Wednesday, February 20, infill HERALD AXD NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. PAGE i "DENNIS THE MENACE" r Wunou get TbM aj' Wiais out op Trie banths so aae TUESDAY ; MERRILL CHAPTER NO. 18, WOTM, 8 p.m., meeting, recrea tion hall. Initiation by hospital committee, I AMERICAN LEGION AL'X., Klamath Unit No. 8. 8 p.m., meet fnfi. Legion Club. Games and re freshments. ; RIVERSIDE I'TA, 7 p.m., Founders Day meeting, Melody Mothers and school chorus, gym. ' DEGREE OF HONOR, 7:M p.m., executive meeting, Fannie Cervais, 2441 Garden St. I AGENCY LAKE GRANGE, 8 p.m., installation of officers, pot luck desert,' community hall. ! WEDNESDAY MIDLAND GRANGE, 8 p.m., meeting, grange hall. FRIENDSHIP COURT NO. II, Order of Amaranth. 8 p.m.. Ad vance night, Cakewalk, Scottish Itite Temple. SUBURBAN SIRENS, Dutch Doe Dinner, Satellite Restaurant Meet at fire station, 7:30 p.m. BONANZA FARM RUREAU CENTER, 8 p.m.. Bonanza Li brary. Speakers, Charles Sweet and Richard Hood. KLAMATH ARCHERS. 7 p.m. Business meeting, Twyla Fergu son School gym. League shooting follows. HENLEY FARM B U R E A U CENTER, 8 p.m., Henley Hall. Speaker, Richard Baldwin. KLAMATH COUNTY DEMO CRATIC CLUB, 7:30 p.m.. meet ing. County Courthouse. Speaker on European Common Market. KLAMATH COUNTY TAXPAY ERS' LEAGUE, 7:30 p.m., Meet ing, Courthouse. Open to public LADIES SOCIETY, Brotherhood of Firemen and Enginemen. 7:30 p.m.. Meeting, City Library base ment. A AMI N ri.l'B. 1 n.m . Meet ing. Mrs Maud Hosley, 623 High St. PELICAN SCHOOL PTA. 2 p.m.. Meeting. School gym. KLAMATH STAMP AND COIN CLUB. 8 p.m., Meeting, 623 Main St. GOLDEN AGE CLUB. I p.m.. Meeting. Klamath Auditorium. Y - NE - MA TWIRLERS. 7:30 P m. Beginning square dance class. YMCA. Cookery, Fairgrounds. Charge luncheon. TOPS CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Meeting, Community Lounge, 118 N. 7th. Group therapy for overweight women. THURSDAY OREGON TECH HOME EXT. UNIT, 10 a.m., Credit Buying No. 2, Student Lounge. OREGON FISH AND GAME COUNCIL, 8 p.m., meeting, Mid land Grange. Sportsmen invited. VFW AUXILIARY, 8 p.m., Card party, Social night, VFW Club. Bring cards or game. BETHEL NO. fi, Job s Daugh ters. 7:30 p.m., Meeting, Mason ic Temple. Plans for King of Hearts formal. FRIENDLY CIRCLE. 12:30 p.m.. Potluck. Meeting, hather ine Williams, 2040 Darrow. Bring quilt materials. Y - NE - MA TWIRLERS, 7:30 p.m., Hound dance instruction, 8 p.m., Square dance, YMCA. MERRY MIXERS, 8 p.m.. Ad vanced round dance class, Merry Mixer Hall. ROYAL N E 1 AMERICA. 8 Evans Building. G II B O R S OF p.m., Meeting, 10th and Main. KLAMATH FALI-S EXT. UNIT. 9:30 a.m.. KLAMATH ART ASSOCIATION, 8 p.m.. Meeting. Maple Park Gal ery. Film, "Art and Archeology in Mexico. PROSPERITY R E B E K A H LODGE NO. 104, 8 p.m.. Meeting lOOF, Hall. ' FRIDAY DAY, 8 p.m., meeting. Legion Hall. FOE NO. 2090, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Ham and Bean Feed, Eagles Hall. Meeting follows. EAGLES AUXILIARY, 8 p.m. meeting, initiation. Eagles Hall ALOHA PAST MATRONS CLUB. I p.m.. dessert luncheon. Mrs. .lames Hunter, 2851 Wiard MERRY MIXERS, 8 p.m. square dance, workshop night, Merry Mixer Hall. Bring cake. EWUANA L.E.A. NO. 46, p.m., meeting, IOOF Hall. MEN'S ENCAMPMENT NO. 46. 8 p.m., meeting. lUUr Han. KLAMATH COUNTY CTVH. DEFENSE, rescue squad, 7:30 p.m., meeting, city lire hall. RUMMAGE SALE, Rainbow IIOMEIGirls, 9 a m. in 5 p.m., uyoe s Creative Towing. You get more OUT of a pre-owned Cadillac because Cadillac put more IN it! See These Beauties Today In Our Used Car Lot! SAVE 2 YEARS On An Almost 1961 6-WINDOW DeVille Ha ir-rnr1Mlwrir, all lrif If pnw r wind mrt ! ailjmt'f. ""I malic ironh prnrr. Im mrlaU invld' and mat j; dm mn. n nr mil rrtA DEPRECIATION New Codilloc! 1961 4-WINDOW DeVille Ml Uftrti' p ! rift anal tl arljamr. Ht n w f lr. and li t rl'in aharn !. tnll m wM nf Rlftfi1 I a fftftrt n't. nttlfal h9 ralnf . Th. At Vtrv Choice Car Nothing Comporoblt Nl A . . . . ; I -ri-A . ' In -i..... - - -1 ays like this are made for Olppia You've done your best skiing of the season. Skis together, knees locked and every turn feels right! Now comes your reward. A brief rest and a frosty can of refreshing Olympia Beer with your friends. Tcople who get out and do things really go for that distinctive flavor. Whatever you like to do, remember to take along Olympia. It's made for days like this. Enjoy yourself! one ingredient is priceless "It's the Water" Visitors ore always welcome at the, Olympia Brewing Company, Tumwater, ticar Olympia, Washington, 8:00 to 4:30 every day. Oly uj DICK B. MILLER CO. 7A Kl.m..h TU 4-4IJ4