fage-io dnfsday, Kphruary 20, 13 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath falls, Ore. BASIN BONANZA BRIDGE AND PINOCHLE will be played at the benefit card party given by Clara Bold and Jean McFall at the library at 8 p.m. Feb. 23. Everyone is invit ed and there will be prizes and refreshments. MR. AND MRS. MARION UNI SAV have returned from a trip to Phoenix and Yuma. LARRY HASKINS, who attends Chico Stale, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Haskins. MR. AND MRS. WAYNE SHAN HOLTZER of Klamath Falls spent a few days in Corvallis with Mr and Mrs. Mark Dearborn. Toby and Lynn Shanholtzer stayed in LanRolI Valley with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brett RKV. AND MRS. EUGENE WILMS, Kathy, Bobby, and Mrs. Kcrmit Kcysor are attending a district council meeting at Sa lem. The Willis' visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kel ler, and left the children there. Mrs. Keysor visiled her daugh ter, Mrs. Warren Dick, and fam ily, Portland. MRS. FRANK SILVA and two children have returned to their home in Pleasanton, Calif., after several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Lcavitt. PALI, DEARBORN spent Sat urday with other Oregon seniors at Willamette University at Sa lem. MR. AND MRS. CECIL HUNT made a trip to Medford last week to visit Hunt's sister who is MAUN . MRS. GEORGE BRADY re cently spent two weeks in St. KUHS Receives Charter In National Klamath Union High School re-iearned an M A. degree al Stan ceived national recognition this ford University. week when it was awarded a charter in Mu Alpha Theta, na tional high school and junior col lege mathematics club. The announcement was made by Dr. Harold lluncke, national secretary - treasurer, who is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Oklahoma where the national office of Mu Alpha Theta is located. Only those schools with excel lent mathematics programs can earn membership in the club since all courses in mathematics and the qualifications of I he math ematics faculty and students are examined in detail by the club's governors and officers. To be eligible for membership, a student must have no grade lower than a "B" in mathematics and an overall grade average for all courses of at Irast a "B." "Membership in Mu Alpha Theta is the highest honor pos sible for a high school or junior college student of malhemalics." lluncke said, "t'luh activities con sist ol work in areas of nialhe- nmlics not usually covered in the classroom," Mu Alpha Theta was (minded in W.T7 at the t'niversity of Okla homa and has grown to more than "no clubs in all 50 states and Can ada, .lapan. Mexico, Kngland. Puerto Itico, and (iuantananio Kay. Cuba. The club is sponsored by Ih Mathematical Association "I America and has attracted the attention of top mathematics schivlai s In this countrv and abroad. Sponsor (or the Klamnlh I ninn High School club of Mu Alpha Thcla is Clenn Chamberlain who Meeting Held MKUMil The Merrill Amcri can legion Auxiliary met for its regular business meeting Feb. 12 at tho home of Mrs. fieri ha Me Odium. Mrs. Male Wilson at tended as a puct. Several reports wore cn and Mis Itcsvie West, co-chairman ofilanmu the Heart Fund, reported she had di.-played the heart containers ued for the fund at various Mer rill business firms. They will he on display all this month as Feb ruary is set aside as Heart Fund month. Other trporls were on Icfjisla tirtn. Pan American, community service and Girls Stale. The dinner which the auxiliary will 5erv at the Merrill I.ions Club meeting on Feb. R was dis cussed And also the American lymn Hirtlwiav Dinner In be held on March J2 at the recre ation hall, A hnrt meeting will follow tlte birthday dinner for auxiliary member. Contribution were made to the Heart Fund, March of Dimes and tlx Dominican Republic for its aehool fund. ! BRIEFS Helens visiting her mother, Mrs. George Courtright. MR. AND MRS. JIM JOHN SON, daughter, Maria Gay, and Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Havlina, spent last weekend in Myrtle Point and Coquille, visiting relatives. MRS. BYRON JOHNSON is a patient at Klamath Valley Hos pital recuperating from a broken leg. SUMMER LAKE MISS MARY MORGAN was here for a few days from Taft to visit I he Charlie Gaylords and attend funeral services for Mrs. Mary Campbell in Paisley. She is a re tired teacher. MR. AND MRS. VAN WITHERS have left for a month's vacation in Arizona and Mexico. MR. AND MRS. RED WITH ERS attended a party in Lake- view Wednesday evening in honor of Jim Farlcigh's birthday. THE BOH PENINGTONS took Mrs. Penington's mother, Mrs. Ben Zamarra, to Alturas Satur day for her return to Albuquerque following a slay of seven weeks here. BOIIBY CAHLON, son of the Bob Carlons, Paisley, is spending a few days with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gallon. while his sisters, Iirrie and Lana, have tonsillectomies. BILL SMITH'S brother, Jack eturned with the Smiths from Wciser. Jdaho, following funeral services for their mother and slayed unlil Thursday, when the Smiths took him to Alturas to re turn to his A.F. base in Okinawa, BILL OTT, OTI student. Klam ath Falls, was a Saturday visitor of his uncle, Donald Hodges. Math Club The outstanding students al Klamalh Union School who will he initialed as charter members inchide: Sheila Callison, Dean C. (iuyer. Daheralh Kouls, .Irrry M, Molalore. Elizabeth L. Ough, Donald A. W. riper, Robert A. Kyle and Charles Sanders. Others are Kalhryn Stalker, Harold .Strickland. Phyllis I). Wales, Judith Weinberg, Carl I.. Ziegler and Avis Zimmerman. Paisley PTA Honors Past Presidents PAISI.KY Past presidents of Paisley PTA wore honored at llic annual Founder's Day program. Wednesday evening, Feb. 13, in the fidnNil auditorium C.crtrude Dunn presented a te-!ll!i,nl removal proce.tnres. It also sump of the history of the ir.imded inslriM-tion in jet lunda- ent Teacher Association and high-1 lighted achievements of the local organization, which hae included the establishment of a school lunchroom and branch public li brary; purchase of playground equipment for the school; sponsor ing Cub Scouts, sending a dele gate 1o .1F.SSI: and providing assistance for the Kittle league and other worthy youth groups. Kach of the past - presidents present was introduced and pie sented w ith a corsage in recog nition 01 nor eoiunnuuon in me community. Ihey included Pulcir Mratlain, W mitred rochelu, Hulh Hiatlain. Virginia Houston, Mary Daley. Mildred llrattam. Judith Harris, I-ou Wana Hoper, (terry Showers, Harhara tirecn. and the incumlMMit, Norma Jean Otrlon. Harold Crocker, principal, spoke oiieny on ine memoos 01 ipmoook evaluation emplnyed by the e!e.liM)J,n( fnM, Sliice harvest volume mentary teachers, who had pie - p;neo ii uispi.iv in reaoini; texi- t ears. the higher harwM lifi books which Ihey are currently Ue for ls docs mil violate the evaluating in addition lo!