Printed Pattern 9000 VP ill 1 wtt . -m j 1 The Blu Boom of the Winema Motor Hotel was the setting of the February meeting of the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. In the absence of President Honorary Group Meets STYLED-TO-SLIM Sleek, slimming, nev! Sew the princess tunic and its own skirt for the most fashionable entrance into spring. Choose from t w 0 lengths. Printed Pattern 9000. Half sites 12'4, 14'4, 16'i, 18'i, 20'4, 22'4. Yardages in pattern. Thirty five cents in coins for tins pattern add 10 cents for each pattern for first-class mail. Send to Marian Martin, Herald and News. Pattern Dept., 2.12 West 18th Street, New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. Free Offer! Coupon in Spring Pattern Catalog for one pattern free any one you choose from 330 design ideas. Send 50 cents now for catalog. Printed Pattern I 7 I IT" 9119- 10-16 1Y iTXilTJktft, MOST POITLAK Turn, walk, dance see how pvetty the side pleats look in mo tion! Sew fashion's favorite prin cess in slabbed silk, colton, rayon or wool for school or nates. Printed Pattern 9119: Teen Sues in, 12, 14. 1. Site 12 takes J', yards 35-iruh. Filty cents in coins for this pattern add in cenls for each pattern (or first-class mail Send tn Marian Martin. IKrald and News, Pattern Dept., 212 West IBIh Street. New York II. N Y . Print plainly name, address with tone, sue and slyle number Free Offer! Coupon in Spring Pattern Catalog for one pattern free any one you choose from 3110 design ideas. Send SO cents now for catalog. Eagles Aux. Has Party A Valentine party was enjoyed by ,16 members of the Kagles Aux iliary on Feb. 8 at the Kagles Hall. Prizes were won by Anna Anderson. Iirna tJroves. Ruby Keller and Mathilda Kurth. The auxiliary has been holding regular meetings on the second and fourth Fridays of each month at the F.agles II. .11 At the last Madam President Hebecca Camp bell announced the appointment of Stella Persell as slate musician Mrs. Persell will attend the state convention at Cons Bay In June The next regular meeting will he Feb. 22 and will he in observ ance of Washington's birthday There will also be initiation. An informative picture on ran cer will be slion In the loer hall of Hie lodge on March B tn uhiih all members are urged to! attend. , , I Dorothy Greene, the vice presi dent, Dolly Bunch, presided. Lela Thurman, chairman for the day. introduced R. W. Bing ham of OTI, representative of the speakers bureau, who gave an interesting and informative re sume of the proposed Intercom munity Hospital. Idamary Kurtz presented a re port from the committee on the selection of a collect. Several collects were submitted, one of which will be selected by vote at the March meeting. An invitation was issued in be half of the BPW Club by Vera Ochs to attend the first showing of the Mclntyrcs' pictures of Ro- torua, Feb. 18. Committee reports are . due in April, and March 9 is the date of the annual rummage sale. Room and table decorations; based on a Valentine theme were done by Marian Barker, Jeanette Jackson and Nell Stewart, co-host esses. The meeting concluded with mu sic led by Vera Ochs with Ida mary Kurtz at the piano. PAGE ( D HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Sunday. February 17, 196 The March 2 luncheon meeting at the Winema will feature Anne Overman, who will give a talk on the "Needs of Severely Re tarded Children." Hostesses will be Mabel Nitzel, Jean Angel and Idamary Kurtz. PARTY GOOD SALAD Here's the salad for your buf fet dinner. Combine sliced onion separated into rings, sliced rad ishes, diced celery, crumbled crisply cooked bacon and small cheddar cheese cubes. Moisten witli mayonnaise. Add drained canned peas; mix lightly. Chill. Season to taste w ith salt and pep per. Serve on crisp greens. Englishmen under the leadership of Captain John Smith were the first settlers of Virginia. s S LflMLf FEBRUARY THIS !S THE SALE ppBl S JZSZZ MONTH-END YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!! lJ &s?r it ,1 1 1 -. 