Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 17, 1963, Page 22, Image 22

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    rf.E t-r HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Orr
Sunday, February 17, 19631
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AUXILIARY OFFICERS Klamath County Dental Auxiliary elected and installed
new officers for the coming year at a recent luncheon meeting at the Willard Hotel,
Left to right are Mrs. Doug Dryden, vice president; Mrs. Irvinq Cater, president: Mrs.
James Creswell, past president; Mrs. Earl Nash, secretary. The treasurer, Mrs. Orton
Mann, was not present for the picture. Photo by Kettler
' Mis. B. C. Johnson, director of
Klamath District Gaitlcn clubs,
presided at the board meeting
. Jan. 23. at the city library.. Al-
'. luras Garden Club will hostess
' fh enrintr HiKlrirl mpelinfT. - It
will be a conservation prop-am
and tentative dale is set for May
1. Sirs. Charles Thurman Is now
wild flower and conservation
LltdLi llldll Cllll lliu i joiiiiiiuii
uf Mrs. R. llarkens.
District chairmen reminded
clubs to pet in their posters, es
says, sorapbooks, and bird scrap
books by the regular deadlines
so they can lie judged. Mrs. J.
Laird of Alturas asked all clubs
to -send in their year books to
be" judged by April 1.
Mrs. Earl Redman gave a re
port on "World Gardening" and
urged clubs to support the pro
gram. Contributions must be in
to her before May 1.
Mrs. Robert Baker has a few
calendars left for those who have
not gotten theirs.
Mrs. H. KIcmmiiiK would like
any garden therapy reports in by
May 1.
Mrs. Klna Kollatt gave a lit
terbug report. The clubs decided
to again older 1000 litlcrbags to
be given out by clubs.
The nominating committee's re
port was incomplete and they
asked to be permitted to submit
names again at the spring meet
Botanical Garden Kund has all
they can use for the time being
find clubs are asked to contribute
to the Native Flora Conservation
Kund instead.
There were five members from
Big Valley Garden Club present.
Mrs. Johnson reported thai a
Mount Shasta garden club is go
ing to join this district. They
have around 20 memliers.
District No. 1 in Portland will
hostess the state convention this
year, June 24 to 2fi. Mrs. ( . M
'ireggs, F.ugenc, asked all cuius
to send her a copy of schedules
any flower shows they may
have planned.
First Child
Is Welcomed
Fclicitalions are being sent to
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Humble,
who became parents of their first
child, a son, on Feb. 5 at Glen
dale General Hospital in Glen
dale. Calif.
The young man, weighing a
husky H pounds, bounces, has
been named Steven Albert.
Maternal grandparents are Dr.
ind Mi's. George Chais of Sher
man Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
A. Humble of Klamath Falls
paternal grandparents, are in
Southern California to greet their
New Clou Storts February 18h 10 A.M.
Free Instructions Free Bowling
While Receiving Instruction
Free Shoes Free Coffee
Learn to bowl --it's fun!
Call 2-5536 ond Sign Up No Obligation!
So. 6th
Club Meets
In Bonanza
BONANZA President Jean
MrFall conducted Ihe last meeting
of the Bonanza Women's Cluh on
Feb. 5 al which 14 members were
present. Belty Hire was a guest.
Welcomed as a new member
was F.sther Blown.
Discussion followed on the pro-
I nosed community hall. Alice Nork
I and Dorothy Peterson reported on
la recent card party. Clara Bold
iwill stage n second card party
Feb. 2.1 at the library. Norma
llaskins was named chairman of i
llho Fun Night scheduled for March
Following the business meeting.
Florence McCarlie continued les
suns on making Christmas deco
rations. At the nest meeting on March
S, Alyce Haley will demonstrate
making clothes pin dolls.
ly V, j j
W 'If "J
BRIDE-TO-BE A June wedding is planned by Marjorie
Elaine Stewart and Wallace KelJeson, whose engagement
is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart
of Bonanza. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelleson. Bonanza,
are parents of the future bridegroom, who plans to at
tend Barber College in Eugene. His fiancee is a senior at
Bonanza High School.
