POETS CORNER Sunday, Feb. IT, . MY SON Your parents live (or you My son, They work and work til day is done, All they do is for you My son. All the tears are well worthwhile: And they always have a smile for for you My son. So be. thankful you are theirs, And as you climb the stairs Thank God for them My son. Be strong and loyal as you can Make of yourself a man, For they love you My son. IfcratoanilSetoiS They'll Do It Every Time T)T, T,"-,,,. Tr.,-1 1 V.-nJgTie.gmua-rTae'J L.- eoy,IMHwkki YWELi-,wHATroiouY nothikikhemadb 1 Xiy Jimmy JtlatlO kf-r.n.J iW-aB,x7Z7IQi-e AH EX-I UU A ROUGH TIME Otl EXPECTWHSUWU HISWaMISTAKEiAV ' J T-J- 1 pAODOM-WB WERfWPTlOSl.MRSRIDSE-Y) .,. e.'T'". FT 'I' MV "EWTS HEVBR BOTHER TO I BACK HJ klMDERSAR- 1963 Pin 4 i iiiiiiw II I lmmmKmKMni l&,WTiHEPeTiuLEiPUKCMASEDKv,i't' :"Yr-' m '"'"'""Aa I set dowu toady I tem--he musta bben 1SOO rge HHM E 1 1 MClcsruv uc uUilniot itc A BIT 3UMPloe sf OVER ME FOR J EIn i.Tuiu,..i, A.T..nrT AtuIu(PWHE)JCHE0CW!HASLOTS ; ,, OUT IM THE DENTIST'S OFFICE UUrt PLEASS eo WITH YOUR WORK WHILE-V THE LAST6EVRAL J V. SSSISJS?; ;l studyiwsj . cut-outs and color- TETOREAD HEC'T FIND AW- I WLM UP THE WCkI BEcK I-T1 'SaSSSSnlSS 0 INTERESTS HIM" J SELF-SAME MAGS ? -30MB V IV TT VTZl I FEAPtTHB VJORO IS ? I ff ft-ZiY Lj" g-JTK &Lv II 1.4 Aflf3?l- JJaa rvTTr M P, : TO' W Hpf J s: l-Tl 3LM MM ftfewl FM..AmJi Get all you can, but give much r-.m;.T.-...""-" iiMiMlimMTl' rfWnMBMmaTr r nn iiiia :pt; r -.u mc 1 " ' t ?. nrvV't' -"! V' '-W I LEARN NOT TO I . W1? , rta WXZ&b, 1 RELIEVE V . i W N".J CSi: M U- Bit &' W 1 T 1 BE GULLIBLE I . L Ifi.W .VMrM VMV 6 S- MV " 2 v7 I1A i'l M'a Vr ICi:f " "ji Qf , - , . , . , . PttummptMW A ( wnpcmp to coMg fom TM, swtocock? (m A! HAVSVOU V INSIDE WA9HING j flTWft ) MtVl - "I J25V 0V6S TO SUPPttt-" Vlgfei. 'I -IrXf', Z I l PV'-'-g z( il' 4v fLi - fSa-g 1'? n JIP.WWPONT piflggSSfS I YEAH MAYBE DOCS I I SORRY, 00 OLD BOti (ftlL ' ' ---1 - fflWzWSf ifiiiiliiiiiliiaiB i "Wi.'iw'iiirt rwv--L-!;:----H 11 vaJBauPANp GOTSOMETHiKia . r hate to do this " '- 9-., ' ' " STARTAaOVER isbf1 V-4a ': THERE, syRE TO YOU, BUT. ii&EajCTBr i nap to po 0ME"rHiN& for voui w I you mean that? see, t that' my 1 1 waui pom mea.m this pj rnai..but i af'i J"j, slf 7 "tsNOuGH-1 iiTTis-i ir -4 - JJJWat BUT M TH' LleKT OP PAY I GUESSES I NEVER FELT THIS WAV I SW6ET. NOW I I ICOULOSITAM'LOOt WTO VOUR EtES II 1 g jfiffli TnT itfe): "f7-rr-- J2S?2tfL. IT P0E5 5EE ABOUf ANYONE BEFORE! MUST HURRY rTXfOR. HOURS! THEVRE SO LIVELYAMU .Jf rfN g JfWf SS 3QfT!S . A LfflrS m vM'r ? x3' irji2.. t ri? HrrwLik r. C3ia zrq f WrMy x54: ... Pita n . 5Lt?ii f LML.fc yVH-- 11 I Ivl h lJI WM 1 Jl ',AMU c'.SSiWSJl 1uTTN ir-!,l JIIIMIIll 1 . : r r 1 I . 77t ". aextba Wlv. JIPOt . I buos! J M space 11! njVIWKl . T KNFW rTk. I l-CK BABT-SiTTIN-WITH l) W REPLACE IT, AN' ' ftl . HELAAET? V -jfeg ;l TH'CSCAT HOUSE, y MAKES ) P GAL.'.' THtVS IT.'.' WW V,H6J HOPES vBllrf VweVL. I 7 II , ' T " r--.-j hvV shv.V km'.W? OTJ VMt;-7 lijrsik S vi'MTOO tUU HcAR? TM NOT t -ZttttiiuirZ ) I ! 1 J W PUA vz-"j v-rwj exowBte? T'M not 'T L l L 4.rA pIKL S-'r UH4f- V 5 v im not i i -r v r ......... Mm-. . :-: rrrm',,.' : ., r,....: -T1 1 s s wJ . .. LL''-:'! .jr11"1" ! ii " 'If IBOugntit 1 woce.you v ur: m a i wwwuia 1 i.u Idgm' Eve' 1 .