HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Monday, February 25, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PACE 10 HEADLINES FIGHT CARD "Chief" Ken Carothers, middlewoighf from around Grants Pass and now fighting our of Portland, will be half of the featured main event Wednesday night for the first professional boxing card here in a long while. He takes on Ramon (Buffalo) Her' nandez in the 10-rounder as the last of a five-card bout which will be held at the Klamath Auditorium. Buckcsroos Cling To Slim WHL Lead Wrslrrn Horkr-y League Roundup By United Press International Seattle and Portland held onto slender leads in the Northern and Southern Divisions of the Western Hockey Leiicue today despite bo inR insulted hy the leafiue's bot tom dogs. The Totems remained two points ahead of Vancouver in the North ern bracket after their 4-2 defeat at the hands of fourth-place Cal gary. Portland is a point ahead of San Krancisco following a 2-1 loss to Spokane, which is fourth in the Southern Division. The Seals whacked Vancouver 5-2 in the league's other contest Sunday. Seattle was never in contention against Calgary. The Stampeders. who have won only IB out of 55 games this season, had one of their hottest hursts of the year when they scored four times in the first period. - : 1 - v. ' t SMASHES RECORD Jim BeflHf, America's mighty mite of the mile, comes home the winner of the mile event in the National AAU Track Championships in New York. In the process of winninq, he smashed the meet record with his second sub 4-minute mile in eiqht days. His time was 3:59. UPI Tolephoto Bcatty Sets Meet Mark; Aims At 2-Mile Record M:W YORK lTI-t't t,n prt fur Siiliiv.in award uumri' .urn rwiiuv nip wotui miliar 2 nulo romul mw hrld hv 1nr r.iV H.iMktI1 of New Zii!and Th.it uiiN tlir word from ihf Ti font, ft mill ltr;dty today afln i.p rxptrvM-d I "Disappoint ment" at riinmni: "milv" n 3 .Ml 0 milr in Sittmla'K national A t' indoor tiaik rhampiniulmiv and 2. pleasure at rrcrimi tho Sulti .in trophy a Anii'ma tup nmatnir nihlplc of 1'. Tiratty wa officiaHv prpsrntrt) with trie enirtrd Snllisan auanl Sunday than 21 htmis nltrr Ins latosl mile frat had flaltrnrd A Mippo.nlly flav lipid .dm (it rile. Ins I,os Anrlcs Track Club tcammatr. fmisliH wond in 4 noil, hut Hcalty thp onI mdrr in llw nation who Hasn't fonsidrr that too touch to brat So Hcattv ii rr.idy for a hie wlt h an assault on Halheifj's H 34 ft in oid for two miles. Itrat ty will pass up this Friday's Nrtj Ymk K ol ( tncc end Saturday's! Cleveland K n C meet lo make his rrmnl flttrmjX in IIh Chua- Hie Calgary defense held off the Totems for the next two periods even after Seattle pulled its goalie in the fading minutes. Spokane goalie Claude Dufour was the difference in the Spokane- Portland fray. Dufour blocked a shot by Portland's Jim Holdaway with nine minutes remaining when the Buckaroos came down on him in a three-on-onc situation. The Comets broke a l-I tie In the second period when Hay Brunei beat Portland goalie Don Head. San Francisco gained two points on Portland by keeping the pres sure on Vancouver goalie Gilles Villemure. The Seals tried 46 shots at Villemure and made five of them good. Orland Kiirtenbach. the Seals late-season scoring star, tallied goals in the second and third periods and added an assist. No games are scheduled tonight. po Daily News moot on Marrh fl "Tin-re's still a ch.inn' that I'll drcidp botwrrn now ami then to run in (ho nutc." Hratty said "If I do, thru I drfinitelv will In out lit break mv .T .VI t one mile in door moid m that meet. I think 1 can do .1 n indoors any Imio I yet the otni(hMition. Itut the way 1 tivl tit:ht now, it will be the Iwo-miles in Chi caiio." he added. American fans have seen the last this indoor season of Ku-sian lumping stars Valery Brumel and lor Ter ()anesan The Soviet slat are hc.idut home, each now holding tlip upper hand oer his !ne( V S m.i! Hi 'iime! w hipin-d mern n's .lolin Thomas ai;am with a T tret. inch hidi jump that set a meet let-iHi in the t: tames Ter-(laiie-an br.it I S. Olsmpk' hampion UVph liiKinn for the third straight time with a 2rt tool. h i