ilWfoirdl Mips Cripple MEDFORD (Special' Tlie Med- ford Black Tornado handed the Pelicans of Klamath Falls a suf fering blow here Saturday night which all but put the Whitebirds '.out of flag contention when they : took advantage of free throws to hold the Pels, 49-47. The loss was the sixth in league play for the Pelicans against six w ins and the fourth defeat in suc cession. It left them in fourth place and moved Medford into the third slot with a 6-5 record. The Pelicans hit only nine of 17 from the line and Medford Henley The Henley Hornets remained undefeated Saturday night as they eliminated the Lakeview Honkers from a possible second place finish and a playoff spot w ith the champion Hornets, 81-70. "It was our best game of the season all around," Coach Jerry Johnson stated after the victory. "Our passing inside was the best POETS Oregon Tech Mat Team Places Third , MONMOUTH (Special i-The de ; fending OCC League champion. ; Portland State, ran roughshod ; over the rest of the league here ; Saturday to capture their second straight wrestling title and South- el n ui egun s ui'pm nui-u uui ui gnn Tech for second place, 57-56. The Vikings had 100 points. Oregon Tech had two champions in 115-pound Milo Crumrine and 167-pound Veryl Miller. Crumrine defeated Bob Wong of Portland Slate, 8-7, for his title and Mil ler decisioned W hitney of Portland State, 5-3. The difference in Southern Ore gon overtaking the Owls w-as the depth. They got five third places , while the Owls got only one. The Bed Raiders had only one cham piiin. The Owls took only seven wrestlers. t Lynn Pettyjohn of Portland Slate tand Chuck Holliday of Kastern '.Oregon were voted the outsland : ina wrestlers. ' The Owls had a great first ' round effort in winning six of ' their seven matches to pull into a strong second place position behind the. defending champion Portland State crew. Portland Stale had built up a lead of 10 points. 71-61, after the first round. PSC had eight in the championship finals and two consolation. The Owls sent six into the championships and one to consolation. Southern Oregon was in a chal lenging position for second place with four in the championship bracket and five in consolation The Red Raiders could conceiv ably take second with an ex- tremelv strong show ing. ' The Owls were slated to wrestle ; five of their six championship : matches against Portland State . wrestlers. . Ed Appleman, the OTI captain '. got the only pin for the Owls. He Bearcats' Winning Skein I Snapped By Wichita At 37 . WICHITA (ITU Dave Stall- Stallworlh's superlative play In :oith. a lanky junior, scored 4fi the first period kept the Shock- ooints tonieht to lead Wichita to ers in the contest. Wichita trailed tM victory over Cincinnati. . the nation's top-ranked team. The Wichita victory hrnke Cin cinnati's winning streak at 37 games, l!l of them this season. Cincinnati's paM loss was a 52-51 decision at Wichila on Pec. 18. W. That loss ended a 27-game win streak. Stallworlh scored 2fi points in the first half, leading Wichita to a urt-.W halftime advantage over the two-time national collegiate haskethall champion'. His total of 4fi broke Wichita's single game scoring record of 40 points set ; by Al Tate gainst Tulsa in March, - irifal. A crowd of Ifi.onn partisan fans racked the fieldhouse to see the . two Missouri Valley Conference teams souare off for the Itlh game of the series, which Cincin nati now leads 11-2. Cincinnati led MAI wilh 1:30 remaininc. when Slallwnrth was loulcd. He missed a tree throw When he missed his field goal at tempt with one minute remaining Wichita appeared doomed. ' Stallwnrth then drew another foul, and he connected on both of the clutch free throws in the final acronrts to prooH the healhok rs lo their l.ith Mriory in 21 .James th'S season, i Cincinnati