Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 17, 1963, Page 10, Image 10

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    PAGE 4-B
HERALD AXD NEWS, Klamath Fall, Orr.
Sunday, Ffhiuary V, 1963
rofessional Fighting
!eturns To Klamath Falls
Vir Sherman, promoter for
Portland Boxing Attractions, Inc.
has announced that his first pro
fessional figM card for the Klam
itl.h Kails area, the first (or Klam
atli in about three years, will he
held at tlie Klamath Auditorium
Tuesday night, Feb. 2fi.
Sherman, to insure the boxing
fans of Die Klamath Kails area
Uiat he will bring lop flight fights
to this area, has lined up a dou
ble main event to start off on
the road to getting boxing back
on its feet here.
Topping the card will be a cou
pie o! the best light heavyweights
in the West, Sid Carter and Archie
11a. Carter is the top light hca
vy in the Pacific Northwest and
will tangle with Ray of Phoenix
The other tn-round bout will pit
a fighter who lived for some time
in the Grants Pass area and is
now fighting out of Portland. He
is "Chief" Ken Coruthcrs, a Choc
taw Indian, and a real tough com
Coruthcrs will Iw facing Ramon
'Buffalo! Hernandez of Hcrmo-
sillo, Mex. These boys weigh in al
Mi l pounds and should he a great
fight. Hernandez recently lost a
decision to Portland's Bobby Horn,
tho undefeated and climbing Port
land figlUer.
A bout of local Interest will
match Jim Burker, a local pro.
and a figiiter who is starting a
comeback and has a Rood record.
He is Eddie Kirst Rider of Lclh
bridge, Canada. Ho is a full
blooded "Blood" Indian, and a top
notch fighter. He is rated one of
the best welterweights in Canada.
There will be at least two more
bouts on this card which are not
signed as yet.
Ray has in wins against one loss
Top Skier
IjAKEVIEW Jean Saiiherl of
Lakeview is in the top place
the running for position on the
ISM U.S. Women's Olympics Ski
Team, according In word received
here from her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Saubcrt. who arc now
located at Ogden, L'tah.
Jean cinched the top spot when
she won first place in the down
hill al Vail, Colo., during the first;
Saturday in February. Her time
was 1:42. 5. On Sunday she won
first in the slalom.
The Lakeview girl is a junior
at Oregon Stale University but is
not attending during winler term
in order to lake part in the eight
Iryout events scheduled. She is
training with the Mammoth Mmin
tain team at Crowley Lake, Calif.
In early March she will ski at
Sun Valley and in April will go
to Alaska for the trials there.
Mrs. Saubcrt reported that Lin
da Meyers, also of the Mammoth
Mountain team, broke her collar
bone last week in Colorado. Linda
close friend of Jean's, has visit
ed in Lakeview several limes
She was a strong member of the
U.S. world team at the Chamonix.
Kranee, races last year.
pr iv More Mnlors
Lwa lounge
!)fhu1 t" Service
pitly Golden IV
First Federal
H"Watd Cleaners
L ulu Sweden
uni nil
l li Ramtt
43' i tr i
Weyerhaeuser Credit Union
Milclis Grocery
Coca Col
Nnrvals Golden Rule
Tnwer Sflrvire
Bud & Jerri Midway
Cash K Save
Todd Building
SI 1 Kerns Dry C lining
1. iMIrlUnd Market
14 reul1v WarVet fnshel 4, The.1 F'b IS revillv MAM Maikel I, lortrl
h 0, Vtiula Tires i. t Col J.lHuHilinq 3; Wr-verhaeuser trrrtH Unlm
and was rated the Prospect of the
Month by Ring Magazine in Sep
tember. JM2. He will come in at
about 178 pounds.
Carter, Ray's foe in the feature,
lias 14 professional fights and has
yet to lose one. He will come in
it about 170 pounds. He fights out
of Seattle.
Rider is the veteran of the group
with (15 pro fights with few losses.
He is the western Canada welter
weight champion.
:f V.:
Sets New
snnal Oil Co. 3. Drive Wore Motors 1
H"rd Cleaners 3. First Mderal l Billy
t.nirjrn TV 4. 1 P Paiktng Oi Lucce Lounge
3. Little Sweden l.
High team ime. lucce Lnunqe
htim team series. Luc i lounge 2 '5.
Ii-lh lid game, Mabel WacMer JJJ; tiigri
Ind. series, Mary Bnlhwtll S2.
Hii Cfwutruclion t II
Vanity Fair 54 34
Cry-M.lch4ll M 3'
fnra Cola 4B' t 3'
prlero-n MM. ' 41'
Arrow F uel 44' 43'.
Oa'er Lake 44 41
tthttl Oept Stnr 42 U
Thuiitmn Dance Slurjto 4l 4
Monnm i S3' i
fill) Yni 3i S
Hrnftty Mai V
Ftv 14 rtiUll' CcV-Mikhtlt 4, Cf'
tr Llif ft; Arrow fufl I. Thurlon
tJnr 3; Com Coin . Vamly Flr
P'fron Mfcl 4. Cd'f Vdnt 0. HdlU
fimlr. 1, tttol Dpt. Slort 3i HfnUy
Srntft I, Mdfintc
M-grt leittn Q.m. Mnnlfi 7.14: Mglt
Innfn ieici. ff dy-M'lthrll Jt71i ttqih inrl
dime, Rnnntr (my lUi hgr) ind. it
firt Jtin HHOck S04.
f.ifll Finrthrn Railway
ntnmiit lf(tn Svt.
t lrM)r"f
ni1ii Pi;t-. MLmrt
in i Mrnilflmn
p. M s Hrl'ii'i btrviC
nlff I 4k Mrull
nit Clum Mnlift 1 ntf
Sowino Mtiriiti foiipr
WnTtl Ril I 'it
I f h 14 r-tulti. 3'i Ink VAudnq
4. tor? KUinAlh Hnlrl Tavern H; Aittft
nude Tmitmiiston Srrvk i, PuH Mat
t'"j Sfvf If Frunkl-n Li't lnufn 3
rmg Mtri(n (.T'ltof 1; C ralpr i.kt
MK t Wrights RmI f.l1f 3: Ann
don i Bmtnn ?. (trel hprin
rm Pily 7; flki Oi Cult J, LMI
Srdrn 1.
