Ptiwe ated.. At -Auditorium ITS $$10113 Fights e 11- tonight HERALD AND Crater lakes Crater Enterprises Class A learn took the lead in the City's ' Men's 19th Annual Bowling As sociation Tournament team lead Tuesday night with the best team .total to date, a 3129. The first five spots in Tues day's action bettered the first ; night's team bdwling with Tule Lanes coming in second with a total pinall of 3057. Sears Roebuck-Commercial was third with 2W5 and Trophy House fourth with 29.14. There was also a new leader in Class B as Metier Brothers took the lead with a pinfall of 3049. Mouldingcraft remained second with 3047 and Ed Wharton was tiiird with 3043 pins. Three new leaders also ap peared at Class C team compcti - tion, Tulclake Cabinet Shop tookl over the lead with a brilliant 3118 . pinfall for Class C. Winema Ele-i 'I valors was second with 2997 and! Wrv. -V PAGE II MOST INSPIRATIONAL WRESTLERS Hank lienhart, right, receives the Most In spirational Wrostler award for an Oregon Tech wrestler from Dick Green of KOTI TV. Isenhart won the award and Milo Crumrine the Most Outstanding Wrestler award for the team which had a 9-1 dual record end finished third in the conference. World Figure Skating Gets Underway In Italy Today CORTINA IHMPKZZO, Italy U'l'll Figure .vk.ilprs from Hi nations Unhiy rnmplctrd training fur thp world championships, which liel o(f In an ollicial hut non-comprtitivc opening this rvp ninc Competition logins Thursday morning ilh tho mra compul Miry figures. Originally, an owning ceremony at the outdoor stadium was sched- Sandy, Molalla Gain Berths Itv I nttrrl Vrrn lntrrntionl S.tnHv hihI Molalla cnllrrtwl tho Wilro liTaciio brrlhs in th Orr- p(n rlavs A-l Inch mhool baskot- hall Inurnamrnl Tursrlay nifiht S;hiHv HnilnSrH Wy'rast H4-41 to rlinrli otn Mutt, whtlr Molalla nriHlrd, and received, help from .icMin i ne innuins noai sVin poove M'-M and Jesuit knocked off third place Hcynnlds 4H-47. "South Salem moved to within one victory of the tournament by whipping Sweet Home JW-M in a Valley lioaue contest Heaverton threw the Metro Hare mlo another three-wav scramble by beatini: Milwankie 41-38 in overtime The result left Astoria in fust place and the other two dubs only one-half game behind KoroM drove broke a second place tie in the Tualatui-Vamhill Valley t-eague by clubbing Oregon City ri7-47, while league-leading Tin "d won WMO over Dallas. (.F.TS PI TTINC. AWAHI) NTW YOUK HTM Hie Pr fessHHtal Putters Association pre sonlrd .Bob Williamson of Jack mwviIIp, Fla . wilh the "putter of liie year" award at its annual awards dinner Tuesday night U UMWIMM W1 'WWW IT i NEWSPAPERS SEUTN!MOST! NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. Enterprise Team Tournament Lead Tule Newell third with 29, a pin behind. Frank Beard, one of the lop bowlers in the city, rolled the high scratch series of the night with a fine 665. Al Parsons' 269 individual game is still high, however. An unusual split was picked up by Hersch Harshbargcr when he picked up the 4-7-9-10 split. Reg Cunningham won the ABC "Cen tury Award" with a 244 game Thirty six special pen awards were won by the bowlers in the second night of competition. An other special trophy went to Char lie Booth for a 247 game. A TBAMS Crater Enferpriiei Tu'c Lnnei Sri Roebuck Commercial Trophy Houlf ST. Coboi CHy Center Lodge 29 jynwK comment ?90B Dorrli Lumber & Moulding Deal Rite Wolori Victor Builnesi Machine Walker Brothers 3W0 IW1 t5 tiled (o take place this evening. But late Tuesday officials decid ed there would be a minimum of attendance, and instead scheduled a cocktail party at the city hall. Kurnpenn Show Four world titles are at stake in the l.'t liRurp skating and ice dancing championships the pairs, ice dancing and men's and worn en's figure skating. 