To Place Your i t l k - WANT ADl Phone TU 4-811 ! HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED AD.VERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:M p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Caunt five words par Una, Ads under ) Unas count tamt at 3 linat. 3 6 10 . 1 Llnai TlmM Times Times Wonth I II 50 l 00 IS 00 1.00 3 3 IS S CO 4 50" 11.50 4 4.00 00 1.00 i 4.15 7.00 f.SO U.S0 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT par advartlsamanl. If paid in advance. Abova raiei ara (or consecutive inier lions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must ba clear and understandable lo ba produc tive. All words must ba spelled out. A1 j to ottered tor sale by private Indi viduals tain with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday lor Sunday and M ndav. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On sama schedule, except on Monday ' itie ara taken 'in v:jq a.m. Please read first Insertion ot your ad. The Herald & News will give ona extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, $35 per month with 55.56 discount tor payment on or before the I0lr. V Inch, SI9 with SI .50 discount tor payment on or before the 10th. Based one copy changa per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents' ' per ad, C.RD OF THANKS, and IN WEMORIAM . U.3I PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES . .. C WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. Hlph Street. Phone TU 2-4404. W5 MEETING NOTICES 1 FRIENDSHIP COURT No. 11 Order of Amaronth, holds a stoted meet ing the third Wed n 0 s d o y of each' month ot 8 p.m. ati the Scottish Rite Hall. Geneva Swift, R.M., Robert Davi son, R.P. SCOTTISH RITE BODIES Stated meeting in The Council Tuesdov Feb.' .'J) 19thot8o.m. Herman Gisvold, Secy. LOST 1 FOUND LOST female Siamese cat from Clinton Ave. Reward! TU 2-1447. LOST female black end white C o 1 1 1 e pups. Mills. Reward. TU 2-0808, TU GENERAL NOTICES HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! & GUNS BOATS & TENTS ft STOVES -fr 'radios PIANOS ft books ft TOOLS ft SKATES ft TRUNKS ft PLANTS ft JEWELRY ft LIVESTOCK ft FISH POLES ft TV SETS ft BICYCLES ft CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! ' LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll .Herald & -News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 I LOST t FOUND 1 LOST crystal Rosary tn small black leath uuii crysiai nosary i ELAINE NICHOLS contact Frank fVWio. URGENT. Write General Delivery, Albu querque, N.M. ANGLE'S Home for elderly ladles, va cancy Marcn t, appointment, TU 1-Slii. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 44704. Friends help anytime. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aged, private rooms or ward care, rpecial diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2-3165 BEG InTTeRS-ALANONr'triendly" help for I lies of alcoholics, TU 4-7129 or tu 2-5740. P.O. Box 1P6S. SERVICES .... 10 KENMORE, jtELVlNATOR, WHIRLPOOL Repair t Overhaul Specialist Washer, dryer, range, water healer FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 316 SO. Mh TU 1-3185 CABINET making our specialty, furni ture reflnlshlng, excellent references, TU 4-4UV. SAVE 20 per cent on TV, radio repairs. Cash and carry. Bring sets to 1931 Want- land, ii a.m. to t p.m. aany. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs. New, used bicycles, parts. T & C Shopping Center, 3726 50. 6th. TU 4-34?. SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, pn TU 4-6447 anytime, Bill Forney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plnnt or leave at your place A) sioil, i u 4-0126. REMODEL I NGand "" r'e'p I rs, atPklndX reasonable, references, IU 3-5381. DENTAL PLATES Rewlree whllt you wak. New Plate, MarJt From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Msln TU ,'3)1, PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4-MH Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor men, womer children. All work guaranteed. Reasor able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 517 Mai HEALTH 12 NUTRl-BIO vitamins, Margaret Zlegelmeyer, minerals, protein. TU 2-3537. HELP WANTED, FEMALE WANTED Bookkeeper with automotive: details. H&N Box 455 C. WANTED woman for mailing, typing, and filing. Must be capable of handling electric typewriter and making stencils. jtecent experience necessary. Kepiy tc Box 451C, care of Herald and News WANTED reliable baby sitter, my home, nights, TU 2 0307 before 6 p.m. HILP WANTED, MALE WANTED experienced man tor men's clothing store. Apply in person at Dick Recaer's, sin & wain. I want to employ experienced 'lumber wholesaler In West Coast woods. Califor nia Wholesale Company1. Only applicants with experience In the National Rail and Truck Market need apply. Salary plus commission. Write Occupant) P.O. Box . C. C. S. Sacramento, California, EXPERIENCED draftsman wanted, phone TU 4-3334. SERVICE station attendant, experience necessary, references required, 1402 Ore gon Ave., TU 2-6504. , OPENING For experienced or non-expe-: ienced man at least 21 yrs. or oioeri to work in this Eastern part of Oregon, five days a week, with all weekends1 Salary Paid weekly) with added weekly Sonus and commissigns. Write to District Director, P.O. Box S041, Aloha, Oregon Give lull name, address. Per sonal Interview will be arranged In your vicinity of the state. FIRE CAPTAIN EXAMINATION t n hald at Cltv Fire Department, Broad and. Wall streets, 1 p.m., nrwcri 1943. Limited to employes witn s years nimum experience wilh local tire d partment. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contoct Herald & Nws, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONF TU 4-81 1 1 HELP WANTED 17 PART time bookkeeper for small busi ness. Preference given to individual who has retired or is on social security and would like to have prt time ob. Must know payroll and keep full set ot books including monthly statements. For addi tional Information caM TU 4-5115. NOTICE TO JOB SFFKERS All heio wanted artl oublished in the Herald New are accepted m good ff th that the lobs ottered are as sta'eo 'n the advertising cooy We are nr. re sponsible for the trtteqrity of our tover t lrs. but wl make every e'tort to dlf rover and relert ell misleading advertis ing, Anyoit ant erlng a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading n atked to report it to t"e Classified Ad. vertising Department of the Herald N SITUATIONS WANTED 18 HOUR WORK. Have two free days. Phone TU 4-7815. WANTED day work or bahy sitting, Pa per hanging or painting. TU 4-8537, FXPEPiENCEO baby slttinq. anytime, my home. South Suburban, 7U 4-4313. IRONING washing, pickup, deliver. Hand cocheted aigfns. TU 4-94j4. Stale licensed Children's Nursery hour, day, week, Mo. through Frl I a r to 6 p m. HHn Lehi ROOMSFOR RENT . 2i ROOM, BOARD GENTLEMAN 1607 CRESCENT VPN, housekeeping rom. Comfrtan'e. everything furnimed $J6 monthly, 1J4 fca 3rd. TUJ 4 033, TU 4-9287 ROOVS. smflil hmj. rmonr!. Erme'i Hotel. 631 South Fifth, TU 2-5225. HO'EL rnomt. twhelnr nu'ters. 6 only. & $85 monthly. W.Herd Hotel, TU 44161. DOWNTOWN, clean room. (ties lurniihed, 3' P'ne, iu ?- CLEAN, toi Vln, $5 8 ifO'taftie room 1 blocks from. uo. tu tin. ST E V he'el, aulet !eping rooms. ABA Q TM INTJ f OP MNT 24 OSE "hed-oem turn. shed apartment, $J, Washed arartn TU 4-44. lurrtiihfd apart ED, u'i" it e' o'0. S'uflio Apa't- "!, 135, mate SVALL. 1 'u'rti rad, i1', -Virtvga", ROOSEVELT" ji l.Ooy t ii'-'S'-e'l Or u'-'iirriitt i-g water hf - A;tH. P TU J '7 RN'SHED 4-.'42. 0' APARTMINTS FOR MNT 34 NATURAL hot water heat. 2 furnished rooms. 1142 Esplanade, TU 4-?; 54, TU 4-U54. 1 pTeasa'nT furnished apt. UtWis, wash-' ing facilities, TV cable, close to Klam ath Veiley Hospital. 1 or 2 persons. 10. TU 2-2767, HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnished, rage, 175, utilities paid, TU 2-1663. OA' THREE room furnished apartment, all utilities paid, 911 Walnut. THREE room furnished, $40, 200' v Main, two room furnished, 125, 200 Main, ph. TU 4-7290, TU 4-4121. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, ities except electricity, 524 High. CLASSY, downtown, free heat, furnished, adults, 159.50. AlDhe Apis., TU 4-4522. I storage room, S65. E. Main Apartment, at c. main, iu 4-ioie, iu CLEAN -furnished Sfcdio Apt., Marion Apt. annex., 223 N. 610. EXCEPTIONAL 3 room furnished apt.. adults, no pets, TU 4-8282 alter 5 p.m. ONE or two bedroom, furnished, water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. heat, SMALL apartment, electric heat, wash' ing facilities, close In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartment, $30, 2126 Reclamation. BEDROOM A .3 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-5686. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart merit. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. CLEAN, furnished, hea'ed, rage, adults, 203 Washington. THREE room, furnished apartment, 2061 White. FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close In. adults only, no pets, laundry facilities 002 Lin coln. DUPLEX '.i block off highway, Weyer haeuser function, all electric. TU 2-3)29. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apt. on California Ave. $69.50, TU 4-9264. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment, Inquire 2519 Applegate. THREE room furnished, cean and quiet, 132.50, TU 4-4640 or TU 4 6866. LARGE 2 room furnished apartments. 137.50 and $40, TU 4-36'S. THREE room furnished apartment, all utilities. Adults. $65. 39 Main. FURNISHED one room apartment, $40, utilities paid, 419 North 10th. ONE room apartments, lurnished, utll ties except lights, $37.50 and $40. Rex Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. ONE and two bedroom ao's., furnished or unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or see at 1779 Fargo. CLEAN studio, single, utilities, 4-4678. downtown, $55, Greer couple or Apis., TU CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance TU 2-1214. COMPLETELY furnished studio apart ment, all utilities paid, $15 a week or available by the month, wasner-oryer. Villa Marquis Apartments tunder new management) 1330 Oak, IU 4-5995 before it a.m. or iu 4-H1B aner p.m. FWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. llth. TU 2-1062. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 . Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1-1-3 tKjdroom eott., fumitrwf or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1427 WASHBURN WAV TU 4-W7I Office hours a.m. to S p.m. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 7544 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnWhed J Bedroom unfurnished SDacioiw Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all servicei evceot telephone and electricity Porpth Nflan TU 7-07118 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 ONE bedroom furnished, counle, babies welcome. Alt utilities paid, $75. Inquire tW t Homedale. FURNI5HED small two bedroom house, 1740 Washburn Way, Inquire 150 wasn- burn Way, TU 4-540. CLEAN2bedroom unlurnlshed. Mills. TU 2-3323. IMCULaTe, newly decorated, unfur nished two bedroom, inquire 2232 Union. Y i L LS AD bl T ION , clein 1 bedroom cab in, $35, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. ONE bedroom home, partly furnished, close tn. $55. TU 4-9275. UN F tjRNTsltEO"-t w bedroom and four bedroom houses, $55 and $75, TU 2-0211 CLEAN furnished smalt cottages, iXi, wqter, garbage, 1350 Owens. THREE room furnished house, garage. Inquire 1132 Summers Lane. TWO bedroom partly furnished, dean, $65, TU 4-4233. TWO bedroom furnished, near Weyer haeuser, $45, TU 2-1110 LARGE two bedroom i near Conger School. S QNE bedroom, clean, furnished or un- furnished, close In. $50. TU 4-5B72. TWO bedroom house, range furnished. Close In. Call TU 4-4380. NET"twobedropm, cheao heat, unlur mshtd, tlreplace, $82 50. close to school TU 2-4111. TWO bedroom house, 'oartly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45. Ty 2-6135. TWO bedrodtn apartment in triplex, some furnishings, adults, 309 N. tOlh. TRAILER house, double garaoe. wash house. 5414 independence. TU 2 2857, SMALL 2 bedroom partly furnished, close In. $55, TU 2-4646, TU 2-5?35. COMPLETELY redecorated and nicely furnished one bedroom house Close In, $50, ph. TU 4-47S6. THREE bedroom houn. full basement, electric or wood heat, 667 California Ave TU 4-5522. IN HENLEY. 2 bedroom plus Story. stoves, 2 children, $55, references, TU 4-6794, Rtc. 2. Box 558. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage. TU 4-8284 shed house, phane TU TWO bed'OOm house in South Suburbs. iiy pi"tfd hrnyqhntjt, win a.cept to or three children, $70, TU 2 2410. -- jj-y fLE an" Ur'tjrnisHt oi bedroom, e'c'rie het utility oorch, gnraqe. Very goM neigh. DOrhoOd. TU 4 7SS9 Or TU 2-475) 3 BEDROOM unlu vshed dup'f". tier trie Carport Wflf p0 $0. J4J1 Summers heat, ("need yard. Available Fh 3i Lent. TU 4-573. TWO room furnished. Clost In. TU J.UTC. Two" bed'com untutnuhed, garage, enctd yerd, mi )t nonf ot town, chil-ere-v pets, o k. $fti, tu J M. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom fluOle. fwH nasement, tireplace, ha'dwood floors. electric heat. 180 l VO TU 2-3444 et. 44, befor. 5 pm TU 4 1247 after s CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished ecDt for stoves. $50, TU 4-4484j TUM?U. ! ONE bedroom, unlurnlshed except elec tric range, free heat and water, eou"i, no pets, $0 TU 4-75S8 ONE hM'Oom furnished dup-i' wa'er oad. N'te neighborhood. TU 3-1454 nCAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage Nw:y Dim'I, 17 O'if bedroom un1 i-U J3 n dupie. ef-fl've hookup. ercuia"g hn-f1'd t'O'S, large, c,ean. Til ONE r.ed'rvim furrvd duC'e. 1 no flOQS, Ty 4-43H. T rVO hed'oom u"iy!ihed hoyt f-OOfjer SThool. t5 TU Ml. H'jE rj1"v-m 'u'r-.u'ed qas, g t ere i'. reoe'O'a'ed. 1S E V" A o bed'wr na'tiy tui Rf-: VOFl ED ... 26i FURNISHED 2 bedroom duple Inquire J15 Granl, and small co'tage. UNFURNISHED two bedroom 3010 Boardman, TU 2-0990. UNFURNISHED dean three bedroom home, automatic heat, carpeting, near Falrvlew and Academy schools, 727 Mt. tnev $75 a mn Tit MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 RENT or tease 84.6 acres & 87 4 acres r Tuleleke, write Box 454C Herald and News. FOR lease lovely 2 bedroom home Yalta Gardens. TU 3-3734. FOR lease good store or office location. In busy block on Main Street. Barnhisel Agency, 122 So. 8th, TU 2-3461. Eves. TU 4-5924. OFFICE space or store rental avail able across trom courtnouse, iu jt-mw. STDRF hulldlno or warehouse. South 6th & Owens. Approximately 1600 sq. It. TMe building, $100 per montn. iu 4ie, Klamath Valley Lumber Co IEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 2 WILL trade equity In house for pickup cr what-have-you. TU 4-3268. DO you have a $3,000 paid up home' Would vou like to trade lor either an $B,OO0 home or 3 rental units? Write