Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 24, 1963, Page 116, Image 116

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Even recipes as distinguished as these can do
no more than hint at the creative skills of FAM
ILY WEEKLY readers coast to coast! Three of
them, national Bake-Off winners, kindly sent us
other of their favorite recipes. Our readers bake,
our readers prepare family meals, and they do it
in a manner to inspire us all.
Family Weekly Cookbook
t family Weekly. Ffbnury li. IK J
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Banana Split Layer Cake
Mrs. Theodore J. Albertowicx
Richland, Washington
IVi cups sifted Soar
lYi cups sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon baking soda
1 cap milk
Vi cup butter
14 cup Tanilla caramel aauce
3 unbeaten eggs
1 teaspoon banana or vanilla extract
Old-Fsshioned Butter Filling (aee recipe)
Chocolate Froating (see recipe)
1. Sift flour and next four ingredients into a
large bowl. Add milk, butter, and sauce. Beat
1V4 min. (With electric mixer, blend at lowest
speed, then beat at a low speed. Or beat 225
strokes with a spoon.) Add eggs and extract.
Beat l'i min.
2. Turn into two 9-in. round cake pans, greased
and floured on bottoms.
3. Bake at 350F for 25 to 30 min.
4. Cool ; fill and frost.
One 9-in. layer cake
Old-Fashioned Butter Filling Combine in a
small saucepan cup powdered sugar and Vi
cup flour. Gradually add V4 cup Bilk, stirring to
form a smooth mixture. Cook over medium heat,
stirring constantly, until mixture is very thick.
Place in mixing bowl. Chill 1 hr. Add 6 table
spoons butter, a tablespoon at a time, beating
well after each addition, using high speed on
electric mixer. Fold in 2 medium-sized bananas,
sliced, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
Chocolate Frosting Combine in a saucepan 1
cup (6-oz. pkg.) sem is wee t chocolate pieces, V4
cup vanilla caramel sauce, and 2 tablespoons
butter. Cook over low heat until chocolate melts.
Blend in IVi cups sifted powdered sugar and 1
teaspoon banana or vanilla extract. If neces
sary, thin with a few drops milk.
Lemon Luscious Pie
Mrs. Helen Gorsuch
Santa Ana, California
1 f in. baked pastry shell (see recipe)
I cap sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
Vt cup butter
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
' cup lemon Juice
3 unbeaten egg yolks
1 cup milk
1 cup sour cream
1. Combine sugar and cornstarch in saucepan.
Add butter, lemon rind, lemon juice and egg
yolks. Stir in milk. Cook over medium heat, stir
ring until thick. Cool. Fold in sour cream.
2. Spoon into baked shell. Chill at least 2 hrs.
Serve with whipped cream and 2 tablespoons
chopped walnuts. One 9-in. pie
Pastry Shell Sift 1 cup sifted flour and Vi tea
spoon salt into a mixing bowl. Cut in Vi cup
shortening until particles are fine. Sprinkle 3 to
4 tablespoons cold water over mixture while
stirring with a fork until dough is moist enough
to hold together. Form into a ball. Flatten to
V4 in.; smooth edges. Roll out on floured surface
to a circle 1V4 in. larger than inverted 9-in. pie
pan. Fit into pan; flute edge. Prick. Bake at
450 F for 10 to 12 min., or until golden. Cool.
'Tato-Flake Cheese Buns
Mrs. Frank B. Propst
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
1 packet active dry yeast (or 1 cske yeast)
Vi cup warm water
Vi cup instant mashed potato flakes
Yi cup shortening
1 tablespoon sugsr
2 tesspoons salt
H teaspoon cayenne pepper
cup boiling water
cup evaporated milk or half and half cream
1 cup shredded Cheddsr cheese
1 unbesten egg
3 to 3 Yi cups flour
'A cup melted butter
Vi cup shredded faraway or Cheddar cheese
1. Soften yeast in warm water. Combine in a
Banana Split Layer Cake, 'Tato-Flake Cheese Buns,
and Lemon Luscious Pie were three of the
senior prize winners in a 196t national Bake-Off.
, large mixing bowl potato flakes, shortening,
sugar, salt, cayenne pepper, and boiling water.
Cool to lukewarm by adding evaporated milk.
