r . lr -.. I iff. ft-; 1 1 if w , ' r r . r-- HONORED Merrill Mariners were hostesses for a baby shower honoring Mrs. Delmer Haskins, shown above at the gift table. Decor for the party attended by some 30 guests was yellow. Serving refreshments were Mrs. Vet ton Haskins, Mrs. Luther Rippy and Mrs. Dale Moore. WAX INGENIOUS A bit of indoor greenery helps keep spirits up. If you like to shift jour potled plants around the house, don't be afraid of put ting them on finished tables. You can avoid scratching by applying a coating of paraffin to the vase bottom. L-.J.-',...J-M.f,,.-,rYrj FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE Phone Ui Your Nttdt Deliveries Each Day at 11:00-2:00-4:00 Merrill Rebekahs MERRILL - Merrill Rebekahs met Feb. 4 at the Odd Fellows Hall with Wilene Moore, vice grand, conducting the meeting. Shirley Haskins, chairman of I the educational committee, ex plained how to stand at attention when the flag of the United States was presented and retired. - Mrs. Sylvia Jones lead the poem, "February 14" and Beatrice Mattson gave the thought for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kandra showed movies of the 12 Klam ath Basin i'otato festival pa rade. Myrtle and Leona Beasly served refreshments. FASHIOlxTES Rainbow Girls Install Officers Dl'NSMUIR - "Winter Wonder land" provided a decorative theme for the installation of officers of Dunsmuir Assembly, Rainbow for Ciirls, at recent ceremonies at the Dunsmuir Masonic Temple. New officers are Jacqui Win- !er, worthy adviser: Rose Hughes. worthy associate adviser; Kathy Harris, charity: Cathy Gonce. hope: Candee Miller, faith; Lor- ie Ellis, recorder; Anna Mae Flair nery, treasurer: Helen McDonald. chaplain: Karen Cumings, drill leader: Noralyn Caswell, love Linda Bogart, religion: Sandra Shearer, nature; Virginia Drake, immortality: Janet Saunders, fi delity; Marilyn Hale, patriotism: Kathy McLaughlin, service; Carol Parson, confidential observer; Christine Graves, outer observer, and Sarah Stafford, musician. Mrs. William A. Hughes was in stalled mother adviser for the coming year and the new mem bers of the Rainhow Girls advisory board are Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Rob ert Herrin, Mrs. Roger Ellis. Mrs. George Belskev. Mrs. R. T. Asher, Mrs. Elmer Graves and Mrs. Lau rence Newton. Cherie Duckworth presented red roses to the incoming worthy ad viser and Johnny Bowden was the Bible escort. The American flag and Rainbow flag were car ried by Richard and William Kel by representing the DeMolay. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Harris were host and hostess for the evening. Deb bie Clark and Peggy Homer gave a toe dance as an interlude of entertainment. Installing officers were Vera Parsons, mother adviser; Anna Klannery, worthy adviser; Patsy Jordan, chaplain; Carolyn Taylor recorder; Donna Parsons, mar shal; Karen Cumings, honorary marshal, and Jessie Harrin, musician. I IN THE VILLAGk IOUH' th I Mai TU 2-1471 Carol Lawrence on hals: "Ev ery time I go out to buy one bat I w ind up with six: it's like having just one salted peanut. I have more hats than clothes." The "teasing days" are over in hair styles. Elaborate coiffures are going out of style. A simple stvle can dramatic the face. - . V. ' - 'tit .' UKLJ Clever use self-polishing wax on wood floors! JFt ctiadm By Helen Bcchcn IIKItAl.l) AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Tuesday, February 19. PAGE-0 ?Fm exam Sf.v'SsJ nSS?" TPy T L.V r fl ' . ' " ' I A'; SKIERS Alturas skiers in search of snow left Feb. ley, Idaho. Left to right, are Elizabeth Younger, Michael and Mrs. Bailey Dorris. 8 for a week's stay af Sun Val- Quinn, Mrs. William Quinn Graceful Styles Stem From Desert Legends Ity HELEN HENNESSY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. NEW YORK (NEA i Television!1 may have whittled down attend-: ance at the movies, but the trusty j minaret. A slim, sand-colored lin en dress in this collection is rich ly embroidered in an oriental rug I design. I Sports clothes include tribal in.