now an R-l Mis aoun Valley record, and Wichita i M. connected on 13 of 22 for the dif ference. The Whitebirds had the Tornado from the field, 19-18. The Pels hit 19 of 39 for a good per centage of .487 while the Tornado hit 18 of 42 for a respectable 429. The Pelicans played without starters Hal Holman who had a relapse and high scoring Dick Scoll who suffered a turned an kle in the loss to Grants Pass Friday night. Fred Kelley fouled out at the beginning of the fourth period and the Pels had only two starters. Kills Lakeview's it's been all season. Beymer I Mike) and Allbritton lEarll were doing some fine passing inside and the team effort was the best of the season. I think we're get ting in fine shape for the playoff," Johnson said. 'We also had some of our best rebounding of the season. We had i them on rebounds, (iB-59. Goodingl moved up from his usual weight of 177 to 191 and pinned Parker of OCE in 2:35 of the first round. Those who got first round deci ion victories were Milo Crum rine, Dennis bather, who beat the defending champion from PSC, Derrick, 13-12, Hank Isen hart, John Norton, and Veryl Mil ler. Ken Kinncar lost the only deci sion and that w as a close 4-3 deci sion to Dexter of PSC who also is the defending champion. And the loss came on riding time. FIRST ROUND Milo Crumrln de4. Richmond (SOCI. 1. 173 Dennis Sffthcr del. Derrick (SOC), 317. 137 Hank licnhart del. Fllher (SOC). 7-1. 147 Ken Klnnear del. by Dexter (P5CI, 4-3. IS7 John Norton del. Mcvay (SOCI too 1A7 Vervl Miller del. Rvan (OCE I, 7-fl. 191 Ed Appleman pinnea IOCEI. 3:35 dill. Ill Milo Crumrine dec. Bob rVonq (PSC I. 4-7. 173 Doua Smtlh (SOCI dec. Dennn Slither (OTI1. 1-1. 130 Calhoun (PSCI over Holmes isoci 137 Hank Isenhert (OTI) pinned by Pettvlohn (PSC I. 1:30 (7ndl Dexter (PSC) pinned Depiace (SOC). Brown (PSCI der. John Norton (OTI), -3. 167 Veryl Miller (OTI) del. Whitney (PSC), 5-3. Holliday (EOC) dec. Simon (PSC), 9- 191 Ed Appleman def. Fenton (PSC I, 6-3. HWY Straughn (SOC) (SOCI, 4-1. NAME WRITERS HEAD NEW YORK (CPU The New York chapter of the United States Harness Writer's Association elected Warren Pack of the New York Journal American as 196.1 president during its annual meet ing Wednesday. Other officers named were first vice president Clyde Hirt of the New York Mirror, second vice president Wes Gaffer of the New York News, secretary Murray Jan nff of the I.nng Island Press and treasurer Morris Levine of Arm strong Publications. most of the first half, hut on three occasions held the lead brief ly. Cincinnati, pared by Ron Bon- ham's 2fi points, hit a torrid 4fl 9 per cent from the field. Wichi ta managed 457 per cent. Rut Wichita outrehounded the Wild cats. 3.1-.). although Cincinnati's (reorge Wilson won individual hon ors on the boards with nine re bounds. Two other Bearcats besides Ron- ham. Wilson and Tom Thackcr cored in double figures. B u t Thackcr fouled out in the second period, hampering Cincinnati's deadly defensive game. Wilson scored 15 points and Tharker added 12. Cincinnati outsbot Wichita from the field. 2.1-21. hut the Wheat- shockers held the margin from the free throw line, 23-18. The box: WWttltf (411 Vmlwnrth Durham ril4y I. c r V1(1Af K ,tt,hO B4'rr Tfttttt CtMiAAttt 14) it -n it n 6 r p t a ii-ta 4 7 f 31 i V 11 4 17 1 M J J a tvA i 4 mi i a I) 1eVT II M y-'Ao-wton M9 TotiH AO O04WC9. But subs Don Piper and Bob Holman came in to do a brilliant job for no more experience than they have. Holman scored 10 points for second high and had four rebounds. Piper was a de mon for his small size of 5-11 in pulling down 10 rebounds and scoring six markers. The Pelicans, playing without two regulars in guard Hal Hol man and forward Dick Scott, two of their leading scorers, made a game of it and actually could have won the contest with accurate