Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 17, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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    in Close One, 5
PAGE S B Sunday, February 17, 1963
; HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Poor Defense Beats Pels
'elicans' Mopes Dimmed; Cavemen
Honkers' Hopes
h St Marys
- MEDFORD (Special I The
LaSeview Honkers saw their sec
ond place chances and tournament
playoff hopes all but fly out the
window hero Friday night
their defense crumbled and the
St. Mary's Crusaders upset the
Honker team, 73-69.
The Honkers, In addition to fall
ing on defense, also aided their
own cause for defeat by failing
at the chanty line where they hit
Only 13 of 24 and just a little
could have won the game for
Diem. St. Mary's committed 20
(oujs to only 11 for the Honkers,
fcut the Crusaders connected on
(Flash) Elorde of the Philippines
fast-punching world junior light-
u eight champion, defeated
Johnny Bizzarro of Erie, Pa., on
Saturday night in a 15-rnund title
Ji jiht at riiznl Memorial Stadium.
The 27-year-old champion won
a unanimous decision in his filth
successive title defense since he
took the crown from Harold Go
mes in I960.
Bizzarro, 24, has been the top
There were no knockdowns and
few solid punches, but Bizzarro
opened a cut on Elordc'a fore
head in the liflh round when he
unintentionally hutted the cham
1'rnHlW.rn One Point
Wien Bizzarro butted the Fill
pino again moments later, tlx
referee ruled Hint he should be.
penalized one point.
Bizzarro was the aggressor In
the first round, and Elorde didn't
land a solid punch until the third
when he connected with a series
or lefts and rights.
Elorde continued to miss in the
sixth and seventh round, but
found the range in the eighth and
ninth as he jolted Bizzarro with
left hooks to the head.
: After the loth, which Bizzarro
won on the strength of a power
ful lelt to the head and straight
right, the young American did
not win a round. Elorde gave thel
crnu d of .Tj.nno a chance to cheer
in the lllli when he landed a left
and right that brought blood
gushing from the Challenger's
Decision I nanimnus
'. Referee Irenen Gallegos scored
)l 74 (14 for the champion Judge
lr. Domingo ftaerlan made it Ti
M and Judge llugidino l.im 72.(15.
riiiano appeared awkward at
times but was extremely fast. He
repcaledly ducked under Klorde's
lelt and right hooks.
Elorde weighed in at the ISO
round limit and Don Klhaum.
Birzarro's adviser, charged that
the challenger was the victim of
a "last count" on the scales
"Elorde wai. rielintlely oer the
130-pounri limit. Klhaum said
"He was leaning forward on the
stale and the balancing bar
never did slop moving " Birarro
weighed 12ii'.
piii.'j'wyivftssfiii m ' I'.ennnm Mia un f" w ii'w upuMmmn J
. r f
i . 1; v. ( vOv --sta
' v ) J y j
f, K ' t ";1
BALANCING ACT A pair of Plicn nd on Cvmn (in cntr) icrap for tht
loos ball. At lft it Ptlicani' Wyn ChjmbtrUnd ind t riqht Don Pipr. Fiahtinq
th two Pelican is Jim Pippin nd it Appears that h and Pipar ara holdinq hands
btntath fha ball. Grants Past baat Klamath for th first timt sine 195. 58-54.
By Loss
II of the U attempt. The Cru
saders had 31 baskets to 28 for
the Honkers.
The loss left the Honkers with a
record of 8 4 and knocked them
from out of a second place tic
with Eagle Point which won
over Phoenix by only one point,
54-53. It put the pressure on the
Honkers to down the Henley
Hornets Saturday night. The Hot
nets wrapped up the league title
Friday night with an easy 62-38
win over Sacred Heart.
The Honkers must now beat
Henley and hope that Eagle Point
gets dropped by Illinois Valley.
But then if that should happen,
the Illinois Valley Cougars would
make it a Ihree-way tie for sec
ond. Both Lakeview and Eagle
Point have only Sacred Heart left
on their schedule alter Satur
day's contests.
Larry Samples got back Into the
scoring swing of things by drop
ping in 24 points to lead the Honk
eri. Fred Williams and Dennis
Warren each tallied 15 and Dan
Leahy to. Myron Mcward was
the only other Honker to score
with five points.
