Junior TREASURE Chest EDITED BY RUTH DIXON Scrambled Shops By Clarence Biers To find out what's inside each shop, rearrange the letters of the words in correct order. Riddl What Is the longest word in the English language? Answer: muos -nods jno uiojj pjoAi mou puy )uauia)B)8 sqj auiMOoj auo em, Rgf V z mm SB 9 -J Answers: :jniujnj 'f loipnjs saunp !sXo -3 !Xpuso "i "Whoever' There, Come on Overt" By Bill Barton Here is a new way to play Blind Man's Buff. The blindfolded Blind Man stands in the middle of the room or yard. He holds out his hand with the palm down and calls, "Whoever's there, come on over!" The players then steal forward and tag his palm with an index finger. If the Blind Man closes his hand around a finger, that player is caught and be comes the next Blind Man if the first Blind Man, by feeling his face, can guess his name! Let's Draw a Frog By Ann Davidow Here's a little change purse That will change before your eyes Into a funny, old, big fat frog. How's that for a surprise? S I Now! From The 1000 Year Old Art of Bonsai Culture1 Table-top Size , " I I LIVING M j MING TREE "m (2 for $3.50) Cjp" I Imagine! Training a real tree to grow to a fraction of iti natural sliel I Well, now you can . . . and do.lt In your own home to the amaze. ment of friends and neighbors) No enthusiastic hobbyist of growing H things should pass up the satisfaction of artificially dwarfing one 'of I I these showpiece living Ming trees. You get nice two to four year I I old Mams Bonsai (babies), root pruned once or twice and already started in a plastic pot. Order today very limited supply. SEND NO MONEY. On delivery, pay $2.00 far I tree, $3.50 for 2 trees, plus I C.O.D. charges. We pay postage on prepaid orders. If not 100 satis- I I fied, we'll gladly refund your money and you don't even have to I return the plants. SI I ORDKR NOW TO OCT THII BONUS GIFT- m I I HOUSE OF WESLEY, NURSERY DIVISION JL Per your ImmHU- II l R. R. Ne. 1 Ml. M4-Il-B jCfi& W'M 'I 1 1 Bleemlm ten, Illinois f4Sw " " tt,,rta 1 1 I SEND MEi Q Prepaid O C.O.D. 7 IT " P ... Mine Trees VeP" emailm air plant il I (r leal. Uvts en air ' . lest pin M car- I f"MP ' tale no wild I IMS email ne leal aend out I ADDRESS to II tiny new Plants. TeaiiiiMiirii OF ICORNS BY I wed nesckw i or money back from? B Only Blue Jay dares give this 3-day guarantee becauseonly Blue Jay has PhenyhumMastest- 5 working miracle drug. Relieve pain fast, be rid of corns with Blue Jay. RID i- a 1 V inuiTV W7 I tOsl SSSBWa Does BLADDER IRRITATION MAKE YOU NERVOUS? After 21, common Kidney or Bladder Ir ritations affect twice ai many woman ai men and mar make you tense and nervous from too frequent, burning- or Itching urination both day and night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and suffer from Head aches, Backache and feel old, Ured, de pressed. In such Irritation, OY8TRX usually brtnts fast, relax Ins comfort br curbing Irritating germs In strong, acid urine and by analgesic pain relief. Oet OY8TXX at druggist. Peel better fast. Family Weekly, February 24, t93 I IT PHOTO CREDITS Poo 4: Ewlng Calloway. do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? PASTE ETH, an Improved powder to be sprinkled on upper or lower f dates, holds fiilne teeth more firmly n place. Do not slide, slip or rock. No Kummy, Kooey, pasty taste or feeling. FASTEETH tsulkiilliie ( non arid ) . Does not sour. Checks "plate odor breath". Oet FASTEETH at drill counters everywhere. xpectm Ktep your tight, dry skin toft and smooth with mothim nunro, Ntlct of body ikin tissues during pregnancy may show up for tht rait of your lift. This famous skin conditioner li aspect ally compounded to relieve the discom fort of that stretched feeling in your skin. You'll find a mono nunro mat me can be soothing for 111 TmTT thai numbing in legs and back, Zp H f. Fa II too. Take cars of vour hod !& 9 M : 'inufifiTi Kin wim BmrncBBi numu f ou ii never rtgrei it. At orug stores tvarywhara. 0? RELAX WITH A! MOTHERS MASSAGE product of S S J COMPANY .ATLANTA