shooting from the charity line. i Kent I had 20 rebounds and All britton had 19. They hit a little better from the field than we did. 34 per cent to 31 per cent," he related. "We didn't throw the ball away tonight like we usually do. We had only three bad passes, about four violations and a couple of fumbles for only about nine or Chiloquin Loss Bv Merril MERRILL (Special l-The Chil oquin Panthers suffered their first oss in Klamath County I-cague play to the Merrill Huskies Satur-j day when they were defeated 65-1 63. The game gave Chiloquin a mark of 11-1, and Merrill 10-2. The Panthers took the lead in he first frame 1 1-7. In the second period they increased it hy one point sinking 18 points to the Huskies 17, bringing the half-time score up to 29-24. In the third frame the Huskies moved into the leader's spot, sink ing 22 points to the Panthers 12. ;The score at the end of the frame was 46-41, Merrill. In the last period the Panthers managed lo gain three points on the Huskies! lead, but when the bu7.zer sound ed, it was 65-63, Merrill. The Panthers high scorers were Don Taylor and Tony DiUlin with 17 points each. Tony Wilder with 12, and Al DcBortoli with 10. Merrill's high scorers were Ken Smith with an all-game high of 25 points, and Dale Kurtz with 16. The win gave the Huskies a pos sible shot at the title, but the Panthers would have to lose to either Gilchrist or. Bly in one of their last two games while the Huskies arc winning. It Isn't likely that the Panthers will suf fer another loss. Merrill has Gil christ and Malin left on the regu lar slate and isn't likely to lose another, either. But the Huskies could prove trouble in the league tournament which is slated to begin March 7-8-9 at the OTI gym. ' '. ' v. ' :'. ; ' ' ;- :.T POLE DIDN'T HELP Tht pol vault tvant at th Golden GaU Inyifational Track Meet in San Franeiieo laid an tgg at far at tha 16-foot fani mill eoneamad. Shown i Formosa'i C. K. Yanq, competing for UCLA at ha utilijei fibrtglat poU to no avail at he mined clearing the bar which wai set at'15 feat. Event wei won by Bryan Sternberg, Univeriity of Waihington, on batlt of making feweit minei over all. Hii bt leap wai 15 feet, i inehei. Yang tied for second with Ron Morrii of Southern California who alto bed a 15-6. UPI Telephoto The first period was a slow one. scoring-wise, and was close until the closing minute and a half. The Pelicans took a 7-6 lead on a shot by Wayne C'hamberland but Rich Benner, who was the Pelicans' nemesis all night, stuck in two straight baskets for a 10-7 lead and Larry Vowell convert a charity toss with 17 seconds loft to make it 11-7 at the end of the first frame. The Pelicans came back in the second w ith Bob Holman and Gro ver Dahn hitting to make it 13-12 Medford after Dan Miles' set shot. Hopes, 10 mistakes for the night. That's much better than usual for us," he said. . "And another tiling. We had our best first period of the season (25 points!. It's about time we had a good first period." The Hornets have had their biggest trouble thus season getting started in the first period. Handed Score by quarters: Merrill 7 17 22 10-fi5 Chiloquin 11 18 12 22-ta Merrill-Hill 7, Kurtz 16, Con nor 9. Moore 8, Smith 25. Chiloquin Wilder 12, Kirk 2, is 5. DiUlio 17. Taylor 17, De- Bortoli 10, Bridge 0. Southern Cal Upsets Huskies SEATTLE lUPD-CIutch free- throw shooting in the last two minutes of the game gave the USC Trojans a 59-53 upset win over the Washington Huskies in Big Six basketball game here Saturday night. Taking advantage of Washing ton's fouls, the Trojans scored 10' of their last 12 points from the free throw line, six of them com ing from guard Wells Slonigcr. The Huskies, sitting on top of! the conference going into the game, looked tight throughout the second half and were consistently hurt