HERALD AST) NEWS, Klamath Falls. Or. Monday, February H, 19M PAGE 5 Jacoby On Bridge NORTH 18 A 95 43 A53 875 Q92 WEST ' EAST AQJ108 A783 M2 J10 8 K102 -QS 74 K6J3 SOUTH (D) A AK V KQ7 AJ93 A J 10 8 North and South vulnerable South Weil North Eut 2N.T. Pasa 3 N.T. Pass Fats Pass Opening lead 4 Q Every Play Different By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn A sinale suit plav is one which you van to find the best way to play a particular suit. You must decide which card to lead from which hand. The usual meth od is to lead a low card from the weaker hand toward the stronger, but the only real gen eral rule is that each case de pends on its own merits and on how many tricks you need in the suit. South has a standard two no trump opening and North a sound raise, to three. It is expected that South will have little trouble mak ing his contract and such is the case. In spite of West's spade lead, which is the best suit for his side to attack, South is sure of nine tricks by playing the club suit. He can lose to the king and still have two spades, tliree hearts, one diamond and three clubs. Souths problem is to find the best way to make four club tricks and a finesse is indicated. South wins the first spade, leads a heart to dummy andjs ready to lead a club. If he leads the deuce of clubs i normal low play he will have to win in his own hand and won't be able to get back to dummy for a second finesse. The correct play is to load either the nine of clubs, intending to play the eight from his hand, or the queen, intending to play the jack or ten. With either play South is able to keep the lead in dummy lor repeated finesses and will take lour club tricks. II Q The bidding has been: Wert North East Sooth 1 Double Pass 2 rss Pass 2 3 3 4 Double Pass ? You, South, hold: ,S VK7 65 KJ2 JM2 What do you do? A Pasa. Ton should expeet to get this contract a c o o p t e of tricks. TODAY'S QUESTION This time your partner has jumped to (our hearta over your two heart bid. What do you do? Answer Tomorrow Overdone Religious Display Upsets Girl Hi if I'm in dozens of the walls. By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Is it in good taste to have all sorts of religious art on display in every room of the house? I'm engaged to a young man whose religion is the same as mine. Whenever I go to his home i he lives with his par entsi I feel as a church. There are religious pictures on statues in every cor ner, and even the crocheted doi lies have biblical sayings on them. I've always felt that religion is sacred and highly personal. This gross over-display makes me uncomfortable. . I've discussed my feelings with my fiance and he says he has never given it a thought because he grew up in the house and is accustomed to it. May I have your views on this? PATRICIA Dear Pal: There Is good a r t and bad art. Regardless of the subject, bad art doea nothing for a room. A home ts the reflection of the Tax Return Needs List Of Interest Interest which you received or which was credited to your ac count during 1962 must be re ported on your federal income tax return, A. G. Erickson, direc tor of the Internal Revenue Serv ice 'for Oregon, said. He explained: "Interest on state and munici pal obligations is wholly exempt from tax, and interest on obliga tions of the federal government issued before March 1, 1941 is either wholly or partially exempt from tax. All other interest is taxable. Interest which is taxable in cludes interest on savings or olh- bank deposits, interest on bonds, debentures, notes, loans, mortgages, interest on refunds of federal taxes, interest on U.S Savings Bonds, and interest on GI insurance dividends left on deposit with Veterans Administration. "Also included as interest in come are certain so-called divi dends you receive on deposits or withdrawable or share ac counts of domestic Building and Loan Associations, domestic Sav ings and Loan Associations. Cred it Unions. Mutual Savings Banks and Cooperative Banks. "Interest on savings and deposit accounts is considered received by you when it is credited to your