Box 4446C Herald & News. "TRADE" and SAVE TAXES For information on tax FREE Trades, call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Llcend-Ore., Cel., Ida., Wash. 1037 Main 51. TU 4-4127 TRADE Retiring couple have a large, weir built older type home in center of Hot Springs. Will trade for income prop erty with 2 rentals or will consider house trailer as down payment. Total price a steal at $13,850 McATEE REALTOR Eleanor Mahan Art Moorman TU 2-5255 TU 2-123 TU 2-5935 iyn McAfee REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom. Large living room, fireplace, dining room. New birch kitchen and utility. Newly painted inside and out. $9,950. tu 4-Btte. FOUR apartments, excellent investment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. FURNISHED or unfurnished 1 bedroom house. New roof, aluminum siding, cor- er lot. Take small trailer, car, or hat down???TU 4-3783. 2 BEDROOM home on '.a acre In south suburbs close Ferguson School. Newly painted with fenced back yard and pas ture. Wall to wall carpet in living room. Garage and chicken house. Very good neighborhood. Will take any type loan. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU 2-5069. Price $10,000. RESIDENTIAL building lots. One, 145 ft. 302 It.) six. siied 96.8 ft. X 302 ft. Par tially developed suburban area. Local phone TU 2-1056. FOR sale or rent, 2 bedroom house. TU 2-4546. LEAVING TOWN, MUST SELL! bedroom home, 3 years old. Wall to ill carpel. Fully insulned, storm win dows. Built In oven and range. Fenced front and back. Attached garage. Assume present mortgage. $650 will handle. Total orlce $11,500. 3869 Barry Ave. TU 4-9730' TWO bedroom house, tlreplace. 5 acres, Henley School District, TU i nto. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY, Two bed room house, fireplace, large lot, close to schools and shopping center. Reason able. TU 2-41B1. TWO bedroom home, Northslde, $5,000, extra lots available, TU 2-3544 anytime. TWO bedroom house for sale or rent 1 outbuilding, fenced yard, TU 4-3969. In quire 1719 Laurel. BY owner, 2 bedroom ranch style home. Pay equity o' $1500 and assume con tract, TU 2-3952. TWO bedroom home, fireplace. Wall to wall carpet in living room. Wired for washer and drver. On extra large lot. Ga- aoe, oarden spot. Gas also in. must see to appreciate. $7,900. 'UJ-i,e THREE hedroom. built In oven nd range, aaraae, fireplace. Owner transferred, 4jiv 10, TU 2-5271, l nTS for sale In Skyline View, $1800; In Mills Addition, $2250; terms. TU 2-5387. VlEW of Klamath Lake trom this at tractive 3 bedroom home New carpei, sliding glass doors onto covered paiiO, huiit-ln kitchen aopHarres, fireplace, fenced yard, playroom-garage. Many other features, $15,200. Any kind of fi nancing. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU 4-9J06. LARGE 3 bedroom, dining room, family room, built in hltcnen, uvniy, n nnins. carpets, drapes, fenced vard. 2412 Eber- I1"- . FOUR room house, two bedrooms, acre, all fenced, some outbuildings, TU 4335. . V, J I f Multiple MLS sss IMMACULATE mmedlate oossession on this three bed' room, 2 bath home. The recently painted rooms create dreamy atmosphere throughout. Deeo cupboards ana many closets delight any nomemaner. Lomorw kitchen and utility porch which s many step. Corner lot wth fenced yard and sprinkler tynem enhances pfiv-T. Storm windows and doors Included in price Of I14.5O0. Takes any type financing PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5145 Eveninfl Marnlrf M Bush TU ?-4'K "Pat" Paione Tu 1-083 Mrs. Dan Nichols TU 4-8B5V Multiple Listing Service MLS .V4 BEDROOMS ANO l'j BATHS. D'us denrahle H ft t Springs location, are now easily yours at the low price I $'3,950 This is a good older 2 story home, with full base ment. Hardwood floors, nil fored air piped hMt. spacious dmmg room plus b-eanast area. DEAL WISELY; JUST 10 PER CENT DOWN I ' i Peterson School SEE RIGHT NOW arwl iMl on this lacuia'e, attractive befl'Oim nnme, beautifully situated en Canton Ave Fire place, lovely carpeting, attache! ga'aof, 100 oer cant itorm winnows i.uinw nu AT 1)2.750, easy FHA or Gl term-, Wl I. ALSO TRADE FOR 2 or 3 BEDROOM HOVE PORTLAND S. W. AREA ('Mills Addition SPECtAL VALUE!! Att'artive and well nu'lt newer 2 bertroom home, near town. churches, and Mills School. ireplace, hardwood floors throughout, overs'ir-fl im O'e atiatr-ao garag. Rea'.onably at tnofrf). so why ojiy mote''1 '0 DOWN FHA K NO DOWN ON "ommal C'OSirig; PHONE RIGHT NOWt -,-V OUICK ACTION : " ON LISTINGS'! Chilcote and SMITH RtlTOP$ SINCE 1909 HE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 11 N &h , Pr,ina TU 4 7771 Ua'i Pfsn-"i T J J.l? f. ;H P- TU 4 fces 'e B'fiver HOUSES FOR RENT ..30, HOUSE, three cottaqes, furnished, good business corner, $ij,5t0, lflss s. 6th. MUST SELL. Take bedrooms, (ireplace. over payments. 