Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 17, 1963, Page 17, Image 17

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    HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath
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Hawks Man s Favorite Sport?" at Universal, proves beyond a doubt that as an outdoor
sportsman, left, he's got about as much talent as King Henry VIII. Dolls Paula Prentiss
and Maria Perschy, right, are with Rock in this throwback to the davs of the Keystone
Cops and Mack Sennett's bathing beauties.
From movie luminary to In
dian missionary this was the
slory of Brother David, known to
film fans of yesterday as Gaieth
Before the Welsh-born actor
traded the glitter of Hollywood
for the loneliness of a desert mis
sion, he had achieved fame on the
stage and screen and a salary of
$2,000 a week.
His movie career began in 1919:
when Clara Kimball Young signed
him as her juvenile lead in "Eyesj
of Youth." A young Italian actor
John Vayne
Tops Actors
With Vigor
I'PI Hollywood Correspondent
one giant who still strides among
the pale imitations of leading men
today with a forcefulness of per
sonality and vigor that recalls a
former Hollywood era.
He's John Wayne, the Inde
structible. Big Duke Wayne dominates his
movies like a benevolent dictator.
He is the father image (a term
that would turn his stomach) to
his fellow actors and the entire
crew. They come to him for ad
vice, laughs, raucous jokes and
not infrequently for loans.
On the set he is a presence,
a powerful argument that mov
ies aren't dead not by a long
Wayne, the man. is bigger than
his physical stature. He rarely
answers his critics, and they are
legion among the cflete method
neurotics. Many a director, among
them John Ford, believe him to
be as gifted an actor as can be
found in Hollywood.
Still Top Draw
Now 55, the broad-shouldered
star of 50 movies is more in de
mand than ever.
I found the big guy pacing a
Paramount sound stage where he
as putting finishing touches to
his latest picture. "McLintock!"
He was in costume (western, nat
urally and smoking furiously.
"I'm anxious to wrap this one
up," he said in that amiliar
bass voice, "I'm just a bit pooped.
There's been a lotta action in
this picture and physical stulf.
including a jump off a balcony
and a mud slide into a mine
' "It's not so bad out on location
because you stay in shape and
keep moving around. But it drives
me ni ts to stand around a stage
like this just waiting."
To hreak the monotony Duke
had hired a grisled old extra to
play an accordion when the cam
eras weren't turning.
Sets I'p Atmosphere
"I like that kirda music."
Wayne said, wrinkling his lined
forehead. "It helps keep things
friendly and relaxed on the set
brings people together more."
I'nlike most major stars. Wayne
does not hide out in his dressing
room between scenes, ignoring
Ihe peasants who play minor
rolos or the lower casle crew
members. He is Ihe most ap
proachable character on the set.
He struggled into an oubized
jacket that uas a part of his cos
tume and grinned broadly: "I
don't think 1 ever played a mod
ern role in a suit and tie.
"If people saw me in my own
home they wouldn't lecognize me.
Fortunately, my career has been
devoted to action pictures, and I
think they are the only hope (or
movies. Alter all, Ihcy are called
motion pictures, and that means
physical action.
"They are coming back to ac
tion pictures a little bit now be
cause outdoor films can capture
tue scope and backcrounds en a
larae screen that television can
never grasp. In my opinion no
thing can replace the bigness of
Tiiere are those who would say
lhal Wayne is a match for that
Falls. Ore.
4 U
his first try at slapstick comedy, Rock Hudson, in Howard
Film Star Trades
For Mission Post
named Rudolph Valentino had a
bit part in the film. Hughes creat
ed the title role in J. M. Barrie's
"Sentimental Tommy." He also
appeared in the silent version of
"The Little Minister" and "The
But he left Hollywood for the
remote Nevada desert to serve as
a lay missionary among the
wretchedly poor Paiute Indians, to!
whom he was simply Brother Da
vid, a name he still prefers.
At 68, Brother David has
changed little from his film hey
day. His hair has turned white
and the twinkling blue eyes are
framed by round-rimmed glasses,
but he still looks remarkably like
the stills from his early movies.