account and subject to your with drawal even though it is not en tered in your passbook." "Taxpayers who have any ques tions on litis subject may get Doc ument No. SOtiO, 'Investment In come, by calling or writing ineir nearest Internal Revenue Service office." Erickson said. people who live in It, Your taste, obviously, is not the same your future mother-in-law's. Rut you ought not to criticize her home. When you have a place of your own. decorate It as you wish. Dear Ann Landers: A friend of my husband has taken up with a tramp. I will call the man Mr. Jerk. The man's wife ias had a difficult time being both mother and father to their chil dren. She has the respect and sympathy of everyone who knows her. Mr. Jerk is not only my hus band's friend he is a good client My husband feels that for both reasons we should continue to be hospitable to him. At first I agreed, on the theory that what he does with his life is his own business. But last week my husband told me that Mr Jerk invited us to join his girl friend and him on a short trip to the Keys. I refuse to go be cause I don't want to be in the tramp's company. Mv husband says I am naive, adolescent and narrow-minded Am I? SPEAKING MY PIECE Drar Speaking: By accepting the invitation you give tacit ap proval to the whole shabby af fairas if it were just peachy. Mr. Jerk has a right lo live as he pleases, but if he chooses to behave in a scandalous man ner he should not he surprised when he gets the name with' the game. If your husband wishes to keep Mr. Jerk's friendship for business reasons he ran take the guy lo lunch. Dear Ann Landers: That let ter from the happily married career girl knocked me oil my pins. She must be some kind of nut or something. I can t ima gine a single girl not being de lighted that her friends and rela tives are , thoughtfully trying to fix her up with eligible men. It should only happen to me. My friends and relatives think ;if me only when the baby sitter folds out, or when they need someone to go to the hospital with them. Sometimes they think of me when they need a little er rand run, because I have a car and "nothing to do evenings. Most single girls put up a cheer ful front because they have too much pride to let the world know they are wretched and lonely. I II hot my red flannel nightgown that nine out of 10 "deliriously happy career girls would pitch it all if Ihev had the chance. I would EMPTY EXISTENCE Dear Empty: Some married women have an "emply exist lenre," ton. The grass isn't al ways greener, you know, borne- limes It just looks that way. It may be that your personality Is belter suited for the singlr life so cheer up. MARCHING MOM This Modoc County mother of eight children walked "the" 50 miles Tuesday, Feb. 12, in 18 hours and IS minutes. Mrs. Teresa Baker hiked from the Oregon border to Allures, beginning at 3 a.m. in the morning. During the lest miles of the long trek, she plodded bravely along through a drlzilly, cold snow storm. Oregon National Guard Slates Muster Activity YOUR LAST CHANCE TO JOIN THIS DALE CARNEGIE CLASS In Effective Speaking, Human Relations, Leadership Training HURRY! WE CAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW MORE IN THIS PRESENT CLASS f;,' TV'S V HJ-.. .,yv U S, V I SALEM Muster Day activities for the Oregon National Guard will be Eeb. 17-24. with most units sponsoring public programs on the closing Sunday. Prime purpose of the annual program is to intensify .recruiting and community awareness of the role of the National Guard, ac cording to Major General Paul Kliever, Oregon adjutant gen eral. Recently announced reorgani zation of tiie guard left many units understrenglh, and a drive has been launched to bring their personnel strength up to requirements. Muster Day also allows the community lo view the training equipment and personnel of local units. Guardsmen in several cit ies are planning open houses, and Portland units will sponsor a dis play at Lhe Hoyd Center. Use of Muster Day lo call at tention lo lhe role of the Na tional Guard in community life dates to the nation's