PAGE 4 Monday, February 25, 19M HZRALD AND MEWS, Klamath falls. Ore. MARKETS and FINANCE Stocks NEW YORK STOCKS By United Press International Allied Chemical 44 Alum Co Am American Air Lines American Can American Motors AT & T American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Armco American Standard Santa re Eendix Corp Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air Brunswick Caterpillar Corp Chrysler Corp Coca Cola CBS. Columbia Cas Continental Can Crown Zellerbach Crucible Steel Curtis Wright Dow Chemical Uu Pont Eastman Kodak Firestone Ford General Electric Genera) foods General Motors General Portland Cement Georgia Pacific Greyhound Gulf Oil Hnmestake Idaho Poer IBM. Inf Paper .lohns Manville Kennecott Cbppcr Lockheed Ail era It Martin xd Merck Montana Power Montgomery Ward Nat' I Biscuit New York Central Northern Pacific PEC Gas Elec Penney J.C. Penn RIl Perma Cement Phillips Proctor Gamble Itadio Corporation fijchfield Oil Safeway Sears -Sliell Oil Socony Mobil Oil Southern Co Soulliern Pacific Sperry Rand Standard California .standard Indiana Standard N J. Stokely Van Camp Sun Mines Texas Co Texas Gulf Sulfur Texas Pac Land Trust Tjiiokol Trans America 'Drans World Air Tri-Continental Union Carbide L'nion Pacilir United Aircraft United Air Lmos U.S Plywood U.S. Bubher U.S. Steel West Bank Corp Wettinsliouse Youngstnw n Sfi 21 122'i 2SH 44' 53: 13'. 2D' 56 .18 33". B9' 93' 50' 27j 44h I!)5. 22-1, S8 241 'i 114'i 34'i 42 7.V4 18' 46'i 37"i 40' i 48'. M'i 404 29' 4 4S'. 70'.i 53 20-1. 804 W . 48 171. 42. Mi 4.1 IS'. 15 47i 71'j fii'l 4.1 mt 78'j tt'i fit '4 5.VH 29 I 13'. W. ! at'. BO'i 14H 2.1'i 47. 11'. 4.1 i 105'j M 48'', 45 47'. M'a 32'. 9fl5. LOCAL SLCiniTIES Prlies Until Noon Today - Rid Aiked Bank of Anienia w. 63 n 4 Ollf Pac Ltd 25 27'4 lion Freight I2' L1" Copras Mines 22 2:)' BnuiUble S 4 L X .16 lit Nat l Bank 64 67'i .lant:en Iii'4 28' 4 Morrison Knud.n 28', 30'3 Mult Kennels 3'. 41. N.W. Nat I Gas 34'i 36'i Orefon Metallurgical I't I5" PP & L 2' 28'. PGE 27 28. U S. Nat I "5 78'j United Utilities 22 28J4 West Coast Tel 22J. 24'. Weyerhaeuser 2V 2'. Bill Opposed By Welfare SALEM 1 Urn The State Public Wellaie Commission voted Friday to o)po-e a legislate e bill that would gne county wellaie commissions hums, firing and salary-fixing powers lor count) welfare cmpknes. The counties now contribute to a;ri, but not to administrate iSsts. Commissioner Clay Myers said the bill. SBM, would put the state commission in the position n handing out administrative money without any say in whcie it goes. The commission also opposed measure. JIB 12'A v. huh would prohibit the commission from uung stale tax records for in loi matron on wellaie cases 'Hie commission split on a Sen ate bill lo require Senate confir mation of appointments to a I I hoards and commissions. Mjeis. -J Portland, and Larry Aylsworth of Gresham said Uiey had no oh itttion to tlie hill. It was 0(xised by commissioners Knnis Kcier of North Rend. Kathleen Hash ol Medford, and Ray Catcs ol Salem 11 WALL STREET NEW YORK tUPIl Stocks sold off steadily on moderate vol ume today, winding up with one of their largest losses in the av erages so far this year. Despite the extent of the set- back, the loss reflected a lack of buying interest more than haavy selling pressure. The Dow Jones industrial aver age finished at its lowest level of the day with a number of its key components off a point or more, among them General Poods, General Electric, Westing house. John.vManville. Standard Oil of California, L'nion Carbide and Du Pont. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND il'Pli - "L'SDAl- Liveslock: Hogs 700; I and 2 barrows and gilts 190-230 lb 16.50-17: 2 and .1 grade 16-16.50; heavier 15.50-16 sows few 1-2 Biade .125-500 lb 11.50-15. Sheep 600; choice- prime wonted: lambs 1)0-105 lb 19-W.50: choice- prime shorn lambs No. .1 to fall shorn pelts IB-19; ewes few utility good 6-6.50. Cattle 1100; good-choice 1050 - 1100 lb steers 24-24 25; good 2.1- 23.50; standard-good heifers 20 - 22.50 canncr-cultor cows 11-14 cutter-utility bulls 18-20.50. Calves 150; good-choice under 500 lb .10-3.I; utility-standard 22- 28: Grains CHICAGO (UPIl - Gain anpe: HIGH LOW . CLOSE WHEAT Mar 2 07 206'. 2.06'. -4.07 May 2.075 2.06' -i 2.06- Jul 1IW' 1.92'j 1.02'. Sep 195'4 1.94Ji 1.95 Dec l.M lOH'i OATS Mar .73s4 .72'. .73". May .1H .70'4 .71U- Jul .6tl' .69 .69'. Sep .68'a .68'. .68-'a Dec .70-'i .70', .70'4 RVE Mar 1.16 1.35 1.35'j May 1.34 l.M 1.31 Jul 1.29 1.28 1 28 Sep 1.29''4 1.28'i 1.28'i Dec 1.304 1.30 130 Potatoes PORTLAND 'UPIl -Potato market : Steady; Ore. Russets U.S. N021 3 25-3.50, some best 4 00, si.ed 2 01 spread 4 50-4.75: bakers 375- 4 25; 6-14 Ol 3.60-185; bakers U.S No 2 2 65-2.90 50 lb sks No 2 2.40- 2.65. Weather Table Temperatures during the 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. Pst today. HIGH LOW Astoria 54 57 54 5t 56 52 66 27 82 40 65 Baker Medloid New port North Rend Portland Redmond Chicago Los Angeles New York San Francisco Blind Dog Is Sought Lulls Way Moo .lark, a regis tered sable Pekingese is blind and lost. Way Moo means general in Chinese. He belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 'Mildred' l.ufl of 422 North Third Street, but In obeys only Mrs. Lull's commands On Feb. 18 Jack. 9 years old. uddenly went blind and was taken to a veterinary at 2.2I Hope Street. After treatment two days later, the Inghtened pet es caied. Mrs Uilt had not told bun In "stay," as she usually did when leaving him. He wa still unable In see. The family has advertised with various news media without suc cess and has searched the vicini tv. A generous rewai"d is ollered lor information. He is without identification or license He had been tied on'- ide to a fence and pulled hl head through his collar. Telephone calls may he made 10 TU 4-6HHI, TU 4-5734 or Tl; 4-riM0. March Of Dimes Drive Reported Tl I.ELAKE - Money for the Mflich ot Dimes campaign is coming in nunc slowly veil , accinrting to I' Fie.i Kahncr. The Mottieis Man h rontnliu turns totaled S79 80 compared to Jllfi 41 in II2 Roy Seoul col lected $.V 60 in comparison to M last year. A Kiwanis-Holary i;.4iiie will re played In the Tul'lake Joint Un ion High School Gm, Ihe night of Feb 28 as a henelil lor March of Dimes. Two games will be plajed, between Newell and tine lake eighth giaders and two Pre wee uads Game time will he 6 to p m. ww-hr "r7 -v.h t"rm& I .- .y'j ' 1 LOOT FOUND NEAR KENO Thomai Sandars, left, obierves hand and power fools, valued at more than $350, that he and Lester Martin, both of Keno, found hidden in the brush while they were hunting antique bottles near the Keno dump Saturday. The tools were reported stolen last December by Todd Builders and Lord Brothers construction firms, which were on a conitruction project at the OTI campus when the theft took place. Sander, told sheriff's deputy Lou Bogart, right, that they were attracted to a sheet of plastic partly concealed under a bush. They removed the covering and found the tools under it. The stolen items were returned to their owners early Monday. Haines Murder Trial Hears Expert Testify Testimony of a ballislics expert from the Oregon Stale Crime Lab oratory established that several spent bullets found at the scene of the slaying of the common law wile of Jerry Richard Haines were tired Irom the .22 call bor pistol used in the killing, it