PAGE A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, February 17, 1963 Jacoby On Bridge NORTH 18 V85 QJ1098 QJIO WEST EAST AJ95 AQ1074 VJB2 VQ1073 4K72 453 K978 854 SOUTH (D) AAK2 VAK6i A64 A32 Both vulnerable .Roulh. West North Esst 2N.T. Pass 3N.T. Fast Pass Pass Opening lead 6 if- il i f m-OH-WKY-liK ' n mem CHERIE MAE LEONARDO aL ) f - i j Adoption Of Fag Tax Forecast For Oregon Legislature LINDA HENRY Too Late, Too Little By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn, If you want to help your play hv thinkinff. the time to do it is before you make mistakes, not afterwards when it is too Jatc. Dummy's ten of clubs hel the first trick. Then South led the ouecn of diamonds from dummy and after East played a small diamond South began to think How was he going to bring home dummy's long diamond suit? Af ter prolonged study South played a low diamond. So did West, only he didn't have to do much study ing. West had noted that South minht have been penny wise pound foolish at trick one and was going to block thai diamond suit if he possibly could. South continued with the jack of diamonds, went into another huddle and let Hie jack ride. West took his king and led a dia mond back. South played on slowly, but unsuccessfully. lie cashed his ace and king of spades and West dropped Ins jack. Then ho cashed the ace and king of hearts and West dropped that jack also. Eventually, South wound up with only eight lop tricks. Had South only bothered to think at trick one he would have overtaken dummy's ten of clubs with the ace. Then he would have led the ace of diamonds and con tinued the suit until West look his king. West could have led any thing but South would have a sure cluli entry to dummy and would have wound up with tour dia monds lrtus two tricks in each' other fiviil tor a tnUtt ot 10 in stead of the eight he actually made. Is Two More Beauties Vie For Mardi Gras Crown Chcric Mae Leonardo. 17, and Linda Henry, 21, are two of the eight Kingsley Field queen contest ants who are hoping to wear the 408th Fighter Group crown at (he Kingsley Mardi Gras Friday, Feb. 22. Mrs. Leonardo is representing the 408th Dispensary and 322nd Fighter Squadron, and Mrs. Hen ry is one of the two Materiel Squadron entries. Mrs. Leonardo, with brown hair and hazel eyes, is interested in sewing and water activities. Her husband, Stephen, is a personal equipment specialist at the :122nd Fighter Squadron. The Leo nardos are from Redondo Beach. Mrs. Henry, a Valentine Queen runner-up in the 1962 Dallas, Tex.. USO beauty contest, is also inter ested in sewing, as well as bowl- UN Denies Atrocities ing. She has green eyes and au burn hair and lives with her hus band at 927 Lincoln Street m Klamath Falls. The mardi gras will be held from 7 p.m. to midnight in the maintenance hangar on base on Feb. 22, with booths, dancing, and fun in prospect for all. Tickets are available at the squadron adminis tration offices for military and ci vilian workers at the air field. CAPITOL MEMO By ZAN STABK By Lulled Press International SALEM (UPI) Adoption of a cigarette tax, a modified (405 mil lion budget, and a compromise, of present personal income tax plans are quietly being torecast by leg islators here. ' There is a growing feeling that legislators may attempt to post pone any major overhaul of the state's income tax. Off the - record comments by some of the legislature's most in fluential members indicate: Gov. Mark Hatfield's budget requests will be trimmed, but other expenditures will result in about a $405 million spending pro gram. The Mosscr feature of retain ing charity deductions, the Musa plan for a $5 tax filing fee, and the governor's $20 a person tax credit in place of exemptions will be combined in a partial overhaul of present tax laws. Sales tax proposals will be sidetracks. Many legislators say privately they are getting a lot of pressure from constituents urging "hold the line." Education's requests apparently do not have general public support. House Tax Committee Chair man Richard Eymann, D-Marcola, may have been outlining the leg islature's course last Friday when he discussed "alternatives." Eymann suggested these "pos sibilities": Double beer and wine taxes to raise $3 million a biennium. -Adopt "one shot" withholding and