3 i acre. TU 2-3891. - NEW HOVE" Just finished. S level blocks trom high school. Built for lasli'tfl quality and econv fort by local builder. Carpeted living 'ocm, hall, and two bedmoms. Charming blrcrr kitchen with omlt n appliances. Full wall height fireplace wtn cobbled party rteann. tou can i oeai tn low, tow price of $12.500. Please call Tu 2 3101 anytime. 200-AC RE TulelaKe homestead, small down, liberal terms tu 4-6J64. SOUTH suburban 2 bed-lorn home7at tached garage. Wall to nail carpeting, fenced yard. Small equity and take over payments. TU 2-5092 THREE bedrcom. fireplace. Attached garage. Owner transferred. Small equity. Assume $'4 per ceni loan. J926 Clinton, TU 2-0651. STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING one block to Main. Excellent Income 1 only $16,500. Owner v. ill carry contract.! PROGRESSIVE SMALL BUSINESS with living quarters consisting ot three1 bedrooms large living room fireplace, kitchen. Close In on Highway. Only, $15,000. Contract may be assumed. - DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL BUILDING 13.530 square feel. AM street level. Easy financing. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 414 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-016B QUALITY built new 3 bedroom modern home. Fea turing double garage. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. recreation room, large separate utility. 2200 sq. ft. of usable, livable floor space. A truly top value. Price $21,000. Will con- sider your older home in trade. OR Consider this brand new 3 bedroom ranch style built to endure. l'i baths, lull wall Roman brick fireplace, first quality built in appliances. Restricted suburban loca tion. Only $16,000. Terms. ONLY $9,500 Buys this 3 bedroom northslde home. Family room, spacious landscaped lot. FHA or Gl terms. , STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Phone TU 2-4740 Lois Macy TU 2-5667 Iris Madole TU 4-5695 Ralph Vaden Lore! Id 762-4163 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 STILWELL & CO. Presents: Under $10,000 $9,995 NORTHSIDE - larger 1 bedroom easily converted to 4 bedroom. OwnHi will trade $6500 equity tor smaller 2 bedroom. WHAT HAVE YOU? $6,500 FULL PRICE - Weyerhaeuserem plove special, Clean 2 bedroom name close to plant. $500 down, $50 per month. $4,300 FULL PRICE neat 1 bedroom home. $500 down, $50 per morffh. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3136 Alter 5:00 call Bruce Bmkley TU 4-3i78 Ron Van Orman TU 2-3692 It no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 Multiple Listing Service MLS MILLS Attractive 3 bedroom home. Large rom, oceans ol cabinet! and huge closets. Well Insulated. Hiohest electric bill (Including heal) was HO. Good buy at i 12,500. Eldorado Addition like new condition. Three bedrooms, )'i baths, fireplace, excellent arrange ment! Outstanding backyard and cov ered patio. Built In kitchen. Full price 517,500. Economy Special! Good compact ? bedroom home. Gas equipped. Can move vou In for aporoxi malely 13S0 rfown. Full price $4,100. BRUCE "OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4 3139 Lycllle Anderson TU 2-OSIB Ray Worden TU 4-9367 SOUTH Suburban Ihrta bedroom homt on ri acru ot very gooa grass pasiurr. KID irrigation. Large living room with wall to wall carpat anri (Ireplace. Oil heat, double carport, workstiop and storage shed. Verv comfortable homa with acre age for livestock Priced at $13,500, Shown by appointment only. HENLEY DISTRICT on Merrill Highway. 13 acres alt In pasture. Three bedroom home with fireplace Outbuildings. 14 miles from Klamath Fallv Close to itor and church. Ideal for tr person who. wants a few hed of liveslock. KID Irri gation. Price 2GQOO. Midland Empire ! REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker t00e Main TU 7-34T1 J.m O Evei. TU t 9A93 STROUT REALTY Ph. TU 4-SIII Bob 8. Stella Oehlinger Hank Ho'man TU 3-540 IU 3-5048 Laroe tot on elevated knoll Klamath Late Near park Excellent view of recreelion area. 1 3,300. IA0 Acres Sprague River, Running lull length of property-. $13,000. Two hedronm home, completely remnd eicd Paved street, oil heal. $4,500. Low down. ST. FRANCIS PARK Comfortable and well constructed 3 tvd room home m excellent neighborhood Fireplace, wall fo wall carpeting, furnace heat piped to all rooms, insuiateg. aii sonrlaui rooms with separate dlnino area Oaragt. $13,500, Ttrmi. (FHA appraisal.) LEONARD REALTY TU 4 7521 Or TU 4.9O0S Leonard TU 2-0527 Jot Parry TU 4-5132 Audrey Keer.r TU 4 4385 CITY BARGAINS EAIRVIF SCHOOL B home, ela la'tje Iwi ridsamtnt Yl lot distance to Wain Sf. your own terms. l 3 bedr l'j room Easy waging 18,250. NX MILLS A DO IT ION 3 Bedrooms sued lot 2D Orchard 14.400 accept any retonbie lerms. DON SLOAN Full Will 107 J 7th V TU 4 41 An,,.rrt Near High Schoo Lt'lt 2 ned'OOm lurrmhed O' un'ui nisned, tu" bsement. gs and wood lui oace. uf'l'ty po'ch. enclosed bar vp' 11.5M eoui'v. assume praient contrat peyments 175 per month. Call for ap- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3: NOTiCC ro PUBLIC Piease invast'oate thoroughly any Invar meni n' movs m