HOUSES FOR RENT 26 I NH E N C C y1 btd f m " r lui 1 1 1 0 r y , tlavei, I childrn, i5i, ttltmeti, TU 4-44, Rtf. 2. Box SSI. I ONE bedroom fumlshtd. tI 50 233J Gar den Avf. TU 1-3112. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, txcalltnl lo cation, garage, TU 4-S2&4 T W 0 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED HOUSE. TU 2-4tH. ONE bedroom lumlshad hoyst, phon TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8376. TWO bedroom bouse n South Suburb;. newly pjtinted triroughnut, H' etcepl , VERY CLEAN Unfurnished on bedroom, electric het, utility porch, garage. Very good neigh borhood. TU 4-755? or TU 2-452. LARGE three bedroom home, unfur nlthed, north side, $90, 1 U 4-9254. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid Available Feb. 20, SvO. 3425 Summers Lane, TU 4-73. TWO room furnished. Close irt.JU 2-U7C. TWO bedroom unfyri-ihed. garage, fenced yard. 2 miles north of town, chii- ren, pets, o k. MS, TU 3-A5W. UNFURNISHEO J "bedroom duplex, full basement, fireplace, ha 'd wood floors, electric heat, M0 & $70. TU 2-3444 11. 44, before S p.m. TU 4-1267 after 5. SMALL 2 bedroom furnished. Water, gar bs geJS62150JTU 4-900S, after 5 TU 2-290. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except lor ItOVtS, $50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-27W. ONE bedroom, unfurnished ecept elec tric range, free heat and water, adulll, no pels, S0. TU 4-755B. ONE bedroom furnished duplo, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU2-WS. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage. Newly painted, S7S. TU 4-M23. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, washer-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace, hardwood lloori, large, cifen, TU 41763. ONE bedroom furnlihfd duplex, adults, no dogs, US, TU 4-418). TWO bedroom, unfurnishvl except for oil Hove. Near Henley School and stoi e References required, TU 4-5997. Two bedroom unfurnished house near Conger School. J5S. TU i-0533. FURNISHED or unfurnished 2 bedroom home in Keno. Clean, modern. Also trail er space for rent. Gecgt Selles, TU 3-IOBO. - ONE bedroom furnished, gas. garag Close In, redecorated, 225 E. Main. LARGE I bedroom partly furnished house, basement, garage. TU 2-0535 R E MODE LE 02edrMmduple"xr fur nished, 145. Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE Unfurnished 1 bedroom Electric hea' garage. Washer, dryer hookup. Very n.ct neighborhood. TU 7-1675, TU 7-47S2. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR lease lovely 2 bedroom home Yalta Gardens. TU 2-3734. FOR lease good store or office location In busy block on Main Street. Barnhisel Aqency, 122 So. II h, TU 2-3441. Eves. TU 4-592J. OFFICE space or store rental avail able across from Courthouse, TU 3-6500. STORE building or warehouse. South 4th & Owens. Approximately 1800 sq. ft. Tile building, 1100 per month. TU 4-4(14, Klamath Valley Lumber Co REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 FOR sale or exchange Grants Pass 3 bedroom home. Walking d stance church- ts, stores and schools. For Klamalh Falls property. TU 2-4051. WILL trade equity In home for pickup cr whst-have-you. TU 4-326B. DO you have a 13.000 paid up home' Would vou like to trade lor either at 11,000 home or 3 rental units? Write Box 4444C Herald & News. "TRADE" and SAVE TAXES For information on tox FREE Trodes, coll DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore., Cil., Ida., Wash. 10.17 Main St. TU 441 TRADE Retiring couple have a large, well built Aider type home in center of Hot Snrino. Wilt trade tor income ivoo- 'ty with 2 rentals or will consider houe trailer as down payment. Total price - steal - at $13,850 McATEE REALTY Eleanor Mahan Art Moorman TU 3-5?" TU 2-1331 TU ? ';s HEAL ESTATI FOR SALE ,.3t SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom. Large living room, fireplace, dining room. New birch kitchen and utility. Newly painted Inside and out. 19.950 TU 4-1714. FURNISHED or unfurnished 1 bedroorf hnuse. New roof, aluminum siding, cor ner lot Take small trailer, car, o what down?'? TU 4-3TB3. 