founding. In colonial days the militia was mus tered each year on the village square, to count off the number of able-bodied men who would be available to bear arms in an emergency. The National Guard revived the custom in 1(156. February was chosen as the month (or observ ance, in honor of George Wash ington, a colonel in the Virginia Militia. Oregon has conducted the Mus ter Day programs since 1!)56 with the exception of l'.KU and l2, when no observance was scheduled. California Presses for FPC Rule Requiring Power Firm To Pay 81 Of Fish Hatch Costs SACRAMENTO The California Senate Natural Resources Inter im Committee, while satisfied with many of the results of the construction of Iron Gate Dam on the Klamath River, is continuing to press for three specific bene- fits according to Sen. Randolph Collier. I'hcy are an FPC decision which would require Pacilic Pow er and Light Company to defray 81 per cent of the cost of oier ating and maintaining the Iron Gate fish hatchery; detailed stud ies by the Department of Kish and Game of water temperatures below the dam and an analysis of possible modifications of instal lations on the Klamath to obtain the best continual flow of cool water for spawning, and revi sion of the FPC Federal Power Company license lo Pacific Pow er and Light imposing a maxi mum release from the dam. The committee at Collier's re quest held a hearing in Yrcka last Aug. 31, and considered al legations of sportsmen and others that the Iron Gate Dam, thcii provide the full regulation of the Klamath River which had been sought. The final rewrt of the Interim Committee, recently released, found lhal the fluctuations of wa ter flow during 19ti2 were almost entirely eliminated, except for crlain periods beyond the control of lhe power company. However, Collier minted out, the dam was constructed to pro vide flow regulation, and there is no positive statement for full regulation in the license. T h e committee, Collier ex plained, would like an amend ment to the license setting a maximum of 1,750 cubic feet per second, which would be greater than normal releases of the com pany dam. He said the committee will press for such an amendment i future flow management docs not adhere to that expected or de sired by the state wildlife agen cies. 'The Klamath River fisheries are a major lactor in Northern California economy." Collier said. The fishery rcprixluclinn is far operation and maintenance cost. lpss than should be expected in Ihis system which includes many hundreds of miles of this water way which is second only in Cali lornia to the Sacramento-San Joa quin system. We dare not settle for less than optimum lish pro duction from lhe river." lnundale Spawning Beds The Iron Gate Dam has in undated hi miles of former spawn ing beds and the old Fall Creek lish hatchery site, according to Collier. Tlie power company has made provision lor iish trapping and egg collection facilities at the ilamsite. but has objected lo state proposals that the company pay the cost of operation and mainte nance of the fish hatchery. The California altoincy general has appeared before lhe FPC seek ing such an arrangement, Col lier said, .and mav file for a court hearing on the subject. The committee believes Paci fic Power and Light should, in fairness, pav 81 per cent of the SCOKE F1UST WIN BASEL, Switzerland UPD - The United Slates amateur hock ey learn which will compete in the world championships at Stock holm, Sweden, scored the first victory of its European tour Sun day when it downed 'Switzerland, 9-7. Marshall Tschiba and Jack Poole scored five points between them to pace the Americans' victory. More than 4.135,5:11 acres of tim- hcrland were burned by the 104, Wi2 forest fires rciiorted in 11IC0. Advertisement HE RE-GREW HAIR km a J W 1,13. J Before After FREE HAIR CUNIC Stm Page 3 8- 3, recognizing that portion of the new hatchery which will absorb the production of lite state operated Fall Creek hatchery now inun dated by Iron Gate Rcsrvoir. To Abate Nuisance The dam was constructed to abate a nuisance created by the California