Grasping Secretary Grasps Boss, Too I 1 V i M By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I'm en raged with that secretary who as ready to flip because her "bright, at : tractive, well-ed ucated" b o i s l closed his busi ness conversa- t tions on the I telephone with I ' bye bye, It's sickening1 I the way secre- taries move in on a man's life ' -and take him over. '-J She starts by reminding Mr. Worthlngton of his luncheon ap pointment. Then she reminds Mr. Worthington of his barbershop ap poinlment. Next she tactfully sug gests that he buy Mrs. Worthing ton something special for her birthday. (He had forgolen, so of course he's grateful.) The next thing you know she goes along with him to select the wife's gift. After shopping they stop for a few martinis. Suddenly, Mr. Worthington becomes "Hal, The rest is easy. Hal can't seem to cet his work done during of fice hours so he must work eve nings. The night work doesn't sit very well at home and his wile begins to complain. This, of course, makes her a nag. So after 20 years and three kids, Mr. Worthington decides his wife doesn't understand him. They have nothing in common. She is a bore. Don't tell me my imagination has run wild. Miss Landers, be cause It just happened to me MRS. WORTHINGTON Dear Mrs. Wprthlngton (which as everybody knows li a made up name)) The secretary has an inside track but so does the nurse or the dental assistant any fe. male whos activities bring her into close contact with a male, Familiarity does not always breed contempt. Sometimes it breeds other things. I've said It before and I'll say It again no man ever listened to the siren's rail unless he was ready to hear It. Dear Ann Landers: You were right when you told "Irate Read er" that floors were made to walk on and she should not ask guests to remove their shoes even though the spike heels were ruining her vinyl entrance-way. This is what the floor covering industry has to say: "Spiked heels are causing the biggest headache in years. They not only leave noticeable indentations in hard surface floors, they also cut the pile and puncture the backings of carpets. What can be done? Noth ing. We can only hope (or fickle fashion to dictate a change. The woman who is considering a new floor should be told that there is no way to protect that floor against spike heels. Even as phalt and hardwood floors can be damaged. A 112-pound girl wearing stiletto heels exerts static pressure of 4,000 pounds per square inch ev ery time she takes a stop. A 224 pound man wearing the conven tional shoe exerts 23 pounds per square inch. So please urge women to de mand saner heels, Ann. A.P. Dear A.P.I I'm torn, my friend. like the stiletto heels and I also like vinyl floors. Incidentally, I have both and they seem fairly compatible. PAGE 10-A Tuesday, February 26, 1902 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. ii MAY 21 KA4I-47-49-43 5-yrs7.71.74 MiTARGAXER m MAY 22 JUNE 22 ,42-0-51-64 73-74 Junta . uo J JUJ.TJ4 l,Aud23 ICV4-I6-S0-2I KtZ-44-40 vwoo AUG X HPT 22 SCM 2.IM7-32 IIV39-4M1-82I Br CLAT B. POL1AN- K Yam DoS, AdMv Goid. M r Accardiag to tk Ston. To develop enmoqe fc Wednesday, rrod wordt, corresponding to rxmbtn of yajr Zodiac birth wgrv UUA sen. 2) OCT. 23 15?. 1 Vom 3 1 You 61 tnMnatmo 2 0pportu-r 32 TV , 62 Focti 3 ArivM 33Som V 63 O 4 For 34 Ltwo 64 Bock 5 Stick 35Momor) 65 Sorrow! 6 Chock 36 Hov 66 Rcptl 7 Old 3? Portrm . 6' Your 8 PeocH 38 Or I 68 PaopM, 9 To 39 Until 69 And 10 A 40 Thintjf 'i 70 Buunaft 1 1 41 Soool J ' 71 L.. 2Sw-m 420bey '', 77 Away 13 Colondot 43 Trcrffte 73 From Ubqct 44 TV 74 Argument 15 W.m 45AHecton' 75 Asoco 16 Sam 46 Go 76 Now 17 TV 47 Arfoirt 77 Mok-nrj 18 Low ' 43 If 78Appon 19 And 49Portt 79Short 30tous SORmeoreh 80 Mod 21 Along 51 Uqhn 81 Ot 22 Tumsnd 52 Wandwhrf 82 Organized 23 Po 53 You'll 83Tnpt 24 Mora 54 Fo 84 Them 25 With 55 Among 85 Moody 26 Mm 56 Date 86 Your 27 Deoiior 57 Current 87 Friend 28BWe 580btor 88 Contrary 29 One 59 Entertaining 89 Relottwt 30 Do 60 Palm 90 Hand GcorJ ()Ahwse )Neuual KOWO OCT. 24 NOV. 22 1ft.lO-4-4Q; 6063-86-90VS 3& 5254-59-AScr-l &J7-794S3A SAGITTARIUS N0W.2J jA 06t 22 f5 cvbcoui JAM 20 lrt 1)0-33-50-53 158-612 AOUAMUS JAM. 21 FEB. 5- 9-27-29(9 I 31-36-80,84 VJJ FISCtS FEB. 20J2 A- 7-11-13 154-57-64 34 Dear Ann: Help! I have chance to attend the Baptist Youth Conference next July in Palestine. I went to the Toronto Conference in 1938 and It was the most In spiring experience of my life. But my husband says he wul divorce me if I go. I would be attending as a rep resentative of my parents' evang elistic organization and they would pay my expenses. Glenn and my parents do not get along. He says this trip offer is an effort on their part to cause trouble between us. Please, Ann, tell me wnat to do? REBA Dear Reba: It would be nice If somehow you could get Glenn's blessings, because if you can't say don't go. He resents your parents' part In this, and he may have a valid point. Either persuade him pr stay home and save your marriage. Stanley Named President Of Chiloquin Pilot Group Your uuble diicardi will hlp hi to htlp othsrt. Don t throw i sway. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE ll SlimiU TU 4-mu CHILOQUIN Bert Stanicy. rancher and realtor, was named president of the Chiloquin Chap ter of Oregon Pilots Association at the last meeting, replacing Fred Markwardt Stanley, who had served last year as vice presi dent, gave that post over to Ted Markwardt, and Luidy Eogcrs is the new secretary-treasurer, tak ing over from Mrs. A. N. Starkey. The association will have an other active year for 1963, and is planning to construct restrooms at the airport this spring. During the summer the annual fly - in breakfast will be held. Association members now num ber 15, with nine associate mem bers. Five planes are stationed permanently at the airport. The Warren Loughs, Bert Stan leys, and Lester Hobacks were host families at the monthly din ner meeting. Malin Cub Scouts Hold Annual Blue, Gold Fete MALIN Sunday evening, Feb. 10, the Boy Scouts' Blue and Gold Banquet was held in the Malin Grade School gym. Decor ations of blue and gold were throughout the room, and the re freshment table was done in the TO HOLD CONFERENCE WASHINGTON (UP1 Presi dent Kennedy will hold a news conference and diplomatic recep- tion today before leaving for a weekend in Florida. The 4 p.m. EST news confer ence will be televised and broad cast live to the nation. The reception for the diplomat ic corps will be held at 6:30 p.m., and the President and Airs. Kennedy, accompanied by their children, will leave by plane at about 8:30 p.m. for Palm Beach, Kla. same color scheme, centered with a large sheet cake in blue and gold. Edwin Stastny, master of cere-j monies, and Gale Staley, Klam ath Falls, district executive for the scouts in this area, and Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Lowry, Malin, were special guests for the evening. Cub Scout awards were pre sented by Carl Rajnus, Cub Scout! Master. Bear badge and silver anniversary awards were present-j ed to Doug Johnson, Dennis Brightman, and Andy Street. Gold- silver arrow and assistant denner stripe, David Cacka. Wolf badge and silver anniversary award, Richard Drazii and Phillip Blohm. Silver arrow, silver anniversary award, and second-year psrfect attendance, Phillip McCulley. Wolf badge, Kirk Kirkpatrick and Richard Rogers. Wolf oadge and denner stripe, Lewis Unis. Bear badge. Jay Conroy. Woll badge and assistant denner stripe, Scott Conroy. Silver arrow, silver anniversary award and denner stripe, Steve Rajnus. George Pappe, Boy Scout mas ter of Troup 33, presented the scout awards. Three-year service pin and three -year perfect at tendance pin were given to Dale Petrasek and Bruce Bauer. Two year service pin, two-year perfect attendance pin, and second class scout badge, Pat Pappe. Two-year service pin, Bruce Victorin. Gale Staley presented Philip Petrasek with the "Life Award" for the Explore! Scouts. Lor.s Kalina is the Explorer master. Refreshments were served by den mothers, Mrs. Lincoln EIz- ner, Mrs. Paul McCulley, Mil. Marion Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Don London. Construction is the largest