Explains His Work
At the motion picture country
house and hospital near Woodland
Hills, Calif., Brother David cx-j
plained that he had worked among
the Palutcs for 15 years until a
disease he contracted there forced
him to leave and to seek refuge
at the hospital. He has been living
in a small cottage at the home
for the last four years.
!&ii' s- ''.--m
XW1W k Kit
JULIE LONDON'S FAMILY Bobby Troup, Julie Lon
don's huiband, visits Julie on the set of NBC's "Eleventh
Hour," with their 9-month-old daughter, Kelly. Julie has
the part of a torch singer and glamour symbol whose un
timely death shocks the world. The show will be seen Feb.
13. UPI Telephoto
Youfh Symphony Slated
For Japan Summer Trip
group of youngsters in the San
Francisco Bay Area are making
plans for a summer of hard work
but they're wildly excited about
They are members of the Cali
fornia Youth Symphony Orches
tra and they have been invited on
a month-long tour of Japan be
ginning July 20. The trip is being
sponsored by the Asahi newspaper
group, which also sponsors a
number of youth orchestras in
The California Youth Symphony
Orchestra is composed of 104 am
ateurs musicians who play to pro
fessional standards. The reason is
that their conductor, Russian-born
Aaron Sten, insists on nothing
"I never conduct auditions for
the orchestra," Sten said. ' But
our orchestra has developed such
high standards since it was found
ed in I'M that any youngster
wanting to join us starts working
hard long helore. so he'll be tech
nically equipped."
The orchestra rehearses every
Saturday at Foothill Collece in
Iis Altos, a suburb of San Fran
cisco. It rehearses 12 months of
the year and even twice a week
during Christmas vacation. Dur
ing the summer, the younc-lers
go to a ( amp in the High Sierra
The orchestra gives six recular
concerts a year, along with a
number of special concerts. The
boys and girls range in ase from
if to m.
"And wp don t piay any easy
abridgements either." Sten said
February 17, 1963
He said he had .never regretted
his choice to work among the In
'It was the most glorious period
of my life," he said. "To me. it
was paradise. Now I have the
regrets that 1 am no longer
Of his decision to leave Holly
wood, he said candidly: "I guess
the movies quit me. We have our
day, all of us, and they pass you
by. For many years I had been
thinking of Ihe church. I had been
wanting to do something more
tangible in life, something that
would not be transient."
As a brother he was placed in
charge of a mission at McDermitt,
Nevada, near the Oregon border
and !)0 miles from the nearest
tow n. He said his first winter there
was one of the most fierce in
Nevada history, but still he stayed
although such luxuries as plumb
ing and electricity were unheard.
Liiler two other missions, at
Nixon and Wadsworth, Nevada,
were added to his responsibilities.
"We play the standard' symphonic
repertoire, with emphasis on Mo
zart and Beethoven. We play
every work in its entirety and I
don't let anyone skimp at the
hard parts."
A number of the orchestra
members intend to be profession
al musicians and music teachers,
but many do not.
"The purpose of the orchestra,"
Sten said, "is to broaden the chil
dren's musical education, to give
them something that will enrich
Ihrm for the rest of their lives.
McGrath, a 40-year veteran
of moviemaking hai risen
from stunt man, cook and
stand-In to a costar in tele
vision's "Wagon Train" aeries
in the brief span of five years.
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1 i -" Tift !
Llttitifi coitttlnatf htrtln rt MMh4
I public Urvict fey tttf HtnH intf
Niwi. TMt ntwtfipar Is nal rw
ilhla Hr rrn in timta tr frmrtm
atnttnt twrnlihtd by tht itttivft.
Prtfram llslinft kct t Chantt
ltht nilica. Fr a4HHMl kfttr
maliM till tfca lUtltn.