()nniiplr of Mist.uned Meld. Slonc jpies oi Miwem ai'iivmes in me : ads area. Mildred Mratlain announced j that Ihe annual Talent Show had hern conceded lo the Inch school lettermen this ear so they miht raise money for new uniforms. The comniithv in charge will Ih1 Mrs. Mratlain, Henrietta Swearin Hen. and lene Showers The pi evident aptiuted t terry Showers, (iertrude Dunn. Marha-! rn (irn uiui !t V Witch , ioonni ietM 15 ato ine iarte.M to prepare and serve dinner fori on ITn)l,, Slnnp ntitfsi the county teachers' third no rinilum meet 1 nil, Keh. 21. in the school lorn himtni. The meeting was concluded with a wilo "The Knd nf a I'eiteit Pay" hy Anita Hamster, accompa nied hy Ten a Mutler. Mrs. -Man Withers, Mis t'hiis- lian, Mrs. I,nnnt Vernon, and Mt v l.yle Sweai inen were hostesspv lor a SiKer Tea served in the school cafeteria. . '40 r ft.:, j" . . jtt- -, 4 GILBERT G. ANDREWS AVY VICTOR A. LEWIS ?,.' . - - V p ' '' i f ifv1 ARMED FORCES NEWS The U.S. Navy Recruiting Sta tion in Klamath Falls recently announced the enlistment of two Klamath Basin men, a Chiloquin resident and a heno man. Marvin John Holcomb. 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Holcomb. Keno, was a 12 graduate of Hen ley High School. Holcomb entered the Navy's Po laris electronic field and is un dergoing recruit training at the U.S. Naval Training Center in San Diego. Upon completion of the recruit training all Navy men rue granted 14 days leave prior to reporting to school or perma nent assignment. After success fill completion of Navy Service School, Holcomb will be assigned to a nuclear powered Polaris submarine. Gilbert Gene Andrews, til, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. An drews, Box 217, Chiloquin, grad uated from Chiloquin High School prior In enlistment in the Navy. Upon successful completion of his training at the renter he will enter the Navy's high school grod '' naming as a hospital corps man Brian Timm Bernard. IK. anil Victor Alfred Ix-wis, 17, both from Klamath Kail s, altcnifvd Klamath Union High School be fore enlisting. They are under going recruit training in San Die- Hernnrd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bernard, 2WI Vine Avenue, and Iwis is the son of Mrs. Klhel Zevely, 3!M:i Austin St reef. Charles K. Shearer Jr., avia tion maehinisl's mate second I lass, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. '. K. Shearer Sr., 42115 Mishee Street, was graduated, Feb. I, from the Aviation Machinist's Mate .lei Kngine School al the Naval Air Technical Training Cen ter, Memphis, Term. The eight week curriculum in cluded disassembly and assem bly of jet jMtwer plants and tower Log Harvest Total High ''iihImt hiirvi-Miil in llic na liial forces of Otoynn and Wash ington in a re.-u-hcxl an all-lime Irnili of 4 hoard loot, it m.k roimrtod hv ,1. Her itor! Mono, regional forester, I'.S Forest Service. In m, n total-of .Tmw.owi.onn ;Utard ftvt was rut. and in two the total was :t.."t.inni.nuu. Total value of the 1W2 harvest was $W,H.lTi,240. The sustained . yield allowable cut tor the Pacitic .winucsi Hejiion ixvenUv was , revised upward to 4.2tiT.lX.(HKl ;,0 aerai;ed out over a period explained 1'imber sold in Hti2 amounted lo 4. ITfl.liOU.UUO hoard feet, which . ii)sf, , 1IM..I,.,W .,. .vci t years. Volume of timler sold va- l ies (torn the amount cul ltu inn the your bis-au-v the period in which n sji! of fimiw i nil , . C ha 1 les Bennett Saifdbnrn, vanes from n few week orUiop ,gn. no mrtett months to .veveinl o.irs. Total I lvalue of the volume sold in lti2 wrt.i $W,n;w.ir7. The total volume .1 , . .. . On The Record MA 4 ft I AGE UriNsM dm Sle.env ? nd ft Srh. 4t. H, tv Kiamath Fu fr"k A oMe, .'V and jire Vim. mvnr t actions tu ro lAAfff H t -R.tji f ,nn F,e4 i tk.msas joined the Coiileder - ay en May IH, )8f-t. BRIAN T. BERNARD 1k MARVIN J. HOLCOMB mentals, jet power plants opera tion and replacement and jet air craft line operation. Shearer entered the service in October, 1958, and is a graduate of Klamath Union High School. The Court Feb. 14, mj Traffic Casei Pmdrlek Gerald Gnrren, no vehicle li cense (expired), guilty plea. SS fine paid. Knowlton Merrltt Jr., violate basic rule, guilty plea, S25 fine paid. Fred William Fink, failure to transfer title, guilty plea, SS fine paid. Henry LePrelle Mainor, no operator li cense, guilty plea, $5 fine paid. Donald Kaye Bohmann, disobeyed itop sign, builty plea, no tine paid. William H. Clayton, disobeyed itop sign, guilty plea, tlO fine paid. Leonard Stanley Humphrey, disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, no fine paid. Theodore James sandberg, disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, $5 line paid. William Thomas Walters, no opera tor license, guilty plea, IS fine paid. Olney Lee Rudd Jr., disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, SIS line paid. Dennis Lavern Carlson, violate basic rule, guilty plea, $35 line paid. Danny Allen Kirby, no headlights when required, guilty plea, S10 tine paid. Billy Ray Greenleaf, disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, $10 line paid. Robert Harvey Jenkins, violate hasic rule, guilty plea, ili line paid. David Humphry