LEGAL NOTICE No. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THfi CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY )r KLAMATH In the Walter of H.e Estate of LOLA FRANCES DRISCOLL, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai t m the duly appointed, qualified and act ing executor of the eitste o Lola Frances Driscoll, deceased. All persons having claims aqdinst said estate are hereby notified to rresent the same, with vouch' ers attached In (he manner provided by law, to me at my office at 206 Pine Tree Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months ot February 11, 1943, the data ot tha first publication of this notice. EDWIN E. DRISCOLL, Executor of tl. Eltate of LOLA FRANCES DRiSk oll. Deceased. Leoal No. 937, .eb. 11, 18, 35, March 4, 11 FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 925 rutin vrcei. pnone TU 7-Vt. MEETING NOTICES 1 KLAMATH LODGE No. 77 AF& AM hold o STATED COM MUNICATION, Mon day, Feb. 25, 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. Refreshments, entertainment-. Gene R. Byrnes, W.M ALOHA CHAPTER NO. 61, O.E.S, will hold a stated meet ing Tuesday Feb, 26th ar 8 p.m., Ma sonic Temple. Initia tion. All members and Visiting members cordially invited. Leona Selby, W.M SanforH Selby, W P L05T & FOUND .2 LOST: Tallaata for '57 Ford pickup, Ore con He. TI20 347, between Merrill and Kiamain t-aiis, iu -aoy. REWARD old Pekingese dog, Ian, blind, named "Jack," lost from 2521 Hope, WprJ. pm. TU 4-606): TU 4-3590 PERSONALS NICE home with board and room for elderly couple. Personal Interest shown. Box 457C Herald & News. LADIES: For your "MAGIC" hour with Luiier personalized cosmetics as de scribed In March McCalls, ph. Marorie Ovgflrd, TU 4-37BB. ANGLE'S Home for elderly ladies, va cancy March 1, appointment, TU 2-3264, KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help for families of alcoholics, Til 4-7129 or TU ?-57J0. PP. BP IMS. SERVICES PAINTING. Interior or exterior, no ob too small, free estimate, tu 2-540. KENMORE, KELVINATOR, WHIRLPOOL Repair & overnaui specialist Washer, dryer, range, water heater FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 316 SO. 6th TU 2-3115 TARINFT makina our specialty, furni ture refinlshinfl, excellent references, TU 4.4)079. SAVE 20 per cent on TV, radio repairs. Csih and carry. Bring sets to 131 Want- land, 11 a.m. to i p.m. aany. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharoenlno service. Small repairs. Nw, used bicycles, parts. T & C Shopping Center, 3726 So. 6th. TU 4-3747 SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ph TU 4-6467 anytime, urn r orney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place Al Stoll. TU 4-6126. REMODELING and repelrs, all kinds, reasonable, references, iu 2-S3SB. DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. rw Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURB SERVILE 1 033 Mam TU 4-1JI4 Gina's Tailor Shop Tniloong - alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. HEALTH ... 12 protein, NUTRI-BIO vitamins, minerals, f.'A'aarrt Zlrqclmcyer, TU 2-3537 EDUCATIONAL 13 U S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS' Men women, 18-52. Star hiqh as S'02 a week. Prnaratory trainmq until ap pointed. Thousands of tops en n. Ex perience usually unnecessary. FREE in formation on jobs, salaries, requirements Write TODAY giving name, address d phone. Lincoln Service, Box 433C, Her id ift Nfwi HELP WANTED, FEMALE VVOULD you lik beautiful clothes and money too? Earn them conducting BM tme Fashion Shows. Transportation neces sary. For appointment and further de tails phoot, TU 2-5062. AVON has three territories, available to neat, ambitious mature women who have rare time and an automobile, tarn i per hour while learning. For Interview, write Immediately to Avon Cosmetics HELP WANTED, MALE .16 FXPERIENCED draftsman wanted, phone TU 4-3334. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Hrald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esolonode PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 WANTED elderly couple nr man for fforps and light work on ranch, Tu i mi. WANTED man and wife tn wo'k on Poultry farm, no small Chitfl'en, Hit 7, n-f tij SITUATIONS WANTED ......JS EXPERIENCED lady wsles cild ti'fi In your home, day or night. TU 4-850. MLL00housework. phone TU 4-939K J AC K" i" J I L L DA Y "NURSERY Hcur. Day, WM, Mnn through Frl. 8 am. to 4 p.m. HfJen Lehman TU J 1844 1321 Carlson Dr EXCELLENTchild care, my home, rea sonable rates, phone TU 2-5974 A' al"e .'fully etoerifnred an phases of of fice prxedure, TU 2-8i7, EXPEfliENCE6bahy"sitT3. anviime, tiy home. South Suburban. TU 4-4jl3. IRONING, washing, p-ck'T deliver. Hand ROOMS FORJllNT -.- 22 5 T E a V ead, guiet. t'ttt'-'Q rooms VQ Sc. ith, TU 3-02 1 a roov. poaoo 'gestle van coescent fVEN. heLsefceen.g rrym. cc"';i'lef HOT r i rnr.rr,. hurhetdr n-utrtert O' S K $85 moitMr. 'V.Ma-d MU TU 4-4'J'. flGAjT O A i . Cfan hounweg room, fiM-es fumnea, 3 t 7 p TU 2-'-7 CLEAN toiler !ib' '00r: J b'OCfcl from M.n, $i 8. uo TU 4 ij.'t 50VS sa'i Mu'. rMv.4S'e will 24 CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Metal. TU 2 256. NEWLY decorated apt., all utilities ex cept electricity, aduiii only, tiO, 319 East ADt. 3. MILLS one bedroom furnished, 2340 White. 