Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 25, 1963, Page 7, Image 7

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    HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath
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KENNEDY'S FACE The boyhood face of President Kennedy, in the form of an
angel, is shown in this picture of the recently found John F. Kennedy altarpiece of St.
Therese. The altarpiece was at Maryglade Colloqe in Memphis, Mich., where it
had been safely packed away. Mrs. John C. Wiley, wife of the former American
diplomat and sculptress of the now-famous altarpiece, did the art work for a church
in Belgium during the summer of 1939. Keinedy posed for the figure of an angel
hoverinq over St. Therese during a visit to Europe on his summer vacation. The work
became lost during the war. UPI Telephoto
YV. W. CLARK and daughters,
Cathy and Wanda were in Ash
land lor Fathers' Weekend ac
tivilics at .Southern Oregon Col
lose, and also visited relatives
while there.
MVRON SPADV. Randon. mod
eralor of tlie .South West Oregon
Presbyter'. as a guest of the
Rev. Ethan Whitmans last week,
end. He was here Ui moderate
a Presbytery Hospital Commit
tee meeting, in Klamath Falls.
its annual ham dinner March 9.
5..K1 to 8 p.m., in the church
social room. Proceeds will be
ued (or rewiring the church.
Adults $1.30. children 6 to 12.
.73: and under no charge.
and Mrs. W. W. CLark, left Tncs.
day for Portland where he will
take a physical for the Navy.
will be held Friday. March 1, at
Ml. l.aki Church at 2 p.m. Nurs
ery will be provided. All Basin
church women are invited.
SON spent the weekend in Ash
land lor the Fathers' weekend
activities at SOC.
WAYNE ENOI.E, son of Weston
Fugle. Li home alter undergoing
an appendectomy at Klamath
Valley Hospital la-t week. Wayne
is a student at Chiloqiun Ele
mentary School and with his la
ther makes his home with his
grandmother, Mrs. Hairy Engle.
daughter. Rarhara, visited recent
ly with Mrs. Nicholson's moth
er in Medlord and also spent some
lime with her son. Richard, who
attend SOC in Ashland.
has returned from a two-week
slay in Medlord while her home
here was leing renovated and re
paired following a lire last month.
The Feeders have moved hack
into tlie residence at the rear of
the Cattle Crossing Cafe, which
they have niera(ed sonce lal
.tune Their daughter. Marco.
Property Sold
Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Wood, has purchased the
Emory Cook property at the Kelly
Creek turnolf on Highway .W5 and
will take over his father's nursery
business For the past several
vcars. he has hern errroyed by
t:'f Padd'K-k N..cry Gardens in
(lakridge. Ore. .
Wood will enlaige the stork and
locale the nursery cioer I" the
h'lhway. Preliminary preparations
are now being cameo on, and he
plans to have tne new stock
ainund April I Hi la'hrr oper
ate the Ikeview Apiaries in con
lumtion with the rfl-rrv husi-
Falls. Ore,
stayed with Mrs. Myrtle Cope-
land at her Sun Mountain resort
during Mrs. Feezer's absence.
Zl MIIRI N have returned to their
ranch home alter spending several
montJis visiting her sister and
family, the Dick Marshalls. and
:ier parents, the Harry Browns.
;it Porterville. They also spent a
week in Arizona and attended the
mnual sale at Red Bluff.
MRS. DON EKLl'ND of Klam
ath Falls, the former Patty Lou
Hescock, is in traction in Rogue
Valley Memorial Hospital in Med-
ford for a broken neck vertebra
sustained among other injuries in
an automobile accident near her
parents' home liere last Nov. 18.
Messages w ill reach her at Room
E-1(B, in care of tlie hospital.
SHEPHERD and son. Jimmy,
moved Feb. lit to Henley alter
residing here for tlie past eight
veai'S. He is emploved as man
ager of the Echo Homes. Inc..
n Klamath Falls, and is also
salesman for the territory for the
Hvdrolex Industrial Inc. of Tcx-
NICHOLSON returned Feb. in
from Red Rluff where they attend
ed the annual bull sale. Accom
panying them on the trip south
wa Mrs. E. M. Brattain, local
postmaster, who was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Owens
of Red Bluff and Fort Klamath
for three days before going on
to Ornvillc to visit a sister. She
returned Feb. IT.
Klamath County cattlemen who
ent to lied Bluff for the annual
hull sale Feb. 7-9.
Yovr Daily Acttvii Gud
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John H. Houston
February 2 V 1963
Grange Nods
To Pomona
regular meeting of the Kastside
Grange Saturday. Eel), lfi. mem
hers voted to accept an invitation
from Vallcv Kalis to attend the
Pomona Grange anniversary
March 2.
Mrs. Ethel Cundiff reported on
I he home economics meeting
held Ecb. 14 in the alienee of
Chairman Nina Baty. Tl.c women
voted to host a dinner in the near
future In raise money for im
provements on the grange hall
and also voted to donate SoO from
their treasury for that purpose.
Tlie hostess was Maude Butler.
and 12 members were present.