developed Monday as the first degree murder trial resumed in circuit court after being recessed ince early Thursday. Haines is charged with the gun slaying of his wile. Christine, 30. following a disagreement at her home, .186.1 Clinton Street, Dec. 17. Robert W. Pinnick. assigned to the stale crime lab, told the jury that he perlormod various tests on Ihe alleged murder weapon which established that it was the gun used to discharge various bul lets found at the scene of the shooting. Pinnick said he fired several cartridges from the pistol at the crime lab and then compared the markings on the projectile: with those found at the scene ol the slaying. They matched, lie testified. Tile spent cartridges found at Burglars Hit Market Rui'glais broke into Larry's Market on Green Springs Drive in the Slcwarl-Lcnnx addition and escaped with cigarettes, beer. meal, and men's and women's hosiery, in one of three incidents reported to Oregon Slate Police Sunday. The burglary was report ed by a Herald and News courier who was passing the grocery alxmt 4 25 a m. when he noted th-tt a window in the front ot ihe stoie had been broken. In another larceny, Henry L. Schortgen, 4176 South Sixth Street, told polu-c that Ins automobile had been stolen horn in front of his home sometime after 1:15 a m. Sunday. Later Sunday night, a motorist and his two passengcis esraiied injury when Ihe vehicle he was duving went out of control and into a ditch on the Joe Wright Road, between Highwav 97 and the railroad crossing. The opera' lor was Robert Hay Kacret. Itle I. Ro.x 10,1, Tulelake. who m accompanied by H Caijientei also of Tulelake, and Fern Reed of Honann Obituaries VOOIL John Vofl'l Tfl dri here Ch ' M 11 turvwed tv r' tie. A-Mitimn rti Ou'Ch Hrni'v. WrftM Klmth t-wipr l Hnrnt lutiv at lorn Vill Inter mint, Mt, Clvf V (Hvtry, FOWILL AhMQ'it Powtll, 0 0'M In F'lirrs' f ml . HO JJ. I'M Survives Son toy d"rt f V'm fewN KM. O l . (MmjKtlH M' Aiini Hes'lt. M'limarl Mf ltM .SfifCV. thit tttv. Vn lvi III Agm. Tlll. O'l ! M tVnrttr"ICt'l and )4 grt Qf ir1i hmjfin f ici' Ol Wvi f Wtviv1lv. f Pti 1 ' Airdi Klamath u'ai Hdma at if W; am. CWKwiing wvum. ka Camatarv Funerals MI NOOIA ArithfWiy VHtflflfa. 0f 0 tr- i l i' Alio,) O' t" t ,i, f r ; t O u- al tf v 1 . 4 S ed Hf i-tirMilutp 3ft ivr 10 nt of I In (' S vixtul.ttK'n Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH TV fUf Xtf.t rtt.-r np or wnhhta hfn u iKik raj Unh or suftt'' Pon l tf anncixfil and f tiht f a1 hv uti-h humHiana KTH VH an IK.dlHf I lioil-di iij 1 (Hi drr tOM'Tltl k.f on 011r I'iatts krei-ji (ahf trftft nior tii ri 1 v rtx di ra ci'iifiiirnt f ! In of ncuriiv and aiitlfl comivn No Biifiimx .-)-""v piNt i tt or 'fil ing 'AM KV1 H iixtav l drug ctunr ttrmhttt attialaW' If I "' 1 '" 1 ' the Clinton Street house became the subjects of objections by the defense attorneys when deputy district attorney Bob Thomas at tempted to enter them into evi. dencc. The defense objected that the projectiles were being oflered as exhibits in the envelopes in which they were mailed lo the crime lah, but were finally admitted into evidence after they were placed in plain envelopes. IVo oilier witnesses testified briefly in ;he trial which entered its second week Monday. They were Slate Police Officer Dale Roebuck and Beverly David, 24. Timber Tax Bill Offered (Continued Irom Pagf 1) lo run for office without forfeiting jobs or job eligibility. A bill by Rep. Grace Peck. D Portland, and others would allow. entertainment and dancing in es tablishments serving only beer and wine, as is now permitted in establishments serving hard liq nor. Other House lulls call lor a homestead properly tax deferra lor the elderly, a new