145. TU 2-4927 evenings, THREE room furnished apartment, walk- ing distance, electric heal, 140, ph. TU 2-1601. NICELY furnished three room apt. Close in, laundry facilities, adults only, no pels. 802 Lincoln. CLEAN studio, downtown, couple, single. utiinies. mi, oreer Apr., iu -6e. CLEAN 1 bedroom apt., steam heat, downtown. TU 4-5666. DUPLEX block off highway. Weyer. haeuser Junction, all tleclrk. TU 2-3129, COMPLETELY furnished sludio apart ment, alt utilities paid, S15, a week or available by the month, washer . dryer. Villa Marquis Apartments, 1330 Oak, TU 4-7658. SMALL furnished basement apartment, S35 including utilities. Mills, TU 4-9260. SMALL furnished apartment close '0 Main, wk. or mo., 333 S. Ulh. MODERN two bedroom furnished apart ments, TU 4-5692. ROOSEVELT APT5. 2036 LeRoy Ph. TU 2-1749 Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom. Garage. Hot walar heM. Hot Spring; area. Adults. FURNISHED apartment. 850 Riverside. TU 4-7692 or TU 2-0645. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, 4731 S. 6th. ROOMY one bedroom furnished apart, ment near Main, adults, $47, TU 4-3342. FURNISHED 3 room bachelor apis., clean, modern, 132.50, lights, water paid TU 2-6547, TU 4-B26I. SMALL furnished apartment, close !n, utilities paid, $37,50, 433 No. 10th. NATURAL hot water. ? furnished rooms 1842 Esplanade, TU 4-9754, TU 4-8354. PLEASANT furnished apt. Utilities, wash ing facilities, TV cable, close 1o Klam ath Valley Hospital. 1 or 2 persons. $60. TU 2-2767. HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnished, rags, $75, utilities paid, TU 2-1663. ga- THREE room furnished apartment, $55, all utilities paid, 911 Walnut. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, util ities except electricity, 524 High. CLASSY, downtown, free heat, furnished. adults, 559.50. Alpha ApiS., TU 4-4522. CLEAN furnished Studio Apt., Marion Apt. annex., 223 N. 6th. EXCEPTIONAL 3 room furnished apt., adults, no pets, TU 4I2B2 after 5 p.m. ONE or twe bedroom, furnished) heat, water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartment, 530, 2126 Reclamation. BEDROOM 8. 3 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-5686. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. THREE room, furnished apartment, 2061 White. UNFURNISHED twj bedroom apartment, nquire 2519 Ap'rjd'e. THREE room furnished, cean and quiet. $32.50, TU 4-4640 Or TU 4-8866. LARGE 2 room furnished apartments, $37.50 and 540, TU 4-36'8. THRFF room furnished apartment, all utilities. Adults. $65. 39 Mam. FURNISHED one room apartment, $40, utilities paid, 419 North 10th. Furnished 3 THREE room furnished, $40, 200' i E, Main, two room furnished, (25, 200 E Main, ph. TU 4-7290, TU 4-4121. ONE room apartments, furnished, util ties except lights, $37.50 and 140. Re Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. ONE and two bedroom aoti., furnished or, unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or see at 1779 Fargo. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, turnisned, iv avananie. weekly rates. Pelican iVottl, TU 2-9236. FWAUNA . DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 319 So. llth. TU 2 1062. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, TV, 135, NICE clean furnished apartment, close TU 2-2531, TU RICKFALLS APARTMENTS nnd MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom apts, Furnished and Unfurnished " $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Wwkly Motsl Rotn TU 2-5577 $36 lo $58. 50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1-1-3 bodroom anfs., furnnnea or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APA RT VP NTS HV WASHBURN WAY TU i-KTl Office hours I a m. to 4 p.m. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2144 Union ( I bedroom unfurnlthed 1 Bedroom unfurnished Soaeious Rooms Tastefully Derora'ed Well to Wall Carpttino Swimming Peel Rental includes all services wcept telephone and electricity Ofpi Nriai Tit votm HOUSES FOR RENT 26 Twn " Mrironm rwtlv furnished dupl' oartMoe, water, washer hookup, TU 2-4247. LARGE 3 bedroom duple, stove, refrlg. carport, after S, TU 4-4244. F XC F I 1 FNT two bdroom. unfurnished: flouhie oarage, nice neighborhood, TU 4 5J7S. PURNiSHPD oie bedroom, water, oar baoe. Wocus. no pets, m tu -9497. FOUR bed'oom. 2 htM, ikeplace. Un furnished 180. TU 2-'57 eves. Clf AN nicelv furnished, newly redecor ated, larqc homelike apartment. Paveti ,trf(!t, npr downtown, floor furnace, oa raqe, storm winrtOs Water paid. Carppt. ing, fireplace. Suitable for couple. $82 50 TU 4 7CJ9, ONE bedroom furnnhed, COuPie, hah in velrom. All paid, $75. Inquire 4107' i Momedale. FIJRNl'sHFD small two bedroom house. 