Sawyer, disobeyed Hop sign, guilty plea, S10 tine paici. William Victor Albert, violate basic ruip, guilty pien, ?t tine pid. George Lane Dayton, no vehicle nrns? (expired), guilty plea, IS tine susprntjecl Girwin Angus Rullis, no vehicle licensft (epired), quMty plea, SS line suspended Robert Orrin Warner, false application for registration, gullly pita, S7S or 10 days in lieu of tine. Robert Orrin Warner, no operator II- fn Suspended), guilty piea, $soo and S3W and five months were suspended; leaving II SO or 70 days in lieu of tine and 30 days In the county i(. Misdemeanor Cases Roger Dean Ballard, petit larceny, dis missed on motion by district attorney, Ih person charged with the crime is not the person responsible lor Ihe larceny. Martin Lloyd Sirachan, carrying a con cealed weapon, trial without jury con tinued to March l. m3. Martin Lloyd Sirachan, pointing a fire arm al another, trial without jury, found guilty; sentencing continued to March 4. I?M Connev Holladay, assault and battery, arraignment continued until Feb. 30, l'A3 felony Cases F ugf ne Samplauski. otitming money and property by lalse pretenses, waived preliminary hearing; held lo answer to the Grand Jury. Bail set In Iht amount ot 13,000. MUNICIPAL COURT Traffic Court f-eo. i. mj I ,IU ni '"Mest in the veqetalive surface resources William Victor Albert, ecessivf t.reI(H, s,fm(H- ,n uras reports and Olher surface reour(es. undr such noise. $7 50 lorfeil mininq claim, contrary to or in conflict (urlls Charles Barney. VBR .10 m TO.Pie heaid (in the W iniiemUCCa- Wl)h )h Imitations or reslnetions sper 'n'1'" ;tn.lh iw ' lied in section 4 of sai,1 act. as to the George Leslie Big by, VBR 31 In ?s, $10 forfeit Gerald I ynn Rnwden, nghl turn from wrong lane, $7 50 lorleil. Arthur Wayne Brogan, ran Mnp sign. 110 fotleil Wanda Swain Brown, VBR 45 In 35. 17S Inrlfit Wesley Farl Case, Improper lei! turn. 17 so torleit MarthA Ellen tollman, no visible II iene plates. IS I'wm Olto Cnnr, failure brakes, 175 torlnt Orpn I eslic Congo, driving on wrong side of street, 1? so loMeit Pfte Merle Cortel, dr iving while sus pended, 110 for'eil LuV Lillian Divens, following too tlnsr, dismissed Shirley Ann Dugan. failed tn yield right of way tn vehicle 110 forfeit John Clifford Fosttr, VBR 30 In 70. 110 forff.t l ee Jornh GeRue. disobeyed stop S'gn, 110 forfeit Billy R G'eenleat, Mkmivi muH'er none, 7 Ml forfeit Raymond L. Mali, driving wrong way on one way slreet. V SO forfeit Ronald Henry Hinthaw, excessive h jtnsl finite. 11(1 tnr teit Thomas Larl lames, excessive mufor noise. 17 so forfeit. Worm Louis Juncher, tcesiv phaujl VRR. $10 tnifeit Aine I anung, no Ik em piale light, i so fo't i Ronald Arthur l'tikp. ran red light, $10 Ceo'oe fc.eth WeMon t mil, oi Oneved trtln .gn,l, $1S Ifwt,! I loyd F'nel Newly, improper r turn. Ml lorteil Rpddv Duane Presley. VR VI in 75, $10 (orieil Prentis Sargent Tutkett. ran fed tight, lift tcle.l led Puihelf Jr. driving MI tu spend ., M. Ii forfeit .Inhnme (Vviiie Rich, no openlois II cense, $' JO Iprteii ttuhard E . RfHtgers, tan stop l"" fctei rin(oeed 1 Hearing Slated a Qn Wildlife SALKM -ITP - pioial for a seven-man interim commit- lee to sIikIv wildliie management ; and conservation wil! lv aired at a ruhhc haniii; Tuevlax een- inc. retv W The hearinc was announmi hy Sen Harry Boivm. P-Klamath rails, chaii man nf the Senate j mere Highway rommntee and iCommittre on .Mate and Fedrial'the Calitoi ma Hhwav 1'ommis-j j Altau-s Sn LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In Iht matttr of the vacation of a Dor lion ol lha Lost River to Lake County Road, a county Road In Klamath County, Oreqon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A DULY PREPARED AND FILED PETI TION HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE COUNTY COURT OF KLAMATH COUN TY PRAYING FOR THE VACATION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED ROAD. TO-WIT: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE LOST RIVER TO LAKE COUNTY ROAD A COUNTY ROAD LYING IN THE N',N' OF SECTION il, SECTIONS 21. 22, AND IS. TOWNSHIP 27 SOUTH, RANGE II E.. W.M. THIS PETITION WILL BE CONSID ERED BY THE KLAMATH COUNTY COURT AT 10:30 A.M. ON WEDNES DAY. MARCH 71, 1963 IN THEIR OF FICES IN THE KLAMATH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. IF NO OPPOSITION IS MADE TO THE PETITION THE COUN TY COURT MAY GRANT THE PETI TION WITH SUCH RESTRICTIONS AS IT DEEMS NECESSARY AND REASON ABLE, AND FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD. SIGNED IN OPEN COURT THIS 15th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1963. KLAMATH COUNTY COURT Frank F. Ganong, Commiiiioner E. K. Allison, Commissioner No. 951, Feb. 30, 22. City Briefs MBS. MARSHAL McCLAY, 5066 Delaware, is recovering satisfac torily at Klamath Valley Hospital where she underwent major sur gery Feb. 11. LLOYD LOW, former Klamath County sheriff spending the win ter in Yuma, is able to be out of bed and around after a long period of being confined. He re cently saw a rodeo parade in Yuma. HANK HENRY, former KF1.W announcer, is now with hMt-u Channel 10, Medford. Mrs. Henry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meeker of the Midland Dis tricl. Records Jerry David Skellon, failed lo leave name at accident scene, $25. Nolan Cecil South, no license plate light, J7.50 forfeit. Nancy Lee Slubbs, ran red light, DO forfeit. Ernest Delmar Tate, ran red light, S10 forfeit. Roger Dean Watts, ran red light, $10 forfeit. Richard Lee Weber, excessive tire noise, 1.50 -forfeit; improper left turn, 17.50 forfeit Beverly Jean Weekly, no operator's li cense, 17. SO forfeit; failed to yield right 01 way, J75 forfeit, no vehicle license, 17.50 forfeit. Donald Benton Wilson, ran red light, 110. Feb. II, ItU Ernie Furman, drunk, 175 or five or 10 days. William Bluedoud, 150 or live or 10 days. Ray Townsend, drunk, 125 or five or 10 days Henry R. Bernhardt, drunk, 135 or five or 10 days Taylor Myers, drunk, 125 or five or 10 days. Glon Lee Hilyear, drunk. 