ri'.;, hnh id filo'ia ( ntwM a 1 0
ligri Ind tertfl. Olflfii Cnttll it.
urvxith M'l P'odin' 4 U
tnlll Sprytit Vi U
IVnnn Shrll n l
p.. k R VtllfT (O 4 tA
pnh flub
fctic rnrr K L'''l W
ff.th(,fi u
Vnntinmry Vt"H i'O f
Rull ' O'tQ-vi 1 r'f phon 1 .
rVnr MI J r( Vdlf (fi ? pr-n
I'. Sfvi(f J; Rl.. f. J, Klrnth Mi'
IVOniH-pn ? invfnpi (n I. it'(h f lurt
0 Sht R.eMfl(l (V. Pacific Ponvr A
1 4. tnlefitl Pump I, MonlQomrv
M-Oh fm gni, MonlgoiTify WU'd
0'"wi t cyd JtO' 3
L f Am IN 4'
P Hi Aula 1 nw i 'i '
f-.-h If
J" 3
' ?. 4rtfi1,h 1, Miii1 tH)( ' J. 0'. F AiM
1. R.(fl.l4 J, ( r)l, ;
M"jh oi"i, Aim fnrw'flt t.'J
ifrt gunf , p,jtn B-.hfto )J t, hioh i
f i, Rulh B rm j;
I lm(h rlrv A . UK ' JT
; rinf Ffv-Jl ',i J?
f M tro'lir 4 f 41 .
t Unn'ri HorilwrwvJl 44' j 4 .
Cwn SPrVK 41 i 44 ,
!iH p-t U , , ,
D'umilitlt Ul N4
C M 0
Fr M riiin l4'h n"v A(o
.1 ( rtfrtl 5 Frvrlv I r iff lrrV f
K l(t-"fl'h M'ijfwirtN 4 Cf"rtt S"(.
41, S'iII O'l 0. O'umi'Tk 4. CAA ft
Hiiri tm Qjimv, Kimtn D. c Ar.
r'iirtn M; high lm rnti, Klumalh
rtB'Vy AtwKltl'Pn ?VA1) f'Qh imf grrt I
Prtrv (.ruh,(l llli h.nh tnrl trnli Mar. I
loo Skmntf 4M. I
4. Kcrnt Dry CftAnlitg Or Crx Cnl ?,
Tower Srrvic 7; Bud A Jirrli Midway
I. Midi ltd Mrkrl 3; Cnh & Sv 0.
Act TV 4; NorvAli GolfJtn Rule I,
MtlcM f.rocery 3.
Higrt fm orot. Midland Mrkil fni;
niqh lrm triei, Milfhk Groifry 7 Id
tiifjn Ind. QAmt (men), Wlt Cnol 77 S;
high Ind. aertci (mn), Pun I Hpryford
ngh 'nd. om (women). Jnnnnt
pAiUvllt 71; high Ind. irles (women).
JCAnn Pilllttlt S44.
MT 3'
Jl'f 4j'i
4' I
44' i Wl'l
41' 4
Grernvvnorf Monry
Lnbhen Mlionry
Mnifilof K Devon
Wehb ln(urnre
Admr Furndur
KlnmAlh f. fo
Ct K Sv Oil fn.
KeMeri Aulo Repair
HOb m Polly
loniM Auln Repair 1 S7
Stlh SI Steel 31 t,S
ReuUi: Webb In 1. Bob K Polly 1
SUvam 4. lh SI, Steel 0. KUmnlh r4
. Simptrtt I Devne 4; ( ivh A Snve
Oil Cn. 4. AnAir Fyrnitiirt 0; I obtter
MAsoory t. Ketleri Au'n ReoAlr l.
eenwood MaiOory 2, Jonet Aulo Re
Pir 7.
High Ittm gum. SJmpInt A Devoe
'(). rnah team ipne. Simplol A Dfvne
hign ind gnie, CM' Renrrt n.1
Aavnt PiMiter1 JU, hi oh t"d eni,
lnr Beed S, Wayne Planted W.
pollinq pmi
Odd BH
Alley Ca
T witert
M.t ft Vim
Poor F'iM
Tally M
Collrgp Basketball Results
By United Vrcsn International
Yale 81 Cornell 75
BrandeLs 82 Amn. Intl. 70
Hamilton ai Brooklyn Tech 47
Kordham 59 Boston CII. 58
Trinity (Cnn.) 70 C. Guard ;
Westminster (Pa.) 88 Buckncll 5fi
Rider 79 Drexel Tech 69
Gannon 8 Phila. Text. 58
New PalU fit Albany St. 59
St. Mich. VD 88 Vermont i2
Suffolk 70 Lowell Tech
Penn fi5 Dartmouth 6.i fot)
irovc City 77 Rethany 7:1
Brown 87 Columbia 72
X. C. St. 06 Clemson 50
Morgan St. 77 Va. St. 72
Va. (Norfolk) 70 Fayelteville 5.1
X. Carolina 78 S. Carolina 74
eo. Wash. 82 Va. Tech 73
Birm. Sou. 115 Miss. Coll. 56
tvannah St. 7! Kt. Valley St. 5f.
W. Va. St. 110 Blucficld St. 76
Ma. St. 86 Alabama A&M (8
Rockburst 8:t Kirksvillo St. 80
Auguslana IIU 76 Lake Forest 5!
