Monday, February 1J, 1963 PACE J HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Or. 'DENNIS THE MENACE 1 1 COMPARE PRICES a Mwiifiimr CZ OUR FIRST S1000.00 KU K LATTER By Penny Lynn Howie JLi 71 ANiwnrnr W hi arm l M iia,BMiaai Eleven KUHS students attend fd the State International Rela tions Leapue Conference Feb. 7-9 at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Klamath Falls, Bend and Lakeview high schools formed to gether to make up the country of Peru. This year 60 high schools from Oregon came together on the Ore gon Campus and held a model conference of the P u n t a del Este Conference of 1961 in conjunction with the Organiza tion of American States at the administerial level. Featured speakers at the con ference were Oregon's United Stale Senator, Wayne Morse, and Dr. William Sanders, assistant secretary-general of the Organi zation of American States. Those students representing KU were John Otterbcin. Bob Kyle, Tommy Johnson, Ann Lindlcy. Daggie Henry, Charlie Ochs, Roy Marvin, Kathy Cooper. Fred Eh lers, Jana Erlandson and Carol Bousquet. Three KU seniors. Kathy Mur Hock, Don Christy and Kathy Cooper have been selected as Youngsters Vote Choice In Reading Children from the fourth to sev enth grades of Fairview and Roosevelt schools participated in the selection of the "Young Read er's Choice Award, 1963" by vot ing on a list of popular titles pre pared by school librarians. The results of the balloting were sent to Mrs. Sara H. Wheeler, who works with the children's and young people's division of the Pacific Northwest Library Asso ciation, School of Librarianship, at the University of Washington in Seattle. An. author of many ar ticles on children's literature in the World Book and other ency clopedias, she is secretary of the "Young Reader's Choice Award Not all of the 20 books on the list ol selected titles were avail able in the two school libraries, but the books receiving votes were well known to the students through library period reviews. The eight choices submitted by the young readers in order of pref erence were: "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dcll; "The City Under the Back Steps" by Kvelvn Lampman; "Rasmus and the Vagabond" by Astrid Lind gren: "A Dos on Barkham Street" by Mary Stolz; "The Black Stallion and Flame" by Walter Farlev; "Cricket in Times Square" bv George Selden: "Gaudenzia: Pride of the Palio" hy Marguerite Henry: and "The Witch Family by bleanor ts-tes. semifinalists for the annually awarded Elks Scholarships. They were chosen on the, basis of past school records, personal informa tion forms, participation in panel discussions, and financial need. They were judged by the KUHS Scholarship Committee, and chos en from an initial group of eight. The next phase of their com petition will include more per sonal information forms and rat ings from a panel of judges at the Elks lodge. Scholarships of fered are SI, 000, $350 and $150. One of the newest projects be ing pursued at the present time by the Girls Recreation Associa tion, is sending $25 to CARE for a physical education kit. They have asked that it be sent to Colombia, South America, and hope that whoever receives the kit will reply. GRA also donated $10 to the American Field Service drive. Activities keeping GRA' mem bers busy this year include re vising the constitution and help ing teachers to earn service points. A volleyball playday is planned for March 8. Schools from the Klamath Basin will be invited. This year's officers for GRA are Gladys Andersen, president; Nancy LaClair, vice president; Cathy Johnson, business manager; Roxie Bennington, secretary; Mary Taggart, treasurer; Nancy Freeman, point keeper: and Ju lie Phillips, yearbook editor. Mrs. Shirley Routh is the group's adviser. The Latin Club held a dancing party for all members and their dates on Jan. 31 in the KU cafe teria. The dance band, playing un der the name of "The Luna Lux- ers" provided the music. Mem bers of the club who have second noon hour this year put on a skit. With its 27.000 square miles of area. Lake Victoria, chief source of the River Nile, is second larg est body of fresh water in the world. MONDAY BETHEL NO. 61, Jnb'l Daugh ters, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Scottish Rite Temple. AMATEUR TALENT GUILD, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Eagles Lodge. All interested invited. EWAUNA TOASTM1STRESS. 