licensing program for Ihe sale of explosives Hid a program of vocational train ing for certain wellaie recipients Rep. Dun McKinnis' bill for 1 3-cent sales tax was read for Ihe first time. It calls lor an election in May, 1964. Also read lor the first time were Kymann's meas ures to remove auditing function Irom the secretary of state and create an elective state auditor position. Crash Hurts Local Girl An lfl-eHi-oIH KUnwtli Kails Rirl received minor injuries in two-rnr -ih Saturday and 42 year-old nvsidont as arrotod b city jwlice for drunken drivuii: ami drixmc durmc a stopended I jo r nid early Sunday morning. Pete M. Cortez. Autumn Street, was spotted weninc Irom siiic to ide while driving ot tire wH side ha5 near Ore ijon Avenue at 1 .VI a m When a city patrolman stnpd I'orle ' vehicle he (mind the driv er without a license. Coiter was Madeline and couldn't pas a tct thai the pa Irolman gae him at the scene of the arre-t. Slnrley Ann Atchley. ?2.W Had lille St i eel, complairuvl of pain dter she was unoKed in an accident with Kiancis IV Miller. 41. SCO Memorial Sheet, at 12 W pin. the intersection ot Mam and Ninth stieets. The vehicles, involved in a sule- wipe tyjie ai'cident. tecetvel mod' erale damage No cilalioiw were Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch Relieves Pain n t.fc, V 1. ii.,.ii - r Ihn ftrt tim .fifnr lift, frtun.l I ftfw hhnir'f with lV tr Lhmr il V In .hrmii h.n.r rhntH.. tlrp itrh'nc. ni rliv In f. f I rr in. t. hil cntlr rfhf.irir p.n. tiuil rMmn.'n I hripAe l tivk p i,f . Jlftitairaimspl ail-rf iilu wr i Community Concert Set For Tonight The Community Concert audi once Monday night will hear two of the most popular music artists on the concert circuit, Arthur Whitlemore and Jack Lowe. Cur- lain lime is 8 p.m. at Mills School Auditorium. The duo-pianists are at the pin nacle of their popularity and pics lige and have run up a record of achievement in everv medium open to Ihe duo pianists' art. They have appeared with many of the great symphony orches tras as soloists including the New York Philharmonic. As recitalists they arc veterans of many highly successful New- York appearances, and each year thev cross the American conti nent filling solidly-honked itiner aries of engagements. Admission to the concert is by membership tickets onlv. None are sold at the door. The new member campaign for ihe 1903-19H4 season will he kicked olf Monday al 5:45 p.m. with dinner for board members and camoaiun workers at the Winema (Hotel. The campaign for renewal members was completed Feb. 21. Campaign headquarters are at Ace Mimeo Service, 312 South Seventh Street. Mrs. Howard Rowe is mem bership chairman. The Paris Chamber Orchestra of 15 young musicians has been hooked lor next season's series. Three Killed In Traffic Ity I'niled Press International Three ixrsons lost their lives in Oregon traffic accidents dur ing the weekend. Itohort A Urns, 28, Aumsville. was killed in a one-car accident near Albany Sunday. His car plunged off State Highway 22fi in to Thomas Creek. Margaret McCilvnn. 73. New berg, was struck and killed by a car on I'.S. Highway WAV north of Newborg Saturday night. Francis Burnside. 51. Veneta was struck and killed hy a car on I'.S. Highway I2t near Kugene Friday night. State John H. Carter Services Held I.KK IK .lohn Henry Car tei. HI, died Feb 21 at Salem and tunc a I services were held Mondav. Feb 2$, at the New Tine freek Ha;tisl Church. Interment was in the Now Pme Creek Cem etery, with the Hev ;nrdn Har ris ofliciati ig Carter u.x horn April 2. 