Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 24, 1963, Page 117, Image 117

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Amazing Compound
Dissoivas Common
Warts Away
Cutting or Burning fi J'
Doctors warn picking or scratching
at warts may cause bleeding, infec
tion, spreading. Now, science has
developed an amazing compound
that penetrates into warts, destroys
their cells, actually melts warts away
without cutting or burning.
Ita-name is Compound W . Pain
less, colorless Compound W used as
directed removes common warts
safely,- effectively, leaves no ugly
Nunvj Finds Rtlltf From
Itching Agony of Eczema
"I suffered from the itching, burning
agony of eczema without any im
provement, although treated by the
best consultants in akin diseases",
write a Registered Public Health
Nurse. 'Then I tried RESINOL
Ointment the results were miracu
lous! It gave me my first real relief,"
Remember this quickly relieve itch
ing mA burning of pimples, piles or
hemorrhoids, also promote healing of
dry eczema, charing, chapping, many
other akin irritations with soothing
5 vper -I oweafro
Ami ffgtt Itm Skh DUtntsl
rjTJ P?P Hainpk". Write Hminol,
Dept. KW3, BlJto. I, Md.
DeWitt's gsayl
with Safe
For coughs caused by common cold.
Twoatrengtha: ADULT and CHI I.I)
In less than a minute
Learn How-FREEIl
Hospital-proved method stops asthma
attack in seconds. 100 times taster than
tablets. Faster, safer than shots. Full
details in free booklet, "Inside Story of
Rronchial Asthma." Write: AsthmaNefrin.
Dept. M-2, 666 Fifth Ave., New York 19.
Plagued Day And
Night with Bladder
Unwise eating or drinking mar be a
source of mild, but annoy ins bladder Irri
tations i- making you feel restless, tense,
and uncomfortable. And If restless night,
with iWbtKina backache, headache or mus
rular aches and pains due to over-exertion,
strain nr emotional upset, are adding to
your misery don't wait-try Dnsn's Tills.
Drain's Pills set S ways for speedy re
lief, t They have a soothing effect on
hladdrr Irritations, 1-A fast psln-rcllev.
Inn action on natrgtns: bnckache, head
aches, muscular arhea and pains. 8 A
wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the
kidneys, tending to Increase the output of
the 16 miles of kidney tubes. So, set the
same happy relief millions hare enjoyed
for prer SO year. New, large economy
sis saves money. Get Doan's Filli today I
tyke's j iUm
t& first W( m
tM trim pUyJJ
Mm'20mkmmmMm'L'''''''Wmmmkwn wmmmmmmwmmim piaawasBgwe gn BMBsaaaasHBaBBVBBtasBwsiiniiie 'i ir fgrj
l , V pOl I ygj '-
In 15 dramatic minutes, a boy loses his baby
locks and enters on the long road to manhood
HIS MOTHER hated to admit it, but, at 18
months, Gregory Troy was no longer a
baby and that pretty, long, blond hair would
have to go. Gregory hated to admit it, too, and
struggled to the very door of Joseph Pagano's
barbershop in Kew Garden Hills, N. Y.
In the chair, Gregory was at first apprehen
sive, then indignant, and finally forlornly re
signed with big tears coursing down his rosy
cheeks. Such dramatic talent may be inherited;
his mother is singer-actress Georgia Kennedy,
one of the Ray Charles Singers. Gregory's dad,
Bill Troy, a free-lance photographer, took these
pictures of his son's first haircut.