( PAGE -A HERALD AND .(aler's Auto Service Takes Lead In Class A . Kaler's Auto Service look the lead in the opening day matches nl the 19th annual Klamath Falls Men's Bowling Association Cham pionship Tournament at Holiday Bowl Monday. But they had to Hitchcock Sends Hurlers To School By TIM MOB1ARTV t'PI Snorts Writer Manager Billy Hitchcock of the Baltimore Orioles is sending his pitchers back to the classroom The Orioles skipper called his batlcrymcn together after their normal workout Mrinday nigni and cave them a written "true or false" test on various phases of pitching. "We're just gelling everybody logether for a sort of seminar on nitchinc." said Hilchrock, a pret ty fair student himself during his Maloney Closing On Leader By L'niled Press International Vancouver's Phil Maloney, who missed eight games because of in juries, is closing in fast on league scoring leader Nick Mickoski of: San Francisco. Latest statistics show Mickoski with .15 goals and 39 assists for 74 points. Tied for second are Bruce Carmichael of Los Angeles, Guyle Fielder if Seattle and Ma-, loney with 71 apiece. Mickoski added two goals and two assists last week, but Malo ney, who was selling a near-record pace until he was sidelined by a shoulder injury, had eight points last week Mickoski'' IK Roals lop the I league and Fielder s SH assists " '""' has told the Yankees the mean- 1 . , , . .ling of the word, obviously." i-nr.iuno, imn nean re.a.nr , y ... v ,r "'' lending ny nn,.nR me , v pun-ma n.. .,,,.- . ... ,m game. Los Angeles defenseman Frank Arnelt was still far out in fronl In the dubious distinction of hav ing spent the mast lime In the penalty box. .Ml teams wore idle Monday night while Seal lie Is at Vancou ver in tonight's only contest. That's a big one though since Vancouver trails Seattle by two points in the Northern Division race. The Southern Division has set tled down into a two-team battle mill Portland clinging to a one nt lead over San Franrisrn alt er 56 g:,mes for both clubs. Northwest '5s' Finish Schedule ' MiMlNNVILLK I I'PI '-Northwest Conference teams arrive at the end of the schedule tonight when Iwis and ( lark meels Lin field for the third time this rea son. Iwis and ( lark won the first tun meetings and has won the conference title with only one loss: in 14 games. Linlicld i5-9i needs a victory to remain alone in fourth place A loss would drop the Wild cats inlo a tie wilh Willamette. . - W.1 : , i me temiwiiimi nwmmmimfmmm)mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmtymrmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmm um iaeyeeae . . '. I- ' e-K-, . ll vv i"V -. : LOST IN THE SHUFFLE Bill No.dmnn, St. Louis for. ward, losei th ball in th first hlf of the St. Louti-Mar-queHe 3me Monday night. No. 3S is St. Louis' Dick NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. take a back scat to a host of Class B scores. Kaler's took the Class A lead in the team portion of the city men's tournament with a team pinlall of 2890. Rut all o the undergraduate days at Auburn. "I think it's good to get the pitchers talking about pitching and I hope to stimulate a Iit)le interest in that direction." The 40-question quiz included such "posers" as: --Should a pitcher shake off a catcher? Should the pitcher cover home plate on wild pitches and passed balls? It is more difficult to hunt a high pilch successfully than a low pitch? "Our veteran pitchers may find I lie quiz a little easy," conceded Prof. Hitchcock. . While Hitchcock was conduct ing his unique class at Miami, Manager Alvin Dark of the San Francisco Giants delivered a lec ture on complacency at Casa Grande, Ariz., where the Nation al Ieaguers are preparing to de fend their pennant. I can t possibly conceive of a major league team suffering com placcney," Dark said in his stern est tones. "That word has no place In my mind, or of the play ers. They know they can win be cause they've done it. V Reminded that no National League team has repeated as hampion in the past five years, the Giants' boss said, "Compla cency didn't have anything to do with Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati nnl re peating. They ran out of luck and into injuries, that's all. "Thix i