mercna'viisa, variO-i erti'priitt t business eoor'unniat Of. fa'O investing your rap.iai. ma ne'a aa News mafces eve'V eort to reitc1 an frauOutent or mieaoir.g, aflventsmg, however, we art not rateonsiftit fgf the ingr,ty ftf t"t firms Of tM'vldiiala n Di advertising m yjt pubiicetion. Any ftt-titng bunass ooportimities aO' peering l h fraudulent or misleading .noyll M reported to tr, riil,l 1 Venning Depertment at the Harald and News, VA'-HlNFnftr doing lyvnd huneM 17.500 e-iuity, Wri'e Herald and News, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 14 HEDGE YOURSELF against inflation! See about REAL TATE INVESTMENTS anywhere wist of the Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore., Cel., Ida., Wash. 1037 Mam St, TU ,4-412 WE . SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loon, trailer loan, personal loan , . . we moke loans for any worthwhile purpose. Confidential rvice, too! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance, New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yeors Motor Investment Co 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING 36 PLYWOOD 4X8 ' Inch rejects, II. SO, Klamath Valley Lumber Co.. 1940 So. th. 1B16. HOUSEHOLD GOODS BEAUTIFUL luxurious longer lasting rugs and carpets for your noma at wonderful savings. TU 4-56M. MAHOGANY dining room table, chairs, $115; upright mahogany piano, $195. 3( gal. electric hot water healer, $20, day tu 4-7043, evenings, TU 45241. FOR SALE FOUR DRAWER CHEST TU 2-5296 MONTGOMERY WARD clothes dryer. very good condition, TU 4-3591. GUARANTEED USED RANGE5 REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATEt HEATERS Cascade Home Furn 4J Vain TU 4-S36S . SPECIAL PHILCO S Of) RANGE tVery clean ond in excellent condition. Guaranteed. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 SPECIAL BUYS USED PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES $19.95 & Up COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klomoth TU 4-7160 KENMORE MACHINE DESK MODEL A-l CONDITION $42.50 Terms SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-2513 antiques . . In and nee our new depart , antique glass, china, turnllurt. The RESALE HOUSE 1fl9 S Sixth FUEL . HEATING .31 LODGEPOLE wood again for sale at Johns-Man vine Plant. Buy any amount. Chiloquin 783-2430. BVDYo6Drdelivered7Tl?T50 a cord Call TU 4-8036. DRY pine blocks. You haul, 15 per cord. Metier Brothers, 3111 Crc by, TU 4-3184. LODGEPOLE pine and red fir heater WOOd, TU7-3705. CALL CLIFP VADEN For Presto Logs & Hoatlnp Oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green fciampt Open 24 bours 2540 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-M60 coT615aysead! ! ! standard heating oils WOOD COAL Fimsi Oil & Wood Stovn "FO ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Fmnkford Fuel Co. STOVES - STOVES .STOVES & STOVE PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. Alh Ttl 4-oonO GOOD THINGS TO EAT 31 BFFF. PORK, whnleialt custom butch, .ring, cut, .no. curing. Shamrock Til 7 4218, TU 2 V7P Boat! Pats Sparta - Hobbies 40 14 FT. runabout, windshield, convertible running lights, motor, trailtr. TU 2-4334. RFAGLES. AKC reglsterad purtnles, 8 weeks Old, TU 2-MQ5, Ashland Highway. BEAUTIFUL corker ipanielt, registered. 1411 Siskiyou Street. BLACK miniature poodle puppies, 8 'eiieni blood lines. TU 40" weeks. PRIJAC KFNNELS. At stud champion ed let black, brown, and silver poo- oies, white colored pekingene, orange Pomeranians. Professional poodle clip ping. Puppies. 503J So. Ena, TU 4-T525. HURRY, only 3 left, Reg. table colli! puppies, Tu 4-5991. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom bathing Okjs and nupmei tor sale SHASTA CASCADE KENNFLS, past Mer Ili-Lat-eview Junction itt Merrui nirjn- way on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Bon 504E, tu RADIO - TV . MUSIC .... EXPERIENCFD P'ano lacher, near Vadnon St. Blanche Vape, TU t-VM. CMH FOR USED PIANOS OERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 BARGAINS OALORETm" on Mr1 PIANOS A, ORGANS HAl OAIN HAMWONO LOPEY WUPl ITER H f , WILLI R Terms AvaiiaMe (,AVE & 100 S BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 8W vam tU JM1; "BLUE HAWAII" It Just Arm s Length Away LOWREY ORGAN S595 - $3295 "!Ve Your VusIC Klamath Music Center i5 E Wan TU i 'SiVi FINANCIAL - LOANS FNT A Nr?W WURLITZER $7.95 A Mo. (NO DELIVERY tMCE) DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Ynri f.n 7ih St." IJ6 No, 7ih TU -5l3 HERALD AM) KUS, Klamath Falls, Or p. RADIO . TV . MUSIC 41 RENT , new Baldwin S10 4 month. No delivery cnargt. Bowden Mutlc Co.. LIVESTOCK I POULTRY 42 TWO ve' old reolitered Hereford Bull, sired HFB Oomlno 110. dam HV iis Aladdin V; Alio milk cowl end day old calves. TU MSW. FOR sale 15 coming I-yaar-old regis tered Hereford bulls, Hoy Hereford Ranch, Weed, Ca it., YE wy LAATHPOVEO S'RE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1115, TU 455B, TU 2-4102 WANTED: Summer pasture lor 30 cows nd calves. TU 