PAGE U HERALD AND GIVES BOXING LESSON Joey Archer, left, gels tpeered with by Blair Richardson during their 10 rounder at Madison Square though, gave more than he received during the bout, giving the 1 weight champ a boxing lesson, winning a unanimous decision, Joey Archer Tops Hitter, Wants Tiger NEW YORK (UPIl-Some peo ple challenge the tales by climb ing mountains, others by sealing flagpoles, and still others by jumping off bridges. Joey Archer; 25-year-old New York middleweight, also has a goal: He wants to fight Dick Tiger. Joey bases his claim today on a 33-1 pro record which Includes Saturday night's easy 10-round dc cision over Canadian champion Blair Richardson at Madison Square Garden. Joey handled Richardson with such dispatch that he was voted the bout, 8-2, by two ring officials and 8-1-1 by the third. Tiger, the tough Nigerian with the granite fists, is defending his middleweight crown against Gene Fullmer of West Jordan, Utah, next Saturday, and Is a 3-1 fa vorite. Bill Hickey Leads Field In Bobsleds LAKE PACID. N.Y. (UPll-Bill Hickey of Keene Valley, N.Y., had a commanding lead today in the U.S. Olympic trials after clocking four record times in the four-man bobsled competilon at the Mt, Van Hnevenberg bobsled run. Hickey's team finished the third heat Sunday over L'le dangerous one-mile course in a record 1:06. 92. The team also set a record with an aggregate four-heat lime of 4 29. IS. l-fltry McKillip of Saranac like. N Y., who held the oil records of 1:0R2B and 4:3fi.H7. was second with a 4 30 31. McKillip took the lead in the two-man competition Saturday with an aggregate 4:47.75. Nearly 14,000 persons turned out for the first two days of racing at (he only bobsled run in North America. Temperatures dropped to 15 below icro Saturday, slow ing the sleds, hut rose Sunday lo an ideal 12 above to provide an extremely fast chute along the 16-curve course. World bohsledding champion Eu gemo Monto o( Cortina, Italy, fin ished third in the four-man event 14 31,421 and second in the two man 14 52 51'. The final boats will he held Saturday and Sunday. Competi tion for the four-man Diamond Trophy is scheduled for Friday, Washington's Birthday. Although his placing will have no effect on U.S. entries in the Plvmpic trials. Montn is still el igible for the Diamond Trophy. w;;! . . .yW -, -Jr.4b.Ji,.' - J FLY THROUGH THE AIR Reed throws A3o Douglas udo tournament at Reno. Reed defeated him in record four seconds, went on to win overall championship and led Stead AFB, Reno, to third straight title. I , UPI Telephoto NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Rodriguez Victor In Daytona Race DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. IUPI Pedro Rodriguez, driving his first race since his brother was killed in the Mexican Grand Prix last year, piloted his Ferrari across the finish line 64 seconds ahead of the field Sunday to win the second annual Daytona Con tinental road race. 'I'm extremely pleased to have won this race," the jaunty little former Mexican champion said as he pocketed the $11,000 winner's check. "My brother would have wanted this win." Rodriguez, who considered quit- JUNIOR OIKLS LIGU W L Pin Poppers 34 3? The Llmbir-upl 34 3 Lucky Strikes 33 3) Rolltno pint 31 73 Bowlers Four 30 71 Fowlers 79 77 Pellcens 70 34 Gulttr Buslers 17 39 Results: Bowlers Four 3, Pin Poppers The Llmber-ups 4, Pellcens 0; Rolling Pins 3. Lucky Strikes li 4 Foulers 3, Gut. ter Busters 3. Hla teem Qftmt. The Llmber-ups 7Rt: high teem series. The Llmtr-ups 7179. hlott Ind. geme. Linos Brooks l'7t high Ind. series, Dienne Konopetek m. LKS MIXED DOUBLBS LiAOUB Mt4 AJUilA ItAJI