Montana SI. 78 Montana 08
Ark. Coll. 100 S. Kansas St. 63
Texas 75 Tex. Christian 59
Brigham Young 77 Ariz. 72
Force 66 Utah St. 65
asadena Coll. 84 Ventura 64
hliiho Idaho St. 76
Calilornia 61 Stanlord 10
Seattle Par. 66 Puget Sound 62
An. St. m Utah 78
Brig. Young 77 An.. 72
S F. Stale 77 Nevada 71
Sacramento SI. 72 Alameda St. m
Cal Aggies 58 Chico State 57
Fresno St. 64 San Diego St. 56
Cal Poly 87 I-ong Beach St
LA. State 80 S. Fernando Val 7(i
San I a Barbara 83 Chapman 68
Oregon 54 Oregon Stale 50
Poly, Pomona, 88 Pasadena fll
Upland 78 l-os Angeles Baptist 70
College of Idaho 80 l.infield 73
Portland Stale 61 Southern Ore. 1
Oregon College 75 Faslern Ore. 1
Montana Stale 78 Montana 68
Willamette 63 Whitman 52
Oregon State Books 5! Oregon
Frosh 54
Portland Frosh 110 Clalsoji ,IC 55
AV -:
RowlereKe 7 l
Game D'ttne 71' i AI't
Fen IS reull Twister I . Odd Ball
Alley (at 7. Sta' Diter ). Bnwl
ertle 4 AfMnpfl 0. Rollmrj Pin I, Pfr
ue l, Tally Mi 4. uamt tiame 0.
er 7' .-. Hit A MU V t
iqh tem game. Odd Ball 7'; h'()t
n ff,p, T Airy Mi ;cii. h.ah id
T-me, Fd''h Brt tlJj hion Ind. lril. I
bHirlty Hodman Vx) I
w L
Walker VfM a ' i 74' j
Rnhert Ha-rtwate A4 ?
n.ohl of CDliMiinu f I 7
Bly lnoo"'(t fJ M
d Shoe. Renair
Sean R"tHi(k
Sttiiti.-e t.rr 4) M
shatter Iiertrtr 37' t 4' ,
u S Nat Ba..fc 1 r
at me V Ii ServK Jl'i 7fi' j
ONT IrtKfcma 14 7
Feh 14 rei.!l Shv're T' 5ev.e
tu"rtarr I, $ear RrvehtPtk 1. Rrti
t t-f1fe 1. Fa-mer V Tue e.y
f V Hi Nl B.k 1; Bly loqa-q 7
WaUer Bji. 1. Knight nl Col, 4, Srt
r lei irit (1
Higt team qm, Ko'nhi of ( nt Iia1
ti'Ti tam fi -t . V.iiihU ot nl fl.'.t
i-ai tr came. Norh St Merpe' 3,40
gh tnit icrifv Nmn S(riierer
4V I
r H a.-rs
IfV pnp
e ff-i.ir
r-f if M,
vSee lhri
S'otVvwft J
Pi, t Ml
( at
1'ie jer,. , 1(l
Feh 14 teutt ' e Ifm (1 f r
iflett 4: We i lho i ! h
IVave 4, Ttm lmnmi.in o. vtihnrr
' 1, Ton (a' Aiie (V J '.r"'ifr
;.at J. The Rri'ler i f h--nH ij i
Huh team Qane f runnel J IM
'earn wne (.naonet 17 iu'- ti.-jn . 1(,
I'm t.iartv Cia-e. V s,nq
h'f)h ttv) 1 .. Dfinn Ra,oae-
M;W YOBK M PI ' - 'the dot
bid I imt mnt mouth's National In
italicn r.a.kelhall Tournamrnt
Ml' al MadiMHi Sciaie (iaiilrn
wdl be issued Monday mornum
The tourney gel under way on
March 14.
Top Prep
Teams Win
111 I nihil I'rrM llllnn.llion.il
Nino iif tlie st.ilr'a lp HI pi'fp
iiki'lliiill lo.ims Miiird vii'tmirs
hil iiicht, luil M'lonlh - r.inkcd
South S.'ilrm trijMH'H nvor Ix'hiiiinn
mil lust il.s uiiilrU'.ili'tl stiilu.t in
Ihc Valli'V Iiiuiic.
Ilarnoy ll"II;mil I.i-lwnim dill
li;-(l the Savons 5X31 al l'lianon
ind now aro only one jianie out
ul tlir leamii' load.
Mol olhrr niomhors of thr Ore
on .loiii nal i oachos roll top Hi
uon mill roniwative ear.
Kiit - ranked North Ku:ene
homlu'd 'I'liurstnn and .vpeotid
aiiked .South Kuteno lopped
North Bend .VMS. Third - ranked
I'endleton sailed past Itedmond
;14:l anil (mirth. ranked Marshall
kept its Purllaiid U'.icue lead
Willi n 71 :H lump over Henson
Milwaukie delealiil Centennial
." t-4 1 and Mvth rankinl Crater kept
it Southern Oregon lead uith n
ii!i-."i7 in over Ashland. Kichth
ranked Krauklin edi;ed (Irani 5.Y
r2, while Astoria knocked Heaver
Inn out ol a share of the Metro
lead, ti2-.il. Tenth-ranked Col vallis
irtn. lined mud in I hp Valley
U'.mue with a .VMl win owi
Sweet Home.
Chemult Gun
Club Beginning
Ihe Chemult liil and (lun Cluh
Iw'id Us annual meeting Keh. y
old new ollui'i.s were elet loil with
(Veil Palmer elmen as the new
pi evident
ll.uoid i'oi k was n,ims:l Ihe new
lire htesKlent anil imiki lltrl
(lie new M'eielarv lie.iurei . .lun
Hi ail was w-leeteil as tiie new
held eaplain
The e lull will .slait shiMttmi; ev
v .Vii:i,,,y, sl.utllli; Itl.ll. The
will Iv (imiietini; lor 18 trophies
'.Ins e.ir. Tlie to.id to Ihe i luh
Itoir-p was oiien as there was no
snow when this ailnie was writ,
ley Clark, the Southern Calilornia
Stridors' great distance man. held
new American citizens record
today id B.Vi.H for the two mile
run and Ulis Williams of Arizona
Stale proved that he can give it
js well as take it.
A sellout crowd of 13.721 who
welcomed indoor track back
San Francisco blew its tup Friday
night as Clark overtook Danny
Murphy of San .Jose State in the
final lap and went on to beat him
in a hectic two miler. Murphy
had taken the lead from Clark and
moved out to as far as 15 yards
w'ilh a couple of laps left before
the latter came back to beat him
Clark knocked two tenths of a
second off his old mark, the only
record to fall during the night
Williams nearly fell on the
teeply banked turn while battling
it nut with Jack Yerman in the
440-yard run which saw the latter
post another win and remain un
defeated on the indoor circuit.
Williams said afterward that he
thought Yerman had pushed him
but there was no official inquiry
launched and the former Califor
nia Bear won the event in a lime
of :48.4.