M. Mary s got some surprise
scoring from some unexpected
quarters. Doug Corliss led the
harge with 22 points and John
Ratzcr, a sophomore, hit 16. But
Pete Naumes and Tim Darland
hit 10 each for their season's
high. Ralzer's 16 was also a tea
son high. Jim Calhoun hit for 11
more for the winners.
Tha ana icnrai
Lattavlaw lit)
"ll'l PI Tp
7 1! IS
Will. ami
? is
a it
s o-n
? 10
o n-n on
it. Marv'l (Jit
II 1)14 11 it
t Sla-Ft PI Tp
S 1-1 3 1
1 0-0 3
S 4 1!
10 J! 7 11
I II J 10
Scan ey martini
a 7-7 I 10
I 04 7
II 1111 II 71
St. Mary'l
II 70 II
17 II II
15 a
Miss Wriqht
Boosts Pay
DUNEDIN, Fla. UIPI '-Mickey
Wright of Dallas, Tex., defending
mtiney-w inning champion, ha:
Imosled her earnings to 11,325 by
capturing both events so far on
the IMS Indies Professional (loll
Association tour.
Muss Wright won the 6,ouo Sea
Island Women's Invitational hy to
.strokes aod then heat Marilynn
Smith in a playoff to win I lie (15..
ono St. Petersburg Open last week
She earned $1.0110 prize money 111
Hie Sea Island and pocketed J2,-
325 at St. Petersburg.
Miss Smith ranks second with
earnings of J2.4.V). according to the
latest LPGA figures released Sat
unlay Shirley Englehorn is third
with $l.."nH. IVelsy Bawls fourth
with $1.51.1 and Jackie Pung liflh
with 11.343.
Completing the top 10 are Ruth
lessen il,:M0': Gloria Armstrong
Mill'; Pally Berg ijavt'; Kathy
Whitworth, iJICO'; and Mary Mills
;J .
THIS PLAY HURT PELICANS t- This play depich the
type ball which hurt the 'Pelicans all night Friday night
at they fell to the Grants Pasi Cavemen, 58-54. They had
rebounds like this and they bounced right out of their
hands and into the waiting hands of the Cavemen under
Whitebird Wrestlers
GRANTS PASS I Special i-The
Klamath Union Pelican wrestling
team gave defending champion
Grants Pass' sound the closest
scare it's had all season here Fri
dnv night in winning a couple
that were unexpected and losing
some that wei-e not expected
the Cavemen won hy a close 21-W
The Pelicans had been beaten
hadlv hy the Cavemen in the first
dual meeting of the season anil
the two clubs have fought all sea
son long throughout tournaments
nnd dual meets.
The Pelicans finished with only
the two losses to Grants Pass and
a tie with Mcdfnrd in league meet
ings for a dual league record of
The Pelicans, however, will
get their hig chance next weekend
when they will be entered in the
Southern Oregon Conference wres
tling tournament at Mcdford rrt-
lay and Saturday. That is the big
meet. The winners there go to
the slate tournament and that is
the one to win.
The Pelicans lost the first Isvo
matches with Mike Christy and
Dave Davis dropping decisions in
the S and WR-pound categories
But Garv Hawkins, subbing for
Ihe injured Jim Mr-Clung, won nn.
expectcdly over ltohin Jones. 6-4.
OSU Rooks Rap
Oregon Frosh
gon Male Hooks scored a sikh
basketball win over the Oregon
Krosh Fridav night. The Hooks
led 31 28 at halflinie.
Scott Eaton scored 15 point
Dave Fox tallied 14 and Rick
Whclan added 1.1 lor Oregon
Slate. Jim Harnett lopped tnc
Oregon scoring with Id.
By Grants Pass
wilh a pair of reversals and a
Grant Humphrey evened IhinRs
up for the Whitchirds uith a 4-0
dpcisinn over Dick Penney. He
used a takedown and a "-eversal
for the win. John Milwell lost a
5-0 decision to Hucky Vaneil in
the ISO-pound event nnd the Cave
men took a M lead. '
But Tom Miles tfnt that back
and knotted the score with a 2,-0
win over Art Amburg at 136. He
h;id a reversal in the second round
for the victory. Ron Head lost
another dose decision hy falling
lo Doug Van Gordon, 5-2. in the
141-pound class.