1W1 and had livnl at Vow Pme Creek tiir almut Idji' and a half vears Surviving are his w:te, Verla New Pme Cieek: six sons. Char ley of Wa-h.ngton. Wilbur. Cor vallis. Frnet. Hood River, llan, Hernard. and Jne nf New Pme Creek: a d.uiiJiiYr. Aivce Carter, New Pine Creek, and two sister Maiv Toim'!-:, ti it-s, and Daisy Nukt'i. Kend in lhcr,.ucti Ihm lufffrfr mud tcnih i,gr M'n,ntp I'tf "Ptlt Thp .rrrt , b'. tig 'ib ttnr ,p n i.ti ri,,,-frv f A nrM-fii.M,. ir.r.nn in.utmr. 1! u!. AC l ft,Jft.if in IT""m y r n n'mtml fnr. un-lff '.h f.rflf r-'i-rt-afi At all drug rruntfr, Teddy Kennedy Grabs News Camera; Vermont Paper To File STOWE, Vt. (UPH-A skcs man lor the Vermont Publishing Co. 8a id today a formal com plaint uill he filed against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass , for allegedly seizing the camera of a news photographer who snapped his picture al a ski lodge. Richard E. Gallagher, general manager of the corporation, said the complaint is being prepared by a lawyer. He would not dis close the nature of the complaint Philip N. Lawson. 21, a stalf photographer for the Vermont Sunday News in Burlington, said Kennedy grabbed his camera Sat Alert Patrolman Squelches Breakin At Bottling A knifing, two brcakins and a case of vandalism reported over the weekend are being investigat ed hy Ihe Klamath Falls Police Department. Sharon Delorme, I7.'i4 Lark Street, was treated Ion knife wound on her arm at Klamath Valley Hospital at 3:30 a.m. Fri day. She told police that she was ap proaching her car on South Sixth Street, when someone srahhed her from behind and stabbed her in Ihe arm and then ran off. Miss Delorme was unable to identify her assailant or give any reason for the attack. A burglary attempt at the Coca Cola Bottling Company, 105 Spring Street, was sqeulchcd around midnight Saturday when a city patrolman on his regular beat heard an alarm at the planl and rushed to the scene in lime to spook the would-be burglars before they had a chance to open an office safe. The police recovered a crow. bar that the thieves apparently dropped in their haste. T h e thieves gained access into the building by breaking and climb ing through a rear window. The theft of two chain saws and various other tools from the city street department garage was reported lo city police Fri dav. Hershel B:.irl Holloman is be ing held in the county jail in con nection with the burglary. He was found hours later near Ihe scene (Continued from Page 1) (lent of the United States, w ho has just been elected to the Senate of the United Slates, is of course entitled to his privacy. But- In the white light that doth beat iboul the While House if one may paraphrase Alfred Ixird Ten nvsons lines about the "white light that doth beat about a throne" there is no such thing as privacy. When an American en ters that circle, he must learn to leave his privacy behind. voting Ted will learn that in lime. I In The , I IV IT nays Ms Chi I o qui n Sets Date For Chiliburger Event CHILOQUN - Monday. March II, was the dale set for the annu al chiliburger dinner, the only money making event Ihe Chilo- (inn PTA sponsors during t h e sdmol year. Mrs, Denel Wilson and Mrs. Krank Ohlund were named to head the planning com mittee. President Roger Wright con ducted the Kehruarv meeting dur ing which the members voted as lavoring four of the live automo bile saietv measures which are coming up belore the Oregon leg islature and voting "no" on the proposed wording of the mavi mum speed law. Mrs. Bill Wanipler reported that to that date the governors of 11 of the .V) states had rescinded to the ('hiliKiuin apieal of native hitibs or trees to assist with the landscaping of the now Clulo- iinn High School. The letter Irom Mark Hatlield was read. Kach stale hut Tcas had been willing lo assist because of t h e educa tional nature of