I W L ir e'i II 10 II 10 17 II It II le's II1) 14 14 14 14 13' U'l U'l I4' IJ II I) 1) m u'i 10 II J's 70'1 n Words Funorel Homo Relslger Motors Eest Side Pnermacy U S. Netlonel Grfggs-Merrlll Sister Ins Houston Ins. Superior Troy Lucky Lanes Pioneer Tohocco Holland Sheet Metal Crater Lake Long Bell Lumper Dees Beauty Salon Icktalls California Pacific utilities Feb. 17 results: Belsioer Motors J: California-Pacific Ul. 3. Rlcktalls li Hou slon Ins. 4, U S. National 0. Long Bell Lumbar 3, East Side Pharmacy 31 Lucky Lanes 1 Oees Beauty Salon It Griggs. Morrill 3. Superior Troy 1; Slater Ins 7'f. Wards Funerol Homo I'll Pioneer Tobacco 3. Crater Lake Mech. t. High team game. Grlggs-Merrlll 700; hlgh team series, Lucky Lanes Hill high Ind. game Imenl, O. Krlder 741; high Ind series Imenl, H. Weber s.t, high Ind game Isvnmenl, H Hentcam 191; high , series (woman), e. Snyder yif. HOLIDAY BANTAMS LIAOUI Nallonala W L Cards 3t 14 Top Cats 74 31 Strew Belts 19 74 Giants 1 79 Feb. i results- Cards 3. Too Cats I. Screw Balls J. Giants 0. High teem game. Top Cats 779: high team series. Cards 1399: high Ind. game. Billy Rose 177, high Ind. series. Billy Rosa 374. ' HOLIDAY BANTAMS LBAOUI Americans W L Untouchables 3s 10 Alley Cats 7 70 Corrupters 70 7S Jetsons 10 3S Feb. le results- Corritplors 3, Untouch ables 1: Alley Cals 7, Jelsons 1. High team game. Untouchables 770; high team series. Corruplors 1341: high Ind game. Wayne Begg lell high Ind. se Wayne Begg 311. HOLIOAV BANTAM OUtLI LIAOUI W L Gutterballa 79 ti Lucky Strikes 7S 70 Foul Balls 73 77 Warriors 13 37 Feb. li results, Gufterhalls 7, Lucky Strikes li Foul Balls 3. Warriors 6 High team game. Lucky Strikes 944: high team series. Foul Bells I0.M: h,gh nd. game. Janice jeMer USi high Ind series. Dottle Hanan 7a J ijoVtiaoiAvtM l.V-W Both contestants fly through Blackmere of Keesler AFB, Miss., Monday, February It, 1963 ong ijrd ft thrown en. Archer, middle- UPI Telephoto ting racing after his brother's death, traveled the winding 3.81- mile International Speedway track in a blazing 102.074 miles per hour during the three-hour endurance race. Despite a technical penalty which cost him 50 seconds in the record books, he still finished 14 seconds ahead of Roger Penske of Gladwyne, Pa., driving another Ferrari. The penalty came on the 75lh lap when Rodriguez remained in side his car during a pit stop for refueling a violation of race rules. The 23-year-old Latin took the lead on the lllh lap in the penally-marked contest and relin quished it only twice. Despite the protests, the only person disqualilied was wall Hansgen of Far Hills. N.J., who drove a Jaguar for millionaire Briggs Cunningham. His seventh- place finish was disqualified be cause he hand-pushed his car lo get it started. Penske picked up $4,600 for his second-place finish. Other money-winners were: R. K. Thompson Jr.. Washington, DC, third in a Corvette Sting Hay. 11.700; David MacDonald F.l Monte. Calif., fourth in a Shel by Cobra, $750: Joakim Bonnier, Switzerland, fifth in a Porsche, $550 plus $700 bonus for best in class; Johnny Allan, North Wilkes boro. N.C., sixth in a Corvette Sting Ray, $500; Bub llolbcrt Warrington. Pa., seventh in a Porsche, $450 plus $250 bonus, and Chuck Cassel. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla eighth in a Porsche Aharth Car ma, $400 plus $100 bonus. High Lifers Top Keglers RUFFALO, N.Y. lUPD - The Miller High Life team of Livonia. Mich., held first place today as the 60th annual American Bowling Congress Tournament moved into its third dav. The Millers boosted their total of pins to 2!K77 Sunday to move ahead of the Beacon Lounge of Battle Creek. Mich . which rolled StfiiO. The Beacons had held the lust-day lead. In Sunday's other action. Rill iSt.inlicld of Grand Rapids. Mich.. rolled single games of 170, 247 and 236 lor a istv2 total. His team icffort of 604 and doubles of 54 gave him IH14 for second in all events. Otto Ki uegcr and Jerry of Findlay, Ohio, picked up 1250 pins lo top the doubles. Kiuegcr had a 5!W and (jiiinlan rolled 62 Shelby i Moon Mulhns of Day- ton, Ohio, totaled 637 in the sin gles, 618 in the doubles and 570 with the Knerr Insurance team to take the all events lead with an IB3I aggregate. Aliv-k-W the air as S-Sqt. Robe at Air Training Comma a lona le Dick Tiger In Fullmer NEW YORK lUPD-Dick Tiger, the poker-faced hard-punching Ni gerian. is a 3-1 favorite to beat Gene Fullmer of West Jordan. Utah, in his first defense of the middleweight championship at Las Vegas, Nev., next Saturday night in the feature bout of the week's boxing schedule. Tiger is a heavy favorite despite his 33 years of age because of the bloody healing he gave Full mer when he won the title on a 15-round decision in San Francisco last Oct. 23. The championship bout will be televised over ABC-TV beginning at 10 p.m., EST. Oddsmakers and experts figure that Tiger has the solid punching ability and the stamina to over come for a second time the ag gressive Fullmer, whose flailing tactics tend to wear down an op ponent rather than knock him out in the "clean" sense of the term. Fullmer's "w i d e-angle shots" made little impression on Tiger last Oct. 23. whereas the Nigerian often threatened to "cave-in" Full mer with his terrific body shots. Tiger's pro record shows 47 vic tories in 01 fights with 21 knock outs and two draws, he has beaten .such top-flighters as Henry Hank, Florentino Fernandez, Joey Giar- dcllo and Terry Dowries. By United Press International College East Hartford II. 68 Trinity (Conn.) 62 Brown 75 Cornell 64 Penn. St. 75 Army 68 Princeton 85 Dartmouth 62 Pennsylvania 78 Harvard 5.1 St. Bonavcnture 79 Villanova 58 Pittsburgh 76 Bucknell 54 Carnegie Tech 77 W'. reserve 63 Rider 66 Hunter 52 W'aynesburg 61 Wheeling 59 Youngstown 83 St. VinccnKPa.) 39 Adclphi 62 Long Island U. 55 I-afayctte 74 Gettysburg 70 Grove City 69 Thiel 50 Connecticut 85 Holy Cross 75 Wash. & Jeff. 67 Alloghcny 52 Seton Hall 101 SI. Fran. (Pa l 85 King's Point 96 Pratt 75 llofstra 72 Susquehanna 51 Geneva 88 Sleubenville 87 iOTi llpsalala 87 Wilkes 43 Brandeis 86 Coast Guard at Stonehill 73 King's (Pa.) 64 Boston U. 107 Worcester Tech 76 Canisiiu 76 La Salle 51 Erie Tech 85 Ashtabula Center 4a Maine 78 Rhode Island 70 Buflalo 65 Rochester 34 St. Michael's (Vt.) 84 Am. Intl. 68 Union (NY) 6.1 Stevens Tech 57 Haverford 77 Penn Military 69 Alfred 67 Harpur 39 W. Chester SI. 76 Millersville 66 St. Joseph's i Pa. I 64 Temple 52 Glassboro 72 Jersey City St. 60 Niagara 5.1 St. John's INYl 49 Rutgers 67 Miigh 62 Assumption 70 Fairfield 57 South ('.rambling 79 Arkansas AM&N 72 W. Va. Tech 95 Morris Harvey 93 Ix-noir Rhync 64 High Taint 58 Presbyterian 66 Mercer 50 Newberry 79 Pfeilfer 60 E, Carolina 70 Allan. Christian 69 fenn. A&l 97 Unrein (Tenn.i 80 Union 103 St. Bernard 82 Virginia 71 Maryland 69 Jacksonville U. 79 Tampa 75 Ixivola iMd ' 77 American U. 70 Baltimore 56 Wash. tV le 47 juisville 78 Georgia Tech 73 Trov St. i Ala. I 98 Alliens 75 Alahana 83 Tulane 79 North Carolina 79 Clcmsnn 6.1 Florida 7.1 Mississippi St. 59 Villa Madonna 69 Transylvania 68 Marshall 61 Kent St. 52 Davidson 59 Georgia Southern 58 Morgan SI 97 Delaware St. 65 S Caro. 70 N Caro. 68 (double ot Furman 59 Citadel 55 w,.,, VlrK,nli, ,, Ri(.hmon( T: Randolph-Macon 98 Gnllaiidcl 