PAGE-1J HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falln, Ore. Monday. February 18, 1963 Kennedys Cuban Action Praised, Supported By Vinson WASHINGTON (UPI - Chair tacks by Republicans in Lincoln Kennedy's handling of the Octo this country to get them re is properly handled the eventual Georgia Democrat. Russell has said the administration erred last October in not mounting a mili tary invasion of Cuba. man Carl Vinson of the House Day speeches over the country, ber crisis, in which Soviet Pre mier Nikita Khrushchev removed missiles and bombers which Ken nedy had pronounced a threat to moved. downfall of communism in Cuba Armed Services Committee Sat urday threw renewed support to President Kennedy's handling of I the Cuban crisis. the House Republican Campaign Committee said Friday that it (cared iffe United States "may be heading toward unilaterial dis armament." One-Sentence Estimate can be engineered without U. S military action. Vinson offered his one-sentence estimate of the situation in re Vinson's views were believed to Advertisement sponse to a reporter s inquiry about the continuing flood of com be somewhat at variance with those of his Senate counterpart. Sen. Richard B. Russell, also a HE "PUT IT OFF." I am confident (hat the ad Ieace. ministration is taking all neces sary steps to bring about the re moval of Soviet troops in Cuba," said the veteran Georgia Demo- Weekly Newsletter The committee, in its weekly Lately, renewed controversy plaints, not only from Republi cans but from some Democrats. has centered on continued pres ence in Cuba of Russian troops. newsletter, cited the recent with He declined further comment. Sources close to Vinson pic- Philco-Bendix Duo-Matic WASHER-DRYER J. W. KERNS Sales Service 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 drawal of 15,000 men from the whose number has been in dis rat who has received regular 400,000 - man U.S. military force pute. The Pentagon estimates the total at 17,000, down about 5,000 from an earlier peak. Sen. Strom Thurmond, D-S.C, has put the lured him, however, as concerned by the attacks, satisfied with of reports on Cuban developments. in Europe as well as what it Vinson spoke out in the wake called "fears and suspicions" that ficial Defense Department csti mates on the extent of the Com of an outpouring of Republican attacks on Kennedy's handling not only of the Cuban problem Kennedy may have made conces sions not yet disclosed as the figure at 30,000 to 40,000. Whatever the number, Republi cans generally have voiced dis munist military threat in Cuba, price for last fall's Russian mis sile backdown in Cuba. Vinson previously had praised and willing to leave the next FREE HAIR CLINIC See Page 3 but of foreign affairs generally. step to the President. Vinson Climaxing a week of such at satisfaction at lack of action by said to believe that if the matter mains COLLEGE PROMOTION Panel leaders who discussed college programs with the 4-H junior leaders of Modoc County are, from left, Dr. Sumner Morris, University of California; Mrs. Maureen Friberg, Alturas; Mrs. Betty Syme, Alfuras, and Don Kelle her, Tulelake. Forty junior leaders attended the meeting held in Alturas Feb. 12. Coege Entrance Qualifications Explained To Junior 4-H Leaders ALTURAS Forty young junior leaders of the 4-H clubs of Modoc County met at the Niles Hotel Tuesday afternoon to hear Dr. Sumner Morris, manager of the counseling services, University of California at Davis, speak to them on qualifications for college en trance. Dr. Morris told the young peo ple of programs offered in junior colleges, stale colleges, and uni versities, qualifications for en trance, and expense involved per year for schooling. He stressed that any child witli the "interest and motivation" can go to college now. He pointed out that a high school diploma, re gardless of grades, will enable a student to enter a junior college "Though high school grades may to STAR. GAZERO Amis y&g MAR. 22 6-19-24 40) M-i HI , TAUIUS AP. Jl I MAV 21 iM.47.51.Jfl '69-72-78 OlMINI MAV 22 JUNE 77 Ov 4-18-29-34 y 48-50-68 CANCIR JUNE 71 i4'U!-V 1.14.16-711 '32 41S1-B5I JULY 2' iiAUO 2J J-M3 27-36-44 V 52-74-77 VIRGO AUG. 24 StPT. 22 - '10 55 66 -l)r CLAY R. POLLAN- H Your Daily Activity Guido M According to tho Stan. t To develop message for Tuesday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. to 1 Writ :'I:PKt 3 Un 4 Plrmont 'o Ntt 6 Turn Charm 9 ?, jrrt 10 Talk 1 1 Good I? Pfl 1 4 Ifnprwlont lb And 1 h AsftecH 1 7 'j- imone lfl Mrwitfy 9 0r vn With ') Looks ? 