itit h oioad jump for anotlu-i' meet rrctird Ivor's leap lopped Boston's listed vni Id indoor rec ord by one qudilrr inch, but was hoi i ot the 2MO leap be himv self made heir on Ych 1. Offers Running $100,000 On Tiger - Fullmer Rematch By HAL WOOD IT1 Sportu Writer LAS VEGAS, Nev. I L'Pl I -World middleweight champion Dick Tiger and challenger Gene Fullmer will tangle for a third time within the next four months for the biggest purse in the ca roer of both men. Following their controversial battle Saturday night, which end ed in a draw with Tiger retaining the title he won from Fullmer live months ago, promotional of fers have been pouring in. Jersey Jones, manager of Tiger. said he didn't know for sure what he would do right now. There was no return clause in the contract- but another fight with Fullmer ob viously would mean big money. Norman Motbchild, co-promoter of the Saturday bout, came up with the most money among the early offers. I'll guarantee Tiger $100,000 for Ins share, said Kochchild, 'and I hope to be able to come up with a comparable offer for Fullmer if, for lastance, it could go on pay-TV." Both Tiger and Fullmer grinned ear to ear at this prospect, George Parnassus of Los An gelcs offered the fighter 150.ooo to split up as they decided. Ti gcr's manager wants 40 per cent Wall Hoping Luck Begins CARACAS IUPI)-Art Wall to- lay expressed the hope that "my luck has changed" after winning his first golf tournament since the I960 Canadian Open. I feel now 1 have broken the barrier," the lanky Pennsylvanian stated when he walked off with lirst prize money of $1,300 Sunday in the Caraci open. Wall turned n a one-undcr-par m on the final round that gave him a 274 total and a two stroke lory over George Knudson of Toronto. The Canadian posted the hest score of the final day, a 66, to earn runnerup honors. John Barnum and Ed Rubis fin ished with 270 scores to share third place. Don Whitt . who shared the lead with Wall enter ing the linal round, finished lourth alter taking a closing i5. In the battle for the Seagram Cull. Knudson leads w ith 75 point followed hy Jim Ferrec (70.5 and Barnum 5fii. The golfers move on to Puerto Itico this week (or anothrr four-day tournament start ing Thursday. SCORES ELKS MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUE W Wirrts Funernl Homt BAlilqer Motorj (trlQqiMrrlll Sinter ins 19't 1?' j U S. NAlionul F Sid PhrfTe Lucky Luntx Homtoni int. l.onq Bell H' 1 )7 i mter Lh C(tlH.-Pc. UlthltM Rtfktdlli CmIH -Pacific til 7V i 74 rtill' Wflra Funrji Moni 7. Luthv Lr Ji LartQ Bfll Lumber J, Oalir I Ak Mth 1; Dffs Beyfv Sal on J. Fl Sirtf Phrmiv 1; Mollrt1 Sheet Metal 3. Hulnn 'nt t: BalMflff Motor 4, Sitocnor Troy Oj Slater In .1, Pioneer Tohatro 1; Gr)qg Merrill V Rtck falls 1j Caia -I'acilic Ul. 7. US. National 7. Hqh learn name. Holland Sheet Mela' Tav tvah team nernj. Holland Sheet Met I J I OA: hqh ind qamt (men), C (Oilman 3JI; hiQh tnd r.e (men), H Bray sit, htqh mrt game I women I, Man on LinvlH 7W: high tnd ierii (woman) M. Wachttr 5 SO. BANTAM OIULS LEAGUE LurKv Mrlttn "!' i '11 l.U(V " I1 Urntr.fcztMt ' V Odd RjiIH ,v J' ' RimuIH IJmtrtfcuHM V luchv 0 Lut-Ky StrfhM J. Odd Bulls ; MinlArQ, .1. LoMen 0 High (ram o'"'' UnlrikflMf '? hiQh iMm nfrif. UnlritAM hnjh iiiz gzi'"f. S"ror f-inny I SO; hiQh (d ri?s, SrJi'rn f-nnv '33. JUNIOR OIRL1 LIAGUf W L Th ( imhrl tr 71 P.rl Pfipppfl 1 ? Rolling Pin lutkv &tnfcf ' ? flowlfr Pour 1? tcn,ie f f Ppln ns J' J luillf flulFr 70 0 Bf ult fui"f ' 1. PpliraiM 1 HaitTiu Pint 1. P.fl PnppfH I Thf Lirr fuf ( 4 FrUlir 1 High tA( Qmt Cu"' rtmtfM h.oh tfdtn icrif. L irnhpr-upi li i i.irt gain )rki Tf(h - PnrF Cr(1 u V t" ' 7 RfuII Cz'd J, HH (I, C.mnf 1, 1r.p s I f yt . rit)ft ljtm H g i f.