iiil A tniifitl IpatMip In ,. ,. I( pn Llai;CIH.v ran rujn a tuh nobody Yankees received good 1 news at llieir Fori l-nidcrdale (1l ,.amp wh(,n w.tm relief Amiv ..1.,.. ,,. ,1,. ing an intra-squad game and later reported no pain in his arm "I threw hard and used plenty of screwballs," said the portly Puerto Bican, who worked only 34 innings last year because of wing trouble. Mike McCormick, the sore shouldered southpaw obtained by the Orioles from the Giants dur ing the off-season, pitched batting practice for an extended period without impressing Coach Harry Brechcen. "He seems In he short-aiming' the ball," said cheen. Frank Howard, who led the Uis Angeles Dodgers in homers (3D last srason. finally came to terms. He rcpnrtrdly received a raise of about 16,000, bringing his salary to $23.0IX). Other late signees: .lirn Bros nan of the Hods, Ted Savage and Mike Derrick of the Pirates, and Dallas Green of the Phillies. On other fronts: Dick Sluart of Ibe Bed Sox hit seven more prac tice "homers." giving him 15 in two days. . .rookie third baseman Pete Ward of the White Sox will bat In Ihe cleanup spot in the learn s first exhibition games. . . Bob Turlev was scheduled to make his pitching debut wilh the Ixis Angeles Angels today in an intra-squad game. iiin , -. ' lV ' :?. v v-"s' Tueaday, February 16, 19621 first 13 teams in Class R had a better score than the Class A leader. Itoberts' Hardware was second in Class A with a 2822 pin total. Overhead Door tripped in third with a 2801 total while Drive More Motors was fourth with 2797 and Lucky Lanes fifth wilh 2787. Mouldingcraft led the Class B contingent with a pintail of 3047. Also in the 31100 class was Klam ath Hardwood A with 3023. Klam ath Milk Products finished third with 2994, Great Northern Rail way with 2973 and Aralum Win dows rounded out the top five with 2959. Tile Class C lead was taken by Ore.-Wash. Telephone with a 28581 while Tule Make-Up Maueh was second with 2732 and Long's Chev ron third with 2(163. Al Parsons led lh bowling wilh a 269-695. He won a special tro phy from the Klamath Falls Howling Association plus a shout dcr patch "Century Award" from the ABC. Other winning special trophies were Mickey Butler with a 258 and Larry Jones with a 245, There were 17 special pin priz es awarded for high games. The tournament continues Tues day with more team events which will be bowled through Wednes day. Then the action will turn to Lucky Lane., where the doubles and singles events will he bowled at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and be bowled through Sunday when the final squads will take the lanes at 3 p.m. HTM ANNUAL MEN'S CITY ASSOC. SOWLINO TOURNAMENT A TEAMS Kltrt Aulo Sfrvlc Roberts Hrcfwrt ?90 JI?I 701 7797 7717 78 77.14 Overhead Door Orlv Mort Molorf Luck LanM IMooM) Intertlalt Pump Bank Dl Klamalh Fall B TEAMS Moulding Crafl Klamath Hardwood A MM7 .1073 7994 7973 799 79M '97 791 791 791? math Milk Product Great Northern Railway Aralum Window MAR Market Dull Equahrer Personal Demur alh Hardwood R Pacific Power A Lio.nl Skateland wneel 790 Klamath K Oregon Food 707 791 Peace Ambulance Crater Lake Creamery 7M 71 7M7 K 01 C NO. 7 Clean Linen A Unllnrm Javhawk Oil - Satellite Renninglon Steal Bldg Mannie U S. National Rank Oougla Service Rill Oavl Flying A Klamath Auto Wrecker Klamath Tractor - Commercial 7S9 ?4H 3711 77.14 7I3A 7730 7731 71) 7777 Sear Roebuck Station Market Raiket Dennlt Shell 7797 7TJ 7177 O'Helr Memorial Chanel C TEAMS Ore. Wah Telephone 7M Tule Make-up Maud Long Chevron 773? 743 Ducks, Pilots U. J. Ti.!. Rrr-Imrc ' 1 Wl"j F.UGKNF. ,il'PD Oregon and; Portland, two teams with unim pressive' records but the ability to trip anyone, meet tonight in a basketball game at Kugene. I'he Ducks came oil a week end sweep against Washington Slate with a 1012 record, includ ing wins over Oregon Slate and Big Six leader Washington. Port land is 8-IR. hut the Pilots alsoi have upset Oregon State and beat en Idaho Stale on its home floor. Both teams have been bothered by the flu. Oregon 4-enter Glenn Moore and Portland (nrward I'incy Powell were held out of the starting lineups in games Saturday nighl, hut each entered Ihe tray later and scored 20 toints X. m- XZm Na,M. Covering Nordmann are Marquatta forward Bob Hornalt, Dava Erickson and Lea Borowtlti 125). Mar. quaHe won the qama, 68. $9. UPI Taltphoto r , :?' " ) Sr-st t ;.