- J J Birthday Is Observed jGuv L. Muore, hose R9th birthday was Jan. 31, was hnn ored at an open house al the Moore residence on Sunday, Jan 27. Many tailed during the after noon to congratulate their friend, who has been a resident of Keno since 1!06. Guests were served cake, a pretty white and peach confec tion. lettered "Happy Birthday to Dad Moore." brought from Ash- land by his stepson, Ray Cryder- -- man. 5 iXJommA CAddviim Baby Boy Joins Family Mr. and Mi's. Dour Puckott re-1 Henderson. Mrs. Henderson is the cently returned to their home in former Norma Puckelt. Kimii. alirr iv weeks swot in "le "",reu """ FASHION FLAIR By Helen Bechen i 1,1 ,ni,v.i..; , ..,... v tiiuui iili. iiii t'iiue nir ine it ip "as the birth of a grandson on J.in. fi to Mr. and Mrs. Dick loan. 2'i. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Henderson of Portland Inited Press International No longer a need for old-fashioned filler materials in quilted bedspreads. One manufacturer i Goodyear' boasts a new Vycron polyester fiberfill that's just half Ithe weight of the old. Mink will be the highest fashion on the beach this summer. The color, that is. Mink brown will be featured in suits for every woman from IS and over. A suit to watch: the soft stretch nylon bikini with brief bra and hiplin peek-a-boo slits. Wednesday, February 20, liXtt PAGE-7 HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore Fashion Forecast NF.W YORK- Assisting with the party vasomotor for teen-age girls points Mrs. Wanieta Daley of Ashland, j, niRn ilisl5 straight lines, r-.... t . l - :.. n , , . ,o ,-, , wrap around dresses, mohair coats rrwk i nunit On in in 1K A ln r 1!KM he moved to North Dakota a"d lhe sporting look. and filed on a homestead near That's the forecast from the The fashion bar-1 coats the newest ensemble, a long-sleeved dress with sleeveless coat. Good sports will lind interest ing new ideas: flaxen - look dress es, jumpers and skirts that wrap around swinging: m?dras in an Bismarck. In addition to farming February issue of a popular maga-jauthentic cotton coat and a mad- .u;.. I I i. I II i ' ..... ... ui.s idnu. iic mMicu i-n nia- zjnc whjt., UOKjlls jts report on 'as - print wool ,-weaier chines with which he bored and drilled approximately 600 wells in '1 the surrounding area. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED Guy L. Moore of Keno, shown with Mrs. Moore, celebrated his 89th birthday on Jan. 31. He received best wishes from friends and relatives at an open house on Jan. 27. He has been engaged in farm ing since coming to Oregon. L nable to be present lor t h c festivities were a daughter. Mrs. Leona Perry of Minneapolis and a son, Guy Everett Moore of Portland. the spring fashion climate with shiny black and white rainwear. Pink and the nautical colors red. while and blue will be im portant for dresses and ensembles, Garden Club Is Organized MOUNT SHASTA The organi 7alional meeting for a Mount Shasta garden club was held Feb. II at the home of Mrs. Mary Dorlaque with 21 prospective members present. A total mem bership of 40 is expected with 31 women already signifying a desire to join. It will be chartered by the Klamath Falls Garden Club, member of District 12. Mrs. R. C. Johnson, director of District 12, will attend the next meeting March 4 at the Paul Decker home. Mrs. John son will explain aspects of flower and garden club activities. Former president of the Klam ath Falls club, Mrs. Mary Dor laque, will demonstrate making tulips from eggshells. A delegation trom the new gar den club will meet this week w ith the Mount Shasta Recreation Dis trict to oflcr a plan for beautify ing the city park. with denim, shades big madras and flaxen sportswear striped cotton denim in a "base ball suit" of dugout jacket and knickers. Brushed mohair coals float in on a cloud of pastel color, led by an unexpected pink plaid. Pink takes the high way in dresses with waistlines going up mostly little sleeved skimmers. . us- . I J i a.