(h I'VI r.v Mill SUKIK WINS SK! .11 Ml' HKMTI.KIIOKO. Vt a VV- Swnlcn K jo 1 1 Siilvic. runrnt- ly uihIcUmIii) mi h I s ,mrii-.in tour, cipluicl III' ovn iiml.t ltin.il ski mrrt Snndnv with lr.us l:i7 ,imt '211 fee! Miirry lit'rnt it. whn whs un ns Sunlcn's hot univr hv SimMwrp. (mushed srntnd with jump nf 177 nd 1S.1 foot on llif : H-'vinctrr t I.i-t A rrnt. m this time and Marv Jensen, pilot: of Fullmer, claims his battler! must get at least 25 per cent. They each got 30 per cent of the receipts for the battle here Satur day night. Promoter Morris Gunderson of Edmonton, Alta., would like to stage the third fight there and promoter Jack Solomon of London would like to put Tiger in the ring with Terry Downes in a Ion- Pros Appear In Bowling Tournament BUFFALO, N Y. UPII The first top pros lo appear in the nine-day-old American Bowling Congress tournament swing into action tonight when the Helin Ta ekle team of Detroit opens its bid for the classic division title. Led hy such names as Billy Golemhiewski and Joe Joseph, the Detroit pros will compete in the ABC for the first time as a group, All have rolled in previous tour naments but on different teams Billy "G" and Joseph are the national match game doubles hampions. Individually, Billy "G" won the ABC masters tournament last year and in l!t60 while Jo- eph last year won the Pro Bowl ing Association Tournament ol Champions. Also on the team are George Howard, Bob Crawford, Bob Strampe and Boh Kwolek. All were members ol the .National Bowling League which collapsed last year after one season. The Helin team rolls three amcs tonight and returns Tues day to complete its six-game stint. Standings in the regular team division Sunday were shaken only lightly. Bob Waddell's Chevrolet if Decatur, III., moved into filth place with 2H7B. The Certified Credit loam of Columbus, Ohio, eased into ninth with 294.1 and the itiz.cn Man team of Howell, Mich., tied for lot H with 2!M. In minor events action Sunday, William I'alnvick of Hrynm, Conn, shot 70.1 lo lake first place in I lie regular singles division and become the fiist ABC entrant this vear to roll in the 700's. Jack Kreifels and his son. Val, Jammed into first place in the lassie doubles division. Jack oiled Nil and Val chipped in with i!!8 In give (he pair a lop of HUM total. In the classic singles, Roh I,eap f Indianapolis climbed to first with H72. Iap also laced second the classic all events with IBM. Howard Kills of Blackwood. N.J., leads the all events with IH7H. 'No More Shenanigans1 Says Jimmy Ity DICK .IOYCK ri'l .SjMirts Writrr limmy Iomirr;imcrila! outlirldcr for tho Washnmtnn Son- ;itins. s;tys thoro'll Ih1 no moro duMKiii:;ins from him in iw.t. I'lio :U-o;irm!d Piorvdl. who hi'is (von a bij; draw mi; rai d mho P."2 lMvauo of Ins colorful and any antu-s, saul alter sininf his oontraef Sunday: "I'm tired of Ivinn a character." rans are pnina to er a now Piersidl this year."" ho saul " Soini: to keep my mouth .shut and concontrato on playun; ball. Aft or all, that's what I'm paid to do.M Taken I'av Cut P-oi.sidl. who had said ho would nc' accept a pay cut this c Mailed tor Si.ivv- dodtutiun of Mmo $1,.')(H alter h.tvim: one of his wurt seasons in 12,-Tlie con tiovoisial cenlorlieldor. who had been holdmi; out at his Now ton Mass , homo, arrived at tho Sena tors' I'ompano Reach. Kla . train mi; camp Sunday and dei lared. "I decided to come down in (hmmhi mtoad o ( talking on the tele phone Ml I want to do is plav ball and lv treated like other kill plaxors," Alter reachmt a rarivr hiiih tif lot the l'lo eland Indians in Piersall was tiadol dur- mi; tho waller lo Washington for pitcher Uuk lonian atvl mit- lielder (ione liut-n IVuiovan won Jit came, lor the Indians las rar wmle Piei sill's aoraco diped to VM4 with on! to runs batted in Pieiall, ham M-reu !' in tunes vhih ot lat ion, said, "I'm been dome iso- metne ovorctsos al. winter and I think 1 11 bo t ron cor Urn ear." Mimrt Mrans Itiitnr Puk Stuart, another baebaU hai.K'tor. sorveti notice to Ihe Boston Hod Sn at their SMtts- ialo, Ariz . camp that ho moans! business this ear i The shucmc first Koman. ob- t a moil trom (tie Pittbtirch Ptratosj don match or Iaszlo Papps in Vienna The two fighters are ready for rematches right now. Neither mani can figure out how the judges could be so stupid as to call the Saturday night battle a draw. "I thought I beat him." said Fullmer as he showed up at a press conference sporting a part ly dosed left eye, a deep gash on the top ,of his head, bruises on his forehead and a cut lip. It was a bloody affair with Ti