Fabruary IT Ftbruary 23
11:00 Faith For TodflV
11:30 Harald of Truth
12:00 Challenge Golf
l:W Th Northerner
1:30 Meet the Proles&or
2:00 Directions 63
130 Valiant Vears
3:00 Manlon Forum
3:30 Film Far
3:45 Doctors Forum
4:00 Wonderful World of Golf
5:00 Major Adams Train Master
e:0 Mark Rogers' Report
6:30McKeever and The Colonel
7:M Ension O'Toele
7:30 Disney's Wonderful World of Coler
1:30 car 54 Where Are You
9:00 Bonanza
10:00 Voice of Firestone
10:30 Howard K Smith
11:H Oavld BDnklev
11:30 This Is the Way, Religious
12:00 Late News
0:30 Educational
I0:t0 Price Is Right
10:3d Concentration
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours For a Song
17:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Leretta Young
1:19 TV lingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
2:30 7 Keys
3:00 Quean For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '3
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Brave Stallion
5:30 Mickey Moise Club
:00 Newsbeat North state
4:15 Huntley-Brinkley
6:31 Gallant Men
7:30 The Dskolas
1.30 Rifleman
9:00 Stonev Burke
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscasl
11:15 Tonight
12:25 Late News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
io:ju concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yours For a Song
12:00 Ernie Ford Show
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Lorett Young
1:30 TV Bingo
2:00 Day in Court
2:24 Midday Report
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Queen for a Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Cartoon Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
:00 Newsbeat Northitate
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley
4:30 Laramie
7:30 Combat
1:30 Hawaiian Eve
9:30 Untouchables
10:30 Chinese New Year :
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscasl
11:15 Tonight
12:2ft Late News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yeurs Far A Sang
12:00 Tennessee Ernie For 9
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Leretta Young
1:10 TV Bingo
1:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
2:30 7 Keys
3:00 Queen For A Day
:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4: 10 Discovery 41
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Broken Arrow
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat Northstate
4:15 Huntley-Brinkley
4:30 International Showtime
7:30 Wagon Train
1:30 Going My Way
9:30 Our Man Higgins
10:00 Naked City
11:00 ABC News Final
several shifts back and forlh be
tween the titles "The Best Years"
and "The Young and the Bold,"
the latter has definitely been
chosen lor Revue Studio's college
campus series scheduled to start
on the ABC nelwork next Sep
tember. Henry Jones and Jason
Evers are the stars. The series
has been production for several
Sammce Tong, who became a
video personality through his long
association with the "Bachelor
Father" series as the Chinese
houschoy. now heads a show that
he calls "Oriental Revuelte, that
is playing clubs on the West
Bob Keeshan. the Captain Kan
garoo of the CBS children's pro
gram of the same name, has had
a book just published under the
Harper & liow imprint. "She
loves Me ..She Loves Me Not
has a whimsical text aimed at
children, with color illustrations
by Maurice Sendak.
Vinre Edwards, star of "Ben
Casey" on ABC, is national cam
paign fund chairman for the 13
drive of the National Hemophilia
"The Secret Storm" now is in
its 10th year on the CBS network
The daytime aerial began as a
15-minute livc-a-week show on
Keb. 1, KM, and was expanded
to a half-hour last June.
Despite its solid lineup of hall
hour comedy shows that seem to
go on year alter year, with a new
one slipping into the groove occa
sionally. CBS still looks for new
ones that might catch the pub
lic fancy. One such next season
ill be "My Favorite Martian."
starring Ray Walstnn and Bill
Bixby. Walston plays a Martian
whose space cralt crashes on
earth and who is taken in charge
by a newspaper reporter. The se
ncs will be lilmod by Jack Chcr-
totk Productions in Hollywood.
