Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 20, 1963, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wed.. Feb. 20. 1963 Page 12
Her14 Newt Klim.th Fall
Crash Laid
To Stresses
From Storm
flight recorder of the Northwest
Orient Airlines jet which crashed
in the Florida Everglades last
Tuesday indicates the plane was
subjected In violent stresses se
vere enough to cause structural
failure, it was learned today.
The stresses may have been
the result of storm turbulence, al
though this still is in the realm
of speculation.
Sources close to the investiga
tion of the crash, in which all
43 aboard were killed, said a pre
liminary recorder reading showed
mis picture:
The Boeing 720B jet reached
a maximum altitude of about 19,-
400 feet when it encountered what
appeared to be extreme turbu
The Indicated air sccd all
this point was about 230 or 255
knots (around 300 miles per
hour), winch is standard penetra
tion speed for entering turbulence
m a jot.
At this speed, the recorder
scrawled out a reading of nega
tive "G" forces 3.5 times that of
gravity. Negative G forces put a
downward strain on the wings,
and 3.5 far exceeds the design
limits of the airplane.
The high G forces indicating
probable turbulence was followed
by a minute of smooth flight,
then slightly choppy air for an
other 30 seconds, and suddenly a
nose pitch-over into a dive.
The speed in the dive built
up to as high as 620 miles perl
hour and possibly higher: the
speed tracing went off the re
corder's graph at about 10,00(1
feet, an altitude at which 020
m.p.h. far surpasses the "nc
exceed" speed of a jet.
Investigators emphasized the
recorder readings thus far are
preliminary and subject to con
tinued analysis. They also cau
tioned against any premature in
"At this point," one official
said, "all we have is evidence of
severe turbulence. abnormal
stress forces and a high speed
dive. It's too soon to tell whether
turbulence caused a structural
break-up, whether other factors
might have been involved, ttheth
cr the dive caused structural fail !
me or merely followed it."
Airmen and engineers alike
would he stunned if it is deter
mined that the Northwest jet was
wrecked by storm turbulence.
Airliners like the Boeing 720 are J
regarded as the strongest evcrl
Lgfc rXp f I ( Come In and see for yourself during our
Vi-Vi'' L flf I II Mkil I 'lllllf I' I I I II I I I I I till t I t I I 1 I 1 f ill f
JT X U U J"f H M m M M V lit li I Iff II f t ? f J I f f LJ fti t I till II l Ml M
S 4 B9 tHfyf B III i I II V 7 I - x f f. J f I II f 1 II I it " J
r li &ffil f Ull r I I Fill II t f il If t.it.1 Ufi 11 Iti 111 7
a f nil i m ir a a it t li till n nit 1 "tin 1 1 ii i i i t j
' 1 A O rDlfl r-ASC T-i i -- o e i O jt k .., C a a F J
. - ism i nuruuy, iruuy or jururaay... O S-.IVI. Till U h.lVI. y
5Tore Manager x, mirTTmlllumamnmM
W i mar aeT rmBie with M.iJ Eghs f I " " tigSadimBBaiLSJ
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Vfii 'MJ 57 J Steel Tape V fejtygjPI Portable Hair Dryer I Switches from steam to dry instantly. FuH
ni. u lvyj S I JI . --SSl ' 1 Nnvdial ariinn r. 11 a. tKt I wifh Attached Hood. automatic fabric dial provides the riehl heat
m carton TVidfiJ u',lrln,.".W XX 0 i J Liahtweiaht. Choice or steam for anv fabric Weinh, only 3 txmmls.
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IllllPta ;.:::. Push Broom M '"mU H?0 'K
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- .Wir V V r.i WJI.75 0OWN . I w..k .
JFK Asks
Water Study
WASHINCiTON ( Ufli - Presi
dent Kennely has sent Congress
a study of the nation's water prob
lems and asked for a full attack
on them More some regions are
Kennedy asked sciilically for
new legislation "to stienglhrn sub
stantially the contributions that
the universities can make to re
search and graduate education in
Witter resources."
The President sent Congress n
.W-page report Monday that look
n task force from the Federal
Council for .Science and Technol
ogy five months to compile.
It noted that three dojen bu
reaus in eight departments and
agencies were engaged In water
reynurcc research.
The rriort recommended devel
opnient of water research centers
ill each of the BO stales and fed
cral grants to universities to con
duct indeiendrnt research.
Although' about 5 billion acre
feet of water per year falls on
the continental t'nited .Stales
large areas of the country are
thirsty, the roxirt said. ,If tin
water were unilormly distributed
it would -ovcr the nation to a
depth of 25 leet. But drspile this
tremendous fall, the report said,
the volume of water "rnriuired to
dilute sewage approaches, and ui
some places already exceeds, the
amount of water in the rivets dur
ing timrs of low flow.
"Requirements tor controllable
water ni;iy exceed average river
and underground lows by tin
rar 2.1011 in Southern Calitoiiu.
and lite (Ileal Itasin. in the Pel
ftwaie-lludson. upcr Atk.invav
Hod f.iver. tirrat l.akcs, anil
western Gulf regions, and in tiir
upper Missouri, lio (irandc-IYco.
and Colorado Hivor baMii.v
"The total delicti in dry years
may lie something like loo million
acre-foet per year, t'nlrss signifi
cant improvements can be brought
about in llie elticiency of water
me. or other adjustments can br
made, expensive water transpor
tation system will be necessary to
meet the needs o( these regions "
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