The pole vault, high jump and
mile run were sub-par to the mod
ern way of thinking. None of the
vaullers could make it over at V
feet. Brian Sternberg of Ihe Uni
versity of Washington was named
Ihe winner on the basis of making
Ihe least misses. His best height
was 15 feel. (1 inches, the same
as recorded by I . K. i ang and
lion Morris who were tied lor see
ond at Ihc same level.
John Thomas needed only seven
leet even to win the high jump
He look three shots at seven feet
one inch and missed them. Joe
Faust and (Jene Johnson, two nth
er members of Ihe seven foot club,
lied for second with 6 8 each.
Hayes Jones nl Detroit matched
mother kind of record when he
asily won his 40th consecutive
hurdles lest to deadlock the mark
of 41) set by the great Harrison
llillard of Baldwin Wallace.
It was Keilb Fnrman in the
mile but Ihe winning time was on
ly 4:0.5 fi by a youth who has done
in 3,rK.;t outdoors. Carv Wesi-
gier made a desfK'iate rally in
Ihe late strides but bad to take
second with the same time. Fin
land's Olavi Salonen. also a sub
four niinuto man. was thud
in 4 0.5.7.
Herb Carier, S.uit.i Barbara's
sharp spnnler, came out a trip!
winner by virtue ol nailing down
ill three races in the sprint
series. He won the liil-vards in 6 t
Ihe 50 yaids in 5 1 and the
yard challenge dash in 3.1.
Whitewolf Meets
Savage In Main
The first big mat card in sev
oral weeks will be held in the
Klamath Falls Auditorium Wed
nesday night with regular Wild
Bill Savage taking on Billy
Whitewolf in the main event
which promises to be a brawl
Savage, the , transplanted II! i
nois grapplcr who now makes
his home in Oregon City, will
meet one of the hottest wrestlers
to hit Klamath Falls in a long
time in the Oklahoma Indian.
Whitewolf is just returning from
Honolulu alter drawing capacity
crowds for four months. Savage
may be in for a surprise because
it is reported that Whitewolf is
larger, stronger and a better
wrestler than he was when he
fought here a year ago.
He comes from Oklahoma State
University where he wrestled on
their team through 1959. He is
now working on his Master's De
gree and will possibly get it at the
University of Oregon.
Savage says that he will give
the Indian his own degree.
ounch right on his nose." It's a
cinch there w i 1 1 be a few war-
whoops and dances before the
match is over because Savage
Ed Johnson
Near Top
CORVALIJS (Special) - Tim
Zuck, who hails from Deer Creek,
Ore., but representing the Rose-
hurg Elks iJidge, won the Fifth
Annual State (irade School Free
Throw Championships here last
Saturday night in a playoll witn
James O'Kicf of Ontario. Both
had scored B5 out of 75 in regula
tion. Lowcl Stacy of Toledo was;
third with 4 of 75 and Darryl
Cross of The Dalles was fourth
with 59. A trip to the Washington
Stale series with the OSU Beav
ers was awarded Zuck.
Results of the afternoon semi
finals with the number scored
out of 50 attempts are as follows:
! Tim Zuck, Roscburg: 42 Dar
ryl Cross. The Dalles: Ijiwell
Stacy. Tolcilll; and Eddie John
son. Klamath Falls; 41 Hon
Spiker. Hillsboro; Joe Pinkham.
Central Point.
Also, 40 Willie Stroudanire.
Portland; Dan Xellick, Springfield.
and Joe wired. Seaside; 39
Sieve Smith, Independence: I.yle
DeFord, Corvallis; Paul Meier.
Milton; Doug Skille, Ctrcsham;
Joe Moreland Salem: 37 Claude
Campbell, Talent; Mike Peters.
Hermiston; Vance Sevcison, .Mc-
Minnville: Steve Rlair. Beaver
ton; Allan McNair. Myrtle i'oint:
Arnold Winkler. Tillamook; 36
l ed Thompson. Lake Oswego; X
Bob Hagen. John Day; Dane
Christenson. Grants Pass.
Also. 32 Daryl McMeen. Bend
Joe Becchlcr. Prineville; Ronnie
McNeil. Parkdale; 31-Jim Do
hertv. Heppner; 30 Tinker Hal
lield. Sweet Home. Steve llendrix.
Alsea: Uiren Smith, Milwaukie;
lim Schaler, Gardiner: 29
Jamie Crabenhorst. Condon: Ie
Musser, Brookings, John Girod,
U'hanon; 2K Mike Dowry, St.
Helens; 26-Steve Fuller. Myrtle
reck: Gary McBride, Silverton:
Ronnie Barton. Baker; 25 Joe
McFarl.ind. Oceanlake: Boh Mc-
iiien. Eugene; 15 Gary I). Mil
ler, Burns.
will stir Whitewolf'! blood and
anything can happen.
Nick Kozak. the popular Cana
dian grappler from Vancouver,
will return to meet veteran Kurt
Von Foppenheim in the semifinal
on this big card. Kozak has re
cently drawn big crowds in Sa
lem and Roseburg and is consid
ered one of the finest wrestlers
ever developed in the Northwest.
Foppenheim is a real mat vet
eran and has appeared on TV
matches around Portland for
years He has the experience to
give Kozak trouble.
Klamath's Buck Davidson will
meet Cowboy Bob Boyer in the
opening match. Boyer weighs in
at alout 200 pounds so he will
have only about a 10-pound bulge
on Buck. Davidson's greater ex
pcrience should win against the
fast moving Texas youngster.
Tickets for the card will be
on sale at Dick Recder s and the
Waldorf. Match time is 8: 15 p.m
High School
Cousy Honored
By Providence
Hy I nilrd Pre lnlrrn;i(inna(
II as h.ilo and fatruoll fit
Hob (.'niisy in Pi n idem o. It. I.,
Friday nibt jind tlu meat Bos-
tun tYltic siav ! It 'nn chtvnni;
Cousy, who will ivIih ;it thr
nd nl this N;i1 iiui.il lt;iskolball
AsMH'i.ilion sison. was Imnoml
lh'twi',n liahrs .f the (Vlli
liMU viitorv ot the Svihcuso
Nationals. It was tn 1tn.il ap
IH'jiranif as a pro in l ioMili'int
-whtMo I ip tut attr.u'ttM) attrn
lion as a star rollctp p!aer al
noarby Holy Cios anil ho n
pre spilled with sepial plague-
ind M'lolk
Cmivy roNiMinili-d with a tienien
lou T-Moot basket midway in tin
toutth vitod. In inyni: tlie crowd
its (cot in appreciation. Bob
ulvd and looked as surprised
tho .V.V; lans when Ins loni:
Hvhun shot went Ihioiii;h the
oids without It'iu'him; the back
boat d or i tin.