TV Schedules For
11:10 Soortscast
11:15 Tonight Show
12:25 Late News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yours For Song
12:00 Ernie Ford Shew
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Lorette Young
1:30 TV Bingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Queen For A Day
3.30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Super Car
5:30 Mickey Mouse Cluh
4:00 Newsbeat Northstate
4:15 Huntley-Brinkley
4:30 Father Knows Best
7:00 Gltaitward Ho
7:30 Adventures of Onie and Har, let
0:00 The Donne Reed Shew
0:30 Leave It To Beaver
9:00 My Three Sons
9:30 Mc Hale's Navy
10:00 Fred Astaire Premiere
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscasl
11:15 Tonight Show
12:35 Late News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman Show
11:30 Yours For A Song
il:oo Tennessee trnie t-ora
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Lorelta Young
1:30 TV Binge
3:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
2:10 7 Keys
3:00 Queen For A Day
3:10 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Jill's Party Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat Northstate
4:15 Huntley Brlnklev
4:30 Films of the Fifties
1:30 Flintstones
9:90 I'm Dickens He's Fansler
9:30 77 Sunset Slrlp
10:30 Rebel
11:00 ABC News Final
11:19 Sports Cast
11:15 Tonight Show
12:25 Late News
9:00 Sharl Lewis
9-30 King Leonardo
10:00 Fury
10:30 Magic Midway
11:00 Too Cat
11:30 Matties Funnies
12:00 Bugs Bunny
12:30 Alakaiam
1:00 My Friend Fticka
1:30 The Northerner
2:00 Manlon Forum
2:30 Disc Date
3:30 Professional Bowlers
5:00 Wide World of Sports
4:30 Jetsons
7:00 Fight of the Week and Make That
:M Hazal
1:30 Joey Bishop
9:00 Lawrence Welk
10:00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
10:30 Saturday Night Movie
2)v Late mows
Channel I
Pacific Standard Time
February 17 - February 11
11:00 TBA
2:00 Oral R cherts
2:30 Sunday Sports Spectacular
4:00 Championship Bowling
5:00 Father Knows Best
5:30 GE College Bowl
4:00 30th Century
4:30 Password
7:00 The Jelsons
7:30 Dennis The Menace
0:00 Ed Sullivan
9:00 Reel McCoys
9:30 G,E. True Theater
10:00 Candid Camera
10:30 What's My Line
11:00 News
11:15 Sign Off
00 Captain Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
9:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pele and Gladys
11:00 Lflve t Life
11:24 CBS News
11:30 Search far Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 College of the Air
12:30 At the World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
2:00 To Tell The Truth
2:25 CBS News
2:30 Jane Wyman
3 00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4 30 Discovery 'A3
4:55 American Newsstand
5 00 Alvin
3:30 Rin Tin Tin
4:00 TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 CBS News
4:30 McHale s Nevy
7:00 My Three Sons
7:30 Dekotas
1:30 Lucille Ball Show
9:00 Denny Thomas
9:30 Andy Griffith
10:00 77 Sunset Strip
11:00 ABC News Final
tl:1S Report to the People
11:45 Sign Oft
9:00 Captain Kangaroo
9.00 Calendar
9:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 The McCoys
10:30 Pete I Gladys
11:00 Love of Lile
H:24 CBS News
11:30 Search For Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
17: to college ' me ir
12:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
2:00 To Tell Tht Truth
2:25 CBS News
J:30 Jane Wvman
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '43
4:54 American Newsstand
5 00 Sky King
5:30 Quick Draw McGraw
4 90 Your TV Weatherman
4 95 Channel 5 Report
4:15 Waiter Cronfclte News
4:30 Tht Deputy
7 00 Ceuntry Show
7:30 Mershnl Dillon
00 Lloyd Bridges
0 30 Red Sktlten
9 30 Jack Benny ,
10 09 Gerry Moort
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Sgn OM
0 00 Captain K anger ee
9 90 Ca'endar
9:39 t LOvt LutV
10 00 McCoys
10:30 Pate and Gladys
11:00 Love of Lilt
11:24 CBS News
11 30 Search for Tomorrow
11 Guiding Light
