Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 17, 1963, Page 23, Image 23

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    HERALD AXD NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore.
Sunday, February 17. 19M
Aux. Installs New Officers
. -5 '
ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ambars an
nounca the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann,
to L. Dale Stenseng of Clearbroolc, Minn., preiently em.
ployed in this city. He is the son of Mrs. Clara Stenseng
of Clearbroolc. A July wedding is planned.
Photo by Miller-Williaml
Saddle Club
Stages Party
A Valentine party and potluck
supper were enjoyed by mem
bers of the Klamath Saddle Club
on Feb. 10 at the clubhouse on Air
way Drive. Hostesses were Mrs.
Homer DeLamater and Mrs. Don
Decorations were appropriate to
the party theme with neart-shaped
cakes and salads adding a Valen
tine touch to the buffet table.
Attending the party were Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Emrick and daugh
ters. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kirk
patrick and children. Mr. and Mrs.
Homer DeLamater and grandson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fowler and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs.- Dale
Mattoon, daughter and grand
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe
The word from Japan's cultured
pearl industry: If you plan to buy
cultured pearls don't put it oft
until next year. Prices are climb
ing. A strand of cultured pearls
which three years ago cost $80
brings $130 today.
Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steven
son, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus McMa-
hon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colwel!
and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Read
The Saddle Club meets the first;
Tuesday of each month. The last
regular meeting was Feb. 5 at the
home of Mrs. Delbcrt Sumner.
who was assisted as hostess by
Mrs. Charlie Read.
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TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Wayna D. Smith announce -the
engagement of their daughter, Naida Jean, to Robert F.
Ronrbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rohrbach of Bend.
The wedding will take place April 20 in Portland, where
both are presently employed. The bride-to-be was grad
uated from Medford Senior High School and attended
Linfield College. Her fiance was graduated from Baker
High School and attended Central Orgeon College and
University of Oregon where he was affiliated with Theta
Chi fraternity. Photo by Kennell-Ellis, Portland
Party Honors
of Knos Bland arranged a sur
prise party on Jan. 24 to honor
him and his bride, the former
Mrs. Faye Thrash of Klamath
Mr, and Mrs. Bland were mar
ried Jan. 18 in the parsonage of
Faith Tabernacle in Klamath
Falls by the Rev. Eddie Bigby.
They were attended by the bride's
daughter. Wanda Brink, and the
bridegroom's son, Marvin Bland.
Attending the welcome party
were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ran
dall, Mr. anad Mrs. John Sulli
van, Mr. and Mrs. C.aude Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kent, Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Yancey, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Struve, Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Nichols and Gary Randall.
Baby Shower
MERRILL A baby shower was
given Wednesday, Jan. IS, al the
recreation hall for Mrs. Curtis
Mrs. Hilt was assisted by Mrs.
Oelberta Daniel in opining her
Games suiting the occasion were
played and refreshments were
served from a table centtred with
a cake decorated with pink booties
and the name Carol Jean iced
ion it.
Hostesses tor trie event were
Mrs. Mary Glenn, Mrs. Marjorie
Luster, Mrs. Lulu Burncs. Mrs.
Marie Reed. Mrs. Fern Vega.
Mrs. Dclberta Daniel, Mrs. Mar
vin Daniel and Mrs. Lorraine Carpenter.
Mouth-Watering Crust
Newspaper Entrprise Assn.
DEAR POLLY I snve hroken
pieces and crumbs of store-pur-
hased and homemade cookies.
put them in a plastic bag and
keen it in the (ree.er. When
enough have accumulated. I crush
them and mix with butter lor a
crumb pie crust. It does not mat
ter if they are different kinds
of cookies or even if some have
nut meats in them. They all blend
and mv family thinks the crust is
very, very good.
MRS. It. U li.
DEAR POLLY-To keep from
slipping when taking a shower
in the bathtub, cut seven or eight
strips of half-inch waterproof ad
hesive tape and stick to the hot-j
torn of the tub where you stand.
Exclusive with Montgomery Word, these
Brentshire elosiicJ. f One-piece printed cot
ton coat tyle. Beige, green, blue. Junior,
7-15. ffi Fortrel' polyester Avron royon
print, Aquo, beige or green. 12-20. .12.98
Cut strips in different lengths to
lorm snme sort ot pattern. Wash
the tub as usual and the strips
will hold quite a while.
DEAR POLLY Ry working a
loop inside the hark of your coat
and putting your scarf thrminh it.
you will lind it always in place
and never lose it.
DEBATERS Standing are Sail Brotherhood and Sena Russell, Klamath Union High
School debaters, who point out facts and figures to support their side to Phoenix High
School debaters, Laura Griffith and Richard Coulter. Debates war held at Southern
Oregon College in the 15th annual speech conference.
OUNS.MUiR-.Mrs. C. E. 3ger.
oU is She new president of the
Mrs. J. A, Fiimore division,:
Grand Internationa! Auxiliary toi
tiie Bratheriiood of Locomotive
Gthei's instajied al recent cere
monies at the Dunamitr .Masonic
iTempSe include Mrs. J. B. Chiles,
jsast prfsidiisl; Mrs. Herbert
Morgan, vice president; Mrs.
E, J, Loveilc, secretary, and Hel--
ess i,aciius, treasurer.
Supporting officers are Carol;
McMillan, relief secretary; Fran-;
ccs Homer, guide; Beth Nelson.;
sentinel; Jessie Herrin. musician;;
iCarole Livingston, flag bearer;;
Ethei Cahow, Grace Livingston,
marshals; Rela Langrehe, Chris
tine Allen, Mary Marsh and Edna
rrizew, pillars. !