Counv wound up stoiini: 11
1)011115 but it was Tommv Mein
iihn. with :l;t, who aituaMv led
I h0 Boston .i(l,i. k ll.it (iir. i
4 tor the Nationals
Tbp St 1.0UIS Hauks outvonM
itk tnnati. 18 li, in a 'Void"
louith period to score a ' ' ic
torv oxer the Ibnais and Ihe New
k him ks Iteat Ihe Chicago
Zephws. KVlit. in otitpr Barnes
Boh Pettit was luh storcr tor
Hie Hawk with ;in flints while
lohnnv l.reen led lite hnuk with
f. 1
White Snaps
Own Record
Jump Mark
haired Willye While of Chicago's
Mavor Dalev 'mlth Kound.itum
et a (;ist pace for Ihe third an
nual MaMin-l)ion games S.ilur-
dav nicht bv breaking her own
meet and world indoor mark in
Ihe women's broad tump.
The ('Im ago star fouled on her
tirt jump at the alternoon ses
sinn. then le.iK'd l!i'7'4" to lielter
the mark she set here last year
hv an inch and a quarter.
It was a tood omen (or Miss
While, who was scheduled to run
;ic.unt (iermany's blonde bllten.
lulle Heine, in the TOnieter d.tsh
.iter in the min't.
Another Herman girl. Vera
ktimmenteld, oiettiMik tirace Bui
cher nf the Cleveland recreation
cliuMim le.im on the fin.il turn to
win the women's KiHVyard run in
:n 5.
Tlie women s Inch tump was
won by 1-Melle B.e.kervil!e. of the
Ohio Track Club, Columbus, with
i .V1V lump that fell a quarter
inch sliori ot her own meet tee
ord Te.mim.ite Chris Miller
Ic.ucd the same height but h.id
more misses, while r. leaner Monl
onieiv of Cleveland, tinik thud
By I'nited Press International
Franklin 55 Grant .12
Lincoln 70 Wilson fit
Marshall 71 Benson M
Washington 79 Cleveland 53
Madison 46 Roosevelt 44
Astoria 62 Reaverton 51
David Douglas 47 Central Catholic
Gresham 54 Hillsboro 41
Milwaukie 51 Centennial 41
Sunset 76 Clackamas 54
l igard 79 St. Helens 61
Oregon City 71 Dallas 5B
McMinnville 73 West Linn 42
Forest Grove 56 Lake Oswego 53
Tillamook 34 Newberg 27
Wy'east 72 Silverton 69
Molalla 49 Parkrose 39
Sandy 61 Jesuit 54
Reynolds 60 Scappoosc 44
North Salem 66 Albany 56
Corvallis 56 Sweet Home 41
l.ebanon 5.1 South Salem 51
Roseburg 58 Willamette 44
North Eugene 80 Thurston 49
Marshfield 56 Cottage Grove 45
South Eugene 59 North Bend 49
Crater 69 Ashland 57
ranis Pass 58 Klamath Falls 54
Hermiston 76 Baker 47
The Dalles 57 La Grande 50
rincville 49 Madras 47
Pendleton 83 Redmond 43
'.mmett ildahm to Ontario 48
V'ernnnia 57 Neah-Kah-Nie 42
Warrontnn 50 Banks 37
oiu-ordia 6!) Clatskani 53
North Catholic 48 Rainier 27
Fslacada 54 Hood River 37
Philomath 51 Willamina 35
Yamhill-Carlton 56 Sheridan 41
Nestucca 70 Sherwood 37
Dayton 58 Salem Academy 40
Mt. Angel 40 Woodburn 39
Stayton 50 North Marion 46
Canhy 76 Cascade 57
Central 73 Gervais 56 '
Sena Catholic 57 Scio 42
Siuslaw 62 Newport 59
Rcedsport 86 Toledo 56
Taft 51 Waldport 48
Elmira 64 McKcnzie 62
lunction City 54 Creswell 39
Oakridge 44 Harrishurg 33
St. Francis 56 Drain 44
Pleasant Hill 89 Central Linn 57
Myrtle Creek 62 Sutheilin 4;
Douglas to Riddle 41
Glide 60 (Hernial? 57
F.agle Point 54 Phoenix M
St. Mary's 73 Lakeview 69
Henley 62 Sacred Heart 36
Illinois Valley 6t Rogue River 60
Pacilic 52 Bandon 51
CiKiiille 49 Myrtle Point 43
Burns 50 Pilot Rock 47
Heppner 58 Grant I'nion 45
Nvssa 44 Enterprise 43
Knappa 67 Jewell 39
Corbet! 64 Gaston 46
Wallowa 52 Joseph 43
Elgin 72 I'nion 47
Klklon 48 Oakland 38
Ynnealla 65 Days Creek 25
Camas Valley 68 Canyonvtlle 45
Monroe 48 Mohawk 45
Crow 57 Triangle l.akc 43
Ixiwell .VI Alsea 50
Colton 44 St. Bonitai r .It
Cascade Locks 58 Mosier 57
Maupin 61 SiMcrs 59
W heeler 43 Arlington 31
McKwen 30 Weston 48
lone 64 I'matilla 52
St.inficld 63 I'mapuie 46
Helix 43 Echo 40
Indiana Upsets
Illinois Five
Indiana upset Big Ten basketball
leader Illinois Saturday 103-100
despite Dave Downey's record 53
points for the Ilbni.
The loss tied Illinois with Ohio
State for first place in the confer
ence standings with 6-2 records
The Buckeyes beat Michigan in
another afternoon game 75-68.
Before a sellout crowd of more
than 10.000 in the regionally tele
vised Big Ten feature, Indiana
rallied in the second half behind
the clutch shooting of Tom Bol
yard and Jimmy Rayl to defeat
the nation's fourth-ranking club
The Hoosiers scored 62 points in
the second half.