2 BEDROOM home on 'j acre In south suburbs close Ferguson School. Newly painted with fenced back yard and pas ture Wall to wall carpet in living room Garaae and chicken houe. Very qnod neighborhood Will take any tvpe loan Shown by aooomtment only. Phone TU 3-W49 Pr.ce 110.000 RESIDENTIAL building lots. One. 145 ft 302 ft ; si, sired 6 I ft 3CJ ft. Par tially developed suburban area. Local BhOne TU 2-'056. FOUR room house, two bedrooms, ' j acre, atl fenced, some outbuildings, TU 4.4)335 FOR sale or rent, 2 bedroom hout. TU 3-4546. ATTRACTIVE well built three bedroom lots of storage. Attached garage Wail 1o wall carpet. Electric heat, fireplace Cement patio Fenced back yard. Nrrir Peterson School. 464S B' stot. TU 3-3U7 LEA vTnG TOWN ," V U S f SELL" i bedroom home. 3 years on. Wan to wall ca'oet. Fully Imuia'ed. storm wn. flow. Built in Oven and range Fenced front and back. Attached varoe Assi-me present mO'tgage. 1650 wll hanaie. iota HI 500 31149 Barry Ave. TU 4 9710 NEARLY new 3 bedroom and den. V to wall carpet, tailored j routs, enclosed garage C IO In Over 1c mg city F ur -n nhed it desired. SmaH .'own, or a lot or other small trade TU 2-4UI4. ViEW of "Klamath Lake from this a' tractive 3 bedroom hom New carp', sl'dirtg glass doors onto covere-l pat-o hirinin kitchen apoi 'anres. flrep'ate lenced yard, plavroom-oarao Mev ptrtar iaures. I'i 700 Any k M of fi nancing sown by apoo'ntmenf only. P-on TU 4-9.104. HOUSE, three cottages, fu'nished, good business corner, 117.500, 15) V in. IMMEDIATE DOIes'on. new th'et hert foam. 3 baths, carpet throughout. S'700 for equity, will consider treoe, TU I-4H0 LARGE 3 bedroom, dining room, family room, built tn kitchen. uW'ty. l1 t bths, carpets, grapes, fenced vard. 2i2 E&er- FOUR apartments, cnwnl investment dose m, TU 3-35H. TU 4-6964. OLDER 3 bedroom subvrfan home Bu'M in k .ichn. crpt,ng, ga-ege small lot 1000 TU 4-7313. 1 1 Multiple MLb sis IMMACULATE Imwrd 'e poei"J" nn tmt tree h-n rfivn, j b"'! ho-ie Toe recently ne-ntert rooms create dreamy Atmosphere tri-OuONV Deen Cur-hiirnt a'w) e-.y Close1 aei'ght a-y home-nake' Compact k.tce ""d u"'ty lo-c'' waiter save nay seis Corner lot wth teheed ve-d "d sprtnk e' si'm eiiances p-tvecy itflrm 'M"( and dnf" infuded i price O 1H. V0. Taes e-y type financing PEYTON tr a'tfvial I'i i.crtl Ha'f.i4 V ti h - Pa" feflre M'S. Can N'Che't Ml 2-41'jl .3 two bedreom house, fireplace, s acrti. Henley Scnool OUIrict, TU 4-710. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY, Two bad room house, fireplace, large lot, close to schools and chopping center. Reason able. TU J-4111. TWO bedroom home, Northsldf- 15,000. evtra lots available, TU 2-3544 anytime TWO bedroom house for sale or rnt with outbuilding, fenced yard, TU 4-3W. In quire 1719 Laurel. BY owner, 3 bedroom ranch style home. Pay equity ot $1500 and assume con (rct TU 2-3952. TWO bedroom home, ti replace. Wall to wait carpet In living room. Wired for washer and dryer. On extra large lot. Ga- age, garden spot. Gas also in. Must lee to appreciate, t,900. TU 2-5)4). THREE bedroom, built in oven and range. garage, fireplace. Owner transferred, 431 Fargo, TU 3-5271. SUBURBAN two bedroom, living room, wall to wall carpeting, dining room, kitch en, utility, oil Moor lurnacC. large lot. Price 17.750. TU 4-5421. LOTS for salt in Skyline View. SHOO: In Mills Addition, S2250; terms. TU 2-5347. NEW HOME Just finished, 5 livel blocks from high school. Built for lasting quality and tcom- fon by local builder. Carpeted living oom, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with bulltin appliances. Full wall height fireplace with cobbled party neann. you cam Dtai rnt tow, low price ol 512,500. Please call TU 3-3101 anytime. PACIFIC TERRACE LARGE 3 Bedroom home One third bed room Is big enough to have a ball ! ) 2'i baths. Fireplace. Big family rumpus room. Full basement. Double garage. Beautiful yard fully landscaped, with complete sprinkler system. Hot wen. Home completely reflntshed from lop to holtom, including alt new wall-to-wall carpeting. Asking 12S.5O0. Terms ot any kind. DON SLOAN Real S. 7lh St. STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING one block to Main. Excellent Income only 114.500. Owner wit) carry conlracl. PROGRESSIVE SMALL BUSINESS with livinq quarters consisting ol three bedrooms large living room fireplace kitchen. Close in on Highway. Only 115,000. Contract may be assumed." DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL BUILDING 13.530 square feet. All Ureal level. Easy financing. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS .34 MAIN TU 4-T254 Anylim TU ?-0t STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 41 rt Ph. TU 4-5211 Eves. Bob t Stella Dehlingtr TU 3-5601 Hank Hoimen TU 2-5041 Attractive 3 bedroom home, 1-3 acre, Hen ley District. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Large detached double garage. Excellent condition. SI 7,000. MILLS Addition 3 bedroom home. 19,500. Low down or will consider 3 bedroom trailer home In trade. 40 ACRES, pasture and alfalfa. South suburban 3 bedroom home. Good Outbuild ings. 126,000, 39 par cent down. SOMETHING SPECIAL!! One of the finest J room homes we have ever listed. Fireplace, wall-lo-wall car Dat ing, separate dining room, very attrac tive kitchen and large utility room. Storm windows & doors, well insulated, large garaqe and beautiful lenced yard. Located on Boardman St. in St. F ramus Park. 114,200, Terms. LEONARD REALTY 1313 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Joe Leonard Audrey Keerins Joe Perry TU 3-OS77 TU 4-4215 TU 4 5333 QUALITY built new 3 bedroom modern home. Fee turlng double garage, 2 btiha, 3 fireplaces, recreation room, large separate utility 7200 sq. ft. of usable, livable floor space. A truly top value. Price 171. 000. Will con sider your older home in trade. OR Consider this brand new 3 bedroom ranch style built to endure. I'i baths, full wail Roman tirlck fireplace, first quality built in appliances. Restricted auburben loca tion. Only 11. OOO. Terms. ONLY $9,500 Buys this 3 bedroom north.! home illy room. idoou landscaped lot FHA or Gl terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 91h Street Phone TU 3-4740 Lois Macy TU 3-5647 Is Madole TU 4-549 Ralph vaden Lorelle 742-414 Fred Tucker TU 4-974; MLS Multiple Listing Service 'i 'HOT SPRINGS HERE'S SOLID BRICK CONSTRUCTION WITH 5 BEDROOMS. 3 large Mdroomi on main floor and full basement incoroor ates 3 more bedrooms. 2nd bath. 16 H It party room, etc. Going lor 1JI.40O with tno loan; WILL TRADE f-OR SMALLEfl HOME, GOOD LOCATION. 1' 1 EASY TERMS!! Drive By 1936 F D E MONT ST. Near Ronseve' School Sotid. 3 bedroom hflme with tul' basement, fireplace. 19.500. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. 23J WHITE AVF YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT HFRE't Large J rxTJ'Ti home at only 177)0. MOVE IN TODAY. 1407 O A YTON ST Solid, roomy 2 story 4 bedroom home on rlose-in irrigated tract XTR-LOW DOWN PAY MENT A STEAL at 11,000. MOVE IN NOW. Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9th St. t-hone TU 4-7771 le Pertonnel: Tom Rabb'H Ph TU 3-6117 Eves Bill Ch.ico'e Ph Tu 4 )211 Eves Ed Chiicnte. Associate Broker Bob Chiko'e. B-oer Multiple Listing Service MLS HE NLE Y HIGH targe thre hCl'OrV noma with i'i ha'hs. f-rectace. two ca 0'ot, rn imse'ed acre City wate Sewer. Price $1 7,000. Terms. HENLFY SCHOOL DISTRICT, etri neai two bedroom home wfh la roe two ' oarage lots O ineie, lawn, garden spot irrigation. Onty teOO down. Full pf'Ct U '50. ?7fl0 PATTERSON. t-1 hedrnnm home net :32J70 ft lot Eiceiiet' eHra building site Act an thii one NOW. fvU rice 13 000. DURANT REALTOR 2C V. " H 4M7J TU MM Nt Mfllifev mt i'4f V'l I M JrV TU 4.M REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 II 1Jialrvrt TU M')4 ..18 DOWNTOWN Apartment building Nicely fur nished 3 and 3 room units. Mod erately priced home accepted at pert down payment. 122,500. TRADE Owner needs more bedrooms. W'M accept medium priced home in traoe for equity in well ar ranged and located duplex. 113.900. Dye Insurance Agency 130 South 5th i. E. Dye Realtor, Virginia Brown, SH. TU 4-7755 Or TU 4-4357 OREGON Avenue. Pumice block build ing 20x70. Suitable for repair or plumbing shop. Also two bedroom house on same lot. Suitable as living quarters or rental. All this (Or $12,000. Terms can be ar ranged. FREE CABIN with purchase of lots ft. 7 and I of Block 20 Chelsea Addition. Selling for only 13.500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 10W Miln TU 3-3J71 Jlrn O'Ponahuo Evei. TU 4-flfttj STILWELL & CO. Presents: Under $10,000 $9.99( NORTHSIDE lar-Qer 2 bedroom easily converted to 4 bedroom. Owner will trade 14500 equity for smaller 3 bedroom. WHAT HAVE YOU' 54,500 FULL PRICE - Weyerhaeuser em ploye special. Clean 2 bedroom home close to plant. 