11 generally looked like a Kuiopoan show, al though Canadian skaters were among those given a chance of winning. The U.S. team, according lo the experts, had little chance of plac ing in the first three in their le spot-livr categories. Scott Kthan Allen of Smoke Wildcats Upset gVVjS & OlOPll McMINNVIU.K aTIt-l.infield closed out the Northwest Confer ence- basketball season Tuesday night with n T2-ilI upvet over con ference champion lwis and Claik. Four free throws by Fied Far wood in the closing 39 second were the margin of victorv. The victory gave the Wildcasts fourth place in the conference. Paul It i shop of l.ewi and Clark led all scorers with 20 points. Far wood had I! for I, infield. The Pio neers plaved without star center .lirn Boutin, who has a sprained ankle FUEL OIL DELIVERED 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 Jay Hawk PETROLEUM 2135 So. 6th or So. 6th end Creil W'rdneMlay, February 27, 19f3 Irtteritalfl Pump - Auto Klmes Plumbing ,.. B TEAMS Metier Brother Mould ingc rail Ed Wharton Slartal M & M Market Larry fjad Klamath Hardwood A Local Loan Company Don Potter Machinery Gunnard Shoe Renew Klamath Milk Product W. P. Fuller Company Bud Kenney Plumblt;a Great North irn Railway Swilt & Company 40 Club Oorrii Lioni Haley Hereford Bly Logging Snack Coffee Shop Pelican Mobile Heafon Steel Wards Funeral Home ipudnul No. 2 3049 .1047 3043 3032 3027 3023 3016 3007 3O05 3994 299 1 2975 3973 2803 3B3S 1801 2B29 2191 2962 2932 29S7 776 7R04 Pioneer Tobacco Company Oufli Healing Blue Ox Floyd A. Boyd 2961 293S 279S 2914 7013 7D99 7925 2931 Shatter Electric Ranch Club Bob Union Bower DiltHbulor C TEAMS Tule lake Cabinet Shop Winema Elevator Tule Newell Unique Market Malin C & E Market H.R P. iwso, rx.ii., who is only u, was considered the best American in the men's field, He placed third in the North American champion ships held earlier this month. Ynungstrr Represent l .S. In the women's event, the VS will he represented by 17-year old Ixtrraine Hanlon of Boston and l.Vyear-nld Christine Haigler of Colorado Springs, Colo. Uon.itd and Vivien .Joseph, a brother-sister team from Chicacn toped the Yank entries in the pairs. Vivien, a dark-haired 1-1 year-old skater, said after Tues dav's workout that she and her ift-y ear-old brother were more ac customed to skating indoors. "Olberw ie. the accommoda lions Iwre are perfect," she said Taking part in the champion ship were representatives from Austria, Canada. France. West (iermanv. Japan, tlrcal Rritain Italv. Norway. Holland. Poland Sw iterland. Sweden. Hungary Cethoslovakia. the Soviet I'nion and 1m Cnitcd States. BOXING Klomoth Audilorium Wed., Feb. 27, 8 p.m. 10 Round Main Ecnt "CHUf" KIN CARUTHIR5 .ll. Mnnlan. Romon "Buffll" Hrrnond. l" r n . - A Round Special JIM BUKtR K i. I M. IClOl! FIRST RIDtR I ..m.i.N PRICIS 3118 2997 2996 2981 7834 2653 if I w- f f f f 7, 1 7 ' '-1 xym i -..gra mirn 1 1 .nil rm nni Mi iii iiiiiii.iriit iiiiMii, lnf t ,r 'Ji. tK,wMmmtniiM Xitri wi 'f T VLw t.nm Qwaai 18 ' mm WEIGHING IN CEREMONIES The main event fighters for tonight's professional boxing card at the Klamath Auditorium weigh-in during ceremony at the Winema Hotel Tuesday afternoon with the boxing commissioners looking on. Ramon "Buffalo" Hernandez is on the scales Cincinnati Registers 88th Home Court Cage Victory Ity MAKT1N I-ADFR I PI Sports Writer Too bad Cincinnati can't play all its NCAA games on its home court. It's also too bad, strictly from the Bearcats' point of view, that they re not playing as well as they did earlier in the season. Cincinnati won again Tuesday night, overcoming a mediocre Xavier team. 72(11. to register its fWth consecutive home court vic tory extending' over six seasons. But winning in't solace enough for the Bearcats as they attempt lo muster their forces for an un precedented third straight NCAA basketball championship next month. It s true that top-ranked Cin cinnati already has clinched the Missouri Valley Conference title and is getting nothing more than exercise in the final games of tuff J 4 )fM.lrf ?V- x is I : " - --- PJEEF MTU- rJL Mil IU & - a - M hr irrr .Vr nu.T hr ' )rrv C-l iiluior i bmlt lo ilo the (oh 1 1 thr hrtt 4 hwl dnc inn k in irtri piwni fj smooihnw on ihf highway, ntr (iKin rrp' ii.idion ofl Ihr uu ro I R. ! he onh ofi hr,tit famhitl rns;inf tn any Amn trail Imti II nwt you lonpri lilr, lonrr m vmif hilk rnmpiriihlr nMixrrtional tn- cmr rr vinri pRivr. trutiov a i5'f rlrt toi Inoh mikn nhifunj nmplf . 