-.,.-. 3 f f MMMIIII ii m UNBELIEVING LOSER Pete Montoya, Hollywood, Calif., 118-pounder, becomes pensive III as he falls to canvas after taking a stiff rignt from opponent Armand Desrosiers, Lowell, Mass., during Golden Gloves Tourna ment of Champions in Chicago. Montoya tries to rise (21, but suddenly finds1 he isn't going to get to his feet (3) before referee moves in 141 to end bout and award TKO to Desrosiers in second round. UPI Telephoto Thomas Holding Out On NY Mets By RUDY CF.RNKOVIC United Press International PITTSBURGH (UPI The role of a holdout is not a pleasing one for Frank Thomas but the slug ging New York Met outfielder believes his demand for a salary increase is justified because of his record. Thomas was stung lo the quick when Met President George Weiss was quoted as saying Monday: We're paying him (Thomasi all he deserves maybe more.'' The Mets held their first offi cial full squad workout in St. Pe tersburg, Fla., Monday wi'V Thomas one of five absent be cause of their holdout status. Thomas said he received a con tract in the mail Irom assist int manager .lohnny Murphy but it oilered no raise. "1 returned the contract un signed along with a letter sayim: I deserved more money but I never got a reply." Thomas xaul. lilt 34 Homers "I called Weiss on Ihe tele phone and told him I was disap ixiinted because there was no raise. He told me he was sur prised because I didn't Man. I answered what he thought he was paying me fur. That was on Feb. 8 and I have not heard from the club since. I hit 34 home runs last yen- and drove in !M runs. I asked Weiss how many players in f'e majors hit more than 30 home runs. Thomas, looking forward to l,is 12th season in (lie maHtrs. h.d out in MM when he anil Piil burgh Pirate General Manager Branch Rickey had salary difler ences. "Weiss told me I had tapeied off at Ihe end of the season Thomas went on. "I reminded him I was troubled with her:va I had an operation to correct i lint in liocember and I'm in go d physical condition. "1 don't want nnv trouble but I Icel if they have had tlveir sax in print I want lo give ni side of the slory. "They made me an olfcr wi!li no raise involved. All llvev said was in clfect this is otir contract for 1963 it's Ihe a'A we can do. Proud Of Ability I told Weiss that if I didn't think myself valuable then he wouldn't want me and would.i't think much of me. 1 lake pride in my ability. I always play mo per cent." Thomas, whose hluntness is a; much a characteristic of his base hall life as his slugging ability, said he wants to get a raise and report for spring training as soon as possible. "I'm in good shape and 1 have a lot of good years of baseball led in me." said the veteran. 'Granted the Mets won only 42 games last year but tliere was stretch in which we won 9 of in games. And I had a lot to do with winning them." SF Giants Won't Be Complacent CASA (rRA.NDK. Ariz. UPI Thr San Kranciscn (Jiants may ha vp Ihrir prnblrms in but t'omplaccncy wf-Vi be onp nl them. That's thr word from Giant pi lot Alvin Dark who Monday pave his full squad a heavy 24 hour workout and then Rot another workout from a cordon of sports scn.H's. Somebody brought up the com plaieiu"' llieme an a pnsMble ex planation as to why live different teams have won the National l-eayue tennant in the pat live seasons. "I eannot possibly conceive of a major ieaiiue team sutlerinp1 complacency." said Dark. "They Mhe players' know 1'iey can win because they've done it. and they know now that IW2 is over and done with." reasoned Dark. He said that Milwaukee. Los Aimcles, Pittsburgh, and Cincin nati clubs could not reeat be cause 'they ran out of luck and into injuries. " He pointed out that the 1951 Giant pennant w inners kidded to second in W& hecausp Willie Mas was Inst Tlie 1954 vnnant winners dropped to third in l!.Vi when a rash o( critical injure tnn k ' This is lust a touch leannv lo repeat in. it is so strong if com placency can rum a club nobr.il has told the Yankees Ihe meani. of the world, obviously." .Several players were misstn; from