Terry Christiansen pot the oth
er upset victory for the Pelicans
when he nosed out lorn Dean at
I4fl with an escape and two-point
But Hon Hitchcock lost unex
pectedly in the 157-pound divi
sion on a 4-2 decison to Jerry
Cole. Bob Daulton lost to Tcrrv
Isabell, 8-3. at H8 and the Cave
men put the victory on ice when
Pat Kdpcrton eded Kent Puckett
at 178, 4-2. That Rave the Cave
men a 2112 lead with onlv two
matches left.
The Pelicans would have (o
have won both the last ones by
pins, but didn't. But they did win
both matches with Boh Kwing
downing Gary Burroufihs, 5-3, and
heavyweight Thurston H e n i a 1
measuring Mike Hyde. 4-0,
January Leading
Tucson By Seven
TITSON. Ariz. U'PI' - IVn
.l.uiiKirv. Ihi solid ni.in from
To,i5. IhrratrnrH In make a
runaway of Hit $2.i,nnn Tui'.ion
(lH'n golf tournament Saturday
lie pu.ihed liin lead aller M
holrs to a fat and comfortable
even strokes.
January, who ha.-n t on a
ournament in nearly twfl years.
shot a thref-under-ttar wi his
lurd eonseiulive round in the
sua lo post a Kiuf of 2ot at
the thrco-quaitfr mark.
Closest to him were former a-
ional ()ien champion liene Lit
ler and ouns Ktank Boynton.
of Corpus Christi. Te., each
ith 208. Hes Baxter, another
Texan, had a 2(
January now has put together
ounds of IvVHT fiH and Is 15 under
par tor the niManof over the
Wr's Countrv Club course
He had nines of W.U Satur
"I tried lo play it caieful in
law" said January uho went
nto the round holdinc a five-
Iroke lead.
He had three budies and no
toi;es on his round. Ail his
rdies came on par-lue holes
He budied the MS-yard sexenth
hy Remus borne in to and tn
nutlins from W feet. On the lltl
he put his dip shot eisht liom
he pin and knoikrd in the putt
And on the ljtli. which is .V0-
.inls. he knivked his approach
our feet Irom tht cup and
anked it.
the basket for two points.
Kelly of the Pelicans have j
away from them as orants
stab for the ball.
The Javvees also lost and bad
ly, 37-14. They got only two wins
in 14 matches and four draws,
The two wins were hv heavy
weight Bill Mills and lftB-pounder
Dave Coulson.
M-Mlk Chruly dec. by Dftvl Van-
en. 17.
106Oav Drivi dK. by Don BIUy(
115 Gary Hawklm rtft. Robin Jonai
l JJ Grant Humphry dec. Dick Pin
nev, 4-0.
130 John Stllwtll die. by lucky Vari
ed, SO.
HA Tom MiliM oc. Art AmhurQ. ?-0.
141 Ron Htad dec. by Doufl Van Cor
don. HI Trry Chriiliannon dtc. Tom
Dtn, yj
Ron Hitchcock dtc. by Jrry Colt.
iM Bob Daulton dac.
MD. 1-1.
tU-Kant Puckttt dtc,
ion, i j
by Trry lia
by Pal Edgtr-
Ifldnb Ewing dtc. Gary Burrojqhi,
HWr Thurlfon Htnitl dtf. Mlkt Hydt.
1fV,vikt Splkar dtc. by Jarry Bl-
Hnopr, 10.
IIS Tom Carnal dtc. by Jtrry Con-
dray. 1
III Gary Wtihart dtc. by Rich Hixon.
ill Doug Davit draw with Rat Hewt.
130 Rich Bath draw
Rick Gar
ntv- 4 4
13 Rich MacBarh drtw with John
Johnwn. M.
Larry Tkt pinntd bv Jim Cor
rtftl. :
ll Paul WllMtn dac. by Rich Biihoo,
Ul Paul S'rkty dtc. by Chuck Mttfc
4 1
14 Pttt Elllnoton draw with Bark-
hart. 33.
M7 Andy Marlltak dac. by Ttrry
Granihaw. l-o
Ul-Davt Coution dtc. Fulitr, 43.
Ua Gordon Ward dtc. by Koatr, 11-4.