ger suffering a deep gash near his left eye. He showed up the next day wearing a bandage and with his npit cheek all puffed up. There were no knockdowns, al though Fullmer slipped to the can vas three times. As late as the 1.1th round Full mcr was leading on the scorecard of Referee Vern Bybee and Judge lohn Romero, but Tiger pounded the Mormon elder viciously through the last two rounds to win them both. That gave him a draw on By bee's card at 69-69. Romero had it 70-68. for Fullmer and Judge Pat Diskin had it 71-67 for Tiger Each fighter collected approxi mately $60,000 for his share of the gale receipts and the $100,000 from television. Dodgers See Hitting Aid VERO BEACH, Fla. IUPD- Prospects for a good hitting in field are better this year for the Los Angeles Dodgers, especially if a second baseman with the famous Dodger nickname "Pee wee" makes the grade. Coach Leo Durocher marveled nt Nate (Peeweei Oliver's hall randling and fielding Sunday dur ing the Dodgers' first workout But the Dodgers hope he can add some hitting punch to his fielding prowess in view of Oliver's .317 iverage last year at Spokane. Oliver, if he becomes the rcgu lar second sacker would be (lank ed hy slugger Bill Skowron or Ron Fairly at first and Maury Wills at hort , the latter having had a healthy .299 balling average last year. And at third. National League hatting and runs halted in cham pion Tommy Davis will he given another trial for the switch from the outfield. Skowron signed his contract, es. limalcd at $.10,000. leaving only Frank Howard to come to terms Pitcher Phil Ortega, who remain ed at home in Mesa, Ariz., he ause of illness in the family, was Ihe only missing member. Walt Alston said that pitcher Sandy Koufax was his "biggest concern" :it the training camp. If Sandv is sound all vear. we have a right to be real optimis lie." said Alston. "I know that's pulling a lot ol pressure on one man. hut lie's a mighty big man on our stalf." Piersall in a winter deal, reported five days ahead of time and prompt!. belted ctftht balls over tho fence during a batting drill. Stuart, who once regarded himself as Babe Ruth' successor alter hitting fiti homo runs in tho minors in l&Vi may now reaho his potential while aiming for Kenwav Park's: short loft field fence. John Orsino. another former Na lional l.eacuor. displayed some long hall hitting at the Baltimore Orioles camp and may latch onto the No, 1 catching job, Tho former San Krancisco Giant bolted four drives over the lelt field wall. The I. os Anceles I"odgers opened camp Sunday with Manoc or Walt Alton declaring if ShikIv Kotitax is .sound all year, "w hae a richt to In optimistic' Former Now York Yankee Bill Skowron signed his contract for RW.flui, leaving tug Frank How- ud the only unatistiod iWcer Plug For KiMikie At (trando. Fla . la!vm Griffith. president of tho Minnesota Twins. put in a plug tor rookie outfielder Pedro Oliva by saying he might break into the Twins outfield of Harmon Killobrew. Rob Allison and I-ennio (invn "1 don't see how we re come to keep him on lite bench," Gnflith mh Will 10 Mas worked out in tho San rraneisco camp Sundav but tlio tliants have vol to please Or- amlo t'eprtia. -loan Marichal. lark S.intord and Matty AIimi, Gatchor .lor Torre is the lone unMgnol plavor on the Milwaukee Reaves' rostr while tlie Chicago White Ni are wailing to boar from .loan Piarro Three mem Uns of tlie St l-uis Cardinals are unsigned Minn;o Ntiini'MV Carl Saw at ski ami K.d Ktuta. Frank tliomas. Marv Throrreberr . Koi Kanohl. .Uv Christopher and F.ho CluK-on have yet to sign with tho Now York Mots and the Pittsbui gli Pirates are still looking (or signed nmr.kts (nm Tixl Saiace and 1:ke IVrikk . I f A ' : - UNDER A JAB Ralph Tiger, right, clucks under a left jab from Gene Fullmer during he fifth round of their 15-round middleweight title bout in Las Vegas. The bout ended in a draw with Tiger retaining the title he won from Fullmer last October. Tiger was the aggressor throughout with Fullmer adopting hit-run tactics. UPI Telephofo Brown Boxing Schedule NEW' YORK i UPI' Joe Brown, former world lightweight cham pion, and Eddie Perkins, former