Eastside Grange voted to spon
snr hall use for the W. It. 4-H
Club's benefit dance which wil
be held March 30. Members were
reminded that the proceeds from
the Eeb. 23 pinochle party will
be given to the March of Dimes,
In the absence of Lecturer Vcl-
ma Newcombe. Amy Cloud gave
the program. She read clippings
from old newspapers, predating
the turn of the century, of vari
ous happenings which present
members had attended in the
Time Changes
Beginning March 1 the .lack
sonville Museum will go nn sum
mcr schedule and win remain
open Irom in a m. until 5 p m. on
weekdays. 12 noon until 5 p m. on
Surdavs and holidays.
Announcement o tie change of
time was made by Mary L. Han
lev. curator.
People Read
you ar now.
Gives Tax
Plan Chill
enthusiasm has been expressed
for Gov. Edmund G. Brown's pro
posals of a state withholding tax
Republicans and many news
paper editorials have attacked it
while numerous Democrats have
maintained a cautious attitude or
just kept silent.
The governor has argued the
merits of withholding at length
but more recently has turned to
hints and outright declaration:
that should it not be approved
higher state taxes would be
the offing.
"I think wlien I lie alternatives
are weighed by the legislators
that we will he suecesslul in per
suading them to adopt the with
holding tax." said Brown at his
weekly ne.vs eonlerence Tuesday.
In the forefront of the withhold
ing el fort is State Finance Direc
tor Hale Champion, an important
Brown adviser. Champion, admit
tedly bothered by what he con
siders uninformed criticism of the
administration plan, has put out
closely-written nine-page brief
supporting it.
Three steps, the brief points out.
are involved in the proposal.
These are:
Eliminate Installments
-Elimination after Jan. 1, 14.
of the system under which Cal-
i forma ns can elect to pay their
state income tax in three install
ments. Currently. 13 per cent n(
the taxpayers take advantage of
the option.
Payment of such taxes out of
current income by means of "re
latively minor weekly or monthly
payroll deductions," starting July
HIM. Taxes on income not sub
ject to withholding will l de-
lared quarterly.
"Forgiveness" of one-fourth of
citizen's tax on 19K4 income
when his return is filed in 19K5.
The new system, it is held, w ill
make taxpaying easier and more
convenient for the four million
persons covered by it. Champion
points out that 2fi states have
adopted withholding since Oregon
lecame the first to do so in 11148
However, from the administra
lion s viewpoint, the advantages
lor the stale arc the primary con
The brief asserts withholding
will result in $3 million more
revenue for the state's General
Fund in fiscal IftKMH and $!K1.1
million in l!Xl4-fi.j.
.najor cnanneis ot tax evasion
and many present loopholes will
be closed, it is said. In the long
run this ought to increase slate
evenuc by an average $40 million
a vear.
For instance, the approximately
100.000 families who migrate to
Calilornia each year pay no taxes
for as long as 15 months alter
their arrival. I'nder withholding
many of these would start pay
for stale services immediately.
Other advantages foreseen hv
Champion's brief include a more
even flow of revenue to the stale
throughout the year and reduc
tions in tlie cost of present en
forcement programs.
What would it all mean for the
wage earner?
Depending on Ins pay level,
imount withheld weekly will
range Horn a minimum of 20
cents a week in the case of .1
ingle person with $45 to $50 week
v income and no dcicndents to
StO.20 plus 6.3 per cent of amounts
over $W0 a week in the ease of
a married person in the top brack
ets claiming no exemption.
At the end of each year taxpay
ers would still tile returns in
determine whether withholding
covered their tax debt. In certain
cases they may have had more
withheld than they actually owed
Then tlicy could apply for refund
of the overcharge.
Morris Named
Shasta Chief
1)1 NSMl'IH-W. C. Morris has
been appointed superintendent nl
Shasta Division. Southern Pacific
Company, with headquarters al
Dunsmuir. He was formerly su
perintendent nl the Coast Divi
He will replace A I). DcMnss.
who has been on temporary as
signment as Shasta Division su
perintnendrnt sinte December.
DcMnss will return to South
ern Pacific olfices in San Fran-
tsco where he will he assistant
engineer, maintenance ot ways
and structures.
The new appointments are ef
fective March 1.
Uaac Watts wrote the Christ
mas carol, "Jnv to the world,
Sales Service
734 So. th TU 4-4197
UjU XT, ;
V . i V.- .J V .
Navy Knsign Gilbert A. Baker
son ol Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus A
Baker. 4507 Winter Avenue, made
his first solo flight in a military
aircraft recently at the Saufley
Field Naval Auxiliary A i r Sta
tion. Pcnsacola, Ha.
The (light came during basic
Might training and followed 12
flights of dual instruction with an
instrucltir present in the aircraft.