Larry McKillip of Saranac Lake,
X.Y., took tne lead at the half
way point in competition for two
man bobsled berths on the 1964
U.S. Olympic team with a four
heat aggregate time of 4 47.75
oyer the mile-long Mt. Van Hoev-
enberg run.
McKillip and his brakeman
Jim Lamy, also of Saranac Lake,
posted heats of 1:12.85, 1:12.04,
1:11.69 and 1:11.17. The latter fig
ure was the best time posted Saturday.
PERTH, Australia (UPI) Ja
panese swimming star Satako
Tanaka shattered Ihe women's
world 110-yard backstroke record
at the Australian National cham
pionships Saturday night with a
time of one minute 10.2 seconds.
Miss Tanaka's clocking was
six-tenths of a second better than
the time establishel by Pam Ser
geant of Australia at the Beatty
Park fresli water pool last Sep
tember in the Empire and Com
monwealth games.
LWSBRUCK, Austria (UPI) -
Joos Minsch, a 21-year-old Swiss I
airplane factory mechanic using!
American skis described as "good
only for tourists and kids," won
the coveted pre-Olympic downhill
crown Saturday in his first inter
national season.
Minsch, starting 22nd in a field
of 114, covered the 3.250 meter
patsherkofe! slope with its 874
ioot drop in two minutes, 23.10
LOST (ton n bUctc and white Coll
Dupl. Willi. Rard. TU 3-004. TU
NICE don furnisntd prtmnt, ctoi
n. TU 2-2531. TU -.
LOST: Master Mason ring with ruDy set
near Courthouse or First Federal Sav
mqi. Regard TU4-16U
FOR iale two lots In Eternal Hills Me
morial Garden. Klamath Falls. Write
Mrs. John Croy, Box 493, or phont WHIIe
hall 7-6080, Lakeview.
ELAINE NICHOLS contact Frank Maio
URGENT. Write General Delivery, Alou
querque, N.M.
ANGLE'S Home lor elderly ladies, va
cancy March 1, appointment, TU 7-2764.
KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. Til
4-3S9I, TU 4-8704. Friend-V help anyllme
GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aged,
private rooms or ward care, rpecial
diet, personal interest assured, TU 1-3 1 65
OVERTURE TREND, 163 shaping and
curling. Your hair not becoming to vou
You should be coming to Kim ang Anona,
Studio of Beauty, TU 4-7151.
BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help for
families of alcoholics, TU 4-7129 or TU
7-5740. P.O. Box 1065
SAVE ?0 per cent on TV, radio repairs.
Cash and carry. Bring sets to 1931 Want'
land, 11 a m. to 9 p.m. daily.
Sharpening service. Small repairs. New,
used bicycles, parti. T A C Shopping
Center, VU So. 6lh. TU 4-3749.
SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ph.
TU 4-646 anytime, em rorney.
At your place, deliver to processing plant
or leave at your place Al sioll, TU
4-6)76. (
REMODELING and rep Irs, all kinds.
easonable, references, T U 2-5388.
Repaired while you wait.
New Plates Made From Your Old
1033 Mam TU 4-1JH
Licensed Insured professional it
Trees topped or removed.
Gina's Tailor Shop
Tailoring - alterations tor men, women,
children. All work guaranteed. Reason
able prices.
Gene's Mens Wear 137 vain
NUTRI-BIO vitamins, minerals, protein,
Margaret Zlegelmeyer, TU 2-3537.
MODERN two bedroom furnished apart
ments, TU 4-56W.
HOT SPRINGS. ba'chcMr, all' utllititiT
Hi, TU 4-97S4, TU 4-3854.
FURnTs'hEO, utilities paia. Studio Apart
ment. 3S, 303 Washington.
SMALL 2 room furnished apt.. utlllti7s
paid, $35, 72 Michigan, TU 7-057S,
?036 LeRoy Ph. TU Mm
Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom.
Garage. Hot water heit. Hot Spring,
area. Adults.
CLEAN, furnished, one bedroom, garbage
and water paid. S45 mo., TU 3-5230.
FURNISHED apartment. 150 Riverside.
TU 4-7693 or TU 2-064S.
PLEASANT furnished apt. Utilities, wastv
ing facilities. TV cable, close to Klam
ath Valley Hospital. I or 2 persons. SAO.
TU 2-2767.
HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnished, ga
rage, S75, utilities paid, TU 3-1663.
THREE room furnished apartment, 155,
all utilities paid, 9)1 Walnut.
THREE room furnished, 140, 200' i E.
Main, (wo room furnished, S35, 200 E.
Main, ph. TU 4-7290, TU 4-4121.
ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, util
ities except electricity, 524 High.
CLASSY, downtown, tree heat, furnished,
adults, $59.50. Alpha Apis.. TU 4-4522.
Furnished 3 rooms, bath. TU 2-0381
STUDIO apartment, furnished. Ewauna
Apartments, 11th & Walnul. TU 2-1062.
CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom apartment.
Close to Main, JS0. Water garbage paid.
Gas heat. 333 South Eleventh.
C LEAN furnished Studio Apt., "Mar ion
Apt, a nnex., 223 N. 6th.
EXCEPTI ONAL 3 room furnished apt..
adults, no pels, TU 4-0282 after S p.m.
ONE or two bedroom, furnished, heal,
water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719.
SMALL apartment, electric heat, wash'
ing facilities, close in, TU 4-7340.
FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartmenT,
130, 2126 Reclamation.
ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment,
140 per month, call TU 2-3471.
PLEASING, 5th & Pine, furnished "l bed
room, adults, 145, TU 4-5010.
3 BEDROOM 8, 3 bed roc m apartment.
unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU
BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart
ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500.
CLEAN, furnished, hea'ed,
rage, adults, 203 Washington.
WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE to call regu
lerly each month on established Studio
Girl Cosmetics Clients in ana around
Klamath Falls making necessary deliver.
ies, etc. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will
pay up to 15 per hour. Write STUDIO
GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. 73633, Glen
dale. Calif.
WANTED woman (or mailing, typing,
and filing. Must be capable of handling
electric typewriter and making stencils.