HWV-lill Mllll dtc. Ltl Strtdtr), 5-1.
Even with the bis seven-stroke
lead January admitted that he
had no plans to play it sale in
the final round Sunday.
"I just don't know how to play
it safe." said the ,11-year-old
shot-maker from Dallas.
Littler had it going good fol
ium when he went out in M. But
he tailed off on the hack nine
and wound up his round by three
putting the tilth hole and coming
in wilh a par 3.
Boynton, a 2 year old who
never has won a PGA tourna
ment, had an eagle on the sev
enth hole when he hit Ihe green
wilh his second shot and tanked
an eight-loot putt. However, his
longest putt was a 21-lonter on
Ihe par-four sixth hole for a par.
The seven-stroke margin for
January alter M holes equals the
highest edge for that distance
last year set hy Tony 1-ema
in the Mobile Open.
Tied at 210 were: Al Raiding
who had a K; Bob Harris with
a ST; Art Wall and Toin Nieporte
with Ms; Jack fleck with his
third 70: and Harold Kneece who
had a 72.
Wall, who thrilled the crowd
Kriday hy rolling in a 75-foot putt
lor a hul on the lath. Saturday
got a bird from 2fl feet on Ihe
same hole.
Tlvse still in conicntton at 211
included Delcndine champion
Phil Rodger. Bill Kgger. Jerry
Mee'.Mnith, and Bill John-t.in.
Her Terry Ash and Fred
ust let the loose ball get
Pass' Bob Shepard makes a
Muscular Glenn Allison blasted
his way to a 22.1-170 victory over
Jim St. John Saturday for the
championship of the $25.0110 pro
fessional bowling Tournament of
Allison turned on the heat
early and soared to a 41-pin load
over St. John when he hit three
straight strikes midway in the
nationally televised match.
St. John, usually one of the
more consistent performers on the
Professional Bowlers Association
tour, had his troubles right from
the start and failed to strike until
the last two frames. Twice he
left the two and five pins
Allison, a former Californian
now playing out of St. Iiuis,
pocketed li.000 for his win. The
prize boosted him to third place
in the current PBA standings with
S7.075 (or the year, behind Andy
Marzirh and Karl Johnson.
St. John, who bowls out of Chi
cago, won $2,500 for second place.
Bill Azu of hi Paso, lex., who
had not won a cent all year, took
$1,250 for third place and an
other newcomer. Bill Hardwick of
San Mateo, Calif., won $1,000 for
St. John upset favored Don
Carter in the first morning round.
575 to SftO, then went on to oust
Earl Johnson, 815-55.1, and Ariz,
Allison, who said he did not
believe he was bowling well until
Saturday, was equally impres
sive in his drive to the finale. He
heat qualifying champion George
Howard. StH-5.11, and whipped vet
eran Dick Weber. R52-017. before
taking on young Hardwick and
winning. 1M-IR2.
"I Just got the breaks, grinned
Allison as he accepted his check
lor $5,000.
York Yankee second baseman
Bobby Richardson left for Japan
with his wife Friday to make a
series of radio and television ap
pearance cm behalf of the Japan
Baptist New ufe movement.
No Down Poymtnt!
One Story, Single Family
Dwelling. Full 4 Inches
Thick. Labor I Material.
9th and Pint
Phont TU 4-3188
Herald and News Sports Editor
The Klamath Union Pelicans'
flickering state tournament berth
candle was all but extinguished
on Pelican Court Kriday night
when the Grants Pass Cavemen
won their first game from the
Pelicans since 1939 and sent the
W'hitebirds reeling to their filthl
Southern Oregon Conference de
feat. 58-5.
Again, as in so many of the
other Pelicans' defeats, it was a
case of the Whitebirds giving up
too many easy points to the op
ponents. And that was magnified
Kriday night when the Cavemen
turned in a quicker performance to
get 16 baskets from right under
neath the goal. That's 32 of the 58
"We simply gave them too many
easy shots, Coach AI heck said
"They were quicker and out-
hustled us. They wanted the game
real bad and they were out to get
it. he related.
The Pelicans helped the Cave
men to the victory. Time and
again rebounds bounced out of
the hands of Pelicans and into the
waiting arms of a Caveman for
an easy two-pointer underneath the
bucket. It must be said, also,
while taking nothing away from
the Cavemen, that they had "Lady
Luck on their side.