901 Main
Ph. TU 4-8222
V'-' vh 1
v A- if
BETROTHED The engagement of Sheryl Waldrep and
Ralph Williams is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Henry Waldrep. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M.
Williams. Both families reside in Klamath Falls. The
bride-elect is a graduate of Henley High School. Her fu
ture husband, graduate of KUHS, is presently a student at
Southern Oregon College. No date has been set for the
WED THIS MONTH The former Peggy Leppert and
Terrance L. Jurief exchanged marriage vows Feb. 9 at
Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church. They will make
their home in Klamath Falls. Photo by Bob Anderson
Jerrcuice oC. urtej?
Peggy licppert, daughter ofldrcss with beige accessories. Mrs.
Library Topic
Of WOM Meet
Chapter night program for
Women of the Moose was pre
sented by Alice Z. Smith, library
chairman. She introduced Mrs
Addie Mae Nixon, city librarian,
who gave a talk concerning the
local library and the state li
Women of the Moose Chapter
467 donates two books a year to
the city library and one to the
Mooseheart library in Illinois.
Mrs. Smith was presented a
gift from the chapter by Junie
Hoover, senior regent.
Two new members were
rolled. Marie Fields, sponsored by
Priscilla Horn, publicity chairman,
and Vivian Francis Wilson, sjKin
sored by Vanessa Buttler recorder.
The charter was dra)ed in mem
ory of Sara Alice Chilcote.
The library committee served
refreshments after the meeting
Alturas Club
Plans Party
ALTURAS Washington, Lin
coln, and Valentine's Day will be
honored at the Alturas Garden
Club's bridge luncheon Wednes
day, Feb. 2fl. Tlie garden club
members urge everyone in the
Alturas area to attend this gala
affair for an afternoon of bridge,
pinochle, or pedio according to
the player's own selection.
Prizes will be awarded to high
scorers in each division. Proceeds
from the party will be used for
finishing the interior of the new
The luncheon will begin at 12 30
p.m. at the Federated Church
Fellowship Hall with the card
games following. A charge will
be made of $1.25 per person.
lima Schluter is general chair
man for the club. Dorothy Car
stens, co-chairman, and Helen
Noviack, luncheon chairman.
Mrs. Frank Dvorak and Louis
LeDDcrt. became the bride of
Terrance L. Jurief, son of Mr
and Mrs. Hilbert Jurief of The
Dalles, on Feb. 9 at Peace Memo
rial Presbyterian Church.
For the 7 p.m. ceremony the
hurch was decorated with white
chrysanthemums, gladioli and
blue iris. Floor candelabra held
tall white tapers.
Louis Leppert escorted his
daughter to the altar where the
ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Laing Sibbet.
Mrs. Ross Ragland was the
The bride wore a floor length
gown of Chantilly lace wilh chapel
train. The Sabrina neckline was
outlined with seed pearls and
rhinestones. A cron of seed
pearls held in place the elbow
length veil and she carried a
liouquet of white carnations with
blue and white ribbon streamers
Myrtle McRride was maid of
honor, dressed in a blue lalfeta
Irock and white veiled hat and
while gloves. Her bouquet was of
while carnations accented with
blue ribbon.
Diane Jurief, sister of the bride
groom. Tile Dalles, was brides
maid and was attired the same
as the honor attendant.
Robert Wilkerson. Kingsley
Field, was best man and ushers
were Ixiuis tapped Jr., brother of
Ihe bride, and David Jurief, broth
er of Ihe bridegroom.
Mrs. Dvorak wore for her
daughter's wedding a green wool
Engagement j
News Told j
( HtmQnx - From Payottp.!
Idaho, comes wind of llu recent
ly announced eng.'ttemcnt of a
humor 'hiliiin ;iml Klamath
Kall.s man, Ilaml;tll Smith, son of
Krnost Smith, Pawtte. and Hull.
