HERALD AND NEWS, Klamalh Falls, Or. Tuesday, February 26, 196! PAGE i-A Head For Hapco's UJomwA By Httn Bachtn . 'mninriiirirnii- il j n m mi .1 I ',. . !, 1. i,,.'! VALENTINE QUEENS The annual Valentine ball given by Kappa Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in Dunsmuir was held Feb. 9 in the Maple Room of the Masonic Temple. Attending were representatives of four sorority chapters and their guests. Queens crowned are shown, left to right, Mrs. J. M. Kelby, Dunsmuir, Xi Zeis Zeta; Mrs. Robert Lopez, Mount Shasta, Xi Theta Tau; Mrs. J. P. McKendrick, Mount Shas ta, Omicron Upsilon; Mrs. Von Summers, Dunsmuir, Kappa Phi, and Mrs. James Plank, Dunsmuir, last year's Kappa Pni queen, who crowned this year's honorees. 8 PHLCS POINTERS Lick And Promise - Plus POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY - When pack ing lunches for my school chil dren. 1 always include a damp paper towel in a small plastic hag. This helps to clean sticky lingers and smeary mouths. Our son. who attends a military academy, carries an old nylon stocking in his pocket to give his shoes and brass a "quick shine" before dailv morning in-i-pcction. - MRS. T. G. S. Glltl.S One good Idea often suggests another. Mrs. T.G.S.'s last hint led me to the discovery that an old nylon stocking makes a wonderful polishing rlnth for household brass. POLLY DEAR POLLY -If newly baked muffins stick to the pan, have a wet towel ready on the sink and put the hnt pan on the towel. The muffins will drop right out. MRS. A. H. L. GIRLS It is my turn to of fer you a tip. When removing a spot from a dress, I stretch the soiled area over embroidery hoops and the job Is much easier. I'se an old toothbrush to rub the spot. Its small size allows me to note progress. POLLY DEAR POLLY I have two small boys, ages 3 and 4. 1 soved the bib-tying routine at meal lime by simply removing t h e original bib strings and rcplac ing them with 'i-inch elastic, long enough to slip over the children's heads. This eliminates tying and untying, the boys' impatience TOOTHSOME TILK TATTLE.. No matter how often the tiles in a bathroom are scrubbed. there often appears In be some residue. This usually is dirt ac cumulation where ceramic tiles join. Tliis is easily cleaned and whitened by scrubbing with a well lathered toothbrush. A little bleach may be added to the suds while 1 am doing it and torn strings and knots. MRS. J. S. DEAR POLLY-I have a prob. lem. What can be put on the backs of throw rugs to keep them from rumpling up when the com mercial preparation has worn off the back? MRS. R. M. V Mrs. It. M.V. and the rest of you girls who have the same problem: I would try a piece of burlap the size of the rug, sewed on the back with a loose iititch and rug thread. Several thicknesses of newspaper, stitched together might help, too, for a leftover piece of rug pad. Do any of you have any better suggestions? POLLY Share your favorite homemak ing ideas . . '. send them to Polly in care of the Herald and News You'll receive a bright, new sil ver dollar if Polly uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. Society Fetes Past Presidents MOUNT SHASTA-St. Antlwny's Altar Society met Feb. 12 for a business meeting and social gath ering honoring the past presidents of the society. -Rev. Michael Styles was guest speaker and related events of tlie early days of the parish and the organization of the women's altar group. The honored guests included Mrs. Kate Patterson, the first Altar Society president in 1925. Other past presidents attending were Olivia Thebolt. Flora Riceo mini, Darnne Cheula. Genevieve Rogers, Evelyn Pohl, Pia Ambord, Katie Roush, Marie Murray, Kathy Marin, and Ann Galleti. Each former officer intro duced members who had served with her. The tables were decorated in a red and white Valentine theme, with red ribbons, cupids. flowers, and lighted red tapers. Hostesses for the evening were Bobby Ri- zutto. Gloria Brewster, and VALENTINE TEA MALIN - The students of Mer rill Home Living Class and their instructor Mrs. Edwin Petrasek, were guests of the, Malin Home Living Class. Feb. 13, at a "Val entine Tea." The room was dec orated in Valentine motif by the class. A social afternoon was spent with Janice McAuliffe, Joyce Mullanix and Ann Johnson enter taining with colorful dances. Mrs. Frank Paygr is instructor of the Malin class. Tina Fignani. Refrcsliments were white angel cake and red jcllo decorated with whipped cream in a heart motif. During the business meeting, plans were made for the annual St. Patrick's Day dinner, March 17, in the parish hall. The baked ham dinner will cost $1.75 for adults, 75 cents for high school students, and 50 cents for grade school children. Serving will be from 2 to 7 p.m. The society also made tentative plans for a Moth er's Day bake sale. W7 you ie wearing something new this Spring?... somefhing you made qowself? Here's how easy it is to get started: Just send for our new 1963 Spring-Summer Catalog, make your selection of a free pattern from any of the 1 16 printed patterns shown, and let your sewing machine do the rest. The beautiful new catalog is the biggest, most attractive ever... with the widest range of styles and sizes. Get your copy, which includes coupon for a free pattern, by mailing 500, in coins, to this Newspaper,. Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th Street, New York 11, New York. ft NOW IN OUR 2nd BIG WEEK OF Going Out Of Business SAVE UP TO 50 AND MORE! LOOK WHAT WE'VE DONE TO BONK BEDS REG. 169. 95 OAK BUNK BED SET with bookcott hcodbeards. Compleft with moftres spi and foundotions, 4 4 QC ladder end guard rail REG. 144.95 4-WAGOM WHEEL BUK'K BED SET, Complete with mattrcisei, AtlQfi foundation, ladder and UW guard rail 114' 991 LOOK WHAT WE'VE DONE TO DINETTES REG. 191.90 9-PC. DINETTE SET. Includes table end 8 foam seated chairs. Scratch and heat re us to nt fable f PCfl .end to 42" 84". I K ef 91 Closeout price REG. 66.00 5-PC. DINETTE SET. Includes 4 choirs, table and one attention leaf. Bur it during this sale or only 153 4515 LOOK WHAT WE'VE DONE TO MATTRESSES FULL SIZE NATIONALLY SCALY "Golden Sltcp" matfreil end boi tprinf let .... REG. 95 US KOYLON FOAM RUBBER MATTRESS end metchinf box sprint. Buy the cemplete Mf far FULL SIZE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SEALY "Hetel Deluie" C095 matfreil and bai larina. eeiWr Ml ADVERTISED 6974 A RUBBER 79" R T I S 59 ALL THESE AND MANY MORE PLUS ORDERS THAT WE COULDN'T CANCEL THAT ARE ARRIVING DAILY. EVERYTHING GOING AT CLOSE-OUT PRICES! TOWN and COUNTRY OUWT Furniture 3840 S. 6th TERMS FREE DELIVERY ! Once a year HAPCO offers these Bonanza Bargains on RCA Victor. Save from $ to to on RCA Victor Block & White and Color TV. llSCi !lTli -.um..m lM-iMimi nn M ui i.ju.iiiJL5fihi. I l ! 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In. picture RCA copper bonded Security Seoled circuit boards are pre cision crafted and ere the most dependable TV circuits ever developed. No old fash ioned hand wiring to come i loose or short circuit. The FRASER Deluxe Serie 2I3-F-I02 260 tq. In. picture With Trade Only 468 J nnn tin am . c.-m p u 1001 Main Ph. TU 4-8183