T PACBl-t HERALD AND NEWg, Klamath Fall!, Ore. PRICES CHOPPED AT OUR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY LOOK AT THESE "CHOPPED" SPECIALS Wednesday, February 20, 1S63 1 If j PRICES CHOPPED AT OUR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY tffiHTUPTftE CANM&... 3 r) Fnfii-A CArlr i! - T-mTX Man " m. .nil i m a w jip ; -m. " ill bows i : VS . f SHIRTS DXS . .. hE ... i 5)dg n -priced! . . H FT 3.48 II II R. .5 9 88 , U . J j , , " I i Griulev Comoufloge I . 3ttJJtJWftft . I ' -3 f' 6950 . 5 1 88 ' i X " V- Rg. 8J.00 . COBS V . others 25 off y : 1 , ; v jpT tt Purchased This t I ' , i" Dozen! Swr " Weekend ' "lAflMTCD 6 Qua"ty W I : it OflF i i uuiiuii.it i rrnrffs i nnc TOT ' ' . 'tflAA lmr gf ; "EHS' lY 3 'missis ValuCS AlllJU I In the Spirit ef 1774 In the Spirit ef 177 I Another Largo Group .... 2.00 I B ' , M ' . ' j Reg. 11.90 Value j im n n '(? . ! 3SLii 11 532 Main Ph. TU 4-5569 '.j' V Sa,urdo,! tlv .t). "' ', ! .".'.I''.LL'iigl n-"" fttf .T JBWflMBaTaaMee ' . J . .. . .. ; ' " ' ' i aaaMa , " II I I II I II I II . ! I I llaWll IM ! TWITO LOOK AT MErTs I i 7 .W ' Jl THESE WATCHES J? Wrfc R rhPMur fSJ! . Ru99cd enough f? In Honor of Washington's C , " rVsi vk PFnAlS 5fand the s,roin of v illyl k &"rJ- Birthday, February 22 Ar 'oTZl. ' We'll Present You !$f '! : with r Iff! aiS. I when You Open A Bonk of Klamath' Foils Y-JLMllAl I 113 YXZ- Ell ACCOM! i: flViflrjlrTS Jl f. Hurrv! Offer l For Thi M.U Ai.. cj. c.L is,l ' " George Washington did not have credit at Rickys, but you have. Just pick out what you need and say charge it. Melamine by Lenox The very finest in Melamine. A complete service for 8 gives you enough dishes to feed Washing ton's entire army. Better hurry on this one. They're going for only . . . Men's & Ladies' Wallets 88 Beautiful top grain leather. Wosh ington kept the dollar he threw oc ross the Potomac in one of these fine wallets. Come in and get one to keep your dollars In. They go this weekend for only . . . Silver Department Specials Silver Plate Butter Dishes, Glqss Liners 1.88 Silver Plate Bread Trays, Gadroon Border 1.88 Silver Plate Bon Boris, Chippendale .'. 1.88 See all the values offered during this big W a t h I n g ton event ... at Rickys. Charge it at . Ph. TU 4-3131 Hurry! Offer Is For This Month Only. Ends Feb. 28th 1. Budget checks cost only 10c each. 2. No Nuisance Deductions. 3. Cost less than money orders. 4. Cancelled checks ore automatic receipts. 5. Check stubs form a record of expenditures. 6. All checks micro-filmed for your protection. Banking... Hometown Style! I b n n u 1 .hinmmn frlls MEN'S PAJAMAS SWEATER SHIRTS Beautiful sweater shirts for men that you can wear now and all through summer. Two price groups, regular to 3.98 (and regularly to 5.95; now- Broadcloth just the right weight for spring. Fancy pat terns and plain colors in one of our best brands. We cannot tell a lie, take your choice of these 5.98 values for only 99 mmmmmmmKnmmmmmmmmmiman iiaviiiiiJi'ia'iaJiii"ift'i;iiiiiiii)Miaaj,1. MwaawwiiuMiaHaaHHaaaai riaiea mim 1 1 i imarim vmtrr-" Tni Ivy Sport Shirts BOYS' SHIRTS We've taken the ax to these. Odds and ends in both short All current styles in long and long sleeved sport shirts sleeved ivy styles that would for bys- Step down into our have made George really flip. bys' department and depart Values to 5.98. Go ivy for just wi'h these values to 3.95 for just 3" 99v BV.... . ... : 3 t, . .....-H. . ftfctim)! mmmmmMmmivmmii a j.iawaawawiMaii..jjiiaauwa mmmimtvymimmimmmm v 1 - 1 svi . ' -i t- n: , . ,, V ''.,W;.'.--'C;-'-'.-- ) 'i';r; t-j-vi-.h-'v - Nev For Spring by CURLEE Our racks ore loaded with new sport coots for Spring in all wools and wool and miracle blends. Soft, muted tones that wear from daytime till nightime. Light and comfortable with a relaxed look . . . relaxed feel. See the entire collection. Priced from just 35. Other sport coats from 29.95 Slacks to contrast from just 12.95 . CHARGE IT! Get let for Spring the convenient way jujt put everything you need on a revolving charge account. Taka up to & monthi to cay. Set your own credit limit and your own rhonthly pay. ! mant. It s the eaiv way to stay well dresied! 733 Main and Town and Country 700 Main St. iia.ooa if h oic I