- txA . - w iii I T r dT mr. i. j 11 til M Vl T If I Hi: Girls who play it straight will look reed-slim in clean, unclut tered coats and suits, dresses and ensembles. Narrow two - piece r II C C Jnli,.;,n.a 2 dresses are topped by one of , " F. , ?,P " Vi, c c 2 season's big fashions, the fisher- h II U T litllrtS. man pullover, or a nmmy - mouse pullover. A long, slender tunic jacket slit at the sides and worn over an arrow -straight skirt de lineates an exciting new suit silhouette. Skimmy dresses with A-line skirts often wear their own Dept. K P.O.Box 2589, Portland 3, Ore. TULIP BLOOM Members of the newly-formed garden club in Mount Shasta will learn from Mrs. Mary Dorlaque how to make these attractive tulips from egg shells at the Paul Decker home. Mrs. Dorlaque is a former resident of Klamath Fails where she was an active garden club mem ber. Photo by J. O. McKinney POLLY'S POINTERS Homemade Food Trays POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY Here is an idea we find quite l.andy in our family. Carry shoe boxes, lined with aluminum foil. In the trunk of the car. When you stop al a drive-in lor sandwiches, milk shakes, etc.. place the lood for Lodge New Honors Officers sparkling clean at the same lime. When the feet in girls' stretch tights wear out. cut Ihem olf above the knees and trim with I iacc to make petti-pants. It F. MOUNT SHASTA-Castle Lake Rebekah Lodge met Feb. 12 at Shasta Arcade Hall to honor new otlicers, who are Mrs. Wallace Barlow, noble grand; Mrs. How ar Simcox. vice grand; Mrs. Wil liam Beckham, secretary, and urer. Al the end of the business meet ing Ihe group enjoyed a Valentine exchange. The dining lahlc was decorated with Valentine motif table cloths, napkins and n u I DEAR POLLY Alter buying cuns. Mrs. l.ce Barlow made the each person in a box. The boxes sweaters or T shirts for the chil-.heautilul heart-shaped cake dec are especially good as trays fnrjdrcn or my husband, 1 always put 'orated with hearts and roses, the children. ielastic thread through the neck jwhich was served. Mrs. Simcox D.C.! hands. It prevents stretching andjnnd Mrs Barlow were in charee DEAR POLLY I have found lasts or a long time. of refreshments. Each of 12 of- H.A.G. ificers was presented a telephone J....' ,,l,l....c l,,. v Harris and rgR; Elwin Brown Li I "There's More To Selling Than Selling Pleasant Selling Crew That Knows Their Merchandise Real Guarantees Not Warantccs Service That Lasts That's Prompt That's Here When You Need It Big Free On-Thc-Spot Parking Lot V Famous Nationally Advertised Brands At Low, Competitive Prices Big 3-Cycle WASHE that when making skilled toys, a good practice is lo insert an empty cardboard tube in the neck after stulling the head. This will hold the neck straight and prevent that "droopy neck sag." i V.'a.a Thi nthpr nnp ramp In nltr DEAR POLLY I-abcl small atrnljon first. We always try c ardboard boxes "Ears," "Eyes." t us(, (,. first one received. "Nose," "Headache." and line; POLLY these on medicine cahinel shelves. Sort nut vour medicine accord-! . , , ,i k. Share vour favorite homcmak mg v and p ace it in the boxes, . - , . u mg ideasi. . . send Incm to Pollv leady to be chosen. . , u .. , . ; ' IUj. y p p jrj ;in rare of Herald and News. ,. "' ,.'.i,. 