12:00 College 01 the Air
17 30 At the World Tumi
1 00 Password
130 House Party
2 00 To Tell tht Truth
2 25 CBS News
2 30 Jane Wvman
I 00 Secret Storm
3 30 Edge of Night
4 00 Johnnie Linn Show
4 30 D'scovery '41
4-54 American Newutanil
5 00 Uncle Bill's Adventure Time
5 11 Yogi Beer
4 00 TV Weatherman
4 05 News
4:15 CBS News
4 30 HiMbimet
7 00 Oit't I Harriet
7 30 We-em Tram
I 10 Going My Wey
9 30 Dick Van Dyt
10.00 Naked City
II 00 ABC N'wi Pmal
11:11 O't
0 M Ceo'eiA Kangaroo
9 00 Calendar
9 30 I Love Lucy
19.09 McCoys
10 30 Pete and G'eflyi
11 90 Leva LUt
11:24 C05 NWS
11:39 search ttr Tomorrtw
11 45 Gu'd-ng L'9t
17 09 Cetlee (H tfe Air
1 39 As tr. WerW Turns
100 Password
1 , 30 House Party
2:00 To Tell The Truth
2:25 CBS News
2 30 Jane Wyman
3:00 Secret Storm
3.30 b'dge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Shew
4:30 Discovery '43
4:54 American Newsstand -
5:00 Mighty Mouse
5:30 Roy Rogers
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 3 Report
4:15 Walter Cronkite
4:30 Sports Roundup
7:00 Rillemen
7:30 Mr. Ed
1:00 Perry Mason
9:00 Twilight Zone
10:00 Alcoa Premier
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Top 5tar Bowling
12:15 Sign Off
1:00 Captain Kangaroo
9 00 Calendar
n:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pete and Gladys
11:00 Love of Lilt
11:14 CBS News
0:30 Search tor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
l2:no Co:eqe of the Air
12:30 As the World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
2:00 To Tell The Truth
2:35 CBS News
2:30 Jane Wvman
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge Of Night
4:00 Johnny Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '43
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Uncle Bill
5:30 Huckleberry Hound
4:00 Your T7 Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 Walter Cronkite
4:30 Slory Of
7:00 Leave It to Beaver
7:30 Rawhide
1-30 Route 44
9:30 I'm Dickens-He's Fenster
10:00 Alfred Hitchcock
11:00 ABC Nws Final
U:10 Local News Final
5 Stage 5
12:45 Sign Off
12:00 Buos Bunny
12:30 Magic Land
1:00 My Friend FUCka
1:30 Armchair Adventure
1:45 Visit With City Police
2:00 Championship Bridge
2:30 Challenge Golf
3:30 Professional Bowlers Tour
5:00 Matinee
4:00 Dan Smoot Report
4: 15 Manlon Forum
4:30 Flintstones
7:00 I've Got a Secret
7:30 Jackie Gleason
8:30 The Defenders
9:30 Have Gun Will Travtl
10:00 Gunsmokt
11:00 News Final
11:15 Stage 5
12:45 Sign Off
Channel 2
Pacific Standard Time
February 17 February 23
11:30 TBA
12:00 Challenge Golf
1:00 Championship Bowling
2:00 Oral Roberts
2:30 Sunday Sports Spectacular
4:00 Don Smool Report
4:15 Manlon Forum
4:30 TBA
5:00 Malar Adams Trail master
4:00 20th Century
4:30 Trails West
7:00 TBA
7:30 Jetsoni
9:00 Sunday Night Movie
10:00 Candid Camera
10:30 Howard K. Smith
11:00 Sunday News Special
10:00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yours for a Song
12:00 Ernie Ford
12:30 As the World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 House Parly
2:00 Day In Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Slorm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:00 Discovery '43
4:55 American Newsstand
5 00 Chaplain'! Corner
5:05 Town 4V Country Workshop
5:30 Oennls Tht Menace
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
I 4:10 Stock Merket Report
I 4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local News
4:45 Scotty's Barks 'n' Bites (Spi
7:00 Mr. Ed
7:30 The Dakota
1:30 Rifleman
9:00 Sloney Burke
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 ABC Final Report
11:15 ABC Final Report
10:00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wyman Presents
11:30 Yours For A Song
12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 As Tht World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Beit
1:30 House Party