the project. Tex as does not irs hide lunds in its slate hiulcel for that type of gill Tense Nerves Block Bowels New laxative acts on colonic muscles... de-constipates overnight. TNf muvulir it ot' our voion con Mms nfrt known to n-r.1:t;.nc AtrSt h's Pirni In rcfular people, lb ncne lell ihe colon mn-lev lo frond nt1 evrel ie from th hooV HhI lci nrf Of c 'notional ups Af Nv.k onr normal howff haNlv N our co'on mtivif unpiike ntt r longer f . on tnougn to criminate -ie hith ilnf and hnnk. further djrujimf the condition. The moM etleiif relict, mn dov to av, come, irom i buikmd ciion lompirtfd 'lh i co'omc rtere Mim laung iviton. Ol aii trading iajuwt urday after lie took a picture of Kennedy in ski garb outside the lodge at Smugglers Notch. Lawson said Kennedy exposed the film to light, ruining it. and then returned the camera with its flash attachment bent and a seam on its leather carrying case lorn. A spokesman for Kennedy quoted the senator as saying. "The story is ridiculous. It has been distorted." The spokesman said Kennedy had spent plenty of time over the weekend posing for professional and amateur photographers and thai when the senator asked Ijw- of the crime with one of the stolen chain saws In his possession. Holloman was originally charged with vagrancy and later with burglary when police found t h c tolcn saw and the one in his possession had the same .serial number. The suspect claims that he pur chased the saw in Silverton last December. Police found the other saw near the scene of the breakin half bur ied in dirt. It was determined that Holloman had Ihe same type of dirt all over his boots, police said. According to police the thief had to climb a high fence and break E. Krueger Succumbs Edgar L. Krueger, 51, 244 North Laguna Street, died in Hillside Hospital about 8:30 a.m. today as Ihe result of a heart seizure he suffered while driving In work about 20 minutes earlier, accord ing to information received by I the Herald and News. Kreuger. a local painter, was driving his pickup truck along Alameda Avenue when he was stricken with a heart attack. The car went out of control and veered off the road into an embankment near Beverly Drive. Krueger ap parently then stepped from his truck and laid down beside it, where he was found soon after by state police. The victim was taken by Peace Ambulance to Hillside Hospital where he died soon after. Krueger, an employe of a local painting contractor for the past several vears, was cHsthotind on MamcHa Avenue when he was stricken. The victim had lived at the Laguna Street address with his wile, Alice. Hospitalized U)S ANGELKS UPD - Actor- dancer Gene Kelly today under- went treatment for a slipped disc. Attendants at Mt. Sinai hospital aid Kelly. .SO, would remain hos pitalized for several weeks. He was admitted Kridav. Dr. Cliff liohinsnn. county school superintendent, talked In the members about the present inadvisahility of introducing driv er educatiion courses in the lo cal high school; and sxke about the new high school building in relation to its sie. possible fu ture uses, and the great need to apreciate and take the best pos sible care of the structure and its equipment. Milton Ogilen's seventh grade won the room count and refresh ments were served hy fifth grade mothers, alter which Mrs. Athel lloscr presentrd material on Founders' Day and a PTA film was shown. Nominating commitlee to re port at next meeting will be Mrs. Hubert Ioak. Mrs. William W am pler, and Mrs. William Wiest. PNYBACK'SS k lovviy rrtin fiowtrt lo lay "Thanki" thtv .peak vaur appreciation. Sec Nyback'l flow.r Fair. 3614 So. 6th St. onU a nc Ubicl called ('ot n. in uie on ihi. pci.l combination 'or i otcrt'ifihi