The IB-month flight training pro
gram covers all aspects of com
bat and logistical flying. It leads
to a commission as a naval offi
cer and designation as a naval
Before entering the Navy in
lune. 1!W2. Ensign Baker attend
ed Oregon State University at
Marine Private Earl R. Brin-
son. son of Jesse D. Bnnson.
sot) Oak Street, completed recruit
training Feb. 7 at the Marine
Corps Recruit Dcmt, San Diego
The indoctrination to Marine
Corps life includes instruction in
basic military law, discipline, phy
sical conditioning and nther mili
tary subjects.
Three weeks are spent on the
Written for
Newspaper Knlerprise Assn.
Take heart. Much can be done
both to prevent and to treat heart
disease. Dr. Irvine H. Page, who!
has made a life study of heart
disease, has pointed out that the
heart disease associated with higl
blood pressure is aggravated by
If you can remember how much
you weighed when you were 21
you will do well to try to get
down to that level, unless it was
grossly out of line al that time.
Some people think that in order
lo lose weight Uiey must cut out
all foods that contain cholesterol
Although hardening of the arteries
s closely associated with a high
level o( clwlcsterol in the blood,
this level does not depend on the
amount of cholesterol in the diet
Gets Award
tail M. Nielsen, an engine in
structor with the 51!lth Field
Training Detachment, was award
ed $2(10 for sustained superior per
formance during the period of
June, lflfil. to November, 19(12.
Base Commander Col. Edwin .1
Wilzenburger presented the award
and complimented Niclson for the
assistance rendered the engine
shop, as well as olher shops.
Nielsen's actions and initiative
materially assisted the 408th Fight
er Group in attaining its position
s an outstanding organization.
Nielsen has been al Kingsley
Firld for four years. He resides
with his family at .Ki.11 Flint
Head Visits
Sir Knight Ray E. Allen, past
grand commander and inspector
general of the Grand Command
rrv of Knights' Templar of Ore
gon, will make an official visit to
Calvary Commandery Nn. lfi.
Knights Templar of K la m a t h
Falls, on Wednesday, Feb. 27, in
the Masonic Temple.
Sir Knight Levny W. Ixingmire,
eminent commander of Calvary
Commandery No. lfi, and his ofli
crs are planning a special pro
gram for the evening. All Sir
Knighls are Invited to attend.
rifle range, where recruits (ire
the M-14 rifle and receive in
struction on other infantry weap
ons. Kenneth E. Stalnaker, hospital
corpsman second class, USN, son
of Mrs. Rozella J. Stalnaker, XJOH
Derby Street, was graduated Feb
fi from the Field Medical Service
School at Marine Corps Base
Camp Pendleton.
The four-week course (rains
Navy personnel in medical aid
to the wounded under battlefield
conditions. The instruction
eludes infantry training similar
to thai received by Marines.
Chief Lon H. Winn, recruiter
charge of the Klamath Fall.'
Navy Recruiting Branch Station.
announced tlie Navy is now ac
cepling prior service personnel
lor enlistments of two, three, four
or six years.
tt.L'f Winn said the Navy has
lowered the term of enlistments
for ex-service personnel in order
lo provide experienced young men
with an opportunity to enlist in
the Navy for a shorter )criod of
Medicine Baffles
For Hearf Cures
Cholesterol is not a poison it
is an essential part of tlie body,
and Ihe body can produce Us ow n
even when there is none in the
Another help is to gel physical
excrciie every day. Dr. Stare re
cently compared a group of Irish
men living in this country with
their brothers who had remained
in Ireland. He showed that al
though Ihe brothers in Ireland ate
more starches and more fat. they
weighed 15 per cent less than
those in this country, and they had
a blood cholesterol level lhat was
alwut 10 per cent less. Further
more, they had only half the in-
jdence of coronary heart disease
The only explanation to he found
was that the Irish led a more ac
tive outdoor life than did those in
tills country.
Since cigarette smoking is
known to cause the arteries lo be
come constricted it is advisable,
if you must smoke, lo limit con
sumption to not more than a pack
a day. If any of the usual warning
signs occur, such as pain in the
region of the heart, attacks ol
faintncss, shortness of breath with
minor exertion or unexplained at
tacks of nausea, you should see
your doctor.
These signs do not necessarily
mean that you have heart trouble
but they do mean that heart trou
ble should not be ruled out.
U you have high blood pressure.
there are effective means ol keep
ing it within normal limits. This
is good prevention, because high
blood pressure means that your
heart is pumping the blood
Ihrotigh vour system against an in
creased resistance. This added
burden will cause your heart In
wear out sooner than it should.
It cannot Iw denied lhat many
a moderately severe heart attack
has acted as a timely warning. II
Mich a w arning is heeded, the vie
tim can make a good recovery
Then, under proper guidance, he
an avoid an early and possibly
fatal recurrence ami have many
kears of productive life.
For information about
Midlond Empirt't
insurance plan.
Midland Empire
100 Mtm St. Phtx TU 4 4 17
ill MeKibbin and Cltm L.iutur
Al a public iri o aur frindi
altata Ratify yaur accauntantt
that tha $50 tftducribla an wind
ttarm laiMt can ba deducttd ai
crtdit an 1962 incama tax ra-
J 4J.4B
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