Monday's drills. Jack San ford, 24-came winnini; riuht hand- er. and big Orlando Ceped aie boldmii out. but owner Horace Sloneham said he thought word recardint; them was imminent. Pitcher Juan Manchal and M.U ty Alou are also unsmned but re ported en route to camp. Tom HalJer (lew home lo be with ins wile in I-ockport. III. She Monday birth to their sec ond child Ami Haney Kuenn's wife is ill. m he is stayinc ml i-consin a tew d.iw I Bruno Resigns ; As Racing Head SM.KM '1TI' - The rcsisna. :m o! ClwitniM. Th.uMrus Kruno o:n tlv St. Mr K.i, in.; Comniis- n w .is iinniHim tii Monday hy (,.t M.itk H.itfH'M li,iltir!d ii(-iintl lormcr K-i cent' nrvsvpdjvrmn William Itsf lo inmniih'n Ise i? row n rnrt!;tnil nii.irnry wrto al- oiks rts an offui.il A athletic j event l Dallmar Refuses To Be Intimidated SAN FRANCISCO (UPD-Coach Howie Dallmar of the Stanford Indians refuses to be intimidated by the wise guys who say his In dians are in trouble in the Big Six even though they lead the loop. Stanford has a 6-3 record and Washington a 6-4 record, yet UCLA is still talked of as the team to beat despite a 4-4 mark The reason is that the Cards and Huskies close out on the road and the Bruins at home. But Dallmar Monday told the Writers that "we're a better road team than most people think We're 6-3 on the road and since December 5-3 at home." Stanford plays the USC Trojans in a single tilt Saturday this week. The scribes honored Stanford center Tom Dose as player of Ihe week for ris 35-point blast in the Cards' win over the Bruins Fri day. "I've known all along that Dose had a great pair of hands and a deft touch." Dallmar said, "but his performance against Fred Slaughter (UCLA center I proved to me he was strong enough to stand up to any center around.' Santa Clara Coach Dick Gari baldi said that the Broncs will "do or die" in tonight's big West Coast Athletic Conference battle against USF at San Jose Auditor ium. But Don Coach Pete Peletta said he did not feel that the race would be decided until the final day of the season. USF now stands 7-1 and Santa Clara and St. Mary's have both lost twice. The Gaels are at USF Saturday. Peletta said that starting for ward Dick Brainard would miss tonight's contest and maybe more games because of pulled liga ments. St. Mary's Coach Mike Cimino revealed that his brilliant scoring SCORES LITTLE MONSTERS LEAGUE BANTAM KOYS W L Screwballs ?S 11 MAi-llnni 25 11 Jelyis in m Stiri U .! Alley Cam 1? 3' Fllntilonet H 75 Feb. 73 rtMultV Mr1in ?. Slflrt 1 Jftsooi 3, Alley Cat) 0; Screwballs 1 MinHtones 0. Hqh fenm game, Screwballs 540; high Irom series. Screwballs HM; high Ind. Qame. Rill Tmolev-Carl Thornton (tie) m. high Ind. series, Carl Thorrttor. 739. BIO MONSTERS LEAGUE BANTAM BOYS W L Unstrikablei 31 15 Gallent Men Jt 15 Red Oevfls 11 1i Pinbusters 1? 1 Alley Oops 1' 1 Eaqles ll Result: Eaqles ?. Unstnkabies 1; Gal lant Men 3, Pinbusters 0; Red Devlll 3. Allev Ooos V High team Qame. Gallant Men A'; high team series. Gallant Men 1?71 ; high tnd. game. John Sowell UO; high Ind. series. John Sowell 160. MOOSE MA'S LEAGUE W Russell Gla K. Amusement So Ore. Music Soarkte far Wash Lauras Beauty Fair 47 WOTM W 47 Bon Baiaar 45 47 Medo-Land 4.1 4 A mid on 41 S Parks Cabinet 37 55 Nybacks Flower Fair 1 4 Bngs Cate 34 VI Feb 7b results' Rings Cafe 4. K Amuse ment 0; Sparkle Car wash 4, Parks Cab inet 0; Russet) Glass 4. Medo-Land 0: Am idons 3. WOTM 1; So. Ore. Music 3. Laura's Beauty Fair 1; Bon Ba iaar 3. Nybacks Flower Fair 1 High team game. WOTM Kfl'; high team series. Amidons 373' ; h'flh tnd oame. Margaret C lough 703; high Ind ser.es. Eiane Pick trill 55 Scores CotlrRf Baskflhall Rr.iulU LHy I'nitrd Prrn Inlrrnalinnal KAST Coant Guard 79 American Intl 7fi Clark (Mass. ft) Tults 71 Villanova 71 W. ChcMrr St. 59 Adclphi R2 Pratt 73 Wucens ii Hunter m Siena a.1 Hartford 52 Westminster 9.1 Wayneshurc fi9 SOt'Tli Vanderbilt 82 Georgia M Mississippi St. 7ft Tulane fi7 IiuiMana St. 80 Mississippi fit Tennessee 5 Auburn 47 Kentucky 80 Alabama 6.1 Georgia Tech 89 Florida m MIOWK.ST Michigan 78 Iowa 70 St. John 'Minn 62 MacAlester Marquette 69 St. Louts .r8 Wisconsin 102 Indiana 96 Illinois 81 Minnesota 70 Ohio SI. 50 Northwestern AS Nebraska 49 Oklahoma St. 48 Rowling Green 114 Marshall 8fi SOI THWfr.ST Amarillo 87 Ltiblwk Christian 6 Okla. Citv 9ft W. Texas St. 84 Pan Amer. 61 Trinity iTex.t 54 Hendrix 71 Henderstin St. 62 Ark Tech 81 Arkansas Coll. 75 hil Christian 80 Way land 78 Hai din-Simmons 81 McMurry 78 l.amar Tech lt1 H Payne 94 Am St. iTempe T1 Crrichton 7ijOvord. tu im K.ST Iowa M Colorado 71 FIGHTS Bv I nttrd Prwi Inirrnatmnal MWCHFATKR. Knland 'IT!1 -la 1'h.irnlry. l.w. Bnum, knos - kctJ ot.