Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 17, 1963, Page 21, Image 21

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    HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Off.
Sunday, Ffbruarr J7, 19fi3
Friends Fete
Local Couple
Friends of Mr. and. Mrs. Tom
Lenninger arranged a housewarm
ins as a surprise to them on Sat
uraay, Jan. 19. at their new
home, 5B19 Winter Avenue.
A potluck supper was served
during the evening and a mone
tary Rilt given to the Lenningers.
Attendirg the affair were Mr.
and Mrs. John Lenninger. Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Arnold, Mr. and
Mrs. Tommy Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Lenninger, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Liser, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Clark and David, Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Vein
Kchortgcn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Childcrs, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Mr. and Mrs. Ellon Geil, Mr
and Mrs. Burt Mitchell. Mr. and
Mrs. Ronnie Sumner, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob James, Mr. and Mrs
L. D. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. John
Gritman, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Valdez, Hall Schmidt, and Mr
and Mrs. Harold Briggs of Med
CD A Reports
Busy Season
Catholic Daughters of America,
Court Klamath 1293. led by Grand
Repent Marion Walker, is a busy
On Oct. 22. Court Klamath ini
tiated 23 new members into the
i In November, the court heard a
Speaker for the Presbyterian In
tercommunity Hospital, Glen Tor
J ierc, at the social meeting.
Members are also taking an ac
tive part in Klamath County's Lay
.man's Crime Prevention Confer
ence. The annual Christmas party in
JDccember was attended by more
than 125 members w ho exchanged
Jgifts and heard the Madrigals of
Sacred Heart Academy and Christ
Jmas readings by the lecturer, Mrs.
Norma Walrath.
J District Deputy of Eugene, Ma
'ie Mull, made her official visit
Jn January. She brought with her
Khe ideas and activities of CDA
Jat slate level.
Resignation of trustee, Doris
dams, was accepted and elec
tion of a trustee to fill the vacan
cy was held. Lorena Schmitz was
elected to the office for a period
f three years.
Social affair of January was
ihe annual potluck dinner for
members and their husbands. Mrs.
George Sprague was chairman of
Ihe dinner. Following lira dinner,
members and their guests were
Jnitcrtained by the Craler Cord
Quartet. Cards followed Ihe quar
Ict. Dorothy Zwiener was in
charge of entertainment.
Ginger Hubbard was installed
Jan. 26 as worthy adviser of
Klamath Falls Rainbow Assem
bly No. 57 at the Scottish Rite
Temple. Andy Anderson gave the
welcoming address.
The new worthy adviser chose!
faith as the theme for the year:
the dove as the symbol: pink and
white colors and the pink carna
tion as her flower.
Installing officers were Virginia
Rattis, worthy adviser: Darlene
Gentry,' chaplain: Susan Leiser,
recorder: Diane Meade, marshal
Anita Campbell, musician. Mary
Anderson was installing officer.
for the mother adviser and adviso
ry board. Each wore a pink car
nation corsage.
Virginia Baltis introduced Di
ane Meade, grand representative
to New lork, Mrs. Verda Scrib-
ner and Andy Anderson, worthy
matron and patron of Manzanita
Chapter, OES, and Tom Barnes,
worshipful master of Crater Lake
Lodge No. 211.
Line officers wore floor length
white formats and carried white
Bibles with corsages of pink and
white carnations. They are Don
na Colahan. worthy associate ad
viscr; Sheri Meade, charity; Jan
et Samuels, hope; Donna Cum
mins, faith.
They were followed by Carol
Shufelt, treasurer; Rose Marie
Wolverton. recorder; Jerri Oliver,
chaplain: Linda Green, drill lead
er; Helen Davis, confidential ob
server; Mary Jane Britton, outer
observer: Sandy Lawson. musi
cian. Ihese girls carried nose
gays of pink and while carna
Large white doves with colored
streamers were carried by Jackie
Crume. love; Sharon Davis, reli-
ion: Mary Thompson, nature
Joyce Badkcr. immortality; Jan
ice Britton, fidelity; Diane Cos
sett, patriotism; Lyn Wandell,
Mrs. Lucille Crawley was in
stalled as mother adviser. The
advisory hoard members are Mrs.
Sarah McMillan. Mrs. Edna
Koehler, Mrs. Nina Hall, Mrs.
Ann Vinson, Mrs. Norma Rich
ardson. Charles Filtz. Ernest Wal
lin. Gus Vlahos. A. J. Thompson,
Lawrence Fitzsimmnns and 0. E.
Thompson Jr.
Lights were dimmed as Ginger
Hubbard entered the hall as Mrs.
Darlene Blackman sang the theme
song. My Faith Looks Up To
Thee," accompanied by Mrs. Ani
ta Campbell. As she passed girls
knelt in the form of a crass.
The crowning ceremony w a
performed by members of the
Lost River. Chapter of DeMolay
and Ernest Wallin. Rainbow Dad
At this time. Mrs. Blackman
sang "I Believe."
f-rineutlie (jid 1Uecj
2o,uM J!ec IVestfJl
Ginger Hubbard was in
stalled Jan. 26 as worthy
adviser of Klamath Falls
Rainbow Assembly No. 57.
Photo by Mollenkopf
The worthy adviser presented
her Bible to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Hubbard, and in
troduced her brothers, Billy and
Larry. Also present were her sis
ter, Mrs. Marilyn Walton; her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Harris; her fiance, Henry Hoi-
liday: and aunts and uncles, Mr
and Mrs. Robert James, Mrs. El-
denia Kenyon and Mrs. Audree
Lund. Ginger presented a bou
quel of carnations to her grand
The new adviser named the
Rainbow dog, "Henry."