1500 down, ISO per month. 14,300 FULL PRICE neat 1 bedroom home. 1500 down, 150 per month. STILWELL & CO. For Quick Action Lilt With 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3134 After 5:00 call Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 Ron Van Orman TU 2-3692 f no answer call TU 4-700A or TU 2-0444 Multiple Listing Service MLS MILLS Attractive 2 bedroom home. Large rooms, oceans of cabinets and huge closets. Well insulated Highest electric b'll f including heat) was 140. Good buy at 113,500. Eldorado Addition like new condition. Three bedrooms, baths, fireplace, excellent arrange enl! Outstanding backyard and cov ed patio. Built in kitchen. Full price 7.500. Economy Speciol! Good compact 2 bedr;om home. Gas quipped. Can move you In for aooroxi nately 1350 down. Full price 14,200. BRUCE OWENS , Realtor 34 No. 7th TU 4-3129 Lucille Anderson TU 2-0518 Y Worden TU 4 9767 business opportunities 32 FOR sale two pair Chinchillas, one pair ylng. Small equity, take over pay ments. TU 4-7130. NOTICE TO PUBLIC tease Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various imerprises or business opporlunmei be fore Investing your capital The Herald1 and News makes every effort to relect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or Individuals who plft advertising In our publication. Any advertising ot business opportunities peering to be fraudulent or misleading should oe reported to me ciatsined ah- ver'itlng Department ot the Herald and News. MACHINE shop doing good buslneM. 17,500 equity. Wrllc Herald and News, FINANCIAL LOANS HEDGE YOURSELF against Inflation! See about REAL ES TATE INVESTMENTS anywhere west of the Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International traders Club Licensed-Ore,, Cel., Ida., Wash 1037 Main St. TU 4-41? "WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loan, trailer loan, personal loan . , . w make loans for any worthwhile purpose. Confidential service, too! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years' Motor Investment Co. 513 So Ath TU 4-773 UILDINC RIM0DILIN6 34 PLYWOOD 4X" . Inch rejects. 11 50. Klamath VaMey Lumber Co. 1940 So. lh. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 BABY bed and mat'ess. TU 4-1779. like new, US. ANTIQUE Iron bed. -Shed white. TU 4-6993, MAHOGANY dining room table, 4 thai 1195, upright mahnoany piano, $195. gal. electric hot water heater, 120, days TU 4-0AJ. evenings, iu FORSALE FOUR"b RAWER CHEST TU 2-5294 VUFCHING Norge AutcnatlC washer t dryer, excellent condition, late mwel, rea dy to QO, S50 for set, TU 2-4U7. AOOD kitchen range, 125, cell TU 2-4 21 1 VwTSTINGHOUSE WASHER & DRYER Motching Poir '225 Excellril. Guorontaed KIRKPATRICK'S East Sid Applianrr 132 So 7th TU 4 88fi SPECIAL BUYS USED PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES $19.95 & Up COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klomoth TU 4-7 1 Ad KENMORE MACHINE D.M MODEL A-l CONDITION $42.50 Terms SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Mo,n TU 2-2513 antiques . . . and trflyl 0 ". flaoart. turn.ty UAL ESTATI FOR SAL! The RESALE HOUSE 3899 V Smth HOUStHOLP GOODS J7 BEAUTIFUL lU.unOui longtr ruqs nd eA'Pm Mr your rflina It MOnd,'fu livings. TU 4-SW4. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATe w HEATERS Cascade Home Furn ) Vim TU 4 Si! FUEL HEATING . 31 LODGE POLE wood again lor sale at Johns-Vanvllle Plant. Buy any amount. Ch.ioquin 713-2430. BODY ' WOOD.dtlivtredT $13 50 "a" cord" Call TU 4-1034. DRY pina blocks. You haul. 15 per cord metier Brothers, 3121 Crorby, TU 4-5114 LODGE POL Eplneind red "tlr" heatef wood. TU2-3705. CALL CLIFP YiDEN Far Presto Logs L Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Siemps Open 24 hours 7560 South Sttlh TU 4-3611 and TU 2-9260 COIlTdaYSTaHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest OH & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. j 0. B'ehn St. TU 3-44441 WE GIVE OOLP BOND STAVPl -SfOVESSTOVES STOVES & STOVE PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So 6th TU 41-6660 GOOD THINGS TO CAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch cutting, curing, Shamrock Meats. 