62 Duke 73 Wake Forest 60 East Kentucky 73 Tcnn Tech 64 Georgia 76 Mississippi 6.1 Knowille 7H Morehouse 64 Vaiulcitull 74 Tennessee 72 Georgetown ilH'i 89 Manlutlan 87 Moiehead SI 79 Mid Tenn St 67 Murray St 87 West. Kentucky 74 Wnllord 97 Pembroke 7.1 Cat.iwha 62 Appalachian St. 49 Midwest Washington iMn 95 Whcalon 78 SK MiSMiuri St 74 SW Mo St. 7.1 Omaha 82 Washburn 69 Marquette 87 IVI'aul 8t Marion Coll. 8.1 Earlhain 66 Baldwin Wallace 89 llcidelherg 68 Drake 60 Chicago 4:1 ui-hurfi 7.1 St. Thomas 'Minn i Emporia 68 Ottawa 67 loa 73 Purdue 64 Minncsiita 75 Michigan St. 70 Ohio State 75 Michigan 68 Ohm I'. ' Western Michigan 64 Miami i Ohio i 58 Toledo 57 Wisconsin 78 Northwestern 65 Sistre Dame 68 Navy 56 Indiana KVt Illinois ll Hiram 87 Kcnn 64 Ft Mass St 95 PittslKirgh St 79 IVtioil 10 Bullalffl St 70 Iowa St. 7:1 Color.hio 60 llo"ling Gr. 'Oi 92 lanola '111 75 Mcl'berson 110 Friends loo Milton Coll. 78 Geo Williams Ms Ohio Weslesan 61 Capital .VI krun 87 John Can-nil 62 Illinois Tech 78 Lotas 59 . asaok M mm A m ar BASKET DnLLfrdS v.- LV i atV L V Favored Title Go Fullmer, 31, will be seeking to win the middleweight title for the third time. His record shows 55 victories in (52 fights with 26 knock outs and two draws. Vince Shomo of Brooklyn. N.Y., meets Gil Diaz of Puerto Rico, in a non-televised eight-round main event at the Sunnyside Garden on Tuesday night. Shomo'a over all record is 7-5-1 compared with Diaz' record of 11 victories in 21 bouts. The week's boxing schedule: MONDAY: San Jose. Calif Davcy Moore vs. Gil Cadilli. San Francisco, Holly Minis vs. Clar ence James. TUESDAY: New York (Sunny side Garden I Vince Shomo vs Gil Diaz. - WEDNESDAY: Patcrson. N.J. Don McAteer vs. Dusty Rhodes; .Stockton, Calif., Rey Asis vs. Man ny Linson. and Trino Savala vs. Pepino Morales; Boise, Idaho, Billy Fields vs. George Iogan. THURSDAY: Los Angeles, Jose Lopez vs. Manuel Tara. FRIDAY: San Juan. P R., Flor cntino Fernandez vs. Dulio Nunez; Chicago, Allen Thomas vs. Johnny Alford. SATURDAY: Las Vegas, Nev Dick Tiger vs. Gene Fullmer i middleweight title i. Millikin 94 Illinois W'esleyan 62 Kansas St. 67 Missouri 55 Evansville 82 St. Jos. (Ind.) 66 Westminister (Mo.) 73 Graceld. 65 S'westem (Kan.) 75 Kan. Wesln. 56 Concordia (Minn.) 76 St. Mary's 75 Yankton 90 Sioux Falls 79 Minn. Duluth 79 St. John's 48 Southwest Houston !(9 Trinity (Tex.) 46 Tulsa 66 St. Louis 65 Bradley 75 North Texas St. 72 Oklahoma 64 Kansas 62 Oklahoma Cy. 112 Centenary 86 E. Tex. Baptist 85 NW Tex. St. 72 Texas A&M 80 Arkansas 78 Texas Tech 77 Baylor 70 Southern Methodist 89 Rice 78 SW Texas 81 Dallas 80 New Mcx. Mili. 99 Clarendon 77 Wyoming 55 New Mexico 54 Wiley 74 Alcorn A&M 67 S F. Austin 75 Sam Houston St. 59 NW Oklahoma St. 78 Phillips U. 60 Arkansas St. 98 Henderson 73 West Oregon St. 67 Oregon 57 Utah St. 74 Denver 70 Ariz.St.iTempel 104 Brig.Yhg. 87 Colorado St. U. 63 Regis 50 Stanford 68 California 58 So. California 59 Washington 53 Iewis & Clark 81 Pac.U.(Ore ) 60' Sacramento SI. 70 San Fran St. 54 Fresno St. 81 Long Beach St. 62 Alameda St. 76 Nevada 62 Seattle Pacific 90 St. Martin's 72 Whitman 56 Willamette 48 Humboldt St. 58 Davis Br. Cal San Fran. 78 St. Mary's (Cal.) 72 Pomona Cal Poly 98 San Fcr. 78! Calif. Western 83 Nev. Southern 79 ls. Ang. St. "1 Santa Bar. 63 Calif. Uitlveran 92 Biola 75 Orange St. 84 San Diego U. 64 Westmont 81 Pasadena 75 Peppcrdine 80 San Jose St. 63 S.Dicgo St. 75 S Luis Obispo 63 Occidental 57 Redlands 55 Oregon St. 67 Oregon 57 Whitlier 70 Claremont-Mudd 54 Pomona Coll. 69 Calif. Tech 45 lxivola iCalif.i 56 Pacific iCal.t 51 Air Force 65 Colorado Coll. 41 High School Ry United rmss International Astoria 68 Hillsboro 56 lioseburg 59 Springlield 41 Willamette 55 North Bend 40 Cottage Grove 40 Thurston 28 Grants Pass 70 Crater 48 Medlord 49 Klamath Falls 47 The Dalles 59 Baker 45 llrrmiston 68 ji Grande 32 Pendleton 78 Bend 51 Emmett i Idaho! 