Recent experience necessary. Reply to
Box 4S1C, care of Herald and News
SN KM wnsco I rf -W.tn
i nvJ.! The Xtmu ;nn Si.tcc
unti.it ion w i!i Mnd ou onr i!"
oti w.i.K irt nii.es in hours or
VI byi t.ti ru,i i; ieri ln
dcMrr thr nli.d i. in write to the
ounii.ttiitn. B ;;44. Nm Fran
ivm with tvnl.s riuU'-ed t
nrr h.indlin ;nd TTUilin;;
OCE Wolves
Defeat EOC
Rv I nilrd PnM lnlrrn.it innal
r'rnnl-runnini; Iwis anil Clark
moots sorond placr Paiilic at
Portland in orthost ("ontercni-o
basketball hoadiino action tonight
Tho Pionoois hao 9-1 moid
and tho Badjrtj have a 92 mark
t'oliro (if Idaho doto.itrd l.tn
lio'd Rtv;:t at t'aldwoll behind a
2.-pnint oltort hy Stovo Van Ockor
and Willamctto topivd Whitman
M-52 at Valla Vai:a as Boh
xdio s'ttl !! unnts in con
loroiii'O play Friday nnht. The
trams meet aam tonuht.
In thr Orocon Collrciato Con-
LAS VEGAS. Nov. i UPI i -
ionc Fullmer will attempt to re-
sain a majority share of tho
world's middleweight boxing
championship Saturday night at
the I.as Vegas Convention ("enter
when he meets the man who de
throned him four months ago
Dick Tiger, in a scheduled 15-
round title bout.
Tiger, a M vear-old Nigerian
will be making his first defense
of the crown recognized every
where except Massachusetts
since outpointing Fullmer in 15
rounds at San Francisco on Oct.
23. 12.
BABYSITTER, my hom. hour! 8 tj 5
days, must have own transportation, TU
7-.914 alter 5:30 D m.
WANTED experienced man for men's
c loin Ing store. Apply in person at Dick
Reader's, Sth & Main.
HE AVYduty mechanic's heloer. Steady
year around work. Experience required!.
Write P.O. Box 2il, Yreka. Celit.
THREE room, furnished apartment, 2061
FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close in. adults
only, no pels, laundry facilities. 103 Lin
coln. DUPLEX 'a block off highway. Weyer
haeuser (unction, all electric. TU 2-312?.
UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apL
on California Ave. S49.50, TU 4-93 W. ,
UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment",
inquire 2519 Applegate.
THREE room furnished, c;ean and quiet.
2.50, TU 4-4640 or TU 4 686a.
LARGE 2 room furnished apartments.
$37.50 and S40, TU 4-36 '8. ,
THREE room furnished apartment, all
utilities. Adults. $65. 39 Main.
FURNISHED one room apartment. Sift.
utilities paid, 419 North 10th.
ONE room apartments, furnished, utltk
nes except itgnts, iJ.so and 140. Rex
Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217. .
ONE and two bedroom aots., furnished or
unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or lee at 177?
RANCH hand, experience! In machinery
permanent. Give past employment in first
letter. Box 50C Herald &. News.
I want to employ experienced lumber
wholesaler in West Coast woods. Cahlor
nia Wholesale Company. Only applicants
with experience In the National Rail and
Truck Market need aoply Salary plus
commission. Wrtie Occupant. P O. Box
6186. C. C. S. Sacramento. C Alitor rt
LIMA. Porn tl'PP Maura
Mina. undefeated since 19.8. will
become the first Peruvian boxer
to challenge for a world crown
when he meets light heavyweight
champion Harold Johnson in a
15-rnund bout at I.as Vegas, Nev
May 4.
Mina. who holds tlie South
American lipht heavy title, has
been Guaranteed a minimum of
To Place Your
Phone TU 4-8111
PHONE TU 4-8111
am. to 4 10 p m. wekdayi j
Tnunt f.we words per ime Ads under 3j SINGLE woman or coude to shr farm
lines Count same as 1 lines. home with elderly widow. Small wage to
3 A IM i nuninn in rtmin(jf or Hoht IprviCH
O IV I References required. Write Bo 4SJC Her
TWO peoole for rout work. One part
time opening Man or woman, perm
nent. Can make $3.50 to 15 per hour or
more. Write Mr. Stetson, P.O. Box 4014,
Oakland 33. Calif.
SERVICE station attendant, experience
necessary, references required, U02 Ore
gon Ave., TU 2-6504.
National concern offers opportunity sell
ing special i zed petroleum products. Mar
ried man above 40 preferred. Mult have
late model car. Knowledge of tractors and
machinery helpful. Sales experience no'
necessary. We tram if hired. Drawing
account when qualified. For personal
interview write qualifications, address,
and phone number to ERNIE L. SMITH,
Dept. JA4. P. O. Bo m, Dallas, Teas.
BOYS! scahgeol
Vacation Money
selling the
Herald & News
CLEAN studio, downtown, couple or
single, utilities. 5, Greer Apis,, TU
CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near
new OTI site, furnished, TV available,
weekly rales. Pelican Motel, TU J-Wi.
NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath,
garage, private entrance TU 2-1214.
COMPLETEL Y turn i shed studio a o'arN
ment, all utilities pad, SIS. a week or
available by the month, washer-dryer.
Villa Morquis Apartments lunder new
management ( 1330 Oak, IU 4-5WS before
11 a.m. or TU 4-7(58 after 1 p.m.
Klamath's most modern, furnished. Jlf
So. 11th. TU 2-1062.
2660 Shasto Way
One and Two Bedroom opt!.
Furnished ond Unfurnished
$69.50 to $89.50
Doily, Weekly Motel Rote
TU 2-5577
$36 to $58.50
1-2-5 bedroom eoti., furnished er unfur
nished. Permanent maintenance Included.
wonoey tnreugh Friday
Office hours a m. to 5 p m.
7544 Union
I fldroom unfurnlihwf
J Bedroom U"hjrniihed
Specious Rooms
Tastefully Decorated
Wall re Wall Crpi,n9
Swimming Pool
Rental includes ati tervtee
eceot leieehone and electricity
tV)-etHe Nelen TU 7-r4
Herald & News, Circulation
Dept , 1301 Esplanade
PHONF TU -1811 I
T im
S r
7 M
Timet Wsn'h
S 00 t 00
em u oo
9 50 HM
Minimum Charge 1.50
Pr aovertnament, tl ped in advance
Mjv ra'tt ae for conecultve inser-
on. without cterQe ' coy, to1 p"
t individuals. Aavertijina must be
tear and unoerstanoab'e to be oroduc-
tive Ail words mul be soened out.
jt? ot'f-M tnr tn by private mdl-
OL-a't nn witn cooy.