Ceremonies were conducted in;
setting of green and gold with
symbolic wheels and the presi-
't Yti Ham... i . , a.-. . - -
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CARD PARTY COMMITTEE A few hands of bridge ar played after a reeen
meeting of Alturas Garden Club committee members, in charge of th benefit
bridge luncheon planned for Feb. 20 at the Federated Charch fellowship hall. Left to
right are Mrs. Ruts Enderlin, Mrs. Jay Noviack, Mrs. Phillip Price and Mrs. Robert
dent's name emblazoned across a
'backdrop behind the presidenfj
taterhides of entertainment were
iprovided by Sarah Stafford at the
piano and ssemberj of &e Ptrei
ra School sf Dance.
Table decoratisBs is the Maple
Room where refreslimersts were
served were highlighted with goid-
'en wheefs.
Sabama Ally. Gen. Biclimond
Klowers said Friday he might
have to call on private attorneys
to aid the state in fighting -inte-
igration suits. -;
"Tiie Justice Department ... is
'spreading ns so thin that we
can't defend the suits aii at one
itune," Flowers said. "We are al
most neglecting state business be
cause of federal suits."
Idaho Pair Recite Vows
GIRLS This should he a help
for every member of the family.
DEAR POLLY-When making a
flower arrangement, you can be
sure to end up with one that is
attractive on ail sides if yuu make
it in front of a mirror.
BEAR POLLY One day last
summer, my teen age daughter
carried a ballpoint pen in her bas
ket weave handbag and it stuck
through the woven side of the bag
making more and more marks on
her new green Bermuda shorts. 1
thought Uiey were ruined until 1
tried a trick I remembered from
a booklet that came with my new-
washer, f poured liquid shampoo
on the marks and soaked over
night. The nest day I rinsed out
the Bermudas and there was not
a trace of ink left.
My sincere thanks to those who
have sent me their treasured
collection of old household hinlv,
tt was very thoughtful and gener
nus. However, please do not send
material yoa wish returned, tt
might beeome. misplaced or Inst
in the mail.
Share your favorite homemak-
ing ideas . , . send them to Polly 1
in care of Herald and News. You
will receive a bright, new silver
dollar if Polly ues your ideas in
Poiiv's Pointers.
CHILOQULN Word has been re
reived of the recent marriage of a
former local resident, Lyle E.
Kensler. We took as his bride Jan-
ell Cloud, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Cloud. Oregon Slope,
in a Saturday, Jan. 1. wedding
at the Payette. Idaho, Holy Fam
ily Catholic Church. He is the son
of Mrs. Earl Kensler, Payette.
Patsy Chavez was maid of hon
on. John Doiphus, cousin of the
bridegroom and another ex-local
resident, was best man. Ushers
were a brother-in-law of the bride
groom. Bud Waiters, and Gary
Steven Barney, nephew of the
bridegroom, was ring bearer, and
a niece of the bride. Robin Nel
son, was flower girl.
Teresa Kensler, sister of the
bridegroom, was in charge of the
bridegroom's cake and the rice
The young couple, who wfll
make their home in Payette, ire
veled to Klamath Falls on their
wedding trip.
Local people attending tiie wed
ding were Mr, and Mrs, Clyde
Leake and daughter Paula, and
Mclvin Ohles. !
Peasants of France's Brittany
section indicate whether they are
single or married by the piac'
mcHt ot ribbons on their hats.
RS. 1.98 - S.9J
Aff Labels Classical, PoiW, Vocal, Instrumental,
Sacred, Western, Jon!
k Guy Lombardo fr ft v
Bob Newhort j j
Jonathan Winters, Now 11 Off
33Va Compact E.Pfs
Regular $1,49
Reg, 5.95 M 95 Res. 2.35 75
New T Now 1
Comt in While Selection it Complete.
124 No. 7ih
Pk 4-sm
population of the United Stales
has risen hy nearly a rniiiion
since the i9fib census to an esti
mated total last Jan. f of 187,-
233.000, according to Hie census
The bureau said the figures.
which do not include U.S. service
men stationed abroad, represent
an increase of 7.970.10, or t. per
ent over the figure for April 1,
U Asked for it!
TILL 10:00 SG
8 Big Dry Cioner 10 Woshtri
1 Big Fomify Siia Wosher 4 50-lb. Oryrs
Always An Attendant To Sifa You!
Norge laundry & Cleaning Village
734 So. eifc
Ph. TU -l7
...the weddinglllirt
arranged by our y' I '
bndal talon whereof, , ' r'))VVv i V
brides-to-be find skilled I .jf'C' - '
tsittonca In planning 4f 3fYA'H' -A-1 j T A ' ' i
larga . . . lnrormal or ' j At WiV, ' ' " t
lavishly tlegsnt. V f f X V, . i ' J A
'li-: ov
f k
' i '
r'"i m 7
S 7.98
Where hove olf the flowers gone?
Into my country garden print Kote
Greenoway. It's Docron pefyester
ond cotton, wonderfully sheer ond
sweetened with toce. Yellow or bfue.
tn 5.98
a 498
Compliments. Compiiments. That's
of! 1 get from my Kate Greenowoy.
But what cart you expect from a
pretty dress with such sweet detoifs.
It's crease resistant cotton with a
great cape collar centered with white)
boby buttons. Sfim tie sash and full
skirt ore mora cause for admiration.
Navy with white.
if Yen
512 Main Fret Parking 5th & Klamath
9th & Pine
Phone TU 4-3188