(t ,W Brosn. MU. lluton, Trx -iV. TARIS ITI KWif Peikin?. lMt, ( hicaso. fMitfmintpxt Ansfl ' Rohimon1 ttanria. t;!'j. Cuba w ace Steve Gray was operating on a badly bruised heel when he bagged 30 points against Pepper dine and 15 against Loyola during the weekend. San Jose State's Stu lnman ex hibited some anger at what he called "irresponsible charges in some quarters' that the Spartans play too rough. "We never hear a word about it when we go out of the Bay Area," he added. LEGAL NOTICE FIRE CAPTAIN EXAMINATION Ta be held at City Fire Department, Broad and Wall streets, I p.m., March 4, 1943. Limited to employes with S years minimum experience with local tire ae' partment. No. 954. Feb. 36, 1943. No. 63-3I PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ot the Estate of MAU RICE O'KEEFFE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that we have f led our final account or tne aommis- truinn of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has appointed March 37, 1943, at 10 a.m. as the time for neanng objections to such tinai account and the settlement thereof. Kathleen O'Keeffe and Con Lynch, Executors Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Executors No. 954. Feb. 74, March 5, 13. 19. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD 4 NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under i lines count sama as 2 lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines Times Timvi Times iV onlh I S3.50 U 00 IS 00 S 9.00 3 311 5 00 4.50 11.50 4 4.00 6 0S 1.00 14.00 I 4.75 7.00 9.50 14.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid in advance. Above rates are tar consecutive inser tions, without change of capy, for pri vate inaiviauais. Advenising must be ilear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Ajlos ottered for sale by private indi vidual cash wim copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and M.iiaey. CANCELLATIONS 4 CORRECTION On same schedule, except on Monday eie are Taxen in t:ju a.m. Please read first insertion at vour ad. The Herald 1 News will give one extra run tor typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, 135 per month with tt discount tor payment on or before the loth, vi inch. Si with SI. 50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy cnange per month. BOX SERVICE cents oer ad. CRD OF THINKS, and IN WtYUflAM S7.H PHONE TU 4-8111 fOR COMMERCIAL RATES CARD OF THANKS WE are so deeoly aporeciativt and will alwavs remember the many ex or r, ions of svmpalhy and triendshio manifested In w many ways during the period pre- eoing and at the time of our recent bereavement. Thelma Newton and Mother Olive Stewart P M Newton, a brofrier ind fumMy. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Kfemath Funeral Home. TU litnt f7i M E ETING NOTIC ES 1 ALOHA CHAPtTrNIO. 61. 0 E S7 will hold . win rnjia a 5'aiea A meeting Tuesday Feb. "a 26th or 8 p m Ma Nj onfc Temple, Initia tion. All members ond stated visiting members cordially invited. Leono Selby, W M. Sanford 5lby, W P MANZANtTA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd ond 4th Wednesday, V'X. P m. Scottish R W Temple. All 4rvk... rArJ,e.lU tt t! OES member cordially in vited. Verda Scnbner, W M. W.lltom Anderson, W P. &5 Odd Fellows, KLAMATH LODGE No. )37 roulor mt.rn Tn.ln" QT' " furnished, Ty ava.ne. SiJv vening fl pin Feb 26th, Hall, 5th & Moin.l Visiting Odd Fel-j Odd Fellos Re'reshmenii. Mows welcome I FHior O LOST LOST 4 FOUND Te-ignfe tor 'V pp-d pickup, O'e- gon lie tijo 3t, between Merrill and Klamath Falls. TU . LOST; Lady's black" hilltow Feb 27. dewn. town, reward Bertha LOfgren, 4C PERSONALS f NICE home w'th board aid room f0rOUPLEX 'j block off highway. Wfye-. e'derty covcte Pe-rnai interest sMwn