hy bad passes and poor re bounding. The Trojans controlled both boards during the game and kept the pressure on the Huskies with good shooting from outside the tough Washington defense. Center Gordic Martin led both learns with 20 points. Ed enroll was high for the Huskies with 16 USC now has a 3-5 conference record and is 13-7 for the season. Washington is 6-4 in conferencei play and has a 10-10 season rec ord. dKU The Black Tornado took charge again on Betuier's shot and Cham berland and Dahn knotted it again on charities. But with Benner and Jack Fordc hitting, the Tornado moved into a 25-21 half time lead after Don Piper's shot had put the Pels ahead momentarily. The game remained close in the second half but Chamberland got hot and kept the Pelicans t ight in the game. Shots by Chamber land and Piper knotted the game at 25-25 but the Tornado surged back into a three-point lead. Then 81- 70 They hit 25 while Lakeview connected on only 14 in the first. Then they cooled off to 14 points in the second while the Honkers hit for 12. The Hornets went back to work in the third for 24 points to 18 for Lakeview and closed out with 16 while the Honkers meshed 26, mostly against subs in the last couple of minutes. The Hornets had a 19 point lead with two minutes left when he put in the subs and Lakeview ut the margin rapidly, but it wasn't enough. Gooding led the charge with 22 IKiints. Allbritton netted 19, Bey mer 16 and bevoy Young 14. Lakeview was led by Dan Leahy who really got hot and poured through 26 points for honors. Lar ry Samples hit for 19 and Fred Williams for 18 more. Henley now has only St. Mary's left to play and the league title is all wrapped up. There still is a battle for second and the other playoff spot between Eagle Point and Illinois Valley now that I-ake- iew has been knocked off. St. Mary's beat Rogue River Satur day night. 66-65. The box scoret Lakeview (70) Steward F Fte-FI Pf Tp 7O-0 14 7 4-a s III 11 4- 0 7a Williams Leahy Samples Warren 4 19 34 0-0 4 3 Plato I 0 Totals 39 11-19 II 70 Henley III) Ft Fte-FI PI TP 9 1-1 I 19 Allbrittnn Beymer 4 4 7 4 16 t 4-0 7 17 Gooding Reitlng Young 1 7-4 J 14 Sanders 0-0 0-1 1 4 Thompson 0 7 Rand schiro Bellby Totals Score by Quarters! 11 11-14 11 II Henley Lakeview 3S 14 14 IB. v 14 12 II ? 70 I.A.ST MIM'TK SCO It K KATOWICE. Poland UPH .lorry W'estbury of Minneapolis. Minn., scored with only 70 sec onds left to play Wednesday night to cain a 4-4 tie for the tourinR United States amateur ice hockey team afiainst Poland. Tom Mustoncn tallied twice and Bob Daly once for tlie U.S. squad which still is seeking its first vic tory on the current European tour. Chamberland hit three straight buckets for the Pels to keep pace with the Tornado team and the game was knotted again at 31-31. Forde hit a pair to give the Tornado a 34-31 lead and Fred Kelley hit his first two points with 2:50 left in the third to slice it to 34-33. The Tornado, de spite another three points by Kel ley, got a 39-36 lead as the third quarter ended. Then Kellev drew his fifth foul at the beginning of the fourth quar ter and the Pelicans were hurt once again with only Dahn and Chamberland in as starters. But Terry Ash, Dahn and Holman made a game of it. The Black Tornado, jumping to a 46-38 lead after Kelley left, saw it whittled down by Ash, Dahn and Holman and the game was ied up at 47-all on a free toss by Ash. He missed the second which would have put them ahead. Dan Miles was fouled by Holman and lie hit both charities to give the Tornado the winning margin. Ash was fouled by Gibb Mitchell with less than a minute left but lie missed his first shot on the one and one and it went lor naught. Mitchell, in turn, was fouled by Dahn with 37 seconds left and he likewise missed. The lincher came when Dahn was fouled by Rich Benner with 16 seconds left and Dahn missed the first of a one and one situa tion and the game was all over but the shouting. The loss dropped the Pelicans nto fourth place in the league. They now have a 6-6 record. Cra ter fell to Grains Puss Saturday night to knot those two teams al 4 for first spot. Medford moved into third with a 6-5 record. Tho Box Score Klamath (471 Fla-Ffl Fla-FI Reb Pf TP Ajh Chsmtwrlarwl Dahn i-s 411 as it Holman Piper Kelly ToUt Mi 17 17 4J Medford (4) M.lei Fqa-Fg Fta Ft Reb PI Tp 71 3-4 13 7 4 13 4-6 16 J 1? 