125 fortelt. Angellla Reynolds, drunk, $75 forfeit. Poy McDowell, rirunk, $25 forfeit Darlene Sancnei, disorderly conduct, SI OQ l or ten Ovlnglon Larut Smith, drunk, $75 for Jim VanNiewkviPdhuiien, drunk, 175 or five or 10 days. Mitchell Hyrd, drunk, 175 forfeit. Capron Ball, drunk, 175 or five or 10 days. Charley Hemmlngway, drunk, $75 or five or 10 davs. Everett Decker, drunk, 175 forfeit. Gene Urban, disorderly conduct. $25 forfeit. Jack DeLnrme, drunk, $75 forfeit. Percy Ball, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. Ralph Grslvang, drunk, $50 or five or 10 days. Lawrence P. Mfister, drunk, $7S or five or 10 days. Winnemucca Road Talked AIn'RAS - Al the Feb. Hi meeting of llie Modoc County to-the-Sea Highway. Jim 'ivne ,s;iid it wil l)C I1CC- ,i . , o rne tsureau ni tana vanriqemenr ai C.S,1I U) kCC Working to J,SMirei7IO N E Hollarlav. Portland 17. Oregon. t.ivorahle net inn in Wnshiniiton i ni Wl,h,n '50 dvs trom me heiow-staied . r ; dltte of first publication of this Notice, a on the recent decision of (lie verified statement which ;..-.:! forth Vh,. Cnly rommissmncrs tu iS; j (or le(i('r;d ;ud designation i l?1 Tne book and pqe of rernrdtionj -i.,l , .1J... i..... i. iii 1 of the not'te or certificate of location.: rUim i.un iiinus to (. o ii-i securely,.,,,., 'ils10(, portion of the road. He added that sufticient fund tile action (inilli; and there Will . . ! tX .1 recjllpst for motley II, the near future On 1' S . Hijiiuav South and; . the proXla (o reroute jt acrOSS I Hoie Uike or V,r isshonner 1 a1hfr pff," or wi,,n, tl"ffl,n ',y M 11 tr1 ,s-sn,MM) ' "interest or interests .n or under ith un Pane reHHt(y1 that a protest patented mining claim, such failure shall I, i, , , i i i . , ihe conclusively deemed dl to constitute Mas been tiled hy Oregon inter-1 w,v(,r relinquishment bv sum e-K and that the highway com-im,n,nQ f1"10' ot r,ni ,,Me- r : nilttiv Cilllllot t;ike tction to "" " ''y mimlH-roH jw.lV without thp dUlMMlt of OrO-i 1:011 Thr mutter will lo iiivcti- itoil turlhor ;tl ;i mtvttnc M 28 ot I ho C.ilitoniia Hmhway Com miMon .iiiil n'nroM'nt.Mive ht..MlMtW lOUIlts. j , , ,, A diM'HNMon on srmlinfi letters to legislators .lsk.ini: lot Minnort 1 on the mnemiiee.i Hn-imiv re- silted HI a deciMDn to h'lVe the 11 ' j nl.Uia Let SCIUl sample lettei'S 101' .,. . ...i , i . , M , , " """ letter tlom the lieddim I'U ,,k ( , i souxes tnerenf a"d tht. except to the ( hamlxM- (tf i onimerce was reade.tent reqed or m.nmq (vrat.pns askmu the Mod.H' Chamtier to en-!i,,d UM resonabiv moment ,he-fto tlore .liv ratten, civil engineer hon or mr, cia-mants of stun tims from Krtidini; for the wincv on(r,, ,y' u fl,,c,, nttniv '""ooniL. ioi me ,,incy n0lflf(. tuMK, resources thP.etit and that.: Ihe Stale Water Comniis.sion. The ie-npt im ciea-an.e -cr uih purpose'.. i , , I any permitted sewer ante pr re "iflyai of memhen approved the endot se- ,,rhe- mui u n iuf rtK ini-h (Will ) p' i "c iples ol fcreif management S'd t'0'i a'sn piovdr's '"at any me o' Hli;hwa construction projects; the Mrta.e nf "y such mi, c': fnf 1 1m iiimni, t r ..1 i. rti-n i n llni"rt Sl'f. i's re rmi'tee s o- solicited and it was stated that" rn"1 MiieMions (or pnont he made!''M.n7'?. to the ch.tmhei ,v.tun ty asstoe to assure j proper nm-idfiatiun ('noniv iiv appnned hnally will te 5tihmit ) tot to the State Oumlvr of Cum i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Nolle ti hereby given thai l have filed my final account a administrator of the Estate of Irene Pains Keltey. also known ai Emma Irene Kelsey, deceased, in iht Circuit Court of the State ol Ore gon, lor the County of K lamath, and that (he Court hai t February 78th, 1963, at the hour of 10 00 a m., es the time for the hearing of ob lection to laid final account and settlement thereof. GORDON M, KELSEY Administrator O'neill . McLaren Attorneys for administrator No. 912. Jan. 30, Feb. a, 13, 70, 1963. PATROLMAN EXAMINATION CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS The Civil Service Board hereby nounces an examination for the position of Patrolman with the Klamath Falls Po lice Department, February 23, 1963, at 9 00 a m. Requirements for filing an application are as follows: Age: 21-37 Inclusive. 2. Heiqht: 5'7" minimum, 6'5" maximum. 3. Weight: lbs. minimum, 265 tbs. maximum. Weight must be in proportion to height. 4. Must be a high school graduate or present credentials equivalent thereto. 5. Must be In sound physical and mental condition and be of good moral character. 6. Must not have a criminal record nor more than two serious traffic arrests within the last live years. The examination will consist of the fol lowing, and scored as Indicated: Written Examination 50 per cent. Physical Agility Test 20 per cent Oral Examination 30 per cent Written score must be 80 per cent mini mum to qualify for further examination. Other examinations may be given to de termine eligibility for appointment. Salary: 1385.00 minimum, $430.00 maxi mum To apply, write Klamath Falls Police j BS2?TZ2Sr&i ' fc No. 9,1, Feb. 13 and 20. 1963. NO. 62-75 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In Ihe Matter of the Estate ol HARRY A. FOSTER, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the Execu trix of Ihe above-entllled estate has filed her Final Account and Report of Execu trix, and thai Ihe Court has set the IBIh day ol March. 1963 at the hour of 9:30 A.M., as the time tor hearing of obections to saia f-inai Account in set tlement thereof, said hearing to be in Circuit Court, Department No. 2, Klam ath County Court House, Klamath If a Ms, Oregon. Dated this ISfh'day of February, 1963, Philip J. Engelgau Attorney for Executrix No. 949, Feb. 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13. NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant to section 5 of the Act Of July 23, 1955 69 Stat. 367). To whomever it may concern: PRO CEEDING NO. FS 63-S (Oregon 013063). Notice is hereby given in pursuance ot a proper request for publication here tofore filed In accordance with section 5 of fhe Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), and the regulations thereunder (43 CFR IBS. 173-185. 