haeuser JurKtion. an e"etr TU 2-J12 Bo 45'C Med 4New, J COMPlE t el Y hjrnjhed studio' aoa't- LADIES For yrxir ' MAGIC" howr with ' Ufi'-tefs pad. $'V a wee r- Lune' oertonaiired ce- oe-1 ev.fpie bv morth wNe . dr-e crbed in mt. McCa'ts ph Me'rorte ANGLE S Home o eW'v ldes. va cancy March 1, apMtntrnerrt. TU 2-3JM. XL AVATH Alcoholics Anonymous" TU 4-3591. TU 4-8704 Friend help anytime BEG'NNF S ALANON," friendlv help tor 'am.itei of a'coho'x. Ti 4-71J9 or TU tat virit - - w, KENMOtE. KELVINATOR. WHIRLPOOL 19 Repair a. Ovefavl Srecai-st vv--r. 8rrtr. rang, water heater FEiiu.oe appl lihri stRvit-r 3t8 SO h TUl-3lHjFuR'Nt$MFO W bed'OOm" CABINFT matlna rr (nriattv h.rnl. I ' ' S lv refin.sh,ng. e-cti'trrt rereretcn. TU -40?9 SAVE I per cet on TV rad-o 'tc-- C and carry Br.no er t 19J1 ii ad. nam m t t . deny 10) SERVICES "REMOOELYNG end repairs, ill kinds. reasonable, references, iu m naiuTiur. inivriar or exterior, no lob too small, tree estimate, iu THE FIX-IT SHOP th.,eii arv.ee. Small repairs. New. used bicycles, parts. T C Shopping Center, 3726 So. eirt. TU 4-3749. SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ph TU 4-4447 anytime. Bill Forney. rnYmM BUTCHERING At you' Plata, deliver lo orocejslng planl or leave .1 your PH" Al S'0"' Tu 4-4VJ. "DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Ptales Made From Your Old DCBtnuil flFNTL'RE SERVICE IBM Main TU 4 SJ4 Gina's Tailor Shop children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Ger-e's Mens wear ryia'" HEALTH NUTR1-BIO vitamins, Wargaref Zlcqelmeyer minerals, protein, TU 2-3S37. HELP WANTED. FEMALE 14 LADIES TRAVEL SEVERAL single young ladies under 76 to travel Western states ano Hawaii, TrniDOfltion oaid. expense account, e cellenl earnings and secure future. Apply Mrs. Bailey. Willard Hotel, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No phone calls! WOULD you like beautiful clothes and money too? Earn them conducting e line Fashion Shows. Transportation nece! sary. For appointment and further de tails phone TU 2-5062. AVON has three territories, available lo neat, ambitious mature women who have scare time and an automobile. Earn $2 nr hour while learning. For Interview, write Immediately to Avon Cosmetics. Box 1187, Burns. Ore. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 MEN TRAVEL SEVERAL young men under 23 to travel Western stales and Hawaii, iranspone tion paid, expense account, excellent earn inas and secure future. Apply Mrs. Bail ey, Willard Hotel. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No phone calls! EXPERIENCED drattsmm TU 4-3334. wanted, phone TWO MEN WANTED We Will have a Company Personnel Rep resentative (Mr. B. E. Berg) at the Moiatore Motel In K. Falls Thursday, Feb. 28th, from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. to interview men (or a position that re quires traveling In the eastern part of the stale from Monday to Friday night each week. Weekends and all holidays oil. We require all applicants to be 21 years of age or over and have a good automo bile. Guaranteed salary (paid weekly) plus very good weekly bonus. Complete train ing on full pay. BOYS! SC!SL EARN Vacation Money by selling the" Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8! II (HELP WANTED 17 WANTED elderly couble or mn for Chores and light work on ranch, TU 2-1035. WANTED man and wife to work on poultry farm, no small children, Rte 2, Box 821, TU 4-fl9. NOTICE TOJOBSEEKERS I All help wanted ads published In the Herald A News ere accepted in good teith that the fobs o'lereri are as slated in the advertising cooy. We are no re sponsible for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reieet ail mistead.no advertis ing. Anyone ans wering a helo wanted ad and finding ft to be misleading n asked to report it to th Classified Ad vertising Department af the Herald Mew. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 EXPERIENCED chitd care, your home or mine. Ironing, housework, Tu 4-6068. WILL do housework, phone TU 4-9391" JA C KLJ I L LD A YN U R SE R V Hour, Day, Wee. Mon through Frl. I a m. lo 6 p.m. Helen Lehman TU 2-1844 1321 Carlson Dr, EXCELLENT child care, my" home,rea sonable rates, phone TU 2-574. MALE, fully experienced all phases of of- tke procedure. TU 2-6857. EXPERIENCED baby sitting, anytime, my home. South Suburban. TU 4-4313. IRONING, washing, pickup, deliver. Hand ROOMS FOR RENT . 