It also must be said that while
the Pelicans wish to make nn ex
cuses, because they should have
won the game, that they were a
crippled group. Fred Kelley and
Hal Holman hadn't worked out all
week. Kelley has been down with
a case of the flu and Holman
has had a rash. But both turned
in one of their finest performances
Archer Beats
Archer, a boxer-puncher with
hopes of a middleweight title
fight, handed tough but unpolished
Blair Richards, the Canadian
champion, a boxing lesson over
10 rounds Saturday night in their
nationally-televised bout at Madi
son Square Garden.
It was strictly a match between
boxer and a puncher and the
boxer won by a wide margin
Both relcree Mark Conn and
Judge Tonny Rossi called it 8-2
in Archer's favor nnd the other
judge, Nick Gamboli, gave it to
Archer, 8-1-1. United Press In
ternational agreed, 7-2-1.
Richardson, a Bible student
from Nova Scotia, made his best
showing in the second round when
he shook Archer with a long right
to the head early in the session
After that, he became progres
sively more frustrated with Joey's
style and seemed content to get
the fight over with as painlessly
as possible. Archer weighed 160
pounds and Richardson 158a.
Whitey Ford
Signs Contract
L'PI i Whitey Ford, who won 17
games for the New York l ankees
last year but had trouble finishing
what he's started, signed Satur
day for 1963 for a "token" $2,000
Ford's slight boost put him at
the $47,000 salary mark as ho
prepares for his 12th season with
the Yankees.
The veteran southpaw, 34.
boasts the best w on-lost percent
age. .711, and the best lifetime
earned run average, 2.78, among
veteran pitchers now active in the
major leagues. And his 1962
record was !7 wins and I losses.
DUNEDIN. New Zealand (L'PI'
Peter Snell, who owns the
world record of 3:54 4 for the
mile run. treated royalty to a
display of his skills Friday when
he completed his specialty in 3:58
belore Queen Elizabeth and
Prince Phillip.
instYJction piper
24-Hr. Charter And Air
GaarastiW llllil'
achul ctwni, ariTiti
tnal llmmircfcl. iMfT
Thunl.T, 7 JO a.m. (
w or W9
iLfMnTn AiRlRnr INC.
Kllm.la, 'ill! Aiart
of the season. Kelley kept the
Pelicans in the game toward the
end and was high lor the White
birds with 15 points and with 10
Holman was great at the gift
line. He hit eight of 10 shots and
had three baskets for 14 points
The Pelicans got another good
performance from guard Grover
Dahn. He got only nine points but
he did some fine play-making
and passing.
But the performances of W'aynei
Chamberland and Dick Scott were
a little below par and that hurt
the Pels. Chamberland got only
eight points and all those came in
the first half. He didn't score a
point in the second half. Scott wa
injured midway in the second pe
riod and left with only six points.
But he came back into the game
in the second half and had some
good shots at the bucket when the
Pels needed them badly and
missed them, shots he usually
would have made with ease.
The story seemed to be develop
ing much earlier in the game. The
Pels fought from behind time after
time but were never able to go
ahead after they had tied the1
game up. They couldn't come up
Owls Rap
The Oregon Tech Owls warmed
up Friday night for the forth
coming battle with Southern
Oregon Wednesday night in a
scrimmage wilh t h e Sprague
River Ducks, defending Nation
al Indian Champions, and
beat the Ducks, 81-67, with
Coach Jim Portlow using his
substitutes liberally.
The Owls had little trouble
with the Ducks despite the ab
sence of "Sweet" Sam. Smith
who did not play in the game.
The Owls took a halftime lead
of 31-29 and went on to take
complete charge the second
Van Zilek led the Owls as five
players hit in double figures.
Zitck had 17 points, Norm Johns,
who will join the Ducks after
the college season ends, hit 15,
W'iilie Anderson 14, Hewlett
Nash 12 and freshman giant
Ron W'ilkerson garnered 11.
Partlow played the freshman
Wilkerson the entire game to
give him more playing experi
ence. DeMerlc Lytle. the big
Indian who was the mast valu
able player in the national tour
nament last year, led the Ducks
w ith 34 of the 67 points.