rc'iel III t in on iO Mimiiljte colon .c nere network, to Ui'thcr Kt'4U and rcBitijne it niu-cuiar "nimen'en! ', i'i v mowin unique rf-buiknt Hilton helpt re-tone ien.e .olon riii.ii t 'it. oion mo moi..lurie. lor e.m p.t 4 je wnnoui Pin or tra n tntsui(fn re ite e chronic con irjnort oernigfit. et n u ciiiikjiU pioved gentle ecn lor expecUnl "iM hf I'Ct C in on in tod a v. IMKODU lom Sli. Complaint son not to use Uie film the pho tographer "was very cooperative and handed over the film. But Ihe photographer's Employ or, William Loeb. publisher of the newspaiier, said Ihe incident il lustrated the "naked arrogance of the Kennedys." "Being a U.S. senator has ap parently cone to Teddy Kennedy's 31-year-old head. Loeb said. Kennedy was at the resort with his wife, .loan, Atty. Gen. and Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy and their children, and Mrs. Robert S. Mc N'amara, wife of the defense sec retary. Plant a rear window to get into the building. The stolen items then had to be hoisted back over the fence wiin the aid of a rope. Mrs. Albert Longmire. 235.) W'antland Avenue, reported to po lice Friday that the rear window of her station wagon was broken about 10:40 p.m. Thursday while the vehicle was parked on South Tenth Street between Main and Pine streets. Mrs. Longmire estimated the damage at $100. Merit's Appliances Where QUALITY is remembered long after price is forgotten. Merit's brings you this exceptional buy on ranges from 30" Imperial Fully Automatic Luxury Range Regular Price . . . 349.95 Lett ColOre League Bonui Lett Equal Bonus From Merit'! NOW ONLY... 309.95 Less a Jumbo Trade on Your Present- Range V - 7 ADMIRAL 30 Imperial Automatic Rang MODEL FE3037 Luxury range! Automatic oven timer. Minute. Minder. Sliding door spice enclosure with 6-pc. set. 6"nd 8" "Hot Spot" surface units, 2 normal 6"unit, with Flex-o-Heat controls, disposable drip guards. Giant 2-T "picture window" oven has variable heat broiling control, removable racks, rack glides and door, tip-away bake and broil elements, all-smooth interior. Timed outlet; surface and oven lights, broiler pan, chrome grill, full-width drawer. 43" h 30"w.,25!-2-d. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM CAL ORE UICTRICAl UAGUI (ONUS QUALIFICATION po! 0 Ourchje of ttw ilectnc wuiomn irU Mi It m ttHfr:rl trrf4 huv'-t hetui bi Ii Qv t-, vbt1 J",t''C tMlf! ! (tllinf dtir. O1 t4 Fh t t Atv.l 'J-t. 'rt-t v v't-.(rf -o-W orvr V S tt i EUDGET TERMS 335 East Main MERITS A spokesman al the lodge said Kennedy regretted the incident but had made it clear earlier that he would be happy to pose for pic tures on the ski slopes but did not want any pictures taken when he was dressed in after-ski clothes. Law son said he took his flash bulb picture after a Montpelier photographer had snapped the senator without using a flash. He said Kennedy had returned from skiing shortly before and was still dressed in his ski togs.. Kennedy apparently was un aware of Uie first picture but ob served Lawson's flash. 'He turned on me after Ihe flash went off and grabbed my camera." Lawson said. "He asked me whal paper I worked for and why I took the picture. "Then he walked into the lodge lobby wilh my camera, exposed the lilm to the light and gave my camera back to me." The photographer said he in formed his editor of the incident and left without a picture. The editor, Robert Bruso, notified. Loch. The publisher said. "At Stone. they i the Kennedys' were without their usual high-powered press agents and for once the way America's would-be royal family (eels about us lesser mortals came through loud and clear." 20.00 329.95 20.00 fOU OIB or tnr tr"i FREE DELIVERY TU 4-4478 m- -tar. n