Klamp (Jreif. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin C. (iieif. i
The future bride is a student at
the t'niversity of Idaho and her:
hancp attending the Insti l
tuie ol Teehnolmyr' in 1-os Angeles.1
No date has heon el for the
c-trn l.!v tfp rtrihi imn ipt"1!
w.fh o hni't O'M hunMy pnr t(oi n
o'l t fon-7 ond i d v ni oi'u (ni'ts!
HeM. A'ic dfs o nrtlr vki'tr-l
tlnv,ic d'Cs tn a ronn mH ( i--i
hlrni th Inn n oM rniof, tt xt
loWly pollmcd fllotrk pntrnf hfti.
S-;r h 15.
"Be Sur. To Shop
ico.lv -to ra'-
nit rem
,,rcbO"'l' vL nl Wlnioi
o coJfdtin -I. 2,
I l,n'H ot t,.MI,,niff
I ' h- ,T wrtpn up ,-ut
Si'Mn-j' SSnrh V o",l
mi. -I, ;hl .1 nv ii, op
Mi, id I i , , ,,, ri r-M j
tf.li.f,-! Iwf,tv nl, on h(
rcrh',' i n ,1-"e ,n
,1 I" .ht (-rr-
p,irt r-o-i Uirn.
b v M IS,
' mm
LI '
LOW in calorics.
HIGH in vitomins.
HIGH in Proteins.
LIGHT in body.
512 Main ,
Fret Customer Parking 5 Mi & Klamath
Two Charles of the Ritx Consultant
" Miller'l vtry
- York trained
:g Charlet of
"TTT coniultenl
Miller's Wet
Coast trained
Chorlei of
the Riti
Be a beautiful dreamer with Special
Formula Emollient. I'srcf as yej s eep, or
a:iylirr-e during your busy day, Spec.al
f oiriuin tmolltent gniycmd 5rreH,!y$t'per-li-i?iico'r$
your $kin !o a re look cf tender
tot. e.DiscipfOvi-o!ti opp,' ntici to work
.s.0"d,svuthnog:ewyie;or !ook...gue$
N .ur co:"pion o dieomy rew beauty
Jo 00, 10.00, . a
17.iCplusto'. Vr Lirfcv t tLc Xi'L
Jurief chose a red wool dress
with black accessories. Corsages
of white baby hyacinths were
worn by both mothers.
Tlie blue and white theme ol
the wedding was carried nut in
decorations for the reception in
Ihe church parlors. The women o(
the church served.
Joyce Hale was in charge of
the Ruest book.
Among the guests were Mrs.
B. J. Gile. Portland, grandmother
of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
leppert, Portland, uncle and aunt
of the bride, and Martha Jureif,
The Dalles, aunt of the bride
The bride is a graduate ol
KUHS and a member of Itain-
how Girls. Her husband graduat
ed from The Dalles High School
nd is presently stationed at
Kingsley Firld. They will reside
at 2227 Biehn Street.
v., ,
Excruciating headaches may be caused by eye
strain. Eyestrain can also reduce working effici
ency, promote fatigue and irritability and may be
allied with other physical troubles, such as neck
ache, backache and upset stomach. Why suffer
needlessly? Protect your eyes with properly fitted
glasses. Heed the danger signs. Be sure of proper
eye care. Have your eyes examined at least once a
year by Dr. Noles Optometrists.
Complete Eye Examination
Convenient Credit
We give Htf Green Stamps
730 Moin TU 4-7121
On. Omar J. Noles ond Robert Peteri
Kt-'-. I ,t
j('it (jit nit c( a dWJ wfwlijcii putirut
SrMt eeiwi p'ipjrt the tptt to fH the w
II you d li to bf l smi!lf-lry en f nhjnr.ii
IH tsjr ln-hno'n' ii so rfvol'jhonjry it's psnniod.
lt oir tp1 fil'e'S shoe you No m sjioiiei mi BJII-lDII vt
tor ih ig3M touch ol bciuty. Stv'a 55. 18.95. Black or h.:t