677 So, 7th St. KAISER-WILLYS PRESENTS THE LLOYD BRIDGES the rpgular schedule. However, a. I letdown now may prove cosily since every team in the NCAA IH ne RunninR Inr near. Overeome Shakv .Start For Ihe second came in . row Rame in a row the Bearcats had to overcome i shaky start hefore claiminR vic tory, their 22nd of Ihe campaiRn aRain-.! a sinRle loss. Crnsslown rival Xavier, now 10-15. enjoyed a 10-poinl lead in the first half before Cincinnati could rally lor a 37-2D advanlaRC at intermission. Ii.SaNe. which acccplcd a hid to New York's National Invita tion Tournament Tuesday after noon, had a tniiRher fiRht lhan exie'ted hut . finally withslood tieotRetown, 75-72. Tuesday niRht. In Ihe most excilinR Rame, XIT- Ixiund Wichita edaed NCAA hnnnd Texas Western, ItfkVI, on a Roal- tending charge in the final two seconds of plav. 1 - vr' " n GLADMTOR nOMTIC TRSMIIO AND INPE riMUNT I RON T M STENMON. No nihrr 4 D ittifk o((fT ol ihrf optional (raturr. ( hixv (hp OU.Iiiior : uith IJ0 inch hffl- Mv and fl to, mi $ ft box tith 4t""itoswxMh IT t P. TRY IT o r jrir nrLtR V JOE F!SHER Klamath Follj, with "Chief" Ken Carothers looking on at right with a serious look. The commissioners, from left to right, are Dick Gallagher, Walter Thompson and Walt Wiesendan ger. Hernandez tipped the scales at 167 and Carothers at I 70 for the 10-round fight. In olher names involvinR lour- Lament teams .Providence defeat- pr St. .Joseph's. 83-M; PitlshurRh tnnn(,d Carnecie Teeh. B8-60: i Memphis State heat Centenary, IlAd: -"'l'"' ". IP. Tom Thacker led the Cincinna ti attack with 21 points and Ron Ronham added Ifl. However. Rame honors went to Xavier's sopho more Riiard Sieve Thomas, who hit lor ill points. fHise Play Obvious .Significant of Ihe Bearcats loose play in recent weeks is that they have yielded 60 or more mints in five of Ihcir last six Ramos whereas only two oppon ents reached thai fictire in 17 previous encounters. LaSalle couldn't lake Ihe lead lor Rood until Frank Corace hit a field goal wilh 1:14 left to play 1 he Explorers managed to pin- 1 . or nh IA-inrh uhrrlhj C.WV'i from Trriv4irc i ItilliU'iri Ol T AT A" i A7Jeep Ort. SHOW TUES., 8.00 P.M. 1 1? tect this marRin aRainst GeoiRe town as Tony Abbot and Bill Rafcrty each hit two free throws in the final minute. Ninth-ranked Wichita, the only team to heat Cincinnati this sea son. needed every one of Dave Stallworth's 31 points to overcome Texas Western. ,Bul the key bas ket with two seconds left came as Wayne Durham of Wichita shot from eifiht feet out, only to have Western's .Jim Barnes leap into the air and deflect the shot Referee Steve Gcrgeni ruled Roal tendinR and awarded the winning points to tile .Shockers. I.OVOI.A I.OSF.S FORWARD CHICAtlo i:PH - The Loyola of ChicaRo haskelhall snuad has hocn reduced to nine players due to tne departure of Earl Johnson. reserve forward who dropped from the team. FLORSHEIM S N C ay As illustrated in Cordovan or hand stained brown also in plain toe and moccasin toe. 3495 fix Florslicim totes the world's finest calfskin ond meticu lously cralls I ic Imprrml from "the heart of the hide " With full leather linings, silk-stitcher) uppers, and the most wcnr-resistant soles, they wear longer than any other shoes. Uic Our Free Customer Parking Lot DICK RIEDEK'S Hernandez Meets Carothers In Main By JERRY WAGGONER Herald and News Sports Editor Professional boxinR returns