world junior welterweight king. feature this week's boxing pro gram. Brown, of Houston, Texas, meets! Dave Charnley in a 10-round bout at Manchester, England. Monday while Perkins (aces Angel Garcia in a 10-rounder at approximately the same lime in the Palais des Sports in Paris. Brown, who got $50,000 the last lime he fought, will collect about $8,500 for his fight with Charnley, former British champ who is ranked among the top 10 con tenders in the lightweight division. Perkins, meanw hile, hopes to use victory over Garcia as a bar gaining point for a title (ight with Ihe winner of the Battling Torres- Robert Cruz tussle. Also on the crowded Monday schedule is a heavyweight bout a Montreal between Garvin Saw yer of Pittsburgh and Canadian champion Bob Cleroux, There are two othor better than average fights this week. On Frl day, at Rome's Palazzo Dello Sport, Tony Hughes of Cleveland meets undefeated Italian heavy Celts Defeat Lakers; Near Clinching League NBA Standings By I'nitrd Prrss IntomatinnRl KaMern Division W. I.. Pel Boston 51 20 .718 Syracuse 40 29 .580 rincinnali ,lfi M Now York ID 48 ,2R4 VYpslrrn Division W. !.. Pet. "HI Ijis Ansrlrs 49 18 St. Louis 40 27 ..V17 .40H Detroit 28 41 San Francisco 25 43 Chiraso 20 49 .3fi8 .290' Sunday's Hrstilts Hoslon 119 lns Anpcles 109 St. Louis 127 San Francisco Detroit 119 Cincinnati 110 Svraci.se I U New York 12H The Boston Celtics, fresh from convincing thrashing of Nation al Basketball Association rival I.os Anodes Lakers, can ease hack in their Kastern Division throne Tuesday niht i( they beat the Warriors of San Francisco. No panics were scheduled to day. Tlie Celtics' m.iRic number is one as a result ot hamiing tne Western Division leaders, the likers. a 119-109 deleat Sunday mailt. It was the first win (or Boston at Uis Anceles. but il was in a qame that saw the Celtics stretch their lead lo as much as :to points 94-M in tlie thud MTKKI. Meanwhile, in other NBA meet incs Sundav night l.Vyear veteran Dolph Sch.ios reached the 19.000- loint mark and si-ored 10 more points to aid Syracu-e in deleat mc Ihe New York Knickerbock ers 14.1 I Jti, St Uniis downed San Krancisco I27-I0R. and IVIroit liK.k Cincinnati 119-110 .Vh.ives hit the lS.Onnth point of lus cat'tvr after he was fouled in tlie first minute of plav. The name was halted as the Syracuse crowd cave him A .standing oa tion 'Pie Nats' scoring was led hv John Kerr and Hal C.reer. Iwth with 20 points. .lohn llreen .mil Dave Budd r"th lallnxi 13 for llie Knicks Tiie St. Lniin Hawks held Will TKiFRS RKI.KASK .1 CU K I.VKKI.AND. Fla 'ITD - Tlie Detroit Tuers announced Sunday the rrlea.-e of third baseman .iciuk. .laciuk had requested the release because he wished to play with the Hanhm Titers of Ihe '.'apanevf Central Iaiue. I 1 weight Francisco Depiccolo while on Saturday night in the weekly nationally televised ABC) tussle Kenny Lane lakes on Vicent Dorado. The complete schedule: .MONDAY: Manchester, Eng land, Joe Brown vs. Dave Chain ley; Paris. Eddie Perkins vs ngel Garcia; Montreal, Carving Sawyer vs. Bob Cleroux; Jack sonville, Fla., Joey Giardello vs. Wilfie Greaves; Philadelphia, Bud Anderson vs. Tommy Low ery ; (Sacramento, Calif., Joey Lopes vs Henry Barrera; Hollywood, Calif., Jimmy Fletcher vs. Dave Furch TUESDAY: New York, Lenny Mangiapane vs. Stonewall Bedclia: Oakland, Calif., Mutt Goodwin vs Rudy Bent and Charles Shipes vs Mel Ferguson. WEDNESDAY: No fights sched uled. THURSDAY: Worcester. Mass Dick French vs. Billy Backus. Philadelphia, Benny Briscoe vs. Joe Smith. FRIDAY: Rome, Italy. Tony Hughes vs. Francisco Depiccolo; Ixis Angeles, Joe Rafius King vs Don Johnson. SATURDAY: New York, Kennv Lane vs. Vincent Dorado (TV) Chamberlain to 13 mints and romped over San Francisco 127 106 in a came at St. Louis. Bob Pcttit topped Hawk scoring with :i(l points and Tom Meschery had :i4 for the Warriors. Wilh the Warrior defeat, the Detroit Pistons improved their chances to cain a berth in the playoffs by beating Cincinnati in a came at Baltimore. Detroit, in third place in the Western Divi sinn. holds a 2' came lead over the fourth-place Warriors. Bailev Howell had .33 (or