The Owls can wrap up the
Oregon Collegiate Conference
crown Wednesday night in Ash
land with a victory over the
Red Raiders, whom they have
beaten three times this season
already. The Owls already have
clinched no worse than a tie
for the title.
Then they travel to Mon
mouth next weekend (or Friday
and Saturday games with the
second place Oregon College of
Education Wolves. The Wolves
have a mathematical chance to
tie the Owls for the title should
the Mile High boys lose to South
ern Oregon Wednesday night.
Jayvees Topple
Cavemen, 6104
The Pelican Jayvee basketball
team put on its finest showing
of tlie season Friday night in
the KU - Grants Pass prelimin
ary game to beat the Cavemen
Jayvees. 61-34.
It was a line all - around
showing for Ihe Jayvees. Bud
Uirnmus led tlie scoring parade
with 18 points while Rose had
13. Steve Baker nine and Ijrry
Binney 10. McCormack paced
the losers with nine points.
Kfux v7pa?r
Ambulance Service
Git yivr Mvlti tnfini
ri'tnf fit i I i 1 1 1 ai
Oil 1 Dn A W!
w rIf
. TU 1-4M1
with the clutch plays when they
were needed.
The game was tied five times
in the first period and the lead
changed hands six times. The
Cavemen got Die go-ahead basket
from Al Hutchins at 14-13 with
3: 12 left in the first period. They
jumped to a 22-17 lead but Hol
man sliced that margin with a
mid-court basket just as the buz
zer sounded ending the first pe
riod. Grants Pass went to work in the
second period and roared to a 2S-21
lead with 6:37 left on a pair of
charity tosses by Bob Shepard. But
the Pels began to fight back and
tied the game at 211-29 with Kel
ley, Chamberland and Dahn lead
ing the way. But they couldn't
maintain the pace and the Cave
men got a 36-32 half time lead.
The Pelicans again fought back
in the third period and Holman
put the Pels within a point wilh a
pair of charities at 39-40. Then
Dahn fed Ash on a beautiful
pass and he was all alone under
the bucket for a 41-40 Pelican
lead. And again the Pels couldn't
take advantage of the lead and the
Cavemen, with Hutchins and Jim
Pippin scoring, garnered a 46-43
lead going into the fourth pe
riod. Pippin got two quick and easy
baskets as the Cavemen took a
50-43 lead. Holman and Dahn
brought the W'hitebirds back lo
within two points and then Kel
ley tied it up with 4:32 remaining
nn a jumper. But the defense col
lapsed and Pippin got a last break
two-pointer and Hutchins another
only seconds later after the Pels
had lost a bad pass. That vir
tually put the game on ice.
helley hit a pair of gift throws
to cut it to 54-52 and Grants Pass
went into what appeared to be a
stall. But Lyman Keisacker brok
ofl the stall in a surprise move to
lay up a basket all alone and that
killed the Pelicans. Kelley hit an
other jumper to cut it to two
points again with 1:28 left and it
seemed they still had a chance.
Keisacker got a one and one
free throw situation or Grants
Pass and missed with Chamber
land rebounding. The Pels called
time out with 28 seconds left in (lie
game. But they couldn't get olf
a good shot and Kelley finally at
tempted a shot that missed and
Terry Ash fouled Hutchins in the
rebounding. process. He hit both
with a second left to win the
Tha bo tcort:
O. Pais (M) F9-Fl Fta-I"! Btb PI Ta
P'PDin 7-it 1-4 13 0 IS
Shfoard j.a 3.3 5 3 to
Hulchlm a-lS - J II
SDarhn ?4 O-O 7 4 4
Rutr 0 0 0-0 0 1 0
Redd idt 0-0 0-0 10 0
Ktisacktr 41 0-1 3 3 1
OLfary 1-4 V7 13 1
Tatall 31-17 33 14 SI
Klamath (54) Fga-Po Fia-Ft Rtb Pf Tp
Ash 1-4 O-O J S 3
Scott Ml 3-J 3 6
Crttmbtrfand 3 71 9 0 1
Dahn 4-1) 1-3 13
Piotr 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
Kellty - 3-3 10 0 IS
M. Holman 3-6 10 5 7 14
Total. lt- U- 31 II S4
Scort by qunrttri;
Grant Pall 33 14 10 17 St.
Klamath 19 13 11 11 U
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