1 Jml ?4 Your VS I k ?A MavM '21 Cnrttiniart ?fl Horn JITo 61 Mew 3? Pullor , 62 Don' 3.1 Peoplff 6'JMp Unexpected f4 About 29 S 3b f-orword 3d And XI Now ,'ifi Other 39 In 40 Clwrm 4 t Around 4? Put 43 Arc I nver 4Mo 46 Yrxif 47SV.H 4R ViMto A9 DslottvM Ml IVow ! I S? Oimf fttt M InUnti f4 Twifhy fiS 'jurrmttvli W MirncU'k Your SB A U Being rsofi 30 Hormonv AS Ymjr M You SCoin f.H Neor .9 Arfvict 70 And 71 n 7? And 7 J Cards 7 Are 7b (-.ncieavor 76 On 7! Indie atM VRGiiKtotwe 79 AtitwH(v'i 80 Moqntic 81 Ket hAYr-nr PSPeloK 8, Pr kt 8 Hop(en fiR Pwwnalrry 89 Tom 90f..ed rere i) Nciitnl 1-73 'i CORPIO PT. OCT. 1- 5-10-31 49-60-73 SCORPIO OCT. NOV. 22 -X-J 7-7735-4SA S9-6S SAGITTARIUS NOV, 23 ft Mi 7-12 20 46 3-70 80 88 Vr. CAPRICORN MC 25 rt. JAN. 20 v PI-26-37 -4J(C- R-I-B4 86V AOUARIUI AM. 21 j 2-ll-2 5 39 r p 61-75 V: PtlCK ftfl. 20VA -v MAR 21 t.r P3435462rt" M.76 79R9' lie low," he said, "a student can go to a junior college and build up his scholastic record until he is eligible for a university." He told that the university ad mits only the upper 12'4 per cent scholastically from high school graduating classes and is aimed primarily at professional train ing with four years or more of study. The student, to enter the university, must have a college preparatory course with a B aver age in the college preparatory stib- iccls , . . namely one year oi history, three years of Knglish, Iwo years of math, one year of lab science, two years of foreign language, and one extra year of either math, language, or sci ence course. Two years of junior college of 56 units with a B average will also make a student eligible for be university, or a high school B ivcrage with two years of the junior college with a C average. Practice of dyeing the nails was nmmon among the ancient Kgyp- twins, according to the Micycio pedia Rrilannica. Atk about doily "Buiineii Card" SPOT ADS TU 4 8111 HOME FREEZERS FEBRUARY SPECIALS! unsurpassed craftsmanship with exclusive contact freezing - Model D-l 3 upright - Holds 452 Pounds! 1 N'" ' MODEL D-U L s I Ama n Model D-l 8 UPRIGHT Holds 613 Pounds Model D-23 UPRIGHT Holdi 791 Poundj 379" "DEEP-FREEZE" Chest Freezers by Amana 769 329 Model DF-180 CHEST TYPE Holds 609 Pounds Model DF-240 CHEST TYPE Holds 833 Pounds 95 95 America's Finest by reputation and performance! Z: -.ALL REFRIGERATOR cu. ft. Vern Owens' Cascade Home Furnishings 412 Moin Ph. 4-8365 Town House Cream Style !-Oj These advertised prices effective Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, February 18-19-20 in Klamath Falls. We reserve the right to limit quan tities . . . please. No. 303 Can Chopped, frozen, boneless steakettes. Delicious so many ways. Beef added Famous Brands Per Pound SLICED BOLOGNA 7 for $ Lucerne Canned fim OIL Tali Can MEAT PIES Manor House. Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Tuna. v tsz W3 Freshly sliced Safeway brand in 1 - 1t. Saran packages. lb. PERCH FILLET Captain's Choice, boneless, waste-free. Fresh frozen. F 0 R W ,b45c New at Safeway! Large Denomination Gold Bond Stamps GOLDEN TENS Here is how the new Golden Ten Stomps are used Banquet Ass't. Frozen DINNER 11-oz. package You will receive one Golden Ten with each SI .00 purchase you make, and con tinue to receive one tingle Gold Bond Stomp with eoch 10c purchase. You may paste 3 Golden Ten Stamps to a page, or 30 Single Gold Bond Stamps to o page. Do Not use both Golden Tens and Single Stamps on one page. Cereal Cream of Rice. lB-oi. iC pkg 4 Yummies Hartz Mt. pet treat. Ipana Toothpaste Family jC tits O 7 Rice Uncle Ben's 28-o pkg. : 59 i i i Olives I Libby's selected ripe, pitted. I To,. Con J Bufferin I Modern drug for pom re- lief. I 100 QQC jjj Count ff VALENCIA ORANGES Lorge size! Sweet, bursting with juice! Soaky For Child s bath. . ot. 69 Detergent AH, for laundry. 40-oi. pkg. 74 c Fab Laundry detergent 47-ot. pkg. 80 I I I I J Florient I Room deodorant, 5 frag- ranees. I 7', -oi. PQC it O Beit Quolity Cabbage Carrots c"" 5w"' 10c 3 lb, 29c o. 1 Potatoes Fovorite all-purpose Russet. Ideal lO bakers, and for French Fries. 10-lb. bag "J rapefruif Florida, Ruby Red 10SS Ajax rVwdcred cleanser . 2?35 Ajax Liquid with Ammonia I 28-01. "TT c 1 Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Doily " 75 7 3