to Klamath Falls toniRht to the Klamath Auditorium at 8 p.m when Portland Boxing Attractions! promoter Vearl Sherman will present a five-bout card which will be headlined by a pair of rugRed middleweiRhts in Ramon (Buffalol Hernandez and "Chief Ken Carothers. Hernandez, the puncher from Hermasillo. Mexico, weighed at 167 and Carothers, a former Grants Pass pugilist, comes three pounds heavier at 170. The supporting card has shaped up as one which will bol ster the main ro very well. There has been a lot of enthusiasm built up among the preliminary boys and they are ready and eager to get at one another. The semifinal bout will havel Canada's Eddie First Rider ro- ing aRainst Portland's Jerry Hamilton in a six-round match The middle match of the evening pits Cecil Mott of Los AnReles aRainst Jimmy Proctor of Port land in a weltorwciRht scrap which should be a fine one. The second bout of the card was Klamath's Jim Buker at 146 going in aRainst Derry Thomp son of Portland in a four-round bout. The Mott-Proctor scrap is scheduled for six rounds. The opening houl of the attraction will find Ernie Esterhrook of Port land meeting Rabbit Chambers of Phoenix, Ariz., in a four-rounder The main event should be a real fine battle. Both boys arc looking for the stepping stone into big time boxing and this is ex pected to be it. Hernandez, or basis of more experience, will be a slight favorite over the In dian bomber Carothers. Hernan dez has a .16-5-1 record and one of those losses came al the hands of Bobby Horn, the sensational rising middleweight from Port land who is undefeated. Horn tnpied Hernandez on a split decision after the Mexican had just driven l.soo miles from his home in Mexico. Hernandez is anxious to make a pood show ing here because he likes the country and would like to stay and fight in this region. Carothers. a serious - minded scrapper, is intent on whipping Buffalo because it would elevate him in Ihe fight game. This is STORE FOR MEN Dick Recder It Always Glad to Cosh Your Paycheck. his first big match with a name fighter and he desperately wants to make good to gain the big time. Both fighters hit hard and take good punches. Hernandez probably is the finer boxer of the two. But Carothers has a draw with Horn which indicates a close and good fight tonight. There are a couple of wars brewing between the preliminary boys. The card should open with a lot of action because feather weights Chambers and Ester brook are after each other. Chambers kayoed a local lad in a sparring session and wants to fight for winner - take - all stakes when he tangles with the Blond Bomber from Butte, Mont. Esterhrook also wants the winner-take-all deal but the mana gers aren't going for it. ' Another war is brewing be tween Mott and Proctor. They have developed a dislike for each other and will be out to lind out which is the best man. Mott is a fast-rising youngster and Proctor a cagey and clever boxer who knows all Ihe tricks. Ducks Shoot Down Pilots EUGENE UJPIi The Oregon Ducks are on the threshhold of a .500 season after shooting the Portland Pilots into submission 83 75 Tuesday night. The Webfoots now have won 11 games and lost 12 with three re maining. Unhappily for the Ducks, those three are aRainst Oregon State and Seattle University, two of the best teams on the West Coast. Oregon made 35 of 62 shots from the field for a .565 shooting aver age against the Pilots. Portland shot a good .155 on 30 of 66 at tempts. Pilot cenler Sieve Anstett led all scorers with 32 points, while teammate Cincy Powell scored 21. Jim Johnson led Oregon with 2,i and Glenn Moore chipped in 17 as five Ducks scnn in double figures. Scoring: Orrgon s:l ) : Jones 10, Johnson 25: Moore 17; Glrasnn 12; Mack 11: Hanson 8. Portland (75): Powell 21. Chan- ning 12: Anslett 32; DorUh S; Cooper 3: Solilan 2. Dick Rtt4er Wetcomet ynur Chargs Acct.! 5th and Klamath Ave.