7:30 p.m., meeting. Winema Ho tel. Visitors welcome. MERRILL REBEKAH LODGE, 8 p.m., meeting, IOOF Hall, Mer rill. KLAMATH COUNTY FARM BUREAU. 6:30 p.m., potluck. Henley Farm Bureau Hall. Pro gram, entertainment. Pinochle Party Held In Grange NEW PINE CREEK A public pinochle party was held Feb. 8 in the Eastside Grange Hall for the benefit of the heart fund, with Mrs. Eugene Lawson as chair man. Approximately $25 was net ted from the seven tables of play ers. Mrs. Nina Baty won the high orize for the women with a sco-e of 6.440. and Clain Randolph of Lakeview won the men's high prize? Jerry Panter, filling in as a woman, received the women's low. and the men's low went to Mike Batv. The traveling prize was awarded to a Willow Ranch school teacher, Mrs. Joy Scott Following the play, cake as served and two extra cakes we e auctioned off to add $7 more to the fund. MEET IN MAIN BOUT WORCESTER. Mass. UPI - Larry Carney of Lowell. Mass. r..r nlf anaintl Tnmmil Tllflc er of Vallev Stream. N.Y., in the eight-round feature of next Thurs day night's boxing card at Me chanics Hall. ' Dad! Come see now ppsttv rr taxes whem we sprwer iSONAUNlGHTj Qommiuxxiij. Qahndak TUESDAY AMERICAN LEGION AUX.. Klamath Unit No. 8. 8 p.m., meet ing. Legion Club. Games and refreshments. MERRILL CHAPTER NO. 18, WOTM, 8 p.m., meeting, recrea tion hall. Initiation by hospital committee. ROOSEVELT SCHOOL PTA, 2:30 p.m., Founders Day, Mrs. Robert Veach, speaker, auditor! urn. Baby sitting provided. WOTM, . Chapter 467. 8 p.m., business meeting. Moose Home KLAMATH LUTHERAN LA. DIES All), 8 p.m., meeting, church, RIVERSIDE PTA. 7 p m Founders Day meeting. Melody Mothers and school chorus, gym. DEGREE OF HONOR. 7:30 p.m., executive meeting. Fannie Gervais. 2441 Garden SI. AGENCY LAKE GRANGE. 8 p.m., installation of officers, pot- i luck desert, community hall. KLAMATH COUNTY FARM BUREAU WOMEN. 12:30 p.m.. luncheon, Molatore's. Rev. Laing Sibbet, hospital plans. WEDNESDAY MIDLAND GRANGE, 8 p.m.. meeting, grange hall. FRIENDSHIP COURT NO. II. Order of Amaranth, 8 p.m.. Ad vance night, Cakewalk, Scottish Rite Temple. SUBURBAN SIRENS. Dutch-! Doe Dinner, Satellite Restaurant Meet at fire station, 7:30 p.m. BONANZA FARM BUREAU CENTER, 8 p.m.. Bonanza Li brary. Speakers, Charles Sweet and Richard Hood. KLAMATH ARCHERS. 7 p.m. Business meeting, Twyla Fergu-i son School gym. League shooting follows. HENLEY FARM BUREAU CENTER, 8 p.m., Henley Hall. Speaker, Richard Baldwin. KLAMATH COUNTY DEMO CRATIC CLUB, 7:30 p.m., meet ing. County Courthouse. Speaker on Kuropean Common Market. THURSDAY NEIGHBORS OF WOOD. CRAFT. Thimble Club. 8 p.m., meeting, Mrs. Charles Zumwalt, 4017 Clinton. . LLOYD SILVIUS . wiyiiiio niniuno, vrcgon Congratulations To Him And All The Other Many Winners In Our BIG . . . $120,000 CASH GIVE-AWAY! IT PAYS To Shop At Your OREGON GREEN STAMPS FOOD ST0R "ALTA" 24 Tin si LARGE "AA' EGG Doz. if COTTAGE INCOME TAXES Sea Your Reliobl Incoma TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 Advrrtifcmenl Tomorrow Only, Scalp Specialists In Klamath Falls, City Center Lodge, 11 Main St., TU 2-3449 Will Show How to Save Hair and Prevent Baldness AN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER COSTS LESS TO BUY LESS TO USE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD WATER HEATER ON A NEW "DAY & NIGHT" GLASS LINED WATER HEATER 30-GALLON On TupwIov. February 1 9 Ot the City Center Lodge in Klam ath Falls, Staff Director, Mr. W. P. Conner, will give free hair and scalp consultations be tween I 00 P M, ond 8 00 P M. to hoir-worned men and women. Phone TU 2-3449. Enekson Hair and ScqId Spe cialists, the oldest ond lorgest organization of its kind mokes regular visits to Klomoth Falls throughout the year to assure you of success in o minimum period of time. Enekson is now in its seventh year. Lost year alone, over one-quorter million jEriekson home scolp treatments were used. S30 Regular Price . . , Lest Trade-in Allowance . . . You Pay Only . . . 