2:00 Day In Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Slorm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4:55 American Newsstand
5 00 Chaplain's Corner
5:05 Tech Talks
1:39 Quick Draw MeGrew
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Repart
4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local News
4-45 TBA
7:00 David Brlnkfey'o Journal
7.30 Combat
1:30 Htwallan Eye
9:30 Untouchable
10:30 Bell & Howell Clotup
11:00 ABC Final Report
ifl 00 college of the Air
10:30 Oueen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours For a Song
17:00 Ernie Ford
12:30 As The World Turns
100 Father Knows Best
1:30 House Party
2:00 Dey In Court
2: 10 Seven KvS '
3 00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandsland
4:30 Discovery '41
4.55 American Newsttend
5 00 Chaplain's Corner
5 05 Fund-o Rama
5 J0 Yea I Beer
4 00 Your TV Wealherman
4 05 Farm Market Repart
4: 19 Stack Market Report
4 IS ABC News
4 30 Local Newt
4. IS Sportsman
7:00 Hael
7 30 Wagon Train
t 39 Geng My way
9 30 Our Man Higgmi
10 00 Naked CHy
11:00 ABC Pinal Rep't
10.00 CtHeot ef tht Air
10 30 Queen For A Day
11 04 Jane Wyman
1139 Yours for a SOng
17 00 Ernie Ford
17 30 As The World Tu'
1 .00 Father Knows Best
1 30 House Parfy
2 00 Day In Court
2 30 Seven Keys
3 00 Secret Storm
J 30 Edge at Nfjnt
4 00 American RandlteM
4.55 American Newsstand
5 00 King Leonardo
I 39 Kullwlnhle
4 W Discovery '43
4 00 Your TV Weatherman
4 05 Perm Marvet RentM
4 10 Stock Market Rennrt
4 15 ABC f waning Report
4 30 Ltcal NOws
4 i Sf ally's BtrkO '' Btttl
7 00 Deputy
7 39 Oiie and Harriet
I Story Of
0 39 Leavt It Tt R'evtr
9 M Vy Three Sen
t McMaira Navy
it of) premiere
II 90 ABC Finef 0rt
11 1 Tap liar ftnwttng
tn 00 Colieot ef tht Air
10 30 Queen For A Day
The Week
1:00 Jane Wyman Presents
1:30 Yours tor a Sono
2:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
2:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Falher Knows Best
1:W House Party
2:00 Day In Court
3:30 Seven Kevs
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Nlqht
4:00 American Bandstand
4:J0 Discovery '43
4:55 American Newsstanc1
5:00 Ore. Cal. Panorama
5:30 Huckleberry Heund
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local News
4:45 Scotly's Barks 'n' Bites
7:00 Mr. Smith Goes lo Washinalon
7:30 Valiant Years
1:00 Falher Knows Best
1:30 Flintstones
9:00 I'm Dickens-He's Fenster
9:30 77 Sunset Strip
0:30 M Squad
i:oo abl Final neperr
1:15 Showtime On Two
9:00 Captain Kangaroo
10:00 The Alvin Show
10:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse
i:on iop Lai
1:30 Beany & Cecil
2:00 Bugs Bunny
2:30 Magic Land of Alakaiam
1:00 My friend cucka
1:30 Sky King
2:00 Davey & Goliath
2:15 Social Security
2:30 Challenge Golf
3: JO Pbft Howling
5:00 Wide World of Sports
4:30 Country Show
7:00 Fight of the Week
7:50 Make That Spare
0:00 Gallant Men
9:00 Lawrence Welk
0:00 Gunsmoke
1:15 Showtime on Two
Channel 19
Pacific Standard Time
February 17 February JJ
1:30 Sign On
1:35 Sacred Heart
1:45 The Christophers
12:00 The Bible Answers
2:30 Sunday Cinema: "Ambush At Cim
arron Pass"
2:00 Wide World of Sports: National
Outdoor Speedskating World Two
Man Bobsled Championships
3:30 Wild Kingdom
4:00 wonderful World Of Golf
5:00 Update
5:30 Bullwinkle
4:00 Meet The Press
4:30 McKeever and the Colonel
7:oo Ensign o'Toole
7:30 Disney World of Colar
9:30 Car 54, Where Art You?
9:00 Bonanza
10:00 Dinah Short Show
1:00 News
1:05 Sign Off
9:25 Sign On Morning Visit
9:30 Continental Classroom
0:00 The Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
1:00 Your First Impression
1:30 Truth or Consequences
1:55 NBC News
2:00 Merv Griffin Show
1:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 Young Dr. Ma lone
2:00 The Match Gamt
2:25 NBC News
2:30 Make Room for Daddy
3:00 Queen tor a Day
3:30 Channel Tan Theatra: "Bride For
5:00 King Leontrdt
5:30 Our Gang
5:55 Wtalher Window
4:00 Newsreel 10
4:10 Sports Highlight!