127). 1. That on December U, 1962. the Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agricul ture, whose address is Washington 75. D.C., filed In the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Depart ment of the Interior, at 710 N. E. Holla- day, Portland 17, Oregon, a request for publication of notice to all mineral lo cators or any person claiming under them involving a mining claim or claims lo cated on lands owned by the United Stales and under Ihe jurisdiction of the Forest Service in the County of Klam ath, Stale of Oregon, described as fol lows, to wit: Oregon 013083 (FS 63-B), fhe Klamath Area, 6-SR-2-6, Fremont National Forest, Klamath County. Oreqon. The unsurveyed section.; listed are thoe which would probably embrace the lands when Ihe public land surveys are, ex tended lo such lands. Willamette Meridian 33 S., R 14 E.; Sees. 1 lo 20 Incl.; sees. 22, 23, 74; sees. 26 to 33 Incl. 33 S., R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9. 10; sees. 13 to 30 Incl.; sees. 34, 35, and 36. T. 34 S., R. U E.: Sees. 3 to 10 incl , sees. 15 to 71 Incl . sees 29, and 30. T. 34 S.. R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, 2,j 3, 4, 5; sees. 7 to IB incl.; sees. 70 to !9 Incl ; sees. 33. 34, 35, and 36. T. 35 S.. R 14 E .: Sec-.. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,' 10, 15, 16, 17. 19, 20, 21, 27, 23, 75, 26. 27, 78. 79, 37, .14, and 16. T. 35 S , R 15 E.: SPCS I. 7, 10, 11, 17, 13. 71. 73, 74, 35, 76, 29, 30, 31, J5, and 36 T. 36 S , R. 14 E.: Sees. 1 and 12. T. 36 S., R. IS E.: Sees. 6. 7, fj. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 72, 75. 76. 77, 34, 35, and 36; unsurveyed sees. 1, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9. 10, 11, 17, and 13. T. 37 S . R. 11 E : Sees. 23, 24. 75, 26. 77, 34, 35, and 34. T. 37 S., R 14 E.: Sees. 14, 15, 16. 17; sees. 20 to 36. T. 37 S . R 15 E .: Sees. 1, 2. 3, 8, 10, 12, 11. 16, 18. 20, 27. 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 37. 34. 35. and 36 T. 38 S , R. 11 F..: Sees. 24. 25, and 36 T. IB $ R 17 E .: Sec 1 and sees. 8 to 36 incl. T. 38 S, R 13 E.r Sees I to 15 incl . sees. 17 lo 74 Incl.; sees 79. 30. 31, and 32. T. 38 S., R 14 E : Sees. 1 to 17 incl.; sres. 16, 17, 18, 19, 70. 21, 26, 27, 2B; N'j. SE' sec. 79; NE' see. 37: sec. 33; partly unsurveyed sees. 14, 15, 72. and 23. T. 38 S . R. 15 E.: Sees. 1 lo 18 incl.; sees. 70 to 27 incl.; sees. 32, 33, 14. and 35. T. 39 S., R. 11 E.: Sec. 1. T. 39 S., R. 12 E r Sees. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. and 12. T 39 S,. R. 13 E.: Lots 3, 4, S';NW', SW' see. 4; sees. 5, 6, 7, 8. 17, 70, and 21 . T, J9 S , R . 15 E. : Sees. I lo 27 Incl ; sees 24, 26, 77, 78; E'j sec. 29; E'i sec. 32; sees. 33. 34. and 35, T. 4tl S . R 15 E .'. Spcs. 1, 2. 3. 4; lot 2. SW'.NF'-. SE sec. 5, E'i see. 8. sees 9 to IS incl.; sect 27. 23. 74. 75, 76. and 77. T. 41 S, R. 15 E : Sees. 1. 10. 12. 13. 14. IS; lots 3, 4. NE' sec. 71; sees. 77, 73, and 74 7 That it any pr'on claiming or as- ' patented mminq claim located prior to above-described lands or any prt there i 0,1 10 ,n ,h Land Office (i) xhe section or sections of Ihe Duhfir1 surveys which embiace such m-n- veved either the section or sectifi e tended ,0 ucn "r a lie hv coures and 0' slant es In an a"(i'Oved United states mineral monument; 111 Whfiner such ciai-tiant is m loca tor or purchaser under iiKh location, and 1M Th ""d ,u(fl claimant and names and artrt'Pses ci far as Vnnwn to lh Claimant ot am re-ltrarv to fir in ennfl.ft with the limitation h-iZ'TZ ,"V,'.7 1,1. 10 unpatented claims located "er that ;daie, and i to constitute a tonenf bv laimant IrMt such unpafent. 1 mmiog claim shall he suhiert to arl rotation ami re strkticvis. and (nit 'o f( Mule there Ve- pnnr to issuance or iferrsl m or under mmtnq (Hnn tO'iTfucy to m conflict wm sam nmi- UUtins nr r)nctl0m. $,, 4 provides. Generally. tht unpatented mining claims ,n tr,,n,n r P"Xe.smg ortir i,ses reanaf'v moe-it thr-eio. thf such ciamn w.H he sublet t 'n the right o' e Un 'ed S'fl'es to m"age a"d d .ne of te veaerattve si'ne retfu'tes the-eof am tc m- ge other surtare re ' s(ci as not fn encli ter 'e-e wt th the p-nst s es.rg ' reaspi-ahiy 'Mi-vt m i-x n.tM oi 'i I re t Puteci .,e. Vi- 5e i rfu Of I "3t'"t"l hffr-"""' P' ltfrioe T -t fx.-t"-'. 'O- fc M etv th 1. J. M' 1 LEGAL NOTICE NO. 41 W NOTICE TO CREOITORS tN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Mailer of tht Estate of SYLVIA JANE BOUSMAN, Deceased The undesigned having been appoint ed 6y the above entitled Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Ihe County afore said. Administrator of the Estate of syi via Jane Bousman, deceased, and hav ing gualilled, notice ii hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate o present them, verified as re- quirea oy lew, wiin propsi vuuiiitjr , within six months from the date of this notice to said Administrator at fhe of fices of Arthur A. Beddoe, Attorney at Law, All Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Allen M. Bousman Administrator of the Estate el Sylvia Jane Bousman, deceased Dale end first published February 20, 193. Arthur A. Beddoe Attorney for Administrator No. 950, Feb. 20, 27, Mar. A, 13. NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant lo section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Slat. 367). j To whomever It may concern: PRO-j CEEDING NO. FS 67-20 (Oregon 012331) Notice is hereby given In pursuance of a proper request for publication here tofore filed In accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Slat. 367), and Ihe regulations thereunder 43 CFR 185.123-185.127). 