- I l. I I I I twi,ii.hnKtiN.M 7-6 L.B5Tlwri HP P-: y I fiflured W 1 V .y V3 V I. . 'W : - MOTOR AWMNSJW TO THE FACT THAT AFTER W fS L Wi 1. :rZiW?-7 m tr B-iTTi w pTrM r-m& i vn 1 " t; n i?virr. 3 jM - f arcv. Wp n . rr : . Laxw. Ji-rr- mm i &-r - r fch-Hr . 1 1 i a-mf mow UvKy FVE puweii6.AK 11 tracy will nail ou i 1 r IT ,T : rT .iipr i r- , ; , , i f aa - s K toe ?a7 -4-,iH a M up7 more. Take heed to opportunity at your aoor Be valiant for their sake My son. Then when life is o'er and all is done They'll smile and say, My son. DESPOT The lion must kill lor his daily fare, But the despot kills by creating despair. He waves his arms with his jack ass bray, Of how he will rule the world some, day. He boasts and boasts of his pies in the skies, And his stupid ilk believes his lies, He rules his domain with an iron rod, And tells his litter, "There is no God." But his house of cards that he's built on mud, Will come tumbling down in a sea of blood. But for him, this unholy human shark; Not lucky like Noan, there'll be no ark. He's the kind that a four-fooled striper would scorn, This inhuman scum, oh why was he born? Harry Vogtman SYMPHONY The errors in our vestrrdava which cause us deep) rezrcl. If we but could correct them be fore our sun has set. But the laws of diversity aie end less in their ranae, And knowledge of thete errors made arrives too late to change. For hie is but a symphony, the chords of which we build; The sound of several notes we strike of which our life is filled. Some chords are cherished mem ories, some grouped with woe and pain, We wish tliat we could live our span all over once again. But the score of life will surely end the chords so overlapped, A seemingly eternal void, its mys teries still untapped. Harry Vogtman OREGON Of all the stales I've lived in. And that is quite a few, I The one 1 like the best of all Is Oregon, I do. Here we have beauties Of sea and mountains high. Lakes, rivers, fertile valleys, And many of them close by. In our beautiful Klamath Vallev, High up in the fresh mountain air. We have a climate hard to heat And sunshine so height and fair. Our fruiiiul lands are cultivated, Although it seldom rains For our irrigation system Makes of the grains and potatoes lane. There is beauty, work and pleas ures In this great state we claim . There is ever life abundant In our dear Oregon, by name. THM TO MARY 1 have (Jie nicest neighbor. Mary is her name. And after every friendlv visit I'm alwavs clad she came. She lias a generous heart, nd loves her fellow man. Whenever I'm around her I want to he kinder than I am. When I observe the eood thirds That make up her personality. I only hope that 1 can be Ine frtend she's been to me! Margaret Wan eh THE VALENTINE SECRET I'd love the big red box And the pretty ribbons Inn, I'd lne the erv thought They came from someone like ynu. Rut the contents aien't in my daily diet And lor a slender young miss. The present I'd better seille (nr Is a sweet valentine kiss. hOVT HOIK HANDS BARNSTAPLE. England itpn The North Devon Hospital man- a:omcn! cimm;ttce has asked married mirv to remove their rincs while on d.itv because of "the dancer of spreadn.g infec tion. . . "