self-employed tax payment peedups which could bring in up to $18 million next biennium. Tax small utility trailers for an additional $4 million a biennium. This produces up to $24 million in new revenue. A 4-cent a pack cigarette tax would bring an an estimated $18 million a biennium. This total of about $42 million would more than be enough to fi nance the alternate budget pro posed by Legislative Fiscal Offi cer Kenneth Bragg. It would fall short of Hatfield's request, but still provide enough for pay hikes for state employes, and some ex nansions of state services. The cigarette tax has been de feated before by the voters. But voters know the state is in financial trouble. They might ac cept a cigarette tax. But it is doubtful they would accept a cig arette tax in addition to a major increase in personal income taxes. Both might be defeated, leaving the state critically short of money, and virtually assuring a special session of the legislature would have to be called late this year. Eymann told tax committee members use of the "alternative" measures would give the legisla ture an opportunity to study long range tax increase needs during the coming biennium, and elimi nate the possibility of enacting laws which would raise more money than was needed. Such a course would not solve the money problem. It would sim ply put off for another two years any major overhaul of the income tax. During that two year period leg islators could try to pluck the best features from the many plans now before it, and possibly come up with a compromise tax plan that the state could live with in the years ahead. It also would give voters an op portunity to get used to the cig-1 themselves if they were willing tolso many groups claim are neecs- arette tax, and determine forpay fur the "expanded services sary. ALCOHOLIC CONTENT The Volstead Act of 1919. passed over the veto of President Wilson, defined intoxicating liquor as beverages containing 'i of 1 per cent alcohol by volume. INCOME TAXES See Your Reliable Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 Q The biddirujt has been: West North Kent Month 1 4 Double Pass 3 Pass Pass 2 1 You, South, hold: 4854 VK76S 4KJ92 Mi What do you do? A Bid three diamond!. Ton have enouch to warrant this sec end bid. TODAY'S QUESTION You bid three diamonds. West bids three spades and your part ner doubles. What do you do now? Answer Monday Three Seek School Posts DUNSMUIIl - Three mrmhrrs of tlie PmiMmiir Elementary Sclntol Hoard have announced they are candidates for tlie April 16 school oltTlinn, and a fourth inrumlient is not seeking re elec tii in. Jack Samuclson, vho has served on tlie school board for over i:i years slates he has en joyen the evppncnrp hut it Is time to step down. Mrs. Edmn liney. .Nela and tier aid Snein-cr arc he present mem hers whose names will apH?ar on the April liallnt. W. R. Kllinclon. forester fur I he Ralph L. Smith division of Kim berly Clark and father of t children, has also announced Im candidacy lor the school lto;ud Of the five board positions. i,ll but tlie isl held by Dr. II. A . Meredith will come up this rice ' lion as a result of nx-cnt Iciiis ; lalivc rhaiiKcs ; At the school board meeting on ; Tuesday rvrninc. Hannah Hum- ; plireys. Alice Griffith and Mary ; McDonald were apointrd school election officials. Additional candidates for the four school Imarrf posts must file nomination p.iors uith the Siski you County clerk by March I UNITED NATIONS (UPD-The United Nations Friday formally de nied Roman Catholic Church au thorities' charges tliat U.N. troops committed atrocities and desc aled churches in the Congo late last year. The denial was contained in a cttcr from Robert K.A. Gardiner, olliccr in charge of the U.N. op erations in the Congo, to Mon- scigneur E. Kileshie. vicar gen eral of the ElisalwthviHe arch bishopric. Gardiner also referred to accu sations made by Avchhishop Jo seph Cornelia in Brussels. The Catholic charges were: That Irish troops fired point blank at patients in a ward of the Union Miniere Hospital of Lubumbashi on Dec. 29. That Ethiopian .soldiers killed 0 persons. That several Catholic church cs had been damaged, looted and otherwise desecrated. Gardiner said investigations flowed there were no Irish troops in the Lubumbashi area on