1. That on February 12, 1962, Ihe Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agricul ture, whose address is Washington 25, D. C, filed in the Land Office of tht Bureau of Land Management, Depart ment of the Interior, al 710 N. E. Holla- day, Portland 12, Oregon, request for duo cat on of notice to ail mineral loca tors or any person claiming under them involving a mining claim or claims lo cated on lands owned by the United Stales and under the lurisdlclion of the Forest Service In the County of Klamath, Stale of Oregon, described at follows, to wit: Oregon 012331 (FS 62-20), the Sugar Pine Area, 6-SR-20-1, Winema and Fre mont National Forests, Klamath County, Oregon. Willamette Meridian, Oregon T. 24 5., R. II E : Sec. 31; SE'i Sec. 33; SW'i Sec. 34; SEU Sec. 35; Sec. 36. T. 25 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 24 to 27 incl.; Sees. 33 to 36 Incl. T. 25 S., R. 10 E: Sees. 13 to 36 Incl. T. 35 S., R. 11 E Sees. 1, 3; W'.i, SE'i Sec. 3; Sees. -to 15 Incl.; Sees. IB lo 35 incl. T. 2 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 5 Incl.) Sees. 7 lo 36 Incl. T. 26 5., R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. T. 26 S, R. 11 E: Sees. 1 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to1 33 Incl.; Sees. 35, 36. T. 27 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 incl. T. 37 S-, R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 36 incl T. 27 S., R. 11 E: Sec. 1; Sees. 4 to 14 incl.; Sees. 17 to 22 Incl.; Sees. 34 to 35 incl. T. 21 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 lo 36 incl. T. 28 5., R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 36 Incl T. 28 S., R. 11 E: Sees. 3 lo 6 incl.; Sees. 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18; Sees. 20 to 31 Incl.; Sees. 34, 35. T. 39 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 6 incl. T. 39 S.. R. 10 E: Sees. 1 lo 6 inct. T. 29 S., R. 11 E: Sees. 3 to 5 incl. 2. That if any person claiming or as serting under, or by virtue of any un patented mining claim located prior to July lit ivw, any rigni, one, or inter est in the vegetative surface resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions speci fied In section 4 of .said act, as to the above-described lands or any part there of, shall fait to file in the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management at 710 N. E. Holladay, Portland 12, Oregon, and within 150 days Irons, the below- staled date of first publication of this Notice, a verified statement which snail set forth as to such mining claims; (1) The dale of location; (21 The book and page of recordation of the notice or certificate of location ; (3) The section or sections of the pub lic land surveys which embrace such mining claim; or it such lands are un surveyed either the section or sections which would probably embrace such mm ing claim when the public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United States mineral monument; (41 Whether such claimant is a toca-j tor or purchaser under such location; and i 15) The name and address of such claimant and names and addresses so lar as known to the claimant ol any other person or persons claiming any interest or interesls in or under such un patented mining claim; such failure shall be conclusively deemed (I) lo constitute a waiver and relinquishment by such mining claimant of any right, title, or interest under such mininq claim con trary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions specified in section 4 of the Act of July 2J, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), as to unpatented claims located alter that dale, and (ii) to constitute a consent by such mining claimant that such unpatent ed mining claim shall be subject to said limitations and restrictions, and (iii) to preclude thereafter, prior lo ls-j suance ol patent, any assertion by such mining claimant of any right or title I to or interest in or under such mining ! claim contrary to or in conflict wifh said I limitations or restrictions, section 4 pro vides, generally, that unpatented mining i claims located after July 23, 1955 shall not be used for purposes olher than I prospecting, mining, or processinq 1 Derations, or uses reasonably incident j thereto; that such claims will be subiecli to Ihe right of the UmleJ Slates to man-! aqe end dispose of the veqelative sur-1 (ace resourTps thereof and In man age other surface resources thereof; and that, except to the extent required for mininq operations and uses reasonably incident thereto or to provide clearance i lor such operations or uses, claimants of such claims shall not use or dispose ol veqetalive or other surface resources thereof; and that, except for clearance for i such purposes, any permitted severance : or removal of timber must be in ac cordance with sound principles of fore.! management. Said section 4 also pro- 1 vides that any use of the surface ol any such mining claim hy the United 1 States, its permittees or licensees, shall be such as not to endanger or materially 1 interfere with the prospecting, mining, .processing or reasonably Incident uses by Ihe mining claimant. The dale of first publication ol this Nnhce shall be Jan. 9, 193. Dated Dec. 5. 1967 D B. Leightner Chief. Minerals Section Bureau of Land Manaqemenf : Department ol Interior j Portland. Oregon First publication: January . ia3 1 No 837. Jan. 9. 16, 23, 30, Feh. 4, 13. 70. 27. March 6, 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-81 1 1 HtRALD (X NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 am. to 4 SO p m. weekdays I am. lo noon Salurdav Count five worfls per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as 3 line 10 1 I mfS Times Tim. Time W.snltl j $? w i on j. ro 1 on 3 7S S ffl dtf 11 SO 4 (V no on 1 j r-a I 75 SO 1 50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per 3vertnmei"f, tf pa d in advance Atvwe rates ' tor ronseculiyf mser t0"S, w-thout chenoe o' croy. 