Of- ADL I Nfc 4 JO p m. dav bIO' publf
cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and
i same tcneau e. ecot on Vooday
't ae taken til JO m.
read firit insertion at vmir ad
the Heraid L News wn o-ve one etra
run tor typcg'aohical error.
"Business Builder"
column Inch, Wt per month 7
covit pr ravmet on or twtore te
!t i $i .tf, ft e)iK(Km fr
rament en or rtp'e 'P'h. 8aed on
e ceov Lhaoe ner month
box SFRVK t-w cenn per ad.
RH 0 THANKS, and
PHONE TU 4-8111 I
aid I hf5
All hip Minted ads oubiiihd in the
He'aid 4 Newt ar accer'efl In nd
tith that te mbi offered ar at itated
n the adverti ng copy Ae art rw," re
oonsible tor the infefjr.ty of our adver-i-sfrs.
but we make every eitort to ai.
cover and reiect ail m,iie(iir.o adeft't-lr-g.
AnyO"e ens rfnn, a h,tn
ad and iind.ng ,t f0 he m ilead.ng i
aked to fprori it o t Cias''-ti Ad-i
verl,ting Deoa'tment of the Herald 4'
Newi j
HOUR WORK. Have two"freedys. Phone
TU 4-7ij
UNCURNiSHED clean three bedroom
home, automatic heat, carpeting, near
Fairview and Academy school. 777 mi
Ahney. S7S a mo, TU 7 4ttj.
C O V PLETELY redecorated and very
'Ceiy furniihed on hmrnnm t-Mit
ClOiein. ISO. ph. TU 4-47S.
CLEAN, furnished 2 bedroom house
Near hooomg area and Mills School.
No petv garbage and water paid. S'S.
FURNISHED 7 bedroom duple and
small cottage. Inquire 351 Grant
TWO bedroom unfurnished home Re
decorated Inside. SJ0. 211 E. Mam, TU
4-82 79
SOUTH suburban 7 bedroom home, at
tached garage Wall to wall carpet. ng,
fenced yard Small eguity and lata over
payments. TU 2 -SOT?.
UNFURNISHED two bedroom house,
J010 Boerdman, Tu 2-00
Clean 2 bedroom unfurnished. Mills.
TWO bedroom unfurnished house, corner
Upnam and Ueriings, 4S. Inquire naif
door, south.
FURNISHED two bedrocks, ST 0. 0e
hedroom, U3 50, one cabm, i SO. TU
IMVACULATE. newly decorated, unfur
niched two bedroom, innuire 2JJ2 Union.
;VFRY e lean two bedroom houte with
ample euctjoa'd pace On oavd street
in Henley-Shast district, TU iW
WANTED day wiv 0r bahy a
rer hanging or b""Q TU a B;3?
EKPFRIENCED bSy s.tt.ng. anvtimeJONE bedroom furn.hed house, phone TU
my nome. 50uth Subutban. TU 4-4313 I :-J46 or llf Wendlmg.
IRONING, wuhmg. "pickup deliver. Handl ONE bedroom home, partly furnished,
foceted afoha tu a-aia icioe in. $55 TU 4-7j
bv hour, day. wee
Monday throuoh Friday, a am. lit t p r
) UNURNiSHfO two bedroom ara four
.bedroom houses, 5S -mJ Vi. TU 2 02lt.
CLEAN furnished small coltages lib.
wqier. gsrpge, uyj uwens
2j I t hre revjm f urn nheij houe, garage.
frtriur. Mvomi-poe Orccon loll ". 'II.,
V; of KdiK.ilmn kept ali U
tlirkrnn ti(!o rhatHYS hy cdctni;
K.ilorn ttiTunn 7," - 71 At l.j
(Irane and Porllaitd Sl.ttp won
(rr"ii Tn h. which h.t? t linchrd
a lup toe thf crown. its ui!f. The
ir.mis pi n.tiii tonight.
'.' N. homeeeomg room. Cnm'oftjip'e.
e-yth.ng tf-n"frt -( monthly t '.4
So 3'd, TU 4-M33. TU A ?7
ROOVS- small heue. rffpn-ie Emit t
Hetel. 3t SOu'h Fifth, TU 2 522S
MOTf L 'Mmv h;rflr O a-'f't Only,
ISM A U monthly A.H'd Mo'el. TU
Two bed'oom house,
"ear Weyerhaeuser, S!
oarliy furnished.
'U 2-6135
TAO bedroom apartment in tr.oit, nyrl
l.ir.jhirtgi, 0ultS, X N. ICfh
trailer houe, dcvbie oraQf . wash
house, 5414 independence. Tu 2 JI57.
I F AN rnm'n'tah r-mr-t 1 Mrvki l-fm
I Ma-n. IS & uo TU 4 4,-se
SMALL 2 bedroom partly urniihd, close
n. 5. Tu J 44. TU 2 35
1J" j ALAVEDA, coue'e. no pe'i. rang.
-rrng, t.'ecmtp QrQ IA0, TU 4-4451.
TWO bedrfm hotse. rrg"t fgrniihrt.
Liee in Call Tu
T hoe E bed-nrm hove. 'u" bave-nen.
et'-n f wnod heal. U7 Casern. Ave ,
TWO hetl'Orjm pa'tty furnish,
tu 4
18. 7 30 fm. Working ,araf. .aund-y ,M TU M;
in MM DrTi All'13 u f v' "menf LARC.F two fcea-cvwn Vitv,trii ao't't
" iJ-'I t VI". TU 4-41. T U nfir c-"er Scwi. VI:. TU 4-J'4
M,t.tcr Mos.-n wflc.-Tf .-r-, , 1,.. ... - , - -
" WW'-V l J lTl. ,r1 n or u"v
kim Peea Cei tu 44H1. w'fshj, cos m, imj. Tu a-n.
Eirer V.rKent, W M.