3-4 t-t B 5 5 ordt HIM Vowell Oettlfy Benner Bflrnei NeMhAmer 00 Mitchell ToUlt 11-41 11-11 IS 14 49 Score by Quartart: Klamath Falls Medtord 7 14 IS 1147 11 14 14 1049 Mustangs Bobcats Topple MAI.IN (Special i The Malin Mustangs defeated the Bly Bob cats Saturday night in a Klam ath County I-caguc game 51-35. The game tied both teams 2-j) for last place. In the first period Malin took a six point lead on Bly with the score 14-8. In the second quaitcr the Mustangs increased their lead with a half-time score of 24-15. In the third frame, the Boh.als fell down another six points g v- ing Malin 4025. In the last quar ter the Mustangs sank II po ills to the Bobcats 10 making the final score 51-35, Malin. The Mustangs' high scorers woie Shcrm Kalina and Tom Tofell niih 14 points each, and Randy Quieu with 10. The Bobcats high scorers were John Crawford with 9, ,Iim Walts with 8, and Crv Davis with 7 points. Score by quarters: Bly 8 7 10 10 .Yi Malin 14 10 lfi 11-5) Malin Davis 7, Kalina 14, Ra. UQuieu 10, Tofell 14, Re. I,e- Quieu 2. ParrLsh 4. Bly Davis 7, Clemens 2. Wall 8, Crawford 9. (rfidowa 8, r Il7pal rick I, Patzke 2. High Schoolers Offered Bribe MATTOON. III. UPI) - Two stars on the defending Illinois slate high school basketball cham pionship team. Decatur High School, told police they were ol- fered $100 to throw a game Fri day night, police disclosed Satur day. The boys each received a type written letter offering the bribe Wednesday, reported the letters to their principal, and then Fri day night combined to lead their teammates to a 45-43 win over traditional rival Mattonn. Jim Hallihan. 18. a senior, said he and teammate Jack Sunderlik. a junior, received the letters at school. He said he reported the letter lo the Decatur principal Edward W. Martin, who called police. Iran was known as Persia in the sixth century and ruled a huge empire stretching from Egypt to India in that period. OFFICE SPACE LigHt, tiMt "el atr fuffi hh.d. 150.00 manlhlr. Alk ter Micky. Phene 4-411. Willord Hotel HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore jsssissjsisxsisysseis I ft : CsJy J f V ' 7 'ifi' DAHN DRIVES THROUGH CAVEMEN KU's Grover Dahn (with ball) drives through a host of Grants Pass Cavemen en route to a driving layup shot. Attempting to stop Dahn is Al Hutchins (at left), Bob Shepard (31) and Tom Sparlin (13). The Pelicans lost to the Cavemen for the first time since 1959, 5854. Oregon Loss To 3 EUGENE tUPU - Seven foo Mel Counts scored 17 points and snared 24 rebounds as Oregon Suite's Reavers defeated archrival Oregon S7-57 before 10.126 basket ball fans Saturday night. The Reavers, who are ranked 10th in the nntion, were upset bylpaced Oregon with 17 Oregon Fridny night. College Scores By I'nlted Presa International Ohio Slate 75 Michigan W Wisconsin 78 Northwestern 65 Utah St. 74 Denver 70 Notre Dame 8 Navy 56 E. Texas Baptist K NW Texas St 72 Oklahoma City 112 Centenary 88 Indiana 103 Illinois 100 Minnesota 75 Michigan SI. 70 St. Bonaventiire 79 Villanova 5H Pennsylvania 78 Harvard 53 S-. Carolina 70 N. Carolina 8 Howard I'avne 81 Texas AAM fil Texas Aft.M no Arkansas 78 Bradley 75 North Texas State 72 Texas Tech 77 Baylor 70 Southern Methodist B!l Hire 79 Kansas St. 87 Missouri 55 St. Joseph's i Pa. I M Temple 52 