'or pri vate individuals Advertising must he i lear ana utters tarwiab'e lo he produc tive Ail words must pe ipeied out . A tos oMe-ea for tale By prlvt (ridl-v.ttiiais-sh wnth copy. Pf ADL INF- 4 JO p m dV b"Or Ptihll cation Noon Saturday for Sunday and V ngay CNCeLl.ATlPN5 ft, COK Iff C T IPN -On sam schedule, except on Vortday iee ae taken 'M JO a m Pieese rea3 first insert 'on of vn(,r ad The Me'a'd ft News will fl'we ci etre run lor tyocg'-aiihital art ot. "Business Builder" WANT ADS t column men. per month 'h 1 w f st ecnt for payment pn pr he' fire IS ! Inch, f with 1' V rrsrrvO fpc p-,ment pn or heio-e the irth. fsisetl 00 e-e (oc v (age per t-nem BOX SF Vit I w ee' per 1 Rp OF TMANIsS. B-Sfl IN VEWOR'AM tj H PHONE TU 4-8111 CARD qHAJKS-A WE wish to thank all our kind friends, neighbors, pall bearers, and all those wno kindness, expressions ot sympathy and conaoience no ii offerings at the loss ot our dearly be loved husband and father. Mrs. George Randall; Mr. and Mrs. Clerenct Ran dall and Family. WE wisb to exlend thanks to all the friends and neighbors of Andrew Olson who have been so thoughtul and sympa thetic at a time when il was deeply appreciated. The Family of Andrew Olson. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 5 High Street. Phone i u -4m. LOST & FOUND .2 LOST female Siamese cat from 4406 Clinton Ave. Reward! TU 2-1447. PERSONALS STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS TU 2-1261 CLAirVl: nil.r1UL3 LUIIHH-i r,n URGENT. Write General Delivery, Albu querque, N.M. ANGLE'S Home for elderly ladles, va cancy March 1, appointment, tu i-at. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendiy help anytime. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aged, private rooms or ward care, rpedal diet, personal interest assured, TU 2-3165 BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help for families of alcoholics, TU 4-7129 or TU 2-574Q. P.O. Box 1065. SERVICES 10 KENMORE, KELVINATOR, WHIRLPOOL Repair 8. Overhaul Specialist Washer, dryer, range, water heater FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 316 So, 6th ; TU 2-3185 CABINET maklno our specialty, furni ture reflnlshing, excellent references, TU 4-407?. SAVE 20 per cent on TV, radio repairs. Cash and carry. Bring sets to 1931 Want- lano, ii a.m. to v p,m. aany. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs. New, used bicvcles, parts. T & C Shopping Center, 3726 So. 6th. TU 4-3749. SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ph. TU 4-6467 anytime, Bill Forney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At vour olace. deliver to processing plant or leave at your place Al Stoll, TU 4-6126. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, reasonable, references, TU 2-5388. DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3184 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. PHONE IU 4-V68I Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wrar 537 Main HEALTH 12 NUTRI-BIO vitamins, minerals, protein, Margaret Zleo e Imeyer, TU 2-3537. HELP WANTED. FEMALE WANTED permanent baby sitter week ends for two small children. 2855 Madi son, TU 4-6766. AVON has three territories, available to neal, ambitious mature women who have spare time and an automobile. Earn $2 per hour while learning. For interview, write Immediately to Avon Cosmetics, Box 118', Burns, Ore. WANTED Bookkeeper with automotive experience, K. F. dealership. Give full details. H&N Box 455 C. WANTED reliable baby sitter, my home, niqhls, TU 2-0307 before 6 p.m. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 i I want to emDloy experienced lumber wholesaler In West Coast woods. Califor nia Wholesale Company. Only applicants with experience in the National Rail and Truck Market need apply. Salary plus commission. Write Occupant, P.O. Box 6186, C. C. S. Sacramento. California. EXPERIENCED draftsman wanted, phone TU 4-3334. OPENING For experienced or non-experienced man at least 21 yrs. or older to work in this Eastern part of Oregon live days a week, with all weekends oil. Salary (Paid weekly) with added weekly bonus and commissions. Write to Districl Director, P O. Box 5041, Aloha.i Oreqon Give full name, address Per sonal Interview will be arranged In I your vicinity ot the state. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herold & News. Circulation Dept. 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4.81 1 1 HELP WANTED 17 PART time bookkef Der lor small busi ness. Preference given to individual who has retired or is on social security and would like to have part time job. Must know payroll and keen full set of bonks mcludinq monthly ttements. For addi tional information call TU 4-5115. ' NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All helo wanted di published id the Herald IU News ere acctoted in qood that the obs offered are as slated n in advertising cooy. We are nt' re sponsible for the mfiority ot our adver tise', bat we make every et'ort to di mvtr and reiert all misleading advertis ing. Anyone ans vering helo wanted ad and finding It to be mislead-no, n asked to report if to le Ciawf-ed Art vert, smg Deoartment of the Herald ' situations wanted JACK A JILL DAY NURSERY Hour, Dy. Week, Mon. throuoh Frl. a m. to a p m. Helen Lehman TLI Mf"44 UJS Carlipn pr. EXCFLLfFNT child carf, my home, rea sonable rate, phone TU 3-5974. WALE- fully experienced an phases ol of fice procedure, TU 3-(i;, EXPERIENCE D bahv Sithntianvt-me, my home. South Suburban, TU 4-4313. IRONING, washing, p,euP. rtliver.Hand . 22 ROOMS FOR RENT St E At hea'ed. aweK sleep mg rooms .HO So. 5'h. TU J-0314 ' ROOVS, BOARD - (VeNTLE VAN 1607 CRESCENT , VFN. hnusekeeoing room. CemtortVh'ieT eve'v'hiig furnnhed S3 morfhiv. UJ Ko JM, TU 4-ftf33. TU 4-9?7 ROOMS, small hci'se. 'eson&l E'lHl .Hotel. south f,nn, TU 2-S3IS. MO'FL rooms, harhelor oua-te's, e oly. a- f. MS mon"-!y. Willartf Ho'ef. TU 4JI1 POANTOWN. clean housekeeping "rpom, utilities furnished, 37 P-ne, TU 7-1417 CLEAN, eemfortable rooms J b'ocks from APARTMINTJ FOt RINT 34 0 e1-0Cm Furnished apartment, TU ? CLFAN. 'u'nijhe-t ) fsifQcm nprtrMent fit-se to Vam. up vver aarpge paid C-s Ke4t ojj sou'h Ewfffb ."ASM e 'rn Mrpret'Tja"'w""ta i!i cp ee we u us lew ce AaS p ai ru Hill. N'CP C!e" iu era''rnenl,'"t"ipi;a !"- 1 U J-2J1, TU 4-6, APARTMfNTS POR RBNT 24 MODERN two bedroom furnished part- menls, TU 4-5693- VuRNISHED, utilities paio, Studio Apart ment, S3 5, 303 Washington. SMALL 2 room furnished apt., utilities paid, $35, 234 Michigan, TU 2-0523. ROOSEVELT APT5. 