3?9 Shasta Way, TU ?J?I8, TU ;067B Beati fti - Sprtt Hebbtti 40 14 FT. runabout, windshield, convertible tOD. running hghlt, motor. Iroilcr. TU 2-4336. BEAGLES, AKC rtglslered DuOblfi, I week old. TU 3-0605. Ashland HighwA. BEAUTIFUL cocker ipinieli, rtgWtrtd., 1AU Siskiyou Street. ' BLACK miniature poodle puopics, 8 weeks, excellent blood lines. TU 2-4057 DACHSHUNDS. AKC. 5 monlhs Old, 403 Coli. TU 4-5435 alter 5. BR I J AC KENNELS. At itud champion sired let black, brown, and illvtr poo dies, white i. colored Pekingese, orange pomeranians. Professional poodle clip ping. Puppies. 5003 So. E'na. TU 4-7525. HURRY, only 3 left, Reg. table colli oupples. TU 4-Sl. WELSH Terrier pups, champion tired, AKC registered. TU 2-1913. DOG and cal boarding. Training, groom mq, bathing. Ooqs and nuppies for sale SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Mer-rill-Lakeview Junction slf (Werrill Hiqh' way on Booth Road. Re. 2 Box 504 E. IU 4-501. RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 STEREO tape library. Complete selec tion of music. Recorded by VM. Will sacrifice! TU 4-8950. FOR sale unitized Setchell-Cartson 17 In portable TV elso Silver lone Medalist. 17 portable TV with stand. Both excel lent condition. ISO each, See at Unit 104 Moletore's Motel. TU 2-4M6. LAVERNE upriqht piano, condition. TU 2-5092. 150, Good EXPERIENCED piano teacher, near Madison SI. Blanche Mapes, TU 4-306. CASHFORU5EO-PIANOS DERBY'S WUSIC, TU 4-M2I RENT a new Baldwin Diana, $10 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co., 130 Main. TU 2-4883. BARGAINS GALORE! It on used PIANOS 4 ORGANS BALDWIN - HAMMOND LOWREY - WURLITZbR H. F. MILLER Terms Available SAVE &)00.'S BOWDEN MUSIC CO. IM Main TU 7-4IP3 RENT A NEW'" WURLITZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo. (NO OELIVERY CHARGE 1 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. -28 Yeors nn 7th St." 76 No. 7th TU 4-5121 ''BLUE-HAWAir' Is Just Arm's Length Away WITH A LOWREY ORGAN S595 - $3295 "Set Your Music Man" Klamath Music Center t F Mi" TU 4-')" LIV&STOCK 1 POULTRY 42 "head of Guernsey cows. ALFALFA hay tor salt. 120 tons. John E Mouse Jr., Uonania. if i A MAT H PROVE D S'ftE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1115, TU 4 4551, TU 2-4105 I A BY calves "lor tale or ttaoe. TU 4-3407. 312 Autumn. WANTED: Summer pasture tor 30 cows md calves. TU 2-w"- i'aBY CHICKS-Babxock W L.. Cornish Crosses. Free folder. vVuson s Hatchery, yons, Ore. Ph. 159-75 i NEW load every Tueday. BABY CALVES for sale, 1145 Gary, phon TU 5119. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! .Coll "Woody" Gueck, Ownr-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY of I p.m. ihorp Rtf. 3. Bo 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midtond Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. Th BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Mrlf Your Plant Now to iComan to th Stotl"T,ens Marktt. Tudov it wit dov in th Klomoth Basin. IVERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY FOR sal 131 mortal Fod trijr.k 0'-n tvd. ti; also welder, i'00 8n aeo, tu 4 sin. i '. Jem Oeere moer, verriit i-SJi. FilTM AnviNG machine. 4 Inch la 18 inrli diamntfr, pfwyve Ty 4-11)4 TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER "Avu- sicn SPECIAL 1 ' J. C. Equipment Co. 6th & H.lyord TU 2-2051 44 rr EQUIPMENT For LEASE DAY MONTH YEAR JOHN DEERE ho 1010 n6 440 CrM,ltr wilr, Ooifrt. 