60 Nyssa 28 Seaside 52 Nestucca 48 Neah-kah Nie 57 Star of t h e Sea 52 Clal-kanie 77 W'anenton 59 Sena 58 Santiam 53 SI Francis 47 Harrisburg .18 Cnrswpll 56 Drain 41 Pleasant Hill 61 Junction Cilv :.l McKcnzip 60 Central Linn 59 Elmira 54 Oakridce .19 Myrtle Creek St Glcndale .17 St Mary's 66 Rogue Riser 6," Henley 81 Lakeview 70 Randon 70 M.ipleton 40 Brookings 46 Gold Beach .11 Heppner 58 Burns 41 Pilot Rock 60 Grant Union 44 Vale 45 Enterprise .11 Knappa 47 Tillamook Catholic .It Wallowa 60 Elgin 58 Joseph 60 Union 52 Cascade Ixvks 52 Condon 47 Malln 51 BIy 35 Merrill 65 Chiloquin 63 Gilchrist 39 Sisters 38 !sca 54 Westlir .14 Powers 47 Camas Valley 44 Riserside 16 Weston 52 Imne 99 I mapine 42 Arlington .19 Stanfield 32 Umatilla ft) Echo 57 Mhena m Helix 33 Canyonville Bible 56 Oakland 52 Kossill M Mosier 41 Iiwell 79 Mohawk 40 Monroe is Triangle Lake 44 q sa I 1 ..W it ate-. I 5 . k.1 iC COUSY MAKES MOVE Surrounded by Hawks, Bob Cousy (141 dark uniform, of the Boston Celtics drives past Zslmo Beatty (14) as Bob Pettit (91 and other Hawks close in during Celtics-Hawks clash. This was Cousy's last game in St. Louis. He will retire at the end of the season. UPI Telephoto Geography In WHL Southern Race By United Press International WHO Standings Southern Division W I, TPtsGFGA Portland 32 16 .1 67 197 137 San Francisco 32 20 1 65 220 16!1 Los Angeles 29 20 3 6L 182 159 Spokane 23 24 I 47 154 153 Northern Division W I, 26 24 24 22 19 37 15 36 T Pts GF GA Seattle Vancouver Edmonton I 53 175 176, 3 SI 170 162 1 37 166 256 1 31 164 216 Calgary Sunday' Results I-os Angeles 2 Portland 1 Seattle 4 Spokane 3 (overtime) Monday't Schedule - no games scheduled That old devil geography has dealt a sad blow to the Spokane Comets. The Comets are snarling at the atlas for a simple reason; if Spo kane were north of Seattle, the Comets would be a shoo-in for the playoffs in the Western Hock ey League. Since Spokane shows no signs of moving, the Comets don't have a chance. Spokane has been playing about Sports Summary By United Press International SATURDAY HIALEAH, Fla. (UPD - Inter copied won the $90,600 Hialeah Turf Cup by five lengths at Hia leah. ARCADIA. Calif. 'UPI' - The Axe II won his second straight grass race when he captured the S55.600 San Luis Rey Handicap at Santa Anita. WICHITA. Kans. tUPD - Wich ita halted top-ranked Cincinnati's 19-game winning streak hv de feating the Bearcats. 65-64. NEW YORK i UPI ' Joey Arclter outpointed Canada's Blair Richardson in a in-round bout at Madison Square Garden. LOUISVILLE. Ky. ( UPI 'Bob Haves of Florida A. & M. cracked the world indoor record for the 0-yard dash with a time of :06 9 seconds in Ihe Mason-Dixon track ;ames. MANII-V i UPI' - Gabriel Flash! Elorde retained his world junior lightweight title with a 15- round decision over Johnny Biz zarro. SUNDAY TUCSON. Ariz. 'UPI' Don lanuarv won the JS5.0H1 Tucson Open golf tournament with a 266 lor 72 holes. nYTON BFACH. Fla 'UPI' Pedro Rodriguez of Mexico wot the second annual Daytona Continental road race by 14 sec nds over Roger Penske of Glad wne, l a. MIAMI. Fla. tl'PP - .Urn Ilea r n . f or ttw ma jor Ira Kin pitcher, won th National Base- lull riaors coif championhip with a .mi tnul. I NKW YORK II ll PrnniSi,.KMro .Air... nHrrnlh RaUton of RitkorMiold. Calif., de feated F.ncland s Mike Sangstcr. ,V fV3, 10-fl, Ui wm the na tional iriooor tennt.e championship VANOM'VKH. P C. IT1 -aivxia nuept all divisions of the North American figure skating championships. WorH'5 fourth larcesl oil pr- diicrr is the she.kdom of Kuvsait. desert country smaller titan New Jersey. . .:- .