173 Vnashpum Wv, Inquire 17W Wash bum Way, TU 4-5'401 CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, Mills TU 2-332J. VILLS ADDITION, clean t bedroom cab in. $:$., TU 4-:8541TU 4-9754. CLEAN furnished sme'1 cottages, $30. wn'er, garpnae, '350 Owens. LOOKING-for er attractive little house fully lu'n'shM7 Economical Ott heat. 4 rooms plus bflCk porf-h 0"e ewtra larg heC'on"n Washer, dryer, rf iriOrior, new bathoom. ia'gt va'o. run sue rage. 510 Co'tage. $55. occu paicy, TU 7 5115 ffl' further Information 73J' j ALAMEDA, couple, no pets, range refrig, fireplace, garage. $M, TU4-4aji, THREE-room turnhrd house, garage. Inquire 18?2 Summer i.ane l"apge 'wo bdroom urfirnlshed duple n-ar Congf School. $85. TU -H. ONF hfirwn. dean. !t!",isKe,i 0' u" wmished. dose m. $f0 'U TWO hertrfv-m hOus, oa'f ly 'urn, shed near Weyerhaeuser $j5 . U J-8'35 T R A IL F hPUS ffrjofcn qrg, sh house. 5414 inoependence, Tu 2 :15'. ,,'.AIL J hedrrtom partly furnished, dose il, 15, TU . 4Mb. I U i-"'-Ji two room tumsed. C'os ifl-Ju'',47C IN "hENLE Y bedroom clus "l S'C'V tovs. 2 cf:'d't, $ii. references. K 4-6J94, Rte 7- 55 ONf ' bdre-im' fu"isrtd hOuSI. phot TU ttV or TU 4-8574 j'iEO'OOM irrtuTt-s"l dupi. eie" rced vard. carper Wa'fr D4"j (.an, iV'ACUL.ATf- "ely dfrirtrd. W-'V -.if-ea two tfd'ocm, (nqi:-re 'JU7 unco. APARTMf NTS FOR KENT HOUSES FOR RENT 26 UNFURNISHED one bedroom modern house, fenced yard, near schools, shop ping center, TU 2-3070. N E ATtwo bedroom.' cheep heat, uniur nlihed, fireplace. 577 so close to school, TU 2-41H or TU 2-4191. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, wash er -dryer hookup, circulating tireplece, hardwood floors, targe, oeen, TU 4-8263. ONE bedraom furnished duplex, adults, no dogs, Ui. TU 4-42IL LARGE 1 bedroom partly furnished house, basement, garah. TU 2-0535. REMODF L E D 2 bedr 00 """dupl x , luf" nished, its. Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom furnished, 550, TU 4-8261. MODERN two room cabin, nicely furn ished, 523, no drinkers, TU 4-3762. FURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex and lall cottage. Inquire 313 Grant. N FUR NISHED two bedroom house, 3010 Boardman, TU 2-0990. UNFURNISHED clean three bedroom home, automatic heat, carpeting, neir Fairvlew and Academy schools, 727 MI Whitney. $75 a mo. TU 2-4B75. TWO bedroom unfurnished home. Large living and dining rooms, fenced back yard. Storage and utility rooms. Wonder ful neighbors. Close to school and shop ping cenler. TU 2-5558, TU 4-6704. FURNISHED two bedroom, one bed room, and cabin. See at 325, 327, 329 Division. TWO bedrooms, walkin closets, hardwood floors, near town, 309 N. 10th. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house, 5519 Delaware, TU 4-5666. FURNISHED three bedroom house on two a cres, Old Midland road, SIOO. TU 2-3552. TWO bedroom house, south suburbs. close to Ferguson School, TU 4-4412. TWO bedroom house in South Suburbs, newly painted throughout, wil' accept two or three children, $70, TU 2-2410. TWO bedroom unfurnished, garage, tenced yard, 2 miles north of town, chil- fren, pels, O.k. $65, TU 2-6590. UNFURNISHED 2 bedrMmdupix, full basement, fireplace, ha 'd wood floors, electric heat, $80 & $70. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except for stoves, $50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. ONE bedroom,, unfurnished except elec tric range, free hear and water, adults, no pets, $60. TU 4-'558. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, wafer paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1 45ft. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 RENT or lease 112 acres near Tulelake, TU 4-4990 after 3 p.m. OFFICE space or store rental avail able across from Courthouse. TU2-65TO, REAL ESTATE WANTED 28; NEEDED by April 1st clean 3 bedroom ( minimum 1 home, close in. Excellent care asiurrrl, Pay fp S125, TU 4-5263. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 CLEAR vacant property In business dis tnct on South Sixth St. in Klamath Pans for properly Ir A;h!'nd or Medford (small house or vacant tancn. iu -6j. DESIRABLE suburban 7 room home with valuable acreage to exchange tor quai value home in Eugene, ore. write Box 456C Herald 8 News. WILL trade equity In house for pickup or wnai-navs-you. TU DO you have a 53,000 paid up home? Would you like to trade for either an 18.000 home or 3 rental units? Write Box 4446C Herald & News. I om a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cat. Ida, Wash. "V17 Main St TU 4 4127 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 4 13 ACRES, three bedroom brick house, built In kitchen, large rooms ail carpet ed, fireplace, TV room, outbuildings Fenced. 116,000. TU 4 8357. SELL equity In good 2 bedroom home, iU 3-33IB. FOR SALE or rent, small one bedroom house, cheap. 412 McLean. Wrile Charlie Rown. P.O. Box (3. Coburg, Ore., Dl 3-8916. LARGE one bedroom house on Green- carinas Dr., furnished, lots ot euwir.t Lev down payment, owner will carry paper, TU 2 0975. SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom. Large livino room, fireplace, dlnino room. N hirch kitchen and utility. Newly painted inside and out. $9,950. TU 4-87B6. FOUR apartments, ceilrn. investment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-696S, TWO bedroom house for sale or rent with outbuilding, fenced yard, IU 4-ovay. in quire 1719 Laurel. TuopF h-rtrnnm. hnilt in oven and ranae garage, fireplace. Owner transferred, 4319 Fargo. TU 2 71. MUST SELL. Take Over pavment. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, V) acre. TU 2-3891 fwobedr"oom house, fireplace. S acres, Henley School District, TU 4-7980. TWO bedroom home, NoMhside, $5,000, e.lra lois available, TU 2-3544 anytime 3TACRES potato land, tn alfalfa I years. John E. House Jr. Bonanza, Ore five room home In Malin, wide lot. Malin 713-2203. HOUSE, three cottaqes, furnished, good business corner. $12.500, 1955 S 6th. VOvTng! Three bedrooms, Vi bath, builtin kitchen, brick fireplace, wail 10 wall carpetinq, stem windows, Henley district, TU 4-5866 after 6 p.m. RESIDENTIAL building Tots. On, 145 ft. x 302 ft ; Six, Sized 96.1 ft. X 3fT2 H. Par. tieiiy developed suburban area. Local phone TU 2-1054. vTevv-ofKiamsth Lake from this at tractive 3 bedroom home New carpel, sliding glass doers onto covered patio, hullt-in kitchen appliances, fireplace. fenced yard, playroom-oaraoe. Many rther features, $'5,200 Any kind Of fi nancing Shnwn by appointment only, Phone TU Mpnr Hinh School La'ge 2 bedroom furnished or unfur nished, full basement, gas and wood fur nace, ut'li'v porch, enclosed back yard $2,500 equity, assume present contract payments $75 per month. Call fer ap po.ntment, TU 4-5248. MOVING? Witl "TRADE" vour property any. where west of the Rociu! Cell DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Cub Licensed Ore. Cal Ida. Wash. Multiple Listing Service MLS ALL BRICK Th, U stdl time to choos vfi rr colors aid futures in this new three heoroom hnrr. Lt'QP fc itchf n fart" I V room, 1' 3 ba"s, appliances built in. The price Is ignt, $if,flJ0. BRUCE OWENS Ry Worfln TU 4 92(7 TU )! Lueii't Anrjirson Multiple Listing Srvice MLS QUALITY F 'crotioneHy hu'" ' hr rytm home with family rry,m, firep'att. Summer Lant. Over 1.400 sq. t. Of ''Virg ere. Ovtr s.;ed double detached garage and wijrunoo Lerrjt tot. Price $?) r will ci"Siflr trad for mul'ipit unit dwellmo. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE iiruli p tNTtTinNAL TRADERS CLUR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30RCAL ESTATE FOR SALE SACRIFICE $1,400 eouity for $1,0M. Thomas built new 3 bedroom, 2 batns, fireplace. Carpet throughout, double ga rage. Assume loan. No escrow costs. TU 2-4180 NORTHSIDE Owners will carry contracts This one bedroom ground level apart menl will help vou pay tor the nice 7 bedroom home. Fireplace and hardwood lloon In a targe living room overlooking the city. Close in, Both tor only se.tnu Also solid 3 bedroom home with large living room, dining room, and den. Two car garage. Lanascapea lancea yata with patio. $12,500. We also have good rentals. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0I6I SHASTA WAY Neat 2 bedroom home, located across from new Oregon Food Slore on Shasta Way. Fireplace, 2 car garage, lencea back yard. Consider trade Mr down pay ment. Price 513.800. MOTEL 10 modern units with kitchens, room for expansion lo 10 more, Located dose to new OTI site. In real good condition. would take home tor equity, price $62,000 on real good terms. BARNHISEL AGENCY Wm. Creswell 112 S. Ith STROUT REALTY 5429 S. th Ph. TU 4-5281 TU 2-5401 TU 2-5048 acres Irrigated, large 2 or 3 bedroom home, tireplace, recreation room, all m excellent condition, north on highway 97, 517,500. Newer 3 bedroom, south suburban, paved street, fireplace, wall to wall carpet, builtin oven, stove, dishwasher, two baths, double attached oarage. 515,750. acre on Sprague River, good wen. $1,600. Multiple Listing Service MLS MEDFORD Spacious 3 bedroom suburhan home. Lo cated miles north of Medford on "t acre estate with tine old oak trees for shade, on a knoll that over-looks the beautiful Rogue River Valley. This home has view In all directions and is de signed for traffic flow from the kitchen to alt parts of the home. Total heated area 2,400 sq. ft. Two fireplaces, 2 2-3 baths, sun room, shade porch, lots of lawn. Price S3, 000. Will consider trade for Klamath Falls property. PEYTON Vember International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenlnos Mr Dan Nichols TU 4-8851 Harold M. Rush TU 2 173 Pat" Palone TU 2-oeift SOUTH SUBURBAN ESTATE. Fine two hedroom home with fireplace, un i acres. Concrete walks, garage. inrge, shoo, insulated storage house, two room guest house, very handy small earn, neatly painted fences, very good pasture. Well eoulooed to keep horse or cow. Ideal home for persons with a noony. aii mis lor $14,500. Owner will sen turnnure, horst and horse trailer with property. Call us for appointment to see. MILLS Addition Duplex, completely reno vated and redecorated Iniide and out side Two 1 bedroom apartments with rat.qe and refriqerator. Electric heal. Price 815,600, $3 000 down and $0 per month. Will consider trade for smaller property. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker TU 2-3471 Eves. TU 4-9693 CITY BARGAINS FAIRVIEW SCHOOL. Big 1 bedroom home, extra laroe living room. Fun basement. SO 120 lot. Easy walking distance to Main St. $8,250. Name your own terms. MILLS ADDITION. ? Bedrooms F I I si ltd lot. 2118 Orchard. S4,4nj. win accept any reasonable terms. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 S 7'h St. TU 4, 558 Anytime Multiple Listing 5rvic MLS HENLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. New three bedroom home on 2 acres. Let us show! you the many fine features ot mis toveiy home. Only J20,joo. LARGE 4 BEDROOM home lust a few hincks from Mam St. ana caaem Large fiwmi, outdoor fireplace, patio, Two baths. Only $13,850. 4i5 SHASTA WAY. Neat and c'an two hedroom home with excellent heating sys-j tern. Fenced bach yard. Eceni lerms See it today. Full price sio.uw- HALSS 1TAFF Clyde Williams "U 4 1734 Ernie Craves ' U 7-iia Tina Reeder TU 4-7J42 Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4 ?7M DURANT REALTOR 2050 10. m TU 4 9832 nr TU 1-3517 Ntt re Holiday bowi Multiple Listing Service MLS i i CLINTON AVE. TOP VALUE WILL BE YOURS "PRE FOR JUST jio.ISO. One ot the neatest. weli-bu M 2 bedroom homes we've Mien tnr a lrQ time, featuring roomy 7U2 ft. irrigated lot, in crtoice nome are, nrar Marnt School. Fully InMjIatM, at tached garaoe. $350 down e hOWN Gl: nominal CloOng WILL ALSO TADE FOR MEAT 3 BEDROOM HUWt UP TO $1$,0M. .VMOVE IN NOW!! 22J5 WHITE AVE -ONLY $ DON ON EASY CONTRACT tor inn nai 2 bedroom home, gemg at the to nrlra of t?JiO. 1402 DAYTON ST. Snlirl t story, 4 bd rfWMn him fin rl(e-irt irria"l 'rnri. LOW DOWN PAYMENT CONTRACT TE RMS. Just $$.ogo. i' ( CHOICE DUPLEX SUPERIOR NORTHSIDE LOCATION piy l"rqe cnmiortabie room ' iruftuahotit Each ffje laenittai, wi ta'o bedroom, tireolace. FuH concret h-mer't y.:ih 3ar garge. TIME OFFERED AT $15 W Call no lor details. Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO hi n. fn st Pane tu 4-trn 30 BY owner, J bedroom ranch style home. Pay equity of U500 and assume con-WctTU2-3952. FURNISHED c lean home. Large light rooms, favea street, garage. Near down town. Has outside entrance upstairs fur nished rental. This home suitable for couple. As Income property, both units can be used as rentals. 18,950, terms lo sun. iu -ojv. CLOSE IN Easy walking distance to Main St. Solidly built 2 bedroom modern home with etra bedroom in full concrete basement. Fire place, attached garage. Total price, lullv lurmsned ,loc. Easy terms available, 4 BEDROOM If vou need room at a moderale price, this Is It. Separate dining room, lots ot storage, gooa suburban location. Price $13,585. J.ily 11.000 down. No financing costs. , STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. th Phone TU 2-4740 Iris Madoie TU 4-5a. Ralph Vadrn Loralle 7A2-416J Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Lois Macy TU 2-5647 ACRE SOUTH SUBURBS Nice Stucco home with 2 large bedrooms and possibility of 3rd. Beautiful fireplace. wall to wall carpet, attached garage. Buy equity and assume F.H.A. mortage. Total price $11,950. McATEE REALTORS 330 E Main Art Moorman Evelyn McAfee Eleanor Mahan TU 2-4646 TU 2-12J8 TU 2-S935 TU 2-5255 Daylight Basement! DON'T MISS SEEING this brand new 3 bedroom home on the north side. Beau, titul Birch kitchen wilh built In appli ances, hardwood doors, 2 fireplaces, 1 baths, economical forced air heat to all rooms. Large family room, pallo, sun deck, large double garage. Terrific value for only $l?,ou. oood terms. LEONARD REALTY 1213 .sin TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 TU 2-052 TU 4-5332 TU 4-4285 Joe Leonard Joe Perry Audrey Keerlni STILWELL & CO. Presents: HOME WITH INCOME - Near New Ore gon Food Market. Good 2 bedroom home with semi-turnisnea apartment. Located on good lot Rant from apart ment helps to make your payments. Price $13,850. Terms. EVERYTHING YOU NEED for comfort nhl and aracious living In this beau tiful home In Moylna. 1500 sq, ft. of well designed living area consists ot 3 nice bedrooms, ri oains, large liv ing room wilh beamed celling, fire olace. picture windows, dining room plus large dinette, bright kitchen with complete built-in equipment, separate utility area, double bragn, pmio, fenced yard, beautiful view location. Immediate possession. Price $23,500, We have five country building sites JVj lo 10 acres. Ask us about them. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. ' 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3136 After VOO call Bruce Binkley tu Ron Van Orman TU 2-362 If no answer call TU 4-7006 or iu i-v BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 FOR sale by owner welt stocked store and tavern on 3 acres, 3 bedroom apt. a' tached. Ideal for family. Ill, want to sell, TU 4-9S09. TAVERN Business and equipment, $14,000. fi down. Wrile P O. Bnif 6?, Culver. tjre FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loon, trailer loan, personal loon . . . we make loons for any worthwhile, purpose. Confidential service, too! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cori Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sale$ Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. nth TU 4-77H3 HOUSEHOLD GOODS GE Retngeraior, 1 cu. ft, 1'00, GE puh button double oven range, I)25 TU 4-440; GENERAL ELECTR IC range $75, ph TU 225. USED Kenmore waiher, dryer and range TU 2 0006. WALNUT dming set, excellent ciwdi tion, Micai-te kitchen table, TU 4-9371 L ATT Mrdel GE range, $100, Ph. TU 4 3W4. see at 2130 Vine. GE pushbutton dnub'e Oven itove, tvci lent, $i!0, TU 2-19H7 eve l BEAUTIFUL luKuriout longer rug and carpets for your home at wonderful navlrtgs. TU 4 IMS. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC WASH5 EXCEILFNT CONDITION -GUARANTEED $125. KlRKPATRICK'S la,t Side Appliance$ 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 GUARANT FFD USpD PANGF'S REFRIGFRATORS - WASHERS -DRYERi - WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 41 Mam TU 4-13$$ antiques . O'op in end sea owr ne depart ment, antique glass, china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE 3H99 V Sixth THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL!!! La'a mMl $nOr rur po'tab'e r verse shtch wth attachmen's. t4j SO SINGER SEWING CENTER (1) ua'n SPECIAL BUYS USED PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES SI995 & Up COPER'S EXCHANGE FUEl . MfATINQ 38 DRY pine c -;cks. You haul. $5 per cord Metier Brot rs, 3121 Cro.'by, TU 45184 LODGE rci-k pine and wood, TU2-3705. ed fir heater CALL CLIFF V ADEN For Presto Logs & Hoallng Oils Metered Pronane Sales S , H Green i lamps Open 24 hours - 256C South Sixth TU 4-3681 and IU 2-9260 COLD DAYSTiHEAD! ! ! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood S'ovm -FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS' Fronkford Fuel Co. No. Bifhn 51. TU t UU V6 GIVE GOLD BOND ST AMP. STOVES STOVES" STOVES & STOVE PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 4th TU 4-6660 GOOD THINGS TO CAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesal- custom butch ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meats 43?9 Shasta Way. TU 2-718. TU ?-WB. Boot! Pets - Sports Hobbies 40 MALE German shorlhalr, 19 months old, TU 2-1154. FT. fibrcglas cartop boat, excellent condition. $65. TU 2-0859. BRITTANY Spaniel pups, with or with out papers, TU 4-3564 Tues. or Wed. FOX terrier puppies. $20 each, Rte. 3, Box 295, Ashland Highway. FOR sale Dachshund pups, seven weeks old, phone TU 2-4275, T0T6 GOTE, automatic dulch, 3 speed transmission, $225, TU 2-4191. WANTED 14 ft. or bigger boal. Can TU 2-4947 BEAGLES, AKC registered puppies, t weeks old, TU 2-0605, Ashland Highway, BLACK miniature pooctlo puppies, 6 weeks, excellent blood lines, TU 2-405?, BRIJAC KENNELS. At stud champion sired let black, brown, and suver poo dles, white & colored Pekingese, oranrje Pomeranians. Professional poodle cup ping. Pupp'es. 5033 So. Ena. TU 4-7525, DOG-and cat boarding. Training, groom Ing, bathing. Dogs and nuppies for tale SHASTA CASCADE KENMt-LS. pavt Mer rlll-Lakevlew Junction iff Merrill Hioh way on Booth Road. R'e 2 Box 504 E, TU 4 5P78 RADIO TV . MUSIC ... 41 TfavTnG town, must sell, fender precT- slon base guitar, and large magnalone base amplifier, TU2-14B5 CASHf"0R USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 RENT a new Baldwin piano, S10 a month. No delivery charqe. oowaen vunc lo, E30 Main, TU 2-48B3. EXPERIENCED" piano teacher, nN Madison SI. Blanche Mapes, TU 4-3069. MUSIC ft Lessons & Sales Guild l Eplphone Guitars Snnola Ac cordions and Lowrey Organs. "Rent Ap plies to Purchase." Klamath Music Center 515 E, Main TU 4-3360 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yeors on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 BARGAINS C.ALCREI1I on used PIANOS fc ORGANS BALDWIN - HAMMOND - LOWREY - WURLITZER H. P. MILLER Terms Available SAVE &100S ROWDEN MUSIC CO. mi A'.ir, Til ?4M3 1 1 VF5TOCK & POULTRY 42 GOOD family milk cow, Ouerney-Jer ncy cross, trehen April 1, T U 2-1154 FOR sa'le or trade for cattle '51 Ford i ,!,. 'i nndae i anon wagon, Ihorouahbred race horse, 10-yr, old geld ing. IU 2-?746. HEREFORD bull, 1-3 Vnrl old- Angui bullv 1-3 yn. Wolff Rancn, Chlloquin 783-3453. , Twn uaar nlrl reaistered Hereford Bull. sired HFB Domino 180, dam HW M'M Aladdin 27; ao milk cov and day old calve. TU 2-1590. LAND O' LAKES For calves IV Lamb The Nation'! No. 1 Calf Milk Replacer . . . r ALL MIL". rFiuui." . SAVES MON E Y RAISES BETTER CALVES! PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDfcN STORE 41 SO. 6'hTU J-4S KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Congn to the Stockmen's Market. Tue(doy is sale day in the Klamath Bonn. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Qt(,f,. 4-9667 Homo 4-9436 MACHINERY 44 USED MACHINERY -V BARGAINS Formoll M troctor with wide (rent 9 SO TD9 Crawler tractor with Hydrouhc blade $3S00 John Deere Model A yen farmall Super A With 6' Htway mower $ 895 lEdworris 2 bottom 2 woy hang on plow 1 35(Y No. 39 IH 2 bottom 2 woy plow No. 32 IH 91 disk (new) with hydraulic control.. Mcmev Horns disk plow J 1 j $ 975 6 2o" duk o :,, "j ;onn uecre nyarouuc cmsei IH Nn. 55 w bolfr with engine $1350 IH No. 55 w holer vilth hyH. tension control PTO . 1 350, Nr Hollond Hoil type chnppf r-liVe new .. , $1200 McrM B20 x 7 IH pitu Hr.M $ IOO Ma-.(fy Hnrru Vheel drill $ 250 for Rent hv rinv. wrek nr month, IH T340 troctor with ongle dozer Ney itvle Morrill Role .. .. $ 350 SUPER SPECIAL l-H T340 Crawler Troctor With A n q I e Dozer. Live P.T.O. 3 Point Hitch. Torque Amplifier. DEMONSTRATOR $4,300 HKRALD AND NEWS, Klamath LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 KLAMATH PROVED S'fcF SERVICE TU 4-4400. TU 2-UBS, TU 4551 TU 2-6102 STABLE care (or saddle horses, feeding pasture, tack room, lounge, good riding area, Honioda'e tables. TU 4-36A6. FOR sale 15 coming 2-year-old regis tered Hereford bulls. Hoy Hereford Ranth, Weed, Calif, YE -2143. A NEW Toad every Tuesday. BaBV CALVES tor gale, 1H5 C-flry, phone TU 588?. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr, TU 4-4 103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot I p.m. sharp Rte. 3. Box 44 MACHINERY .... 44 JOHN Dec-Ve Model A tractor, 1952 Iron- atje 4 row notatn plan'er, TD 9 tractor. Issacron dozer, TU 4-4990. JOHN DE EREC tractor wlthheavy Meti bar and icraper, WOO. 3 vac. u. si phons and pump, $70, August Turner, Tulelake, Calif., ph. 667-5272. 51 CASE DC tractor, also rake, mower, othet discs, plow, cultivator and other srplM noou; enulpmrnf TU MISC. FOR RENT 45 EARTH BORING machine, 6 Inch to 20 inch diameter, phone TU 4-33J4. FOR RENT, American floor sander and edqer, swift and ey to operate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-4816. FOR RENT screw lacks and hydraulic lacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co.. 1940 iO. 6m. I U 4-4B16. We Rent Almost Anything Floor Sanders Electric Drills Wheel Chairs Welders VALLEY RENTAL 100.1 F. Mnin TU 4-6812 MISC WANTED 46 WANTFD antiques, anything old I Call iu 2-4 b 4 days or iu pubo ves, MOVING? Don't discard hooks, comics, marMilnes, toys, etc. TU 2-6214 daw TU 4-9475 eve nings. Will pick up. Dorothea's Gift Shoppe & Bonk Xchanqe. CONSIGN NOW We ned mall Items dishes, pnts, pans, etc. (or our Friday night auction. Free pickup. THE RESALE HOUSE MISC. FOR SALE 31 75 TONS alfalfa hay, phone rill 791 5956. DPIVEWAY material, crushed rock, drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. FERTILIZER, rotted oulverlied heen manura, II per hundred lb. tack, TU 2 dm. HAY lor stnek cows or horses about 4O0 tons good gra and alfa'la, all or part. Nu Lake Ranch, TU 2-12H, ONE used ofl tank, 750 fldl.; two used v i n rftfssed lubs. one rioni nana, one le"; one toilet; used two In. black pme. reasonable, makes load fence posts. Fnc-eri-Welman Co., IMS Main. TU 4l-70J. HAY for sale. L. E. Furbtr, Miller liland Road. TU 2-3M. PAYMASTER checkwnter foale7 140, TU 2-5941. GOLF clubs, Spalding, barj. cart, Sl)j wood heater, Jlij mangle with nand, ijo, 1445 Celliornia. MASON sand," fill dirt, srnJy (ill. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4 4JK7. TOPSOIL, concrete aqareqatn drivewavi material, dram rock, J, M. Barnes, iu DRAIN rock, aravel, nj roadway ma terial, TU 4-35a8, GEO. fl. STACY CO. GARCIA RODS & MITCHELL REELS 25 to 30?o OFF AT A- FRANKS TACKIF , GRINDINC SESVICE M0 E. MAIN I u 11 USED TOOLS " Black K DecVr-r Drill " Skil Drill Reversible V Wilwaue Drill '' Wards Drill U" Sv it Saw a'" SkU Saw VJpn Sabre Saw Sterling Orbital Sander C'atttmnn Relt Sander 3" Skll B!lt Sander 4' j" Skil B-lt Sanrtrr 14" Delta Floor Drill Prf.i " Craftsman Bench Drill Presi 9" Brnch Lathe i" DeWalt Radial Saw I" Delia TA Sew, comolfle 10" Delta Unlsaw, tnmplele Dlta Shaner, complete BELL'S HARDWARE 52ft Mn-n TRAILERS -;:i2 1961 PARAMOUNT 10k W, 1 W-droom, trade equity for turmlure, TU 7-4241 . 17S7 OPFAT Laken Irailer. I X 4$ ft. I bedroom, Good condition, TU 4-35JI. TRAILER house for rU0, ilso trail. er space, iu, iu twin I HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Carr, Ui3 Vinfer Ave. TU FAfr0RV tralned"ColemarT'i internet' mobile furnace service, parts, TU 4U36 TRAILERS WANTED Uo to 35 It. any age or n-he, elc. CASH . wailing, trade up or down! SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY Ste Dole or "Shine pLE'S USED CAR LOT ,33 So 6th Tu 2-4980 1963 VAN DYKE b'j ft. 2-bedrwm with expanded living room POOLE'S INC. I'l 6th TU ? .?H0t AUTO MISCELLANEOUS SJ COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE Falls. Ore. Mouday, AUTO MISCELLANEOUS Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS ?t Main TU 2-3258 Evas. TU 4-9871 (Nenl Door to Baldwin Hotel) Cecil Cox Garage Molor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Uo II Soeclalty 2851 Altamont Call TU 4-9023 OVtr R 30 VFAR5 EXPERIENCE" USED CARS AND TRUCKS .55 19S3 STUDEBAKER 'i ton pickup, good tend it ion, radio, heater, overdrive, 1015 Martin, TU 2-3P5. 1956 CHEVROLET 4-door, good condition, SJ25, TU 2-3614, 2415 Eberlein. 19(1 CHEVROLET pickup with camper $150, TU 2-4007. 19J4 INT'L coaster loo truck, 220 Cum mlits engine, 1951 White trailer, $7,000: 1952 OMC tog truck, 671 dlesel engine, 1951 Thomas trailer, $4,000. iu 4-?609. MUST sacrifice 1942 Bulck Wildcat, buck el seats, lots of accessories, 4,000 miles. TU 2-0194. SELL or trade equity In 1962 Comet, TU 4-7501. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for carl. TU 4-3579. 54 FORD pickup, 6 cyi nder, 4 speed. $400, TU 2-2425. WANTED '57 & older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU 2-1130, TU 2-3204. 1941 CHEVROLET 4-door driven 11,500 actual miles, $750. 262 Homedale be- fore 2 p. 53 CADILLAC sedan, all power, call Dick, TU 4-8124 days or TU eves. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-478 1st Choice USED CAR SPECIALS '6 Mercurv 4-Door Radio, healer. Mercomatic Beige exterior, $ I QOQ gold Interior '58 Chev. Delroy Radio, heater, 4-speed, new 409 $293 engins ' Thomas DODGE Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 Fabulous End O' February SALE at JIM OLSON'S '62 Stude. 