5T1 r mmmmmamm 1' imnl 0 By George, Downtown Klamath Falls is about to have a run-away. The balmy weather must have set store buyers off . . , or maybe it was just plain pride in pro viding the greatest values and the newest things that can be found anywhere at all. Anyway, Downtown is going all out and really beating the drum for this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Don't hesitate don't loiter ... DO HURRY to Downtown Klamath Falls for the greatest Washington's Birthday Surprises you ever dreamed of. M1lh vw J If Irj ? WP W 1 - ' T AND THERE'S MORE OF EVERYTIflf $ ' SELECT f MILLION Jfc VrO W L Jk ITEMS rii)tl ufUjV llf tmOSIIuDSyil If SI II IIS; ft Downtown Klamath Falls Merchants have gone all out to bring you tremendous Washington Birthday Values Read all the following pages to see what savings there are for you in Downtown Klamath Falls Stores. . mi Shop Downtown Klamath Falls 'HURSDAY RID AY SATUR AY OVER ,000,000 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM IN DOWNTOWN STORES 2 Values Boom and you'll enjoy shopping in Downtown Klamath Falls Convenient Parking tAt Great Selection Outstanding Values rMore Variety :4r Leisurely Shopping Famous Brands More Spring Styles More Service OtP" There's Nothing Like -It II