87-50 ...$3000 $57'50 LiJ 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Thi Offer it Available Alio Thru Your Plumber CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY YeTiT 1011 Main Your Gas Company TU 4-5157 Before After Mr.K.Freyer Ctlrlnnu is lnw and ffrnHunl even in the most common form. If you now have, or have in the pant noticed dandruff, itchy snip, exceiv oinnen or nry eYreiMuva hair fall or thin nin at the temple or crown, you should ee Mr. Conner tomorrow. Um rprommend an Krirkon program bent united to snlvinc vour hair and wain prohlem, how lona; you will have to use KrirKon treatment, ann now much the rost will be, which is usually lss than imitators. Free Consultation There is shoutely no eharse or Miration for your free hair and rcalp consultation. You can eaily follow this new modem method In the privacy of your home. Actually, there are thou, sands with hair and scalp prob lem who can he helped hy the new Krirktnn Hair and 8calp Special ists home treatment methods. Before After Mrs. Virginia Barnee Written Guarantee VrirL-nn Hair and Scalp Spe cialists accept only those whose hair will respond. Individuals ao- ceptad are iriven a written (ruar antee that they must be satisfied with results or money will he re funded on a pro-rated basis. So. why put off your hair problem any longer? Hopeless Cases Refuted ffpl only rlirnl v-h ose hair writ mpftna" In trrntmrpt. Th'U con pnl hflp ivriiridxnl vftn ore tlirk-bnlri nr tht m(i;nril o( hnir , rnllfrt itio pattern bnlfinfuD. ti hrrt rtn trrntmtvt tn cirfiwj; tht h'rifkunn method is of onj rnhif. Thrrrfor. Erirkwan wilt continue their pifj of re. xsittff olh hapeitw ranee. Mr. h'rryrr and hf. Rome did vnt have male pattern batdnee. IT This man a wasreiusen'inr m treatment by ,rj Krirkson Hair end Scalp Sne- w cialists because he has male pattern bald- Frti Hair Clinic Tomorrow Only For your free hoir and scolp consultation, go to the City Center Lr.rd'je between 1 .00 PM end ft 00 PM , on Tues o)V, Fh. 1, and ak th room Clerk tor Mr. Conner's room number. Yrxj moy phon for on anpomtment or ust come .n at your convenience. Consul tot mm ore given in private You will not he ernbarro'Wd or o' ligoted in Ory wrjy ZEE CUT WAX BEAS-5S Wm No- 303 Tins 100 Ft. Rolls 1c 1 2:29' KITCHEN CHARM 60 Count NAPKINS Pkg. CELIIRY Large Green Crisp Stalks For sAaTTAT(VAAeHaTe,feaekeBail)itaa(sv)s Large Green, Thin Skinned AVOCADOS ItF ca. J xf Coffee Tip Top 10-oz. Jar 7w MOTHERS ! DON'T FORGET ! ! YOU ONLY HAVE 3 DAYS WED.-THURS.-FRI., FEB. 20, 21, 22 TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE IN A LIFETIME SPECIAL! LIFE - SIZE OIL TINTED PORTRAIT AVERAGE $20.00 VALUE, YOURS FOR NO AGE LIMIT Teenagers - Mem & Dad YOUR SELECTION OF POSES Photpgraphers will be at two Klamath Falls Stores only!! 1 Shasta Way ond Avalon 2 4480 South Sixth ONLY $ HAND FINISHED in Bioutiful Letting Oil Colon 89 53 Morrell's Palace, Thin Sliced n 2-lbs. n Fresh, Gr. A, Cut-Up Pan Ready FRYERS DELIGHT - Tall Tins Of) Food 17 For $ 00 PUREX ELASTIC BLEACH LIQUID STARCH Gai. 43 qk 29 c REYNOLD'S SCHILLING'S ALUMINUM FOIL BLACK PEPPER I 35 c 39 c ; SNOW'S WALDORF CLAM CHOWDER TOILET TISSUE 3No- 1 QCC 4 roll ftC toll tins OD peck 57 SCOTT SWIFT'S CONFIDETS PREM Pkg. 00C 12-01, CC of 24 QJ tin 3J DEL MONTE Pineapple or Pineapple Grapefruit DRINK 3 t.69c If You're Not Shopping Here, You're Spending Too Much! We Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6th 1315 Oregon Ave. Avalon ond Shasta Way rm Mm jm mm Prit ElUetiv. Through Wdneiday Night While Quontitiet Lost Store Hours 9:00 8:00 P.M.