1 1 v.i i 1 1-1 i n I tbi ip mnc? bc . AiAf aw lAfci a . flier, it -aiai awi H ; Yes... the boss is away on vacation... and we're out to set an all-time sales record! Prices are slashed (For This Month-End Sale Only) to a RECORD-SETTING LOW! Prices subject to stock on hand and prior sale! H r.jf. WSfr, 'M'rM 1. T W 1 Ik C.-V-tiikS4 Tremendous savings an these 5 carpets - completely installed with foam pad all at the same low 2 All-Wool, and 3 Continuous Filament Nylon tweeds and some space-dyed 2 brown tweeds, 1 beige tweed, 1 multi-color tweed and 1 neutria tweed. Com pletely installed with foam pad. 1 ,m CHOICE OF 5 CARPETS IN THIS GROUP! ompletely ' low price. 1 some t 197 Sq. Yd. frt Foom Pod With Installation DUPONT "501" FILAMENT NYLON A new concept in the use of DuPont "501" Continuous Filament Nylon a beautiful beige multi-color ax minster floral all the beauty of wool with the add ed wearging quality of nylon. Completely installed with foom pad. FREE FOAM PAD WITH EVERY YARD! SAVE! ALL WOOL WILTON This all-wool Wilton is one of pur value leaders it is a beige and brown back ground pattern with periodic color pickups that blend together to make the carpet an outstanding color combination to fit any type of furniture style or room plctcl 1 1 roam paa. M lie, yj -1 - - of furniture style gtt so m decor Com ely installed with K mi Fret Foam Pod With Installation ALL WOOL LOOP $H Just recently arrived, these two wool carpets in plain colors beige and one gold a high-low pet in a very beautiful design. A ings on a quality piece of carpet. see these two to realiie the value. Complete ly installed with foam pad. I Ftt Foam Pad With WOOL -RANDOM SHEAR II Bring Your Room Measurements This oil-wool carpet with the random shear effect re freshing green in color heavy enough to do most com mercial installations is qual ity merchandise ot a real sav ings to you . . . Completely in stalled with foam pad. 1 Sq. Yd. Frtc Foom Pad With Installation AVE 03 ROLL -ENDS 12'x17'9" Random Shear All-Wool Aqua 12x17 2" Space-Dyed Nylon Cont. I Filament) Reg. Now 330.15 225.00 105.15 Save 182.85 12'x15' All-Wool Tweed 12'x12'9" All-Wool Carved Neutria 217.89 99.00 125.00 220.15 1 150.09 83.85 92.80 70.15 12x9' 501 Nylon Space Dyed 1 119.40 1 89.00 1 30.40 12'x8'6" Tweed Nylon CoV,t 1 124.10 1 79.09 12'x8'2" Beige Nylon cnr::nt 12'x7'2" Space Dyed 501 Nylon 109.45 1 69.00 45.10 40.45 75.55 1 39.00 1 36.55 Spring's on the way! Time to decorate! Yisit Our New PAINT DEPARTMENT featuring famous Acme Paint, Kemtone, Kem-Glo and a complete line of all your painting needs. See the new "Color Guide" LINOLEUM at Twf LAST POCK 0 357 E. Main n El y L-J B I io7 mm $(0)9 mm erm I 1 Fre Foom .'V.J ! .Jt m with t'jfSEPfe' In.tollotion ?t-iJi&4!M f . CARPETS Sa UM3 new al one rose loop car real sav- You must 0? Installohon NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY CARPET! CALHOUN'S BEST BUY! Without a doubt, the best buy ot Calhoun's is this heavy all-wool random shear, multi-level, rose beige carpet. A real beautiful selection, with a gt jt f! very unique design. Will fit any O W I decor you must see this one to f I I appreciate the tremendous offer I jq yd completely installed with foam U U pad. Fret Foam Fad With Installation quality BLINDS IN TWf IOAMATX IAJiN TU 4-8495 MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS WITHIN REASON