Oregon Power Com pany's operations on the Klam ath," Collier said. "It is only fair the company should pay the cost of replacing these hatchery facilities. After the Yrcka hearing, in formation was brought to the at tention of the committee indicat ing thai water temperatures of lhe Klamath arc a much more im portant (actor in Klamath River fish propagation than the hear ing testimony indicated, Collier said. The committee has therefore asked for a detailed analysis of water temj)eratures of the river before and after power develop ment began to determine if some modification is needed to pres ent installations. The committee recommended that the Department of Fish and Game make a detailed analysis of the possible modifications to Pacilic Power and Light Compa ny installations to provide me best continual flow -of cool water. Hear Then! SONY TRANSISTOR RADIOS Superb Quality! Superb Sound! LEO'S CAMERA. SHOP 836 Main ANNOUNCING The OPENING OF SANDERS DRIVE IN j RESTAURANT ! E. Main ond 6th qk jrtWA. ' Opening TUESDAY Feb. 19th Open 7 AM till 11 PM. On ' Fridays and Saturdays, open from 7 AM till 1:30 AM. Featuring courteous service and exelleht food, tnjoy your food inside, or it yo-.t pre fer, we've fast curb service available. Here's another plus orders to go, from sandwiches to dinners, in insulated boxes so they reach home piping hot. Just call or drop in. There's plenty of parking. Drive In Restaurant E. Main & 6th Ph. TU 2-6142 See for yourself how you may develop and train these basic traits: O SELF CONFIDENCE O SPEAKING SKILLS O HUMAN RELATIONS INSIGHT O DECISION-MAKING ABILITY POSITIVE MOTIVATING ATTITUDES ifer DALE CARNEGIE Author of "How To Win Friend And Influence People" ATTEND A CLASS SESSION WITHOUT OBLIGATION TOMORROW Feb. 19th, 7:30 P.M. WILLARD HOTEL 10 Ways The Dale Carnegie Course Helps Men & Women AcMJ-r Pots ond Confidence S'jfok Effectively SH Yourlf and Your Ideas B Your Best Wttl Any Group Rfmen-iber Nome Think onrl Speak on Your Feet Control Fear and Worry Pe o Better Conversattona'nt Develop Your Hid den Ahilihe Wm That Better Job, More Income The Total Cost For This Entire Course For Oregon Korean Veterans is Only $10.00! J. R. (Bob) Taylor, Associate Sponsor 548 Lozier Lane, Medford, Oregon Call Bus Thompson, TU 4-6618 After 6 I h.H - i I ' V. k S ;.V . it., : s .. . . i . r -: 1 ., ''.V , . ' . V . Arthur Godfrey says: "Keep New Clothes Looking New" So, of course, you want to keep new clothes looking new. Well, here's a tip one of the biggest clothing manufacturers gave me and I tell my listeners on my CBS Radio program insist on Sanitone Prvcleaning. Sanitone Drycleaning gives you extras, like spots removed scientifically; minor repairs made; professional-rated press fit, shape restored and special finishes make the fabric feel new. So, for wnre than just drycleaning, insist on Sanitone! 55 CASCADE LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Opp. Poir Office Ph. TU 4-5111 NEW METHOD CLEANERS Gold Bond Stamps 14S3 Esplanade Ph. TU 4-4471 BROADWAY CLEANERS. S4H Green Stamps 461 S So. 6th Ph. TU 4-6403 And Villoge Cleaners at the Town & Country Shopping Center Trucks Radio Dispatched for Fastest Possible Service. me $ BONUS ALLOWANCE For Your Old BONUS ALLOWANCE For Your Old :ANGI Water Heater TRADE L O) (fZ, NOW! a tC Ut J II t U J L i 40 inch Automatic Range Special Purchase $ " 95 Less Trade-In Allowance for $ Af 00 Your 7 Yeor Old Range lU $ Oft 00 Less Cal-Ore Bonus M RS-10-62 Automatic Oven Infinite Heat Switches 2 Lorge 2 Smoll Surface Units 2 Storage Drawers Youf Pay' Only CALORC UlCTRICAL LIACUI (ONUS QUALIFICATION rout oi o WMII HtiTTt Of INT rrri ipoliei o ourchi of new fclric wuiomerrr fktt h on !MtrifV (sMfu ipArttMaxt fcuym Umut tjllwnne ortrl It f o46Ho in (it any) mimkw 4Mlrt nesfnittd velwfj f your ftltJ nutemott, tufcr' Hi tontfifioni ft(j with tr Mhnj tjlf, QHm r -it ia rnwn jm trf its turner i ft VMfu member PLUS Frigidoirt Spatter-Fret BROILER PAN With purchose! Broil 100 timet and never need to clean the oven? Vern Owens' CASCADE HOME FURNISHING! 412 Main Ph. 4-8365