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4:30 Our Man Hlgglns
7:00 Valiant Years
7:30 Monday Night At The Movies:
"Heaven Knows Mr. Allison"
9:30 Art Llnkletter
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 News Ten Night Report
11:15 Tenlohf Shaw
1:00 News, Weather, Sign OH
9:25 Sign On Morning Visit
9:30 Continental Classroom
10:00 The Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
12:00 Merv Grl'fin Show
12:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretla Young
2:00 The Match Game
2:25 NBC News
2:30 Make Room Per Daddy
3:00 Queen tor a Day
3.30 Channel Ten Theatre: "Under Flrt"
5:00 Maqlc Ranch
5:30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel Ten
4:10 Sports Highlights
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4:30 Combat
7:30 Laramie
9:30 Empire
9:30 Dick Powell Show
10:30 Chet Hunlley Reporting
11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report
11:15 Tonight Shew
i:oo News, weeiner, sign uti
9:15 Sign On Morning Visit
9 30 Continental Classroom
10 00 Ihe Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Your First Imprtsslon
11:30 Truth or Consequences
U:.'S NBC News
12:00 Merv Griffin Show
12:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 Yeung Dr. Mtlont
3:00 The Match Game
2 75 NBC News
3:30 Make Room For Daddy
3 00 Queen For a Dey
3:30 Movietime (Channel Ten Thtatrt)
"Claudia end David"
S:M Ruff and Reddy
3:30 Our Gang
5:55 Tnt Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel 10
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4:30 Telephone Hour
7 30 The Virginian
9 00 Perry Como
10:00 The 11th Hour
11:00 News Ten Night Report
11:11 Tonight Show
1:00 News, Weather and Sign OH
9:21 Sign On - Morning visit
9:30 Continental Classroom
10:00 The Price U Right
10:1 Concentre I Ion
11:00 Your First Impresslan
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
12:00 Merv Griffin IhOW
12 55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young
1.30 Young Dr. Malnnt
2 00 The Matrh Game
2:25 NBC News
2:J0 Make Room Fnr Dddy
3 00 Queen For A Oay
3. JO Channel Ten Theelrt: "Thy Ctmt
To Blow up America"
J 30 Friendship Circle
5 00 Fury
5:30 Lauret and Hardy
5 55 Weather Window
4 00 Newsreel Ten
4 iO Sporis Hlghliflhtt
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley
4 30 Feature Profile
4 35 Sports Spatial
7 00 Sneildown
7-30 Wide Country
0 30 Or. Kitdart
9 Herel
10:00 Andy Williams
11:00 News Ten Night Report
11:15 Tonight Show
1:00 News, Weather. Sign Off
9 ?( Sign On Morning Visit
4 50 Continental Ciereom
10:00 Tht Price Is Right
10:30 Ctnctnlr alien
11.00 Ytur First Imprits't"
)1:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
17:00 Merv Grltflfl ho
12 t5 NBC News
1 00 Leretta Young
t W Tht Match Game
J 25 NBC News
2 10 Make Rnam For D4y
3 00 Queen Far A Day
3 Channel Ten Thtatrt "High Noon"
J:55 Inlernetlonal Showtime
J: 55 Tht Weather Window
4 00 Newsreel 19
0:19 Huntley B'lnklty Report
4:30 Money Burbt
7 30 Gallant Men
0 30 The World O Weurlct Chtvllr
w The pnet lo Right
10 00 Jack Rear
11:00 News Ten Night Report
11:15 ftnight Show
1:00 News, Weather and SlgnOtf
11:05 Slon On
11:05 Minister'! Round Ttblt
11:30 Exploring
12:30 Watch Mr. Wizard
1:00 Snarl Lewis
1:30 Magic Midway
2:30 Saturday Matinee: "Tht Whlphand"
3:30 Sports International
5:00 All Star Golf
4:00 NBC News
4:15 The Weather Window
4:70 Local News
4:30 Wyatt Eerp
7:00 Fight of the Week and Make Thai
1:00 Oavld Brlnklty'i Journal
8:30 Joey Bhhop
9:00 Saturday Nite At The Movies; "The
President's Lady"
11:00 Intermission News
11:05 Sevtn Arts Playhoust: "China
1:00 News, Weather, Sign Off
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