Tennessee Ail 97 Lincoln (Tonn m Virginia 71 Maryland M Drake 0 Chicago 43 Duke 73 Wake forest 60 Penn Slate 75 Army 8 Oklahoma St. 51 Nebraska 41 Iowa 73 Purdue 64 Bowling Green 92 Ixiyola HII.) 73 onnecticut 85 Holy Cross 75 Iowa St. 73Colorado 110 Oklahoma M Kansas 62 Detroit 92 Buffalo St. 70 Pittsburgh 76 Bucknell 54 Selon Hall 101 St. Francis 'Pa. I 85 lwisvillc 78 Tennessee Tei h 73 Oregon Stale 67 Oregon 57 Oregon frosh 65 Oregon Slate Hooks 56 Southern Oregon 57 Portland Stale 52 Eastern Oregon 100 Oregon College of Education 77 Uwis and Clark 81 Pacific 69 Whitman 56 Willamette 48 College of Idaho 75 Linfield 60 Heart Disease Deaths Down CHICAGO (UPIi The (tenth rale Irom heart and Wood vessel diseases among middle aged men has decreased 6 per cent in the past 12 years. Dr. James V. War- irn, president ol the American Heart Association, said today. This drop is the first relatively sustained improvement we have seen in the cardiovascular mor- lality picture as it allects the mid dle aged man." he said. -a iKEWSPJLPEBSi! IJSEUTgKOSJ! Sunday, February 17, 196 State Revenges Oregon, Steve Pauly scored 14 points Jim Kraus tallied 13 and Erank Peters added 12 for Oregon State. hich led 31-19 at halllimc. The Beavers were in front by 23 points at one lime in the second half, Glenn Moore and Jim Johnson and lfi I points Owls Get Title With EOC'sWin The Oregon Tech Owls backed Into (he Oregon Collegiate Con ference tide .Saturday night w hen (he Kaslern Oregon Moun taineer toppled (he second place Oregon College of Fduradon Wolves, 1110-77, lo give (he Owls (heir (hird successive title. Southern Oregon also got a win Sndirday night hy downing nigged Portland Stale, 57-52. The Owl have a 12-1 league record with one game remain ing with Southern Oregon Wed nesdny night In Ashland and a pair In Monmouth Friday and Saturday nights wilh OCK. Laundry Chute Traps Child PORTLAND (UPD Timothy Mallon. 3, had an unusual adven- ure in his southeast area home Friday. He got stuck in a laundry chute. Firemen from District 9 were summoned. They found Timothy's mother holding him under live arms so he wouldn't slip further town the chute. A neighbor was the basement trying to prop the boy's feet from below. After about 15 minules firemen. using grease, pulled him tree District Chief Richard Ham said f that hadn't worked they would have been forced to tear into the basement wall. JUST INSTALLED... NEW, BEAR SAFETY SERVICE FRONT-END EQUIPMENT! Toki odvontoge of this value: W align front end, pack front wheel bearings, inspect broke lining and adjust steering and inspect shock absorbers all on the very latest equipment by our factory trained mechanics. Only ... 9.95 ECCLES MOTORS 606 S. 6th PAGE 1 -B 67-57 Oregon Stale, recording Its 14th win in 20 games, made 29 of K0 shots from the field for a 4113 average and held a 52-23 edge in rebounding. The Thicks hit 24 of 58 field goal attempts for a 1.414 ' average. 1 The box : losu (67) G F P T "I Kraus 3 7-9 2 13 lt'auly 7 (Counts 8 1-3 a 17 Baker ' 11-12 3 J Peters 6 0-0 0 12 Benner 0 0-0 10 ' Torgerson 2 0-2 14 Rossi 0 0-0 0 0 Jarvis 2 0-10 4 Hayward 0 o-o 1 0 Totals 29 9-16 12 67 Oregon (57) . C. F P T Jones 10-13 2 Johnson 5 6-B 3 16 Moore 8 1-1 0 17 Vatcs 2 0-0 0 4 Gleason 4 1-2 4 9 Anderson 2 1-10 5 Cooley 10-0 12 Hanson 1 0:0 0 2 l.ny 0 0-0 0 0 Mack 0 0-0 0 0 Tutlle 0 00 1 0 Total 24 9-13 12 57 Halftime Oregon State 31 Ore gon 19 Attendance 10,126 Oregon Prison Population Up SALEM (UPD Oregon's men tal patient population is down. Its prison population is up and budget hanges are being made accord- ngly, the Slate Board of Control said Thursday. The board approved a report ailing for a $154.0(10 cut in the pro(Mised budget for Oregon State Hospital and Dammasch Hospital because the patients are 200 be low estimates. --4t4i