- -: .s v-J. y ZlM St f iJe 1 S3 . 1 s Nips Comets .500 ball in the WHL but its rival in the Southern Division Portland San Francisco, and Los Angeles have all been winning many more than they lose. Thus the Comets rest in fourth place in the southern bracket, and only the first three finishers get into the playoffs. If geography were kinder and Spokane were in the Northern Di vision, at tile moment they would be 10 points ahead of thud-place Edmonton, and only four behind second-place Vancouver. Feeling misplaced or no, they lost to Seattle in overtime Sunday night, 4-3. enabling the Totems to break a tie and take over so'.r; possession of first place in the Northern Division. The Comets had banged Seattle 3-1 Saturday. Seattle took the lead in the sec ond period Sunday night, but the Comets went ahead 3-2 in the third with a trio ot goals. Barney Krake then tied it up for the To tems and Rudy Filinn got the winner at 4 23 of the overtime period. In the only other game on the schedule, Ixs Angeles advanced to within four points of San Fran cisco in the Southern Division with a 2-1 decision over Portland Substitute goalie Ed Babiuk held the Buckaroos scoreless un til the final four minutes, while Bruce Carmichael and Gordon Haworth rapped in goals for the Blades. P o r 1 1 a n d's Arnie Schmaulz scored the only Buck- aroo tally at 16:29 of the final period. No games are on the agenda for tonight. Brice Heads Boxing Team LOS ANGKLES (LTD Lenny Brice of Arizona, chosen Ihe most outstanding fighter of the Far West golden gloves champion ships, heads a team of eight men that will represent the region a' the national finals next week in Chicago. Brice. Ihe smallest boxer in Ihe tournament, knocked out Rcnee Juarez of Los Angeles Saturday- night to win the flyweight divi- ion. He was chosen by the press representatives attending the 20- hout card which was viewed by more than 6.000 enthusiastic fans. Joe Bolton of Los Angeles de- cisioned Kenny Jung. Los Angeles to win the fcatl)erweight division. while Pete Monloya of Arizona, knocked out Victor Contrcras. Los Angeles in the bantamweight finals. Other winners were: Lightweight Larry Clark. Ne vada: Welterweight Joe Clark, Nevada: Middleweight Bobby Young. I)S Angeles; Light heavy weightDick Vigil, Los Angeles; Heavyweight Jim Taylor. Ari zona. Bonanza Unit Holds Meeting nON'AN'ZA-Bonanza Home Ex tenson I'nit met at Ihe library Feb. 12 with hostesses Utilise Dye Iioie Hubble, and Wilma Roberts The room was decorated in the Lincoln motiff ith log cab ins af each place, a picture of Lincoln on the stall, and the (ict- A politick dinner aj nerved it noon and a larce hirthday cake honored Kalhcrine .fendrzejrtvski. Ignore Tedcrson. Wilms Rob ert and Harl Prew. Frances H.ill of Klamath Kails cave the lesson on biidcct buy- inc The next moolins still be March !2 at 10 w a m. at the library. 'Pacing the Middle Years'' tti'l be Ihe proiect led bv Florence Hoin and lola Hankms. Antonc interested i invited In attend. Abel Raps Official For Penalty Mark DETROIT (UPD The Detroit Red Wings' usually mild-mannered manager-coach, Sid Abel, angrily stalked the dressing room Sunday night, claiming that referee Frank Udvari is out to "get" Howie Young. "Udvari is out to get Young. LEGAL NOTICE Probatt No. A3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Oi KLAMATH In th Matter el tn Eitalt Of BERT ROBERT ALBERT. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY fllvtn that th underi.flf.ed has been appointed admlnli trator of the Estatt el bERT ROBERT ALBERT, deceased, and a ptriom hav ing claims against laid estate art direct ed to present the same properly verified, to me at the office of Proctor & Puck eft, Attorneys at Law, 518 Main Street,1 Klamath Falls, Oregon, within months from the date hereof. DATED this ith day of February, 1963. FRED FLETCHER, Administra tor Proctor & Puckett Attorneys at Law 5H Main Street Ktamath Falls, Oregon No. 918, Feb. 4, II, II. 35, 1V63. NOTICE I Notice Is hereby given that the under-! signed. Executrix of the Estate of SU SAN IRENE MARKHAM. deceased. has filed her tinal account and the Honor-! able Judge of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon lor the County of Klam ath, has set the JBth day ot February. 1963, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. as the time, and the Courtroom of said Court at the place tor hearing objections to said final account. WILL A MARIE JONES Executrix L. ORTH SISEMORE Attorney for Executrix No. 909, Jan. 71, Feb. 4, It, II. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that the un dersigned. DICK HENZEL, has been, by order ot the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Klamath County, appoint ed Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment and of the estate or MARY HEN ZEL, deceased, and that Letters Testa mentary have been issuer to him. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at th Ikes ol Smith and Card, 531 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within sin months from the date ol the first publication or this notice, which publication Is the 11th dav of February, 1963. DICK HENZEL, Executor of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of Mary Heniel, ceased. SMITH & CARD Attorneys for the Executor No. 924, Feb. II. IB, 25, March 4, 1963. NOTICE OF ELECTION And Annual Meeting Notice Is hereby given that the board ot supervisors of the Poe valley soil con servation District have se Thursday, the uth day of March, mj. et T.x pm at the Olene Grange Hall, as the time and place for holding the annual eiec tion tor the purpose or etecring one su pervisor tor a four year erm to succeed the expired term ot Tayw mgn, antt tor Ihe further purpose ot holding mt an nua meeting. Dated this fifth day of February, H63. Taylor High, Chairman No. 926, Feb. II, 1. No. 63-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY JF KLAWATH n the Matter of the Estate LOLA FRANCES ORI5COLL. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that am the duly appointed, qualified and eel log executor oi ine esiaie ot Loia r ranee Drlscoll, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, wnn voucn ers attached in Ihe manner provided by , to me at my office at 206 Pine f Building. Klamath Falls, Oregon. within six months of February 11, 1963. the date of Ihe first publication ot this notice. EDWIN E. DRI5COLL. Executor el the Estate of LOLA FRANCES DRISCOLL. Deceased. Legal No. 937, Feb. 11, 18. 25. March 4, 11 NO. 63-1? NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Of" KLAMATH In the Matter of .the Estate WILBUR EGGSMAN. JR., Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersianed has been appointed Admlms i r a tor ot ine tsieie or wnour tggsman, Deceased, bv the Circuit Court ot h State ol Oregon tor the county of Klamath. AH persons having claims against the Estate are hereby requtrwl to present them to The undersigned ! tii Matn street. K la mam pans, Oregon, wurt orooer vouchers withm six U) months rom the dare of this notice. WALTER J. EGGSMAN. AOVIN ISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF WILBUR EGGSMAN, JR. rV. R. BRADSHAW 671 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon No 907, Jan. 21, Feb. 4, li and ll. NO. 6372 NOTICE TO CREOITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAVATH n the Matter n the Estate of ARCHIE MARION ZUMWALT, Deceased The undersigned having been aoDOmteri by the aoove-entitied Court of the State Oreoon. for the County aforesaid. Artm.n.jtrstrlx of the Estate of Archie Marion Zumwalt, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to all persons, having claims against said estate to present them, verified as required by law. with proper vouchers, withm months from the date ot this ntjtice tn Administratrix at the offices o Thomas D. Wood. Attorney at Law, 62 Vam S'reet, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Frances J. Collister Administratrix ol the Eitate of Archie Marion Zumwalt, Deceased Thom D. Wood Attorney lr Administratrix Dated and first puhlished Fnhruarv "63 Legal fl. Feb- II. IS. March 4, 11. l6 Pop Singer Weds Model PARIS 'ini-Pop sincer Paul Anka and Anclo-Lebanese model nne de Zocheb were married Saturday and then flew off for s secret honeymoon. Their plane headed for Zurich but the Canadian-born composer sincer refused to say where they will spend the honeymoon. A quirt civil ceremony tta held in the mayor's office of the fashionable ltth Arrnndisement 'district' here. The couple then drove immedi ately lo Orly airport where they look the escalator to the first floor and went past Ihe customs pale to the small chapel for a religions ceremony. They nere Ihe first couple ever married in the chap el. The rehcious ceremony was performed in the Byzantine rile of the Roman Catholic Church by Mscr. Joseph Nasrallah. Miss de Zocheh is a Calholic nka is. I member of the Greek Orthodox Church. that's all I've got to say," Abel said in discussing Young's 27 minutes in penalties in Sunday night's National Hockey League game won by Montreal, 6-1. The 27 minutes set a new NHL season record of 210 minutes, and Young still has 16 games left. Abel absolved Young and said he would take no action against him. "Every time Young makes a move, tidvari has his arm up ready to slap on a penalty," Abel claimed. Young's first penalty was a five- minute major for high-sticking Jean-Claude Trcmblay at 4:26 of the second period. Just 46 seconds after he re turned to the ice. Udvari called Young for spearing Jean-Guy Tal bot at 10:12. Young, who went to the penally box without a complaint after the first penalty, this time went straight for Udvari. Shouting at the referee, he faked a punch and then threw his glove at Udvari before being restrained by team mates. Udvari then ejected Young from the game by slapping on 10-min- ute misconduct and game rtuscon- duct penalties. That calls for au tomatic fines of JTo. "I've done some spearing in my day" said Abel, "and when you spear a guy he goes down on tne ice. "Young just waved his stick toward Talbot, Talbot doubled over and Udvari had his arm up." The capacity crowd of 14,265 booed and littered the ice several times, and made Udvari a target when he left the ice.' A mob ga thered outside the officials' dress ing room, shouting "We want Ud vari." Extra police were called to restore order and escort the of ficials out of the buildine GENERAL NOTICES HAVE YpU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! it GUNS BOATS & TENTS fr STOVES fr RADIOS fr PIANOS BOOKS & TOOLS & SKATES ft TRUNKS 9 it PLANTS ft JEWELRY ft LIVESTOCK fr FISH POLES ft TV SETS ft BICYCLES ft CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 i