Detroit and Os car Robertson 3fi for the Itovals In the Laker-Celtic came. Sam tones scored 28 points, 22 of them in the firsl half. Elcin Bavlor had 2.'i tor the Inkers, altliouch he sat out the last quarter which the Celtics started with a 102-77 lead The macic number for the I.ak ers, who have played four (ewer games than the Celtics, is fue to clinch the Western Division title The Hawks are nine games be hind in second place. Tiny Lund Uses Draft To Win Daytona Classic DAYTONA REACH. Fla 'I PI Ir;ftine scientifically to .save fuel, hulking Dowaym Tmy Lund rode into tlie auto r.u-inc rtMtmi hooks toi.ty as winner ot Ihe eruellini Daytona 50ft.mile tnt'k car olasMO. Drattinii w follow ing in the leader's wake at huh speed ami hoing towed along in his vaeuum i Lund, a comparative rookie among tlio racing veterans who. hlated off m the field of .V) which started the 5. proved! himself an expert ami it netted' him a 24-veeond victory over Kred Ioienzen of Charlotte. N V.,- Sundav with .Kv vear -old Newton. I N C, gra'n broker Ned Jarrelt a' disappointing third ! They were running hum per to hum per. UM'onzen. l,urid and .tar- tt in that order, with only l.i miles to go when the pace-getting lorn;en had to hit trw pits for casohne Wind immediately let .larrett take over and set the pat e nd with on ly t h ree 1 a p remaining, .larrett. !. had to halt for tuel That's when tne towering Lund. a 6 fwt. inch 2T0-pHi!x1rr rnun in Harlan. Iowa, took oer ami drow it hime thrrMich thor !a-t Probt No. 43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Oi KLAMATH In th Mtttr of thi Estat BERT ROBERT ALBERT, Dtctascd. NOTICE IS HEREBY given tnat thi urvJtrJlaned hai btcn iDoointed dminu trilrx o( the ElUtc ol bERT ROBERT ALBERT, deceased, ind al persons nav ina claims against said estate art direct' ed to pretent the same properly verified to me at th office of proctor & puck eft. Attorneys at Law, 511 Main Stree', Klamath Falls, Oregon, within 4 months Irom the dale hereof. DATED this Jth day of February,- i?63. FRED FLETCHER, Administra tor Proctor . Puchett Attorneys at Lew 511 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 911, Feb. 4, 11, II, IS, 163. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice (s hereby given, that the un dent oned executor of the estate of Wm Nelson, deceased, rtas niea n$ unai account with the county clerk of Klam ath County, Oregon and the court has set Friday the 2?1h day of March, ivaj. In the Circuit Court room In the county Court House In Klamath Fills, Oregon as the time and place for hearing ob lection thereto and the settlement there of. Dated this 21st t'.'y ot Feb. 1963. Hrid E. Young, executor. W. Schaupp. Attorney. No, 95?, Feb. JS, March l, 11, II. it Briefs -ft By United Press International SATURDAY LAS VEGAS, Nev. Middle weight champion Dick TiRer suc cessfully defended his title by battling Gene Fullmer to a lo round draw. HIALEAH, Fla. Beau Purple defeated Kelso for the third time in the $128,400 Widener Handicap at Hialeah. ARCADIA, Calif. Crozier won the $143,000 Santa Anita handicap by about five lengths. NEW YORK Jim Beatty ran his second sub four-minute mile in eight days at the National AAU track championships. HOUSTON, Tex. Rice Uni versity reported an attempt to bribe two basketball player's to shave points in a game with Bay lor. SUNDAY DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. - Dwayne Tiny I Lund won the Day tona 500 mile stock car classic with an average speed of 151.966 miles per hour. KARUIZAWA, Japan Jonny Nillson of Sweden won the overall crown in the I9M world speed skating championships. SINGAPORE South Africa's Alan Brooks won the Singapore Open golf championship with a 72-hole total of 276. DETROIT Benjamin Hecks her won the United States na tional amateur squash racquets title. 