4-Dr. (O'drlve) $1745 '61 Valiant 4-Dr $1445 '60 Plym. 4-Dr. (Standard trantfnission) $1343 '60 Chev. 2-Dr il 145 '5 Plymouth 2-Dr. $ B45 '59 Rambler 4-Dr. (O'drlva) $1045i '5B Plym. 4-Dr. Sta. Wgn. $ 645, '57 Dodoe 4-Dr $ 545 '56 Ford 4-Dr. Fairlon .... $ 345 55 Ford 2-Dr $ 245, YOUR $ Q p CHOICE 'O 1955 Plymouth 4-Door 1954 Dodge 2-Door 1954 Ford 2-Door 1953 Mercury 4-Dr. Sta. Wgn. 1949 Dodge Pickup 1941 Ford Pickup JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646! CHEVY CENTER BARGAINS 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA V-B SPORTS SEDAN. Rodio, heoter, power steering. Like new. Wai 'OQQ $2798. NOW .... iJ'O 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4- DR. SEDAN, V-8. Radio, heater, powerglid Was $2598, 9QQ NOW I 'O DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7lh on Plum TU 4-3101 JOE FISHER'S Safe - Buy USED CAR SPECIALS 63 Lincoln Demonstrator Less than 5.000 miles. Sold new for $6,684 J5497 . 1 797 Now only 62 Stude. 4-Dr. Rodio, heater, standord 60 Rambler 4-Dr. Radio, heater, 1 007 stand , low miles .. 1 .ii '59 Chev. 2-Door Rodio, heater, standard $II97 7QC:r6l Plymouth Voliont 4-Dr. ...... i.uyun, nuulU, IICQier, automatic, new motor. Priced ICQ7 to sell J7 1 SALESMEN Dole Sechrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinchart TU 4-9541 Jn Padgett TU 2-06371 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnothon Dovis TU 2-39571 JOE FISHER 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP WANT ADS Bring ResultsI TU 4-SIII February 25, 196.1 PAGE 1! USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... 51 59 HEAVY rfuly Vj ton studtbaktr pick up, radio, heotvr, ovtrdrlvt, B ft. bd. RmI aood condition, 11,073. TU -jjj4. 4-wheel7drive SPECIALS '61 Int'l Scout IQQC; 4x4 Excellent 1 773 '56 Int'l Troveloll $ I OQC 9-Possenger, 4x4 .. I -7J ii Int'l Pickup 4x4, 4-speed, $ I OQC new paint , I t.i sj SALESMEN Bud Fairclo, Malin 723-2354 Jim Knoles TU 2-3205 Bob Tardiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. ir International ir Fruehauf V Cummins I 1th to 12 on Klamath TU 2-2581 Buy Now at 606 So. 6th St.! '62 Pontiac Grand Prix Coupe $3397 '63 Merc. Monterey Hardtop Coupe $3397 '61 Pontiac Tempest 4-Dr. Sedan $1897 '61 Rambler Custom 4-Dr. Sedon $1897 '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-Dr. Sedan $1597 '60 Ford 2-Dr. Sedon $1397 '60 Rambler American Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan $ 997 '59 Plym. Fury Conv $1297 '59 Chevrolet Parkwood 4-Dr. Station Wagon $1597 '57 Chevrolet 210 4-Dr. Sedan $ 897 '58 Ford Ranch Wgn $ 997 '56 Ford Parklane 2-Dr. Ranch Wagon $ 697 '55 Chev. '6' 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon $ 597 These MUST GO! 56 Oldj '88' 2-Dr. Sdn. .. $397 55 Pont. Starchief Carolina Coupe $397 56 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan $347 54 Desoto 4-Dr. Sdn $247 54 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sdn $197 54 Bulck Hdtp. Cp $197 54 Ford 4-Dr. Sdn $247 54 Mercury 4-Dr. Sdn $197 52 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sdn. .. $ 77 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4-8124 February WHITE SALE SPECIALS or Wiley Buick! '62 Stude. Lork Doytono 2-Dr. Hordtop. Big V-8, 4.jpeed itlck Twin Traction, brilliant white. bucket seotj and vinyl Interior, 5,900 mllei. New In every re- ipect. WHITE SALE SOOOC SPECIAL J73 59 PLYMOUTH '6' 4-DR. Slick and overdrive, rodio. heater. iparkllng white finish. Top condi tion. WHITE SALE QQC SPECIAL 77iJ 58 OPEL . 2-DR. SEDAN Stick, (reih-oir heater. Nice off-white color. Exceptionally good condi tion. Ideal 2nd car. $ CQC WHITE SALE SPECIAL .... 373 Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Main TU 4-3141 429 So. 6th TU 4-9203 Here's the Cream o' the Crop or our VALUE RATED Used Cars! '61 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE Air conditioning! Hot every Cod- Mac extra. Sold new by Dick B, Miller Co., to a party who buys every 2 years. A beautiful clean. low mileage car. As nice 4ft 1 os new .. ' vw '61 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE A one-owner fomlly cor, 6-woy seat, electric windows, every Cad illac accessory. Blue color with matching Interior. This car was owned ond driven by someone who cared ond it HQ"? shows! '63 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 'SPYDER' Bucket seats, 4-speed shift, anti slip differential, wire wheel cope turbine iniection engine. A true sport cor. Only 3.000 miles. Owned by 0 local business man. and traded lor an Olds 9fl41 Cutlass F-85 io1J '63 CHEVY II NOVA SPORT MODEL Air conditioning! Bucket seats, ontl-shp differential. A loaded cor with only 4,000 miles. Owned by a local business man, ond traded tnr on Olds Cutlass OQQ"3 F-8S Dick B. Miller Co. 7th ft Klomalti TU 4-4 1S4 J. W. Kerns IjU & I'h TU 1-2" Tftm RanhH Ph 2 '2 f. . R H thiit!tt Ph TU 41211 GM araniwiiij run sit . - - - - - - - ' -., . tH ChifBte, nefie, '' 625 Klaoih TU 4-7160 73 So. 6th TU 4.419' Tg 4-UJ4 ftnat CAHUt. 'r i-(Jv't Hi4 D .