2-0617. BABY CHICKS-Bebcock W. L., Cornlsll Crosses. Free folder. Wilion't Hetchery, L yons, Ore. Ph.. liMVJ. NEW load every Tuesday. BABY CALVES lor tele, 1141 C-ery, phone TU KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr, TU 4-4103 , SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. .sharp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE 1 To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plans Now to Conbign to the Stockmen's Market. Tuesday is sole day in the Klomoth Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Ollicp 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY 44 JOHN Deere Model A tractor, 1952 Iron- flfio 4 row potato planter, TD 9 tractor, Issacrort doir, TU 4-4990. EARTH BORING machine, 6 Inch to 20 Inch dlameler, prtorta TU 4-3W4. SI CASE DC tractor, also rake, mower offset discs, plow, cultivator and other mlsceHaneoui equipment, iu i-mu. TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER "Avls" 1 4RO SPECIAL 1 JVJ J. C. Equipment Co. 6th & Hilyorri TU 2-2051 MISC. FOR RINT 43 FOR RENT. American door lander end edger, swill and easy to operele, tend- everything! Spotless inside and out. paper! and Bruce tloor tlnlartee. Klamath . pan,,lnr nrirt.. valley Lumber Co., 1940 so. tilt. TuLocolly owned. Regular prices, FOR RENT screw lacks and hydraulic lacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co.. 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-JBI6. We Rent Almost Anything Floor Sanders Electric Drills Wheel Chairs Welders VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Main TU 4-6812 MISC. WANTED 44 WANTED antiques, anything Old I TU 2-4784 ai days or TU -!M0 vts. MOVING? Don't discard books, comics, maqazlnei! fovi, etc. TU 2-6214 days, TU 4-9475 eve nings. Will pick up. Dorothea's Gift Shoppe & Book Xchange. CONSIGN NOW . We need small Items dishes, pots, pant, etc. for Our Friuay night auction. Free pickup. ,, THE RESALE HOUSE 31 S Mh TU 4 -SSeS MI5C. fOft 51.1 38 THE RVOPANE aluminum window. cheap. .See at 1535 Austin. TU 2-4MI. OAK olfice desk, 125; Seaty box spring mattress, Hollywood frame, walnut head board, 145; TU 2-SJ87. FOft sale barn stored straw, will delly- Phone TU 2-2440 eves. 5PtPDY li the word advertiser! cie t deierlbe Want Ad ramlti. Diet TU "). OLD barnyard fertlllier, 2-2OJ0. USED bikes and trlkes, parts and rt- s. Woe us Blkj Shop, 105 woe ut Road, TU 24547. HAY for stock cows or bones, about AOO, tons Qood grass and alfo'ta, all or perl Nus Laxa Nancn, iu -14. DRIVEWAY material, crushed drain rock. Joe Hart, TU 4-55. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS VASON sand, fill dirt, lendy till. Cin ders. Pelican sand, tu 44jiv. TOPSOIL, concrete aggreqafe driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes, 45. alfalfa and oat hay, bale or tan, TU 1402. DRAIN rock, gravel, anJ roadway ma terial, TU 4-3548, GEO. R. STACV CO, FERT1LIFR. rotted pulverlted sheep manure, II per hundred lb. sack, 0892. NO RATS f. MICE WITH D-CON 1 POUND BOX ONLY $1.40 Guaranteed hy Good Househeeping PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE m So. 6IH-TU i-.s GARCIA RODS & MITCHELL REELS 25 to 30 OFF AT FRANKS ft nriri r a. ftliwntrJf. tWWWCK m 6 MAIN TU MUl TRAtLIUS e"0R6AT Laiies trailer. I X 41 fl. bedroom. Good condition. TU JOiil. St OOLDFN MATE trailer house ISI0 I bedroom. Excellent condition, iu M9 9 f71W Shasta, self tontetnad. TEH- RIFIC BARGAIN. TUJiiJJ uuant ?fi tn 1(1 tl mode'n trailer, must in o,nod condition. Casn neat- privaia parly. Ph. TuielaM Mr 'lo. TRAILER house for rent, uo, also trill space W0TU-M MOUSE TRAIL ER RtPAIR, Crv Carr, r3 Winter Ave. TU M"- PACTOSV trained Coleman i Infemaf nbiie furnace service, pans, iu t R A ILE RB UYERS! POOLE'S SHOP INC. your "Wheel Estate" Dealer jt?"; 6rh TU 2-7H01 Tuesday, Ve AUTO MISCELLANEOUS . 53 Main Street Garage ' TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS M Wain TU J-S5SI Evee. TU 4-M7I (Next Door to Baldwin Hotel) Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overheul or Valve Grind Tune Uo is Soeclelry 2U1 Attament Cell TU ,-9023 'OVER JO YEARS CAPfcKIENCE RICK-ALLEN CAR WASH Fast ond efficient work $2 222 Spring TU 2-4166 COMPLETE ' RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLASHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USEP CARS AND TRUCKS ... ii 1950 CHEVROLET. Radio, healer, good condition. 390. TU 4-9426. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cesh lor cars. TU e-3577. 'ii FORD pickup, i cyl.ndvr, MOO. TU 2-24JJ. WANTED '57 & older can. cenlrel Auto Sales. TU 2-1130. TU 2-J204. '59 HEAVY duly '. Ion Studebeker pick up, radio, tiealer, overdrive, I II. bed Real good condition, $1,075. TU 4-3J34. 46 DODGE I'i Ion flatbed, 2 speed axle, slock reck, excellent tires, runs good, 1500, TU 4-4917; 5775 Herlan Dr. CARS WANTED Wi need your car ... . cash wait ing I Payments too high? Trade Into a cheaper ear or sell your equity. SELL YOUR CAR-OON'T GIVE IT AWAY sea Dale or "nino" DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. elh St. TU J-4910 FRANKLY Here's A Real BARGAIN! 