3-1. over Charles Ufford LAKE PLACID. N Y. Tlie Italian Tandem of Eugcnin Monti and Franco (iasperi set a world record by winning the North American two-man bob sled title time of 4:41 51. MIAMI BEACH. Fla. Heavy weight champion Sonny Liston may seek a week's delay of his scheduled April 4 title tight with Flovd Patterson because he sprained a knee while posing for a magazine photographer. Scores Orepfin Prep Basketball By United Press International Astoria 56 Gresham 45 Central Catholic 71 Clackamas 62 South Eugene 70 Rosehurg 58 Willamette 79 Springfield 54 North Eugene 48 Marshfield XI North Bend 52 Thurston 41 Medfnrd 89 Ashland 44 Crater 73 Klamath Falls 60 Baker 49 Redmond 47 l.a Grande 57 Bend 44 Pendleton 74 Prineville 45 Madras 56 Milton-Freewator .10 Elmira 61 Creswell 49 Pleasant Hill 59 Harrisburg 15 Junction City 5 Drain 44 Oakridge 49 Central Linn 44 Eagle Point 78 Sacred Heart 4'i Illinois Vallev 57 SI. Marv s 4,1 Sutherlin 59 Rogue River 58 Itccdsport 67 Myrtle Point 65 Sherman 60 Pilot Rock 51 Vale 65 Burns 54 McEwen 62 Heppner 61 Grant Union 70 N'yssa 46 Knappa 55 Star of the Sea 54 Oakland 41 Yonralla 40 Phoenix .IV 46 Prospect 42 !0 miles 'for his triumph, his own cas just barely lasting. It was a $2.1.350 payoff for his victory in a l3 Ford which had been designed for another man Marvin Panch. the winner of the Daytona aim. had been scheduled to pilot the car which Uind drove. Rut two weeks ago in practice for a Srts car race Panch crashed and Uind risked, his life to rnill panch from the. car. Tlie racp was delaed an hour' and 4i minutes by midday show-j ers and the first 10 laps were run1 u-xler the yellow caution flail while the track dried. Then, in the middle stages, there was an other r:ght-lap caution drive while the tar of Dick Goodc. Mishawaka. L; . w,is removed, tpvm (he hackstretch racing strip : Thus Umd didn't have a shot1 at I'm average speed record ol! :-C .vM mile ppr hour established; ia-t fMr by Fireball Roberts of Davtona Reach Rut his winning average of h W(V indicative. .1c-p;to tne drlass. nf the lap speeds of f to im miles per hour w;th which the pack was tmir,ng the two and one-half mile asphalt ova!. NOTICE TO CRtCITORS NOTICE It hereby given tnat the un dersigned, DICK HENZEL, hes beert. by order of the Circuit Court ot Ihe Stale ot Oregon tor Klamath County, appoint ed Executor of the Lett Will and Testa menl and of the estate of MARV HEN ZEL, deceased, and that Letters Testa mentary have been issuet to him. AH persons having claims against taid es tate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified arv! with proper vouchers, to ihe undersigned at the of fices of Smith and Card, Sit Wain Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of Ihis notice, which publication Is Ihe 11th day of February, 1963. OICK HENZEL, Executor of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of Mary Heniel, de ceased. SMITH 1 CARD Attorneys tor the Executor No. 924, Feb. II, II, 15, March 4, 13. NO. 63-12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of ARCHIE MARION ZUMWALT, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by ihe above-entitled Court of the State of Oregon, for the County aforesaid, Administratrix of the Estate of Archie Marion Zumwalt, deceased, and havlnq qualified, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them, verified as required by law, with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to laid Administratrix at the offices of Thomas D. Wood, Attorney at Law, 621 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Frances J. Colllster Administratrix of the Estate nf Archie Marion Zumwatl, Deceased, Thomas D. Wood Attorney lor Administratrix Dated and first published February 18th, 1963. Legal 948. Feb. 11, 25. March 4, 11, 1963. No. 67-360 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP OREGON, PORTLAND, a national bank inq association. Plaintiff, vs. ROBE RT LEE SMITH and BONNIE C. SMITH, husband and wile; DEANE SACHER and INEZ M. SACHER, husband and witei LEONARD J. STONEBURG and GLAD YS L. STONEBURG, sometimes known as GLADYS LU ROSE STONEBURG, husband and wife; FREEMAN C. MUR RAY, Trustee of the Consolidated Bank rupt Estates of Leonard J. Stoneburg and Gladys Lu Rose Stoneburg. Bank rupts; and OREGON STATE TAX COM MISSION. Defendants. By virtue of a Writ of Execution lv sued in Ihe above-entitled Court and cause to me directed and dated the tft diy of Februar HJ, upon a judgment and Dei. i ctr ul ioisc'sz'jrs