Dec. 39. However, there were Ethiopian troops, who were subjected tc 'lieavy" liring from inside the hospital comHiund. The Ethiopians, il was said, had In enter the hospital area to clear nut Katanga gendarmerie ixim tinns. In the fighting, one patient was wounded in the thigh and an :lher was grazed. No tiring took place inside tlie hospital ward and lamagc was slight, the U.N. in quiry showed. Gardiner said no evidence ha liccn produced to substantiate" the charge thai Ethiopians killed 7n liersons. The investigation Indicated that lliere were 4 corpses in the Lu bumbashi Hospital and 2 in the Prince 1-eupold Hospital all report ed to lie victims of the fighting Hut it was said to lie imxissible to determine the source of the hooting that killed them. Gardiner said there was looting of and damage to two churches one in Kasaja and one in Kara via. but that U.N. soldiers louncl them in that condition when they arrived. TO PROVIDE HOSPITAL THE HAGUE U PI' - The Netherlands will provide a self sustaining 50-lcd hospital unit lor United Nations troops in the (on co. the hutch Interior Ministry announced Fndav. HEAVY WEATHER OXMAGE NASHVILLE. Tcnn. it'l'l' -The Tennessee llidmny Department , disclosed Friday that rain, ice and snow have caused more than St million in damage In tlie Male's! roads so far this year. Afk about doily "Business Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-11 1 1 BRING THE FAMILY Broostcd Chicken Spaghetti Pixxo Pie Try Our New French Fried Ravioli Eat 'Em Hera or Orders To Go. IUCCA CAFE Ph. TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th 130000 items available in our Catalog Order Department! Washington's Birthday I 6.70-15 or 7.50-14 tube less blaekwoll PK, buy firs! Riverside hMm, r,V0" MB a Wards in price ... get Jif tire " ' fcWfiSl'i : J 'itBM&lmSSi GUARANTEED 33 4-SQUARE GUARANTEE frjW 1. Againil rood haiordi tor Iht SfU(n&jLSmiw iptofitd fim. Adtuilmenli pro- JvE)ffiyj'0 M 1 roltd on monrht irted. 'liJVVWVr'W 2. Agomil dilxti In mottrioli, work. 'X) ( ipCI jf IsB ) monihip for Ms of n.od. Ad- )J XjflW fM If jultmtnll proroKd on hied otor. j NVp fcyM J J 3. Notraiwidt Itrvlct ot oil bfonchH. 'yj JtXj (iZjf 4. Solliloclion guoianlted notion' 7) $5$$ id. AdiuHmtmi, band on iolo XjtJ&fcvfjf pr wtn relumed. J' tesSFiif Jly ; Bill "iiJwjv VW7J J,t- itwit'"n,t bawd e pritt 5Xvv MONTHS! Wards premium tire for those who demand the best . . get them now. at these low, low prices! 4 full plies of Nylon for super blow out protection; 12 deeper tread! Low-profile for high-speed stability. iol Pi9 Sal Pr.( $It rVit Ti- Sccfrf Ti' ftvbltit I'ubeUtt fclatkal kioAwolll ft 00:1 3 1 1. ' 6.301 3 a 1 . Vt.l 1 1 70. 1 Vw 7.50 -U 1 J. It 1 . I 7.10-is a. Voo.'i 4 a i s.n 7"60-15ar I.i0."l4 IT. II ioo?o-i3 or tao-u 10.11 ,0-,!L fk'i iii lor, 2 trnrfa 'n fi'nt. Whiso"i S3 P' t ' FAST, FREE MOUNTING HEAVY DUTT Oil Cloant, protects as II lubri cates your engine. Handy 5-qt. pak.. PRICED LOW! RIVERSIDE 24-MO. ECONOMY BATTERY Dependable starting power I "Power-Gard" helps keep battery at full power; cuts ff M 4 damage from faulty charg- B with trade Ing. 12V with trade, low as 9.88 RIVERSIDE SPARK PLUGS 44c improve performance, gas mileage with sure firing Riversides equal original equip ment. For most cars. NYLON SEAT BELTS Exceed SAE standards . . . tested to 5,000 lbs. Strong metal-to-metal buckle. Many colors. Ea. . . 9th and Pine Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Phone TU 4-3188 ' BLUE ' f- 1 M P)C S ' X f Bumble Bee Light, Chunk JWk Si$100 ww . inn .tii mt ii 1 Pillsbury CAKE MIXES White Double Dutch Yellow Apple Sauce 3J Lunch Box Specials! Derby IZ-oz. Corned Beef Armour's 12-oz. TREET Best Foods Pint C mm mm ml C - Jl Your Choice 111 il inn Farm Choice or Mowrer Turkeys While They Last. Med. Size Toms SLAB BACON Willow Brand 1st Quality Tender Aged Beef ROLLED ROAST New Lotion Pink Thrill 22-oz. 49' $229 Mi&m. wi&tom&sfr -iHijA ii Ncstle's '9 100 Bag Box i. s Cream Flake W 1 Liquid Detergent MJB Coffee Big 4-lb. Tin QUIK 35 Tree Tea Mb. 3 0 89 I i Shortening 5 3 ' H Navel Oranges Fresh Salad Mix Orange Juice 8-lb. Bag Snoboy Fresh Qt. 69' 19' 49' SPECIALS FOR MON., TUES..VVED. RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT Town & Country Shopping Center 3800 So. 6th