-L-ntc in tt,-liuc tn lu unrn u-ilh flicks still have an impact onju,.,,.,. hn.. M ..... T,.,, ,. eversihle hold stripes, PERSUADERS If you are doing some re modeling indoors while the weath er Is still inclement, you may have trouble coaxing screws and bolls to loosen. Those that grip wood arc especially difficult. Iiosen their grip w ith a few drops of peroxide or vinegar. MAKES CHANGE Ruth Farrell, Klngsley Field li brarian for the past two years, has departed for a new position at Fort Ord, Calif. She came to Kings ley Field from the Public Library at Utiea, N.Y., and had previously served overseas at Wiesbaden, Germany. She holds a BS degree from the State Uni versity College of Educa tion, Geneseo, N.Y. fashion. Last Year at Marienhad" was the downfall of the bouffant hair do. "Cleopatra" brought about a rash of elaborate jewelry and kohl-smudged eyes. And now the barge down the Nile has been abandoned for the camel. The desert of "Lawrence of Arabia" has sparked a new fashion look in sun-drenched colors and grace ful, flowing lines. The burnoose, a hooded cloak worn by the Arabs, has inspired new cuts in dresses, jackets and rolws that flatter the figure. One designer has created a wardrobe of fashions for daytime through evening, using while silk prednm inantly in rare textures, with necklines resembling the top of a if POLLY'S POINTERS Easier On The Back DEAR POLLY Here is my way to get soiled clothes from the bathroom down to the wasner without lugging a wash basket up and down stairs. Keep a neavy shopping bag in the hamper so the lothes are thrown directly into u. When laundering, lift out the bag; it is easy to carry to the wash er. Clean, folded clothes that do not need Ironing go into another bag and upstairs to be put away, M. R GIRLS Thli really appealed to me. Going down stops with a lull clothrt basket Is tricky business, POLLY DEAR POIJ.Y A cute minia ture garden for children can bs made by putting soil and seeds in the half shells cf eggs. Put the shells in a brightly painted or papered egg carton. The chil dren will have fun taking care ol their plants and watching them grow. C.H, GIRLS Save yourselves an aw ful mess by proving an eyedrop per er a tiny doll pitcher (or wa tering these wee potted plants. The children might decorate little pots to have ready for transplant ing when their (lower! outgrow the eggshell pots. POLLY DEAR POLLY For a pretty hall lighting fixture, fasten a wicker bird cage over the bulb, with wire. POLLY CRAMER Newhpoper Enterprise Assn. When you have several worn throw rugs, don't throw them away. These can be cut into squares and made into a modern new design rug. Contrasting col ors (such as green, chartreuse and bright pink i stitched tugcthcr look lovely. J. C. S, DEAR POLLY-Whcn storing a hot water bottle, blow lightly into it (after draining) and quickly screw on the cap. It will hold the sides apart. New, large, cheap garbage cans; store clothing in attic or cellar. They are airtight so moth preven tives can be used. We are not within walking dis tance of any stores, so it is f real calamity to come home and find something was forgotten Now I buy the standard spiral shorthand pads, run a shoelace through the spiral, hook it over nail on the kitchen wall and find it handy at all times. One column gets the grocery list and the other is for drugs and miscel laneous. MRS. P. McG Share your favorile homcmaking! ideas . . . send them lo Polly in care of Herald and News. You'l receive a bright, new silver dol tar it Willy uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. J i4 HAPPY BOY Rodney Wayne is the good-natured 6-month son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts of Bonanza and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob erts Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. King Hubble, all of Bonan ja. Mrs. Ella Condonier of Stockton is his paternal great-grandmother. MORE PEP in ' 1 1 rn inTfierur POP CORN People Recti SPOT ADS yu r new. appear in and striped skills have slashed necklines, resembling the "Law rence" desert shift-shirt. Desert flowers screened on silk in orange and turquoise arc shaped into a tunic dress for lale alter noon. It has its own dramatic Iscarf. And evening dresses swirl gracefully because