1958 .CADILLAC 4-DOOR SEDAN power windows. Dower seat power steering, powr brakes. electric eye, air conditioning, usi $2195. Now reduced to only. $1995 FRANK'S Used Car Lot (Formerly Jim Olson's) & Commerciol TU 2-5646 CHEVY CENTER PICKUPS! '60 Chev. Vi Ton Pickuo 3-6pd( V-8 $ rodio, . heoter 1498 '59 Ford Vi Ton Pickup 4-speed, V-8, 5 sharp 1298 DUGAN & MEST, TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 VAN BODIES or TRUCKS! We have several VAN TRUCKS Will sell bodies separately. See em ot JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. llh & Klomoth TU 2-2S81 CUP THIS AD! It's Worth $100 On Cars Listed Below These cars, listed at regular Prices,! be discounted $100 If you bring this od with you. 63 Lincoln 4-Dr. Demon- $5497 strator (Less than 4,000 miles): '62 Studebaker 4-Dr $1897 '62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. $2497 '61 Plymouth Stn. Wgn. .. $1697 '60 Ford 2-Dr. Hdtp. . $1797 '61 Dodae Lancer 2-Dr. Hardtop $1597 60 Rombler 4-Dr '$1297 '58 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedon .. SI 397 4-WHEEL DRIVE UNITS '60 Willys Jeep Pickup .. $1997' '62 Willys Jeep CJ5. Full Top '56 Willys Jeep Pickup '57 Willys Jeep Pickup '60 Willys Jeep CJ5. Full Top $2197 $10971 $1 197 $1697 Remember This ad is worth $100 on above cars Limit one per purchase. SALESMEN Dole Sechrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehort TU 4-9541 lot Padgett TU 2-0637 lim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Mortin Arnold TU 4-5711 Elnathon Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER 677 So 7th TU 4-3104 LINCOLN MERCURY til UJMtl Jttr PAGE-1J USED CARS AND TRUCKS 5S 1959 FORD, A-l condition, $850 full prWe. TU 4-3547. 75 TONS elfella hay, phone Merrill 79e- 5955. 1953 CHEVROLET a Ion, 4-speed pldt- up. Sharpl SSO, TU 2-0M5. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or , equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 DODGE st Choice SPECIALS '59 Plymouth '6' 2-Dr. Hooter, standard trans. White side- $ 998 walls '60 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. 6 cylinder, heater, 3) I 1398 Power-Glide '58 Edsel Pacer V-8 2-Dr. Hdtp. Radio, heater, $ OQQ auto, trans 07 0 '57 Buick Century 4-Dr. Hdtp.. Radio, heater, $ OQQ ' Stand, trans 070 Thomas DODGE Used Car Lot 7th & Commerciol TU 4-4627 BIG BUYS at Wiley's! :'. 55 Buick Century 2-Dr. Hard top. Turbine, heater, radio, good ?RQ condition ' 54 Buick Special 2-Dr. Hard top. Turbine, heater, $ j QQ radio, clean ' ' ' 53 Studebaker V-8 Starlile Cpe. Stick and overdrive. Heater, radio. StudebakeVs $04Q "Classic" modH .... "7 Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Main TU 4-3141 ' 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 ' Buy Now 606So?6thSt.l 62 Pontioc Grond Prix Coups $3597 63 Merc. Monterey Hardtop Coupe $3397 '61 Pontioc Tempest 4-Dr. bruary 19, Klli3 Sedon $1897 '61 Rombler Custom 4-Dr. Sedon ".. $1897 '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-Dr. Sedon $1597 '60 Ford 4-Dr. Sedon .... $1397 '60 Rombler American Delux 4-Dr. Sedon $ 997 '58 Codillcc '62' Sedan DeVille $197 '59 Chevrolet Porkwood 4-Dr. . Station' Wagon $1597 57 Chevrolot 210 4-Dr. Sedan $ 897 58 Ford Ranch Wgn $ 997 These MUST GO! 56 Olds '88' 2-Dr. Sdn. .. $397 55 Ponf. Starchief Carolina Coupe $397 56 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan $347 5 Desoto 4-Dr. Sdn $247 54 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sdn $197 54 Buick Hdtp. Cpe $197 54 Ford 4-Dr. Sdn $247 54 .Mercury 4-Dr. Sdn $197 53 Olds. '98' Convertible .. $ 97 52 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sdn. .. $ 77 ECCLES MOTOR CO. : 606 So. 6th TU 4-8124 VALUE RATED USED CARS TWO 1963 rwpvoni ftc Nova sport coupe, bucket seats. air $2893 conamoning stX- '284$ 62 Oldsmobile F-85 Cutlass Coupe $2593 61 Cod. DeVille 4-Dr., air conditioning $4283 61 Ford Folc. Sla. Wag. $1793 61 Cadillac DeVille 4-Dr. $4083 61 Olds '88' Hardtop .... $2293 60 Pontioc Starchief 2-Dr. $1873 60 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4-Door $1493 '59 Ford Goloxie V-8 Fordor, stond. trans. $1293 59 Olds S-88 4-Dr $1673 59 Ford V-8 Galaxip 4. Door $1283 59 Ford Galoxie V- Hdtp. $1293 58 Olds Sup. 88 4-Dr. Hardtop $1643 '58 Ford V-8 Sin Wog. .. $ 693 57 Chevrolet 6 Station Woaon 7'3 57 Chev. 210 V-8 4-Dr. $ 793 '57 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 513 56 Chev. Del Ray Cpe- -. 56 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. $ 593 55 Codilloc 4-Door $ 763 55 Ford V-8 Hordtop $ 493 '54 Mercury 4-Dr $ 293 53 Olds 98 Hdtp 363 53 Olds 98 4-Dr $ 1 3 53 Chevrolet 2-Dr - $ 19.T 53 Buick 4-Dr - $ 93 '51 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 51 Jeep 44 Pickup $ 583 '50 Buick 4-Dr ..$ 193 47 Chev. Sedon $ 63 Dick B. Miiler Co. 7th & Klamath Tl 4-4 154 Ed r.i ' BT) C AUTO MIXUIANMUS Oes i:J Sit