1010 Crlwllr Loader 43S Ds,l with Trencher Will Irlnch I ft. Otto lino: 1 In. widt. Call or Sm Us At Klomoth Foils or Tulf lok 1 u-uii ruicer Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-557 1 7376 South Sixth St. Tulflotf Ph 667-5213 MISC. FOR RENT .45 FOR FNT, American floor sandir and tdoer, iwlft and eaiv lo ooeralc, aand OaD,r and Bruct door linlihai. Klamath vanav Lumbar Co.. 140 So. am. TU '4i 1 a. FOR RENT screw lackl and hvflraulfr iacks. Klamath valley Lumber Co.. 1940 so. em. lu 4-4SI6. We Rent Almost Anything rioor sanaers Electric Drills Wheel Chairs Welders VALLEY RENTAL 1003 P Main TU 4.,ft1? MiC WANTED 4 WANTED untlguts, JinyhlnQ old! CtH u i-4t aayi or TU S080 tvet. Oon't discard books, comics, maaailnas, toys, eic. TU 2-4214 days, TU 4-9475 fve- Shopne a Book Xchange. CONSIGN NOW We need small item dishes, ools, pans. en. .ur uur rriany nigni auction. Free pickup. THE RESALE HOUSE 4ISC. FOR SALE ... si OAK office desk, 125; Sealy hn soring lattress. Hollywood frame, walnut head board. S45; TU 2-5387. OR sale barn stored straw, will daliv '. Phone TU 3-1440 eves. LD barnyard lerflllier, dellveredTU 2030. SED bikes and airs. Woe us Bk iarfs and re- 1075 Woe us ROAd, TU 2-4567. WEDDING ring set. approximate value 51.000. will sell for &450 cash, 207 Klam ath Ave. FERTILIZER, rotted pulverlred sheen manure, II per hundred lb. sack, TU 2-0892. HAY for stock cowi or horses, about 600 tons good grass and alfa'fa, all or part. Nuss Lake Ranch, TU 21224. DRIVEWAY material,- crushed ToVk, drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS MASON sand, fill dirt, srndy (111. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4JI7. TOPSOtL. concrete aggregate driveway malarial, drain rock. j. M. Barnes, TU 4-7459. ALFALFA and oat hay, bale or tort, TU 2 1602. GARCIA RODS & MITCHELL REELS 25 to 30 OFF FRANKS TRAILERS S3 1959 GoTdEn" ST A T E 7a"le7 hou e4 5 1 0 )t l bedroom. Eicellenl condition. TU 4-5309. IA' EL CAMINbT full equlonirf. metal Norman Simpson, Merrill, 791-5475. 19 FT. 195 Shasta, self contained. TER- RIFIC BARGAIN. TU 2-5631. WANT 20 to ff. modern trailer, must In good condition, Cash deal. Private party. Ph. Title lae 467 7710. "vagabond Easter'i built tVaiiei et-cetlonf cond;tipn, JO" aluminum awning included. H,150. TU 4 9.,' or TU 2-0445 WANTED: Small trailer house 13' Or 15' late model. TU 2-100. WANTEO to buy ?4' to XT modern ailer house, phone TU 7-1154. TRAILER house tor rent. 140, also trail er space. S70, TU 7-4034 HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Can 4423 Winter Ave. TU 7-1163 FACTORY trained Coleman I Internet ' mobile furnace service, parts. TU 4-1434 TRAILER BUYERS! SHOP YOUR "Wheel Estate I?") So fSth ' Dealer TU 2-7801 Ai'TO MlfCllLANIOUS $J CUSTOM t,,l canopy lor pickup long widt b0. Ntw coiKlltiort. Hal troct and raar windowi. S)4a wlndowl ara .10 14 inch. Raar door lorkf caooov and taiiqat. will fall lor sirs, call -4?04 altar I p.m. SI7. call TU 4-f6M Cecil Cox Garage Motor Ovtrhaul or alvt Crlnd Tuna Up IS a loaclaltv )IS1 Attamoot Call TU 4-W) 'OV6P. YEA'S BXPE RICNCE' Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOtt OViRHAUL LAIIIy LEWIS Vain Tu J JJiS Evat TU 4.WI INart Door to Balrtwin Holall ricioalLTn CAR WASH $2 fftcient work 222 Spng TU 2-4 1 66 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE r CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE UltO CASANB TRUCKS IS 11V OIEVPOLET. Bfl.8, htr, 0 (rind '"hv S TU MACHINERY DIVI VOt W&TOS W'll t1 c1l tsr r.r. TU -)STt. f t COvCTTE tcint condition l?7O0 TU 4-7414 5 0 ti u' noo-e.rwo. cyi !' re 1440. tu Mm. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 a DODGI ton flatbed, stock rack, eictnent tires, rum geod, t. TU 4497, VH Harlan Dr. WANTED '57 I older can. Central Auto Sales. TU 2-1130, TU 1954 OLDSMOBILE Super II, I-Dr. herd lop. Loaded. Excellent condition, 2123 Homedale Rd. -40 FORD pickup, TU 4-1514. V-l. 4 speed, iharpi 195 FORD, A-l condition. U50 full price. TU 4-3547. REPOSSESSION, 1951 Ford ludor sedan, automatic transmission, lair shape, UH. Pacific Finance, 121 S. 9lh. CHEVY CENTER 4x4 SPECIALS '62 GMC 4x4 Pickup 3,000 actuol :;:"; .L'1 s2998 61 Willys 4x4 Pickup I Ton rP 1 898 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th lo 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 th'eTricF IS RIGHT!! '40 SINGER 4-Dr 5 Ecellenf (Cadillac of the Heiimansi '60 MORRIS MINOR PICKUP . 1745 Newly rebuilt engine '59 SIWCA 4-Dr. . $9S Engine Overhauled '59 SIWCA STATION WAGON H95 59 LLOYD STATION WAGON .. ?" SI RENAULT 45 Overhauled, sun roof 51 DKW STATION WAGON 195 51 5IMCA 4-Or I25 54 CHEVROLET J-Dr 95 Stick '54 PONTtAC 2-Dr 45 Very good engine & trans. 