entered in said Coud On rtiroy I, 1963, In favor of The First National Bank ot Oregon, Port land, a national banking association, and against the Defendants Robert Lea Smith, Bonnie C. Smith, Deane Sacher, Inei M. Sacher, Leonard J. Stoneburg and Gladys L. Stoneburg, sometimes known as Gladys Lu Rose Stoneburg, commanding me to make sale of Ihe fol lowing described real properly situated in ihe County of Klamath and State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot In Block 17 of HOT SPRINGS ADDITION to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of K lamath County, Oregon, E X CEPTING the following described trad: Beginning at the northerly corner of Lot 9, in Block 17 of HOT SPRINGS ADDI TION; thence Northerly along the North easterly line of said Lot 9, extended, a distance of 10 feet lo a point; thence Westerly and parallel with the Northerly line ot said Lot 9 (as platted) and 10 (eel distant therefrom, to the inter section with the boundary line, extended, dividing said Lots 9 and 10 In said Block 17; thence Southerly alonq said boun dary line a distance of 20 leet to a point; thence Northeasterly to Ihe point of beginning, making a parcel or tract 10 feel wide across its Easterly end and 20 feel wide across its Westerly end and off the Northerly end of said Lot 9, ALSO, that portion of Lot 10 In Block 17 of HOT SPRINGS ADDITION lo the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, accord ing to the official plat thereof on tile in the office ol the County Clerk ol Klam ath County, Oregon, described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a point In the boundary line between Lots and 10 in Block 17 Of said HOT SPRINGS ADDI TION, 10 feet from the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Westerly at right angles to said boundary line a distance of 8 feet to a point; thence in a Southerly direction I feel trom said boun dary line and parallel thereto, to the Southern boundary ol said Lot 10; thence from said point of intersection Easterly along said Southern boundary line of Lot 10. a distance of 8 feet to the cor ner common to Lots 9 and 10; thence In h Northerly direction along said boun dary line between Lots 9 and 10 to the point of beqmninq. making a parcel of land 8 feel wide off the Easterly side of Lot 10, and atitotning Lot 9; l will on Tuesday, ihe 26 day of March. 1963, at 10 00 o'clock A. M. at the front door ot the County Courthouse in Klam ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subiect to redemption) to the highest bidder tor cash, all of Ihe riqht, title and interest of the Defend ants, and each of them. In the above.en titled suit m or to Ihe above-described real property, or any part the'eof, to satisfy said Writ ot Execution, Decree, interest and costs DATED this 19 day of February. 19AJ. Date of firl publication: February IS, 1963 Date of last publication: March II. 1963. J V Bnfton Shemf of Klamath County, Oregnn by Fnen R-ehn. Deou'v No 93. Frb 25. Varch . II. lit To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 lam to 4)0 pm wexdeyt I am. to noon Saturday Cuinf five weds or ime Adl under I lines count same as 1 lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines Tirw Ttmt. Times f S"1 I $:V) M nf) jnfl 9M I 3 5 1 V) II I 4 rc Ant inn 1i ie 4 75 7 9 16.54 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, if p d m advawe. Above rates era for consecutive Inser lions, without change of copy, w Prl vate Individuals. Advertising must be i leer and unoerstanoabie to be produc tive. An words must be t cened out Ajtoi offered fnr sale by private md- oueis in win copy. cation Noon Saturday for lunacy enel f NCELLATION 1 CORRECT IONS Oi seme s(hedoH, e.rept on Monday iee are taken f. jc a.m. Piease read tirt msftion f vnur d. The Nt'tid t News will give on exfft ri,n tor typcg'eorMtal error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column ich. m per month tt t) B'-Ounl 'ftr cvmi"t pn or be'Qre te Iff Inch, I9 wm IIJC discount fw oavment o e befo-e tte Wi. ftesed on ee eery fia-ge per month BOY IFVlfFVJ rn. w rt r.D O tmnJ, anfl IN MCVOR'AMi u N PHONE TU 4-8111 fOR CCWVERCiAL RATES