(MAnaO J j Ifk) IP Vi cb 7 f Check the plugs, check) ( Right, no (jas.r Another guy7 Seems like the colderSame. rd-K-y-AAJJt liuSJLlU the points, can't find aNo has a flat. His tire is so thin I it gets, the more thina In ttcr cold, Yes, its N W 1 got a call early this morning.) VJitfSy aH! ,nS2FnS f This kind of weather they'.',. Sure, I keep expecting 'some f Well, 'it's like I sav&Ywhat fl'm all. out of 1Why, of And 'I'll bring you some matched phone in for a magazine y ( babe to want a hot chocolate J the colder it gets, wrong,) tobacco. Chip, 1 course notX your trading stamps, and it'll be or a package of u,,, - V in a paper cup, delivered J y the more... well, Argey. Vwould you mind-V Sarge.A our greatest pleasure to charge, feoal ' . lli &t fWI.fct.iat.' ffiiSViUfTrlftV -.?'- usr A itNure thcee- i haven1' 1 AW, STOP WHININS YOU I NEWEC HAD IT .50 SOOD.' V II iUiVIV Jr V Ml- 1 ' ; - ,... .. i- 1 f5ACTV r I'LL K4V TO ,W WTHEf:. 1 fllT'S Fmil THE COYS TlP --'" fTT f Ui HE HANDLES 1 IC RELATIONS. r-J 1 W At THE LOOJ.E,' r CZAJt I lfo