53 LINCOLN CAPRI, 4-Dr. . $795 SO STUDbBAKER CHAMPION 4-Dr. 7?? 50 CHEVROLET PICKUP 41 GMC PICKUP DODGE 4-Wheel Drive 1295 KALER AUTO SERVICE 4C35 So. 6th TU 2-55M DODGE st Choice SPECIALS 59 Plymouth '6' 2-Dr. Heoter, stondard trons White 998 wollS 60 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. 6 cylinder, heoter, $ Power-Glide 398 58 Edsel Pocer V-8 2-Dr. Hdtp Rodio, heoter, J QOO oulo. trona U VJ 57 Buick Century 4-Dr. Hdtp. Rodio, heoter, PQQ Stood. Iron, 070 Thomas DODGE Used Car Lot 7th S, Commerciol TU 4-4A27I ECCLES MOTOR CO. SPRING For a Later NOW While Prices Are Really Low AT 606 South Sixth! 962 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE Radio, heoter. Hvdramatic. power steerina. por hrakes, bucket seats. The top of the line! 963 MERCURY MONTEREY HARDTOP COUPE Rodio, heoter, Mercomotic, power steering, power brokes, 2,000 octual miles, showroom condition 961 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heoter, stondard transmission, full Morrokide interior, 1 local owner 961 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, power steering, overdrive, economicol 6 cylinder engine. Very sharp .... 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2-DR. Radio, heoter, Power-Glide. Extro sharp 960 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heoter, overdrive. Economicol 6 cylinder engine, 16,000 miles 960 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heoter, stondard transmission, V-8 engine .... 960 RAMBLER AMERICAN DELUXE 4-DR SEDAN 6 cylinder with s'ondord transmission. Real gas miser 1958 CADILLAC '62' SEDAN Loaded. Reol luxury ot o 1959 CHEVROLET PARKWOOD Radio, heoter, Power-Glide, power brakes. Lots of room 1957 CHEVROLET 210 4-DR. Rodio, heoter, Power-Glide. 1958 FORD RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, slandord transmission, 6 cylinder engine These MUST GO 1956 OLDSMOBILE '88' 2-DR. SEDAN $397 1955 PONTIAC STARCHIEF CATALINA COUPE $397 1956 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN $347 1954 DESOTO 4-DR SEDAN $247 1954 CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN $197 1954 BUICK HARDTOP 1954 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN 1954 MERCURY 4-DR SEDAN $197 1953 OLDSMOBILE '98' 1952 CHEVROLET 2-DR. Call one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! Rill Cunningham TU 4-7177 TU 2-5859 TU 4-4551 Floyd Bill Hotchkm ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. hXRALO AND NEWS. Klaurulh USID CARS AND TRUCKS 55 TAKE over payments, 1942 Jtep, ny lon lop. Warn hubs, winch, 7000 miles, TU 4-5570 after i. 51 CHEVROLET. Original owner. 4-Di V I. power glide, radio, heater, excnnt condition, W95, tu 2-om. 190 nintMOBILE Suoer II 4-door sta tion wagon. 11750. 1150 fcarle, phone TU 44591. v CARS WANTED Wo need your cer . . . . cash welt ing Payments too high? Trade Into a cheaper car or tell your equity. SELL YOUR CAR-DON T &IVE II wt see Dale or "snina-- DALE'S USED CAR LOT 313 So 4lh St. TU 1-4910 WILEY'S SHOOTIN' The WORKS and You're the WINNER! IF OUR PRICES DON'T SUIT YOU MAKE US AN OFFER! No Only! 59 MERCURY 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn Mercomotic, power steering, heoter, rodio, oir conditioner, Immoculote. $ COC 53 CADILLAC 4-Dr. Sedon. Power steerina. heoter, rodio, looks sharp ond runs like a dream. QR WA? .S9S 51 WILLYS Stotion Wogon Heater, rodio, excellent con dition. Ready to go fishin'. WAS 1 345 $495 60 CHEVROLET 'j Ton Pickup 6 cylinder. 4-sDeed. Posi-Trac tion oxle, heavy duty bump er, heater, rodio, exceptional. 95 $I495 '46 FORD V-8 Vi Ton Pickup 4-speed, heoter, good condi tion, i I nc WAS S295 I 7wl WILSON WILEY BUICK Main Garage 1330 Moln TU 4-3141 Lot No. 2 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 Model Car 3597 3397 '1897 M897 1 597 I397 SEDAN M397 997 DeVILLE 997 moderate price 4 - DR. STATION WAGON power steering, here $I597 $ 897 SEDAN Rial sharp cor $ 997 We Need ROOM! COUPE $197 $247 CONVERTIBLE $ 97 SEDAN $ 77 Pete Stride TU 2 0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson TU 4-6618 TU 4-8124 Falls, Ore. Sunday, USED CARS AND TKUCKS SS Fine Used Car BUYS'at JUCK'S '60 Hillmon StOtiSn Wogon .. 