they're done in wind swept silk clulfon Hats are trimmed with golden rope, draped scarves, tassels and harem veils. Indeed, this is a fashion trend likely to hold ils own for a while. It's beautiful, and superbly flat tering to the feminine figure. NOW IS THE HOUR Tliis is a good time of year In give your summer wqrdrobe thorough going-over. Try on clothes you've kept from last year, and ruthlessly discard whatever you know you won't be able to wear this summer. Shorten hems thai need lifling. Make any need ed minor repairs, and lie ready for the first warm day. Tense Nerves Block Bowels New laxative acts on colonic muscles... de-constipates overnight. only new tablet called Coionatd gives you this special combination tor j-way overnight rehei: The muscular wall of your colon con !huis nerve known to medicine a AutrbacKs Plexus. In regular people, these nerves tell the colon muscles to propel nnd expel wate I'rum the body. But ten nerves or emotional upset can block your normal bowel habits. Your colon muscle impulses are no longer strong enough to eliminate waste which dries and shrinks, further aggravating the condition. The most effective relief, many doc ton say, comes from a bulking action combined with a colonic nerve stimu lating action. Of all leading laxatives (I) Colon aid stimulates colonic nerve network, to further activate and, rcKulanze its muscular "movement". (2) Colon a id's unique re-bulking action hclns re-tone tense colon muscles. (3) Colon aid moisturizes for easy passage without pain or strain. CoLONAiueven relieves chronic con ti nut ion overmanl: vet it ia clinically- proved gentle even for expectant mothers. Gel Colonaid today. INTRODUCTORY SUE 4. ANNOUNCING The OPENING OF SANDERS DRIVE IN RESTAURANT E. Main and 6th NOW OPEN Op.n 7 AM lilt 11 PM. On Friday, and Saturdays, optn tram 7 AM till 1:30 AM. Featuring courteous service and excellent food. Enjoy your food inside, or if you pre fer, we've fast curb service available. Here's another plus orders to gq, from sandwiches to dinners, in insulated boxes so they reach home piping hot. Just call or drop in. There's plenty of parking. SandsLfLi . Drive In Restaurant E. Main & 6th Ph. TU 2-6142 WHAT EVERY GOOD COOK SHOULD KNOW! v '3. t . NXili' n . . . xays Henry M. Tobey, Research Director of the world's largest hardwood floor maker "Many conscientious housewives may be ruininjr their beautiful wood floors by using self-polishinR wax-but they don't know it-jr The fact is, most self-polishing waxes are made of sunthrlic plastics which cannot be removed from wood floors without damaging the finish or the wood. So the Inirrs of old nelf-polhhing uax pile up until the uwirf Hfxir hrenmc darkened and discolored. The only wood floor care we recommend is Hruce Cleaning Wax or Bruce Floor Cleaner. Both contain a combination of remnrnhle liquid pa-ste wax and waterless wood floor cleaner. They clean; remove the old wax; and leave a rich, new coat of paste wax protection all at the same time! If you prefer a heavy roat of wax, use Bruce Cleaning Wax. For poiirF V$ f BRUCE cleaning wax lighter waxing or badly soiled floors, you'll want Bruce Floor Cleaner. It's the right way to keep wood floors clean jnd bright." unww11 I cleaning I Vi& wood I floor I A ' tor- M wood ;; Highest Quality Highest Power And SHII Only 9 'i) Hsndiom tturdy U mtl earl moii ffy room tatily on " STtlf' TV FLOOR PILLOW With Each Set IHand-wlrtd Chaitlt-prtcltlon crafted with modern hand and dip oldaring for long Ufa Tuba Sentry Syatem limit warm up power aurge, a racognitad cause ot tuba failure. 20.000 Volt of Picture Power (deiign average) E-Z Terms! 1 Yeor Guarantee on Parti & Service Horrit Brown Elwin Brown Every Member Of Your Family Needs 3 Glasses Of Milk Each Day V ill Regardless of age, your body needs certain vitamins and minerals to keep healthy and strong . . . and fresh Klamath Basin Grade "A" Milk is the best source possible. Use plenty of milk in your cooking . . . and put the milk pitch er on the table . . . it's the picture of health! An Orgoniiotion of Klamath Baiin Dairyman who work around h clock in order to bring you tho finoir, (roihe.it milk ponibl.