An addenda was presented for
Virginia Rattis, who was given a
treasure chest and seven keys to
epresent her vear's work. In ad
dition, she received a gift and the
past adviser's jewel from the
Mrs. Susie Harris was honored
for serving five years as an ad
visory board member.
A reception and dance followed
the ceremonies.
In a recent ceremony at tlie
First Baptist Church in Bend,
Donald Lee Westfall, son of Mr
and Mrs. Ross Westfall of Klam
ath Falls, took as his bride. Di
ana Gayle Aeschliman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Aeschli
man of Prineville. The Rev. Ron
ald M. Lundy of Bend and the
Rev. .Mack P. Jones of Klamath
Falls officiated at the double
ring rites.
White satin bows marked the
aisle pews and also accented the
bouquets of white chrysanthe
mums at the altar, which was
lighted by tall white tapers
David Ham. Klamath Falls.
sang "0 Perfect Love" and "The
Wedding Prayer." Mrs. Carol
Snyder, Bend, was the organist
The bride was given in mar
riage bv her father. Her full
length gown of white Chantilly
lace over tulle was fashioned w ith
full skirt. Sahrina neckline and
long pointerf sleeves. The veil of
French illusion was held in place
by a crown of seed pearls and
sequins. She earned two yel
low throated white orchids on a
white Bible, gift from the First
Baptist Church of Klamath Falls
Bridal attendants wore red vol
vet sheaths with matching satin
slippers and carried nosegays of
white chrysanthemums and red
Shirley Blake, roommate of the
bride at 0T1, Harper, was maid
of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs.
Austin Vaughn of Bend and Mrs.
Donald Lancaster, Klamath Falls,
sister of the bridegroom.
Candlelighters were Jayne Un
derbill. Bend, and Cynthia
Jacquot, Eugene, cousins of the
Phil Chamberlain, Klamath
Falls, was best man and ushers
were Tad Evatt, Klamath Falls.
and Chester Aeschliman, Prine-:
ville, brother of the bride.'
A reception was held in the
church fellowship hall, where the
bridal pair were first to cut their ,
three tiered wedding cake which
had as a base, three heart shaped
akes. It was made and deco-;
rated with red rases by the
bride's mother. Serving cake
were Mrs Robert Prenguber of
rrosser. Wash., and Mrs. Larrv
Piatt, Prineville.
Mrs. Paul Brookings. Bend,
served coffee; Mrs. Ken Under
bill, Bend, punch; Susan West
fall, sister of the bride, passed
bridegroom's cake: Joan Bnone
and Nancy Allen attended the gilt
lame, and Donna Leaeicd had
charge of tlie guest book.
Assisting were Mrs. Max Hack-
eu, sirs. Walter Douglas. Vir
ginia Douglas and Mrs. Robert
Plummer, all of Bend.
I-or the occasion, Mrs. Aesch
liman wore a red faille afternoon
dress and Mrs. Westfall chose a
light brown two piece suit. Red
and white corsages were worn by
both mothers.
In addition tlie bridegroom's
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross West
lall. Randy and Susan, other
Klamath Falls guests were Betty
McQueen. Rev. and Mrs. Mack P.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lan
caster and daughter.
01 her out-ot-town guests includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prengu
ber and lorn. Bruce and Ann.
Prosser, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Hopkins, Oceanside,
Calif.: Jim Keller. Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Piatt. Donna Bun-
ney, Mr. and .Mrs. Tyley Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ray. Mr.
and Mrs. Howaitl Jacquot, Prineville.
For going away, the bride
changed to a red plaid wool
dress with black accessories and
v 1
i i
: t 1
Gary Brcneman. senior, James
Lobben, junior, both in the school
of science, and Cheryl Ann WU-
ley, sophomore home economics
student, are members of the sym
phony orchestra this year at Ore
gon State University.
John Fahianck, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Fabianek of Homedale
Road, presently has sophomore
standing at Palmer College of I
Chiropractics in Davenport, Iowa.
A graduate of KUHS, he served
four years in Naval Air Force
before entering college. He will
complete the four-year course in
continuous terms.
Barbara Nelson, daughter of
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Taylor, re
ceived her cap at the annual
capping ceremony of the dental
hygiene department of the Uni
versity of Oregon Dental School
on Feb. 8. 1
Saramarie McLin. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McLin,
played in a flute quartet in the
Woodwind Ensemble recital at
Oregon College of Education on
Feb. 11. The recital was held
in the campus music hall audi
torium, i
KUHS was one of 68 schools
that participated recently at Ore
gon State University in a series of
conferences between high schodl
officials and their recent gradu
ates who are now attending OSU.
Representing, KUHS were Joan
Foulon and Anne Overman. i
ald Lee Westfall were married recently in Bend and will
make their home in this city until Mrs. Westfall is
qraduated from OTI in June. She is the former Diana
Gayle Aeschliman of Prineville. Photo by Loy's Studio
the bridal orchids for a corsage.
She will be graduated as an
X-ray technician in June from
OTI. Her husband, a former OTI
student, is employed at Aero-Jet
General in Sacramento. T heir
luture plans call for studying for
the ministry. Until June they
will be at home at B-13, Apart
ment 12. on the OTI campus.
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