'You'll receive a bright, new sil- G ltLS You are so svstematic. " . ver dollar if Polly uses vour ideas . in cnum Riil vnur J ens fii you send in the same sug-i Barlow. Rcslinns. so please do not feel The group will sponsor the slighted if an idea you so kind.Heart Fund Drive Feb. 24, with ly shared Is credited to someone William Hupp as chairman. SHAW'S HAS IT! A-B-DICK MIMEOGRAPH PRODUCTS Bond hints are raising me up to vour class. POLLY j DEAR POLLY Here are a few of my favorite items: When mnkng soup, make the stock ahead and store overnight in the refrigerator. Next morning skim off all the fat accumulation and finish making the soup. When bleaching stubborn stains in the kitchen sink. I put in my sink liner, etc . so they all come The Eiflel Tower hairdo is go me out and the bi lower lip "the touch of pout" is coming back. For men; A new red nxblood lor outerwear, and tailored sportswear, it's a real hrightener. in Polly's Pointers. i ! W :duplicating 'you II De PROUDER of your CHOWDER! Oh, my aching back MIMEOGRAPH I IT! NM copies in a hurry' Vith to 'day's A. B. Dick electric mimeograph jyou can produce from 50 to 200 high iquaiity copies a minute faster than any other mimeograph. And, opera tion is as quick and easy as one ifaUacn stencil), two load paper) and three (flip switch). 1 In addition, the A, B. Dick mimeo Rraph gi.es you clean optration automatic inking and ink recocry ihut off copy counter no overruns, no waste Na?Binph.uk.iche.hc3(!ach.ormin- prjnt.lllt copies at a fraction Of cwhr hc sn.l p;.in m.iv mnw on CQ5t Qf pnntin- XrXZZM Cai. us today lor . rmooS.ion who t.tt and ilnnk unwisely vimciimc of today's A. B. Dick eectnc mimeo ti;!tcr milil hlmidcr irniation . . . with graph and trade-in appraisal of ih.it rr-ilc iincomforiable feeling. y0uf p-esent duplicator. If you mi"h, "Hr,7" '!! for VM w,th of iV(.M tftrx pill, otirn help bv Ihr.r pa.n-rd.ng action, hv ihfir wominp cnrn in r.ic bladder irtiutton. snd bv iheir mild duircliv Jtwiion ih'ou-jh the kidne icndina lo im.re.t-e me ouipui ol ihe t mAcs of k'dnr luhe frcl d'ccf d-ui. miNtLthie , .iTh re-i-Cv. lecrie-s mchi"-..don'i ,m...iry iin l'i!l. . . set s.tmr hnpv re- l.ff million hue enicd lor over tl 729 Moin St. TU 22586 rirv For cpnvr n krKt, f-k for 'he larse tire, det IXnn' PiiMtv.t.! ''" nl ' '"'i " "" 11 'I 111 mi w 1 1 mil mi iiiimmii man n n in i ig; f IT'S THE TKPTH S i: S1 $109 v& I 00cnhtaKp- I : I: ;.; TIN Jp tojp tin Q , commerce Z II I." : 1 ' am 1 mwmr I L S - -Mil - sunshine crater lake b I KAK rrrll I II W GRAHAM DC ADC IJ 11 ;" CRACKERS m.f Broadway Hall, Malin H ill Lb. IAC J Na.2'2 AAC Advance ticket... can be I I lfMllllVfe GOLD MIST FANCY I I! j m RED SALMON JM standby HIND QUARTER Sy y BEEF 6 lb XA I NESTLE'S I I CUT AND WRAPPED gM QUIK SWIFT'S CORAL I SWIFT'S PREMIUM 238 lb AC It TIIRKFY PARFRHK pk9 79 Iii Lb. I FP0RK 0 DDCM 1 fill SWIFT'S PREMIUM I TTT. I 1 T?T.0X- Ol C I I W If M FULLY COOKED rKtirl edit LEAN l.n, II KWll PICNIC GROUND RFFF - I ' mmm New Golden Corn" I 7V. i lfb.!;$f2' Margarine I sLd ' m Mb. C4nn I , Carnation Book 1 pkgi. Y 0 Z MATCHES ' S - Box A C .A- V m r m i nil rr m wm mm i M' isiifcLr inMk . x m & i I " m if Doan's SHAW STATIONERY CO. Lorge Size! Takei (l Full 12-lb. Lood S push-button woih and rinse temperature combinations no guesswork! Woshcs ev erything from greasy work clothes to deli cate lingerie! Good, old - fashioned surgilotor agitator routes stubborn soil. Full-time lint filter, filters perfectly with any water setting. 2WS Woith T.ven More In Tm't' Reg. 319.95 Trde Allow. I U Matching Dryer 239.95 Less $40 Trade 199.95 Buy A. A Poir ond SAVC (VEN MORE! No Money Down, No Pymt. Till April 1 Guaranteed, Qualified Speedy Service from OUR OWN Service Department! rillsDury wnire Angci rooa ir-- CAKE MIX X 39' if Vv m 'mf ' ? Nabisco Mb. Pkg. FIG NEWTONS 3s$l 1 n mmr .mmmm. Cottage TOMATO SAUCE Buffet Six 'C each 5 SOLID, CRISP HEAD A CABBAGE 1U FRESH RHUBARB Lb 19 SALAD TREAT LETTUCE 3 - 29 SNO-BOY 100 PURE ORANGE JUICE 49 Quart Bottle BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOOD Mix or Match Chopped Broccoli Mixed Vegetables Peas Peas and Carrots Spinach Butter Beans 5-1 00 FROST FREE WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 9:49' Betty Crocker Buttermilk or Sweet Milk BISCUITS Tube 9 Standby R.S.P. Pie 303 $ A 00 CHERRIES i int AA Downtown Malin, Oregon Prices Effective Thun. thru Sat. Right Reserved to Limit I