2036 LeRoy P"- TU 5-174? Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom. Garage. Hot waler heat. Hot Springs area. Adults. xLEAN, furnished, one bedroom, garbage and waler paid, $45 mo., TU 2-5230. eiiDUicucn anrtmnt. 150 Riverside. TU 4-7692 or TU 2-0645J FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, 4731 S. 6th. ROOMY one bedroom furnished apart, ment near Main, adults, $47, TU 4-3342. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apts , clean, modern, $33. 50, lights, water paid, TU 2-6547, TU 4-8261. SMALL furnished apartment, close in, utilities paid, $37.50, 433 No. 10th, ONE bedroom, furnished, hot and cold waler, washing facilities, furnished. No pets. Adulls, TU 4-8418. NATURAL hot water. 7 furnished rooms. 1842 Esplanade, TU 4-9754, TU 4-8354. PLEASANT furnished apt. Utilities, wash ing facilities, TV cable, close lo Klam ath Valley Hospital. 1 or 2 persons. $60. TU 2-2767. HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnished, ga rage, $75, utilities paid, TU 2-1663. THREE room furnished apartment, $55, all utilities paid, 911 Walnut. THREE room furnished, $40, JW-i JE. Main, tw room furnished, $25, 200 t. Main, ph. TU 4-7290, TU 4-4121. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, util ities except eleclricily, 524 High. CLASSY, downtown, free heat, furnished, adults, $59.50. Aloha Apis., TU 4-4523. cITIan furnished Studio Apt., Marion Apr, annex., 223 N. 6th. EXCEPTIONAL 3 room furnished apt'., adults, no pels, TU 4-8282 after 5 p.m. ONE or twe bedroom, furnished, heat, wafer paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartment, $30, 2126 Reclamation. 2 BEDROOM 8, 3 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-5686. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. CLEAN, furnished, hea'ed, with ga rage, adults, 203 Washinglon. FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close In, adults only, no pels, laundry facilities. 802 Lin coln. D UP 1 E X Va block off highway, Weyer haeuser Junction, all electric, TU 2-3129. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apt. on California Ave. $69.50, TU 4-9264. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment inquire 2519 Applegale. THREE room furnished, cean and quiet, $32.50, TU 4-4640 or TU 4-6B66. LARGE 2 room furnished apartments, $37.50 and $40, TU 4-368. THREE room furnished apartment, all utilities. Adults. $65. 39 Main. FURNISHED one room apartment, $40, utilities paid, 419 North 10th. ONE room apartments, furnished, utili ties except lights, $37.50 and $40. Rex Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. ONE and two bedroom ao'i., furnished or unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or see at 1779 Fargo. CLEAN studio, downtown, couple nr single, utilities, $55, Greer Apts., TU 4-468. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance TU 2-1214. COMPLETELY furnished studio apart menl, all utilities paid, $15. a week or available by Ihe month, washer-dryer. Villa Marquis Apartments (under new management) 1330 Oak, 1U 4-5995 before 1) a m. or TU 4-785B alter 7 p.m. ! EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 i So. 11th. TU 2-1062. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 " "$36to$58750 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1-3-3 tyi-droem apts., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTWFNTS HM WSHBUN WY TU l1 Office hour, I ,.rn. to 5 B.fn- K LA MAT H FA L LSF I NEST 3S44 Union 1 fed'Oom unlurwlthed J Bedroom unfurnished Snacioiit Rooms Tastefully Deeereterf '.Veil to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except teieohone end electricity rSflreth Nelan TU ?-TH4 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 ONE bedroom furnished, counle, babiei FURNISHED small two bedroom house, 1740 Washburn Way, ingulf 17M Wash burn Way, TU 4-5440. CLEAN 7 bedroom unfurnished, Wills. TU 1-3V9. MILLS ADDITION, clran 1 bedroom cab in, $35, TU 4-JNS4, TU 4-9754. ONE bedroom home, partly furnished, Close in, S55, TU 4-7J5. CLEAN furnished small cottages, $30, wqter, garbaqe, 1350 Owens. THREE room furnished house, oarage. Inquire 18J2 Summers Lane. TWO bedroom partly furnished.ciean, $65, TU 4-4333. TWO bedroom lurnished, near "'w"eyer haeuser, $45, TU Ml 80. LARGE Iwo bedroom unfurnished duolen I nearConoer School, $85, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, clean, furnished orun furnished, close in, $50, TU 4-5871. TWO bedroom house, range furnished. Close in. Call TU 4-43M. NEAT two bedroom, cheap heat, unfur nished, fireplace, id? 50, close to tehoof. 1 u ;-ibi. ib'TWO bedroom house, oartly furnished, eflr eyerhaeuser, 145. U 2-6135. TWO bedroom apartment in triplex, some furnishings, adulls, 3C9 N. 10th. TRAILER house, double Qaraqe, wash house 5414 Inaependente, TU I-JiS7. SMALL 3 bedroom partly furnished, dose in, S55.JU 2-444, TU 3 l:3S. THREE berlroom housr fufibaAment, electric or wood heal, M California Awe., TJJ4 S5?3 IN MENLEY, 3 bed room VusT- Itprv, slnves, J children, iss, telerences, T it 4-674. Rte. j. Bc 558. DUPLEX. 3 rocm furnished, ecellentTo- LdTion, ga'rje, TU 4-S384 I CNF betlrpom furnnhed house. phonaTU 't-t:?9 er TU 4-1476 TWO bed'onm house in South Suburb'. seiy pointed 1hr0ugiviut. will accent two or three children. i;o, TU 7-34tli VERY CtEAN Unf,irrt,inefi pre bedfoom, electric heal, uMitv pgrrh, grJ.f)( v,Py gonrt ne'3h. ftnrh00(j. JU 4-T)bt or TU 7-475? 2 PEOROOM unfurnished dup'e. e'Ktrir heat fenced va'rt. carport. Wattr paid Awaiiab'e pen 30, io. 3:5 Summer) Ler-e. TU 4 S73 TWO room furmshM. Closfc in. TU 3-147C. TWO bedroom unfurn'shed! garaa. te"ced vra. 2 miie north ot town, end Cren. pe's, ok. TU 3-4590 UNt-URNISHFD 7 (searpnm 'tfuo!erfuH oasement, firrplare. ty'dwKi llrjp's, 'ectr,c heat, itr & j?i tu 3-'.44 tt. 41, be'0' 5pm TU 4.!7 Ofr 5 CLEAN 10 hed'Oom unfurnished ecertf pr -0ves. iH'i, TJ ttl; TU 1-J717. ONE berlrgom. unfurninf! eiCfC' r t''C rge. free het a-y) lter. adi'tls, no pets. jo TU 4-7iS)J. OF. befl'oom furnKeartypte,,, t'4'1 iVce rse'ghfxii-nnoa. tu 2-'4Sj.