carlson Dr MALE, fully experienced all phases of of-1 tice procedure, ru EXPERIENCED baby si tling, anytime, my home. South Suburban. TU 43)3. IRONING, washing, pick'in. deliver. Hand ROOMS FOR RENT ...22 CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 from Main, S5 & UP. TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. ROOM,BOARD "GENTLEMAN 1607 CRESCENT MEN, housekeeping room. Comfortable. everything furnished. $36 monthly. 134 No. 3rd, TU 4-6033. TU 4-9287. HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters. 6 only, $65 & $85 monthly. Willard Hotel. TU 4-4161. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished, 317 Pme, TU 2-148 ROOMS, small house, Hotel, tV Scuth Fifth. -easonable. Ernie's APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 CONSTRUCTION wors welcome' Nar new OTI site, furnished. TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel. Tu 2 9256. NEWLY decorated apt., all utilities ex cept e'ec', adults only, $50, Lincoln Apts , 319 East Main. Apt 5. . MILLS one bedroom furnished, 2340 White, 145. TU 2-4927 evenings. THREE room furnished enartment, walk ing distance, electric heat, $40, ph. TU 2-1601. CLEAN studi. downtown, couple, single, utilities, $55. Greer Apt., TU 4-4678. CLEAN 1 bedroom )!., downtown. TU 4-5666. steam heat. DUPLEX 'i block off highway, Wever ( COMPLETELY furnished studio apart ment, all utilities paid, $15, a week or available by the month, washer . dryei HEALTH Villa Marquis Apartments, 1330 Oik, TUic'os 10 Ferguson School, TU 4-4412. 4-iiia, RAMON A Apts. four rooms, nicely fur nished, steam heated, 324 N. nth. DUPLEX in, garage, furnished 1 bedroom, close laundry, $60. TU 4-365. ONE bed'oom furnished apartment, close in. $65, 609 Ncrfh Eighth. THREE room furnished apartment. 2061 White 850 Riverside. furnished one bedroom apartment, 4731 S. th. SVLL furnished aoa'tment, close In, utii' paid, S3? 50, 4J3 No. 10th RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Wov One ond Two Bedroom QDt. Furnished Ond Unfurnished S69 50 to $89 50 Daily. Weekly Molfl Rolci TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 fOVcOJTLE LIVING AT LOW COSTt i t-3 ty.'oon api . fd'n-snert or umu- nisned prmfsn maintenance incited MOVfav trouyh Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 141? A$MBu SfN W AV TU -tjn O" ce rtou'i a tv to J o m KLAMAIH rALL5 r NEST 744 U'on 1 flpfm untyf J Bweom u"i-" snej ip om Pnen TesetiHv Oee'a'ed Va:i to Aa O'oe'ing )wfnng fol Re'ai ne'ydes a'i wvees eceot t'aNofe and e'ee"Civ Dvtffwa New TU Mu APARTMENTS fOR WENT 24 SINGLE apis. Completely furnished, SIS weekly. Johnny's Motel, 2005 Blehn. SMALL" furnished apartment close to Main, wk. or mo.. 333 S. 11th. MODERN two bedroom furnished apart ments, TU 4-S6W. ROOSEVELT APTS. 1036 LeRoy Ph. TU ?-174t Furnished or unfurnished ont bedroom. Garage. Hot watar heil. Hot Springs area. Adults FURnTiSHED 2 room bachelor apts., clean, modern, $32. 50, lights, water paid. TU 2-6547, TU 4-821. NICELY furnished three room apt. Clost in, laundry facilities, adults only, no pets. 802 Lincoln. NATURAL hot watr. 2 furnished rooms. 1842 Esplanade, TU 4-9754,TU 4-8354. VLEASATrTrurniihed apt. Utlllties,wash ing facilities, TV cable, close to Klam ath Valley Hospital. 1 or 2 persons. S6C. TU 2-2767. . HOT SPRINGS 3 roorji turnlshed, ga rage, $75, utilities paid, .TU 2-1663. THREE room furnished apartment, $55, all utilities paid, 911 Walnut. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, util ities except electricity, 524 High. CLASSY, downtown, free heat, furnished, adults, $59.50. Alpha Apis., TU 4-4522. CLEAN furnished Studio Apt., Apt. annex., 223 N. 6th. 1 ONE or twa bedroom, furnished, water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartment, $30, 2126 Reclamation. 2 BEDROOM & 3 bedrorm apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-5686. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment. inquire 2519 Applegate. THREE room furnished, cean and quiet, 132.50, TU 4-4640 or TU 6866. LARGE 2 room furnished apartments. $37.50 and $40, TU 4-36'e, FURNISHED one room apartment, 140, utilities paid, 419 North tOth. $67.50 rooms, bath. THREE room furnished, $40, 20O"5 E. Main, two room furnished, S25, 200 E. Main, ph. TU 4-7290, TU 4-4121. ONE room apartments, furnished, utili ties except lights, $37.50 and $40. Rex Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. ONE and two bedroom aDi; furnished or unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or see at 1779 Fargo. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. ONE bedronm furnished apartment, TV, $35, TU 4-7008. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 7 2531, TU 4-6966. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, washer-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, large, Ciean, TU 4-B76.'. HOUSES FOR RENT .26 LARGE 3 bedroom duplex, stove, retrfg. carport, after 5, TU 4-4246. CLEAN nicely furnished, newly redecor ated, large homelike apartment. Paved street, near downtown. Floor furnace, ga rage, storm windows. Water paid. Carpet ing, fireplace. Suitable for couple. $82.50. TU 4-7039. FURNISHED small two bedroom" house. 1740 Washburn Way, inquire 1750 Wash burn Way, TU 4-5440. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, TU 2-3323. MILLS ADDITION, clean 1 bedroom cab in, $35, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. CLEAN furnished small cottages, $3 wqler, garbage, 1350 Owens. THREE room furnished house, garage. Inquire 1832 Summars lane. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex near Conger School, $85. TU 4-7584. TWO bedroom house, oarlly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45. 'U 2-6135. SMALL 2 bedroom partly furnlshedc'tost in, $55, TU 2-4646, TU 2-535. TWO room furnished. Close in. TU 2-1470 and TU 4-8759. IN HENLEY, 2 bedroom ptus V? ltory. stoves, 2 children, S55, references. TU 4-6794, Rte. 2, Box 558. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Available Feb. 20, $90. 3425 Summers Lane, TU 4-9573. IMMACULATE, newly decorated, unfur nished two bedroom. Inquire 2232 Union. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage. Newly painted, $75. TU 4-6023 TWO bedroom unfurnished, garage, enced yard, 2 miles north nf town, chil dren, pels, o k. $65, TU 2-6590. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom dUDlex, full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors. electric heat, $80 8, $70. TU 2-3444 ext. u. before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except lorstoves, $50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 2-3702. FURNISHED house, small Iwbedroonv Lovely location in city. Larqe yard New washer and dryer, 180, phone TU 2-3791 or TU 2-1171. TWO bedroom furnished, $63.50, unlur nished, $60, 2201 Orchard; one bedroom, furnished. $60, unfurnished, 157,50. 535 Martin. Both include water and garbage. TU 4-?905; after 4 p.m. TU 2-2970. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom duplex, close in, north side. TU 4-4756. RENT, sale or trade 3 bedroom "house, tull basement, garaqe, utility house in back yard. TU 4-6844 TWO bedroom house, range lurnished, close in, inquire 438 Washington. FURNISHED one bedroom, ' close n, $47.50, water, qarbaqe included, TU 4-7096. UNFURNISHED two hed room" house, 3CI0 Boardman, TU 2-0990. Ut-'FURNISHED clean "three bedroom home, automatic heat, carpellnq, ne' Fairview and Academy schools. 727 Ml. Whitney. $75 a mo. TU 2 4875. TWO bedroom unfurnished home. Large living and dining rooms, fenced back yard. Storage and utility rooms. Wonder ful neighbors. Close to school and shop ping center. TU 2-5558, TU 4-6704. FURNISHED two bedroomT one b e d room, and cabin. See at ;."5, 327, 32f Division. TWO bedrooms, walkin closets, hardwood floors, near town, 3u9 N. 10th. UNFURNISHED two bedroom" hou ise,' 55 if Delaware, TU 4 5666. FURNISHED three bedroom house on two acresOid Midland road, $100. TU 2-3552. TWO bedroom house, south suburbs, two bedroom furnished house. Garbage, water paid. TU 4-3243. TWO bedroom home on acreaae. Fenced in CI- ken house, barn. Ponanra 5S 2?2 tor :pDOintmen!s. Or TU 4-8534 alter 6 P.m. ONE brdroonT furnished house! TB. TU2-346. Call - 119 Wendliig. FURNISHED house lorrenl, children ac cented. S06 South 6th. Nli i sr.fd. Call at 1412 L"i!- '. bedroom part: fyrnisneo bous. easement. garsj. TU 3-053J. REVODELE D J bedron.n dupW tuf rushed. US. inquire in Pine. attractive one bedroom furnished, 15X TU 4-SJ61. VODE RN two room cabin, nicely lurr. shod, i?5, no dnnfceri, TU 4-3742. FURNISHED 2 bedroom "duplex nd smit cottage. lnou,' 315 Grant. SVALL turn. sh1 thrf room house, 1 Of 7 SS ail eipctr-c, washer-dryer Includ ed Cose tc f?wn ru 4 85JI TAO bedroom duplet, completed lur MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 RENT o' lease m ACres near "file-lake", TU 4-4W0 atfer 3pm OFP ICE spr or s'O'e rental avil- REAL ESTATE WANTED 21 NEEDED bv ApuTctearrsbemm home, c'cue w Excellent ca-e a. sured Pay t i-js, tu 4-S263. FARM ond RANCH LISTINGS WANTED ve ouai.'.e bvivtrt for any sift arm r r-c r;,,, BRUCE OWENS Realtor ru 4-3 l4 No, fi