22 CLEAN, comfortable roorm 2 blocks from Main, $5 & up. TU 4-4759. STEAM heated, Quiet, sleeping rooms 310 So. 3th. TU 2-0214. " roombo'ardgentleman 1607 crescent MEN. housekeeping room. Comfortable. everything furnished $36 monthly. 1JJ NO. 3rd. TU 4403). TU 4-9787. HOTEL rooms, bachelor Quarter. A enlv 8 $5 8 185 monthly. Willard Hotel. TU DOWNTOWN, Clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished, 317 pne. TU 2-i47 ROOMS- smell house, renenhie. Ernie i Hp'r-i, jit Scu'h Fif'h, Ti.i : i;:s APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 THREE room furnished, warm, clean, UC. inquire H24 Division. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near weekly rates Peucen Motel. Tu 7-914 NEWLY decorated aot . all uiiiit.ese. ceot electricity, adults only. 150. 319 East vain. Apt t I MILLS one bedroom furnished, 2340 White, $45. TU 2 4?7 evenings TMfl(.E room furnished apartment, walk' "g distance, electric heat. 10. ph Tu 2-101. NICELY turntshed three room aot Cose in. iaudrv taciKiies, eduits only, no peti. 80? L'rtco'n. CLEN s'ud'0. downtown, couple. igie. uti'itiei. lij. Greer Apt., Tu 4-4471 CLEAN l bedroom aot iteemheet. downtown T U 4-Jt6S v'" Margins Apartments, ujo oak. 'IM SVALL fu-ntshed basement arartme-t. $)i including utilities. Mills, TU 4-20 RAMON A Aots tour rooms, nicely fur nished, 1 team hea. 37 N itth OU"LE fun--htd 1 hod'Orvr Oot irt garege. taunory, SM TU 4-JJ9 ONE hed-nem turniei apa-tment. riae , TMRE 'd apa'tT.e-t 'l!,N t0 "'Ww iTu ' 7" 3a45 $s R-vfS'de apa-tment. ROOVV one r'orw furfltts.,.,r edurtt. n?. Tu ONE Pd'Ov" uriturnihe fli!ieirwe,iv e'-over hiwtuc, f-rcuta'-ng tireoiwe. ha'dwwf ti-. tt,Bt, c,f, Tu 4.Jkl 34 MODERN two bedroom furnish merits, TU 4-53. ROOSEVELT PT. 303 LeRoy Ph. TO Mlif Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom. Gerege. Hot water het. Hot Springs area. Adults. RJRrmHED I room bachelor apts , clean, modern. $3? 50, lights, water paid. TU 2-tUJ, TU 4-tUi. SMALL furnished apartment, close In, utilities paid, W.SC, 433 No. 10th. NATURAL hot water. 7 furnished rooms. 1142 Esplanade, TU 4-9754, TU 4-1354. PLEASANT furnished apt. Utilities, wash ing facilities, TV cable, close to Klam-1 am Valley Hospital, t or 2 persons. U0. TU 2?7e7. HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnished, ga rage, 175. utilities paid. TU 2-1W3. THREE room furnished apartment, all utilities paid, 911 Walnut. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, util ities except electricity, 524 High. CLASSY, downtown, free heat, furnished, adults, S59.50. Alpha Apu.. TU 4-4522. CLEAN furnished Studio Apl., Warlon Apt. annex., 223 N. 6th. ONE or twe bedroom, furnished, heat, water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. FURNISHED 2 roam bachelor apartment $30. 212 Reclamation. BEDROOM & 3 bedrorm apartment. unfurnist ed, also 2 bedroom house, TU . 4-5686. BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 3-6500. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment. inquire 2519 Appiegare. THREE room furnished, c-esn and quiet, U2., TU 4-4640 Or TU 4-6866. LARGE 2 room furnished apartments, 137.50 and $40, TU 4-36'H. THREE room furnished apartment, at) u M It i e s. Adulls. 565. 39 Main. FURNISHED one room apartment, S40, utilities paid, 419 North lOlh. 147.50 rooms, bath. THREE room furnished, S40, 200' t E. Main, two room furnished, S25, 200 E. Main, ph. TU 4-7290. TU 4-4121. ONE room apartments, furnished, utili ties except lights, 137.50 and UO. Rex Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. ONE and two bedroom aoti., furnished or unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or see St 1779 Fargo. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, TV, 535. TU 4-7008. NICE clean furnished apartment, in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. RICKFALL5 APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rotei TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW CO&T! 7-3 Krdroom aptt., furnished er unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included, Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-tfTf Office hours 8 a.m. to S p.m. kCamathTaTS 2544 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 2 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpelino Swimming Pool Rental includes all services e.ceot teieohone and electricity B'Btha Neian TU ?