Blend in Cheddar cheese, egg, and the softened
2. Gradually add flour to form a soft dough,
beating well after each addition. (For first ad
ditions of flour, use mixer on medium speed.)
Cover. Let rise in warm place (85 to 90F)
until light, 1 to IVi hrs.
3. Beat down dough using 30 to 40 strokes. Fill
24 well-greased muffin cups half full. Cover.
Let rise in warm place until light, 45 to 60 min.
Combine butter and caraway cheese and spoon
over the rolls.
4. Bake at 376 F for 20 to 25 min., or until
golden brown. Serve warm. I dot. buns
Note: The dough may be baked in two 9-in.
square pans for 25 to 30 min., if desired. Cut
into squares and serve warm.
Tropical Paradise Pie
Mrs. Theodore J. Albertowicz
Richland, Washington
1 9-in. baked paatry ahell
4 tablespoons lemon-flavored gelatin
Vi cup boiling water
3 egg yolks
Vi cup sugar
2 8Vi-os. cans crashed pineapple
Vi cup whipping cream, whipped
3 egg whites
Vi teaspoon aalt
Yt cupaugar
1. Add gelatin to the boiling water and stir
until dissolved. Set aside.
2. Beat the egg yolks and Vi cup sugar together
in the top of a double boiler until thick and
lemon colored. Add the contents of one can of
pineapple. Set over simmering water and cook,
stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and
coats a spoon. Stir in the gelatin mixture and
cook 1 min. longer. Cool.
3. Chill until mixture begins to gel (becomes
slightly thicker). If chilled in refrigerator, stir
occasionally; if chilled over ice and water, stir
gelatin frequently.
4. Fold the whipped cream into the slightly
thickened gelatin mixture.
5. Beat egg whites and salt until foamy. Add the
Vi cup sugar gradually, beating well after each
addition. Continue beating until rounded peaks
are formed (peaks turn over slightly when
beater is slowly lifted upright). Fold into the
gelatin mixture.
6. Turn into pastry shell and chill until firm.
Drain the remaining pineapple and use to deco
rate around edge of pie. One 9-in. pie
Baked Beans
. Mrs. Helen Gorsuch
Santa Ana, California
1 lb. white great northern beana or navy (pea)
beans, washed and sorted
2 Vi lbs. beef brisket, trimmed of fat and cut in
2 teaspoons salt
Yt teaspoon black pepper
Yt cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
Vi cup maple sirup
1 medium-siied onion
1. Soak the beans in cold water for 3 hrs.
2. Drain beans, transfer to a large saucepan,
and add enough cold water to cover. Add meat,
salt, and pepper. Cover; simmer until meat is
tender, about 1 hr.
3. Drain, reserving cooking liquid. Turn beans
and meat into a bean pot or casserole with a
tight-fitting cover. Pour a mixture of the next
three ingredients over the top.
4. Place the onion in the center of the mixture.
Pour enough of the cooking liquid over beans
and meat to cover. Cover and set in a 300F
oven for 3 hrs., or until beans are tender; stir
occasionally and add more cooking liquid and
water as needed. 8 to 8 servings
Southern Oven Barbecued Chicken
Mrs. Frank B. Propst
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
cup white vinegar
Yi cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 Vi teaspoons salt
Yt teaspoon cayenne pepper
'i enp butter
Yt cup chopped onion
I tablespoon prepared mustard
1 thick lemon slice
Vi cupestaup
Vt cup chili sauce
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 2-to 2 Vi -lb. broiler-fryer chickens,
split in halves
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour -
1. Combine first nine ingredients in a saucepan
and simmer 15 min., stirring occasionally. Blend
in catsup, chili sauce, and Worcestershire
sauce; bring to boiling. Remove from heat.
2. Place chicken halves flat in a roasting pan,
skin - side up. Spoon half of the sauce over
chicken, cover pan and set in a 350F oven for
30 min.
3. Remove cover, spoon additional savce over
chicken, and cook, uncovered, 30 to 45 min., add
ing more sauce and basting several times until
chicken is tender.
4. Transfer chicken to a heated serving platter.
Heat the 2 tablespoons butter in a small sauce
pan; stir in the flour and heat until mixture
bubbles. Blend butter-flour mixture into the
sauce remaining in roaster. Cook over low heat
until sauce thickens, stirring constantly. Spoon
over chicken and serve immediately, i servings
FsmUy Weekly. February 14, IK