57 Chev. 2-Dr. Stn. Wogon. Reol clean 695 '1195 s 895 '57 Ford Stotion Wogon '54 Oldsmobile $ 395 s 395 Sedon '53 Chrysler New Yorker 195 ,'51 Buick SALESMEN Bud Foirclo, MoHn 723-2354! nm Knoles TU 2-32091 Bob Torditf TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. International Fruehaul Cummlnt Mh to 12 en Klamath TU 2-251 1 February SELLING SPREE Trade-Ins! TWO '63 CHEVYS formerly owned bv local business men, and traded in on new Otds mobile F-85 Cutlass Sport Coupes '63 Chev. Corvair Monzo SPYDER 4. speed transmission, wire wheel cops, onti-spin differential, load' ed with extras and only 3,000 miles, $2843 '63 CHEV. II NOVA SPORTS COUPE AIR CONDITIONING" slandord shift, radio, heater, buck t seats, very low mileage, and lean as ntw! $2893 BOTH CHEVYS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED! DICK B. MILLER CO 7th & Klomoth TU 4-4154 $$$$$$$$ CLIP THIS AD and Bring it to JOE FISHER'S It's Worth MONEYl $100 Cars listed here, ot their regular prices, will be discounted $100 if you bring this ad! '63 Lincoln 4-Dr. Demonstrator $5497 (Less than 4,000 miles) '62 Studeboker 4-Dr $1897 '62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop $2497 '61 Plymouth Stn. Wagon $1697 '60 Ford 2-Dr. Hardtop $1797 '61 Dodge Lancer 2-Dr. Hardtop $1597 '60 Rambler 4-Dr $1297 '58 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan $1397 4-WHEEL DRIVE UNITS '61 Willys Jeep Pickup $1997 '62 Willys Jeep CJ5. Full Top $2197 '56 Willys Jeep Pickup $1097 '57 Willys Jeep Pickup $1197 '60 Willys Jeep CJ5. Full Top $1697 Remember This ad is worth $100 on (A above cars. Limit one Cars in this group, listed here at reg ular prices, will be discounted $50 if you bring this ad. ;59 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan $1197 '59 Ford 4-Dr. Sedon $1197 '57 Oldsmobile 2-Dr. Hardtop $ 997 '57 Pontiac 4-Dr ; $ 897 '57 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan $ 997 '56 Oldsmobile 4-Dr. Hardtop $ 597 '53 Willys Stn. Wgn. New tires, motor $1097 '56 Lincoln 4-Dr. Hordfop $ 797 '56 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan $ 597 '58 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan $1397 Remember This ad is worth $50 on cars in this group. Limit one per purchase. (A Cars in this group, listed here at reg ular prices, will be disccounted $25 if you bring this ad. '53 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedon $ 297 '54 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan $ 197 '55 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop $ 297 '56 Mercury 4-Dr. Stn. Wogon $ 597 '56 DeSoto 2-Dr. Hardtop $ 497 '54 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedon $ 297 '52 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan $ 147 Remember This ad is worth $25 on cars In this group. Limit one per purchase. THIS OFFER ENDS SALESMEN Dale Sechnit . .... TU 2-5720 TU 4-9541 .... TU 2-0637 Rov Rinehort . lo Padgett JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET ft JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 ffbruary 17. 1963 tACZ 5-B USID CAKS AND TRUCKS 55 TOM TIMMONS TRUCK SPECIAL 55 FORD TRUCK with 35 ft, Semi. Air. Set up for hoy haulers. Excellent condition. Complete 2995 See Our TRUCKS - CAB & CHASSIS FLATBEDS - STOCK RACKS. 59 Cadillac Coupe $2695 58 Pontiac Starchief Full power $1095 1963 G.M.C. PICKUP Dealer for BELLEVIEW Electro Winch .'. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES & Plum TU 2-474 7th SAVE on these Low Priced AUTOS! 'oO Chev. 2-Dr. Stick .... $1245 '59 Plymouth 2-Dr $ 845 '5 Rambbr 4-Dr. lO'dr.) $1145 '58 Plymouth 4-Dr. Stn. Wogon $ 45 '58 Fury 2-Dr. Hdtp $ 745 '58 Ediel 4-Dr. Sharp .... $ 445 '57 Pontioc 4-Dr. Stotion Wogon $ 995 '57 Dodge 4-Door $ 64i '56 Ford 4-Dr $ 395 55 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 445 55 Ford 2-Dr. (O'dr.) .... $ 345 54 Dodge 2-Dr $ 195 '51 Pontloe 4-Dr $ 195 '45 Dodge Pickup "... 150 41 Ford Pickup I 150 JIM OLSON MOTORS ': Used Car Lot 7th & Commerciol TU 2-5646 per purchase. $50 $25 AT 5 P.M. FEB. 25 Jim Ehreth Martin Arnold Elnathon Davit ... TU 2-0149 .. TU 4-5711 TU 2-3957 TU -Mil; Ernest Ore vet TU 2-53H