U.S. industry, accounting for some 15 per cent of total employment. N. J. Rosenbaum INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Commerce Bldg. 1111 Walnut Ave. Ph. TU 4-5903 or TU 4-5863 FRIENDLY HELPFULNESS To Every Creed ond Purse WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite Ward and Sons 925 High Ph. TU 2-4404 ON YOUR WAY TO THE HOME SHOW - Leav Your Laundry at J. W. KERNS' ten LAUNDRY AND CLEAN S I l l A C3 734 So. oth TU 4-4197 YOU LOAD The Washer WE DRY And Fold Aft Per Load mi NERVES Cause Urge To Scream V was jo nervous: i p Jav in church . oi sanicky, wanted scream, and had aui. Our Dn rmmmmmdtd A I Tranquil tablets They M ' 7. J..fl Aw tat l nervous tension and to take bore exciting events" says Mrs. H. R. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Are you skk and tired or beinB. Ien. wor ried, unable to leP, emotionally upl, uttering miieries of nervouJ tension, due to limple ncrvousnevi? Then, take wditive calming ALVA-TRANQUIL tablets to. quickly tranquiliie and relax these anxie tiei, tensions, emotional upieii for up to 8 wonderful, relaxing hour! Switch to fast-acting, miracle-like ALVA 1 RANQUIL- tablets. No apirin. not habit forming, 100ro late, taken ai di rected. Ask vour Druggist for gtnuina ALVA-TRANQUIL tablets: Regular 'type. S2, or 8-Hour timed-release formula, 52.25. Refuse so-called" Juil-as-good" imitation. T.H. Ite- fefPB. tl Ptal, ) 1HI, AIL ' posed by pfcfSt-onet modal FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE Phen Ut Your NoorJi Deliveries Each Day at 11:00 2:00-4:00 rr IN THE VILLA! kuuitr 9h & Main IU 2-1471 Ohio ranks seventh among stales of the Union in milk production. PROTECT YOUR ESTATE Cqultablt'a Living Inaurancn John H. Houston lirrvire- Blnce lt . What a work out! ! I must've climbed inlo twenty different wagons with my tape measure. But it got us what we needed. A COMET-with 4 doors and nothing but room! 1 even got their fancy model without stretching our budget. Mdtheyinrcw- JU n rac- AVToU .v. i .,i-tr ft . n mm COMET Fl JVifv rms t time in tvey map's lifg when it's bjitf lei jtrs0fv (hose old-cur rrnair btllx. When vnurvMrh tht nrnnt. STATION WAGONS I " ' com " "d set us. W,lh a lupe measure, if you wish. OOnOWH ON CREDIT AT WARDS-JUST SAY "CHARGE IT D TAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . . PAY NO MONEY DOWN! OR LAY AWAY TILL MAY Jlll oluminum tramom Heavy xtrvded M . - - rTT--, , . J?f eluminam gunwale "wiMiaiiiji' ' " ' ' -' - 1 .,..,, 1 .proyroll. Styrofoom flotation ' - - Llghlwol8ht, ML .1. ..r,,: ,..vr. tanks for mora efoty . 1 Bouao alwnlmim Mm mm CatMron transom brace) built-in lift handlat SEA KING 12-FOOT ALUMINUM BOAT Aluminum hull lightweight, practically maintenance-free! Just put atop your car and you're off to safer, more fun filled fishing gives greater stability and balance in choppy water. 14-ft. aluminum boat $213 LIMITED QUANTITY! SEA KING 5-HP OUTBOARD MOTOR Angler's friend! From I'i-mph trolling speed to 12 mph quietly, smoothly. Full gearshift; 6-gal. fuel tank; waterproof ignition; corrosion protection. 1 5-HP twin $322 40-HPtwin... $555 t7v)90- X MONET j 1 I DOWN SEA KING 900-LB. STEEL FRAME TRAILER Reg. $169. Carries boats up to 16'. Dual-position axles. $159 NO MONET DOWN DESIGNED FOR YOUR SAFETY MOOR 172 SEA KING 15' FIBER GLASS RUNABOUT Hull can't mil, rol, cortod. Vinyl-upholitrd bock-to-bock jati. Dual lafety Rotation. Rq. $809 759 ANCHOR Novy-fypo good for olmoit ony bot tom. Shank pivots lti flukes dig in, 3.95 MARINEIADDER r)ut-ritant, aluminum cilloy tubinj. Varniiheri hardwood tfpj. Vinvl hook, itand-offi. 6.95 --s IPX I Vat. 1 1 a W 1 ,..- Gartaa Mark 6rV J V I VSW 22-IN. ROTARY MOWER WITH GRASS CATCHER 95 72 NO MONEY DOWN This new 3-HP Garden Mark has every safety feature a mower can hove, including guarded safety chute side discharge. See it! -HP ROTARY TILLER Swivel-oction lets tiller maneuver freely for turning, dodging plants. o.aei Dolo tmes ad- n 5 m 50 lost to 12-20-26 in. I JOE FISHER If 9th & Pino Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Phone TU 4-3188 I 677 So. 7fh Street