-T4 HOUSES FOR RENT .26 TWO bedroom partly furnished duplex. oarbage, water, washer hookup, TU ' 7-4247. LARGE 3 bedroom duplex, stove, refrlo. carport, alter 5, TU 4-4746. FOUU bedroom. J baths, fireplace. Un furnishedseo. TU 2-1597 eves. CLEAN nicely furnished, newly redecor ated, large homelike apartment. Paved street, near downtown. Floor furnace, ga- age. storm windows. Water paid. Carpet- Ina. fireplace. Suitable for couple. 182 50. TU 4-7039. FURNISHEO small two bedroom house, 1740 Washburn Way, Inquire 1750 Wash burn Way, TU 4-5440. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, Mills. TU 2-3323. MILLS ADDITION, clean 1 bedroom cab in, 1J5,TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754, CLEAN furnished small cotlagei7l30. wqier, gnroage, ujo uwens. LOOKING tor an attractive"! littlehoi7e fully furnished' Economical oil heat. 4 rooms pljs beck porch. One extra larae bedroom Wnsr, dryer, retrioerato. new bathoom. targe yard, full site Q- aoe. 510 Cottage. 155. Immediate occu pancy. TU 2 5115 for further Information. THREE room furnished house, garage. "quit- ibji summers Lane. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex near Conger School, $85. TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, clean, furnished or un furnished, close In, 150, TU 4-5872. TWO bedroom house, oar Hv furnished. near Weyerhaeuser, $45. 'U 2-6135. SMALL 2 bedroom partly furnished, closa 155. IU 2-466. TU I-'HS TWO furnished. Close in. TU 4-1759. IN HENLEY. 2 bedroom aim i, torv. stoves, 2 children. 1S5, references. 4-4794, Rte. ?. Bo- ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 44j79 or TU 4-8576, 7 BEDROOM unfurnished dupieTe iec trie heat, fenced yard, cirpo't. Water poid Available Feh 20, $90. 3425 Summer! Lane. TU 4-9573 IMMACULATE, newly decora ted Puntur- dt nnhed wo bedroom. Inquire 2232 Union. CLEAN 7 bedroom un I ur Pished, garage. Newiy painted. $75. TU 4-6023. TWO bed-oom unfurished. garage, enced yard, 2 mile north 0f town, chtl Cren. pets. Ok. $. TU 2-6590 UNMJRNiSM"EO7""bedr oaiement. fireplace, harrjwood floors. eiecfrtc heat. $po & $70 Tu i-uu it. a. betore 5 pm. TU 4-837 after 5. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except 'or 'to"- 50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. ONE bedroom furnished" housephon"eT U FURNISHED house, small two bedronm. Lovely location in city. Large yard. New wather and dryer, (10, phone TU 2-3791 or TU 2-1171. TWO bedroom fwrni.hedrftj50unfir. n.shed, $C. 7701 Orchard; one bedroom, turmthed. t0. unfurnnhed. $57 SO. 53J Martm Both include water a-vrJ ot'baqe. TU 4-Whi; after 4 pm Tu 2-7"0 NICELY tumtjhed ? COie in, north -ide. Tlj SENT, iie or trade 3 full basement, ga'aoe. back ya'd, TU 4 6644 duo'e. bed'Oom house, utility house w TWO bedroom hr-me. range furnished, clre m. ingui-e tit Washington. F UP Nl SHE D one bedroom ciosa 'n. 4 7 50. wafer, garbage included, TU 4-7994 U N f u P N i she D two hedroemhou-e. 3010 Boardman, Tu 2-0990 UNeuRNiSHEOcieanthrebdroom home, automatic heal, carpeting ner iw and Academy schools. 727 Ml. itrey ') a mo TU 7-47.' TWO bedroom u-'tumnhed home La'aa ng ana ami nQ rooms, fenced btk 'd Stvege ar1 utility roomj Wonder. nf .gr.horj IQe tg ChOO Bd h-Jp- ping center. Tu 2-5558. fU 4-704 f-UPN15ME0 tw hedronm. ' orni bed room, and ceb.n. See at 325, 327, 379 D'vis-on TWO blooms, waikm closets, hardwood f'00's. near town. 309 N. 10th UNeuP'iriSMEO "t wo "bedr oom hou se , 55 ' Denare. tu 4-ja F'JPNISMEO th-et hedfon-Ti hrx,e V fwfl aces, 0"d M-diand road. JIOO. Tu 2-3SS7 Two bedroom hoie. souh ubj'ht. fle t lergV50n SChOoL TU -441J T0 bM-nr-m hp. f , south Subu'M. "eiy p'"td tf-o-jgit, ! acceof 'WO Of tr.-e Ch'dre, J7t. TU 2-I4H) i TWO bedroom furf'thed house&e-bag-'. wetff p a tu TWO hrt'twri Nm nnacreage Fent"! m C"Cken hnue barn Boranra S4V- ;37 n aopo-ntnief, Qr T U 4-8JM a'ter APARTMENTS FOR "INT